/** * @param array $query * @return array */ function build_report_query_where($query = array()) { global $beanList, $app_list_strings, $sugar_config; $closure = false; if (!empty($query['where'])) { $query['where'][] = '('; $closure = true; } if ($beanList[$this->report_module]) { $module = new $beanList[$this->report_module](); $sql = "SELECT id FROM aor_conditions WHERE aor_report_id = '" . $this->id . "' AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY condition_order ASC"; $result = $this->db->query($sql); $tiltLogicOp = true; while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $condition = new AOR_Condition(); $condition->retrieve($row['id']); $path = unserialize(base64_decode($condition->module_path)); $condition_module = $module; $table_alias = $condition_module->table_name; $oldAlias = $table_alias; if (!empty($path[0]) && $path[0] != $module->module_dir) { foreach ($path as $rel) { if (empty($rel)) { continue; } // Bug: Prevents relationships from loading. //$rel = strtolower($rel); $new_condition_module = new $beanList[getRelatedModule($condition_module->module_dir, $rel)](); $oldAlias = $table_alias; $table_alias = $table_alias . ":" . $rel; $query = $this->build_report_query_join($rel, $table_alias, $oldAlias, $condition_module, 'relationship', $query, $new_condition_module); $condition_module = $new_condition_module; } } if (isset($app_list_strings['aor_sql_operator_list'][$condition->operator])) { $where_set = false; $data = $condition_module->field_defs[$condition->field]; if ($data['type'] == 'relate' && isset($data['id_name'])) { $condition->field = $data['id_name']; $data_new = $condition_module->field_defs[$condition->field]; if (!empty($data_new['source']) && $data_new['source'] == 'non-db' && $data_new['type'] != 'link' && isset($data['link'])) { $data_new['type'] = 'link'; $data_new['relationship'] = $data['link']; } $data = $data_new; } if ($data['type'] == 'link' && $data['source'] == 'non-db') { $new_field_module = new $beanList[getRelatedModule($condition_module->module_dir, $data['relationship'])](); $table_alias = $data['relationship']; $query = $this->build_report_query_join($data['relationship'], $table_alias, $oldAlias, $condition_module, 'relationship', $query, $new_field_module); $condition_module = $new_field_module; // Debugging: security groups conditions - It's a hack to just get the query working if ($condition_module->module_dir = 'SecurityGroups' && count($path) > 1) { // $table_alias = 'opportunities:assigned_user_link:SecurityGroups' ; $table_alias = $oldAlias . ':' . $rel; } $condition->field = 'id'; } if (isset($data['source']) && $data['source'] == 'custom_fields') { $field = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($table_alias . '_cstm') . '.' . $condition->field; $query = $this->build_report_query_join($table_alias . '_cstm', $table_alias . '_cstm', $oldAlias, $condition_module, 'custom', $query); } else { $field = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($table_alias) . '.' . $condition->field; } if (!empty($this->user_parameters[$condition->id]) && $condition->parameter) { $condParam = $this->user_parameters[$condition->id]; $condition->value = $condParam['value']; $condition->operator = $condParam['operator']; $condition->value_type = $condParam['type']; } switch ($condition->value_type) { case 'Field': $data = $condition_module->field_defs[$condition->value]; if ($data['type'] == 'relate' && isset($data['id_name'])) { $condition->value = $data['id_name']; $data_new = $condition_module->field_defs[$condition->value]; if ($data_new['source'] == 'non-db' && $data_new['type'] != 'link' && isset($data['link'])) { $data_new['type'] = 'link'; $data_new['relationship'] = $data['link']; } $data = $data_new; } if ($data['type'] == 'link' && $data['source'] == 'non-db') { $new_field_module = new $beanList[getRelatedModule($condition_module->module_dir, $data['relationship'])](); $table_alias = $data['relationship']; $query = $this->build_report_query_join($data['relationship'], $table_alias, $oldAlias, $condition_module, 'relationship', $query, $new_field_module); $condition_module = $new_field_module; $condition->field = 'id'; } if (isset($data['source']) && $data['source'] == 'custom_fields') { $value = $condition_module->table_name . '_cstm.' . $condition->value; $query = $this->build_report_query_join($condition_module->table_name . '_cstm', $table_alias . '_cstm', $table_alias, $condition_module, 'custom', $query); } else { $value = ($table_alias ? "`{$table_alias}`" : $condition_module->table_name) . '.' . $condition->value; } break; case 'Date': $params = unserialize(base64_decode($condition->value)); // Fix for issue #1272 - AOR_Report module cannot update Date type parameter. if ($params == false) { $params = $condition->value; } if ($params[0] == 'now') { if ($sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_type'] == 'mssql') { $value = 'GetDate()'; } else { $value = 'NOW()'; } } else { if ($params[0] == 'today') { if ($sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_type'] == 'mssql') { //$field = $value = 'CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)'; } else { $field = 'DATE(' . $field . ')'; $value = 'Curdate()'; } } else { $data = $condition_module->field_defs[$params[0]]; if (isset($data['source']) && $data['source'] == 'custom_fields') { $value = $condition_module->table_name . '_cstm.' . $params[0]; $query = $this->build_report_query_join($condition_module->table_name . '_cstm', $table_alias . '_cstm', $table_alias, $condition_module, 'custom', $query); } else { $value = $condition_module->table_name . '.' . $params[0]; } } } if ($params[1] != 'now') { switch ($params[3]) { case 'business_hours': //business hours not implemented for query, default to hours $params[3] = 'hours'; default: if ($sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_type'] == 'mssql') { $value = "DATEADD(" . $params[3] . ", " . $app_list_strings['aor_date_operator'][$params[1]] . " {$params['2']}, {$value})"; } else { $value = "DATE_ADD({$value}, INTERVAL " . $app_list_strings['aor_date_operator'][$params[1]] . " {$params['2']} " . $params[3] . ")"; } break; } } break; case 'Multi': $sep = ' AND '; if ($condition->operator == 'Equal_To') { $sep = ' OR '; } $multi_values = unencodeMultienum($condition->value); if (!empty($multi_values)) { $value = '('; foreach ($multi_values as $multi_value) { if ($value != '(') { $value .= $sep; } $value .= $field . ' ' . $app_list_strings['aor_sql_operator_list'][$condition->operator] . " '" . $multi_value . "'"; } $value .= ')'; } $query['where'][] = ($tiltLogicOp ? '' : ($condition->logic_op ? $condition->logic_op . ' ' : 'AND ')) . $value; $where_set = true; break; case "Period": if (array_key_exists($condition->value, $app_list_strings['date_time_period_list'])) { $params = $condition->value; } else { $params = base64_decode($condition->value); } $value = '"' . getPeriodDate($params)->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '"'; break; case "CurrentUserID": global $current_user; $value = '"' . $current_user->id . '"'; break; case 'Value': default: $value = "'" . $this->db->quote($condition->value) . "'"; break; } //handle like conditions switch ($condition->operator) { case 'Contains': $value = "CONCAT('%', " . $value . " ,'%')"; break; case 'Starts_With': $value = "CONCAT(" . $value . " ,'%')"; break; case 'Ends_With': $value = "CONCAT('%', " . $value . ")"; break; } if ($condition->value_type == 'Value' && !$condition->value && $condition->operator == 'Equal_To') { $value = "{$value} OR {$field} IS NULL"; } if (!$where_set) { if ($condition->value_type == "Period") { if (array_key_exists($condition->value, $app_list_strings['date_time_period_list'])) { $params = $condition->value; } else { $params = base64_decode($condition->value); } $date = getPeriodEndDate($params)->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $value = '"' . getPeriodDate($params)->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '"'; $query['where'][] = $tiltLogicOp ? '' : ($condition->logic_op ? $condition->logic_op . ' ' : 'AND '); $tiltLogicOp = false; switch ($app_list_strings['aor_sql_operator_list'][$condition->operator]) { case "=": $query['where'][] = $field . ' BETWEEN ' . $value . ' AND ' . '"' . $date . '"'; break; case "!=": $query['where'][] = $field . ' NOT BETWEEN ' . $value . ' AND ' . '"' . $date . '"'; break; case ">": case "<": case ">=": case "<=": $query['where'][] = $field . ' ' . $app_list_strings['aor_sql_operator_list'][$condition->operator] . ' ' . $value; break; } } else { if (!$where_set) { $query['where'][] = ($tiltLogicOp ? '' : ($condition->logic_op ? $condition->logic_op . ' ' : 'AND ')) . $field . ' ' . $app_list_strings['aor_sql_operator_list'][$condition->operator] . ' ' . $value; } } } $tiltLogicOp = false; } else { if ($condition->parenthesis) { if ($condition->parenthesis == 'START') { $query['where'][] = ($tiltLogicOp ? '' : ($condition->logic_op ? $condition->logic_op . ' ' : 'AND ')) . '('; $tiltLogicOp = true; } else { $query['where'][] = ')'; $tiltLogicOp = false; } } else { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('illegal condition'); } } } if (isset($query['where']) && $query['where']) { array_unshift($query['where'], '('); $query['where'][] = ') AND '; } $query['where'][] = $module->table_name . ".deleted = 0 " . $this->build_report_access_query($module, $module->table_name); } if ($closure) { $query['where'][] = ')'; } return $query; }
</tbody> </table> <INPUT type='reset' name='reset' value='Reset'><INPUT type='submit' name='submit' value='Search'> <input type="hidden" name="viewpdf" value="0"> </FORM> EOF; if ($_POST["viewpdf"] == "0") { $datefrom = $_POST['period_from']; $dateto = $_POST['period_to']; $accounts_codefrom = $_POST['accounts_codefrom']; $accounts_codeto = $_POST['accounts_codeto']; $datefrom = str_replace("-", "", getPeriodDate($datefrom)); $dateto = str_replace("-", "", getPeriodDate($dateto)); if ($datefrom != "") { $datefrom = getMonth($datefrom . "01", 0); } if ($dateto != "") { $dateto = getMonth($dateto . "01", 1); } if ($datefrom == "") { $datefrom = "0000-00-00"; } if ($dateto == "") { $dateto = "9999-12-31"; } //$pdf->datefromh = $datefrom; //$pdf->datetoh = $dateto; if ($_POST['accounts_codefrom'] == "") {