コード例 #1
        $folderInfo = $manager->getFolderInfo();
} else {
    include_once CLASS_PAGINATION;
    $pagination = new pagination(false);
$pagination->setLimit(!empty($_GET['limit']) ? (int) $_GET['limit'] : CONFIG_DEFAULT_PAGINATION_LIMIT);
echo $pagination->getPaginationHTML();
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
echo "parentFolder = {path:'" . getParentFolderPath($folderInfo['path']) . "'};\n";
echo 'currentFolder ={';
$count = 1;
foreach ($folderInfo as $k => $v) {
    echo ($count++ == 1 ? '' : ',') . "'" . $k . "':'" . ($k == 'ctime' || $k == 'mtime' ? date(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $v) : $v) . "'";
echo "};\n";
$fileList = array_slice($fileList, $pagination->getPageOffset(), $pagination->getLimit());
echo 'numRows = ' . sizeof($fileList) . ";\n";
echo "files = {\n";
$count = 1;
foreach ($fileList as $file) {
    echo ($count > 1 ? "," : '') . $count++ . ":{";
    $j = 1;
    foreach ($file as $k => $v) {
        if ($k == 'ctime' || $k == 'mtime') {
コード例 #2
ファイル: ajaxfilemanager.php プロジェクト: hungnv0789/vhtm
					<li ><a href="#" id="actionUnzip"><span>Unzip</span></a><li>-->
<form action="" method="POST" name="formAction" id="formAction"><input type="hidden" name="currentFolderPath" id="currentFolderPathVal" value="" /><select name="selectedDoc[]" id="selectedDoc" style="display:none;" multiple="multiple"></select><input type="hidden" name="action_value" value="" id="action_value" /></form>				  
    <div id="body">
      <div id="rightCol">
				$currentPath = getCurrentFolderPath();
				<script type="text/javascript">
				parentFolder = {path:'<?php echo getParentFolderPath($currentPath); ?>'}; 
				currentFolder = {'friendly_path':'<?php echo transformFilePath($currentPath); ?>'};
							var url = getUrl('view', false, false, false);
												ajaxStop('#rightCol img.ajaxLoadingImg');
												urls.present = getUrl('home', true, true);
コード例 #3
            $tem['cssClass'] = 'folderEmpty';
            } */
 $tem['final_path'] = $finalPath;
 $tem['path'] = backslashToSlash($finalPath);
 $tem['type'] = is_dir($finalPath) ? 'folder' : 'file';
 $tem['size'] = @transformFileSize($tem['size']);
 $tem['ctime'] = date(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $tem['ctime']);
 $tem['mtime'] = date(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $tem['mtime']);
 $tem['flag'] = 'noFlag';
 $tem['url'] = getFileUrl($doc);
  * Bridge to Chamilo documents tool
  * @author Juan Carlos Ra�a Trabado
 if (!empty($_course['path'])) {
     $mainPath = getParentFolderPath($folderInfo['path']);
     // from ajaxfilemanager sample ../../../../../../../courses/TEST/document/
     $fullPath = $tem['final_path'];
     // from ajaxfilemanager sample ../../../../../../../courses/TEST/document/icons/book_highlight.jpg
     $chamiloFolder = substr($fullPath, strlen($mainPath) - strlen($fullPath) - 1);
     // sample /icons/book_highlight.jpg or /icons
     $chamiloFile = $tem['name'];
     //get ajaxmanager
     $chamiloFileSize = filesize($fullPath);
     //get ajaxmanager
     if (!empty($group_properties['directory'])) {
         $chamiloFolder = $group_properties['directory'] . $chamiloFolder;
         //get Chamilo
     //cut and paste or copy and paste
     if ($sessionAction->getAction() == "cut") {
コード例 #4
        <select name="selectedDoc[]" id="selectedDoc" style="display:none;" multiple="multiple"></select>
        <input type="hidden" name="action_value" value="" id="action_value"/>
<div id="body">
<div id="rightCol">
    $currentPath = getCurrentFolderPath();
        <script type="text/javascript">
            parentFolder = {'path_base64': '<?php 
    echo base64_encode(getParentFolderPath($currentPath));
', 'path': '<?php 
    echo getParentFolderPath($currentPath);
            currentFolder = {'friendly_path': '<?php 
    echo transformFilePath($currentPath);
                function () {
                    var url = getUrl('view', false, false, false);

                        function () {
コード例 #5
$pagination->setLimit(!empty($_GET['limit']) ? intval($_GET['limit']) : CONFIG_DEFAULT_PAGINATION_LIMIT);
echo $pagination->getPaginationHTML();
// Chamilo fix for count hidden folders
$count_hideItem = 0;
$deleted_by_Chamilo_file = ' DELETED ';
// ' DELETED ' not '_DELETED_' because in $file['name'] _ is replaced with blank see class.manager.php
$deleted_by_Chamilo_folder = '_DELETED_';
$css_folder_Chamilo = 'css';
$hotpotatoes_folder_Chamilo = 'HotPotatoes_files';
$chat_files_Chamilo = 'chat_files';
$certificates_Chamilo = 'certificates';
//end previous fix for count hidden folders
echo "<script>";
echo "parentFolder = {path_base64:'" . base64_encode(getParentFolderPath($folderInfo['path'])) . "', path:'" . getParentFolderPath($folderInfo['path']) . "'};";
echo 'currentFolder ={';
$count = 1;
foreach ($folderInfo as $k => $v) {
    echo ($count++ == 1 ? '' : ',') . "'" . $k . "':'" . ($k == 'ctime' || $k == 'mtime' ? date(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $v) : $v) . "'";
echo "};";
// moved below for Chamilo integration $fileList = array_slice($fileList, $pagination->getPageOffset(), $pagination->getLimit());
echo 'numRows = ' . sizeof($fileList) . ";\n";
echo "files = {\n";
$count = 1;
global $is_user_in_group;
$to_group_id = api_get_group_id();
foreach ($fileList as $file) {
    //show group's directory only if I'm member. Or if I'm a teacher. TODO: check groups not necessary because the student dont have access to main folder documents (only to document/group or document/shared_folder). Teachers can access to all groups ?
    $group_folder = '_groupdocs';