コード例 #1
function bal_sheet()
    # Get Owners Equity Sub Headings
    $oesubRslt = get("core", "*", "bal_sheet", "type", "OESUB");
    $sheet = "\n\t<table>\n\t<tr><th colspan=3><h3> Balance sheet for period : " . PRD_NAME . "</h3></th></tr>\n\t<tr><th colspan=3><h3>Date: " . date("d M Y") . "</h3></th></tr>\n\t<tr><td colspan=3></td></tr>\n\t<tr><th colspan=3><h3>Owners Equity</h3></th></tr>";
    # get accounts
    $oebal = 0;
    // OE Balance
    while ($oesub = pg_fetch_array($oesubRslt)) {
        $sheet .= "<tr><td colspan=3><b><u>{$oesub['value']}</u></b></td></tr>";
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM bal_sheet WHERE type ='OEACC' AND ref = {$oesub['ref']} AND div = '" . USER_DIV . "'";
        $accRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve balance sheet settings from the Database.", SELF);
        # get account BAlances
        while ($acc = pg_fetch_array($accRslt)) {
            $query = "SELECT * FROM trial_bal WHERE period='" . PRD_DB . "' AND period='" . PRD_DB . "' AND accid = '{$acc['value']}' AND div = '" . USER_DIV . "'";
            $balRslt = db_exec($query) or errDie("Unable to retrieve Account Balances from the Database.", SELF);
            $accbal = pg_fetch_array($balRslt);
            $balance = $accbal['credit'] - $accbal['debit'];
            $oebal += $balance;
            $sheet .= "<tr><td>{$accbal['accname']}</td><td>" . CUR . " {$balance}</td><td><br></td></tr>";
    # print Net Income and OE Balance on last column
    $netincome = getNetIncome();
    $oebal += $netincome;
    $sheet .= "<tr><td>&nbsp<b>Net Income</b></td><td>" . CUR . " {$netincome}</td><td><br></td></tr>";
    $sheet .= "<tr><td colspan=2><b>Total</b></td><td><b>" . CUR . " {$oebal}</b></td></tr>\n\t<tr><td colspan=3></td></tr>";
    # Get Assets Sub Headings
    $abal = 0;
    // Assets Balance
    $asssubRslt = get("core", "*", "bal_sheet", "type", "ASSSUB");
    $sheet .= "<tr><th colspan=3><h3>Assets</h3></th></tr>";
    # get accounts
    while ($asssub = pg_fetch_array($asssubRslt)) {
        $sheet .= "<tr><td colspan=3><b><u>{$asssub['value']}</u></b></td></tr>";
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM bal_sheet WHERE type ='ASSACC' AND ref = {$asssub['ref']} AND div = '" . USER_DIV . "'";
        $accRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve balance sheet settings from the Database.", SELF);
        # get account BAlances
        while ($acc = pg_fetch_array($accRslt)) {
            $query = "SELECT * FROM trial_bal WHERE period='" . PRD_DB . "' AND accid = '{$acc['value']}' AND div = '" . USER_DIV . "'";
            $balRslt = db_exec($query) or errDie("Unable to retrieve Account Balances from the Database.", SELF);
            $accbal = pg_fetch_array($balRslt);
            $balance = $accbal['debit'] - $accbal['credit'];
            // calc Balance
            $abal += $balance;
            $sheet .= "<tr><td>{$accbal['accname']}</td><td>" . CUR . " {$balance}</td><td><br></td></tr>";
    # print assets balance on last column
    $sheet .= "<tr><td colspan=2><b>Total</b></td><td><b>" . CUR . " {$abal}</b></td></tr>\n\t</table>";
    # return $sheet;
    include "temp.xls.php";
    Stream("BalanceSheet", $sheet);
コード例 #2
function sheet_save()
    # Get Owners Equity Sub Headings
    $oesubRslt = get("core", "*", "bal_sheet", "type", "OESUB");
    $sheet = "<center>\n        <h3> Balance sheet for period : " . PRD_NAME . "<br><br>Date: " . date("d M Y") . " </h3>\n        <table border=0 cellpadding='" . TMPL_tblCellPadding . "' cellspacing='" . TMPL_tblCellSpacing . "' width='70%'>\n        <tr><th colspan=3>Owners Equity</th></tr>";
    # get accounts
    $oebal = 0;
    // OE Balance
    while ($oesub = pg_fetch_array($oesubRslt)) {
        $sheet .= "<tr class='bg-even'><td colspan=3><b>{$oesub['value']}<b></td></tr>";
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM bal_sheet WHERE type ='OEACC' AND ref = {$oesub['ref']}";
        $accRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve balance sheet settings from the Database.", SELF);
        # get account BAlances
        while ($acc = pg_fetch_array($accRslt)) {
            $query = "SELECT * FROM trial_bal WHERE accid = '{$acc['value']}'";
            $balRslt = db_exec($query) or errDie("Unable to retrieve Account Balances from the Database.", SELF);
            $accbal = pg_fetch_array($balRslt);
            $balance = $accbal['credit'] - $accbal['debit'];
            $oebal += $balance;
            $sheet .= "<tr class='bg-odd'><td><blockquote><li>{$accbal['accname']}</td><td>" . CUR . " {$balance}</td><td><br></td></tr>";
    # print Net Income and OE Balance on last column
    $netincome = getNetIncome();
    $oebal += $netincome;
    $sheet .= "<tr class='bg-odd'><td>&nbsp<b>Net Income</b></td><td>" . CUR . " {$netincome}</td><td><br></td></tr>";
    $sheet .= "<tr class='bg-even'><td colspan=2><b>Total</b></td><td><b>" . CUR . " {$oebal}</b></td></tr>";
    # Get Assets Sub Headings
    $abal = 0;
    // Assets Balance
    $asssubRslt = get("core", "*", "bal_sheet", "type", "ASSSUB");
    $sheet .= "<tr><th colspan=3>Assets</th></tr>";
    # get accounts
    while ($asssub = pg_fetch_array($asssubRslt)) {
        $sheet .= "<tr class='bg-even'><td colspan=3><b>{$asssub['value']}<b></td></tr>";
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM bal_sheet WHERE type ='ASSACC' AND ref = {$asssub['ref']}";
        $accRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve balance sheet settings from the Database.", SELF);
        # get account BAlances
        while ($acc = pg_fetch_array($accRslt)) {
            $query = "SELECT * FROM trial_bal WHERE accid = '{$acc['value']}'";
            $balRslt = db_exec($query) or errDie("Unable to retrieve Account Balances from the Database.", SELF);
            $accbal = pg_fetch_array($balRslt);
            $balance = $accbal['debit'] - $accbal['credit'];
            // calc Balance
            $abal += $balance;
            $sheet .= "<tr class='bg-odd'><td><blockquote><li>{$accbal['accname']}</td><td>" . CUR . " {$balance}</td><td><br></td></tr>";
    # print assets balance on last column
    $sheet .= "<tr class='bg-even'><td colspan=2><b>Total</b></td><td><b>" . CUR . " {$abal}</b></td></tr>\n        </table><br>";
    $output = base64_encode($sheet);
    $sql = "INSERT INTO save_bal_sheet(gendate, output) VALUES('" . date("Y-m-d") . "', '{$output}')";
    $Rs = db_exec($sql) or errdie("Unable to save the Balance Sheet.");
    return true;
コード例 #3
 function getReport()
     $typ = $this->typ;
     $name = $this->name;
     $tot = $this->tot;
     $balance = sprint(0);
     $nettincome = getNetIncome();
     # all connects to core
     $products = "<tr class='bg-odd'><th colspan=5>{$name}</th></tr>";
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM balsubs WHERE typ = '{$typ}' ORDER BY skey ASC";
     $subRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to get sub-headings information.");
     while ($sub = pg_fetch_array($subRslt)) {
         $products .= "<tr class='bg-even'><td colspan=2><b><u>{$sub['subname']}</u></b></td><td> <br> </td><td> <br> </td><tr>";
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM balgrps WHERE skey = '{$sub['skey']}' AND typ = '{$typ}'";
         $grpRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to get groups information.");
         while ($grp = pg_fetch_array($grpRslt)) {
             $grpbal = 0;
             $products .= "<tr class='bg-odd'><td colspan=2><b>{$grp['grpname']} :<b></td><td> <br> </td><td> <br> </td><tr>";
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM balgrpaccids WHERE skey = '{$sub['skey']}' AND gkey = '{$grp['gkey']}' AND typ = '{$typ}'";
             $gaccRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to get group accounts information.");
             while ($gacc = pg_fetch_array($gaccRslt)) {
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE accid = '{$gacc['accid']}' AND div = '" . USER_DIV . "'";
                 $accRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to view account.");
                 $acc = pg_fetch_array($accRslt);
                 $sql = "SELECT ({$tot}) as bal FROM trial_bal WHERE accid = '{$gacc['accid']}' AND div = '" . USER_DIV . "'";
                 $balRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to view account.");
                 $bal = pg_fetch_array($balRslt);
                 $bal['bal'] = sprint($bal['bal']);
                 $grpbal = sprint($grpbal + $bal['bal']);
                 $products .= "<tr class='bg-odd'><td> <br> </td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td colspan=2>{$acc['topacc']}/{$acc['accnum']} - {$acc['accname']}</td><td align=right>{$bal['bal']}</td></tr>";
             $products .= "<tr class='bg-odd'><td colspan=3></td><td align=right class=tot>{$grpbal}</td></tr>";
             $balance = sprint($balance + $grpbal);
         $products .= "</tr>";
     if ($typ == 'oe') {
         $products .= "<tr class='bg-odd'><td colspan=4><br></td></tr>";
         $products .= "<tr class='bg-even'><td colspan=3><b><u>Nett Income</u></b></td><td align=right class=tot>{$nettincome}</td><tr>";
         $balance = sprint($balance + $nettincome);
     $products .= "<tr class='bg-odd'><td colspan=4><br></td></tr>";
     $products .= "<tr class='bg-even'><td colspan=2 align=right class=tot><br></td><td class=tot><b><u>Total</u></b></td><td align=right class=tot><b>{$balance}</b></td></tr>\n\t\t";
     $this->balance = $balance;
     return $products . "<tr><td colspan=2></form><form action='../xls/gen-balance-sheet-xls.php' method=post name=form><input type=hidden name=key value=print><input type=hidden name=summary value='no'><input type=submit name=xls value='Export to spreadsheet'></form></td></tr>";
コード例 #4
function save_bal()
    # Get Owners Equity Sub Headings
    $oesubRslt = undget("core", "*", "bal_sheet", "type", "OESUB' AND div = '11111111");
    $sheet = "<center>\n\t<h3> Balance sheet for period : " . PRD_NAME . "<br><br>Date: " . date("d M Y") . " </h3>\n\t<table cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' border=1 bordercolor='#000000' width=750>\n\t<tr><th colspan=3>Owners Equity</th></tr>";
    # get accounts
    $oebal = 0;
    // OE Balance
    while ($oesub = pg_fetch_array($oesubRslt)) {
        $sheet .= "<tr><td colspan=3><b>{$oesub['value']}<b></td></tr>";
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM bal_sheet WHERE type ='OEACC' AND ref = {$oesub['ref']} AND div = 11111111";
        $accRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve balance sheet settings from the Database.", SELF);
        # get account BAlances
        while ($acc = pg_fetch_array($accRslt)) {
            list($topacc, $accnum) = explode("/", $acc['value']);
            # Get balance
            $query = "SELECT sum(credit) as credit,sum(debit) as debit FROM trial_bal WHERE topacc = '{$topacc}' AND accnum = '{$accnum}'";
            $balRslt = db_exec($query) or errDie("Unable to retrieve Account Balances from the Database.", SELF);
            $accbal = pg_fetch_array($balRslt);
            $balance = $accbal['credit'] - $accbal['debit'];
            $oebal += $balance;
            $balacc = getaccnum($acc['value']);
            $sheet .= "<tr><td><blockquote><li>{$balacc['accname']}</td><td>" . CUR . " {$balance}</td><td><br></td></tr>";
    $oebal = sprint($oebal);
    # print Net Income and OE Balance on last column
    $netincome = getNetIncome();
    $oebal += $netincome;
    $sheet .= "<tr><td>&nbsp<b>Net Income</b></td><td>" . CUR . " {$netincome}</td><td><br></td></tr>";
    $sheet .= "<tr><td colspan=2><b>Total</b></td><td><b>" . CUR . " {$oebal}</b></td></tr>";
    # Get Assets Sub Headings
    $abal = 0;
    // Assets Balance
    $asssubRslt = undget("core", "*", "bal_sheet", "type", "ASSSUB' AND div = '11111111");
    $sheet .= "<tr><th colspan=3>Assets</th></tr>";
    # get accounts
    while ($asssub = pg_fetch_array($asssubRslt)) {
        $sheet .= "<tr><td colspan=3><b>{$asssub['value']}<b></td></tr>";
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM bal_sheet WHERE type ='ASSACC' AND ref = {$asssub['ref']} AND div = 11111111";
        $accRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve balance sheet settings from the Database.", SELF);
        # get account BAlances
        while ($acc = pg_fetch_array($accRslt)) {
            list($topacc, $accnum) = explode("/", $acc['value']);
            # Get Balance
            $query = "SELECT sum(credit) as credit,sum(debit) as debit FROM trial_bal WHERE topacc = '{$topacc}' AND accnum = '{$accnum}'";
            $balRslt = db_exec($query) or errDie("Unable to retrieve Account Balances from the Database.", SELF);
            $accbal = pg_fetch_array($balRslt);
            $balance = $accbal['debit'] - $accbal['credit'];
            // calc Balance
            $abal += $balance;
            $balacc = getaccnum($acc['value']);
            $sheet .= "<tr><td><blockquote><li>{$acc['value']} - {$balacc['accname']}</td><td>" . CUR . " {$balance}</td><td><br></td></tr>";
    $abal = sprint($abal);
    # print assets balance on last column
    $sheet .= "<tr><td colspan=2><b>Total</b></td><td><b>" . CUR . " {$abal}</b></td></tr>\n\t</table><br>";
    $output = base64_encode($sheet);
    $sql = "INSERT INTO save_bal_sheet(gendate, output, div) VALUES('" . date("Y-m-d") . "', '{$output}', '" . USER_DIV . "')";
    $Rs = db_exec($sql) or errdie("Unable to save the Balance Sheet.");
    $sheet .= "\n\t<table border=0 cellpadding='" . TMPL_tblCellPadding . "' cellspacing='" . TMPL_tblCellSpacing . "' width=25%>\n\t<tr><th>Quick Links</th></tr>\n\t<tr class=datacell><td align=center><a target=_blank href='../core/acc-new2.php'>Add account (New Window)</a></td></tr>\n\t<script>document.write(getQuicklinkSpecial());</script>\n\t</table>";
    return $sheet;
コード例 #5
function bal_sheet()
    $HEADER = "Balance sheet for period : " . PRD_NAME . "\nDate: " . date("d M Y");
    $HEAD = "Owners Equity";
    $HEADINGS = array('accname' => "Account", 'balance' => "Balance", 'total' => "Total");
    $DATA = array();
    $HEAD2 = "Assets";
    $HEADINGS2 = array('accname' => "Account", 'balance' => "Balance", 'total' => "Total");
    $DATA2 = array();
    # Get Owners Equity Sub Headings
    $oesubRslt = get("core", "*", "bal_sheet", "type", "OESUB");
    $sheet = "\n\t<table>\n\t<tr><th colspan=3><h3> Balance sheet for period : " . PRD_NAME . "</h3></th></tr>\n\t<tr><th colspan=3><h3>Date: " . date("d M Y") . "</h3></th></tr>\n\t<tr><td colspan=3></td></tr>\n\t<tr><th colspan=3><h3>Owners Equity</h3></th></tr>";
    # Get accounts
    $oebal = 0;
    // OE Balance
    $i = 0;
    while ($oesub = pg_fetch_array($oesubRslt)) {
        $DATA[] = array('accname' => "<b><u>{$oesub['value']}</u></b>", 'balance' => "   ", 'total' => "   ");
        $sheet .= "<tr><td colspan=3><b><u>{$oesub['value']}</u></b></td></tr>";
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM bal_sheet WHERE type ='OEACC' AND ref = {$oesub['ref']} AND div = '" . USER_DIV . "'";
        $accRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve balance sheet settings from the Database.", SELF);
        # get account BAlances
        while ($acc = pg_fetch_array($accRslt)) {
            $query = "SELECT * FROM trial_bal WHERE period='" . PRD_DB . "' AND accid = '{$acc['value']}' AND div = '" . USER_DIV . "'";
            $balRslt = db_exec($query) or errDie("Unable to retrieve Account Balances from the Database.", SELF);
            $accbal = pg_fetch_array($balRslt);
            $balance = $accbal['credit'] - $accbal['debit'];
            $oebal += $balance;
            $DATA[] = array('accname' => $accbal['accname'], 'balance' => CUR . " {$balance}", 'total' => "  ");
            $sheet .= "<tr><td>{$accbal['accname']}</td><td>" . CUR . " {$balance}</td><td><br></td></tr>";
    # Print Net Income and OE Balance on last column
    $netincome = getNetIncome();
    $oebal += $netincome;
    $DATA[] = array('accname' => "<b>Net Income</b>", 'balance' => CUR . " {$netincome}", 'total' => "  ");
    $DATA[] = array('accname' => "  ", 'balance' => "  ", 'total' => "  ");
    $DATA[] = array('accname' => "<b>Total</b>", 'balance' => "  ", 'total' => CUR . " {$oebal}");
    $sheet .= "<tr><td>&nbsp<b>Net Income</b></td><td>" . CUR . " {$netincome}</td><td><br></td></tr>";
    $sheet .= "<tr><td colspan=2><b>Total</b></td><td><b>" . CUR . " {$oebal}</b></td></tr>\n\t<tr><td colspan=3></td></tr>";
    # Get Assets Sub Headings
    $abal = 0;
    // Assets Balance
    $asssubRslt = get("core", "*", "bal_sheet", "type", "ASSSUB");
    $sheet .= "<tr><th colspan=3><h3>Assets</h3></th></tr>";
    # Get accounts
    while ($asssub = pg_fetch_array($asssubRslt)) {
        $DATA2[] = array('accname' => "<b><u>{$asssub['value']}</u></b>", 'balance' => "   ", 'total' => "   ");
        $sheet .= "<tr><td colspan=3><b><u>{$asssub['value']}</u></b></td></tr>";
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM bal_sheet WHERE type ='ASSACC' AND ref = {$asssub['ref']} AND div = '" . USER_DIV . "'";
        $accRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve balance sheet settings from the Database.", SELF);
        # Get account BAlances
        while ($acc = pg_fetch_array($accRslt)) {
            $query = "SELECT * FROM trial_bal WHERE period='" . PRD_DB . "' AND accid = '{$acc['value']}' AND div = '" . USER_DIV . "'";
            $balRslt = db_exec($query) or errDie("Unable to retrieve Account Balances from the Database.", SELF);
            $accbal = pg_fetch_array($balRslt);
            $balance = $accbal['debit'] - $accbal['credit'];
            // calc Balance
            $abal += $balance;
            $DATA2[] = array('accname' => $accbal['accname'], 'balance' => CUR . " {$balance}", 'total' => "  ");
            $sheet .= "<tr><td>{$accbal['accname']}</td><td>" . CUR . " {$balance}</td><td><br></td></tr>";
    # Print assets balance on last column
    $DATA2[] = array('accname' => "  ", 'balance' => "  ", 'total' => "  ");
    $DATA2[] = array('accname' => "<b>Total</b>", 'balance' => "  ", 'total' => CUR . " {$abal}");
    $sheet .= "<tr><td colspan=2><b>Total</b></td><td><b>" . CUR . " {$abal}</b></td></tr>\n\t</table>";
    # Stream out to browser
    require "temp.pdf.php";