/** * This method is a wrapper for parent::collect. Before launching it, * we will gather information about traffic usage for all given userids. * * @param bool Should we fix invoice (means we call self::setLastInvoiced to latest invoiced date). * @param bool Should we include the setup fee? * @param bool Should we include the interval fees? * @return array All invoice rows * * @author Former03 GmbH :: Florian Lippert <*****@*****.**> */ function collect($fixInvoice = false, $include_setup_fee = false, $include_interval_fee = false) { $traffic_result = $this->db->query('SELECT `' . getModeDetails($this->mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_TRAFFIC', 'key') . '`, `year`, `month`, `day`, SUM(`http`+`ftp_down`+`ftp_up`+`mail`) as traffic FROM `' . getModeDetails($this->mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_TRAFFIC', 'table') . '` WHERE `' . getModeDetails($this->mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_TRAFFIC', 'key') . '` IN ( ' . implode(', ', $this->userIds) . ' ) GROUP BY `' . getModeDetails($this->mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_TRAFFIC', 'key') . '`, `year`, `month`, `day`'); while ($traffic_row = $this->db->fetch_array($traffic_result)) { if (!isset($this->traffic_data[$traffic_row[getModeDetails($this->mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_TRAFFIC', 'key')]]) || !is_array($this->traffic_data[$traffic_row[getModeDetails($this->mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_TRAFFIC', 'key')]])) { $this->traffic_data[$traffic_row[getModeDetails($this->mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_TRAFFIC', 'key')]] = array(); } $date = $traffic_row['year'] . '-' . $traffic_row['month'] . '-' . $traffic_row['day']; if (!isset($this->traffic_data[$traffic_row[getModeDetails($this->mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_TRAFFIC', 'key')]][$date]) && checkDateArray(transferDateToArray($date))) { $this->traffic_data[$traffic_row[getModeDetails($this->mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_TRAFFIC', 'key')]][$date] = (int) $traffic_row['traffic']; } } reset($this->userIds); foreach ($this->userIds as $userId) { // Using fixed values here, because those settings are always the same. interval_fee will be calculated lateron, when traffic consumption is calculated $this->service_details[$userId]['service_active'] = '1'; $this->service_details[$userId]['interval_fee'] = '0.00'; $this->service_details[$userId]['interval_length'] = '1'; $this->service_details[$userId]['interval_type'] = 'm'; $this->service_details[$userId]['interval_payment'] = '1'; // Always postpaid, we can't invoice this month/payment_term's traffic, if it hasn't finished yet $this->service_details[$userId]['setup_fee'] = '0.00'; $this->service_details[$userId]['payment_every'] = '1'; $this->service_details[$userId]['lastinvoiced_date'] = $this->service_details[$userId]['lastinvoiced_date_traffic']; // We still want to be able to calculate traffic usage in case of no service information if (($this->service_details[$userId]['lastinvoiced_date'] == '0' || $this->service_details[$userId]['lastinvoiced_date'] == '') && ($this->service_details[$userId]['servicestart_date'] == '0' || $this->service_details[$userId]['servicestart_date'] == '') && isset($this->traffic_data[$userId]) && is_array($this->traffic_data[$userId]) && !empty($this->traffic_data[$userId])) { // Get the date of first appereance of traffic ksort($this->traffic_data[$userId]); $dates = array_keys($this->traffic_data[$userId]); $this->service_details[$userId]['servicestart_date'] = $dates[0]; } } return parent::collect($fixInvoice, $include_setup_fee, $include_interval_fee); }
/** * Class constructor of hosting. Gets reference for database connection, * admin mode and service name. * * @param db Reference to database handler * @param int For admin mode set 1, otherwise 0 * @param string The name of the service * * @author Former03 GmbH :: Florian Lippert <*****@*****.**> */ function __construct($db, $mode = 0, $service_name = '') { $this->endServiceImmediately = true; $this->toInvoiceTableData = array('table' => getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_USERS', 'table'), 'keyfield' => getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_USERS', 'key'), 'condfield' => getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_USERS', 'key')); if ($service_name == '') { $service_name = 'hosting'; } parent::__construct(&$db, $mode, $service_name); }
/** * Calculates invoice fees and stores it in panel_users, * according to details in billing_service_categories. * * @param int The mode * @param int Userid to begin with Subject, eg tablename. * @param int Number of Users we should handle in this run * @param int Single userid we should focus on. * @return array Results like current invoice fees etc. * * @author Former03 GmbH :: Florian Lippert <*****@*****.**> */ function cacheInvoiceFees($mode = 0, $begin = null, $count = null, $userid = null) { global $db; $returnval = array(); $service_categories_result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM `' . getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_BILLING_SERVICE_CATEGORIES', 'table') . '` ORDER BY `id` ASC'); while ($service_categories_row = $db->fetch_array($service_categories_result)) { $service_categories[$service_categories_row['category_name']] = $service_categories_row; if ($service_categories_row['category_cachefield'] != '') { $zeroUpdates[$service_categories_row['category_cachefield']] = 0; } } if ($userid !== null && intval($userid) !== 0) { $userSelection = " WHERE `" . getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_USERS', 'key') . "` = '" . $userid . "' "; } else { $userSelection = ''; } if ($begin !== null && intval($count) !== 0) { $limit = ' LIMIT ' . intval($begin) . ', ' . intval($count); } else { $limit = ''; } $users = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_USERS', 'table') . "` " . $userSelection . ' ' . $limit); while ($user = $db->fetch_array($users)) { if (!isset($user['customer_categories_once'])) { $user['customer_categories_once'] = ''; } if (!isset($user['customer_categories_period'])) { $user['customer_categories_period'] = ''; } $myInvoice = new invoice($db, $mode, explode('-', $user['customer_categories_once']), explode('-', $user['customer_categories_period'])); if ($myInvoice->collect($user[getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_USERS', 'key')]) === true) { $total_fee_taxed = 0; $myUpdates = $zeroUpdates; $total_fees_array = $myInvoice->getTotalFee($lng); foreach ($total_fees_array as $service_type => $total_fee_array) { if (isset($service_categories[$service_type]) && isset($service_categories[$service_type]['category_cachefield']) && $service_categories[$service_type]['category_cachefield'] != '') { $myUpdates[$service_categories[$service_type]['category_cachefield']] = $total_fee_array['total_fee_taxed']; $total_fee_taxed += $total_fee_array['total_fee_taxed']; } } $updates = ''; foreach ($myUpdates as $myField => $myValue) { $updates .= ', `' . $myField . '` = \'' . $myValue . '\' '; } $db->query('UPDATE `' . getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_USERS', 'table') . '` SET `invoice_fee` = \'' . $total_fee_taxed . '\' ' . $updates . ' WHERE `' . getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_USERS', 'key') . '` = \'' . $user[getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_USERS', 'key')] . '\' '); $returnval[$user[getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_USERS', 'key')]] = $myUpdates; $returnval[$user[getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_USERS', 'key')]]['total'] = $total_fee_taxed; $returnval[$user[getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_USERS', 'key')]]['loginname'] = $user['loginname']; } } return $returnval; }
$invoice_states_option = ''; foreach ($lng['invoice']['states'] as $stateid => $statename) { if ((int) $result['state'] <= (int) $stateid) { $invoice_states_option .= makeoption($statename, $stateid, $result['state'], true); } } $contact = htmlentities_array($contact); eval('echo "' . getTemplate('billing/invoices_edit') . '";'); } } } if ($action == 'pdf') { $result = $db->query_first('SELECT * FROM `' . getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_BILLING_INVOICES', 'table') . '` WHERE `id` = \'' . $id . '\' '); if ($result['id'] == $id && $id != '0') { $invoice = new pdfInvoice(); if ((int) $result['state'] >= CONST_BILLING_INVOICESTATE_CANCELLED_NO_REINVOICE) { $invoice->cancellation = true; } $invoice->processData($result['xml'], $lng); $invoice->outputBrowser(); } } if ($action == 'reminder') { $result = $db->query_first('SELECT * FROM `' . getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_BILLING_INVOICES', 'table') . '` WHERE `id` = \'' . $id . '\' '); if ($result['id'] == $id && $id != '0') { $invoice = new pdfReminder(); $invoice->processData($result['xml'], $lng); $invoice->outputBrowser(); } } }
ask_yesno('billing_invoice_row_reallyreset', $filename, array('id' => $id, 'mode' => $mode, 'page' => $page, 'action' => $action)); } } } if ($action == 'fixinvoice') { $invoice_number_preset = strtr($lng['invoice']['invoicenumbertemplate'], array('{number}' => (int) $settings['billing']['invoicenumber_count'] + 1, '{year}' => date('Y'), '{month}' => date('m'), '{day}' => date('d'))); if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'send') { $invoice_number = validate($_POST['invoice_number'], html_entity_decode($lng['billing']['number'])); if (isset($lng['invoice']['states'][$_POST['state']])) { $state = intval($_POST['state']); } $myInvoice = new invoice(&$db, $mode, explode('-', $user['customer_categories_once']), explode('-', $user['customer_categories_period'])); if ($myInvoice->collect($id, true) === true) { $invoiceXmlString = $myInvoice->exportXml($lng, $invoice_number); $invoiceXml = new SimpleXMLElement($invoiceXmlString); $db->query('INSERT INTO `' . getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_BILLING_INVOICES', 'table') . '` (`' . getModeDetails($mode, 'TABLE_BILLING_INVOICES', 'key') . '`, `xml`, `invoice_date`, `invoice_number`, `state`, `state_change`, `total_fee`, `total_fee_taxed`) VALUES(\'' . $db->escape($id) . '\', \'' . $db->escape($invoiceXmlString) . '\', \'' . $db->escape(date('Y-m-d')) . '\', \'' . $db->escape($invoice_number) . '\', \'' . $db->escape($state) . '\', \'' . time() . '\', \'' . $db->escape((string) $invoiceXml->total_fee[0]) . '\', \'' . $db->escape((string) $invoiceXml->total_fee_taxed[0]) . '\' ) '); if (preg_match('/^' . strtr($lng['invoice']['invoicenumbertemplate'], array('/' => '\\/', '{number}' => '(\\d+)', '{year}' => date('Y'), '{month}' => date('m'), '{day}' => date('d'))) . '$/', $invoice_number, $invoicenumber_count)) { $db->query('UPDATE `' . TABLE_PANEL_SETTINGS . '` SET `value` = \'' . (int) $invoicenumber_count[1] . '\' WHERE `settinggroup` = \'billing\' AND `varname` = \'invoicenumber_count\''); } } cacheInvoiceFees($mode, null, null, $id); redirectTo($filename, array('s' => $s, 'mode' => $mode, 'page' => 'overview')); } else { $invoice_states_option = ''; foreach ($lng['invoice']['states'] as $stateid => $statename) { $invoice_states_option .= makeoption($statename, $stateid, $result['state'], true); } eval("echo \"" . getTemplate("billing/openinvoices_invoice_fix") . "\";"); } } if ($action == 'preview') {
/** * This method returns the cumulated credit note of all reinvoiced invoices. * * @return double Cumulated credit note * * @author Former03 GmbH :: Florian Lippert <*****@*****.**> */ function getCreditNote() { if ($this->userId == 0 || !is_array($this->user) || empty($this->user) || $this->user[getModeDetails($this->mode, 'TABLE_PANEL_USERS', 'key')] != $this->userId) { return false; } $returnval = 0; foreach ($this->cancelledInvoices as $cancelledInvoice_Id => $cancelledInvoice) { if ($cancelledInvoice['state'] == CONST_BILLING_INVOICESTATE_CANCELLED_REINVOICE_WITH_CREDIT_NOTE) { $returnval += $cancelledInvoice['total_fee_taxed']; } } return $returnval; }