コード例 #1
    public function index()
        $memid = $_SESSION["MEMBER_id"];
        $DbPre = C('DB_PREFIX');
        $user_info = M('Members')->where("ID=" . $memid)->find();
        $this->assign('user_info', $user_info);
        $sql = 'select b.*
				from ' . $DbPre . 'topic_collect a
				left join ' . $DbPre . 'topic b
				where user_id=' . $memid . ' order by a.collect_time';
        $collection = M()->query($sql);
        $this->assign('collect', $collection);
        $OauthMember = M('OauthMember');
        $lock['qq'] = $OauthMember->where("status=1 and _from='qq' and lock_to_id=" . $memid)->count();
        $lock['sina'] = $OauthMember->where("status=1 and _from='sina' and lock_to_id=" . $memid)->count();
        $this->assign('lock', $lock);
        $this->assign('mesComment', $count1 = getMes($memid, 'topic_comment'));
        $this->assign('mesAnswer', $count2 = getMes($memid, 'topic_answer'));
        $this->assign('mesCollect', $count3 = getMes($memid, 'topic_collect'));
        $this->assign('mesCount', intval($count1 && count($count1)) + intval($count2 && count($count2)) + intval($count3 && count($count3)));
コード例 #2
function get_an_column_history($id_interest, $id_country, $last_update, $days)
    $sql = "SELECT total_user, date \n                FROM " . DB_FACEBOOK_PREFIX . "record_country_interest_3_1\n                WHERE id_country = \$1\n                    AND id_interest = \$2\n                    AND DATE_SUB(STR_TO_DATE('\$3', '%Y-%m-%d'),INTERVAL \$4 DAY) <= date\n                ORDER BY 2 ASC;\n                ";
    $que = db_query($sql, array($id_country, $id_interest, $last_update, $days));
    $seriesData = array();
    //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de usuarios que posee en Facebook
    $seriesDataMin = 0;
    //Número mínimo de usuarios
    $seriesDataMax = 0;
    //Número máximo de usuarios
    $xAxisCategories = array();
    //Estadística horizontal. Fechas de los datos
    $ban = 1;
    $cont = 1;
    $_num_rango = 3;
    $_num_discard = mysql_num_rows($que) - $_num_rango * floor(mysql_num_rows($que) / $_num_rango);
    while ($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)) {
        if ($_num_discard-- > 0) {
        if ($cont % $_num_rango == 0) {
            //Formatear fecha
            $auxformat = explode("-", $fila['date']);
            $dia = $auxformat[2];
            $mes = getMes($auxformat[1], 'short');
            $year = $semister_year = substr($auxformat[0], 2, 2);
            $seriesData[] = $fila['total_user'];
            $xAxisCategories[] = "'" . $dia . " " . $mes . "'";
            if ($ban == 1) {
                $seriesDataMin = $fila['total_user'];
                $seriesDataMax = $fila['total_user'];
                $ban = 0;
            } else {
                if ($fila['total_user'] < $seriesDataMin) {
                    $seriesDataMin = $fila['total_user'];
                } else {
                    if ($fila['total_user'] > $seriesDataMax) {
                        $seriesDataMax = $fila['total_user'];
    return array('series_data' => implode(',', $seriesData), 'series_data_min' => $seriesDataMin, 'series_data_max' => $seriesDataMax, 'x_axis' => implode(',', $xAxisCategories));
コード例 #3
ファイル: owloo_config.php プロジェクト: newbacknew/owloo.com
function owloo_format_date($fecha)
    $auxformat = explode("-", $fecha);
    $dia = $auxformat[2];
    $mes = getMes($auxformat[1], 'short');
    $anho = $auxformat[0];
    return $dia . '-' . $mes . '-' . $anho;
コード例 #4
ファイル: tweetperday.php プロジェクト: newbacknew/owloo.com
$qry = $qry . " FROM owoo_tweet_data";
$qry = $qry . " WHERE owloo_user_id = '" . $update_id . "' AND owloo_tweet_date >= '" . get_twitter_date_30_day($update_id, 'owoo_tweet_data', 'owloo_user_id', 'owloo_tweet_date') . "'";
$qry = $qry . " group by owloo_tweet_date, owloo_user_id";
$qry = $qry . " Order by owloo_tweet_date Desc";
$qry = $qry . " Limit 0, 30) T Order by owloo_tweet_date ASC ";
$qrydata = mysql_query($qry);
$valoverall = '';
$xAxisCategories = "";
$seriesDataMin = 0;
$seriesDataMax = 0;
$ban = 1;
while ($fetchdata = mysql_fetch_array($qrydata)) {
    //Formatear fecha
    $auxformat = explode("-", $fetchdata['owloo_tweet_date']);
    $dia = $auxformat[2];
    $mes = getMes($auxformat[1], 'short');
    if ($ban == 1) {
        $valoverall .= $fetchdata["count"];
        $xAxisCategories .= "'" . $dia . " " . $mes . "'";
        $seriesDataMin = $fetchdata["count"];
        $seriesDataMax = $fetchdata["count"];
        $ban = 0;
    } else {
        $valoverall .= ',' . $fetchdata["count"];
        $xAxisCategories .= ",'" . $dia . " " . $mes . "'";
        if ($fetchdata["count"] < $seriesDataMin) {
            $seriesDataMin = $fetchdata["count"];
        } else {
            if ($fetchdata["count"] > $seriesDataMax) {
                $seriesDataMax = $fetchdata["count"];
コード例 #5
function getKloutHistory30Array($id_profile)
    $current_klout_data = NULL;
    $qry = $qry . " SELECT * ";
    $qry = $qry . " FROM " . DB_TWITTER_PREFIX . "klout_tw_data_record";
    $qry = $qry . " WHERE owloo_user_id = \$1";
    $qry = $qry . " ORDER BY date ASC";
    $qry = $qry . " LIMIT 1";
    $que = db_query_tw($qry, array($id_profile));
    if ($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)) {
        $current_klout_data['score'] = owlooFormatPorcent($fila['score'], NULL, 3, '.', '');
        $current_klout_data['day_change'] = owlooFormatPorcent($fila['day_change']);
        $current_klout_data['week_change'] = owlooFormatPorcent($fila['week_change']);
        $current_klout_data['month_change'] = owlooFormatPorcent($fila['month_change']);
        $current_klout_data['bucket'] = $fila['bucket'];
    } else {
        return array();
    $qry = "";
    $qry = $qry . " SELECT score, date";
    $qry = $qry . " FROM " . DB_TWITTER_PREFIX . "klout_tw_data_record";
    $qry = $qry . " WHERE owloo_user_id = \$1";
    $qry = $qry . " ORDER BY date ASC";
    $qry = $qry . " LIMIT 0 , 30";
    $que = db_query_tw($qry, array($id_profile));
    $seriesData = array();
    //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de seguidores
    $seriesDataMin = 0;
    //Número mínimo de seguidores
    $seriesDataMax = 0;
    //Número máximo de seguidores
    $xAxisCategories = array();
    //Estadística horizontal. Fechas de los datos
    $ban = 1;
    $cont_num_data = mysql_num_rows($que);
    while ($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)) {
        //Formatear fecha
        $auxformat = explode("-", $fila['date']);
        $dia = $auxformat[2];
        $mes = getMes($auxformat[1], 'short');
        $year = $semister_year = substr($auxformat[0], 2, 2);
        $score = owlooFormatPorcent($fila['score']);
        $seriesData[] = $score;
        $xAxisCategories[] = $dia . ' ' . $mes . ' ' . $year;
        if ($ban == 1) {
            $seriesDataMin = $score;
            $seriesDataMax = $score;
            $ban = 0;
        } else {
            if ($score < $seriesDataMin) {
                $seriesDataMin = $score;
            } else {
                if ($score > $seriesDataMax) {
                    $seriesDataMax = $score;
    return array('series_data' => implode(',', $seriesData), 'series_data_min' => $seriesDataMin, 'series_data_max' => $seriesDataMax, 'x_axis' => implode(',', $xAxisCategories), 'current_klout_data' => $current_klout_data);
コード例 #6
function getHistory30Array($id_page, $fb_page_likes_last_update)
    $sql = 'SELECT likes, talking_about, date 
                FROM facebook_pages_likes_talking_about 
                WHERE id_page = $1
                    AND DATE_SUB(STR_TO_DATE(\'$2\', \'%Y-%m-%d\'),INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date
                ORDER BY date ASC;
    $que = db_query($sql, array($id_page, $fb_page_likes_last_update));
    $seriesData = "";
    //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de usuarios que posee en Facebook
    $seriesData_talking_about = "";
    //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de usuarios que posee en Facebook
    $seriesDataMin = 0;
    //Número mínimo de usuarios
    $seriesDataMax = 0;
    //Número máximo de usuarios
    $seriesDataMin_talking_about = 0;
    //Número mínimo de usuarios
    $seriesDataMax_talking_about = 0;
    //Número máximo de usuarios
    $xAxisCategories = "";
    //Estadística horizontal. Fechas de los datos
    $ban = 1;
    $cont = 1;
    $_num_rango = 1;
    $_num_discard = mysql_num_rows($que) - $_num_rango * floor(mysql_num_rows($que) / $_num_rango);
    while ($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)) {
        if ($_num_discard-- > 0) {
        if ($cont % $_num_rango == 0) {
            //Formatear fecha
            $auxformat = explode("-", $fila['date']);
            $dia = $auxformat[2];
            $mes = getMes($auxformat[1], 'short');
            if ($ban == 1) {
                $seriesData .= $fila['likes'];
                $seriesData_talking_about .= $fila['talking_about'];
                $xAxisCategories .= "'" . $dia . " " . $mes . "'";
                $seriesDataMin = $fila['likes'];
                $seriesDataMax = $fila['likes'];
                $seriesDataMin_talking_about = $fila['talking_about'];
                $seriesDataMax_talking_about = $fila['talking_about'];
                $ban = 0;
            } else {
                $seriesData .= ',' . $fila['likes'];
                $seriesData_talking_about .= ',' . $fila['talking_about'];
                $xAxisCategories .= ",'" . $dia . " " . $mes . "'";
                if ($fila['likes'] < $seriesDataMin) {
                    $seriesDataMin = $fila['likes'];
                } else {
                    if ($fila['likes'] > $seriesDataMax) {
                        $seriesDataMax = $fila['likes'];
                if ($fila['talking_about'] < $seriesDataMin_talking_about) {
                    $seriesDataMin_talking_about = $fila['talking_about'];
                } else {
                    if ($fila['talking_about'] > $seriesDataMax_talking_about) {
                        $seriesDataMax_talking_about = $fila['talking_about'];
    $step_1 = 1;
    if ($cont - 1 > 11) {
        $step_1 = 2;
    if ($cont - 1 > 21) {
        $step_1 = 3;
    $likes = array('series_data' => $seriesData, 'series_data_min' => $seriesDataMin, 'series_data_max' => $seriesDataMax, 'x_axis' => $xAxisCategories, 'step' => $step_1);
    $talking_about = array('series_data' => $seriesData_talking_about, 'series_data_min' => $seriesDataMin_talking_about, 'series_data_max' => $seriesDataMax_talking_about, 'x_axis' => $xAxisCategories, 'step' => $step_1);
    return array('likes' => $likes, 'talking_about' => $talking_about);
コード例 #7
ファイル: generaBoletin.php プロジェクト: vvvhh/not
 // $fechaFin = $fecha." 23:59:59";
 $fechaInicio = "2016-04-05 00:00:00";
 $fechaFin = "2016-04-05 23:59:59";
 $formatEnv = "Y-m-d";
 $fechaEnv = date($formatEnv, $timestamp);
 $body = "";
 $diaSemForm = "N";
 $mesForm = "n";
 $diaForm = "j";
 $anioForm = "Y";
 $diaSemEnvio = date($diaSemForm, $timestamp);
 $mesEnvio = date($mesForm, $timestamp);
 $diaEnvio = date($diaForm, $timestamp);
 $anioEnvio = date($anioForm, $timestamp);
 $diaSemana = getDia($diaSemEnvio);
 $mes = getMes($mesEnvio);
 $seleccionar = consultaNoticiasEnvio($fechaInicio, $fechaFin);
 $fueNombreAnterior = "";
 /*   foreach ($seleccionar as $valor) {
            $fueNombre= $valor['fueNombre'];
            $notTitulo= $valor['notTitulo'];
            $notContenido= $valor['notContenido'];
            $notAutor= $valor['notAutor'];
            $notEnlace= $valor['notEnlace'];
            echo $fueNombre;
            $fuenteIgual = strcmp ( $fueNombre , $fueNombreAnterior );
            if ($fuenteIgual == 0) {
              $mostrarFuente = "";
            else {
コード例 #8
ファイル: imagen_dia.php プロジェクト: javierlov/FuentesWeb
		case "11":
			return "NOV";
		case "12":
			return "DIC";

if (!isset($_REQUEST["d"]))
	$_REQUEST["d"] = date("d/m");

$dia = intval(substr($_REQUEST["d"], 0, 2));
$mes = intval(substr($_REQUEST["d"], 3, 2));

if ($dia < 10)
	$left = 22;
	$left = 17;

$im = imagecreatefromjpeg($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/images/home_cal.jpg");
$color = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$fuente = "NeoSan copy.ttf";

imagettftext($im, 7, 0, getLeftMes($mes), 24, $color, $fuente, getMes($mes));
imagettftext($im, 12, 0, $left, 39, $color, $fuente, $dia);
コード例 #9
function getHistory30Array($id_profile)
    $qry = "";
    $qry = $qry . " SELECT media, followed_by, follows, date";
    $qry = $qry . " FROM " . DB_INSTAGRAM_PREFIX . "record";
    $qry = $qry . " WHERE id_profile = \$1 AND date >= '" . get_instagram_date_for_days($id_profile, 30) . "'";
    $qry = $qry . " ORDER BY date ASC , followed_by DESC";
    $qry = $qry . " LIMIT 0 , 35";
    $que = db_query($qry, array($id_profile));
    $_followers_valor_anterior = -1;
    $_followers_suma_crecimiento = 0;
    $_following_valor_anterior = -1;
    $_following_suma_crecimiento = 0;
    $_count_suma_crecimiento = 0;
    $accumulate_down = 0;
    $seriesData = array();
    //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de seguidores
    $seriesDataMin = NULL;
    //Número mínimo de seguidores
    $seriesDataMax = NULL;
    //Número máximo de seguidores
    $xAxisCategories = array();
    //Estadística horizontal. Fechas de los datos
    $daily_followers_grow_seriesData = array();
    //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de seguidores
    $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMin = NULL;
    //Número mínimo de seguidores
    $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMax = NULL;
    //Número máximo de seguidores
    $daily_followers_grow_xAxisCategories = array();
    //Estadística horizontal. Fechas de los datos
    $daily_following_grow_seriesData = array();
    //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de seguidores
    $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMin = NULL;
    //Número mínimo de seguidores
    $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMax = NULL;
    //Número máximo de seguidores
    $daily_following_grow_xAxisCategories = array();
    //Estadística horizontal. Fechas de los datos
    $ban = 1;
    $cont_num_data = mysql_num_rows($que);
    while ($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)) {
        //Formatear fecha
        $auxformat = explode("-", $fila['date']);
        $dia = $auxformat[2];
        $mes = getMes($auxformat[1], 'short');
        $year = substr($auxformat[0], 2, 2);
        $seriesData[] = $fila['followed_by'];
        $xAxisCategories[] = $dia . ' ' . $mes . ' ' . $year;
        if ($ban == 1) {
            $seriesDataMin = $fila['followed_by'];
            $seriesDataMax = $fila['followed_by'];
            $_followers_valor_anterior = $fila['followed_by'];
            $_following_valor_anterior = $fila['follows'];
            $ban = 0;
        } else {
            if ($fila['followed_by'] < $seriesDataMin) {
                $seriesDataMin = $fila['followed_by'];
            } else {
                if ($fila['followed_by'] > $seriesDataMax) {
                    $seriesDataMax = $fila['followed_by'];
            if ($fila['followed_by'] - $_followers_valor_anterior < 0) {
                $accumulate_down += $_followers_valor_anterior - $fila['followed_by'];
            $followers_daily_grow = $fila['followed_by'] - $_followers_valor_anterior;
            $following_daily_grow = $fila['follows'] - $_following_valor_anterior;
            $daily_followers_grow_seriesData[] = $followers_daily_grow;
            $daily_followers_grow_xAxisCategories[] = $dia . ' ' . $mes . ' ' . $year;
            $daily_following_grow_seriesData[] = $following_daily_grow;
            $daily_following_grow_xAxisCategories[] = $dia . ' ' . $mes . ' ' . $year;
            if (count($daily_followers_grow_seriesData) == 1) {
                //Primera vez
                $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMin = $followers_daily_grow;
                $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMax = $followers_daily_grow;
                $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMin = $following_daily_grow;
                $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMax = $following_daily_grow;
            } else {
                if ($followers_daily_grow < $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMin) {
                    $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMin = $followers_daily_grow;
                } else {
                    if ($followers_daily_grow > $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMax) {
                        $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMax = $followers_daily_grow;
                if ($following_daily_grow < $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMin) {
                    $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMin = $following_daily_grow;
                } else {
                    if ($following_daily_grow > $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMax) {
                        $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMax = $following_daily_grow;
            $_followers_suma_crecimiento += $followers_daily_grow;
            $_following_suma_crecimiento += $following_daily_grow;
            $_followers_valor_anterior = $fila['followed_by'];
            $_following_valor_anterior = $fila['follows'];
    $average_growth = array('followers' => NULL, 'following' => NULL);
    if ($_count_suma_crecimiento > 0) {
        $average_growth = array('followers' => owlooFormatPorcent($_followers_suma_crecimiento / $_count_suma_crecimiento), 'following' => owlooFormatPorcent($_following_suma_crecimiento / $_count_suma_crecimiento));
    return array('followers' => array('series_data' => implode(',', $seriesData), 'series_data_min' => $seriesDataMin, 'series_data_max' => $seriesDataMax, 'x_axis' => implode(',', $xAxisCategories), 'accumulate_down' => $accumulate_down), 'daily_followers_grow' => array('series_data' => implode(',', $daily_followers_grow_seriesData), 'x_axis' => implode(',', $daily_followers_grow_xAxisCategories), 'min_change_of_followers_on' => $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMin, 'max_change_of_followers_on' => $daily_followers_grow_seriesDataMax, 'avg_change_per_day' => $average_growth['followers']), 'daily_following_grow' => array('series_data' => implode(',', $daily_following_grow_seriesData), 'x_axis' => implode(',', $daily_following_grow_xAxisCategories), 'min_change_of_following_on' => $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMin, 'max_change_of_following_on' => $daily_following_grow_seriesDataMax, 'avg_change_per_day' => $average_growth['following']));
コード例 #10
function getHistory30Array($id_page, $fb_page_likes_last_update)
    $sql = 'SELECT likes, talking_about, date 
                FROM ' . DB_FACEBOOK_PREFIX . 'pages_likes_talking_about 
                WHERE id_page = $1
                    AND DATE_SUB(STR_TO_DATE(\'$2\', \'%Y-%m-%d\'),INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= date
                ORDER BY date ASC;
    $que = db_query($sql, array($id_page, $fb_page_likes_last_update));
    $_likes_valor_anterior = -1;
    $_likes_suma_crecimiento = 0;
    $_count_suma_crecimiento = 0;
    $accumulate_down = 0;
    $seriesData = array();
    //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de usuarios que posee en Facebook
    $seriesData_talking_about = array();
    //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de usuarios que posee en Facebook
    $seriesDataMin = NULL;
    //Número mínimo de usuarios
    $seriesDataMax = NULL;
    //Número máximo de usuarios
    $seriesDataMin_talking_about = NULL;
    //Número mínimo de usuarios
    $seriesDataMax_talking_about = NULL;
    //Número máximo de usuarios
    $xAxisCategories = array();
    //Estadística horizontal. Fechas de los datos
    $daily_likes_grow_seriesData = array();
    //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de seguidores
    $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMin = NULL;
    //Número mínimo de seguidores
    $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMax = NULL;
    //Número máximo de seguidores
    $daily_likes_grow_xAxisCategories = array();
    //Estadística horizontal. Fechas de los datos
    $ban = 1;
    $cont = 1;
    $_num_rango = 1;
    $_num_discard = mysql_num_rows($que) - $_num_rango * floor(mysql_num_rows($que) / $_num_rango);
    while ($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)) {
        if ($_num_discard-- > 0) {
        if ($cont % $_num_rango == 0) {
            //Formatear fecha
            $auxformat = explode("-", $fila['date']);
            $dia = $auxformat[2];
            $mes = getMes($auxformat[1], 'short');
            $year = substr($auxformat[0], 2, 2);
            $fila['talking_about'] = owlooFormatPorcent($fila['talking_about'], $fila['likes'], 2, '.', '');
            $seriesData[] = $fila['likes'];
            $seriesData_talking_about[] = $fila['talking_about'];
            $xAxisCategories[] = $dia . ' ' . $mes . ' ' . $year;
            if ($ban == 1) {
                $seriesDataMin = $fila['likes'];
                $seriesDataMax = $fila['likes'];
                $seriesDataMin_talking_about = $fila['talking_about'];
                $seriesDataMax_talking_about = $fila['talking_about'];
                $_likes_valor_anterior = $fila['likes'];
                $ban = 0;
            } else {
                if ($fila['likes'] < $seriesDataMin) {
                    $seriesDataMin = $fila['likes'];
                } else {
                    if ($fila['likes'] > $seriesDataMax) {
                        $seriesDataMax = $fila['likes'];
                if ($fila['talking_about'] < $seriesDataMin_talking_about) {
                    $seriesDataMin_talking_about = $fila['talking_about'];
                } else {
                    if ($fila['talking_about'] > $seriesDataMax_talking_about) {
                        $seriesDataMax_talking_about = $fila['talking_about'];
                $likes_daily_grow = $fila['likes'] - $_likes_valor_anterior;
                $daily_likes_grow_seriesData[] = $likes_daily_grow;
                $daily_likes_grow_xAxisCategories[] = $dia . ' ' . $mes . ' ' . $year;
                if (count($daily_likes_grow_seriesData) == 1) {
                    //Primera vez
                    $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMin = $likes_daily_grow;
                    $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMax = $likes_daily_grow;
                } else {
                    if ($likes_daily_grow < $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMin) {
                        $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMin = $likes_daily_grow;
                    } else {
                        if ($likes_daily_grow > $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMax) {
                            $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMax = $likes_daily_grow;
                $_likes_suma_crecimiento += $likes_daily_grow;
                $_likes_valor_anterior = $fila['likes'];
    $step_1 = 1;
    if ($cont - 1 > 11) {
        $step_1 = 2;
    if ($cont - 1 > 21) {
        $step_1 = 3;
    $average_growth_likes = NULL;
    if ($_count_suma_crecimiento > 0) {
        $average_growth_likes = owlooFormatPorcent($_likes_suma_crecimiento / $_count_suma_crecimiento, NULL, 2);
    $likes = array('series_data' => implode(',', $seriesData), 'series_data_min' => $seriesDataMin, 'series_data_max' => $seriesDataMax, 'x_axis' => implode(',', $xAxisCategories), 'accumulate_down' => $accumulate_down, 'step' => $step_1);
    $daily_likes_grow = array('series_data' => implode(',', $daily_likes_grow_seriesData), 'x_axis' => implode(',', $daily_likes_grow_xAxisCategories), 'series_data_min' => $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMin, 'series_data_max' => $daily_likes_grow_seriesDataMax, 'avg_change_per_day' => $average_growth_likes);
    $talking_about = array('series_data' => implode(',', $seriesData_talking_about), 'series_data_min' => $seriesDataMin_talking_about, 'series_data_max' => $seriesDataMax_talking_about, 'avg_change_per_day' => count($seriesData_talking_about) > 0 ? owlooFormatPorcent(array_sum($seriesData_talking_about) / count($seriesData_talking_about), NULL, 2) : 0, 'x_axis' => implode(',', $xAxisCategories), 'step' => $step_1);
    return array('likes' => $likes, 'daily_likes_grow' => $daily_likes_grow, 'talking_about' => $talking_about);
コード例 #11
function get_audience_history($id_country, $last_update, $days)
    $sql = "SELECT total_user, date \n                FROM facebook_record_country_3_1\n                WHERE id_country = \$1 \n                    AND DATE_SUB(STR_TO_DATE('\$2', '%Y-%m-%d'),INTERVAL \$3 DAY) <= date\n                ORDER BY 2 ASC;\n                ";
    $que = db_query($sql, array($id_country, $last_update, $days));
    $seriesData = "";
    //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de usuarios que posee en Facebook
    $seriesDataMin = 0;
    //Número mínimo de usuarios
    $seriesDataMax = 0;
    //Número máximo de usuarios
    $xAxisCategories = "";
    //Estadística horizontal. Fechas de los datos
    $ban = 1;
    $cont = 1;
    $_num_rango = 15;
    $_num_discard = mysql_num_rows($que) - $_num_rango * floor(mysql_num_rows($que) / $_num_rango);
    while ($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)) {
        if ($_num_discard-- > 0) {
        if ($cont % $_num_rango == 0) {
            //Formatear fecha
            $auxformat = explode("-", $fila['date']);
            $dia = $auxformat[2];
            $mes = getMes($auxformat[1], 'short');
            if ($ban == 1) {
                $seriesData .= $fila['total_user'];
                $xAxisCategories .= "'" . $dia . " " . $mes . "'";
                $seriesDataMin = $fila['total_user'];
                $seriesDataMax = $fila['total_user'];
                $ban = 0;
            } else {
                $seriesData .= ',' . $fila['total_user'];
                $xAxisCategories .= ",'" . $dia . " " . $mes . "'";
                if ($fila['total_user'] < $seriesDataMin) {
                    $seriesDataMin = $fila['total_user'];
                } else {
                    if ($fila['total_user'] > $seriesDataMax) {
                        $seriesDataMax = $fila['total_user'];
    return array('series_data' => $seriesData, 'series_data_min' => $seriesDataMin, 'series_data_max' => $seriesDataMax, 'x_axis' => $xAxisCategories);
コード例 #12
  * Generate doc and download.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function download($id)
     $poder = Poder::findOrFail($id);
     $phpWord = new PhpWord();
     $template = public_path() . "/download/poderespecial.docx";
     $file = public_path() . "/download/" . $poder->id . "-" . $poder->poderante . ".docx";
     $download = $phpWord->loadTemplate($template);
     $d_fecha = new DateTime($poder->fecha);
     $s_fecha = new DateTime($poder->fecha_siniestro);
     $download->setValue('dia_fecha', $d_fecha->format("d"));
     $download->setValue('mes_fecha', getMes($d_fecha->format("m")));
     $download->setValue('ano_fecha', trim(valorEnLetras((int) $d_fecha->format("Y"))));
     $download->setValue('poderante', strtoupper($poder->poderante));
     $download->setValue('dni', $poder->dni);
     $download->setValue('direccion', strtoupper($poder->direccion));
     $download->setValue('localidad', $poder->localidad);
     $download->setValue('demandado', strtoupper($poder->demandado));
     $download->setValue('aseguradora', strtoupper($poder->aseguradora));
     $download->setValue('fecha_siniestro', $s_fecha->format("d") . "." . $s_fecha->format("m") . "." . $s_fecha->format("Y"));
     $download->setValue('dominio_siniestro', $poder->dominio_siniestro);
     $download->setValue('direccion_siniestro', strtoupper($poder->direccion_siniestro));
     $download->setValue('localidad', $poder->localidad);
     $headers = array('Content-Type: application/docx');
     return response()->download($file, $poder->id . "-" . $poder->poderante . ".docx", $headers);
コード例 #13
function getHistory30Array($page_id, $country_id, $fb_page_likes_last_update, $days = 30)
    $sql = 'SELECT likes, date 
                FROM ' . DB_FACEBOOK_PREFIX . 'page_local_fans_country 
                WHERE id_page = $1
                    AND id_country = $2
                    AND DATE_SUB(STR_TO_DATE(\'$3\', \'%Y-%m-%d\'),INTERVAL $4 DAY) <= date
                ORDER BY date ASC;
    $que = db_query($sql, array($page_id, $country_id, $fb_page_likes_last_update, $days));
    $seriesData = array();
    //Estadística vertical. Cantidad de usuarios que posee en Facebook
    $seriesDataMin = NULL;
    //Número mínimo de usuarios
    $seriesDataMax = NULL;
    //Número máximo de usuarios
    $xAxisCategories = array();
    //Estadística horizontal. Fechas de los datos
    $ban = 1;
    $cont = 1;
    $_num_rango = 1;
    $_num_discard = mysql_num_rows($que) - $_num_rango * floor(mysql_num_rows($que) / $_num_rango);
    while ($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)) {
        if ($_num_discard-- > 0) {
        if ($cont % $_num_rango == 0) {
            //Formatear fecha
            $auxformat = explode("-", $fila['date']);
            $dia = $auxformat[2];
            $mes = getMes($auxformat[1], 'short');
            $year = substr($auxformat[0], 2, 2);
            $seriesData[] = $fila['likes'];
            $xAxisCategories[] = $dia . ' ' . $mes . ' ' . $year;
            if ($ban == 1) {
                $seriesDataMin = $fila['likes'];
                $seriesDataMax = $fila['likes'];
                $ban = 0;
            } else {
                if ($fila['likes'] < $seriesDataMin) {
                    $seriesDataMin = $fila['likes'];
                } else {
                    if ($fila['likes'] > $seriesDataMax) {
                        $seriesDataMax = $fila['likes'];
    $step_1 = 1;
    if ($cont - 1 > 11) {
        $step_1 = 2;
    if ($cont - 1 > 21) {
        $step_1 = 3;
    $likes = array('series_data' => implode(',', $seriesData), 'series_data_min' => $seriesDataMin, 'series_data_max' => $seriesDataMax, 'x_axis' => implode(',', $xAxisCategories), 'step' => $step_1);
    return $likes;
コード例 #14
ファイル: funcoes.php プロジェクト: rojherio/legalmarte
function dataExtenso($dt)
    $da = explode('/', $dt);
    return $da[0] . ' de ' . getMes($da[1]) . ' de ' . $da[2];