public function __construct() { $editor = getInput("editor_id"); if (file_exists($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'])) { // Check if General album exists $album = getEntity(array("type" => "Photoalbum", "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "owner_guid", "value" => getLoggedInUserGuid()), array("name" => "title", "value" => "General")))); $photo = new Photo(); $photo->owner_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); $photo->save(); $photo->createAvatar(); if (!$album) { $album = new Photoalbum(); $album->title = "General"; $album->owner_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); $album->access_id = "public"; Image::copyAvatar($photo, $album); $album->save(); } $photo->container_guid = $album->guid; if (!$album->title != "Profile Avatars" && $album->title != "General") { new Activity(getLoggedInUserGuid(), "activity:add:photo", array(getLoggedInUser()->getURL(), getLoggedInUser()->full_name, $album->getURL(), $album->title, "<a href='" . $album->getURL() . "'>" . $photo->icon(EXTRALARGE, "img-responsive") . "</a>"), $album->access_id); } $photo->save(); forward(false, array("insertphoto" => $photo->guid, "editor" => $editor)); } else { forward(); } }
public function __construct() { gateKeeper(); $title = getInput("title"); $description = getInput("description"); $access_id = getInput("access_id"); $membership = getInput("membership"); $group = new Group(); $group->title = $title; $group->description = $description; $group->access_id = $access_id; $group->membership = $membership; $group->owner_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); $group->save(); $group->createAvatar(); $test = getEntity(array("type" => "Groupmembership", "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "group", "value" => $group->guid), array("name" => "member_guid", "value" => getLoggedInUserGuid())))); if (!$test) { $group_membership = new Groupmembership(); $group_membership->group = $group->guid; $group_membership->member_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); $group_membership->access_id = "system"; $group_membership->save(); } new Activity(getLoggedInUserGuid(), "group:created", array(getLoggedInUser()->getURL(), getLoggedInUser()->full_name, $group->getURL(), $group->title), $group->guid); new SystemMessage("Your group has been created."); forward("groups"); }
function __construct() { $guid = getInput("guid"); $reply = getInput("reply"); if (!$reply) { new SystemMessage("Message body cannot be left empty."); forward(); } $message = getEntity($guid); $to = getLoggedInUserGuid() == $message->to ? $message->from : $message->to; $from = getLoggedInUserGuid(); $to_user = getEntity($to); $from_user = getEntity($from); $message_element = new Messageelement(); $message_element->message = $reply; $message_element->to = $to; $message_element->from = $from; $message_element->container_guid = $guid; $message_element->save(); $link = getSiteURL() . "messages"; notifyUser("message", $to, getLoggedInUserGuid(), $to); sendEmail(array("to" => array("name" => $to_user->full_name, "email" => $to_user->email), "from" => array("name" => getSiteName(), "email" => getSiteEmail()), "subject" => "You have a new message from " . getLoggedInUser()->full_name, "body" => "You have received a new message from " . getLoggedInUser()->full_name . "<br/><a href='{$link}'>Click here to view it.</a>", "html" => true)); new SystemMessage("Your message has been sent."); forward("messages/" . $message->guid); }
static function loggedInUserCanJoin($group) { if (!is_object($group)) { $group = getEntity($group); } $membership = $group->membership; // check to see if already a member $is_member = getEntity(array("type" => "Groupmembership", "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "group", "value" => $group->guid), array("name" => "member_guid", "value" => getLoggedInuserGuid())))); if ($is_member) { return false; } switch ($membership) { case "public": return true; break; case "friends": if (isEnabledPlugin("Friends")) { if (FriendsPlugin::friends(getLoggedInUserGuid(), $group->owner_guid)) { return true; } } else { return true; } break; } }
public function init($entity) { if ($entity->owner_guid == getLoggedInUserGuid()) { return true; } return false; }
public function __construct() { gateKeeper(); $user = getLoggedInUser(); $user->createAvatar(); if (isEnabledPlugin("photos")) { $album = getEntity(array("type" => "Photoalbum", "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "owner_guid", "value" => getLoggedInUserGuid()), array("name" => "title", "value" => "Profile Avatars")))); $photo = new Photo(); $photo->owner_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); $photo_guid = $photo->save(); Image::copyAvatar($user, $photo); $photo = getEntity($photo_guid); if (!$album) { $album = new Photoalbum(); $album->owner_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); $album->title = "Profile Avatars"; $album_guid = $album->save(); $album = getEntity($album_guid); Image::copyAvatar($photo, $album); } $photo->container_guid = $album->guid; $photo->save(); } runHook("action:edit_avatar:after", array("user" => $user)); new Activity(getLoggedInUserGuid(), "activity:avatar:updated", array($user->getURL(), $user->full_name)); new SystemMessage("Your avatar has been uploaded."); forward("profile/" . $user->guid); }
public function __construct() { gateKeeper(); $guid = getInput("guid"); $title = getInput("blog_title"); $description = getInput("description"); $access_id = getInput("access_id"); $container_guid = getInput("container_guid"); $owner_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); if ($guid) { $blog = getEntity($guid); } else { $blog = new Blog(); } $blog->title = $title; $blog->description = $description; $blog->access_id = $access_id; $blog->owner_guid = $owner_guid; $blog->status = "published"; $blog->container_guid = $container_guid; $blog->save(); new Activity(getLoggedInUserGuid(), "blog:add", array(getLoggedInUser()->getURL(), getLoggedInUser()->full_name, $blog->getURL(), $blog->title, truncate($blog->description)), "", $access_id); new SystemMessage("Your blog has been published"); forward("blogs/all_blogs"); }
function __construct($data) { $guid = $data['guid']; $text = $data['text']; $chat_message = new Chatmessage(); $chat_message->text = $text; $chat_message->owner_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); $chat_message->container_guid = $guid; $chat_message->save(); // If recipient is offline, send them an email $chat = getEntity($guid); if (getLoggedInUserGuid() == $chat->user_one) { $recipient_guid = $chat->user_two; } else { $recipient_guid = $chat->user_one; } $recipient = getEntity($recipient_guid); if ($recipient->online == "false") { $offline_chats = $recipient->offline_chats; if (!is_array($offline_chats)) { $offline_chats = array(getLoggedInUserGuid()); $recipient->offline_chats = $offline_chats; $recipient->save(); } if (!in_array(getLoggedInUserGuid(), $recipient->offline_chats)) { $recipient->offline_chats[] = getLoggedInUserGuid(); $recipient->save(); } $setting = $recipient->notify_offline_chat; if ($setting == "yes") { new Email(array("to" => array("name" => "", "email" => ""), "from" => array("name" => "", "email" => ""), "subject" => translate("offline_message_email_subject"), "body" => translate("offline_message_email_body"), "html" => true)); } } }
public function init($entity) { if (FriendsPlugin::friends($entity->owner_guid, getLoggedInUserGuid())) { return true; } return false; }
public function __construct() { $title = getInput("title"); $description = getInput("description"); // Create filestore object to store file information $file = new File(); $file->title = $title; $file->description = $description; $file->owner_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); $file->access_id = "public"; $file->container_guid = getInput("container_guid"); $guid = $file->save(); uploadFile("file", $guid, getLoggedInUserGuid()); $file = getEntity($guid); Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, TINY); Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, SMALL); Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, MEDIUM); Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, LARGE); Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, EXTRALARGE); Image::createThumbnail($file->guid, HUGE); new Activity(getLoggedInUserGuid(), "action:upload:file", $guid); runHook("upload_file:redirect"); new SystemMessage("Your file has been uploaded."); forward(); }
static function getNotificationCount($guid) { $access = getIgnoreAccess(); setIgnoreAccess(); $count = getEntities(array("type" => "Notification", "count" => true, "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "owner_guid", "value" => getLoggedInUserGuid())))); setIgnoreAccess($access); return $count; }
static function loggedInUserHasLiked($guid) { $likes = getEntities(array("type" => "Like", "limit" => 1, "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "owner_guid", "value" => getLoggedInUserGuid()), array("name" => "container_guid", "value" => $guid)))); if ($likes) { return true; } return false; }
public function __construct() { $title = $body = $button = NULL; switch (pageArray(1)) { case "all": default: if (loggedIn()) { $admin_groups = Setting::get("admin_groups"); if (!$admin_groups) { $admin_groups = "users"; } if ($admin_groups == "admin" && adminLoggedIn() || $admin_groups == "user") { $button = "<a href='" . getSiteURL() . "groups/create' class='btn btn-success'>Create a Group</a>"; } } $title = "Groups"; $body = display("pages/groups"); break; case "create": $admin_groups = Setting::get("admin_groups"); if (!$admin_groups) { $admin_groups = "user"; } if ($admin_groups == "admin" && adminLoggedIn() || $admin_groups == "user") { $title = "Create a Group"; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "create_group", "action" => "createGroup", "method" => "post", "files" => true)); } break; case "view": $guid = pageArray(2); $group = getEntity($guid); $edit_url = getSiteURL() . "groups/edit/{$guid}"; $delete_url = addTokenToURL(getSiteURL() . "action/deleteGroup/{$guid}"); if ($group->ownerIsLoggedIn()) { $button = "<a href='{$edit_url}' class='btn btn-warning'>Edit Group</a>"; $button .= "<a href='{$delete_url}' class='btn btn-danger confirm'>Delete Group</a>"; } if (GroupsPlugin::loggedInUserCanJoin($group)) { $join_group_url = addTokenToURL(getSiteURL() . "action/JoinGroup/" . $group->guid); $button .= "<a href='{$join_group_url}' class='btn btn-success confirm'>Join Group</a>"; } if ($group->loggedInUserIsMember() && $group->owner_guid != getLoggedInUserGuid()) { $leave_group_url = addTokenToURL(getSiteURL() . "action/LeaveGroup/" . $group->guid); $button .= "<a href='{$leave_group_url}' class='btn btn-danger confirm'>Leave Group</a>"; } $title = $group->title; $body = display("pages/group"); break; case "edit": $guid = pageArray(2); $group = getEntity($guid); $title = "Edit " . $group->title; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "edit_group", "action" => "editGroup", "method" => "post", "files" => true)); break; } $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => $title, "body" => $body, "button" => $button)); }
static function createComment($container_guid, $comment_body) { $owner_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); $comment = new Comment(); $comment->container_guid = $container_guid; $comment->body = $comment_body; $comment->owner_guid = $owner_guid; $comment->save(); }
static function unblock($guid) { $blocked = getEntity(array("type" => "Blockeduser", "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "owner_guid", "value" => getLoggedInUserGuid()), array("name" => "container_guid", "value" => $guid)))); if ($blocked) { $blocked->delete(); return true; } return false; }
function __construct() { $guid = pageArray(2); $membership = getEntity(array("type" => "Groupmembership", "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "group", "value" => $guid), array("name" => "member_guid", "value" => getLoggedInUserGuid())))); if ($membership) { $membership->delete(); new SystemMessage("You have successfully left the group"); } forward(); }
public function __construct($data) { $guid = $data['guid']; if (!LikesPlugin::loggedInUserHasLiked($guid)) { die; } $like = getEntity(array("type" => "Like", "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "owner_guid", "value" => getLoggedInUserGuid()), array("name" => "container_guid", "value" => $guid)))); $like->delete(); die; }
public function __construct() { $limit = getInput("limit", 10); $offset = getInput("offset", 0); $count = getEntities(array("type" => "File", "count" => true, "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "owner_guid", "value" => getLoggedInUserGuid()), array("name" => "title", "value" => "NULL", "operand" => "!=")))); $files = listEntities(array("type" => "File", "limit" => $limit, "offset" => $offset, "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "owner_guid", "value" => getLoggedInUserGuid()), array("name" => "title", "value" => "NULL", "operand" => "!=")))); $pagination = display("page_elements/pagination", array("count" => $count, "offset" => $offset, "limit" => $limit, "url" => getSiteURL() . "files")); $page = drawPage(array("header" => "Files", "body" => $files, "footer" => $pagination, "button" => "<a href='" . getSiteURL() . "file/upload' class='btn btn-success'>Upload a File</a>")); $this->html = $page; }
public function __construct() { $guid = pageArray(1); if (!$guid) { forward("profile/" . getLoggedInUserGuid()); } $user = getEntity($guid); classGateKeeper($user, "User"); $body = display("pages/profile", array("guid" => $guid)); $this->html = drawPage(NULL, $body); }
public function __construct($data) { $guid = $data['guid']; $chat = getEntity($guid); if (getLoggedInUserGuid() == $chat->user_one) { $chat->user_one_maximized = true; } else { $chat->user_two_maximized = true; } $chat->save(); }
function __construct($data) { $guid = $data['guid']; $chat = getEntity($guid); if ($chat->user_one == getLoggedInUserGuid()) { $chat->user_one_closed = true; } else { $chat->user_two_closed = true; } $chat->save(); }
public function __construct() { $guid = pageArray(2); $request = getEntity($guid); classGateKeeper($request, "Friendrequest"); if ($request->guid_two == getLoggedInUserGuid()) { $request->status = "declined"; $request->save(); new SystemMessage("You have successfully declined this friend request."); } forward(); }
public function __construct() { gateKeeper(); $topic = new Forumtopic(); $topic->title = getInput("title"); $topic->description = getInput("description"); $topic->container_guid = getInput("container_guid"); $topic->save(); new SystemMessage("Your topic has been posted."); new Activity(getLoggedInUserGuid(), "forum:topic:posted", $params = array(getLoggedInUser()->getURL(), getLoggedInUser()->full_name, $topic->getURL(), $topic->title, getEntity($topic->container_guid)->getURL(), getEntity($topic->container_guid)->title), getInput("container_guid")); forward("forum/category/" . getInput("container_guid")); }
public function __construct($data = NULL) { gateKeeper(); $logged_in_user = getLoggedInUser(); if (!$data) { // Get the comment body $comment_body = getInput("comment"); // Get container url $container_guid = getInput("guid"); } else { $comment_body = $data['comment_body']; $container_guid = $data['container_guid']; } $container = getEntity($container_guid); $container_owner_guid = $container->owner_guid; if ($container_owner_guid) { $container_owner = getEntity($container_owner_guid); } $url = $container->getURL(); if (!$url) { $url = getSiteURL(); } // Create the comment CommentsPlugin::createComment($container_guid, $comment_body); if ($container_owner_guid) { if ($container_owner_guid != getLoggedInUserGuid()) { $params = array("to" => array($container_owner->full_name, $container_owner->email), "from" => array(getSiteName(), getSiteEmail()), "subject" => "You have a new comment.", "body" => "You have a new comment. Click <a href='{$url}'>Here</a> to view it.", "html" => true); switch ($logged_in_user->getSetting("notify_when_comment")) { case "email": sendEmail($params); break; case "none": break; case "site": notifyUser("comment", $container_guid, getLoggedInUserGuid(), $container_owner_guid); break; case "both": sendEmail($params); notifyUser("comment", $container_guid, getLoggedInUserGuid(), $container_owner_guid); break; } } } runHook("add:comment:after"); if (getLoggedInUserGuid() != $container_owner_guid && $container_owner_guid) { new Activity(getLoggedInUserGuid(), "activity:comment", array(getLoggedInUser()->getURL(), getLoggedInUser()->full_name, $container_owner->getURL(), $container_owner->full_name, $container->getURL(), translate($container->type), truncate($comment_body))); } elseif (!$container_owner_guid) { new Activity(getLoggedInUserGuid(), "activity:comment:own", array(getLoggedInUser()->getURL(), getLoggedInUser()->full_name, $container->getURL(), $container->title, translate($container->type), truncate($comment_body))); } // Return to container page. forward(); }
public function __construct() { gateKeeper(); $email_users = array(); $container_guid = getInput("container_guid"); $topic = getEntity($container_guid); $category_guid = $topic->container_guid; $category = getEntity($category_guid); $description = getInput("comment"); $comment = new Forumcomment(); $comment->description = $description; $comment->container_guid = $container_guid; $comment->category_guid = $category_guid; $comment->owner_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); $comment->save(); new SystemMessage("Your comment has been posted."); new Activity(getLoggedInUserGuid(), "forum:comment:posted", array(getLoggedInUser()->getURL(), getLoggedInUser()->full_name, $topic->getURL(), $topic->title, truncate($comment->description)), $container_guid, $category->access_id); $all_comments = getEntities(array("type" => "Forumcomment", "metadata_name" => "container_guid", "metadata_value" => $container_guid)); $notify_users = array($topic->owner_guid); $container_owner_guid = $topic->owner_guid; $container_owner = getEntity($container_owner_guid); if ($container_owner->notify_when_forum_comment_topic_i_own == "email" || $container_owner->notify_when_forum_comment_topic_i_own == "both") { $email_users[] = $container_guid; } foreach ($all_comments as $comment) { $user_guid = $comment->owner_guid; $user = getEntity($user_guid); switch ($user->notify_when_forum_comment_topic_i_own) { case "both": $notify_users[] = $comment->owner_guid; $email_users[] = $comment->owner_guid; break; case "email": $email_users[] = $comment->owner_guid; break; case "site": $notify_users[] = $comment->owner_guid; break; case "none": break; } } $notify_users = array_unique($notify_users); foreach ($notify_users as $user_guid) { notifyUser("forumcomment", $container_guid, getLoggedInUserGuid(), $user_guid); } foreach ($email_users as $user) { $params = array("to" => array($user->full_name, $user->email), "from" => array(getSiteName(), getSiteEmail()), "subject" => "You have a new comment.", "body" => "You have a new comment. Click <a href='{$url}'>Here</a> to view it.", "html" => true); sendEmail($params); } forward(); }
public function __construct() { $guid = pageArray(2); if (getLoggedInUserGuid() == $guid) { $notifications = getEntities(array("type" => "Notification", "owner_guid" => $guid)); if ($notifications) { foreach ($notifications as $notification) { $notification->delete(); } } } forward(); }
/** * Creates notification page html */ public function __construct() { $user_guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); $access = getIgnoreAccess(); setIgnoreAccess(); $notifications = listEntities(array("type" => "Notification", "metadata_name" => "owner_guid", "metadata_value" => $user_guid)); setIgnoreAccess($access); $buttons = getSiteURL() . "action/deleteAllNotifications/{$user_guid}"; $buttons = addTokenToURL($buttons); $buttons = "<a href='{$buttons}' class='btn btn-danger'>Dismiss All</a>"; $page = drawPage(array("header" => "Notifications", "body" => $notifications, "button" => $buttons)); $this->html = $page; }
public function loggedInUserIsMember($logged_in_user_guid = false) { if ($logged_in_user_guid) { $guid = $logged_in_user_guid; } else { $guid = getLoggedInUserGuid(); } $test = getEntity(array("type" => "Groupmembership", "metadata_name_value_pairs" => array(array("name" => "member_guid", "value" => $guid), array("name" => "group", "value" => $this->guid)))); if ($test) { return true; } return false; }
function __construct() { gateKeeper(); $guid = pageArray(2); $blog = getEntity($guid); classGateKeeper($blog, "blog"); $owner_guid = $blog->owner_guid; if ($owner_guid == getLoggedInUserGuid()) { $blog->delete(); new SystemMessage("Your blog has been deleted"); forward("blogs"); } }
public function __construct() { $title = $buttons = $body = NULL; if (BlogsPlugin::userCanCreateBlog()) { $body = display("page_elements/blogs_tabs"); $buttons = "<a href='" . getSiteURL() . "blogs/add' class='btn btn-success'>Add a Blog</a>"; } switch (pageArray(1)) { case "all_blogs": default: $title = "Blogs"; $body .= display("pages/all_blogs"); break; case "friends_blogs": $title = translate("friends_blogs"); $body .= display("pages/friends_blogs"); break; case "my_blogs": $title = "My Blogs"; $body .= display("pages/my_blogs"); break; case "add": if (BlogsPlugin::userCanCreateBlog()) { $title = "Add a Blog"; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "add_blog", "method" => "post", "action" => "addBlog")); } break; case "view": $guid = pageArray(2); $blog = getEntity($guid); if ($blog) { $title = $blog->title; } $owner = getEntity($blog->owner_guid); $title .= " <small>by {$owner->full_name}</small>"; $body = display("pages/blog"); if (getLoggedInUserGuid() == $blog->owner_guid) { $edit_url = getSiteURL() . "blogs/edit/{$guid}"; $delete_url = addTokenToURL(getSiteURL() . "action/deleteBlog/{$guid}"); $buttons = "<a href='{$edit_url}' class='btn btn-warning'>Edit</a>"; $buttons .= "<a href='{$delete_url}' class='btn btn-danger confirm'>Delete</a>"; } break; case "edit": $buttons = NULL; $title = "Edit your blog"; $body = drawForm(array("name" => "edit_blog", "method" => "post", "action" => "addBlog")); break; } $this->html = drawPage(array("header" => $title, "body" => $body, "button" => $buttons)); }