function DeleteUpfile($R, $d) { global $g, $table; $UPFILES = getArrayString($R['upload']); foreach ($UPFILES['data'] as $_val) { $U = getUidData($table['s_upload'], $_val); if ($U['uid']) { if ($U['url'] == $d['comment']['ftp_urlpath']) { $FTP_CONNECT = ftp_connect($d['comment']['ftp_host'], $d['comment']['ftp_port']); $FTP_CRESULT = ftp_login($FTP_CONNECT, $d['comment']['ftp_user'], $d['comment']['ftp_pass']); if ($d['comment']['ftp_pasv']) { ftp_pasv($FTP_CONNECT, true); } if (!$FTP_CONNECT) { getLink('', '', 'FTP서버 연결에 문제가 발생했습니다.', ''); } if (!$FTP_CRESULT) { getLink('', '', 'FTP서버 아이디나 패스워드가 일치하지 않습니다.', ''); } ftp_delete($FTP_CONNECT, $d['comment']['ftp_folder'] . $U['folder'] . '/' . $U['tmpname']); if ($U['type'] == 2) { ftp_delete($FTP_CONNECT, $d['comment']['ftp_folder'] . $U['folder'] . '/' . $U['thumbname']); } ftp_close($FTP_CONNECT); } else { unlink($U['url'] . $U['folder'] . '/' . $U['tmpname']); if ($U['type'] == 2) { unlink($U['url'] . $U['folder'] . '/' . $U['thumbname']); } } getDbDelete($table['s_upload'], 'uid=' . $U['uid']); } } }
function authenticate($force = 0) { global $template; global $controller; global $action; $loggedin = 0; if (!empty($_SESSION['email']) && !empty($_SESSION['password'])) { $sql = "select id,name,points from users where email = '" . escape($_SESSION['email']) . "' and password = '******'password']) . "'"; $query = mysql_query($sql); $user = mysql_fetch_array($query); if ($user['id'] > 0) { $_SESSION['points'] = $user['points']; $_SESSION['name'] = $user['name']; $loggedin = 1; } } if (($force == 1 || ALLOW_VISITORS == 0) && $loggedin == 0 && ($controller != 'users' && ($action != 'validate' || $action != 'create' || $action != 'register'))) { $template->overrideController('users'); $template->overrideAction('login'); $template->set('link', getLink()); $controller = "users"; $action = "login"; } if ($loggedin == 0) { $_SESSION['userid'] = ''; } }
function f_includes(&$text){ $phrase = 'ФАЙЛ'; if (mb_strpos($text, $phrase) === false){ return true; } $regex = '/{('.$phrase.'=)\s*(.*?)}/i'; $matches = array(); preg_match_all( $regex, $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ); foreach ($matches as $elm) { $elm[0] = str_replace('{', '', $elm[0]); $elm[0] = str_replace('}', '', $elm[0]); mb_parse_str( $elm[0], $args ); $file=@$args[$phrase]; if ($file){ $output = getLink($file); } else { $output = ''; } $text = str_replace('{'.$phrase.'='.$file.'}', $output, $text ); } return true; }
function getBasicFileInfoForm(&$aInfo, $sUrlPref = '') { $aForm = parent::getBasicFileInfoForm($aInfo, $sUrlPref); if (!empty($aInfo['albumCaption']) && !empty($aInfo['albumUri'])) { $aForm['album'] = array('type' => 'value', 'value' => getLink($aInfo['albumCaption'], $sUrlPref . 'browse/album/' . $aInfo['albumUri'] . '/owner/' . getUsername($aInfo['medProfId'])), 'caption' => _t('_bx_files_album')); } return $aForm; }
function showLinks($count = 5) { $ids = array(); $id = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { echo "<tr bgcolor='#ffffff'><td height=40 align=center>" . getLink($count, $ids, $id) . "</td></tr>\n"; $ids[] = $id; } }
function sendTokenChange($email, $username, $old_email) { require_once MODELES . 'membres/token.php'; if ($token = generateToken($email, $username, $old_email)) { $tokenlink = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . getLink(['membres', 'confirm', $token]); } else { return False; } if (mail($email, 'Confirmer votre nouvelle adresse e-mail', "Bonjour !\n" . "Merci de cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour confirmer votre nouvelle adresse e-mail :\n" . $tokenlink . "\n" . "Si le lien ne fonctionne pas, copiez-collez l'adresse dans votre navigateur.\n\n" . "Merci et à bientôt !\n" . "-- L'équipe EventEase", 'From:')) { return True; } else { return False; } }
function convertListOfPostInfoIntoBreadcrumbs($listOfPostInfo) { $breadcrumbHtml = ''; $listOfPostInfo = array_reverse($listOfPostInfo); $postTreeDepth = count($listOfPostInfo); for ($i = 0; $i < $postTreeDepth; $i++) { if ($postTreeDepth - 1 == $i) { $breadcrumbHtml .= $listOfPostInfo[$i]->getPostTitle(); } else { $breadcrumbHtml .= getLink($listOfPostInfo[$i]->getPostId(), $listOfPostInfo[$i]->getPostTitle()); } unset($listOfPostInfo[$i]); } return $breadcrumbHtml; }
/** * The default response method, outputs a full page. */ private function output_full() { if ($this->doRedirect()) { header("Location: http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}" . getLink($this->controller->redirect)); } try { $out = TemplateEngine::renderPage("{$this->model}/{$this->command}", array('result' => $this->result, 'errors' => $this->controller->errors)); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->exception = $e; } if ($this->exception) { $out = TemplateEngine::renderPage("error", array('result' => $this->exception)); } return $out; }
function get_app_path() { global $runtime; $path = array(); array_push($path, getLink($runtime['controller'], $runtime['controller'])); if ($runtime['action'] != 'index') { if ($runtime['action'] == 'all') { $runtime['action'] = 'list'; } // grr array_push($path, $runtime['action']); } if (!is_null($runtime['ident'])) { array_push($path, $runtime['ident']); } return $path; }
/** * The default response method, outputs a full page. */ private function output_full() { if ($this->doRedirect()) { header("Location: http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}" . getLink($this->controller->redirect)); //Just in case something goes horribly wrong, we'll add this fallback: echo "You should have been redirected <a href=\"" . getLink($this->controller->redirect) . "\">here</a>."; return; } try { $out = PageEngine::renderPage("{$this->model}/{$this->command}", array('result' => $this->result, 'errors' => $this->controller->errors)); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->exception = $e; } if ($this->exception) { $out = PageEngine::renderPage("error", array('result' => $this->exception)); } return $out; }
function checkAdmin() { if (connected() && $_SESSION['niveau'] == 3) { return True; } else { if (connected()) { alert('error', 'Vous n\'avez pas l\'accréditation suffisante pour accéder à cette page !'); header('Location: ' . getLink(['accueil', 'index'])); return False; exit; } else { alert('error', 'Connectez-vous avec un statut d\'administrateur'); header('Location: ' . getLink(['membres', 'connexion'])); return False; exit; } } }
function showMessage($message, $url = "?", $status = "success", $id = 0) { //If it is an ajax request, just print the data if (isset($_REQUEST['ajax'])) { $success = ''; $error = ''; $insert_id = ''; if ($status == 'success') { $success = addslashes($message); } if ($status == 'error') { $error = $message; } if ($id) { $insert_id = ',"id":' . $id; } print '{"success":"' . $success . '","error":"' . $error . '"' . $insert_id . '}'; } else { $url = str_replace('&', '&', getLink($url, array($status => $message), true)); header("Location:{$url}"); } exit; }
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } include_once $g['path_module'] . $m . '/var/var.php'; if ($cync) { $_SESSION[$m . 'cync'] = $cync; } if (!$_SESSION[$m . 'cync']) { getLink(RW(0), '', '동기화코드가 지정되지 않았습니다.', ''); } $cyncArr = getArrayString($_SESSION[$m . 'cync']); $mod = 'main'; $sort = $sort ? $sort : 'uid'; $orderby = $orderby ? $orderby : 'asc'; $recnum = $recnum && $recnum < 200 ? $recnum : $d['trackback']['recnum']; $cmentque = "parent='" . $cyncArr['data'][0] . $cyncArr['data'][1] . "' and type=1"; $RCD = array(); $TCD = getDbArray($table['s_trackback'], $cmentque, '*', $sort, $orderby, $recnum, $p); $NUM = getDbRows($table['s_trackback'], $cmentque); $TPG = getTotalPage($NUM, $recnum); while ($_R = db_fetch_array($TCD)) { $RCD[] = $_R; } if ($g['mobile'] && $_SESSION['pcmode'] != 'Y') { $B['skin'] = $d['trackback']['skin_mobile']; } else { $B['skin'] = $skin ? $skin : $d['trackback']['skin_main']; } $g['track_reset'] = $c ? $g['s'] . '/?r=' . $r . '&c=' . $c : getLinkFilter($g['s'] . '/?r=' . $r . '&m=' . $m, array('skin', 'iframe'));
<?php load_partial("admin_menu"); ?> <div class="help"> <ul> <li><?php echo getLink("Show countries", "countries/all"); ?> </li> </ul> </div> <form id="newcountry" action="" method="post"> <input name="action" value="newcountry" type="hidden"/> <label for="name">New country name:</label> <input type="text" name="name" /> <p style="clearall"> <input type="submit" name="create" value="Add" /> </p> </form>
function link_to($link, $txt = null) { return '<a href="' . getLink($link) . '">' . pick($txt, $link) . "</a>"; }
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } if (!$uid) { getLink('', '', _LANG('a0002', 'mediaset'), ''); } $R = getUidData($table['s_upload'], $uid); if (!$R['uid']) { getLink('', '', _LANG('a0003', 'mediaset'), ''); } if (!$my['admin'] && $my['uid'] != $R['mbruid']) { getLink('', '', _LANG('a0004', 'mediaset'), ''); } $name = trim($name); $name = str_replace('.' . $R['ext'], '', $name) . '.' . $R['ext']; $name = strip_tags($name); $alt = strip_tags(trim($alt)); $linkurl = trim($linkurl); $caption = $my['admin'] ? trim($caption) : strip_tags(trim($caption)); $description = $my['admin'] ? trim($description) : strip_tags(trim($description)); if ($R['type'] < 0) { $src = trim($src); } else { $src = $R['src']; } getDbUpdate($table['s_upload'], "hidden='" . $hidden . "',name='" . $name . "',alt='" . $alt . "',caption='" . $caption . "',description='" . $description . "',src='" . $src . "',linkto='" . $linkto . "',license='" . $license . "',d_update='" . $date['totime'] . "',linkurl='" . $linkurl . "'", 'uid=' . $R['uid']); getLink('reload', 'parent.', _LANG('a0005', 'mediaset'), '');
checkAdmin(0); include_once $g['path_core'] . 'function/rss.func.php'; $zipdata = getUrlData($serverurl, 10); if (!$zipdata) { getLink('', '', '데이터서버 주소를 확인하세요. 서버의 응답이 없습니다.', ''); } $zipfile = $g['dir_module'] . 'var/zipcode.db'; $varfile = $g['dir_module'] . 'var/'; $zipNum0 = explode("\n", $zipdata); $zipNum1 = count(file($zipfile)); $zipNum2 = count($zipNum0) - 1; if ($zipNum2 < 10000) { getLink('', '', '데이터서버 주소를 확인하세요. 우편번호 데이터가 아닙니다.', ''); } if ($zipNum1 == $zipNum2) { getLink('', '', '최신데이터가 적용된 상태입니다.', ''); } $fp = fopen($zipfile, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $zipdata); fclose($fp); @chmod($zipfile, 0707); $fp = fopen($varfile, 'w'); fwrite($fp, "<?php\n"); fwrite($fp, "\$zipvar['serverurl'] = \"" . $serverurl . "\";\n"); fwrite($fp, "\$zipvar['date'] = \"" . $date['today'] . "\";\n"); fwrite($fp, "\$zipvar['num'] = \"" . $zipNum2 . "\";\n"); fwrite($fp, "?>"); fclose($fp); @chmod($varfile, 0707); getLink('reload', 'parent.', '최신데이터로 갱신되었습니다.', '');
<?php global $admin; ?> <p class="admin" id="<?php echo "admin_" . $admin->id; ?> "> <span class="delete"><?php echo getLink('Delete this', 'admin/delete/' . $admin->id); ?> </span> <span class="nickname"><?php echo $admin->nickname; ?> </span> <span class="email"><?php echo $admin->email; ?> </span> <span class="fullname"><?php echo $admin->fullname; ?> </span> </p>
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } checkAdmin(0); foreach ($bbs_members as $val) { $R = getUidData($table[$m . 'list'], $val); if (!$R['uid']) { continue; } getDbUpdate($table[$m . 'list'], "name='" . trim(${'name_' . $R['uid']}) . "'", 'uid=' . $R['uid']); } getLink('reload', 'parent.', '수정되었습니다.', '');
<div class="help"> <?php load_partial("menu"); ?> <?php load_partial("realm_usages_submenu"); ?> </div> <div id="realms"> <ol id="allrealms"> <?php if (!empty($rus)) { foreach ($rus as $realmd) { foreach ($realms as $realm) { if ($realm->data['id'] == $realmd->realmid) { $realm_name = $realm->data['org_name']; } } echo "<li><span class=\"delete\">"; echo getLink("X", "realm_usages/delete/" . $realmd->id); echo "</span>"; echo " | "; echo "<strong>"; echo getLink($realm_name, "realm_usages/edit/" . $realmd->id); echo "</strong></li>"; } } ?> </ol> </div>
while ($_O = db_fetch_array($_ONELINE)) { getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'oneline=oneline-1', "date='" . substr($_O['d_regis'], 0, 8) . "' and site=" . $_O['site']); if ($_O['point'] && $_O['mbruid']) { getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $_O['mbruid'] . "','0','-" . $_O['point'] . "','한줄의견삭제(" . getStrCut(str_replace('&', ' ', strip_tags($_O['content'])), 15, '') . ")환원','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point-' . $_O['point'], 'memberuid=' . $_O['mbruid']); } } getDbDelete($table['s_oneline'], 'parent=' . $R['uid']); } getDbDelete($table['s_comment'], 'uid=' . $R['uid']); getDbUpdate($table['s_numinfo'], 'comment=comment-1', "date='" . substr($R['d_regis'], 0, 8) . "' and site=" . $R['site']); if ($R['point'] && $R['mbruid']) { getDbInsert($table['s_point'], 'my_mbruid,by_mbruid,price,content,d_regis', "'" . $R['mbruid'] . "','0','-" . $R['point'] . "','댓글삭제(" . getStrCut($R['subject'], 15, '') . ")환원','" . $date['totime'] . "'"); getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], 'point=point-' . $R['point'], 'memberuid=' . $R['mbruid']); } $backUrl = getLinkFilter($g['s'] . '/?' . ($_HS['usescode'] ? 'r=' . $r . '&' : '') . ($c ? 'c=' . $c : 'm=' . $m), array('skin', 'iframe', 'sort', 'orderby', 'recnum', 'where', 'keyword')); getLink($backUrl, 'parent.', '신고건수 누적으로 삭제처리 되었습니다.', $history); } else { getDbUpdate($table['s_comment'], 'hidden=1', 'uid=' . $R['uid']); $backUrl = getLinkFilter($g['s'] . '/?' . ($_HS['usescode'] ? 'r=' . $r . '&' : '') . ($c ? 'c=' . $c : 'm=' . $m), array('skin', 'iframe', 'sort', 'orderby', 'recnum', 'where', 'keyword')); getLink($backUrl, 'parent.', '신고건수 누적으로 게시제한처리 되었습니다.', $history); } } else { if (!strstr($_SESSION['module_' . $m . '_singo'], '[' . $R['uid'] . ']')) { getDbUpdate($table['s_comment'], 'singo=singo+1', 'uid=' . $R['uid']); $_SESSION['module_' . $m . '_singo'] .= '[' . $R['uid'] . ']'; getLink('', '', '신고처리 되었습니다.', ''); } else { getLink('', '', '이미 신고하신 댓글입니다.', ''); } }
} } else { if ($m == 'bbs' && $bid) { if (strpos(',,' . $d['admin']['ssl_bbs'] . ',', ',' . $bid . ',')) { if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'on') { getLink($g['ssl_root'] . '/?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '', '', ''); } } else { if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') { getLink(str_replace(':' . $d['admin']['ssl_port'], '', str_replace('https://', 'http://', $g['url_root'])) . '/?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '', '', ''); } } } else { if (strpos(',,' . $d['admin']['ssl_module'] . ',', ',' . $m . ',')) { if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'on') { getLink($g['ssl_root'] . '/?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '', '', ''); } } else { if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') { getLink(str_replace(':' . $d['admin']['ssl_port'], '', str_replace('https://', 'http://', $g['url_root'])) . '/?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '', '', ''); } } } } } } } $g['switch_1'] = getSwitchInc('top'); $g['switch_2'] = getSwitchInc('head'); $g['switch_3'] = getSwitchInc('foot'); $g['switch_4'] = getSwitchInc('end');
$fp = fopen($mfile . '.widget.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, ''); fclose($fp); @chmod($mfile . '.widget.php', 0707); $_i++; } db_query("insert into " . $table['s_mbrid'] . " (site,id,pw)values('1','{$id}','" . md5($pw1) . "')", $DB_CONNECT); $QUE = "insert into " . $table['s_mbrdata'] . " \n(memberuid,site,auth,sosok,level,comp,admin,adm_view,\nemail,name,nic,grade,photo,home,sex,birth1,birth2,birthtype,tel1,tel2,zip,\naddr0,addr1,addr2,job,marr1,marr2,sms,mailing,smail,point,usepoint,money,cash,num_login,pw_q,pw_a,now_log,last_log,last_pw,is_paper,d_regis,tmpcode,sns,addfield)\nvalues\n('1','1','1','1','1','0','1','',\n'{$email}','{$name}','관리자','','','','0','0','0','0','','','',\n'','','','','0','0','1','1','0','0','0','0','0','1','킴스큐 설치시에 입력한 회원비밀번호는?','{$pw1}','1','" . $date['totime'] . "','" . $date['today'] . "','0','" . $date['totime'] . "','','','')"; db_query($QUE, $DB_CONNECT); $sosokset = array('A그룹', 'B그룹', 'C그룹', 'D그룹', 'E그룹', 'F그룹', 'G그룹', 'H그룹'); $i = 0; foreach ($sosokset as $_val) { getDbInsert($table['s_mbrgroup'], 'gid,name,num', "'" . $i . "','" . $_val . "','" . (!$i ? 1 : 0) . "'"); $i++; } for ($i = 1; $i < 101; $i++) { getDbInsert($table['s_mbrlevel'], 'gid,name,num,login,post,comment', "'" . ($i == 20 ? 1 : 0) . "','레벨" . $i . "','" . ($i == 1 ? 1 : 0) . "','0','0','0'"); } setcookie('svshop', $id . '|' . $pw1, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, '/'); $_SESSION['mbr_uid'] = 1; $_SESSION['mbr_pw'] = md5($pw1); $fp = fopen($g['path_module'] . 'admin/var/users/' . $id . '.widget.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, ''); fclose($fp); @chmod($g['path_module'] . 'admin/var/users/' . $id . '.widget.php', 0707); if ($iswpiinstall) { unlink($wpivfile); getLink('./?r=' . $id . '&panel=Y', '', '설치가 완료되었습니다. 홈페이지로 이동합니다.', ''); } getLink('./?r=' . $id . '&panel=Y', 'parent.', '설치가 완료되었습니다. 홈페이지로 이동합니다.', '');
} } if ($_GET['id_comment']) { if ($id == 3) { //supprimer commentaire $id_comment = $_GET['id_comment']; supprimerComment($id_comment); header('Location: ' . getLink(['forum', 'sujet', $id_topic, 0])); exit; } if ($id == 4) { $id_comment = $_GET['id_comment']; $id_auteur = getAuthorComment($id_comment); if ($id_auteur['id_auteur'] == $id_user or $niveau_user == 2 or $niveau_user == 3) { if ($_POST['comment']) { $message = $_POST['comment']; modifierComment($id_comment, $message); header('Location: ' . getLink(['forum', 'sujet', $id_topic, 0, 0])); exit; } else { alert('error', 'Vous n\'avez rien écrit !'); header('Location: ' . getLink(['forum', 'sujet', $id_topic, 4, 0])); exit; } } else { alert('error', 'Vous n\'êtes pas l\'auteur de ce message !'); header('Location: ' . getLink(['forum', 'sujet', $id_topic, 0, 0])); exit; } } }
/** * @name Comment * @version 2.0 * @package Fiyo CMS * @copyright Copyright (C) 2014 Fiyo CMS. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.txt * @description **/ defined('_FINDEX_') or die('Access Denied'); $db = new FQuery(); $db->connect(); loadLang(__DIR__); if (!defined('SEF_URL')) { $link = check_permalink('link', getLink(), 'link'); $go_link = FUrl . getLink() . "&pid={$_GET['pid']}"; } else { $link = @check_permalink('permalink', $_REQUEST['link'], 'link'); $go_link = FUrl . @$_REQUEST['link'] . SEF_EXT; } require 'entry_comment.php'; define('CAPTCHA', false); if (!CAPTCHA) { $valid = true; if (!isset($_SESSION['captcha'])) { $_SESSION['captcha'] = 99; } $_POST['secure'] = $_SESSION['captcha']; $_SESSION['ENABLE_CAPTCHA'] = false; } if (isset($_POST['send-comment'])) {
getLink('', '', '입력하신 정보로 일치하는 회원데이터가 없습니다.', ''); } $M = getDbData($table['s_mbrdata'], 'memberuid=' . $R['uid'], '*'); } else { $M = getDbData($table['s_mbrdata'], "email='" . $email . "'", '*'); if (!$M['email']) { getLink('', '', '입력하신 정보로 일치하는 회원데이터가 없습니다.', ''); } $R = getUidData($table['s_mbrid'], $M['memberuid']); } if ($M['name'] != $name) { getLink('', '', '입력하신 정보로 일치하는 회원데이터가 없습니다.', ''); } if ($M['tmpcode']) { getLink('', '', '이미 회원님의 이메일[' . $M['email'] . ']로 \\n임시 비밀번호를 발송해 드렸습니다.', ''); } $auth_pw = 'rb' . date('His'); include_once $g['path_core'] . 'function/email.func.php'; $content = implode('', file($g['dir_module'] . 'doc/_pw.txt')); $content = str_replace('{NAME}', $M['name'], $content); $content = str_replace('{NICK}', $M['nic'], $content); $content = str_replace('{ID}', $R['id'], $content); $content = str_replace('{EMAIL}', $M['email'], $content); $content .= '<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:20px;color:#ff0000;">임시 비밀번호 : ' . $auth_pw . '</div>'; $result = getSendMail($M['email'] . '|' . $M['name'], $d['member']['join_email'] . '|' . $_HS['name'], '[' . $_HS['name'] . ']임시 비밀번호가 발급되었습니다.', $content, 'HTML'); if (!$result) { getLink('', '', '죄송합니다. 이메일서버가 응답하지 않아 이메일을 보내드리지 못했습니다.', ''); } getDbUpdate($table['s_mbrdata'], "last_pw='" . $date['today'] . "',tmpcode='" . md5($auth_pw) . "'", 'memberuid=' . $M['memberuid']); getLink('', '', '회원님의 이메일[' . $M['email'] . ']로 \\n임시 비밀번호를 발송해 드렸습니다.', '');
fwrite($fp, "\$root[comp_jongmok] = \"{$comp_jongmok}\";\n"); fwrite($fp, "\$root[comp_ceo] = \"{$comp_ceo}\";\n"); fwrite($fp, "\$root[comp_zip] = \"{$comp_zip}\";\n"); fwrite($fp, "\$root[comp_addr1] = \"{$comp_addr1}\";\n"); fwrite($fp, "\$root[comp_addr2] = \"{$comp_addr2}\";\n"); fwrite($fp, "?>"); fclose($fp); $fp = fopen('./module/Sms/var/sms_var.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, "<?\n"); fwrite($fp, "\$sms_mall_num = \"{$sms_mall_num}\";\n"); fwrite($fp, "\$sms_admin_num = \"{$sms_admin_num}\";\n"); fwrite($fp, "?>"); fclose($fp); @chmod('../conf/root_info.php', 0707); @chmod('./module/Sms/var/sms_var.php', 0707); getLink($THIS_FILE, $alert, $history); } $query = $query ? $query : 'normal'; include './inc/header.php'; ?> <script language=javascript> function confCheck() { if (!confirm('정말로 저장하시겠습니까? ')) { return false; } } function dir_check() {
fwrite($fp, trim(stripslashes($css)) . "\n"); fclose($fp); @chmod($vfile . '.css', 0707); } else { if (is_file($vfile . '.css')) { unlink($vfile . '.css'); } } if (trim($js)) { $fp = fopen($vfile . '.js', 'w'); fwrite($fp, trim(stripslashes($js)) . "\n"); fclose($fp); @chmod($vfile . '.js', 0707); } else { if (is_file($vfile . '.js')) { unlink($vfile . '.js'); } } $cachefile_mobile = str_replace('.php', '.cache', $vfile . '.mobile'); if (file_exists($cachefile_mobile)) { unlink($cachefile_mobile); } getLink('', '', _LANG('a0003', 'site'), ''); } else { $cachefile_pc = str_replace('.php', '.cache', $vfile); if (file_exists($cachefile_pc)) { unlink($cachefile_pc); } getLink('reload', 'parent.', _LANG('a0003', 'site'), ''); } exit;
<?php if (!defined('__KIMS__')) { exit; } checkAdmin(0); /* 알림을 보내는 방법 ************************************************************ - 다음의 함수를 실행합니다. putNotice($rcvmember,$sendmodule,$sendmember,$message,$referer,$target); $rcvmember : 받는회원 UID $sendmodule : 보내는모듈 ID $sendmember : 보내는회원 UID (시스템으로 보낼경우 0) $message : 보내는 메세지 (관리자 및 허가된 사용자는 HTML태그 사용가능 / 일반 회원은 불가) $referer : 연결해줄 URL이 있을 경우 http:// 포함하여 지정 $target : 연결할 URL의 링크 TARGET (새창으로 연결하려면 _blank) ********************************************************************************/ putNotice($my['uid'], $m, $my['uid'], _LANG('a3001', 'notification'), '', ''); getLink('reload', 'parent.', '', '');
if ($R['uid']) { getDbDelete($table['s_start'], 'site=' . $R['uid']); getDbDelete($table['s_site'], 'uid=' . $R['uid']); $_MENUS = getDbSelect($table['s_menu'], 'site=' . $R['uid'] . ' order by gid asc', '*'); while ($_M = db_fetch_array($_MENUS)) { $_xfile = $g['path_page'] . 'menu/' . sprintf('%05d', $_M['uid']); unlink($_xfile . '.php'); unlink($_xfile . '.widget.php'); @unlink($_xfile . '.mobile.php'); @unlink($_xfile . '.css'); @unlink($_xfile . '.js'); @unlink($_xfile . '.header.php'); @unlink($_xfile . '.footer.php'); @unlink($_xfile . '.txt'); @unlink($_xfile . '.cache'); @unlink($_xfile . '.widget.cache'); @unlink($_xfile . '.mobile.cache'); @unlink($g['path_var'] . 'menu/' . $_M['imghead']); @unlink($g['path_var'] . 'menu/' . $_M['imgfoot']); getDbDelete($table['s_seo'], 'rel=1 and parent=' . $_M['uid']); } getDbDelete($table['s_menu'], 'site=' . $R['uid']); db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $table['s_site'], $DB_CONNECT); db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $table['s_menu'], $DB_CONNECT); unlink($g['path_var'] . 'sitephp/' . $account . '.php'); } if (!getDbRows($table['s_site'], '')) { getLink($g['s'] . '/', 'parent.parent.', '', ''); } else { getLink($g['s'] . '/?m=admin&module=' . $m, 'parent.', '', ''); }