コード例 #1
ファイル: email.php プロジェクト: dadigo/simpleinvoices
* License:
*	 GPL v3 or above
* Website:
* 	http://www.simpleinvoices.org
//stop the direct browsing to this file - let index.php handle which files get displayed
#get the invoice id
$invoice_id = $_GET['id'];
$invoiceobj = new invoice();
$invoice = $invoiceobj->select($invoice_id);
$preference = getPreference($invoice['preference_id']);
$biller = getBiller($invoice['biller_id']);
$customer = getCustomer($invoice['customer_id']);
$invoiceType = getInvoiceType($invoice['type_id']);
#create PDF name
$spc2us_pref = str_replace(" ", "_", $invoice['index_name']);
$pdf_file_name = $spc2us_pref . '.pdf';
if ($_GET['stage'] == 2) {
    #echo $block_stage2;
    // Create invoice
    $export = new export();
    $export->format = "pdf";
    $export->file_location = 'file';
    $export->module = 'invoice';
    $export->id = $invoice_id;
    #$attachment = file_get_contents('./tmp/cache/' . $pdf_file_name);
    $email = new email();
    $email->format = 'invoice';
コード例 #2
function hotLink( $type, $id, $displayvalue='', $useimage=false, $functioncall='', $placement='reg_body', $showinvtype=false )
global $db;
global $lang;
global $domain;
global $usetemplate;
global $RootPath;
global $language;
global $masterdatabase;
//global $modeldatabase;
global $UserID;


if ( $id == '' || $id == 0 )
	return '';

$authorized = false;

//set some var's based on $type
switch( $type )
	//Invoice (lightbox)
	//08.23.2012 jss - ( 23166 ) changed case 1 to bring the invoice up in a lightbox.  The old
	//case 1 is now case 9 and it takes you to the invoice section and pulls it up.
	case 1:
		if ( isAuth( 1,81,232,211 ) )
			$authorized = true;

		$useimage = true;

		$displayvaluequery = 'select CustomInvoiceNumber as DisplayValue 
									from invInvoice where InvoiceID = ' . $id;
		//TKS 11.13.2013 #43002 got rid of globalInvoiceID being set when loading in overlay
		//01.20.2014 naj - changed get_mv_view_invoice to get_mv_viewinvoice, since we have moved to
		//the new invoice format.
		$myfunctioncall .= '
			get_menu_includes( 231,81 );
			get_menu_includes( 628,98 );
			get_menu_includes( 636,98 );
			globalOverlayInvoiceID=' . $id . '; 
			globalOverlayContactID = document.getElementById( \'global_contactid\' ).value;
			var tempmaster = readCookie( \'ssi_menumaster\' );
			var tempmenu	= readCookie( \'ssi_menuid\' );
			createCookie( \'ssi_menuid\', tempmenu );
			createCookie( \'ssi_menumaster\', tempmaster );
			get_mv_viewinvoice( \'overlay2\' );';
		//$title = $lang[ 'ViewInvoice' ];
		$title = $lang[ 'hpl_ViewInvoice' ];

		//04.25.2013 jss - for me, get the invoice location and add it to the image title
		if ( compareSecurityLevel($UserID) == 1 )
			include_once( "$RootPath/invoicing/general_invoice_functions.php" );
			$invoicelocation = " (" . getLocationName(getInvoiceLocation($id)) . ")";
			$title .= $invoicelocation;

			//05.21.2013 jss - add customer name to hint for compare user
			$query3 = "select ContactID from invInvoice where InvoiceID = $id";
			if ( !$result3 = $db->sql_query( $query3 ) )
				LogError( 000, $query3 ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;
			$row3 = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result3 );

			////08.16.2013 ghh - added var so we only call once
			$rn = contactRealName( $row3[ 'ContactID' ] );
			$title .= ' - ' . $rn;
			$invoicelocation .= ' - ' . $rn;

		$myfunctioncall2 .= 'globalInvoiceID=' . $id . '; get_menu_getpage( \'' . $placement . '\', 232, 81 );';

	case 2:
		if ( isAuth( 3,50,292,273 ) )
			$authorized = true;

		//12.14.2012 jss - ( 27855 ) changed to run the query here instead so we can add the 
		//consignment flag if needed
		//$displayvaluequery = 'select PONumber as DisplayValue from actPO where POID = ' . $id;
		$query = "select PONumber, ConsignmentPartsPO, LocationID from actPO where POID = $id";
		if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
			LogError( 000, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
			return false;
		$row = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result );
		$displayvalue = $row[PONumber];
		if ( $row[ConsignmentPartsPO] )
			$displayvalue .= "(C)";

		$myfunctioncall .= "globalPOID=$id;"; 

		//12.07.2011 jss - changed to take you to the accounting module first cuz the bin controls look at cookies to see what module you're in
		//and act accordingly when selecting a bin.  Calling a po from the inventory section was causing the wrong "select" links to appear on it.
		//$myfunctioncall .= 'document.getElementById( \'header2\' ).innerHTML = \'Accounting\'; get_menu_master( \'reg_left1\', 3 );';
		//06.04.2012 jss - no longer needed as tim and i have re-written the header
		//$myfunctioncall .= "document.getElementById( 'header2' ).innerHTML = '" . $lang[ 'accounting' ] . "';"; 

		$myfunctioncall .= "get_menu_master( 'reg_left1', 3 );";
		$myfunctioncall .= "try { get_menu_main( 'mnu_Payables', 50 ); } catch(err) {}";

		$myfunctioncall .= "get_menu_getpage( '$placement', 292, 50 );";
		$title = $lang[ 'hpl_ViewPO' ];

		//04.25.2013 jss - for me, get the invoice location and add it to the image title
		if ( compareSecurityLevel($UserID) == 1 )
			$title .= " ( " . getLocationName($row['LocationID']) . " )";
	//Unit (vin)
	case 3:
		if ( isAuth( 16, 65, 181, 160 ) )
			$authorized = true;
		$displayvaluequery = 'select VIN as DisplayValue from untUnitInfo where UnitID = ' . $id;
		//TKS 09.05.2012 added the closing of video_overlay since unit controls are loading in overlay
		//in new invoice flow. 
		$myfunctioncall .= 'globalUnitID=' . $id . '; get_menu_getpage( \'' . $placement . '\', 181, 65 ); close_overlay( \'video_overlay\' );';
		$title = $lang[ 'hpl_ViewUnit' ];
	//Unit (stockno)
	case 4:
		if ( isAuth( 16, 65, 181, 160 ) )
			$authorized = true;
		$displayvaluequery = 'select StockNo as DisplayValue from untUnitInfo where UnitID = ' . $id;
		//TKS 09.05.2012 added the closing of video_overlay since unit controls are loading in overlay
		//in new invoice flow. 
		$myfunctioncall .= 'globalUnitID=' . $id . '; get_menu_getpage( \'' . $placement . '\', 181, 65 ); close_overlay( \'video_overlay\' );';
		$title = $lang[ 'hpl_ViewUnit' ];
	//Unit (model#)
	case 5:
		if ( isAuth( 16, 65, 181, 160 ) )
			$authorized = true;

		//TKS 09.05.2012 added the closing of video_overlay since unit controls are loading in overlay
		//in new invoice flow. 
		//11.26.2011 ghh - changed masterdatabase to modeldatabase to work with new database for model numbers
		//05.10.2013 jss - removed $modeldatabase var as it's old and the table is back to being local
		$displayvaluequery = 'select t2.ModelNumber as DisplayValue
										from ( untUnitInfo as t1, ' . $modeldatabase . '.untModels as t2 )
										where t1.UnitID = ' . $id . '
										and t1.ModelID = t2.ModelID';
		$displayvaluequery = "select t2.ModelNumber as DisplayValue
										from ( untUnitInfo as t1, untModels as t2 )
										where t1.UnitID = $id
										and t1.ModelID = t2.ModelID";
		$myfunctioncall .= 'globalUnitID=' . $id . '; get_menu_getpage( \'' . $placement . '\', 181, 65 ); close_overlay( \'video_overlay\' );';
		$title = $lang[ 'hpl_ViewUnit' ];
	//Part #
	case 6:
		if ( isAuth( 9, 44, 208, 187 ) )
			$authorized = true;
		//if ( ( $id ) < 5000000 )
			$displayvaluequery = 'select ItemNumber as DisplayValue from itmItems 
										where ItemID = ' . $id;

		$myfunctioncall .= 'global_item=' . $id . ';';

		//06.26.2012 jss - recently changed to bring up the inventory module, but due to complaints
		//i added an if statement to only do it for me
		if ( compareSecurityLevel($UserID) == 1 )
			$myfunctioncall .= "get_menu_master( 'reg_left1', 9 );";

		$myfunctioncall .= 'get_menu_getpage( \'' . $placement . '\', 208, 44 );';
		//TKS 08.23.2013 #39971 added the close_overlay call as there are cases where you 
		//click on a part # link and in overlay and it needs to close
		$myfunctioncall .= 'close_overlay(\'video_overlay\' );';
		$title = $lang[ 'hpl_ViewItem' ];

	case 7:
		if ( isAuth( 3, 49, 290, 270 ) )
			$authorized = true;
		$displayvaluequery = 'select ARID as DisplayValue, ContactID
										from actAR
										where ARID = ' . $id;

		//09.28.2011 jss - get contactid
		$query = $displayvaluequery;
		if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
			LogError( 8472, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
		$row = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result );
		$contactid = $row[ 'ContactID' ];

		$myfunctioncall .= 'document.getElementById( \'global_contactid\' ).value = \'' . $contactid . '\';
									get_menu_main( \'mnu_Receivables\', 49);
									get_menu_getpage( \'reg_body\', 290,49 );';

		$title = $lang[ 'hpl_ViewAR' ];
	case 8:
		if ( isAuth( 3, 62, 168, 147 ) )
			$authorized = true;

		$displayvaluequery = 'select CheckNumber as DisplayValue from chkChecks where CheckID = ' . $id;

		//04.11.2012 jss - get more checking info in order to create myfunctioncall
		$query = "select * from chkChecks where checkid = $id";
		if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
			LogError( 000, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
		$row = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result );

		//$myfunctioncall .= 'chk_reg_datefrom = \'\';';
		//$myfunctioncall .= 'chk_reg_dateto = \'\';';
		$myfunctioncall .= 'chk_reg_account = ' . $row[ 'AccountID' ] . ';';
		$myfunctioncall .= 'chk_reg_checknum = \'' . $row[CheckNumber] . '\';';
		$myfunctioncall .= 'chk_reg_checkamount = \'\';';

		//06.04.2012 jss - no longer needed as tim and i have re-written the header
		//$myfunctioncall .= 'document.getElementById( \'header2\' ).innerHTML = \'Accounting\';';

		$myfunctioncall .= 'get_menu_master( \'reg_left1\', 3 );';
		$myfunctioncall .= 'get_menu_main( \'mnu_Checking\', 62 );';
		$myfunctioncall .= 'get_menu_getpage( \'reg_body\', 168, 62 );';

		$title = $lang[ 'hpl_ViewCheck' ];

//get displayvalue if it's not passed in ( ie.  Invoice #, PO #, Check #, etc... )
if ( $displayvalue == '' )
	if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $displayvaluequery ) )
		LogError( 8148, $displayvaluequery .$dblang[ "ErrorInSQL" ]."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
	$row = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result );
	$displayvalue = $row[ 'DisplayValue' ];


if ( $authorized )
	//start building the anchor
	$link = '<a href="javascript:';

	//build the link function
	if ( $functioncall == '' )
		$link .= $myfunctioncall;
		$link .= $functioncall;

	$link .= '"';

	$link .= ' title="' . $title . ' ..."';

	//05.15.2013 jss - 
	$link .= ' tabindex="-1"';

	$link .= '>';

	if ( $useimage )
		switch( $type )
			case 1:
				$imagename = 'overlay_icon.png';
			case 9:
				$imagename = 'overlay_icon.png';
				$imagename = 'view.png';
		$link .= "<img src=\"$domain/templates/$usetemplate/images/$imagename\" border=\"0\">";
		$link .= $displayvalue;

	//close the anchor
	$link .= '</a>';

	//08.31.2012 jss - if doing an invoice link, we'll have something in $myfunctioncall2 which means 
	//we will display both an icon ( used for lightbox ) and a link ( that takes you to the invoice section )
	//04.25.2013 jss - added invoice location for me
	//05.15.2013 jss - added tabindex="-1"
	if ( $myfunctioncall2 != '' )
		//$link .= ' <a href="javascript:' . $myfunctioncall2 . '"' . ' title="' . $lang[hpl_GoToInvoice] . '">' . $displayvalue;
		$link .= " <a href=\"javascript:$myfunctioncall2\" tabindex=\"-1\" title=\"$lang[hpl_GoToInvoice] $invoicelocation\">$displayvalue</a>";
//TKS 08.23.2013 got rid of span class=data as the class is no longer used
	$link = $displayvalue;

//06.06.2013 jss - ( 35794 ) add invtype icon to end of invoice # link
if ( $type == 1 && $showinvtype )
	$invtype = getInvType( $id );
	include_once( "$RootPath/invoicing/general_invoice_functions.php" );
	$link .= ' '.getInvoiceType( $invtype, false );

return $link;
コード例 #3
ファイル: export.php プロジェクト: alachaum/simpleinvoices
 function getData()
     //echo "export - get data";
     global $smarty;
     global $siUrl;
     switch ($this->module) {
         case "statement":
             $invoice = new invoice();
             $invoice->biller = $this->biller_id;
             $invoice->customer = $this->customer_id;
             if ($this->filter_by_date == "yes") {
                 if (isset($this->start_date)) {
                     $invoice->start_date = $this->start_date;
                 if (isset($this->end_date)) {
                     $invoice->end_date = $this->end_date;
                 if (isset($this->start_date) and isset($this->end_date)) {
                     $invoice->having = "date_between";
                 $having_count = 1;
             if ($this->show_only_unpaid == "yes") {
                 if ($having_count == 1) {
                     $invoice->having_and = "money_owed";
                 } else {
                     $invoice->having = "money_owed";
             $invoice_all = $invoice->select_all('count');
             $invoices = $invoice_all->fetchAll();
             foreach ($invoices as $i => $row) {
                 $statement['total'] = $statement['total'] + $row['invoice_total'];
                 $statement['owing'] = $statement['owing'] + $row['owing'];
                 $statement['paid'] = $statement['paid'] + $row['INV_PAID'];
             $templatePath = "./templates/default/statement/index.tpl";
             $biller_details = getBiller($this->biller_id);
             $customer_details = getCustomer($this->customer_id);
             $this->file_name = "statement_" . $this->biller_id . "_" . $this->customer_id . "_" . $invoice->start_date . "_" . $invoice->end_date;
             $smarty->assign('biller_id', $biller_id);
             $smarty->assign('biller_details', $biller_details);
             $smarty->assign('customer_id', $customer_id);
             $smarty->assign('customer_details', $customer_details);
             $smarty->assign('show_only_unpaid', $show_only_unpaid);
             $smarty->assign('filter_by_date', $this->filter_by_date);
             $smarty->assign('invoices', $invoices);
             $smarty->assign('start_date', $this->start_date);
             $smarty->assign('end_date', $this->end_date);
             $smarty->assign('invoices', $invoices);
             $smarty->assign('statement', $statement);
             $data = $smarty->fetch("." . $templatePath);
         case "payment":
             $payment = getPayment($this->id);
             /*Code to get the Invoice preference - so can link from this screen back to the invoice - START */
             $invoice = getInvoice($payment['ac_inv_id']);
             $biller = getBiller($payment['biller_id']);
             $logo = getLogo($biller);
             $logo = str_replace(" ", "%20", $logo);
             $customer = getCustomer($payment['customer_id']);
             $invoiceType = getInvoiceType($invoice['type_id']);
             $customFieldLabels = getCustomFieldLabels();
             $paymentType = getPaymentType($payment['ac_payment_type']);
             $preference = getPreference($invoice['preference_id']);
             $smarty->assign("payment", $payment);
             $smarty->assign("invoice", $invoice);
             $smarty->assign("biller", $biller);
             $smarty->assign("logo", $logo);
             $smarty->assign("customer", $customer);
             $smarty->assign("invoiceType", $invoiceType);
             $smarty->assign("paymentType", $paymentType);
             $smarty->assign("preference", $preference);
             $smarty->assign("customFieldLabels", $customFieldLabels);
             $smarty->assign('pageActive', 'payment');
             $smarty->assign('active_tab', '#money');
             $css = $siUrl . "/templates/invoices/default/style.css";
             $smarty->assign('css', $css);
             $templatePath = "./templates/default/payments/print.tpl";
             $data = $smarty->fetch("." . $templatePath);
         case "invoice":
             $invoice = invoice::select($this->id);
             $invoice_number_of_taxes = numberOfTaxesForInvoice($this->id);
             $customer = getCustomer($invoice['customer_id']);
             $biller = biller::select($invoice['biller_id']);
             $preference = getPreference($invoice['preference_id']);
             $defaults = getSystemDefaults();
             $logo = getLogo($biller);
             $logo = str_replace(" ", "%20", $logo);
             $invoiceItems = invoice::getInvoiceItems($this->id);
             $spc2us_pref = str_replace(" ", "_", $invoice['index_name']);
             $this->file_name = $spc2us_pref;
             $customFieldLabels = getCustomFieldLabels();
             /*Set the template to the default*/
             $template = $defaults['template'];
             $templatePath = "./templates/invoices/{$template}/template.tpl";
             $template_path = "../templates/invoices/{$template}";
             $css = $siUrl . "/templates/invoices/{$template}/style.css";
             $pluginsdir = "./templates/invoices/{$template}/plugins/";
             //$smarty = new Smarty();
             $smarty->plugins_dir = $pluginsdir;
             $pageActive = "invoices";
             $smarty->assign('pageActive', $pageActive);
             if (file_exists($templatePath)) {
                 //echo "test";
                 $smarty->assign('biller', $biller);
                 $smarty->assign('customer', $customer);
                 $smarty->assign('invoice', $invoice);
                 $smarty->assign('invoice_number_of_taxes', $invoice_number_of_taxes);
                 $smarty->assign('preference', $preference);
                 $smarty->assign('logo', $logo);
                 $smarty->assign('template', $template);
                 $smarty->assign('invoiceItems', $invoiceItems);
                 $smarty->assign('template_path', $template_path);
                 $smarty->assign('css', $css);
                 $smarty->assign('customFieldLabels', $customFieldLabels);
                 $data = $smarty->fetch("." . $templatePath);
     return $data;