コード例 #1
ファイル: edit_report.php プロジェクト: rohcehlam/rflow
 *   can edit/delete report.
include_once 'includes/init.php';
$updating_public = false;
$error = "";
if (empty($reports_enabled) || $reports_enabled != 'Y') {
    $error = translate("You are not authorized") . ".";
if ($is_admin && !empty($public) && $public_access == "Y") {
    $updating_public = true;
    $report_user = "******";
} else {
    $report_user = '';
$report_id = getIntValue("report_id", true);
$adding_report = false;
if (empty($report_id)) {
    $adding_report = true;
    $report_id = -1;
    $include_header = 'Y';
    $report_is_global = 'N';
    $report_allow_nav = 'Y';
$show_participants = true;
if ($single_user == 'Y' || $disable_participants_field == 'Y') {
    $show_participants = false;
if ($login == "__public__") {
    $error = translate("You are not authorized");
コード例 #2
ファイル: export_handler.php プロジェクト: rohcehlam/rflow
if ($use_all_dates != 'y') {
    $use_all_dates = '';
$include_layers = getPostValue('include_layers');
if ($include_layers != 'y') {
    $include_layers = '';
$fromyear = getIntValue('fromyear', true);
$frommonth = getIntValue('frommonth', true);
$fromday = getIntValue('fromday', true);
$endyear = getIntValue('endyear', true);
$endmonth = getIntValue('endmonth', true);
$endday = getIntValue('endday', true);
$modyear = getIntValue('modyear', true);
$modmonth = getIntValue('modmonth', true);
$modday = getIntValue('modday', true);
mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
if (empty($id)) {
    $id = "all";
if ($format == "ical") {
    transmit_header('text/ical', "webcalendar-{$id}.ics");
} elseif ($format == "vcal") {
    transmit_header('text/vcal', "webcalendar-{$id}.vcs");
} elseif ($format == "pilot-csv") {
    transmit_header('text/csv', "webcalendar-{$id}.csv");
} elseif ($format == "pilot-text") {
    transmit_header('text/plain', "webcalendar-{$id}.txt");
コード例 #3
ファイル: rss_activity_log.php プロジェクト: rhertzog/lcs
// header ( 'Content-type: application/rss+xml');
header('Content-type: text/xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $charset . '"?>
<rss version="2.0" xml:lang="' . $lang . '">
    <title><![CDATA[' . $appStr . ']]></title>
    <link>' . $SERVER_URL . '</link>
    <description><![CDATA[' . $descr . ']]></description>
    <language>' . $lang . '</language>
    <generator>WebCalendar ' . $PROGRAM_VERSION . '</generator>
      <title><![CDATA[' . $appStr . ']]></title>
      <link>' . $SERVER_URL . '</link>
    </image>' . "\n";
$num = getIntValue(false, 'num');
if (empty($num) || $num <= 0 || $num > 100) {
    $num = 100;
echo rss_activity_log(false, $num);
echo "  </channel>\n</rss>\n";
/* Generate the activity log.
function rss_activity_log($sys, $entries)
    global $SERVER_URL, $login;
    $sql_params = array();
    $limit = $where = '';
    switch ($GLOBALS['db_type']) {
        case 'mysqli':
コード例 #4
if ($load_layers) {
//load_user_categories ();
// Calculate date range
$date = getIntValue("date", true);
if (empty($date) || strlen($date) != 8) {
    // If no date specified, start with today
    $date = date("Ymd");
$thisyear = substr($date, 0, 4);
$thismonth = substr($date, 4, 2);
$thisday = substr($date, 6, 2);
$startTime = mktime(3, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday, $thisyear);
$x = getIntValue("days", true);
if (!empty($x)) {
    $numDays = $x;
// Don't let a malicious user specify more than 365 days
if ($numDays > 365) {
    $numDays = 365;
$endTime = mktime(3, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday + $numDays, $thisyear);
$endDate = date("Ymd", $endTime);
/* Pre-Load the repeated events for quckier access */
$repeated_events = read_repeated_events($username, $cat_id, $date);
/* Pre-load the non-repeating events for quicker access */
$events = read_events($username, $date, $endDate, $cat_id);
// Print header without custom header and no style sheet
コード例 #5
ファイル: activity_log.php プロジェクト: noikiy/owaspbwa

include_once 'includes/init.php';
include_once 'includes/site_extras.php';
$PAGE_SIZE = 25;
echo "<h3>" . translate("Activity Log") . "</h3>\n";
echo "<a title=\"" . translate("Admin") . "\" class=\"nav\" href=\"adminhome.php\">&laquo;&nbsp;" . translate("Admin") . "</a><br /><br />\n";
echo "<table>\n";
echo "<tr><th class=\"usr\">\n" . translate("User") . "</th><th class=\"cal\">\n" . translate("Calendar") . "</th><th class=\"scheduled\">\n" . translate("Date") . "/" . translate("Time") . "</th><th class=\"dsc\">\n" . translate("Event") . "</th><th class=\"action\">\n" . translate("Action") . "\n</th></tr>\n";
$sql = "SELECT webcal_entry_log.cal_login, webcal_entry_log.cal_user_cal, " . "webcal_entry_log.cal_type, webcal_entry_log.cal_date, " . "webcal_entry_log.cal_time, webcal_entry.cal_id, " . "webcal_entry.cal_name, webcal_entry_log.cal_log_id " . "FROM webcal_entry_log, webcal_entry " . "WHERE webcal_entry_log.cal_entry_id = webcal_entry.cal_id ";
$startid = getIntValue('startid', true);
if (!empty($startid)) {
    $sql .= "AND webcal_entry_log.cal_log_id <= {$startid} ";
$sql .= "ORDER BY webcal_entry_log.cal_log_id DESC";
$res = dbi_query($sql);
$nextpage = "";
if ($res) {
    $num = 0;
    while ($row = dbi_fetch_row($res)) {
        if ($num > $PAGE_SIZE) {
            $nextpage = $row[7];
        } else {
            echo "<tr";
            if ($num % 2) {
                echo " class=\"odd\"";
            echo "><td>\n" . $row[0] . "</td><td>\n" . $row[1] . "</td><td>\n" . date_to_str($row[3]) . "&nbsp;" . display_time($row[4]) . "</td><td>\n" . "<a title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($row[6]) . "\" href=\"view_entry.php?id={$row['5']}\">" . htmlspecialchars($row[6]) . "</a></td><td>\n";
コード例 #6
ファイル: report.php プロジェクト: neymanna/fusionforge
if (!empty($user) && $user != $login && (!empty($allow_view_other) && $allow_view_other == 'Y' || $is_admin)) {
    $report_user = $user;
    $u_url = "&amp;user={$user}";
} else {
    $u_url = "";
if (empty($reports_enabled) || $reports_enabled != 'Y') {
    $error = translate("You are not authorized") . ".";
$updating_public = false;
if ($is_admin && !empty($public) && $public_access == "Y") {
    $updating_public = true;
    $report_user = "******";
$report_id = getIntValue("report_id", true);
$offset = getIntValue("offset", true);
if (empty($offset)) {
    $offset = 0;
// If no report id is specified, then generate a list of reports for
// the user to select from.
if (empty($error) && empty($report_id) && $login == "__public__") {
    $error = translate("You are not authorized") . ".";
if (empty($error) && empty($report_id)) {
    $list = "";
    if ($is_admin) {
        if (!$updating_public) {
            $list .= "<p><a title=\"" . translate("Click here") . " " . translate("to manage reports for the Public Access calendar") . "." . "\" href=\"report.php?public=1\">" . translate("Click here") . " " . translate("to manage reports for the Public Access calendar") . "." . "</a></p>\n";
            $sql = "SELECT cal_report_id, cal_report_name " . "FROM webcal_report WHERE cal_login = '******' OR " . "cal_is_global = 'Y' ORDER BY cal_update_date DESC, cal_report_name";
        } else {
コード例 #7
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: rhertzog/lcs
            if (!@is_writable($db_cachedir)) {
                $response_msg2 = $failureStr . $cachedirStr . ' ' . translate('is not writable');
            } else {
// Is this a Timezone Convert?
//Manual tzoffset input in URL
$tzoffset = getGetValue('tzoffset');
if (!empty($tzoffset)) {
    $action = 'tz_convert';
// If so, run it
if (!empty($action) && $action == 'tz_convert' && !empty($_SESSION['validuser'])) {
    $cutoffdate = getIntValue('cutoffdate');
    $db_persistent = false;
    $db_type = $settings['db_type'];
    $db_host = $settings['db_host'];
    $db_database = $settings['db_database'];
    $db_login = $settings['db_login'];
    $db_password = $settings['db_password'];
    $db_cachedir = getPostValue('form_db_cachedir');
    // Avoid false visibilty of single user login
    $onload = 'auth_handler();';
    $real_db = $db_database;
    if ($db_type == 'sqlite') {
        $real_db = get_full_include_path($db_database);
    if ($db_password == 'none') {
        $db_password = '';
コード例 #8
    $showTasks = false;
// Show event popups
if (getGetValue('showPopups') != '') {
    $showPopups = getGetValue('showPopups', "[01]", true) != '0';
// Allow the URL to override the user setting such as
// "upcoming.php?user=craig"
$allow_user_override = !empty($UPCOMING_ALLOW_OVR) && $UPCOMING_ALLOW_OVR == 'Y';
// Load layers
// Load just a specified category (by its id)
// Leave blank to not filter on category (unless specified in URL)
// Can override in URL with "upcoming.php?cat_id=4"
$cat_id = getIntValue('cat_id');
// Display timezone abbrev name
// 1 = Display all times as GMT wo/TZID
// 2 = Adjust times by user's GMT offset Show TZID
// 3 = Display all times as GMT w/TZID
$display_tzid = 2;
// End configurable settings...
// Login of calendar user to use
// '__public__' is the login name for the public user
$username = '******';
if ($allow_user_override) {
    $username = getValue('user');
    if (empty($username)) {
        $username = '******';
} else {