コード例 #1
ファイル: submissions.php プロジェクト: nunoluciano/uxcl
function entrySave($entryID = '')
	global $cat_table,$ent_table,$xoopsGTicket,$MYDIRNAME; 

	// Ticket check
	if ( ! $xoopsGTicket->check() ) {

	$xoopsDB =& Database::getInstance();
	$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();

	$entryID = !empty($_POST['entryID']) ? intval($_POST['entryID']) : 0;
	$categoryID = !empty($_POST['categoryID']) ? intval($_POST['categoryID']) : 0;
	$block = !empty($_POST['block']) ? intval($_POST['block']) : 0;
	$offline = !empty($_POST['offline']) ? intval($_POST['offline']) : 0;
	$breaks = !empty($_POST['breaks']) ? intval($_POST['breaks']) : 0;
	$html = !empty($_POST['html']) ? intval($_POST['html']) : 0;
	$smiley = !empty($_POST['smiley']) ? intval($_POST['smiley']) : 0;
	$xcodes = !empty($_POST['xcodes']) ? intval($_POST['xcodes']) : 0;
	$uid = !empty($_POST['uid']) ? intval($_POST['uid']) : 1;

//	$init = $myts -> addSlashes(getInitial($_POST['term'],$_POST['proc']));
	$term = !empty($_POST['term']) ? $myts -> addSlashes($_POST['term']) : '';
	$proc = !empty($_POST['proc']) ? $myts -> addSlashes($_POST['proc']) : '';
	$init = getInitial($term,$proc);

	$definition = !empty($_POST['definition']) ? $myts -> addSlashes($_POST['definition']) : '';
	$ref = !empty($_POST['ref']) ? $myts -> addSlashes($_POST['ref']) : '';
	$url = !empty($_POST['url']) ? $myts -> addSlashes($_POST['url']) : '';
	$notifypub = !empty($_POST['notifypub']) ? intval($_POST['notifypub']) : 0;
	$date = time();
	$proc = getJsortCode($proc);

	if ( $xoopsDB -> query( "UPDATE $ent_table SET term = '$term', proc = '$proc', init = '$init', categoryID = '$categoryID', definition = '$definition', ref = '$ref', url = '$url', uid = '$uid', submit = '0', datesub = '$date', html = '$html', smiley = '$smiley', xcodes = '$xcodes', breaks = '$breaks', block = '$block', offline = '0', notifypub = '$notifypub', request = '0' WHERE entryID = '$entryID'" ) )
		//posts count up
		$xoopsDB->query( "UPDATE ".$xoopsDB->prefix('users')." SET posts=posts+1 WHERE uid='$uid'" ) ;
		redirect_header( "submissions.php", 1, constant("_AM_{$MYDIRNAME}_ENTRYAUTHORIZED") );
		redirect_header( "submissions.php", 1, constant("_AM_{$MYDIRNAME}_ENTRYNOTUPDATED") );
コード例 #2
ファイル: submit.php プロジェクト: nunoluciano/uxcl
		$xoopsTpl -> assign ( 'lang_moduledirname', $xoopsModule->dirname() );
		$xoopsTpl -> assign ( 'lang_legendname', $legendname );
		$xoopsTpl -> assign ( 'lang_legenddesc', $legenddesc );
		$xoopsTpl -> assign ( 'lang_home', constant("_MD_{$MYDIRNAME}_HOME") );
		$xoopsTpl -> assign ( 'lang_caution', $caution);
		$xoopsTpl -> assign ( 'titleblockuse', intval($xoopsModuleConfig["titleblockuse"]) );
		$xoopsTpl -> assign ( 'h1id', $myts -> makeTboxData4Show( $xoopsModuleConfig["h1id"] ) );

		include( XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/footer.php' );

//	$init = $myts -> addSlashes(getInitial($_POST['term'],$_POST['proc']));
	$term = $myts -> addSlashes($_POST['term']);
	$proc = $myts -> addSlashes($_POST['proc']);
	$init = getInitial($term,$proc);
	$proc = getJsortCode($proc);
	$definition = !empty( $_POST['definition'] ) ? $myts -> addSlashes( $_POST['definition'] ) : '';
	$ref = !empty( $_POST['ref'] ) ? $myts -> addSlashes( $_POST['ref'] ) : '';
	$url = !empty( $_POST['url'] ) ? $myts -> addSlashes( $_POST['url'] ) : '';
	$datesub = time();
	$offline = $request = 0;

	if ( $xoopsModuleConfig['autoapprove'] == 1 )
		$submit = 0;
		$submit = 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: entry.php プロジェクト: nunoluciano/uxcl
function entrySave ($entryID = '')
	global $xoopsUser,$xoopsConfig,$mydirname,$MYDIRNAME,$cat_table,$ent_table,$xoopsGTicket;

	// Ticket check
	if ( ! $xoopsGTicket->check() ) {

	$xoopsDB =& Database::getInstance();
	$xoopsModule = XoopsModule::getByDirname("$mydirname");
	$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();

	$categoryID = !empty($_POST['categoryID']) ? intval($_POST['categoryID']) : '';
	$uid = !empty($_POST['uid']) ? intval($_POST['uid']) : '';
	$datesub = !empty($_POST['renewdate']) ? mktime( intval($_POST['autohour']), intval($_POST['automin']), 0, intval($_POST['automonth']), intval($_POST['autoday']), intval($_POST['autoyear']) ) : intval($_POST['datesub']);

	$html = !empty($_POST['html']) ? intval($_POST['html']) : 0;
	$smiley = !empty($_POST['smiley']) ? intval($_POST['smiley']) : 0;
	$xcodes = !empty($_POST['xcodes']) ? intval($_POST['xcodes']) : 0;
	$breaks = !empty($_POST['breaks']) ? intval($_POST['breaks']) : 0;

	$term = !empty($_POST['term']) ? $myts->addSlashes($_POST['term']) : '';
	$proc = !empty($_POST['proc']) ? $myts->addSlashes($_POST['proc']) : '';
	$init = getInitial($term,$proc);

	$definition = !empty($_POST['definition']) ? $myts -> addSlashes( $_POST['definition'] ) : '';
	$ref = !empty($_POST['ref']) ? $myts->addSlashes($_POST['ref']) : '';
	$url = !empty($_POST['url']) ? $myts->addSlashes($_POST['url']) : '';

	$block = !empty($_POST['block']) ? intval($_POST['block']) : 0;
	$offline = !empty($_POST['offline']) ? intval($_POST['offline']) : 0;
	$submit = 0;
	$notifypub = 0;
	$request = 0;
	$proc = getJsortCode($proc);

// Save to database
	if ( $entryID > 0 )
		if ( $xoopsDB -> query( "UPDATE $ent_table SET term = '$term', proc = '$proc', categoryID = '$categoryID', init = '$init', definition = '$definition', ref = '$ref', url = '$url', uid = '$uid', submit = '$submit', datesub = '$datesub', html = '$html', smiley = '$smiley', xcodes = '$xcodes', breaks = '$breaks', block = '$block', offline = '$offline', notifypub = '$notifypub', request = '$request' WHERE entryID = '$entryID'" ) )
			include_once( XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/'.$xoopsModule->dirname().'/entries_write.php' );	//okino
			redirect_header( "index.php", 1, constant("_AM_{$MYDIRNAME}_ENTRYMODIFIED") );
			redirect_header( "index.php", 1, constant("_AM_{$MYDIRNAME}_ENTRYNOTUPDATED") );
	else  // That is, $entryID exists, thus were editing an entry
		$date = !empty($_POST['renewdate']) ? $datesub : time();
		$uid = $xoopsUser -> uid();
		if ( $xoopsDB -> query( "INSERT INTO $ent_table (entryID, categoryID, term, proc, init, definition, ref, url, uid, submit, datesub, html, smiley, xcodes, breaks, block, offline, notifypub, request ) VALUES ('', '$categoryID', '$term', '$proc', '$init', '$definition', '$ref', '$url', '$uid', '$submit', '$date', '$html', '$smiley', '$xcodes', '$breaks', '$block', '$offline', '$notifypub', '$request' )" ) )
			include_once( XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/'.$xoopsModule->dirname().'/entries_write.php' );	//okino
		//posts count up
			$xoopsDB->query( "UPDATE ".$xoopsDB->prefix('users')." SET posts=posts+1 WHERE uid='$uid'" ) ;
			redirect_header( "index.php", 1, constant("_AM_{$MYDIRNAME}_ENTRYCREATEDOK") );
			redirect_header( "index.php", 1, constant("_AM_{$MYDIRNAME}_ENTRYNOTCREATED") );