コード例 #1
ファイル: index_new.php プロジェクト: froody/bioloid

require "html.php";
$idx = "index.php";
/* Comment out the next line to get ordinary behaviour (once this file is copied into index.php) - mdda */
$idx = "index_new.php";
$page_category = getGETValue("category", 0);
$page_categories = array(array("Information", "information.php", $idx . "?category=0"), array("Robots", "robots.php", $idx . "?category=1"), array("", ""), array("Setup", "setup.php", $idx . "?category=3"), array("First Start", "firststart.php", $idx . "?category=4"), array("", ""), array("Configuration", "configuration.php", $idx . "?category=6"), array("Console", "console.php", $idx . "?category=7"), array("Scripting Language", "scriptinglanguage.php", $idx . "?category=8"), array("", ""), array("Physics Sim :", "", ""), array("&#8226; About", "physics_about.php", $idx . "?category=11"), array("&#8226; Building", "physics_building.php", $idx . "?category=12"), array("&#8226; Running", "physics_running.php", $idx . "?category=13"), array("", "", ""), array("Download", "", "http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=225495"), array("Code Documentation", "", "./docs/html/index.html"), array("Project Page", "", "http://sourceforge.net/projects/bioloidcontrol"));
if ($page_category < 0 || $page_category >= count($page_categories)) {
    $page_category = 0;
if ($page_categories[$page_category][0] == "") {
    $page_category = 0;
$page_menu = getHTMLMenu($page_categories);
/* Passende Seite für Kategorie laden */
$page_content = (include $page_categories[$page_category][1]);
$page_footer = (include "footer.php");
$page_html = getHTMLPage($page_menu, $page_content, $page_footer);
/* Seite an Browser übermitteln/ausgeben */
//echo utf8_decode($page_html);
echo $page_html;
コード例 #2
                $showLegend = $i == 0;
                $output .= getChartResolutionStats($descr, $showLegend);
        } else {
            if ($type == "participation_stats") {
                $dataTotal = newobj(array("contestID" => FALSE, "contestName" => "Total for "));
                foreach ($contestIDs as $contestID) {
                    $data = getDataParticipation($contestID);
                    addDataParticipation($dataTotal, $data);
                    $output .= getChartParticipation($data);
                if (count($contestIDs) > 1) {
                    $extra = getDataSchoolsTotal($contestIDs);
                    $dataTotal->nbSchools = $extra->nbSchools;
                    $dataTotal->nbSchoolsForeign = $extra->nbSchoolsForeign;
                    $dataTotal->nbParticipantsForeign = $extra->nbParticipantsForeign;
                    $output .= getChartParticipation($dataTotal);
$body = "";
if (!$arg_hideBar) {
    $body .= getPageForm();
$body .= $message;
$body .= $output;
echo getHTMLPage($body);