function getTagsInfoByUrl($url) { //Load url $html = file_get_html($url); $classCount = substr_count($html, 'class="tag tag-'); if ($classCount == 0) { return getGalleryInfo($url); } if ($html == '') { $dieObj = array("error" => "404 Not Found"); echo json_encode($dieObj); die; } $tempHtml = $html->find('div[id=tag-container]', 0); //echo $tempHtml; $output = array(); $iii = 0; while ($iii < $classCount) { $tempHtmlItem = $tempHtml->find('a[class=tag]', $iii); $tagUrl = getbetween($tempHtmlItem, '<a href="/', '/"'); $tagFather = getbetween($tempHtmlItem, '<a href="/', '/'); $tagSon = getbetween($tagUrl, '/', '/"'); //echo $tagUrl . '<br>'; $tempItem = array('tagUrl' => urlencode('' . $tagUrl), 'tagFather' => $tagFather, 'tagSon' => $tagSon); array_push($output, $tempItem); $iii++; } return $output; }
/** * Recurses into a directory and writes the structure * in an associative array * @global string $pictureDir from config.php * @param string $directory The directory to recurse into * @param array $array The array to put the results in * @param int $depth How deep should it go? (Default 1) * @return array * */ function recurse_dir($directory, $array, $depth = 1, $include_info = true, $full_path = false) { // echo $directory,"<br><br>"; global $pictureDir; $dirName = basename($directory); if (!is_dir($directory)) { include '404.php'; } $gallery_info = getGalleryInfo($dirName); //get images to be ignored from gallery.json if (is_array($gallery_info["ignore"])) { $ignore_images = $gallery_info["ignore"]; } else { $ignore_images = array(); } if ($handle = opendir($directory)) { //for each entry found inside $directory while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { $path = $directory . "/" . $entry; //echo "$pictureDir -- $dirName -- $path -- $entry \n </br>"; //ignore . and .. , write directories to the array and recurse into them if ($entry != "." && $entry != ".." && !in_array($entry, $ignore_images)) { if (is_dir($path)) { $array[$entry] = array(); if ($include_info) { $array[$entry]["__info__"] = getGalleryInfo($path); } if ($depth != 0) { $array[$entry] = recurse_dir($path, $array[$entry], $depth - 1, $include_info, $full_path); } } else { if (is_image($path)) { $array[$entry] = $full_path ? $path : $entry; } } } } closedir($handle); } //echo "final"; _print_r($array); return $array; }
<?php header('content-type:text/html;charset="utf-8"'); error_reporting(0); //头部保留信息 //HoshinoTouko //2015-10-02 18:20 //引用函数 include "../functions.php"; include "../config.php"; //引用统计 include "../analysis/analysis.php"; Analysis(); //analysisMAC($MACMD5); $bookID = isset($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : -1; $MACMD5 = isset($_GET['mac']) ? intval($_GET['mac']) : 0; if ($bookID === -1) { $dieObj = array("error" => "NoID"); echo json_encode($dieObj); die; } //main $galleryDetail = getGalleryDetailById($bookID); $recommend = getGalleryInfo('' . $bookID); $galleryOutput = array("Detail" => $galleryDetail, "Recommend" => $recommend); $temp = json_encode($galleryOutput, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); echo urldecode($temp);
<?php header('content-type:text/html;charset="utf-8"'); error_reporting(0); //ͷ��������Ϣ //HoshinoTouko //2015-10-02 18:20 //���ú��� include "../functions.php"; include "../config.php"; //����ͳ�� include "../analysis/analysis.php"; Analysis(); //=========================== $pageFromHome = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : -1; if ($pageFromHome === -1) { $pageFromHome = 1; } $url = '' . $pageFromHome; $galleryInfo = getGalleryInfo($url); $temp = json_encode($galleryInfo, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); echo urldecode($temp);
if (!is_dir($pictureDir . "/" . $requested_path)) { $goToImage = basename($requested_path); $requested_path = str_replace($goToImage, "", $requested_path); } $path = $pictureDir . "/" . $requested_path; $array = recurse_dir($pictureDir . "/" . $requested_path, $galleries, 1); $galleryName = basename($requested_path); // echo $requested_path; die; include 'slideshow.php'; //showcase } else { if ($requested_path_array[0] == "showcase") { $counter = 0; $requested_path = str_replace("/showcase/", "", $requested_path); $path = $pictureDir . "/" . $requested_path; $array = flatten(recurse_dir($pictureDir . "/" . $requested_path, $galleries, 100, false, true)); shuffle($array); $galleryName = basename($requested_path); // echo $requested_path; die; include 'showcase.php'; //gallery } else { $galleryInfo = getGalleryInfo($pictureDir . "/" . $requested_path); $galleryName = "- " . $galleryInfo["name"]; $array = recurse_dir($pictureDir . "/" . $requested_path, $galleries, 1); ksort($array); $hasImages = hasImages($array); include './gallery.php'; } } }