function showFeed($feedid, $action = "unread", $catid = 0) { if (preg_match("/^read\$/", $action)) { $pullstatus = " status='N' or status='R' "; } else { $pullstatus = " status='N' "; } if (preg_match("/^all\$/", $feedid)) { $query = "select id, title, date_format(pubDate, '%H:%i') as time, date_format(pubDate, '%m%d%y') as date from main where {$pullstatus} order by pubDate DESC"; $feedname = "all"; } elseif (preg_match("/^saved\$/", $feedid)) { $query = "select id, title, date_format(pubDate, '%H:%i') as time, date_format(pubDate, '%m%d%y') as date from main where status='S' order by pubDate DESC"; $feedname = "saved"; } elseif (preg_match("/^category\$/", $feedid)) { $query = "select catname from categories where catid='{$catid}'"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $catname = $row['catname']; $query = "select id, title, date_format(pubDate, '%H:%i') as time, date_format(pubDate, '%m.%d.%y') as date from main,feeds,categories where feeds.feedcat='{$catid}' and main.status='N' and categories.catid='{$catid}' and feeds.feedid=main.feedid order by pubDate DESC"; $feedname = "{$catname}"; } else { $query = "select id, title, date_format(pubDate, '%H:%i') as time, date_format(pubDate, '%m.%d.%y') as date from main where feedid='{$feedid}' and ({$pullstatus}) order by pubDate DESC"; $fnquery = "select feedname from feeds where feedid='{$feedid}'"; $fnresult = mysql_query($fnquery); $fnrow = mysql_fetch_array($fnresult); $feedname = $fnrow['feedname']; } $result = mysql_query($query); $lightdark = "containerlight"; echo "<h2 class=\"feedname\">{$feedname}</h2>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id = $row['id']; $title = $row['title']; $time = $row['time']; $date = $row['date']; if (preg_match("/^containerlight\$/", $lightdark)) { $lightdark = "containerdark"; } else { $lightdark = "containerlight"; } if ($catid > 0) { $realfeedid = getFeedID($id); $realfeedname = getFeedName($realfeedid); $title = $title . " [ <i>" . $realfeedname . "</i> ] "; } print "<div class=\"{$lightdark}\"><div class=\"left-element\"><a href=\"showentry.php?id={$id}&catid={$catid}\">{$title}</a></div><div class=\"right-element\">{$time} • {$date}</div></div>"; } }
function view_processList($input, $inputProcessList) { $out = "<table class='catlist'><tr><th>Order</th><th>Process</th><th>Arg</th><th>Actions:</th></tr>"; $i = 0; if ($inputProcessList) { foreach ($inputProcessList as $inputProcess) { $processid = $inputProcess[0]; // Process id $argA = $inputProcess[1]; if ($processid == 1) { $processDescription = "Log to feed: "; $argA = getFeedName($argA); } if ($processid == 2) { $processDescription = "x "; } if ($processid == 3) { $processDescription = "+ "; } if ($processid == 4) { $processDescription = "Power to kWh: "; $argA = getFeedName($argA); } if ($processid == 5) { $processDescription = "to kWhd: "; $argA = getFeedName($argA); } if ($processid == 6) { $processDescription = "x input: "; $argA = getInputName($argA); } if ($processid == 7) { $processDescription = "count on time/day: "; $argA = getInputName($argA); } if ($processid == 8) { $processDescription = "kwhinc to kWhd: "; $argA = getFeedName($argA); } $i++; $out .= "<tr class='d" . ($i & 1) . "' >"; $out .= "<td>" . $i . "</td><td>" . $processDescription . "</td><td>" . $argA . "</td>"; $out .= "<td><button type='button'>Edit</button><button type='button'>Del</button></td></tr>"; } } $out .= '<tr><td>New</td><td> <form action="view" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="form" value="2"> <input type="hidden" name="input" value="' . $input . '"> <select class="processSelect" name="sel"> <option value="1">log</option> <option value="2">x</option> <option value="3">+</option> <option value="4">Power to kWh</option> <option value="5">Power to kWh/d</option> <option value="6">x input</option> <option value="7">count on time</option> <option value="8">kwhinc2kwhd</option> </select></td> <td><input type="text" name="arg" class="processBox" style="width:100px;" /></td> <td><input type="submit" value="add" /></form</td> </tr></table>'; return $out; }