function getEntryTypeName($entry, $key) { $key = str_replace('_name', '_id', $key); $entry_type = getEntryType($entry[$key]); if (!count($entry_type)) { return ''; } else { return $entry_type['entry_type_name']; } }
<td align="right"><b>' . _('Entry title') . ':</b> </td> <td>'; if ($entry['entry_title'] == '') { echo '<i>' . _('Non') . '</i>'; } else { echo $entry['entry_title']; } echo '</td> </tr>' . chr(10); echo '<tr> <td align="right">' . iconHTML('page_white_stack') . ' ' . '<b>' . _('Entry type') . ':</b> </td> <td>'; if ($entry['entry_type_id'] == '0') { echo '<i>' . _('Non') . '</i>'; } else { $entry_type = getEntryType($entry['entry_type_id']); if (count($entry_type)) { echo $entry_type['entry_type_name']; } } echo '</td> </tr>' . chr(10); echo '<tr> <td align="right">' . iconHTML('date_previous') . ' ' . '<b>' . _('Starts') . ':</b> </td> <td>'; echo date('H:i ', $entry['time_start']) . ' ' . strtolower(_(date('l', $entry['time_start']))) . ' '; echo '<a href="day.php?year=' . date('Y', $entry['time_start']) . '&month=' . date('m', $entry['time_start']) . '&day=' . date('d', $entry['time_start']) . '&area=' . $entry['area_id'] . '">' . date('j', $entry['time_start']) . '</a>. '; echo '<a href="month.php?year=' . date('Y', $entry['time_start']) . '&month=' . date('m', $entry['time_start']) . '&day=' . date('d', $entry['time_start']) . '&area=' . $entry['area_id'] . '">' . _(date('M', $entry['time_start'])) . '</a> '; echo date('Y', $entry['time_start']); echo '</td> </tr>' . chr(10);
$editor->getDB(); if (isset($_POST['editor_submit'])) { if ($editor->input($_POST)) { if ($editor->performDBquery()) { // Redirect header('Location: admin_entry_type.php'); exit; } else { echo 'Error occured while performing query on database:<br>' . chr(10), exit; } } } include "include/admin_middel.php"; $editor->printEditor(); } elseif (isset($_GET['entry_type_id']) && isset($_GET['area_id'])) { $entry_type = getEntryType($_GET['entry_type_id']); if (!count($entry_type)) { echo 'Finner ikke typen.'; exit; } $area = getArea($_GET['area_id']); if (!count($area)) { echo __('Can\'t find the area.'); exit; } $entry_type_defaultattachment = getEntryTypeDefaultAttachment($_GET['entry_type_id'], $_GET['area_id']); $saved = false; if (isset($_POST['attSave'])) { if (!isset($_POST['attachment']) || !is_array($_POST['attachment'])) { $_POST['attachment'] = array(); }
function templateAssignEntry($var, $entry) { global ${$var}; if (count($entry)) { ${$var}->assign('entry_id', $entry['entry_id']); ${$var}->assign('entry_name', $entry['entry_name']); ${$var}->assign('entry_title', $entry['entry_title']); ${$var}->assign('confirm_email', $entry['confirm_email']); if ($entry['confirm_email']) { ${$var}->assign('confirm_email2', _('yes')); } else { ${$var}->assign('confirm_email2', _('no')); } ${$var}->assign('entry_type_id', $entry['entry_type_id']); if ($entry['entry_type_id'] == 0) { $entry_type = _('Non selected'); } else { $entry_type = getEntryType($entry['entry_type_id']); if (count($entry_type)) { $entry_type = $entry_type['entry_type_name']; } else { $entry_type = 'ERROR'; } } ${$var}->assign('entry_type', $entry_type); ${$var}->assign('num_person_child', $entry['num_person_child']); ${$var}->assign('num_person_adult', $entry['num_person_adult']); ${$var}->assign('num_person_count', $entry['num_person_count']); if ($entry['num_person_count']) { ${$var}->assign('num_person_count2', _('yes')); } else { ${$var}->assign('num_person_count2', _('no')); } ${$var}->assign('program_id', $entry['program_id']); $program = getProgram($entry['program_id']); if (count($program)) { ${$var}->assign('program_id_name', $program['program_name']); ${$var}->assign('program_id_desc', $program['program_desc']); } else { ${$var}->assign('program_id_name', ''); ${$var}->assign('program_id_desc', ''); } ${$var}->assign('program_description', $entry['program_description']); ${$var}->assign('service_alco', $entry['service_alco']); if ($entry['service_alco']) { ${$var}->assign('service_alco2', _('yes')); } else { ${$var}->assign('service_alco2', _('no')); } ${$var}->assign('service_description', $entry['service_description']); ${$var}->assign('comment', $entry['comment']); ${$var}->assign('infoscreen_txt', $entry['infoscreen_txt']); ${$var}->assign('time_start', $entry['time_start']); ${$var}->assign('time_end', $entry['time_end']); ${$var}->assign('room_id', $entry['room_id']); // Room $rooms = array(); if (!count($entry['room_id'])) { $rooms[] = _('Whole area'); } elseif (count($entry['room_id']) == '1') { // Single room foreach ($entry['room_id'] as $rid) { if ($rid == '0') { $rooms[] = _('Whole area'); } else { $room = getRoom($rid); if (count($room)) { $rooms[] = $room['room_name']; } else { $rooms[] = 'ERROR'; } } } } else { foreach ($entry['room_id'] as $rid) { if ($rid != '0') { $room = getRoom($rid); if (count($room)) { $rooms[] = $room['room_name']; } else { $rooms[] = 'ERROR'; } } } } if (!count($rooms)) { $rooms[] = _('Whole area'); } ${$var}->assign('room', implode(', ', $rooms)); ${$var}->assign('rooms', $rooms); ${$var}->assign('area_id', $entry['area_id']); // Area $area = getArea($entry['area_id']); if (count($area)) { $area = $area['area_name']; } else { $area = 'ERROR'; } ${$var}->assign('area', $area); ${$var}->assign('user_assigned', $entry['user_assigned']); ${$var}->assign('user_assigned2', $entry['user_assigned2']); // User_assigned_names $names = array(); $names2 = array(); foreach ($entry['user_assigned'] as $user_id) { if ($user_id != 0) { $user = getUser($user_id); if (count($user)) { $names[] = $user['user_name']; $names2[] = '<a href="user.php?user_id=' . $user['user_id'] . '">' . $user['user_name'] . '</a>'; } else { $names[] = 'ERROR'; $names2[] = 'ERROR'; } } } if ($entry['user_assigned2'] != '') { $names[] = $entry['user_assigned2']; $names2[] = $entry['user_assigned2']; } if (!count($names)) { $names[] = _('Nobody'); $names2[] = _('Nobody'); ${$var}->assign('user_assigned_any', false); } else { ${$var}->assign('user_assigned_any', true); } ${$var}->assign('user_assigned_names', implode(', ', $names)); ${$var}->assign('user_assigned_names2', implode(', ', $names2)); ${$var}->assign('customer_id', $entry['customer_id']); ${$var}->assign('customer_name', $entry['customer_name']); ${$var}->assign('contact_person_name', $entry['contact_person_name']); ${$var}->assign('contact_person_phone', $entry['contact_person_phone']); ${$var}->assign('contact_person_email', $entry['contact_person_email']); ${$var}->assign('customer_municipal_num', $entry['customer_municipal_num']); ${$var}->assign('customer_municipal', $entry['customer_municipal']); ${$var}->assign('created_by', $entry['created_by']); // created_by_name $user = getUser($entry['created_by']); if (count($user)) { ${$var}->assign('created_by_name', $user['user_name']); } else { ${$var}->assign('created_by_name', ''); } ${$var}->assign('time_created', $entry['time_created']); ${$var}->assign('edit_by', $entry['edit_by']); // Edit_by_names $names = array(); foreach ($entry['edit_by'] as $user_id) { $user = getUser($user_id); if (count($user)) { $names[] = $user['user_name']; } else { $names[] = 'ERROR'; } } if (!count($names)) { $names[] = _('Nobody'); } ${$var}->assign('edit_by_names', implode(', ', $names)); ${$var}->assign('time_last_edit', $entry['time_last_edit']); ${$var}->assign('user_last_edit', $entry['user_last_edit']); $user = getUser($entry['user_last_edit']); if (count($user)) { ${$var}->assign('user_last_edit_name', $user['user_name']); } else { ${$var}->assign('user_last_edit_name', ''); } ${$var}->assign('rev_num', $entry['rev_num']); ${$var}->assign('invoice', $entry['invoice']); if ($entry['invoice'] == '1') { ${$var}->assign('invoice2', true); ${$var}->assign('invoice3', _('yes')); } else { ${$var}->assign('invoice2', false); ${$var}->assign('invoice3', _('no')); } ${$var}->assign('invoice_status', $entry['invoice_status']); switch ($entry['invoice_status']) { case '0': ${$var}->assign('invoice_status2', _('not to be made')); break; case '1': ${$var}->assign('invoice_status2', 'skal lages, ikke klar'); break; case '2': ${$var}->assign('invoice_status2', 'skal lages, klar til fakturering'); break; case '3': ${$var}->assign('invoice_status2', 'faktura laget og sendt'); break; case '4': ${$var}->assign('invoice_status2', 'betalt'); break; } ${$var}->assign('invoice_electronic', $entry['invoice_electronic']); if ($entry['invoice_electronic'] == '1') { ${$var}->assign('invoice_electronic2', true); ${$var}->assign('invoice_electronic3', _('yes')); } else { ${$var}->assign('invoice_electronic2', false); ${$var}->assign('invoice_electronic3', _('no')); } ${$var}->assign('invoice_email', $entry['invoice_email']); ${$var}->assign('invoice_comment', $entry['invoice_comment']); ${$var}->assign('invoice_internal_comment', $entry['invoice_internal_comment']); ${$var}->assign('invoice_ref_your', $entry['invoice_ref_your']); ${$var}->assign('invoice_address_id', $entry['invoice_address_id']); $invoice_address = getAddress($entry['invoice_address_id']); if (count($invoice_address)) { ${$var}->assign('invoice_address', $invoice_address['address_full']); } else { ${$var}->assign('invoice_address', ''); } ${$var}->assign('invoice_content', $entry['invoice_content']); ${$var}->assign('mva_vis', $entry['mva_vis']); ${$var}->assign('mva', $entry['mva']); ${$var}->assign('mva_grunnlag', $entry['mva_grunnlag']); ${$var}->assign('mva_grunnlag_sum', $entry['mva_grunnlag_sum']); ${$var}->assign('faktura_belop_sum', $entry['faktura_belop_sum']); ${$var}->assign('faktura_belop_sum_mva', $entry['faktura_belop_sum_mva']); ${$var}->assign('eks_mva_tot', $entry['eks_mva_tot']); ${$var}->assign('grunnlag_mva_tot', $entry['grunnlag_mva_tot']); } }
$conProgram = getProgram($_POST['connection_program']); if (!count($conProgram)) { include "include/admin_middel.php"; templateError('Fant ikke programmet du prøvde å koble til vedlegg nr ' . $att['att_id']); exit; } mysql_query("\n\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO `programs_defaultattachment`\n\t\t\t\t(`program_id`, `att_id`) VALUES\n\t\t\t\t('" . $conProgram['program_id'] . "', '" . $att['att_id'] . "');\n\t\t\t\t"); if (isset($_GET['redirect']) && $_GET['redirect'] == 'program') { header('Location: admin_programs.php?program_id=' . $conProgram['program_id']); } else { header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?att_id=' . $att['att_id']); } exit; } if (isset($_POST['connection_entry_type']) && isset($_POST['connection_area'])) { $conEntryType = getEntryType($_POST['connection_entry_type']); if (!count($conEntryType)) { include "include/admin_middel.php"; templateError('Fant ikke bookingtypen du prøvde å koble til vedlegg nr ' . $att['att_id']); exit; } $conArea = getArea($_POST['connection_area']); if (!count($conArea)) { include "include/admin_middel.php"; templateError('Fant ikke bygget du prøvde å koble til vedlegg nr ' . $att['att_id']); exit; } mysql_query("\n\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO `entry_type_defaultattachment`\n\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\t`entry_type_id`, \n\t\t\t\t\t`area_id`, \n\t\t\t\t\t`att_id`\n\t\t\t\t) VALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $conEntryType['entry_type_id'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $conArea['area_id'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . $att['att_id'] . "'\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t"); if (isset($_GET['redirect']) && $_GET['redirect'] == 'entry_type') { header('Location: admin_entry_type.php?entry_type_id=' . $conEntryType['entry_type_id']); } else {
function readEntryLog($log) { if (!count($log)) { return array(); } $return = array(); if ($log['log_action'] == 'add') { $middlestring = _('set to'); } else { $middlestring = _('changed to'); } foreach ($log['log_data'] as $index => $value) { if ($index != 'rev_num') { switch ($index) { case 'entry_name': if ($value == '') { $return[] = _('Entry name') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Entry name') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } break; case 'entry_title': if ($value == '') { $return[] = _('Entry title') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Entry title') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } break; case 'time_start': $return[] = _('Start time') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' <i>' . date('H:i d-m-Y', $value) . '</i>'; break; case 'time_end': $return[] = _('End time') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' <i>' . date('H:i d-m-Y', $value) . '</i>'; break; case 'area_id': $area = getArea($value); if (count($area)) { $return[] = _('Area') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' <i>' . $area['area_name'] . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Area') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' <i>--' . _('Name not found') . '--</i>'; } break; case 'room_id': $value = splittIDs($value); if (!count($value)) { $return[] = _('Room') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' <i>' . _('Whole area') . '</i>'; } else { $values = array(); foreach ($value as $id) { if ($id == '0') { $values[] = _('Whole area'); } else { $thisone = getRoom($id); if (count($thisone)) { $values[] = $thisone['room_name']; } } } $return[] = _('Room') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' <i>' . implode(', ', $values) . '</i>'; } break; case 'user_assigned': $value = splittIDs($value); if (!count($value)) { $return[] = _('Users assigned') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' <i>' . _('Nobody') . '</i>'; } else { $values = array(); foreach ($value as $id) { if ($id == '0') { $values[] = _('Nobody'); } else { $thisone = getUser($id); if (count($thisone)) { $values[] = $thisone['user_name']; } } } $return[] = _('Users assigned') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' <i>' . implode(', ', $values) . '</i>'; } break; case 'user_assigned2': if ($value == '') { $return[] = _('Manual user assigned') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Manual user assigned') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } break; /* * Not in use... case 'customer_name': $return .= _('Customer').' '.$middlestring.' "'.$value.'"'; break;*/ /* * Not in use... case 'customer_name': $return .= _('Customer').' '.$middlestring.' "'.$value.'"'; break;*/ case 'customer_id': if ($value == 0) { $return[] = _('Customer') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $customer = getCustomer($value); if (count($customer)) { $return[] = _('Customer') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' <i>' . $customer['customer_name'] . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Customer ID') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } } break; /* * Not in use... case 'customer_municipal': $return .= _('Municipal').' '.$middlestring.' "'.$value.'"'; break;*/ /* * Not in use... case 'customer_municipal': $return .= _('Municipal').' '.$middlestring.' "'.$value.'"'; break;*/ case 'customer_municipal_num': require "libs/municipals_norway.php"; if (isset($municipals[$value])) { $return[] = _('Municipal') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' <i>' . $municipals[$value] . '</i>'; } elseif ($value == '') { $return[] = _('Municipal') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Municipal') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } break; case 'contact_person_name': if ($value == '') { $return[] = _('Contact person') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Contact person') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } break; case 'contact_person_phone': if ($value == '') { $return[] = _('Contact persons phone number') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Contact persons phone number') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } break; case 'contact_person_email': if ($value == '') { $return[] = _('Contact persons email') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Contact persons email') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } break; case 'num_person_child': if ($value == "" || $value == 0) { $return[] = _('Number of children') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Number of children') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' ' . $value; } break; case 'num_person_adult': if ($value == "" || $value == 0) { $return[] = _('Number of adults') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Number of adults') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' ' . $value; } break; case 'num_person_count': if ($value == "" || $value == 0) { $return[] = _('Count these numbers') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' <i>' . _('not count in booking system / Datanova / cash register') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Count these numbers') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' <i>' . _('count in booking system') . '</i>'; } break; case 'program_description': if ($value == '') { $return[] = _('Program description') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Program description') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } break; case 'service_alco': if ($value) { $return[] = _('Alcohol') . ' <i>' . _('is to be served') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Alcohol') . ' <i>' . _('is not to be served') . '</i>'; } break; case 'service_description': if ($value == '') { $return[] = _('Service description') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Service description') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } break; case 'comment': if ($value == '') { $return[] = _('Comment') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Comment') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } break; case 'infoscreen_txt': if ($value == '') { $return[] = _('Text on infoscreen') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Text on infoscreen') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } break; case 'invoice': if ($value) { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' <i>' . _('should be made') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' <i>' . _('should not be made') . '</i>'; } break; case 'invoice_info': case 'invoice_internal_comment': if ($value == '') { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' - ' . _('Internal comment') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' - ' . _('Internal comment') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } break; case 'invoice_comment': if ($value == '') { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' - ' . _('Comment') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' - ' . _('Comment') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } break; case 'invoice_ref_your': if ($value == '') { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' - ' . _('Your reference') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' - ' . _('Your reference') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } break; case 'invoice_electronic': if ($value) { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' <i>' . _('is to be sendt by e-mail') . '</i> (' . _('E-delivery') . ')'; } else { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' <i>' . _('is to be sendt by regular mail') . '</i> (' . _('Not') . ' ' . strtolower(_('E-delivery')) . ')'; } break; case 'invoice_email': if ($value == '') { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' - ' . _('E-mail') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' - ' . _('E-mail') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } break; case 'invoice_address_id': if ($value == 0) { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' - ' . _('Address') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $address = getAddress($value); if (count($address)) { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' - ' . _('Address') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' <i>' . str_replace("\n", ', ', $address['address_full']) . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' - ' . _('Address') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } } break; case 'invoice_content': if (!is_array($value)) { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' - ' . _('Content') . ' has got syntax error in the log.'; } else { foreach ($value as $linenr => $line) { $return[] = _('Invoice') . ' - ' . _('Content') . ' - ' . _('line') . ' <i>' . $linenr . '</i> ' . $middlestring . ': ' . _('name') . ': <i>' . $line['name'] . '</i>, ' . 'pris/stk: <i>' . $line['belop_hver'] . '</i>, ' . _('amount') . ': <i>' . $line['antall'] . '</i>, ' . _('tax') . ': <i>' . $line['mva'] * 100 . '%</i>, ' . 'sum u/MVA: <i>' . $line['belop_sum_netto'] . '</i>'; } } break; case 'program_id': if ($value == 0) { $return[] = _('Fixed program') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $program = getProgram($value); if (count($program)) { $return[] = _('Fixed program') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' <i>' . $program['program_name'] . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('ID of fixed program') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } } break; case 'entry_type_id': if ($value == 0) { $return[] = _('Entry type') . ' <i>' . _('not set') . '</i>'; } else { $entry_type = getEntryType($value); if (count($entry_type)) { $return[] = _('Entry type') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' <i>' . $entry_type['entry_type_name'] . '</i>'; } else { $return[] = _('ID of entry type') . ' ' . $middlestring . ' "' . $value . '"'; } } break; case 'confirm_id': $return[] = '<a href="entry_confirm_view.php?confirm_id=' . $value . '">' . _('Confirmation sent') . '</a>'; break; case 'confirm_comment': $return[] = _('Comment') . ': ' . $value; break; default: if (substr($index, 0, 11) == 'email_faild') { $return[] = _('Confirmation was <b>not sent</b> to') . ' <i>' . $value . '</i>'; break; } elseif (substr($index, 0, 5) == 'email') { $return[] = _('Confirmation was sent to') . ' <i>' . $value . '</i>'; break; } if (is_array($value)) { $return[] = $index . ' = ' . print_r($value, true); } else { $return[] = $index . ' = ' . $value; } break; } } } return $return; }
function template_ical($entry) { // $entry = getEntry($entry_id) from sending_ical if (!count($entry)) { return ''; } $return = ''; $return .= __('Entry name') . ': ' . $entry['entry_name'] . chr(10); $return .= __('Entry ID') . ': ' . $entry['entry_id'] . chr(10); $return .= __('Entry type') . ': '; if ($entry['entry_type_id'] == '0') { $return .= __('Non'); } else { $entry_type = getEntryType($entry['entry_type_id']); if (count($entry_type)) { $return .= $entry_type['entry_type_name']; } } $return .= chr(10); $return .= __('Starts') . ': ' . date('H:i d-m-Y', $entry['time_start']) . chr(10); $return .= __('Finished') . ': ' . date('H:i d-m-Y', $entry['time_end']) . chr(10); if (count($entry['user_assigned']) > 1) { $return .= chr(10); } $return .= __('Assigned to') . ': '; if (!count($entry['user_assigned'])) { $return .= __('Nobody') . chr(10); } elseif (count($entry['user_assigned']) == '1') { foreach ($entry['user_assigned'] as $user_id) { if ($user_id == '0') { $return .= __('Nobody') . chr(10); } else { $user = getUser($user_id); if (count($user)) { $return .= $user['user_name'] . chr(10); } } } } else { foreach ($entry['user_assigned'] as $user_id) { $user = getUser($user_id); if (count($user)) { $return .= ' - ' . $user['user_name'] . chr(10); } } } $area = getArea($entry['area_id']); $return .= __('Area') . ': ' . $area['area_name'] . chr(10); $return .= __('Room') . ': '; if (!count($entry['room_id'])) { $return .= __('Whole area') . chr(10); } elseif (count($entry['room_id']) == '1') { // Single room foreach ($entry['room_id'] as $rid) { if ($rid == '0') { $return .= __('Whole area') . chr(10); } else { $room = getRoom($rid); if (count($room)) { $return .= $room['room_name'] . chr(10); } else { $return .= __('Can\'t find room') . chr(10); } } } } else { $rooms = false; foreach ($entry['room_id'] as $rid) { if ($rid != '0') { $rooms = true; $room = getRoom($rid); if (count($room)) { $return .= ' - ' . $room['room_name'] . chr(10); } } } if (!$rooms) { $return .= __('Whole area') . chr(10); } } if ($entry['customer_id'] == '0') { $return .= __('Customer') . ': ' . __('Non selected') . chr(10); } else { $return .= __('Customer') . ': ' . $entry['customer_name'] . ' (' . __('Customer ID') . ' ' . $entry['customer_id'] . ')' . chr(10); } $return .= __('Customer') . ': ' . $entry['customer_name'] . chr(10); $return .= __('Contact person') . ': ' . $entry['contact_person_name'] . chr(10); $return .= __('Contact telephone') . ': ' . $entry['contact_person_phone'] . chr(10); $return .= __('Contact persons email') . ': ' . $entry['contact_person_email'] . chr(10); $return .= __('Municipal') . ': ' . $entry['customer_municipal'] . chr(10); $user_created = getUser($entry['created_by']); if (count($user_created)) { $return .= __('Booking created by') . ': ' . $user_created['user_name'] . chr(10); } $return .= __('Comment') . ':' . chr(10); $return .= nl2br($entry['comment']); return $return; }