コード例 #1
/includes/template/img/byu-logo-small.gif" alt="BYU Logo" /></a> <a href="" id="college">Office of Information Technology</a>
				<!--Use this line if you want the default BYU logo and Department Name-->
				<!--<a href="http://www.byu.edu/" class="byu"><img src="http://<?php 
/includes/template/img/byu-logo.gif" alt="BYU Logo" /></a>-->
			<div id="search-container">
if ($auth) {
					<a href="?logout=" class="button">Logout <?php 
    echo getEmployeeName();
} else {
					<a href="?login="******"button">Route Y Log In</a>
				<!--TODO: SEARCH URL-->
				<!-- SEARCH - set up with GSA default; change URL in action if you want to use different product -->
				<form method="get" action="http://gurgle2.byu.edu/search"> 
					<!-- Change placeholder text to be specific for your implementation -->
					<input type="text" name="q" id="search" placeholder="Search Organization" />
					<input type="image" src="https://<?php 
コード例 #2

include "Includes/Connection_inc.php";
include "Includes/Functions.php";
include "DataGen.php";
//This method writes the number of orders the employee processes yearly data as XML.
//To this page, we're provided employeed Id.
$eId = $_GET['id'];
//XML Data container
$strXML = "<chart caption='Number of Orders - " . getEmployeeName($eId) . "' xAxisName='Year' palette='" . getPalette() . "' animation='" . getAnimationState() . "' >";
//Get the data for employee for 3 years - 1994,95,96
$strXML .= "<set label='1994' value='" . getNumOrders($eId, 1994) . "' />";
$strXML .= "<set label='1995' value='" . getNumOrders($eId, 1995) . "' />";
$strXML .= "<set label='1996' value='" . getNumOrders($eId, 1996) . "' />";
$strXML .= "</chart>";
//Output it
header('Content-type: text/xml');
echo $strXML;
function getNumOrders($eId, $intYear)
    // Function to connect to the DB
    $link = connectToDB();
    //Retrieve the data
    $strSQL = "SELECT Count(OrderID) As Total FROM FC_Orders WHERE YEAR(OrderDate)=" . $intYear . " and EmployeeID=" . $eId;
    $result = mysql_query($strSQL) or die(mysql_error());
    if ($result) {
        if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
            $ors = mysql_fetch_array($result);
            $getNumOrders = $ors['Total'];
        } else {
            $getNumOrders = 0;