/** * log a subscription request to the database * @param string $recipientEmail the email address of the recipient * @param string $recipientName the name of the recipient * @param array $fields set of fields (answers) to assign to the user record * @param string $listId unique identifier for the list * @param string $clientId unique identifier for the client making the request * @return null */ public function log($recipientEmail, $recipientName, $fields, $listId, $clientId) { $logged = $this->repo->store(["list_id" => $listId, "client_id" => $clientId, "recipient_email" => $recipientEmail, "recipient_name" => $recipientName, "fields" => json_encode($fields), "requested" => getDateTime()]); if (!$logged) { return apiErrorResponse('badRequest', ['errors' => "There was a problem with the request."]); } Event::fire('RequestWasLogged'); return apiSuccessResponse('ok'); }
public function match($data1, $data2) { $Kundali = new Library_Kundali(); $fromDate = getDateTime($data1['dob']); $toDate = getDateTime($data2['dob']); $returnArrFrom = $Kundali->precalculate($fromDate['month'], $fromDate['day'], $fromDate['year'], $fromDate['hour'], $fromDate['minute'], $data1['zone_h'], $data1['zone_m'], $data1['lon_h'], $data1['lon_m'], $data1['lat_h'], $data1['lat_m'], $data1['dst'], $data1['lon_e'], $data1['lat_s']); $returnArrTo = $Kundali->precalculate($toDate['month'], $toDate['day'], $toDate['year'], $toDate['hour'], $toDate['minute'], $data2['zone_h'], $data2['zone_m'], $data2['lon_h'], $data2['lon_m'], $data2['lat_h'], $data2['lat_m'], $data2['dst'], $data2['lon_e'], $data2['lat_s']); $pts = $Kundali->getpoints($returnArrFrom[9], $returnArrTo[9]); $finalPoints = array('points' => $pts, 'result' => $Kundali->interpret($pts)); return array($returnArrFrom, $returnArrTo, $finalPoints); }
function expense_voucher_detail($voucher_id, $voucher_paid_from_account, $expense_type, $expense_detail, $expense_ammount, $expense_attachment) { $now = getDateTime(0, 'mySQL'); $insert = DB::Insert(DB_PREFIX . $_SESSION['co_prefix'] . 'voucher_expense_detail', array('voucher_id' => $voucher_id, 'expense_account_id' => $voucher_paid_from_account, 'expense_type' => $expense_type, 'expense_description' => $expense_detail, 'expense_amount' => $expense_ammount, 'has_attachment' => $expense_attachment, 'created_by' => $_SESSION['user_name'], 'created_on' => $now, 'voucher_detail_status' => 'Draft')); $voucher_detail_id = DB::insertId(); if ($voucher_detail_id) { return $voucher_detail_id; return $voucher_id; } else { return 0; } }
/** * set the appropriate attempt count for the row * @param array $queueItem the database record for the queued item * @return null */ protected function setAttempt($queueItem, $attempt) { $data = ["attempt_{$attempt}" => getDateTime()]; # if this was the final attempt if ($attempt == 3) { $data['failed_all_attempts'] = true; $this->notifyAllFailed(); } # update the database to reflect the attempt DB::table($this->table)->where('id', $queueItem->id)->update($data); # and request we re-queue the items $this->requeue(); }
function add_coa($account_code, $account_group, $account_desc_short, $account_desc_long, $parent_account_id, $account_type) { $consolidate_only = 0; $activity_account = 0; $has_parent = 0; $has_children = 0; $coa_level = 1; $code_exists = 0; $desc_exists = 0; if ($parent_account_id != 0) { $has_parent = 1; } if ($has_parent == 1) { $coa_level = get_account_level($parent_account_id) + 1; } if ($account_type == "consolidate_only") { $consolidate_only = 1; } if ($account_type == "activity_account") { $activity_account = 1; } if (account_code_exists($account_code)) { $code_exists = 1; } //check if account desc already exists if (account_desc_exists($account_desc_short)) { $desc_exists = 1; } if ($code_exists != 1 and $desc_exists != 1) { $insert = DB::Insert(DB_PREFIX . $_SESSION['co_prefix'] . 'coa', array('account_code' => $account_code, 'account_group' => $account_group, 'account_desc_short' => $account_desc_short, 'account_desc_long' => $account_desc_long, 'activity_account' => $activity_account, 'consolidate_only' => $consolidate_only, 'has_parent' => $has_parent, 'coa_level' => $coa_level, 'has_children' => $has_children, 'parent_account_id' => $parent_account_id, 'last_modified_by' => $_SESSION['user_name'], 'last_modified_on' => getDateTime(date('now'), "mySQL"), 'created_by' => $_SESSION['user_name'], 'created_on' => getDateTime(date('now'), "mySQL"), 'account_status' => 'Active')); $new_coa_id = DB::insertId(); if ($new_coa_id > 0 and $has_parent == 1) { DB::update(DB_PREFIX . $_SESSION['co_prefix'] . 'coa', array('has_children' => 1), "account_id=%s", $parent_account_id); } return $new_coa_id; } else { return "0"; } }
//$horo = new Models_Horo(); $city = findCity($_GET['city_id']); //clearing user sql $modelGeneral->clearCache($userSql); //updating the city if ($uid == $_SESSION['user']['id']) { $data = array(); $md5Check = md5($userDetails['horo_cities']); $horo_cities[$city['id']] = $city['name']; $data['horo_cities'] = json_encode($horo_cities); $md5Check2 = md5($data['horo_cities']); if ($md5Check != $md5Check2) { updateSettings($_SESSION['user']['id'], $data); } } $fromDate = getDateTime($_GET['from_date']); $date = $fromDate['year'] . '-' . $fromDate['month'] . '-' . $fromDate['day']; $past = ''; $returnResult = array(); for ($counter = 0; $counter < $_GET['no_days']; $counter++) { $day = date('d', strtotime("{$date} +{$counter} day")); $month = date('m', strtotime("{$date} +{$counter} day")); $year = date('Y', strtotime("{$date} +{$counter} day")); for ($j = 0; $j < 24; $j = $j + 1) { $hour = $j; $dob = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day . ' ' . $hour . ':00:00'; $data2 = array_merge($city, array('dob' => $dob)); $result = $horo->match($userDetails, $data2); if ($past == $result[1][9]) { continue; } else {
$js_global = ''; $js_global .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . DOMAIN_STATIC . '/themes' . $_version . '/pc/js/jquery.min.js?v=' . $cache_version . '"></script>'; $js_global .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . DOMAIN_STATIC . '/themes' . $_version . '/pc/js/bootstrap.min.js?v=' . $cache_version . '"></script>'; $js_global .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . DOMAIN_STATIC . '/themes' . $_version . '/tuthuoc/js/tuthuoc.js?v=' . $cache_version . '"></script>'; //google analytics if (!DEBUG_LOCAL) { $js_global .= '<script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i["GoogleAnalyticsObject"]=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,"script","//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js","ga"); ga("require","displayfeatures"); ga("create", "UA-55614065-1", "auto"); ga("send", "pageview"); </script>'; $js_global .= '<script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/vi_VN/sdk.js#xfbml=1&appId=1561038610796934&version=v2.0"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, "script", "facebook-jssdk"));</script>'; $js_global .= '<script lang="javascript"> (function() {var _h1= document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0] || false; var product_name = ""; if(_h1){product_name= _h1.textContent || _h1.innerText;}var ga = document.createElement("script"); ga.type = "text/javascript"; ga.src = "//live.vnpgroup.net/js/web_client_box.php?hash=5fae10239172918a62dab2e4d330c339&data=eyJoYXNoIjoiODY5ZmViOWVhOWYxOGViZDNlNDhhNmZhMDQ3NjdkMWMiLCJzc29faWQiOjExM30-&pname="+product_name; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script");s[0].parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s[0]);})(); </script>'; } $tpl_constants = array('css_global' => $css_global, 'js_global' => $js_global, 'loading_image' => '<span class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin"></span>', 'string_time' => getDateTime(), 'string_wday' => getDateTime(1, 1, 0, 0, ''), 'string_date' => 'Ngày ' . date('d/m'), 'fanpage_link' => 'https://www.facebook.com/suckhoeankhang');
foreach ($client_comments as $comment) { ?> <div class="box-comment"> <img class="img-circle img-sm" alt="User Image" src="<?php echo get_user_avatar_url($comment['created_by'], '50'); ?> " /> <div class="comment-text"> <span class="username"> <?php echo get_user_full_name($comment['created_by']); ?> <span class="text-muted pull-right"> <?php echo getDateTime($comment['created_on'], "dtShort"); ?> </span> </span> <?php echo $comment['comment']; ?> </div> </div> <?php } } else { echo '<div class="box-comment"><div class="comment-text">No Client Notes Added</div></div>'; } ?>
/** * Check Post-Vars und Data Validation * * @return Boolean */ function getPostVars() { $todo_foo = new todo_foo(); $event = true; if (empty($_POST['todotitle'])) { $this->errors[] = 'err_100'; $event = false; } else { $todo_foo->todo_title = clearVars($_POST['todotitle']); } if (empty($_POST['todoprio'])) { $this->errors[] = 'err_101'; $event = false; } else { $todo_foo->todo_prio = clearVars($_POST['todoprio']); } if (!empty($_POST['todostart'])) { $todo_foo->todo_start = getDateTime($_POST['todostart']); $todo_foo->show_start = $_POST['todostart']; } if (!empty($_POST['todofinish'])) { $todo_foo->todo_finish = getDateTime($_POST['todofinish'], true); $todo_foo->show_finish = $_POST['todofinish']; } if (!empty($_SESSION['edit_todo_id'])) { $todo_foo->todo_id = (int) $_SESSION['edit_todo_id']; } if (!empty($_POST['movefield'])) { $todo_foo->move = $_POST['movefield']; } if (!empty($_POST['todoproject'])) { $todo_foo->todo_pr_id = $_POST['todoproject']; } else { $todo_foo->todo_pr_id = '0'; } $todo_foo->todo_warndiff = isset($_POST['todowarndiff']) ? $_POST['todowarndiff'] : 0; $todo_foo->todo_privat = isset($_POST['todoprivat']) ? $_POST['todoprivat'] : 0; if (!empty($_POST['tododof'])) { $todo_foo->todo_statusbar = $_POST['tododof']; } if (isset($_POST['todoagreed'])) { $todo_foo->todo_status = $_POST['todoagreed']; } if (!empty($_POST['todocomment'])) { $todo_foo->todo_comment = clearVars($_POST['todocomment']); } $this->todo_foo = $todo_foo; return $event; }
unset($db_detail); if (!$detail_data) { error_404_document(); } //tăng view cho tin $db_update_view = new db_execute('UPDATE news SET new_view = new_view + 1 WHERE new_id = ' . $iNews); unset($db_update_view); //lấy chi tiết tin $sql_news_content = 'SELECT ndt_content FROM news_detail WHERE ndt_id = ' . $iNews; $db_content = new db_query($sql_news_content); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($db_content->result); unset($db_content); $detail_data['new_detail'] = $row['ndt_content']; $datetime_facebook = $detail_data['new_date']; $datetime_detail_timestamp = $detail_data['new_date']; $detail_data['new_date'] = getDateTime(1, 1, 1, 1, '', $detail_data['new_date']); $detail_data['link_cat'] = generate_cat_url($detail_data); $detail_data['new_picture'] = get_picture_path($detail_data['new_picture'], 'large'); $detail_data['facebook_share_link'] = 'http://khang.vn' . generate_news_detail_url($detail_data); $detail_data['facebook_social'] = array(); $detail_data['facebook_social']['like'] = get_facebook_like_button($detail_data['facebook_share_link']); $detail_data['facebook_social']['comment'] = get_facebook_comment_frame($detail_data['facebook_share_link']); $detail_data['facebook_social']['embed'] = get_facebook_embedded_post($detail_data['facebook_share_link']); $detail_data['new_teaser'] = $detail_data['new_teaser'] ? $detail_data['new_teaser'] : cut_string(removeHTML($detail_data['new_detail']), 200, '...'); $color_cat = get_color_category($detail_data['cat_id']); $rainTpl->assign('color_cat', $color_cat); $rainTpl->assign('page_title', $detail_data['new_title']); $rainTpl->assign('detail_data', $detail_data); //query ra các tin cùng chuyên mục $sql_cat_list_news = 'SELECT new_id, new_picture,
function errorLog(string $msg) { logError("[err]{$msg};request ip:" . onLineIp() . ";url:" . getUrl() . ";ReferUrl:" . getReferUrl() . ";time:" . getDateTime()); // throw new Exception("[err]$msg;request ip:".onLineIp().";url:".getUrl().";ReferUrl:".getReferUrl().";time:".getDateTime()); }
<abbr class="timeago" title="<?php echo $company['last_modified_on']; ?> "> </abbr></td> <td width="65%"><p><strong>Last modified</strong> by User :<b>[ <?php echo $company['last_modified_by']; ?> ]</b> at <b>[ <?php echo getDateTime($company['last_modified_on'], 'dtLong'); ?> ]</b>. Record was <b>first created</b> by User : <b>[ <?php echo $company['created_by']; ?> ]</b> at <b>[ <?php echo getDateTime($company['created_on'], 'dtShort'); ?> ]</b>. Company <b>Status</b> is<b> [ <?php echo $company['company_status']; ?> ] </b>. Click here to view history of changes to company ID: <strong><?php echo $company['company_id']; ?> </strong> . </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
function detail() { # form validation settings $rules = array(array('field' => 'body', 'label' => 'Comment', 'rules' => 'trim|required|min_length[3]|max_length[1500]|htmlspecialchars|xss_clean')); $this->form_validation->set_message('required', '%s required'); $this->form_validation->set_message('min_length', '%s too short'); $this->form_validation->set_message('max_length', '%s too long'); $this->form_validation->set_rules($rules); # valid input if ($this->form_validation->run() == TRUE) { # verify humanity and redirect if bot if ($_POST['human'] != "") { redirect('shout'); } else { # remove value from array unset($_POST['human']); } # get IP $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; # seed array with post data and extend $data = $_POST; $data['ip'] = $ip; $data['date'] = getDateTime(); # format urls and mailtos: auto_link([input string], [url, email, both], [open links in new window?]) $data['body'] = auto_link($data['body'], 'both', TRUE); $this->db->insert('comments', $data); $this->db->update('submissions', array('lastpost' => getDateTime()), array('id' => $data['submission_id'])); redirect('shout/detail/' . $data['submission_id']); } # get comments $data['submission_id'] = $this->uri->segment(3); # verify that shout exists before continuing $this->db->where('id', $data['submission_id']); $results = $this->db->count_all_results('submissions'); if ($results < 1) { redirect('shout'); } # prep pagination $config['per_page'] = '10'; $config['uri_segment'] = 5; $config['base_url'] = base_url() . 'shout/detail/' . $data['submission_id'] . '/more'; $config['first_link'] = ''; $config['last_link'] = ''; $config['prev_link'] = '← Newer'; $config['next_link'] = 'Older →'; $config['full_tag_open'] = "<div id='page_nav_links'>"; $config['full_tag_close'] = "</div>"; $this->db->select('id'); $this->db->where('submission_id', $data['submission_id']); $config['total_rows'] = $this->db->count_all_results('comments'); $this->pagination->initialize($config); # get uri data $data['db_offset'] = $this->uri->segment(5); # get(table, limit, offset) $this->db->select('id, body, ip, date'); $this->db->where('submission_id', $data['submission_id']); $this->db->order_by("date", "desc"); $data['comments'] = $this->db->get('comments', $config['per_page'], $data['db_offset']); $data['before'] = $config['total_rows']; $data['after'] = $data['comments']->num_rows; $data['pageNavLinks'] = $this->pagination->create_links(); # get the shout's content $this->db->select('id, title, body, ip, date'); $data['shout'] = $this->db->get_where('submissions', array('id' => $data['submission_id'])); # finally... $this->load->view('detail_view', $data); }
case 1: $tip = "sin(60 is" . sin(6); break; case 2: $tip = "The square root of {$r} is " . sqrt($r); break; case 3: $tip = "987654321 is formatted to " . number_format('987654321', $r, '.', ','); break; case 4: $tip = "Your digital ID is " . uniqid(); break; case 5: $tip = "2<sup>{$r}</sup> is " . pow(2, $r); break; case 6: $tip = "{$r} in binary format is " . decbin($r); break; default: $tip = "Natural logarithms, <i>e</i>, to the power of {$r} is " . exp($r); break; } echo $tip; echo "<hr size='1'>"; function getDateTime() { date_default_timezone_set("America/Los_Angeles"); echo date('l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A'); } getDateTime();
function compatibleDateTimes($baseArray, $otherArray) { $baseDates = getDateTime($baseArray); $otherDates = getDateTime($baseArray); $found = true; for ($i = 1; $i < count($baseDates) && $found; $i++) { //for each item in base array, search for its counterpart; stop searching if one entry cannot be found $found = false; for ($j = 0; $j < count($otherDates) && !$found; $j++) { //keep searching if the element has not been found if ($baseDates[$i] == $otherDates[$j]) { $found = true; } } } return $found; }
* *************** ADD PHOTOS FORM ********************** * ***********************************************************/ /********************************************************* * *************** ADD PHOTOS FORM ********************** * ***********************************************************/ case "add_talent_photo": $talent_id = $_POST['talent_id']; $photo_caption = $_POST['photo_caption']; $created_by = $_SESSION['user_id']; $created_on = getDateTime(NULL, "mySQL"); $last_modified_by = $_SESSION['user_id']; $last_modified_on = getDateTime(NULL, "mySQL"); if ($talent_id > 0 and $talent_id != "") { //check if the file is uploaded and process the file if file is uploaded if (!file_exists($_FILES['talent_photo']['tmp_name']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['talent_photo']['tmp_name'])) { // do nothing } else { //if photo is uploaded process the file with upload class // process Talent Photos Information edit form DB::insert('tams_talent_photos', array('talent_id' => $talent_id, 'photo_caption' => $photo_caption, 'created_by' => $created_by, 'created_on' => $created_on, 'last_modified_by' => $last_modified_by, 'last_modified_on' => $last_modified_on)); $photo_id = DB::insertId(); $photo_name .= $talent_id . "_" . $photo_id; $handle = new upload($_FILES['talent_photo']); if ($handle->uploaded) { $handle->file_new_name_body = $photo_name; $handle->allowed = array('image/*'); // $handle->file_overwrite = true;
<p><?php echo $voucher_desc; ?> </p> </div><!-- /.col --> <div class="col-sm-4 "> <b>JV ID: </b> <?php echo $voucher_id; ?> </b><br/> <b>Voucher Ref#:</b> <?php echo $voucher_ref; ?> <br/> <b>Voucher Date:</b> <?php echo getDateTime($voucher_date, "dLong"); ?> <br/> </div><!-- /.col --> </div><!-- /.row --> </div><!-- /.box-body --> <div class="box-footer"> <small> Explanation text for JV header</small> </div><!-- /.box-footer--> </div><!-- /.box --> </section><!-- /.content -->
ob_flush(); } if (empty($usrcfg->language)) { $language = DEFAULTLANGUAGE; } else { $language = $usrcfg->language; } require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lang/' . $language . '.php'; if (isset($_POST['users'])) { $users = $user->empl_position >= 50 ? $_POST['users'] : array($user->empl_id); } else { $users = array($user->empl_id); } $taet = new taet(); $expstart = getDateTime($_POST['expstart']); $expfinish = getDateTime($_POST['expfinish']) + 60 * 60 * 24; $projectsarr = $_POST['expprojectid']; $groupby = $_POST['groupby']; $options1 = isset($_POST['options1']) ? $_POST['options1'] : array(); if (isset($_POST['taetexport'])) { $options1[] = 'users'; } $options2 = isset($_POST['options2']) ? $_POST['options2'] : array(); $options3 = isset($_POST['options3']) ? $_POST['options3'] : array(); switch ($groupby) { case 'userprojects': $options = $options1; $zusatz = ''; $xsl_template = 'export.xsl'; break; case 'projects':
function updatePoints($id, $id2) { if (empty($id) || empty($id2)) { return false; } if ($id == $id2) { //return false; } //$modelGeneral = new Models_General(); global $modelGeneral; $return = array(); $params = array(); $t = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 5; $params['where'] = sprintf(" AND ((user1 = %s AND user2 = %s) OR (user1 = %s AND user2 = %s))", $modelGeneral->qstr($id), $modelGeneral->qstr($id2), $modelGeneral->qstr($id2), $modelGeneral->qstr($id), $t); $check = $modelGeneral->getDetails('user_points', 1, $params); if (empty($check)) { $modelGeneral->clearCache($modelGeneral->sql); } if (!empty($check)) { foreach ($check as $k => $v) { $return[$v['user1']][$v['user2']]['points'] = $v['points']; $return[$v['user1']][$v['user2']]['results'] = $v['results']; } return $return; } //getting points from api $params = array(); $params['where'] = sprintf(" AND (settings.uid = %s OR settings.uid = %s)", $modelGeneral->qstr($id), $modelGeneral->qstr($id2)); $settingsDetail = $modelGeneral->getDetails('settings LEFT JOIN geo_cities ON settings.birth_city_id = geo_cities.cty_id', 1, $params, $t); if (count($settingsDetail) == 1) { $settingsDetail[1] = $settingsDetail[0]; } if (count($settingsDetail) == 2) { $sql = $modelGeneral->sql; if (empty($settingsDetail[0]['extraDetails'])) { $tmp = findCity($settingsDetail[0]['cty_id']); $settingsDetail[0] = array_merge($settingsDetail[0], $tmp); } if (empty($settingsDetail[1]['extraDetails'])) { $tmp = findCity($settingsDetail[1]['cty_id']); $settingsDetail[1] = array_merge($settingsDetail[1], $tmp); } if (!empty($settingsDetail[0]['dob']) && !empty($settingsDetail[1]['dob']) && !empty($settingsDetail[0]['birth_city_id']) && !empty($settingsDetail[1]['birth_city_id'])) { $Kundali = new Library_Kundali(); //fetching for first user $fromDate = getDateTime($settingsDetail[0]['dob']); $toDate = getDateTime($settingsDetail[1]['dob']); $returnArrFrom = $Kundali->precalculate($fromDate['month'], $fromDate['day'], $fromDate['year'], $fromDate['hour'], $fromDate['minute'], $settingsDetail[0]['zone_h'], $settingsDetail[0]['zone_m'], $settingsDetail[0]['lon_h'], $settingsDetail[0]['lon_m'], $settingsDetail[0]['lat_h'], $settingsDetail[0]['lat_m'], $settingsDetail[0]['dst'], $settingsDetail[0]['lon_e'], $settingsDetail[0]['lat_s']); $returnArrTo = $Kundali->precalculate($toDate['month'], $toDate['day'], $toDate['year'], $toDate['hour'], $toDate['minute'], $settingsDetail[0]['zone_h'], $settingsDetail[1]['zone_m'], $settingsDetail[1]['lon_h'], $settingsDetail[1]['lon_m'], $settingsDetail[1]['lat_h'], $settingsDetail[1]['lat_m'], $settingsDetail[1]['dst'], $settingsDetail[1]['lon_e'], $settingsDetail[1]['lat_s']); $pts = $Kundali->getpoints($returnArrFrom[9], $returnArrTo[9]); $finalPoints = array('points' => $pts, 'result' => $Kundali->interpret($pts)); $d = array(); $d['user1'] = $settingsDetail[0]['uid']; $d['user2'] = $settingsDetail[1]['uid']; $d['points'] = $finalPoints['points']; $d['results'] = $finalPoints['result']; $v = array('from' => $returnArrFrom, 'to' => $returnArrTo, 'pts' => $pts, 'result' => $finalPoints); $d['details'] = json_encode($v); $modelGeneral->addDetails('user_points', $d); $return[$d['user1']][$d['user2']]['points'] = $d['points']; $return[$d['user1']][$d['user2']]['results'] = $d['results']; //fetching for second user $fromDate = getDateTime($settingsDetail[1]['dob']); $toDate = getDateTime($settingsDetail[0]['dob']); $returnArrFrom = $Kundali->precalculate($fromDate['month'], $fromDate['day'], $fromDate['year'], $fromDate['hour'], $fromDate['minute'], $settingsDetail[1]['zone_h'], $settingsDetail[1]['zone_m'], $settingsDetail[1]['lon_h'], $settingsDetail[1]['lon_m'], $settingsDetail[1]['lat_h'], $settingsDetail[1]['lat_m'], $settingsDetail[1]['dst'], $settingsDetail[1]['lon_e'], $settingsDetail[1]['lat_s']); $returnArrTo = $Kundali->precalculate($toDate['month'], $toDate['day'], $toDate['year'], $toDate['hour'], $toDate['minute'], $settingsDetail[0]['zone_h'], $settingsDetail[0]['zone_m'], $settingsDetail[0]['lon_h'], $settingsDetail[0]['lon_m'], $settingsDetail[0]['lat_h'], $settingsDetail[0]['lat_m'], $settingsDetail[0]['dst'], $settingsDetail[0]['lon_e'], $settingsDetail[0]['lat_s']); $pts = $Kundali->getpoints($returnArrFrom[9], $returnArrTo[9]); $finalPoints = array('points' => $pts, 'result' => $Kundali->interpret($pts)); $d = array(); $d['user1'] = $settingsDetail[1]['uid']; $d['user2'] = $settingsDetail[0]['uid']; $d['points'] = $finalPoints['points']; $d['results'] = $finalPoints['result']; $v = array('from' => $returnArrFrom, 'to' => $returnArrTo, 'pts' => $pts, 'result' => $finalPoints); $d['details'] = json_encode($v); $modelGeneral->addDetails('user_points', $d); $return[$d['user1']][$d['user2']]['points'] = $d['points']; $return[$d['user1']][$d['user2']]['results'] = $d['results']; $modelGeneral->clearCache($sql); } } return $return; }
/** * 更新 * @param unknown_type $newRecord */ public static function updateIt($id, $newRecord) { $oldRecord = self::getDetail($id); if ($oldRecord == null) { //旧记录不存在 return false; } //比较新旧记录 $updateStr = DBQuery::toUpdateStr($oldRecord, $newRecord); if ($updateStr == "") { //没有变化,无需更新 return true; } $updateStr .= ",ChangeTime='" . getDateTime() . "'"; $sql = "UPDATE fastphp_SampleTable SET {$updateStr} WHERE ID='{$id}'"; DBQuery::instance()->executeUpdate($sql); return true; }
?> </head> <body> <div data-role='page'> <?php include 'header.php'; ?> <div data-role='content'> <h1>Notifications</h1> <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM Notifications WHERE mid = " . $_SESSION['mid'] . " AND status = 1 ORDER BY NotificationIssued DESC;"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { error_log(mysql_error()); } else { if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) { echo "<h3>" . _("You have no unread notifications") . "</h3>"; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo "<b>Date & Time:</b> " . getDateTime($row['NotificationIssued']) . " <br /><b>Problem:</b> " . notificationTitle($row['ntype']) . "<br />"; echo notificationText($row['ntype']); echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"m.notifications.post.php\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"MarkRead\" value=\"" . $row['nid'] . "\"/><input value=\"" . _("Mark As Read") . "\" type=\"submit\"></form><br/>"; } } include 'footer.php'; ?> </div> </div> </body> </html>
public function userSave() { $user_id = getFormGetPostValue("user_id"); $user_name = getFormGetPostValue("user_name"); $real_name = getFormGetPostValue("real_name"); $password = getFormGetPostValue("password"); $mail = getFormGetPostValue("mail"); $role_ids = getFormGetPostValue("role_ids"); $data["user_name"] = $user_name; $data["real_name"] = $real_name; $data["mail"] = $mail; $Model = M("SysUser"); $RoleUser = M("sysRoleUser"); $Model->startTrans(); $result = false; if (!empty($user_id)) { if (!empty($password)) { $data["password"] = md5($password); } $data["update_time"] = getDateTime(); $result = $Model->where("user_id=%u", $user_id)->save($data); } else { if (empty($password)) { $data["password"] = md5('123456'); } else { $data["password"] = md5($password); } $time = getDateTime(); $data["create_time"] = $time; $data["update_time"] = $time; $result = $Model->data($data)->add(); } if ($result !== false) { if (!empty($user_id)) { $RoleUser->where("user_id=%u", $user_id)->delete(); } if (!empty($user_id) && !empty($role_ids)) { $map = array(); $rolesIds = explode(',', $role_ids); foreach ($rolesIds as $value) { $map[] = array('id' => getGuid(), 'role_id' => $value, 'user_id' => $user_id); } if ($RoleUser->addAll($map) === false) { $Model->rollback(); $this->returnStatus(false, '设置权限失败'); } } } else { $Model->rollback(); $this->returnStatus(false, '修改用户信息失败'); } $Model->commit(); $this->ajaxReturn(returnStatus()); }
/** * Check Post-Vars und Data Validation * * @return Boolean */ function getPostVars () { $taet_foo = new taet_foo(); $event = true; if (empty($_POST['activitydescription'])) { $this->errors[] = 'err_300'; $event = false; } else { $taet_foo->taet_short_desc = clearVars($_POST['activitydescription']); } $taet_foo->taet_full_desc = empty($_POST['description']) ? '' : clearVars($_POST['description']); if (!empty($_POST['taetid'])) { $taet_foo->taet_id = $_POST['taetid']; } $taet_foo->shourActive = $_POST['shour']; $taet_foo->sminActive = $_POST['smin']; $taet_foo->dhourActive = $_POST['dhour']; $taet_foo->dminActive = $_POST['dmin']; $taet_foo->fhourActive = $_POST['fhour']; $taet_foo->fminActive = $_POST['fmin']; if ($taet_foo->fhourActive > 23) $taet_foo->fminActive = 0; if (!empty($_POST['taetdate'])) { $taet_start = getDateTime($_POST['taetdate']); if (!$taet_start) { $this->errors[] = 'err_302'; $event = false; } $taet_foo->show_taetdate = $_POST['taetdate']; $taet_foo->taet_start = mktime($taet_foo->shourActive,$taet_foo->sminActive,0,(int) date('m',$taet_start),(int) date('d',$taet_start),(int) date('Y',$taet_start)); $taet_foo->taet_finish = mktime($taet_foo->fhourActive,$taet_foo->fminActive,0,(int) date('m',$taet_start),(int) date('d',$taet_start),(int) date('Y',$taet_start)); $_SESSION['taetdate'] = $taet_foo->taet_start; } else { $taet_foo->show_taetdate = ''; $this->errors[] = 'err_302'; $event = false; } if (empty($_POST['projectposid']) || empty($_POST['projectid'])) { $this->errors[] = 'err_301'; $event = false; } else { $taet_foo->taet_prpos_id = $_POST['projectposid']; $_SESSION['prpos_id'] = $_POST['projectposid']; $_SESSION['projectnr'] = $_POST['projectid']; $taet_foo->projectActive = $_POST['projectid']; } $this->taet_foo = $taet_foo; return $event; }
--> </div> <div id="past" class="content supplement"> <h1><img src="image/rnotification.gif" width=48 height=48 alt=""/> <?php echo _("Read Notifications"); ?> </h1> <div class='notificationText'> </div> <!-- <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM Notifications WHERE mid = " . $_SESSION['mid'] . " AND status = 2 ORDER BY NotificationIssued DESC;"; $result = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<b>" . _("Date & Time") . ":</b> " . getDateTime($row['NotificationIssued']) . " <br /><b>" . _("Problem") . ":</b> " . notificationTitle($row['ntype']) . "<br />"; echo notificationText($row['ntype']); } ?> --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php page_footer(); ?> </div> <script type='text/javascript' src='js/notifications.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript'>
$tbl_draft->addCell('Date', '', 'header'); $tbl_draft->addCell('Ref #', '', 'header'); $tbl_draft->addCell('Description', '', 'header'); $tbl_draft->addCell('Debit', '', 'header'); $tbl_draft->addCell('Credit', '', 'header'); $tbl_draft->addCell('Info', '', 'header'); $tbl_draft->addCell('Actions', '', 'header'); ?> <?php $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . $_SESSION['co_prefix'] . 'journal_vouchers WHERE voucher_status="draft" ORDER by voucher_id DESC'; $draft_jvs = DB::query($sql); foreach ($draft_jvs as $draft_jv) { $tbl_draft->addRow(); $tbl_draft->addCell($draft_jv['voucher_id']); $tbl_draft->addCell(getDateTime($draft_jv['voucher_date'], "dShort")); $tbl_draft->addCell($draft_jv['voucher_ref_no']); $tbl_draft->addCell($draft_jv['voucher description']); $tbl_draft->addCell($draft_jv['debits_total']); $tbl_draft->addCell($draft_jv['credits_total']); $tbl_draft->addCell("More info here like created on, last modify etc"); $tbl_draft->addCell("<a class='pull btn btn-primary btn-xs' href ='" . SITE_ROOT . "?route=modules/gl/transactions/journal_vouchers/add_journal_voucher_detail&voucher_id=" . $draft_jv['voucher_id'] . "'>Edit <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-edit'></span></a> <a class='pull btn btn-danger btn-xs' href ='#'>Delete <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-trash'></span></a>"); } //Journal Vouchers Pending Approvel $tbl_pending = new HTML_Table('', 'table table-striped table-bordered'); $tbl_pending->addRow(); $tbl_pending->addCell('Voucher ID', '', 'header'); $tbl_pending->addCell('Ref #', '', 'header'); $tbl_pending->addCell('Voucher Description', '', 'header'); $tbl_pending->addCell('Total Amount', '', 'header'); $tbl_pending->addCell('Voucher Approved By', '', 'header');
function findHoroInfo($data) { if (empty($data['dob'])) { return false; } $Kundali = new Library_Kundali(); $fromDate = getDateTime($data['dob']); $returnArrFrom = $Kundali->precalculate($fromDate['month'], $fromDate['day'], $fromDate['year'], $fromDate['hour'], $fromDate['minute'], $data['zone_h'], $data['zone_m'], $data['lon_h'], $data['lon_m'], $data['lat_h'], $data['lat_m'], $data['dst'], $data['lon_e'], $data['lat_s']); return $returnArrFrom; }
$tbl->addCell('FY Description', '', 'header'); $tbl->addCell('Start Date', '', 'header'); $tbl->addCell('End Date', '', 'header'); $tbl->addCell('Status', '', 'header'); $tbl->addCell('Actions', '', 'header'); ?> <?php $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . $_SESSION['co_prefix'] . 'fiscal_years ORDER by fiscal_year_start_date'; $get_fy = DB::query($sql); foreach ($get_fy as $fy) { $tbl->addRow(); $tbl->addCell($fy['fiscal_year_id']); $tbl->addCell($fy['fiscal_year_desc']); $tbl->addCell(getDateTime($fy['fiscal_year_start_date'], "dLong")); $tbl->addCell(getDateTime($fy['fiscal_year_end_date'], "dLong")); $tbl->addCell($fy['fy_status']); $tbl->addCell("<a class='pull btn btn-danger btn-xs' href ='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?route=modules/gl/setup/financial_periods/edit_fiscal_year&fisca_year_id=" . $fy['fiscal_year_id'] . "'>Edit Fiscal Year <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-edit'></span></a>\n\t\t\t "); } ?> <!-- Content Header (Page header) --> <section class="content-header"> <h1> Fiscal Years <small>Defined Fiscal Years for Company Accounts.</small> </h1> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li><a href="<?php echo SITE_ROOT; ?> "><i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> Home</a></li>
WHERE new_active = 1 AND new_picture <> "" AND new_date <= ' . TIMESTAMP . ' AND new_cat_id = ' . $iCat . $string_query_unique . ' ORDER BY new_date DESC LIMIT ' . $limit_start . ',' . $limit_size; $db_list_news = new db_query($sql_list_news); $top_list_left = array(); $category_list_news = array(); $count_i = 0; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($db_list_news->result)) { //xử lý dữ liệu $row['new_title'] = htmlspecialbo($row['new_title']); $row['new_picture'] = get_picture_path($row['new_picture'], 'medium2'); $row['new_teaser'] = htmlspecialbo($row['new_teaser']); $row['new_date'] = getDateTime(1, 1, 1, 1, '', $row['new_date']); $row['link_detail'] = generate_news_detail_url($row); if (!$row['new_teaser']) { //không có teaser - query từ detail tin $db_detail = new db_query('SELECT * FROM news_detail WHERE new_id = ' . $row['new_id']); $row['new_teaser'] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($db_detail->result); unset($db_detail); $row['new_teaser'] = removeHTML($row['new_teaser']); $row['new_teaser'] = cut_string($row['new_teaser'], 130); $row['new_teaser'] = htmlspecialbo($row['new_teaser']); } $count_i++; if ($count_i <= 4) { //add vào list trên $top_list_left[] = $row; } else {
<strong> <?php echo getDateTime($created_on, "dtLong"); ?> </strong>by <strong> <?php echo get_user_name($created_by); ?> </strong>. </p> <p> It was last modified on <strong> <?php echo getDateTime($last_modified_on, "dtLong"); ?> </strong>by <strong> <?php echo get_user_name($last_modified_by); ?> </strong>. </p> </div> </div> <!-- Hidden Fields --> <input type="hidden" name="form_name" id="form_name" value="edit_client_form" /> <input type="hidden" name="client_id" id="client_id" value="<?php echo $client_id; ?>
//link hỏi đáp $link_hoidap = generate_qaa_url(); $rainTpl->assign('css_global', $css_global); $rainTpl->assign('js_global', $js_global); $rainTpl->assign('page_title', $page_title); $rainTpl->assign('meta_description', 'Cẩm nang sức khỏe, dinh dưỡng cho gia đình, cộng đồng và xã hội'); $rainTpl->assign('meta_keyword', GENERAL_KEYWORD); $rainTpl->assign('list_categories', $list_category); $rainTpl->assign('list_categories_slice', $list_category2); $rainTpl->assign('link_hoidap', $link_hoidap); $rainTpl->assign('base_search_url', $base_search_url); //assign quảng cáo $rainTpl->assign('adv_top', $adv_top); $rainTpl->assign('adv_right', $adv_right); //quảng cáo banner $rainTpl->assign('adv_banner_list', $adv_banner_list); $rainTpl->assign('time_now', getDateTime()); include_once '../includes/inc_home.php'; $facebook_og = ' <meta property="og:site_name" content="Khang.vn - Cẩm nang sức khỏe cho mọi nhà"/> <meta property="og:title" content="Thông tin y tế, sức khỏe cộng đồng"/> <meta property="og:type" content="website" /> <meta property="og:url" content="http://khang.vn/home/" /> <meta property="og:locale " content="vi_VN"/> <meta property="fb:app_id" content="1561038610796934" /> <meta property="og:image" content="' . DOMAIN_URL . '/themes/pc/img/logo1.png"/> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Khang.vn"/> <meta property="og:description" content="Cẩm nang sức khỏe, dinh dưỡng cho gia đình, cộng đồng và xã hội"> <meta property="og:updated_time" content="' . time() . '">'; $rainTpl->assign('facebook_og', $facebook_og); $rainTpl->draw('index');