コード例 #1
    $row = getRow('needs', 'need_id = ' . getParam());
    $act = $row['deleted'];
    $act = !$act;
    if (isset($_POST['reason']) or $act == 0) {
        updateFieldWhere('needs', 'deleted', $act, 'need_id = ' . getParam());
        if (isset($_POST['reason']) and ($_POST['reason'] == 1 or $_POST['reason'] == 2)) {
            updateFieldWhere('needs', 'delreason', $_POST['reason'], 'need_id = ' . getParam());
        if (isset($_POST['reason']) and $_POST['reason'] == 1) {
            updateFieldWhere('needs', 'need_full', 1, 'need_id = ' . getParam());
            updateFieldWhere('needs', 'deleted', 0, 'need_id = ' . getParam());
        redirect(0, getCurrentLink());
	<form class="simpleform" action="" method="POST">
		Pažymėkite šalinimo priežastį:<br><br> 
			<input checked="checked" name="reason" type="radio" value="1" />padovanota / padėta ne per sistemą<br>
			<input name="reason" type="radio" value="2" />nebereikalinga pagalba / nebereikalingas daiktas<br>
		<br><input type="submit" value="Siųsti" />
$tablefields = $sortby = array();
$tablehead = array('titles' => array(), 'columns' => array());
$rg = 0;
function formatTable($object, $cols, $head = false, $sort = false, $viewed = false, $class = false)
    if (!empty($object)) {
        echo '<table class="admintbl ' . $class . '">';
        if ($head) {
            echo '<thead><tr>';
            foreach ($head['titles'] as $key => $h) {
                $finaltitle = $h;
                $colspan = isset($head['merge']) && array_key_exists($key, $head['merge']) ? ' colspan="' . $head['merge'][$key] . '"' : '';
                $columns = isset($head['columns']) && array_key_exists($key, $head['columns']) ? ' class="' . $head['columns'][$key] . '"' : '';
                if ($sort && array_key_exists($key, $sort)) {
                    $parameters = preg_replace("/([?&])rikiuoti=\\w+(&|\$)/", "\$2", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
                    $parameters = preg_replace("/([?&])tvarka=\\w+(&|\$)/", "\$2", $parameters);
                    $parameters = preg_replace("/([?&])page=\\w+(&|\$)/", "\$2", $parameters);
                    $sortvalue = $sort[$key];
                    $gettvarka = isset($_GET['tvarka']) ? $_GET['tvarka'] : '';
                    switch ($gettvarka) {
                        case 'asc':
                            $ordervalue = 'desc';
                            $arr = 'fa fa-angle-up';
                        case 'desc':
                            $ordervalue = 'asc';
                            $arr = 'fa fa-angle-down';
                            $ordervalue = 'desc';
                            $arr = 'fa fa-angle-up';
                    $getrikiuoti = isset($_GET['rikiuoti']) ? $_GET['rikiuoti'] : '';
                    $arrow = $sort[$key] == $getrikiuoti ? $arr : '';
                    echo '<th' . $colspan . $columns . '><a href="index.php?' . $parameters . '&rikiuoti=' . $sortvalue . '&tvarka=' . $ordervalue . '&page=' . pageNum() . '">' . $finaltitle . ' <i class="' . $arrow . '"></i></a></th>';
                } else {
                    echo '<th' . $colspan . $columns . '>' . $finaltitle . '</th>';
            echo '</tr></thead>';
        foreach ($object as $o) {
            if ($viewed && (isset($o['user_active']) and $o['user_active'] == 0 or isset($o['deleted']) and $o['deleted'] == 1)) {
                echo '<tr class="unmarked">';
            } else {
                echo '<tr>';
            $count = 0;
            foreach ($cols as $key => $col) {
                $columns = isset($head['columns']) && array_key_exists($key, $head['columns']) ? ' ' . $head['columns'][$key] : '';
                $title = isset($head['title']) && array_key_exists($key, $head['title']) ? $head['title'][$key] : '';
                echo '<td class="col' . $count . $columns . '" title="' . ($title == true ? rtrim(str_replace('<br>', "\n", $o[$col]), ', ') : NULL) . '">';
                $count = $count + 1;
                if (is_array($col)) {
                    if (array_key_exists('action', $col)) {
                        if (array_key_exists(4, $col['action']) && $col['action'][4] != false) {
                            $func = $col['action'][4];
                            $color = $func($o[$col['action'][0]]);
                        } else {
                            $color = $col['action'][3];
                        echo '<a class="' . (array_key_exists(5, $col['action']) ? 'responsive-normal ' : '') . 'actionbutton ' . $color . '" href="' . getCurrentLink() . '&veiksmas=' . $col['action'][1] . '&param=' . $o[$col['action'][0]] . '">' . $col['action'][2] . '</a>';
                        if (array_key_exists(5, $col['action'])) {
                            echo '<a class="responsive-small responsive-verysmall actionbutton ' . $color . '" href="' . getCurrentLink() . '&veiksmas=' . $col['action'][1] . '&param=' . $o[$col['action'][0]] . '" title="' . $col['action'][2] . '"></a>';
                    } elseif (array_key_exists('converter', $col)) {
                        $value = $o[$col['converter'][0]];
                        $fun = $col['converter'][1];
                        $arg = isset($col['converter'][2]) ? $col['converter'][2] : false;
                        echo $fun($value, $arg);
                    } elseif (array_key_exists('convArray', $col)) {
                        $value = $col['convArray'][0];
                        $values = array();
                        foreach ($value as $vl) {
                            $values[] = $o[$vl];
                        $fun = $col['convArray'][1];
                        $arg = isset($col['convArray'][2]) ? $col['convArray'][2] : false;
                        echo $fun($values, $arg);
                    } elseif (array_key_exists('editable', $col)) {
                        $value = $o[$col['editable'][0]];
                        $field = $col['editable'][0];
                        $valueid = $o[$col['editable'][1]];
                        $class = $col['editable'][2];
                        $len = $col['editable'][3];
                        echo '<form action="" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="editableid" value="' . $valueid . '"><input type="hidden" name="editablefield" value="' . $field . '"><input title="Įvedę duomenis paspauskite ENTER" name="editable" type="text" value="' . $value . '" class="' . $class . '" maxlength="' . $len . '"></form>';
                } else {
                    if ($col == 'null') {
                        echo '';
                    } else {
                        if (isset($_GET['srch'])) {
                            echo str_replace(ucfirst($_GET['srch']), '<span class="srch_marker">' . ucfirst($_GET['srch']) . '</span>', str_replace($_GET['srch'], '<span class="srch_marker">' . $_GET['srch'] . '</span>', $o[$col]));
                        } else {
                            echo $o[$col];
                echo '</td>';
            echo '</tr>';
        echo '</table>';
    } else {
        echo '<i class="">Nėra duomenų</i>';