コード例 #1
ファイル: menuAuthorization.php プロジェクト: aryobd/kugi
 function menuAuthorization($taskid, $userid)
     $retVal = false;
     if (isDbConnect()) {
         $conn = pg_connect(getConnectionString());
         $queryString = "\n                select * \n                from icrm.tr_applicationtaskrole a \n                join icrm.tr_applicationuserrole b \n                on a.roleid = b.roleid \n                where a.taskid = {$taskid} \n                and b.userid = {$userid} \n                ";
         $recordset = pg_query($conn, $queryString);
         if (pg_num_rows($recordset) > 0) {
             $retVal = true;
     return $retVal;
コード例 #2
ファイル: controller.php プロジェクト: ncostarj/aniversarios
function listarClientes($inputs = array())
    if (isset($data_inicio) && isset($data_fim)) {
        $data_inicio = explode('/', $inputs['data_inicio']);
        $data_fim = explode('/', $inputs['data_fim']);
        if (isset($inputs['tipoData'])) {
            if ($inputs['tipoData'] == 1) {
                $data_inicio = $data_inicio[2] . '-' . $data_inicio[1] . '-' . $data_inicio[0];
                $data_fim = $data_fim[2] . '-' . $data_fim[1] . '-' . $data_fim[0];
            } else {
                $data_inicio = $data_inicio[1] . '-' . $data_inicio[0];
                $data_fim = $data_fim[1] . '-' . $data_fim[0];
    $sql = "select customer_id, firstname, lastname, email, data_nascimento, date_format(date_added, '%Y-%m-%d')";
    $sql .= " from oc_customer";
    $sql .= " where";
    if (isset($inputs['tipoData']) && $inputs['tipoData'] == 1) {
        $sql .= " date_format(date_added, '%Y-%m-%d')";
        $ord = ' date_added';
    } else {
        $sql .= " date_format(data_nascimento, '%m-%d')";
        $ord = ' data_nascimento';
    $sql .= " between '{$data_inicio}' and '{$data_fim}'";
    $sql .= "order by {$ord}";
    //$con = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$banco;charset=utf8", $usuario, $senha);
    $str_con = getConnectionString($inputs['site']);
    $con = new PDO("mysql:host=" . $str_con['host'] . ";dbname=" . $str_con['banco'] . ";charset=utf8", $str_con['usuario'], $str_con['senha']);
    $con->exec("SET CHARACTER SET utf8");
    $rs = $con->query($sql);
    $clientes = $rs->fetchAll();
    return json_encode($clientes);
コード例 #3

ini_set("error_log", "/tmp/php-error.log");
 * Contains functions for interacting with data on the Sonic Flow data server.
$dbconn = pg_connect(getConnectionString());
pg_prepare($dbconn, 'songCheck', 'SELECT id FROM songs   WHERE id = $1');
pg_prepare($dbconn, 'artistCheck', 'SELECT id FROM artists WHERE id = $1');
pg_prepare($dbconn, 'albumCheck', 'SELECT id FROM albums  WHERE id = $1');
pg_prepare($dbconn, 'artLocation', 'SELECT location FROM albums WHERE id = $1');
pg_prepare($dbconn, 'addSong', 'INSERT INTO songs   VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6)');
pg_prepare($dbconn, 'addArtist', 'INSERT INTO artists VALUES ($1,$2)');
pg_prepare($dbconn, 'addAlbum', 'INSERT INTO albums  VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)');
pg_prepare($dbconn, 'addToQueue', 'INSERT INTO queue (songid, cached) VALUES ($1,$2)');
pg_prepare($dbconn, 'removeFromQueue', 'DELETE FROM queue WHERE id = $1');
pg_prepare($dbconn, 'artLocSong', 'SELECT location FROM albums WHERE id IN (' . 'SELECT albumid FROM songs where id = $1)');
// queries for limiting song requests
// gets the last timestamp of a song request given a song id.
pg_prepare($dbconn, 'getSongRequestTime', 'SELECT lastqueued FROM queuetimes ' . 'WHERE songid = $1');
// returns 1 in the first row if a song has ever been requested or 0 if it has
// not, given a song id.
pg_prepare($dbconn, 'songWasRequested', 'SELECT COUNT(songid) AS requested ' . 'FROM queuetimes WHERE songid = $1');
// sets the last queue time of a song to the current time, given a song id.
pg_prepare($dbconn, 'updateSongRequestTime', 'UPDATE queuetimes SET ' . 'lastqueued = $2 WHERE songid = $1');
// inserts a song queue time with the default timestamp of 0, given a song id.
pg_prepare($dbconn, 'addSongRequestTime', 'INSERT INTO queuetimes ' . '(songid, lastqueued, uid) VALUES ($1, 0, NULL)');
function getConnectionString()
    global $config;
    $conn_string = "host=localhost dbname=%s user=%s password=%s";
コード例 #4
  * Validate an that an array contains valid database information.
  * @param mixed $value The value to validate.
  * @param mixed $field Not used.
  * @param array $data The data to validate against.
  * @return bool|string Returns true if the value is valid or an error message otherwise.
  * @deprecated
 function validateConnection($value, $field, $data)
     $DatabaseHost = val('Database.Host', $data, '~~Invalid~~');
     $DatabaseName = val('Database.Name', $data, '~~Invalid~~');
     $DatabaseUser = val('Database.User', $data, '~~Invalid~~');
     $DatabasePassword = val('Database.Password', $data, '~~Invalid~~');
     $ConnectionString = getConnectionString($DatabaseName, $DatabaseHost);
     try {
         $Connection = new PDO($ConnectionString, $DatabaseUser, $DatabasePassword);
     } catch (PDOException $Exception) {
         return sprintf(T('ValidateConnection'), strip_tags($Exception->getMessage()));
     return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: menu.php プロジェクト: aryobd/kugi
 function isHasChild($parentid)
     $isHasChild = false;
     if (isDbConnect()) {
         $conn = pg_connect(getConnectionString());
         $queryString = "";
         // XIBAR-OLD
         $queryString = "select count(1) as xcount ";
         $queryString .= queryString();
         $queryString .= "and a.parentid = " . $parentid . " ";
         $recordset = pg_query($conn, $queryString);
         while ($row = pg_fetch_object($recordset)) {
             $isHasChild = $row->xcount > 0 ? true : false;
     return $isHasChild;
コード例 #6
ファイル: login.php プロジェクト: aryobd/kugi
$_SESSION[$_SESSION["appname"] . "_" . "username"] = null;
$_SESSION[$_SESSION["appname"] . "_" . "user_password"] = null;
$_SESSION[$_SESSION["appname"] . "_" . "user_datetime_start"] = null;
if (isDbConnect()) {
    $conn = pg_connect(getConnectionString());
    $queryString = "\n        select \n        id, name, password \n        from \n        icrm.tr_membershipuser \n        order by \n        id \n        ";
    $recordset = pg_query($conn, $queryString);
    while ($row = pg_fetch_object($recordset)) {
        if ($userName == $row->name && $userPassword == $row->password) {
            $userStructure = new UserStructure1();
            $userStructure->userId = $row->id;
            $userStructure->userName = $row->name;
            $userStructure->userPassword = $row->password;
            array_push($items, $userStructure);
            $result["State"] = 0;
            $result["Message"] = "";
            // CARA FAJAR
            $message = "success";
            // "success" / "error"
            $_SESSION[$_SESSION["appname"] . "_" . "iduser"] = $row->id;
            $_SESSION[$_SESSION["appname"] . "_" . "username"] = $row->name;
            $_SESSION[$_SESSION["appname"] . "_" . "user_password"] = $row->password;
            $_SESSION[$_SESSION["appname"] . "_" . "user_datetime_start"] = null;
    $result["User"] = $items;
// echo json_encode($result);
echo $message;