コード例 #1
function showCompetitionInfos () {
  global $chosenCompetitionId;

  #--- Get the competition infos from the database.
  $competition = getFullCompetitionInfos( $chosenCompetitionId );
  extract( $competition );
  $delegates = getCompetitionDelegates( $chosenCompetitionId );
  $wcaDelegate = joinUsers( $delegates, true );
  $organizers = getCompetitionOrganizers( $chosenCompetitionId );
  // Only show organizer emails if there is no contact info given.
  $organizer = joinUsers( $organizers, !$contact );

  #--- Show the infos.
  echo "<h1>$name</h1>\n";

  #--- Start the table.
  echo "<div class='table-responsive'>\n";
  echo "<table width='100%' id='competitionDetails'><tr valign='top'>\n";

  #--- Left part.
  echo "<td style='width:70%'><table>";
  $country = getCountry($countryId);
  showItem( 'key', "Date",         array( competitionDate( $competition ), $year ));
  showItem( 'key', "City",         array( $cityName, $country['name'] ));
  showItem( 'key', "Venue",        array( $venue ));
  showItem( 'sub', "Address",      array( $venueAddress ));
  showItem( 'sub', "Details",      array( $venueDetails ));
  showItem( 'key', "Website",      array( $website ));
  showItem( 'key', "Organizer",    array( $organizer ));
  showItem( 'key', "WCA Delegate", array( $wcaDelegate ));
  showItem( 'key', "Contact",      array( $contact ));
  echo "</table></td>";

  #--- Right part.
  echo "<td style='width:30%'><table>";
  showItem( 'key', "Information",  array( $information ));
  showListItemNew( 'View results for', computeCompetitionEvents( $eventSpecs ));
  showListItemNew( 'Reports', computeMedia( 'report' ));
  showListItemNew( 'Articles', computeMedia( 'article' ));
  showListItemNew( 'Multimedia', computeMedia( 'multimedia' ));
  echo "</table></td>";

  #--- End table.
  echo "</tr></table></div>";
コード例 #2
function savePreregForm()
    global $chosenCompetitionId, $competition, $config;
    $personId = getMysqlParam('personId');
    $name = getMysqlParam('name');
    $countryId = getMysqlParam('countryId');
    $gender = getMysqlParam('gender');
    $birthYear = getMysqlParam('birthYear');
    $birthMonth = getMysqlParam('birthMonth');
    $birthDay = getMysqlParam('birthDay');
    $email = getMysqlParam('email');
    $guests = getMysqlParam('guests');
    $comments = getMysqlParam('comments');
    $ip = getMysqlParam('ip');
    if (!$name or !$email or !$gender) {
        noticeBox(false, "Fields 'name', 'gender' and 'email' are required.");
        return false;
    if (!preg_match("/^[_0-9a-zA-Z-]+(\\.[_0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*@[0-9a-zA-Z-]+(\\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*(\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3})\$/", $email)) {
        noticeBox(false, "Incorrect email address.");
        return false;
    if ($birthYear == date('Y')) {
        noticeBox(false, "Please enter your date of birth.");
        return false;
    if (!$birthYear) {
        $chosenPerson = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE id='{$personId}'");
        $chosenPerson = $chosenPerson[0];
        $birthYear = $chosenPerson['year'];
        $birthMonth = $chosenPerson['month'];
        $birthDay = $chosenPerson['day'];
    $guests = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r", ","), ";", $guests);
    #--- Building query
    $eventIds = '';
    foreach (getAllEventIds() as $eventId) {
        if (getBooleanParam("E{$eventId}")) {
            $eventIds .= "{$eventId} ";
    # Remove last space
    $into = "competitionId, name, personId, countryId, gender, birthYear, birthMonth, birthDay, email, guests, comments, ip, status, eventIds";
    $values = "'{$chosenCompetitionId}', '{$name}', '{$personId}', '{$countryId}', '{$gender}', '{$birthYear}', '{$birthMonth}', '{$birthDay}', '{$email}', '{$guests}', '{$comments}', '{$ip}', 'p', '{$eventIds}'";
    dbCommand("INSERT INTO Preregs ({$into}) VALUES ({$values})");
    $organizers = getCompetitionOrganizers($competition['id']);
    foreach ($organizers as $organizer) {
        $mailEmail = $organizer['email'];
        // load more competition data for a nicer email
        $result = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM Competitions WHERE id='{$chosenCompetitionId}'");
        $competition_data = $result[0];
        $mailBody = "A new competitor has registered for your competition - " . $competition['cellName'] . "! ";
        $mailBody .= "Their information is below.\n-------------------\n";
        if ($personId) {
            $mailBody .= "Name : {$name}";
            $mailBody .= "     {$personId} - https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/results/p.php?i={$personId}\n";
        } else {
            $mailBody .= "Name : {$name}\n";
        $mailBody .= "Country : {$countryId}\n";
        $mailBody .= "Gender : {$gender}\n";
        $mailBody .= "Date of birth : {$birthYear}/{$birthMonth}/{$birthDay}\n";
        $mailBody .= "Email : {$email}\n";
        $mailBody .= "Events : {$eventIds}\n";
        $mailBody .= "Guests : {$guests}\n";
        $mailBody .= "Comments : {$comments}\n";
        $mailBody .= "Ip : {$ip}\n";
        $mailBody .= "-------------------\n";
        $mailBody .= "You may edit this registration (and others) at:\n";
        $mailBody .= "https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/competitions/{$chosenCompetitionId}/registrations";
        $mailSubject = $competition['cellName'] . " - New registration";
        $mail_config = $config->get('mail');
        // only send mails on the real website
        if (preg_match('/^www.worldcubeassociation.org$/', $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"])) {
            if ($mail_config['pear']) {
                // send smtp mail
                $headers = array('From' => $mail_config['from'], 'To' => $mailEmail, 'Subject' => $mailSubject);
                $smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', array('host' => $mail_config['host'], 'port' => $mail_config['port'], 'auth' => true, 'username' => $mail_config['user'], 'password' => $mail_config['pass']));
                $mail = $smtp->send($mailEmail, $headers, $mailBody);
            } else {
                // normal php mail
                $mailHeaders = "From: \"WCA\" <" . $mail_config['from'] . ">\r\n";
                $mailHeaders .= "Reply-To: board@worldcubeassociation.org\r\n";
                $mailHeaders .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
                $mailHeaders .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n";
                mail($mailEmail, $mailSubject, $mailBody, $mailHeaders, "-f" . $mail_config['from']);
        } else {
            // just print out message when testing
            noticeBox3(0, "Mail not sent (test website): " . $mailBody);
    noticeBox(true, "Registration complete.<br />Please note that all registrations must be approved by the organizer.<br/>Your registration will appear here within a few days.");
    return true;