function getAvatar($user, $params) { if ($params->get('link', '') and $params->get('avatar', 0)) { if ($params->get('link', '') == 'JomSocial') { return getJomSocialAvatar($user->user_id); } else { if ($params->get('link', '') == 'CommunityBuilder') { return getCommunityBuilderAvatar($user->user_id); } } } return false; // fallback }
function display($hideColumns = array(), $showThisRound = true) { global $database, $jTips, $jLang, $mosConfig_live_site, $mainframe, $jTipsCurrentUser, $Itemid; if (empty($this->jTipsUser->id)) { echo ""; return; } ?> <style type="text/css"> @import url(<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site; ?> /templates/<?php echo jTipsGetTemplateName(); ?> /css/template.css); @import url(<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site; ?> /components/com_jtips/css/jtips-popup.css); </style> <script type='text/javascript' src='<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site; ?> /components/com_jtips/js/mootools.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site; ?> /components/com_jtips/js/Popup.js'></script> <?php $width = $jTips['ShowTipsWidth'] - 40; if ($jTips['ShowTipsPadding']) { ?> <div style="padding-top:10px;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;padding-bottom:10px;width:<?php echo $width; ?> px;text-align:center;"> <?php } ?> <h2 style='text-align:center;'><?php echo $this->jSeason->name; ?> <?php echo $jLang['_COM_SHOWTIPS_ROUND']; ?> <?php echo $this->jRound->round; ?> </h2> <?php if ($jTips['SocialIntegration'] and $showThisRound) { if ($jTips['SocialIntegration'] == 'cb') { $imgSrc = getCommunityBuilderAvatar($this->jTipsUser->user_id); $link = jTipsRoute("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user={$this->jTipsUser->user_id}"); } else { $imgSrc = getJomSocialAvatar($this->jTipsUser->user_id); $link = getJomSocialProfileLink($this->jTipsUser->user_id); } ?> <div style="text-align:center;"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="parent.location='<?php echo $link; ?> ';" title='View Profile' id='userLadderLink_<?php echo $this->jTipsUser->id; ?> '> <img src="<?php echo $imgSrc; ?> " border="0" alt="" /> </a> </div> <?php } if ($this->stats) { $this->showStats(); } //BUG 189 - Which order should the tips panel be shown in if ($this->jSeason->tips_layout == 'away') { $left = 'away'; $right = 'home'; } else { $left = 'home'; $right = 'away'; } ?> <table align='center' width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' style="padding-top:25px;"> <thead> <tr class="sectiontableheader"> <?php if (!in_array($left, $hideColumns)) { ?> <th class="sectiontableheader TB_th"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_GAME_' . strtoupper($left)]; ?> </th><?php } if (!in_array($right, $hideColumns)) { ?> <th class="sectiontableheader TB_th"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_GAME_' . strtoupper($right)]; ?> </th><?php } if (!in_array('tipped', $hideColumns)) { ?> <th class="sectiontableheader TB_th"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_DASH_TIPPED']; ?> </th><?php } if (!in_array('result', $hideColumns)) { ?> <th class="sectiontableheader TB_th"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_RESULT']; ?> </th><?php } if (!in_array('more', $hideColumns)) { ?> <th class="sectiontableheader TB_th"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_MORE']; ?> </th><?php } ?> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $rowIndex = 0; $i = 1; $hasTipped = $this->jTipsUser->hasTipped($this->jRound->id); $byeTeams = array(); // Might want to list the byes somewhere later foreach ($this->jGames as $jGame) { $leftTeam = new jTeam($database); $left_id = $left . '_id'; //$leftTeam->load($jGame->$left_id); $rightTeam = new jTeam($database); $right_id = $right . '_id'; //$rightTeam->load($jGame->$right_id); // Skip games with byes $leftLoaded = $rightLoaded = false; if ($jGame->{$left_id}) { $leftTeam->load($jGame->{$left_id}); $leftLoaded = true; } if ($jGame->{$right_id}) { $rightTeam->load($jGame->{$right_id}); $rightLoaded = true; } if (!$leftLoaded and $rightLoaded) { $byeTeams[] = $rightTeam; } if ($leftLoaded and !$rightLoaded) { $byeTeams[] = $leftTeam; } if (!$leftLoaded or !$rightLoaded) { continue; } $jTip = new jTip($database); $jTipParams = array('user_id' => $this->jTipsUser->id, 'game_id' => $jGame->id); $jTip->loadByParams($jTipParams); $overlib_text = ""; if ($jTip->tip_id == $leftTeam->id) { $tipName = $leftTeam->getName(); $tip = $leftTeam->getDisplayLogoName(); $nonName = $rightTeam->getName(); } else { if ($jTip->tip_id == $rightTeam->id) { $tipName = $rightTeam->getName(); $tip = $rightTeam->getDisplayLogoName(); $nonName = $leftTeam->getName(); } else { if ($jTip->tip_id == -1) { $tip = $jLang['_COM_GAME_DRAW']; $tipName = $leftTeam->getName(); $nonName = $rightTeam->getName(); } else { $tip = $jLang['_ADMIN_CONF_NONE']; } } } if ($jGame->winner_id == $jTip->tip_id) { $result = "<img src='" . $mosConfig_live_site . "/administrator/images/tick.png' alt='Y' border='0' align='middle' />"; } else { $result = "<img src='" . $mosConfig_live_site . "/administrator/images/publish_x.png' alt='N' border='0' align='middle' />"; } $onClick = "onClick='toggleMore(" . $jGame->id . ", this)'"; $more = "<img src='{$mosConfig_live_site}/components/com_jtips/images/show.gif' alt='more' border='0' {$onClick} style='cursor:pointer;' />"; $rowIndex++; ?> <tr class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $i % 2 + 1; ?> " valign='middle'> <?php if (!in_array($left, $hideColumns)) { if ($jGame->winner_id == $leftTeam->id) { $style = "style='font-weight:bold;'"; } else { if ($jGame->winner_id == -1) { $style = "style='font-style:italic;'"; } else { $style = ''; } } ?> <td class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $i % 2 + 1; ?> " align="left" <?php echo $style; ?> ><?php echo $leftTeam->getDisplayLogoName(); ?> </td><?php } if (!in_array($right, $hideColumns)) { if ($jGame->winner_id == $rightTeam->id) { $style = "style='font-weight:bold;'"; } else { if ($jGame->winner_id == -1) { $style = "style='font-style:italic;'"; } else { $style = ''; } } ?> <td class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $i % 2 + 1; ?> " align="left" <?php echo $style; ?> ><?php echo $rightTeam->getDisplayLogoName(); ?> </td><?php } if (!in_array('tipped', $hideColumns)) { ?> <td class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $i % 2 + 1; ?> " align="left"><?php echo $tip; ?> </td><?php } if (!in_array('result', $hideColumns)) { ?> <td class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $i % 2 + 1; ?> " style='text-align:center;'><?php echo $result; ?> </td><?php } if (!in_array('more', $hideColumns)) { ?> <td class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $i % 2 + 1; ?> " style='text-align:center;'><?php echo $more; ?> </td><?php } ?> </tr> <?php /* * Process the in-depth game analysis */ $left_score_field = $left . '_score'; $right_score_field = $right . '_score'; if ($jGame->winner_id == $leftTeam->id) { $winnerName = $leftTeam->getDisplayLogoName(); } else { if ($jGame->winner_id == $rightTeam->id) { $winnerName = $rightTeam->getDisplayLogoName(); } else { if ($jGame->winner_id == -1) { $winnerName = $jLang['_COM_GAME_DRAW']; } else { $winnerName = ''; } } } $gameTotal = 0; $tipWidth = 30; if (in_array('actual', $hideColumns)) { $tipWidth += 30; } if (in_array('awarded', $hideColumns)) { $tipWidth += 10; } ?> <tr> <td colspan="50" id="moreInfo<?php echo $jGame->id; ?> " style="display:none;"> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr class="sectiontableheader"> <th class="sectiontableheader" width="30%"> </th> <th class="sectiontableheader" width="<?php echo $tipWidth; ?> %"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_SHOWTIPS_PREDICTED']; ?> </th> <?php if (!in_array('actual', $hideColumns)) { ?> <th class="sectiontableheader" width="30%"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_SHOWTIPS_ACTUAL']; ?> </th> <?php } if (!in_array('awarded', $hideColumns)) { ?> <th class="sectiontableheader" width="10%"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_SHOWTIPS_AWARDED']; ?> </th> <?php } ?> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="sectiontableentry1"> <th class="sectiontableentry1"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_DASH_TIPPED']; ?> </th> <td class="sectiontableentry1" align="left"><?php echo $tip; ?> </td> <?php if (!in_array('actual', $hideColumns)) { ?> <td class="sectiontableentry1" align="left"><?php echo $winnerName; ?> </td> <?php } if (!in_array('awarded', $hideColumns)) { ?> <td class="sectiontableentry1" style="text-align:right;"> <?php if ($hasTipped) { if ($jGame->winner_id == $jTip->tip_id) { // BUG 379 - Incorrect value displayed when draw correctly picked if ($jGame->winner_id == -1) { echo $this->jSeason->user_draw; $gameTotal += $this->jSeason->user_draw; } else { echo $this->jSeason->user_correct; $gameTotal += $this->jSeason->user_correct; } } else { echo '0'; } } else { //what were the default points here? if ($this->jSeason->user_none >= 0) { echo $this->jSeason->user_none; $gameTotal += $this->jSeason->user_none; } else { if ($this->jSeason->user_none == -1) { //holy crap! you got the lowest score equivalence! echo $jLang['_ADMIN_CONF_ACT_NA']; } else { if ($this->jSeason->user_none == -2) { //you got all the away teams if ($jGame->winner_id == $jGame->away_id) { echo $this->jSeason->user_correct; $gameTotal += $this->jSeason->user_correct; } else { echo '0'; } } } } } ?> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php $subIndex = 1; if ($jGame->has_score) { ?> <tr class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $subIndex % 2 + 1; ?> "> <th class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $subIndex % 2 + 1; ?> "><?php echo $jLang['_COM_DASH_POINTS']; ?> </th> <td class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $subIndex % 2 + 1; ?> "><?php echo $jTip->{$left_score_field} + 0; ?> - <?php echo $jTip->{$right_score_field} + 0; ?> </td> <?php if (!in_array('actual', $hideColumns)) { ?> <td class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $subIndex % 2 + 1; ?> "><?php echo $jGame->{$left_score_field}; ?> - <?php echo $jGame->{$right_score_field}; ?> </td> <?php } if (!in_array('awarded', $hideColumns)) { ?> <td class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $subIndex % 2 + 1; ?> " style="text-align:right;"> <?php if ($jTip->{$left_score_field} == $jGame->{$left_score_field} and $jTip->{$right_score_field} == $jGame->{$right_score_field}) { echo $this->jSeason->user_pick_score; $gameTotal += $this->jSeason->user_pick_score; } else { echo '0'; } ?> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php $subIndex++; } if ($jGame->has_margin) { ?> <tr class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $subIndex % 2 + 1; ?> "> <th class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $subIndex % 2 + 1; ?> "><?php echo $jLang['_COM_TIPS_MARGIN']; ?> </th> <td class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $subIndex % 2 + 1; ?> "><?php echo $jTip->margin + 0; ?> </td> <?php if (!in_array('actual', $hideColumns)) { ?> <td class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $subIndex % 2 + 1; ?> "><?php echo abs($jGame->{$left_score_field} - $jGame->{$right_score_field}); ?> </td> <?php } if (!in_array('awarded', $hideColumns)) { ?> <td class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $subIndex % 2 + 1; ?> " style="text-align:right;"> <?php if ($jTip->margin == abs($jGame->{$left_score_field} - $jGame->{$right_score_field})) { echo $this->jSeason->user_pick_margin; $gameTotal += $this->jSeason->user_pick_margin; } else { echo '0'; } ?> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php $subIndex++; } if ($jGame->has_bonus) { if ($jGame->bonus_id == $leftTeam->id) { $bonusTeam = $leftTeam->getDisplayLogoName(); } else { if ($jGame->bonus_id == $rightTeam->id) { $bonusTeam = $rightTeam->getDisplayLogoName(); } else { if ($jGame->bonus_id == -2) { $bonusTeam = 'Both Teams'; } else { $bonusTeam = ""; } } } if ($jTip->bonus_id == $leftTeam->id) { $bonusTip = $leftTeam->getDisplayLogoName(); } else { if ($jTip->bonus_id == $rightTeam->id) { $bonusTip = $rightTeam->getDisplayLogoName(); } else { if ($jTip->bonus_id == -2) { $bonusTip = 'Both Teams'; } else { $bonusTip = $jLang['_ADMIN_CONF_NONE']; } } } ?> <tr class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $subIndex % 2 + 1; ?> "> <th class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $subIndex % 2 + 1; ?> "><?php echo $jLang['_COM_SHOWTIPS_BONUS_TEAM']; ?> </th> <td class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $subIndex % 2 + 1; ?> " align="left"><?php echo $bonusTip; ?> </td> <?php if (!in_array('actual', $hideColumns)) { ?> <td class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $subIndex % 2 + 1; ?> "><?php echo $bonusTeam; ?> </td> <?php } if (!in_array('awarded', $hideColumns)) { ?> <td class="sectiontableentry<?php echo $subIndex % 2 + 1; ?> " style="text-align:right;"> <?php if ($jGame->bonus_id == $jTip->bonus_id) { echo $this->jSeason->user_pick_bonus; $gameTotal += $this->jSeason->user_pick_bonus; } else { echo '0'; } ?> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> <?php if (!in_array('awarded', $hideColumns)) { ?> <tfoot> <tr class="sectiontableheader"> <th class="sectiontableheader" colspan="3"><?php echo $jLang['_COM_SHOWTIPS_TOTAL']; ?> </th> <th class="sectiontableheader" style="text-align:right;"><?php echo $gameTotal; ?> </th> </tr> </tfoot> <?php } ?> </table> </td> </tr> <?php $i++; } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php /* * Do we have a comment to show */ $jComment = new jComment($database); $jCommentParams = array('user_id' => $this->jTipsUser->id, 'round_id' => $this->jRound->id); $jComment->loadByParams($jCommentParams); if (isset($jComment->comment) && !empty($jComment->comment)) { ?> <hr /> <p align="center"><?php echo jTipsStripslashes($jComment->comment); ?> </p> <?php } /* * Show the Peek into Next Round link be shown and parsed */ if ($jTips['EnableShowTips'] == 1 and $showThisRound) { //getCurrentUser $current_round_id = $this->jSeason->getCurrentRound(); $showFuture = false; if (isset($jTipsCurrentUser->id) and !empty($jTipsCurrentUser->id)) { if ($jTips['ShowTipsAccess'] == 'any' or $jTips['ShowTipsAccess'] == 'processed' and $jTipsCurrentUser->hasTipped($current_round_id) or $jTips['ShowTipsAccess'] == 'inprogress' and $this->jRound->getStatus() !== false) { $showFuture = true; } } else { if ($jTips['ShowTipsAccess'] == 'any') { $showFuture = true; } } if ($current_round_id != $this->jRound->id and $current_round_id and $showFuture) { $hide = array('result', 'actual', 'awarded'); $colsToHide = json_encode($hide); $data = "&season={$this->jSeason->id}&hide=" . rawurlencode($colsToHide); if ($Itemid) { $data .= "&Itemid={$Itemid}"; } if (isJoomla15()) { ?> <p align="center"><a href="<?php echo jTipsRoute("index2.php?option=com_jtips&view=CompetitionLadder&menu=0&action=ShowTips&uid=" . $this->jTipsUser->id . "&rid=" . $current_round_id . $data); ?> "><?php echo $jLang['_POPUP_TIPS_PEEK']; ?> </a></p> <?php } else { ?> <p align="center"><a href="javascript:loadTipsPopup(<?php echo $this->jTipsUser->id; ?> , <?php echo $current_round_id; ?> , $('mb_caption'), '<?php echo $data; ?> ');"><?php echo $jLang['_POPUP_TIPS_PEEK']; ?> </a></p> <?php } } } if ($jTips['ShowTipsPadding']) { echo "</div>"; } }
function getLastRoundSummaryDetail(&$jTipsUser, $col) { global $jTips, $jLang, $database; $jSeason = new jSeason($database); $jSeason->load($jTipsUser->season_id); switch ($col) { case 'season': return $jSeason->name; break; case 'last_won': //return $jTipsUser->getName(); // BUG 313 - Social Integration on Last Round Summary dashlet if (isset($jTips['SocialIntegration']) and !empty($jTips['SocialIntegration'])) { // which type of integration if ($jTips['SocialIntegration'] == 'cb') { // Community Builder $link = jTipsRoute("index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user="******"<img src='{$img}' alt='Avatar' title='" . $jTipsUser->getName() . "' align='absmiddle' /> <a href='{$link}'>" . $jTipsUser->getName() . "</a>"; return "<div style='text-align:left;'>{$html}</div>"; } else { return $jTipsUser->getName(); } break; case 'last_prec': $jHistory = new jHistory($database); return $jHistory->getLast($jTipsUser, 'precision'); break; case 'last_round': $jHistory = new jHistory($database); return $jHistory->getLast($jTipsUser); break; case 'last_prect': return $jTipsUser->getTotalScore('precision'); break; case 'last_tot': return $jTipsUser->getTotalScore('points'); break; case 'last_comm': $jComment = new jComment($database); $params = array('user_id' => $jTipsUser->id, 'round_id' => $jSeason->getLastRound()); $jComment->loadByParams($params); return jTipsStripslashes($jComment->comment); break; default: return '-'; } }
$query .= " ORDER BY pointsa DESC, preca ASC, RAND()"; } //jTipsDebug($query); $database->setQuery($query, 0, 1); $result = $database->loadAssocList(); if (!empty($result) and count($result)) { $row = array_shift($result); $jTipsUser = new jTipsUser($database); //jTipsDebug($row); $jTipsUser->load($row['user_id']); //get the user avator if enabled $name = $jTipsUser->getName(); if ($params->get('socimage')) { if ($params->get('socimage') == 'cb') { // Link is to CB Pofile $img = getCommunityBuilderAvatar($jTipsUser->user_id); $link = "index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user="******"<img src='{$img}' border='0' alt='Profile Avatar for {$alt}' />"; echo "<a href='" . jTipsRoute($link) . "' title='View Profile' id='userModLadderLink_" . $jTipsUser->id . "'>" . $imgHTML . "</a>"; ?>