$row_data .= '<tr class="tdhover" id= "tdata" bgcolor = "' . $bgcolor . '">'; $row_data .= '<td>'; $row_data .= $j++; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td>'; $row_data .= '<input type="checkbox" name="cid[]" id="cb' . $i . '" value="' . $my_articles[$i]->articleID . '" onClick="isChecked(this.checked);"/>'; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="blue">'; $row_data .= '<a href="' . VIEW_ARTICLE_URL . $my_articles[$i]->articleID . '">'; $title = getArticleTitle($my_articles[$i]->articleID); $row_data .= ' ' . $title; $row_data .= '</a>'; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="blue2">'; $row_data .= '<a href="' . VIEW_CATEGORY_DETAIL_URL . $my_articles[$i]->categoryID . '">'; $category_name = getCategory_info($my_articles[$i]->categoryID, 'category_name'); $row_data .= ' ' . $category_name; $row_data .= '</a>'; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td '; switch ($my_articles[$i]->stageID) { case 1: // draft $row_data .= 'class="black">'; break; case 2: //writing $row_data .= 'class="cyan">'; break; case 3: //editing
$month = $_SESSION['month']; $year = $_SESSION['year']; $writer_articles_reports = $_SESSION['report_writer_articles']; for ($i = 0; $i < count($writer_articles_reports) - 1; $i++) { if ($writer_articles_reports[$i]->articleID) { $i % 2 == 0 ? $bgcolor = "" : ($bgcolor = "#F5F5F5"); $row_data .= '<tr class="tdhover" id= "tdata" bgcolor = "' . $bgcolor . '">'; $row_data .= '<td>'; $row_data .= $i + 1; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td>'; $title = getArticleTitle($writer_articles_reports[$i]->articleID); $row_data .= ' ' . $title; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="blue2">'; $category_name = getCategory_info($writer_articles_reports[$i]->categoryID, 'category_name'); $row_data .= ' ' . $category_name; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td '; $status = getArticle_version_info($writer_articles_reports[$i]->articleID, 'status'); switch ($status) { case 'revise': $row_data .= 'class="blue">'; break; case 'rejected': $row_data .= 'class="red">'; break; case 'approved': $row_data .= 'class="green">'; break; case 'published':
// if user is not login..redirect him to login page if (!isset($_SESSION['login'])) { header('Location: login.php'); } if (isset($_SESSION['login'])) { $userID = $_SESSION['userID']; $usertype = $_SESSION['usertype']; } $db = new database(); if (isset($_POST['cid'])) { $n = count($_POST['cid']); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { foreach ($_POST['cid'] as $key => $value) { if ($key == $i) { $x = getArticle_category($value); $catname = getCategory_info($value, 'category_name'); if (count($x) > 0) { // if this category contains an articles then,,, echo '<script>alert( "Sorry, you cannot delete the ' . $catname . ' category because it contains some articles. " );history.go(-1);</script>'; } else { // else lets f*** him!!! $sql = " delete from category where categoryID = '{$value}' "; $db->query($sql); $_SESSION['catnames'][$i] = $catname; $_SESSION['task'] = 'delete'; } } } } } header('location: category_manager.php');
while ($row = $db->fetcharray()) { $my_profile[] = $row; } /** * Get content editor */ $sql = "select * from content_editor "; $sql .= "where userID = " . $_SESSION['clickuserID']; if (!($result = $db->query($sql))) { die('Error:' . $db->error()); } $content_editor = array(); while ($row = $db->fetcharray()) { $content_editor[] = $row; } $category_assigned = getCategory_info($content_editor[0]->categoryID, 'category_name'); /** * Get all the news category */ $sql = " select * from category "; if (!($result = $db->query($sql))) { die('Error:' . $db->error()); } $category = array(); while ($row = $db->fetcharray()) { $category[] = $row; } $db->freeresult(); /** * Populate all the news-category into an array.. */
die('Error:' . $db->error()); } $categories = array(); while ($categories[] = $db->fetcharray()) { } $totalcategories = count($categories); $categorylist = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $totalcategories - 1; $i++) { foreach ($categories as $field => $value) { if ($field == 'category_name') { $categorylist .= '<li><a href="' . VIEW_CATEGORY_URL . $categories[$i]->categoryID . '">' . $categories[$i]->category_name . '</a></li>'; } } } $categoryID = $_GET['categoryID']; $heading_category = getCategory_info($categoryID, 'category_name'); /** * Get the other news on this category */ $categoryID = $_GET['categoryID']; $sql = " select * from article_versions av , "; $sql .= " article_category ac "; $sql .= " where av.stageID = '6' "; $sql .= " and ac.articleID = av.articleID "; $sql .= "and av.articleID != '{$articleID}' "; $sql .= " and ac.categoryID = " . intval($categoryID); $sql .= " and av.published_day = '{$day}' "; $sql .= " and av.published_month = '{$month}' "; $sql .= " and av.published_year = '{$year}' "; $sql .= " group by av.articleID "; $sql .= " order by av.dateline DESC ";
<?php include 'configuration.php'; require 'coreclass.php'; session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['login'])) { header('Location: login.php'); } if (isset($_SESSION['login'])) { $userID = $_SESSION['userID']; $username = $_SESSION['username']; $usertype = $_SESSION['usertype']; } switch ($usertype) { case 'News Editor': $assigned_category = getCategory_info(getUser_assigned_category($userID), 'categoryID'); $editor_on_category = true; // this user is an editor break; } //retrieve the users workflow he had been assign ... $db = new database(); $sql = "select * from user_stage us,\r\n\t\tstages s\r\n\t\twhere us.userID = {$userID}\r\n\t\tand\ts.stageID = us.stageID "; // print $sql; if (!($result = $db->query($sql))) { die('Error:' . $db->error()); } $user_stage = array(); while ($row = $db->fetcharray()) { $user_stage[] = $row; }
$view_article_detail[] = $row; } $db->freeresult(); print_r($_SESSION); //print $sql; // Save the session data $_SESSION['articleID'] = $view_article_detail[0]->articleID; $_SESSION['title'] = $view_article_detail[0]->title; $_SESSION['article_body'] = $view_article_detail[0]->article_body; $_SESSION['created'] = $view_article_detail[0]->created; $_SESSION['created_day'] = $view_article_detail[0]->created_day; $_SESSION['created_month'] = $view_article_detail[0]->created_month; $_SESSION['created_year'] = $view_article_detail[0]->created_year; $_SESSION['dateline'] = $view_article_detail[0]->dateline; $_SESSION['edited_by'] = $view_article_detail[0]->edited_by; $_SESSION['category'] = getCategory_info($view_article_detail[0]->categoryID, 'category_name'); $writer = getArticle_authors_info($view_article_detail[0]->articleID, 'fullname'); print $writer; $_SESSION['created_by'] = $writer; $articlestageID = $view_article_detail[0]->stageID; $_SESSION['articlestageID'] = $articlestageID; //print_r($_SESSION); // Log the activity $action = new activity(); $action->track_activity($userID, $action->viewing_article, 'Viewing the article ' . addslashes($_SESSION['title'])); // lets get the current article stage //print_r($_SESSION); /** * Check the article if there is a revision lists.. * if naa then allow the designated user to revise it :-) ..dah.. */
if ($content_users[$i]->is_loggedin) { $row_data .= '<img src="images/tick.png" width="12" height="12" border="0" alt="" />'; } else { $row_data .= ' '; } $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td align="left">'; if (!$content_users[$i]->is_enabled) { $row_data .= '<img src="images/publish_x.png" width="12" height="12" border="0" alt="" />'; } else { $row_data .= '<img src="images/tick.png" width="12" height="12" border="0" alt="" />'; } $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td align="left" class="viola" >'; $group_name = getGroup_name($content_users[$i]->usertypeID); $assigned_category = getCategory_info(getUser_assigned_category($content_users[$i]->userID), 'category_name'); if ($assigned_category) { $row_data .= ' ' . $group_name . '<i>--' . $assigned_category . '</i>'; } else { $row_data .= ' ' . $group_name; } $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td class="red" >'; $row_data .= ' <a href="mailto:' . $content_users[$i]->email . '">' . $content_users[$i]->email; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '<td>'; $lastvisitDate = $content_users[$i]->lastvisitDate ? friendlyDate($content_users[$i]->lastvisitDate) : '0'; $row_data .= ' ' . $lastvisitDate; $row_data .= '</td>'; $row_data .= '</tr>'; }