<?php /* OpenLinkMap Copyright (C) 2010 Alexander Matheisen This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenLinkMap for details. */ require_once "functions.php"; $bbox = $_GET['bbox']; $callback = $_GET['callback']; $format = $_GET['format']; // correct bbox $coordinates = getBbox($bbox); if (!$coordinates) { exit; } $connection = connectToDatabase("nextobjects"); if (!$connection) { exit; } $list = getPtForBbox($connection, $coordinates); if ($list) { header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); if ($format == "json") { $data = array(); foreach ($list as $line) { array_push($data, $line); } $jsonData = json_encode($data); // JSONP request?
<?php define('BBOX_MARKER', '"bbox":'); function getBbox($content) { $bboxStartPos = strpos($content, BBOX_MARKER) + strlen(BBOX_MARKER) + 1; $bboxEndPos = strpos($content, '"', $bboxStartPos + 1) - 1; return substr($content, $bboxStartPos, $bboxEndPos - $bboxStartPos); } $fontFiles = scandir('fonts/js'); if ($fontFiles !== FALSE) { foreach ($fontFiles as $fontFile) { if ($fontFile != '.' && $fontFile != '..') { $content = file_get_contents("fonts/js/{$fontFile}"); $oldContent = file_get_contents("oldfonts/js/{$fontFile}"); $bbox = getBbox($content); $oldBbox = getBbox($oldContent); if ($bbox != $oldBbox) { echo "Updating bbox for {$fontFile} from {$bbox} to {$oldBbox}"; $modifiedContent = str_replace(BBOX_MARKER . '"' . $bbox, BBOX_MARKER . '"' . $oldBbox, $content); file_put_contents("fonts/js/{$fontFile}", $modifiedContent); } } } }