/** * Processes loading of this sample code through a web browser. Uses AuthSub * authentication and outputs a list of a user's calendars if succesfully * authenticated. * * @return void */ function processPageLoad() { global $_SESSION, $_GET; if (!isset($_SESSION['sessionToken']) && !isset($_GET['token'])) { requestUserLogin('Please login to your Google Account.'); } else { $client = getAuthSubHttpClient(); outputCalendarList($client); } }
/** * Processes loading of this sample code through a web browser. Uses AuthSub * authentication and outputs a list of a user's albums if succesfully * authenticated. * * @return void */ function processPageLoad() { global $_SESSION, $_GET; if (!isset($_SESSION['sessionToken']) && !isset($_GET['token'])) { requestUserLogin('Please login to your Google Account.'); } else { $client = getAuthSubHttpClient(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['command'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['command']) { case 'retrieveSelf': outputUserFeed($client, "default"); break; case 'retrieveUser': outputUserFeed($client, $_REQUEST['user']); break; case 'retrieveAlbumFeed': outputAlbumFeed($client, $_REQUEST['user'], $_REQUEST['album']); break; case 'retrievePhotoFeed': outputPhotoFeed($client, $_REQUEST['user'], $_REQUEST['album'], $_REQUEST['photo']); break; } } // Now we handle the potentially destructive commands, which have to // be submitted by POST only. if (!empty($_POST['command'])) { switch ($_POST['command']) { case 'addPhoto': addPhoto($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_FILES['photo']); break; case 'deletePhoto': deletePhoto($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo']); break; case 'addAlbum': addAlbum($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['name']); break; case 'deleteAlbum': deleteAlbum($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album']); break; case 'addComment': addComment($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo'], $_POST['comment']); break; case 'addTag': addTag($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo'], $_POST['tag']); break; case 'deleteComment': deleteComment($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo'], $_POST['comment']); break; case 'deleteTag': deleteTag($client, $_POST['user'], $_POST['album'], $_POST['photo'], $_POST['tag']); break; default: break; } } // If a menu parameter is available, display a submenu. if (!empty($_REQUEST['menu'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['menu']) { case 'user': displayUserMenu(); break; case 'photo': displayPhotoMenu(); break; case 'album': displayAlbumMenu(); break; case 'logout': logout(); break; default: header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); echo "<h2>Invalid menu selection.</h2>\n"; echo "<p>Please check your request and try again.</p>"; } } if (empty($_REQUEST['menu']) && empty($_REQUEST['command'])) { displayMenu(); } } }
/** * Processes loading of this sample code through a web browser. */ function runWWWVersion() { session_start(); // Note that all calls to endHTML() below end script execution! global $_SESSION, $_GET; if (!isset($_SESSION['docsSampleSessionToken']) && !isset($_GET['token'])) { requestUserLogin('Please login to your Google Account.'); } else { $client = getAuthSubHttpClient(); $docs = new Zend_Gdata_Docs($client); // First we check for commands that can be submitted either though // POST or GET (they don't make any changes). if (!empty($_REQUEST['command'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['command']) { case 'retrieveAllDocuments': startHTML(); retrieveAllDocuments($docs, true); endHTML(true); case 'retrieveWPDocs': startHTML(); retrieveWPDocs($docs, true); endHTML(true); case 'retrieveSpreadsheets': startHTML(); retrieveSpreadsheets($docs, true); endHTML(true); case 'fullTextSearch': startHTML(); fullTextSearch($docs, true, $_REQUEST['query']); endHTML(true); } } // Now we handle the potentially destructive commands, which have to // be submitted by POST only. if (!empty($_POST['command'])) { switch ($_POST['command']) { case 'uploadDocument': startHTML(); uploadDocument($docs, true, $_FILES['uploadedFile']['name'], $_FILES['uploadedFile']['tmp_name']); endHTML(true); case 'modifySubscription': if ($_POST['mode'] == 'subscribe') { startHTML(); endHTML(true); } elseif ($_POST['mode'] == 'unsubscribe') { startHTML(); endHTML(true); } else { header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); startHTML(); echo "<h2>Invalid mode.</h2>\n"; echo "<p>Please check your request and try again.</p>"; endHTML(true); } } } // Check for an invalid command. If so, display an error and exit. if (!empty($_REQUEST['command'])) { header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); startHTML(); echo "<h2>Invalid command.</h2>\n"; echo "<p>Please check your request and try again.</p>"; endHTML(true); } // If a menu parameter is available, display a submenu. if (!empty($_REQUEST['menu'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['menu']) { case 'list': startHTML(); displayListMenu(); endHTML(); case 'query': startHTML(); displayQueryMenu(); endHTML(); case 'upload': startHTML(); displayUploadMenu(); endHTML(); case 'logout': startHTML(false); logout(); endHTML(); default: header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); startHTML(); echo "<h2>Invalid menu selection.</h2>\n"; echo "<p>Please check your request and try again.</p>"; endHTML(true); } } // If we get this far, that means there's nothing to do. Display // the main menu. // If no command was issued and no menu was selected, display the // main menu. startHTML(); displayMenu(); endHTML(); } }
/** * Delete a playlist * * @param string $newplaylistTitle New title for the playlist to be updated * @param string $newPlaylistDescription New description for the playlist to be updated * @param string $oldPlaylistTitle Title of the playlist to be updated * @return void */ function updatePlaylist($newPlaylistTitle, $newPlaylistDescription, $oldPlaylistTitle) { $httpClient = getAuthSubHttpClient(); $youTubeService = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube($httpClient); $feed = $youTubeService->getPlaylistListFeed('default'); if (loggingEnabled()) { logMessage($httpClient->getLastRequest(), 'request'); logMessage($httpClient->getLastResponse()->getBody(), 'response'); } $playlistEntryToDelete = null; foreach ($feed as $playlistEntry) { if ($playlistEntry->getTitleValue() == $oldplaylistTitle) { $playlistEntryToDelete = $playlistEntry; break; } } if (!$playlistEntryToDelete instanceof Zend_Gdata_YouTube_PlaylistListEntry) { print 'ERROR - Could not retrieve playlist to be updated<br />' . printCacheWarning(); return; } try { $response = $playlistEntryToDelete->delete(); if (loggingEnabled()) { logMessage($httpClient->getLastRequest(), 'request'); logMessage($httpClient->getLastResponse()->getBody(), 'response'); } } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException $httpException) { print 'ERROR ' . $httpException->getMessage() . ' HTTP details<br /><textarea cols="100" rows="20">' . $httpException->getRawResponseBody() . '</textarea><br />' . '<a href="session_details.php">' . 'click here to view details of last request</a><br />'; return; } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) { print 'ERROR - Could not delete the playlist: ' . $e->getMessage(); return; } print 'Playlist deleted succesfully.<br /><a href="#" onclick="' . 'ytVideoApp.retrievePlaylists();"' . '">(refresh your playlist listing)</a><br />' . printCacheWarning(); }
/** * Processes loading of this sample code through a web browser. Uses AuthSub * authentication and outputs a list of a user's base items if succesfully * authenticated. * * @return void */ function processPageLoad() { global $_SESSION, $_GET; if (!isset($_SESSION['sessionToken']) && !isset($_GET['token'])) { requestUserLogin('Please login to your Google Account.'); } else { startHTML(); $client = getAuthSubHttpClient(); $itemUrl = insertItem($client, false); updateItem($client, $itemUrl, false); listAllMyItems($client); deleteItem($client, $itemUrl, true); querySnippetFeed(); endHTML(); } }
$album_download_directory = $_GET['album_download_directory']; $album_download_directory = '../' . $album_download_directory; } else { header('location:../index.php'); } require_once 'Zend/Loader.php'; Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_Photos'); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_AuthSub'); function getAuthSubHttpClient() { if (isset($_SESSION['google_session_token'])) { $client = Zend_Gdata_AuthSub::getHttpClient($_SESSION['google_session_token']); return $client; } } $gp = new Zend_Gdata_Photos(getAuthSubHttpClient(), "Google-DevelopersGuide-1.0"); $entry = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_AlbumEntry(); function add_new_album($entry, $gp, $album_download_directory, $album_name) { $new_album_name = str_replace(" ", "_", $album_name); $new_album_name = $new_album_name . '_' . uniqid(); $entry->setTitle($gp->newTitle($new_album_name)); $entry->setSummary($gp->newSummary("Album added by Facebook Album Challenge")); $gp->insertAlbumEntry($entry); $path = $album_download_directory . $album_name; if (file_exists($path)) { $photos = scandir($path); foreach ($photos as $photo) { if ($photo != "." && $photo != "..") { $photo_path = $path . '/' . $photo; add_new_photo_to_album($gp, $photo_path, $new_album_name);
<?php //<form onsubmit="ytVideoApp.prepareSyndicatedUpload(this.videoTitle.value, this.videoDescription.value, this.videoCategory.value, this.videoTags.value); return false;" id="uploadForm">Enter video title:<br><input type="text" name="videoTitle" size="50"><br>Enter video description:<br><textarea name="videoDescription" cols="50"></textarea><br>Select a category: <select name="videoCategory"><option value="Autos">Autos & Vehicles</option><option value="Music">Music</option><option value="Animals">Pets & Animals</option><option value="Sports">Sports</option><option value="Travel">Travel & Events</option><option value="Games">Gadgets & Games</option><option value="Comedy">Comedy</option><option value="People">People & Blogs</option><option value="News">News & Politics</option><option value="Entertainment">Entertainment</option><option value="Education">Education</option><option value="Howto">Howto & Style</option><option value="Nonprofit">Nonprofit & Activism</option><option value="Tech">Science & Technology</option></select><br>Enter some tags to describe your video <em>(separated by spaces)</em>:<br><input type="text" value="video" size="50" name="videoTags"><br><input type="submit" value="go"></form> $videoTitle = null; $videoDescription = null; $videoCategory = null; $videoTags = null; $nextUrl = null; $httpClient = getAuthSubHttpClient(); $youTubeService = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube($httpClient); $newVideoEntry = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoEntry(); $newVideoEntry->setVideoTitle($videoTitle); $newVideoEntry->setVideoDescription($videoDescription); //make sure first character in category is capitalized $videoCategory = strtoupper(substr($videoCategory, 0, 1)) . substr($videoCategory, 1); $newVideoEntry->setVideoCategory($videoCategory); // convert videoTags from whitespace separated into comma separated $videoTagsArray = explode(' ', trim($videoTags)); $newVideoEntry->setVideoTags(implode(', ', $videoTagsArray)); $tokenHandlerUrl = 'http://gdata.youtube.com/action/GetUploadToken'; try { $tokenArray = $youTubeService->getFormUploadToken($newVideoEntry, $tokenHandlerUrl); if (loggingEnabled()) { logMessage($httpClient->getLastRequest(), 'request'); logMessage($httpClient->getLastResponse()->getBody(), 'response'); } } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException $httpException) { print 'ERROR ' . $httpException->getMessage() . ' HTTP details<br /><textarea cols="100" rows="20">' . $httpException->getRawResponseBody() . '</textarea><br />' . '<a href="session_details.php">' . 'click here to view details of last request</a><br />'; return; } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) { print 'ERROR - Could not retrieve token for syndicated upload. ' . $e->getMessage() . '<br /><a href="session_details.php">' . 'click here to view details of last request</a><br />';