コード例 #1
function outInstRow($id, $level, $zone, $comment)
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td align=center><img src=" . getMapIcon($id) . "></td>";
    echo "<td class=lvl>{$level}</td>";
    echo "<td>&nbsp;<a href=?instance=" . $id . ">" . getMapName($id) . "</a></td>";
    echo "<td>" . getAreaName($zone) . "</td>";
    //    echo "<td>$comment</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
コード例 #2

include_once "include/map_data.php";
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/mapper.js\"></script>";
$zone = $_REQUEST['location'];
// Передаём клиенту данные о картах
$mapdata = array();
foreach ($gMapCoord as $mapId => $map) {
    $mapdata['m' . $mapId]['header'] = getMapName($mapId);
    $mapdata['m' . $mapId]['imageX'] = $map[5];
    $mapdata['m' . $mapId]['imageY'] = $map[4];
    $mapdata['m' . $mapId]['image'] = "images/map_image/maps/" . $map[6];
foreach ($gAreaImagesCoord as $areaId => $area) {
    $mapdata['a' . $areaId]['header'] = $area[1] == 0 ? getMapName($area[0]) : getAreaName($area[1]);
    $mapdata['a' . $areaId]['imageX'] = 1002;
    $mapdata['a' . $areaId]['imageY'] = 668;
    $mapdata['a' . $areaId]['image'] = "images/map_image/areas/" . $area[6];
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\nvar data=" . php2js($mapdata) . ";\nfunction renderMap(id)\n{\n    var m = data[id];\n    if (m)\n    {\n        setMapData(m);\n        renderInstance('mapper',0);\n    }\n    else\n        document.getElementById('mapper').innerHTML = 'No map present';\n}\nsetBestScale(1002);\n</script>";
$azeroth = array(14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 301, 341, 382, 480, 462, 463, 499, 502);
$kalimdor = array(13, 4, 9, 11, 41, 42, 43, 61, 81, 101, 121, 141, 161, 181, 182, 201, 241, 261, 281, 321, 362, 381, 471, 464, 476);
$outland = array(466, 465, 467, 473, 475, 477, 478, 479, 481);
$northrend = array(485, 486, 488, 490, 491, 492, 493, 495, 496, 501, 504, 510, 541);
$others = array(401, 443, 461, 482, 512, 540);
echo "<select onchange=\"renderMap(this.value)\">";
foreach ($azeroth as $id) {
    echo "<option value=a" . $id . ">" . getAreaNameFromId($id) . "</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "<select onchange=\"renderMap(this.value)\">";
コード例 #3
			<th>Right Name:</th>
			<td colspan="3"><input type="text" id='editName' maxlength=200 style='width:100%' value=""/></td>
	<!-----------------------DESCRIPTION--------------------------- -->
				<textarea id='editDescr' name="descr" rows="5" style='width:100%'></textarea>
	<!--------------------AREA--------------------------------- -->
			<th>Area: </th>
    echo getAreaName($right['area']);
	<!-----------------------Right Level--------------------------- -->
			<th>Right Level:</th>
    echo '<select id="editRightLevel" name="rightLevel" >';
    try {
        $rightsLevelsQuery = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM employeeRightsLevels WHERE area = :area");
        $rightsLevelsQuery->execute(array(':area' => $area));
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        exit("error in query");
    while ($levels = $rightsLevelsQuery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
コード例 #4
function get_mapAreaData($areaId, $pointsList = 0)
    global $gAreaCoord;
    $area = getRenderAreaData($areaId);
    if (empty($area)) {
        echo "{$lang['map_no_found']}&nbsp;{$areaId}<br>";
    $map = array();
    // Данные карты
    $mapId = $area[0];
    $areaY1 = $area[2];
    $areaY2 = $area[3];
    $areaX1 = $area[4];
    $areaX2 = $area[5];
    $map['header'] = $area[1] == 0 ? getMapName($mapId) : getAreaName($area[1]);
    $map['width'] = 1002;
    $map['height'] = 668;
    $map['coord'] = 0;
    $map['image'] = "images/map_image/areas/" . $area[6];
    if ($pointsList) {
        foreach ($pointsList as &$point) {
            $posMap = $point['map'];
            $posX = $point['position_x'];
            $posY = $point['position_y'];
            if ($area[1] == 0) {
                transformAreaCoordinates($posMap, $posX, $posY);
            if ($mapId == $posMap and $areaY1 >= $posY and $areaY2 <= $posY and $areaX1 >= $posX and $areaX2 <= $posX) {
                $x = ($posX - $areaX1) / ($areaX2 - $areaX1);
                // 0-1 on image
                $y = ($posY - $areaY1) / ($areaY2 - $areaY1);
                // 0-1 on image
                $map['points'][] = getPointData($areaId, $point, $x, $y);
    return $map;
コード例 #5
            $updateQuery = $db->prepare("UPDATE managerReports SET submitted=:checked, editDate=:day, comments=:text WHERE ID=:id");
            $transactionSuccess = $updateQuery->execute(array(':checked' => $commentObject['checked'], ':day' => $today, ':text' => $commentObject['editedText'], ':id' => $commentObject['id']));
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
            $transactionSuccess = false;
//If the transaction was successful commit it and then go on to do the email.
if ($transactionSuccess) {
    //send email
    $to = $_POST['to'];
    $cc = $_POST['cc'];
    $subject = getAreaName() . " Manager Weekly Report";
    $emailBody = $_POST['emailText'];
    $from = 'From:' . getEmployeeNameByNetId($netID) . ' <' . getEmployeeEmailByNetId($netID) . ">\r\n";
    $from .= "Cc: " . $cc . "\r\n";
    $from .= "Return-Path: " . getEmployeeEmailByNetId($netID) . "\r\n";
    $from .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
    $from .= "Content-Type: text/html;\r\n";
    //Check if email was successful
    if (mail($to, $subject, wordwrap($emailBody, 70), $from)) {
        echo json_encode(array('status' => true));
    } else {
        echo json_encode(array('status' => false, 'error' => 'There was an error submitting the email to the email server.'));
} else {
    //Otherwise rollback the transaction, set the status and error message and don't send the email.
コード例 #6
<!doctype html>
<!--[if lt IE 7 ]> <html lang="en" class="no-js ie6"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 7 ]>    <html lang="en" class="no-js ie7"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 8 ]>    <html lang="en" class="no-js ie8"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 9 ]>    <html lang="en" class="no-js ie9"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if (gt IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--> <html lang="en" class="no-js"> <!--<![endif]-->
	<meta charset="UTF-8" />
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />
	<title>OIT <?php 
echo getAreaName();
	<meta name="description" content="Description about your department. This text displays in the Google search results." />
	<meta name="author" content="Your Department Name" />
	<meta name="keywords" content="keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="https://<?php 
/includes/template/img/favicon.ico" />
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://<?php 
/includes/template/css/style.css" />
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://<?php 
コード例 #7
ファイル: show_go.php プロジェクト: BACKUPLIB/Infinity_MaNGOS
     echo "<tr><th>data0</th><td>" . $obj['data0'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><th>spellId</th><td>" . ($obj['data0'] ? getSpellNameFromId($obj['data0']) : "n/a") . "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><th>charges</th><td>" . $obj['data1'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><th>partyOnly</th><td>" . $obj['data2'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><th>minLevel</th><td>" . $obj['data0'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><th>maxLevel</th><td>" . $obj['data1'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><th>areaID</th><td>" . getAreaName($obj['data2']) . "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><th>data0</th><td>" . $obj['data0'] . "</td>";
     echo "<th>data1</th><td>" . $obj['data1'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><th>data2</th><td>" . $obj['data2'] . "</td>";
     echo "<th>data3</th><td>" . $obj['data3'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><th>data4</th><td>" . $obj['data4'] . "</td>";
     echo "<th>data5</th><td>" . $obj['data5'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><th>radius</th><td>" . $obj['data0'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><th>lootId</th><td>" . $obj['data1'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><th>minSuccessOpens</th><td>" . $obj['data2'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><th>maxSuccessOpens</th><td>" . $obj['data3'] . "</td></tr>";
     echo "<tr><th>lockId</th><td>" . $obj['data4'] . "</td></tr>";
コード例 #8
function getFullAreaName($Zone_id, $as_ref = 1)
    $zone = getArea($Zone_id, '`name`, `zone_id`');
    if ($zone) {
        $name = $zone['name'];
        if ($as_ref) {
            $name = '<a href="?zone=' . $Zone_id . '">' . $name . '</a>';
        if ($zone['zone_id']) {
            $name = getAreaName($zone['zone_id'], $as_ref) . ' - ' . $name;
    } else {
        $name = "Unknown area - {$Zone_id}";
    return $name;
コード例 #9
 if ($quest['RequiredRaces'] == 0 or $quest['RequiredRaces'] == 1791) {
     echo "</br>";
     echo "<br><FONT color=#008800>{$lang['required_races']}&nbsp;{$lang['Both']}</FONT>";
     echo '<br><FONT color=#008800>' . $game_text['allowable_race'] . '&nbsp;' . getAllowableRace(1791) . '</FONT>';
 if (getAllowableClass($quest['RequiredClasses'])) {
     echo '<br><FONT color=#000000>' . $game_text['allowable_class'] . '&nbsp;' . getQAllowableClass($quest['RequiredClasses']) . '</FONT>';
 if ($entry == getQuestOld($entry)) {
     echo '<br><FONT color=#ff0000><b>' . $lang['quest_marked'] . '</FONT></b>';
 echo "</th></tr>";
 echo "</th></tr>";
 echo '<tr><td>';
 if ($quest['ZoneOrSort'] > 0) {
     echo "<a style='float: right;' href=\"?s=q&ZoneID=" . $quest['ZoneOrSort'] . "\">" . getAreaName($quest['ZoneOrSort'], 0) . "</a>";
 } else {
     if ($quest['ZoneOrSort'] < 0 and (-$quest['ZoneOrSort'] >= 374 or -$quest['ZoneOrSort'] == 221 or -$quest['ZoneOrSort'] == 241 or -$quest['ZoneOrSort'] >= 344 and -$quest['ZoneOrSort'] < 371 or -$quest['ZoneOrSort'] == 284 or -$quest['ZoneOrSort'] == 25 or -$quest['ZoneOrSort'] == 41 or -$quest['ZoneOrSort'] < 24)) {
         echo "<a style='float: right;' href=\"?s=q&SortID=" . -$quest['ZoneOrSort'] . "\">" . getQuestSort(-$quest['ZoneOrSort'], 0) . "</a>";
 echo "{$lang['quest_level']}&nbsp;{$quest['QuestLevel']}<br>";
 if ($quest['RequiredSkill']) {
     echo "<a style='float: right;' href=\"?s=q&SkillID=" . $quest['RequiredSkill'] . "\">" . getSkillName($quest['RequiredSkill'], 0) . "&nbsp;({$quest['RequiredSkillValue']})</a>";
 if ($quest['MinLevel']) {
     echo "{$lang['obtained_at_level']}&nbsp;{$quest['MinLevel']}</td></tr>";
 if ($quest['SuggestedPlayers']) {
     echo "<tr><td>{$lang['suggestedplayers']}&nbsp;<b>{$quest['SuggestedPlayers']}</b></td></tr>";
コード例 #10
function renderItemData($item, $item_data = 0)
    global $gBonding, $Quality, $UseorEquip, $game_text;
    $colorname = $item['Quality'];
    $bonding = $item['bonding'];
    $invtype = $item['InventoryType'];
    $class = $item['class'];
    $subclass = $item['subclass'];
    $speed = $item['delay'] / 1000.0;
    $ssd = 0;
    $level = 80;
    $creator = 0;
    $giftCreator = 0;
    $random_suffix = 0;
    $random_prop = 0;
    $char_data = 0;
    $stack_count = 1;
    if ($item_data) {
        if ($item['ScalingStatValue'] || $item['ScalingStatDistribution']) {
            $level = getCharacterLevel($item_data[ITEM_FIELD_OWNER]);
        if (intval(-$item_data[ITEM_FIELD_RANDOM_PROPERTIES_ID]) > 0) {
            $random_suffix = getRandomSuffix(intval(-$item_data[ITEM_FIELD_RANDOM_PROPERTIES_ID]));
        if (intval($item_data[ITEM_FIELD_RANDOM_PROPERTIES_ID]) > 0) {
            $random_prop = getRandomProperty(intval($item_data[ITEM_FIELD_RANDOM_PROPERTIES_ID]));
        if ($item_data[ITEM_FIELD_CREATOR]) {
            $creator = getCharacterName($item_data[ITEM_FIELD_CREATOR]);
        if ($item_data[ITEM_FIELD_GIFTCREATOR]) {
            $giftCreator = getCharacterName($item_data[ITEM_FIELD_GIFTCREATOR]);
        if ($item_data[ITEM_FIELD_STACK_COUNT]) {
            $stack_count = $item_data[ITEM_FIELD_STACK_COUNT];
        if ($random_suffix) {
            $item['name'] = $item['name'] . ' ' . $random_suffix['name'];
        } else {
            if ($random_prop) {
                $item['name'] = $item['name'] . ' ' . $random_prop['name'];
        if ($item_data[ITEM_FIELD_FLAGS] & ITEM_FLAGS_BINDED) {
            $bonding = -1;
    if ($item['ScalingStatDistribution'] && ($ssd = getScalingStatDistribution($item['ScalingStatDistribution']))) {
        if ($ssd['maxlevel'] && $level > $ssd['maxlevel']) {
            $level = $ssd['maxlevel'];
        $mask = $item['ScalingStatValue'];
        $ssv = getScalingStatValues($level);
        $stat_multi = 0;
        // Stat multiplier
        if ($mask & 0x1f) {
            if ($mask & 1 << 0) {
                $stat_multi = $ssv['multiplier_1'];
            if ($mask & 1 << 1) {
                $stat_multi = $ssv['multiplier_2'];
            if ($mask & 1 << 2) {
                $stat_multi = $ssv['multiplier_3'];
            if ($mask & 1 << 3) {
                $stat_multi = $ssv['multiplier_4'];
            if ($mask & 1 << 4) {
                $stat_multi = $ssv['multiplier_5'];
        // Armor mod
        if ($mask & 0x1e0) {
            if ($mask & 1 << 5) {
                $item['armor'] = $ssv['multiplier_6'];
            if ($mask & 1 << 6) {
                $item['armor'] = $ssv['multiplier_7'];
            if ($mask & 1 << 7) {
                $item['armor'] = $ssv['multiplier_8'];
            if ($mask & 1 << 8) {
                $item['armor'] = $ssv['multiplier_9'];
        // DPS mod (min = 70% from averange max = 130%)
        if ($mask & 0x7e00) {
            if ($mask & 1 << 9) {
                $dps = $ssv['multiplier_10'];
            if ($mask & 1 << 10) {
                $dps = $ssv['multiplier_11'];
            if ($mask & 1 << 11) {
                $dps = $ssv['multiplier_12'];
            if ($mask & 1 << 12) {
                $dps = $ssv['multiplier_13'];
            if ($mask & 1 << 13) {
                $dps = $ssv['multiplier_14'];
            if ($mask & 1 << 14) {
                $dps = $ssv['multiplier_15'];
            $averange = $speed * $dps;
            $item['dmg_min1'] = floor(0.7 * $averange);
            $item['dmg_max1'] = floor(1.3 * $averange);
        //    if ($mask & 0x08000)                   // spell power
        //      ???=$ssv['multiplier_16'];
        //    if ($mask & 0x10000)                   // feral AP
        //      ???=$ssv['multiplier_17'];
    // Вывод имени
    echo '<tr><td class=name><SPAN class=' . $Quality[$colorname] . '>' . $item['name'] . '</SPAN></td></tr>';
    // Heroic item (green)
    if ($item['Flags'] & ITEM_FLAGS_HEROIC) {
        echo '<tr><td class=SpellStat>' . $game_text['item_heroic'] . '</td></tr>';
    if ($item['area']) {
        echo '<tr><td>' . getAreaName($item['area']) . '</td></tr>';
    if ($item['Map']) {
        echo '<tr><td>' . getMapName($item['Map']) . '</td></tr>';
    if ($item['Flags'] & ITEM_FLAGS_CONJURED) {
        echo '<tr><td>' . $game_text['conjured_item'] . '</td></tr>';
    // Вывод привязки вещи
    if ($bonding) {
        echo '<tr><td>' . $gBonding[$bonding] . '</td></tr>';
    // Вывод того что вещь содержит чтото
    if ($item['Flags'] & ITEM_FLAGS_OPENABLE) {
        echo '<tr><td class=SpellStat>' . $game_text['right_click'] . '</td></tr>';
    // <Right Click to Read>
    // Вывод уникальности вещи
    if ($item['maxcount'] == 1) {
        echo '<tr><td class=Unique>' . $game_text['unique'] . '</td></tr>';
    if ($item['maxcount'] > 1) {
        echo '<tr><td class=Unique>' . $game_text['unique'] . '(' . $item['maxcount'] . ')</td></tr>';
    $className = getClassName($class, 0);
    $subClassName = getShortSubclassName($class, $subclass, 0);
    // Зависимые от класса вещи параметры
    switch ($class) {
        // case 0:// Consumable
        // break;
        case 1:
            // Container
            echo "<tr><td>" . sprintf($game_text['slot'], $item['ContainerSlots'], $subClassName) . "</td></tr>";
        case 2:
            // Weapon
            echo '<tr><td>' . '<div class=right>' . $subClassName . '</div>' . getInventoryType($invtype, 0) . '</td></tr>';
            //case 3:// Gem
        //case 3:// Gem
        case 4:
            // Armor
            if ($invtype == 14) {
                $invtype = 22;
            $sub = '';
            if ($invtype != 16 && $subclass > 0) {
                $sub = '<div class=right>' . $subClassName . '</div>';
            echo '<tr><td>' . $sub . getInventoryType($invtype, 0) . '</td></tr>';
            // case 5:// Reagent
            // break;
        // case 5:// Reagent
        // break;
        case 6:
            // Projectile
            echo '<tr><td><div class=right>' . $subClassName . '</div>' . $className . '</td></tr>';
            $dps = ($item['dmg_min1'] + $item['dmg_max1']) / 2;
            echo '<tr><td>' . sprintf($game_text['ammo_dps'], $dps) . '</td></tr>';
            // case 7:// Trade Goods
            // break;
            // case 8:// Generic
            // break;
            // case 9:// Recipe
            // break;
            // case 10:// Money
            // break;
        // case 7:// Trade Goods
        // break;
        // case 8:// Generic
        // break;
        // case 9:// Recipe
        // break;
        // case 10:// Money
        // break;
        case 11:
            echo '<tr><td>' . sprintf($game_text['slot'], $item['ContainerSlots'], $subClassName) . '</td></tr>';
            // case 12: //Quest
            // break;
            // case 13: //Key
            // break;
            // case 14: //Permanent
            // break;
            // case 15: //Misc
            // break;
        // case 12: //Quest
        // break;
        // case 13: //Key
        // break;
        // case 14: //Permanent
        // break;
        // case 15: //Misc
        // break;
    // Вывод урона наносимого оружием но не боеприпасами
    if ($item['dmg_min1'] > 0 and $class != 6) {
        if ($speed == 0) {
            $speed = 1;
        $dps = ($item['dmg_min1'] + $item['dmg_max1']) / (2 * $speed);
        $sub = '<div class=right>' . sprintf($game_text['weapon_speed'], $speed) . '</div>';
        echo '<tr><td>' . $sub . sprintf($game_text['weapon_damage'], $item['dmg_min1'], $item['dmg_max1']) . '</td></tr>';
        if ($class == 2) {
            echo '<tr><td>' . sprintf($game_text['weapon_dps'], $dps) . '</td></tr>';
    // вывод брони
    if ($item['armor']) {
        echo '<tr><td>' . sprintf($game_text['iarmor'], $item['armor']) . '</td></tr>';
    // вывод блока
    if ($item['block']) {
        echo '<tr><td>' . sprintf($game_text['iblock'], $item['block']) . '</td></tr>';
    // Вывод статов на силу, ловкость, стамину, интелект, стамину
    if ($ssd) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
            renderPrimalStat($ssd['statmod_' . $i], $stat_multi * $ssd['modifier_' . $i] / 10000);
    } else {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $item['StatsCount']; $i++) {
            renderPrimalStat($item['stat_type' . $i], $item['stat_value' . $i]);
    // Вывод резистов
    if ($item['holy_res']) {
        echo "<tr><td>" . getResistanceText(1, $item['holy_res']) . "</td></tr>";
    if ($item['fire_res']) {
        echo "<tr><td>" . getResistanceText(2, $item['fire_res']) . "</td></tr>";
    if ($item['nature_res']) {
        echo "<tr><td>" . getResistanceText(3, $item['nature_res']) . "</td></tr>";
    if ($item['frost_res']) {
        echo "<tr><td>" . getResistanceText(4, $item['frost_res']) . "</td></tr>";
    if ($item['shadow_res']) {
        echo "<tr><td>" . getResistanceText(5, $item['shadow_res']) . "</td></tr>";
    if ($item['arcane_res']) {
        echo "<tr><td>" . getResistanceText(6, $item['arcane_res']) . "</td></tr>";
    // Описание камней
    if ($item['GemProperties']) {
        $GemProperties = getGemProperties($item['GemProperties']);
        echo "<tr><td class=SpellStat>{$GemProperties}</td></tr>";
    // Вывод сокетов
    if ($item_data) {
        renderSocketed($item['socketColor_1'], $item_data[SOCK_ENCHANTMENT_SLOT]);
        renderSocketed($item['socketColor_2'], $item_data[SOCK_ENCHANTMENT_SLOT_2]);
        renderSocketed($item['socketColor_3'], $item_data[SOCK_ENCHANTMENT_SLOT_3]);
    } else {
    // Вывод бонуса сокетов (если есть доп инфо выводим данные из нее)
    if ($item_data) {
        // Вывод активного бонуса
        if ($item_data[BONUS_ENCHANTMENT_SLOT]) {
            echo '<tr><td class=SpellStat>' . sprintf($game_text['socket_bonus'], getEnchantmentDesc($item_data[BONUS_ENCHANTMENT_SLOT])) . '</td></tr>';
        } else {
            if ($item['socketBonus']) {
                echo '<tr><td class=disBonus>' . sprintf($game_text['socket_bonus'], getEnchantmentDesc($item['socketBonus'])) . '</td></tr>';
    } else {
        if ($item['socketBonus']) {
            echo '<tr><td class=SpellStat>' . sprintf($game_text['socket_bonus'], getEnchantmentDesc($item['socketBonus'])) . '</td></tr>';
    // Вывод энчантов вещи
    if ($item_data) {
        renderEnchant($item_data, PERM_ENCHANTMENT_SLOT, $random_suffix);
        renderEnchant($item_data, TEMP_ENCHANTMENT_SLOT, $random_suffix);
        renderEnchant($item_data, WOTLK_ENCHANTMENT_SLOT, $random_suffix);
        renderEnchant($item_data, PROP_ENCHANTMENT_SLOT_0, $random_suffix);
        renderEnchant($item_data, PROP_ENCHANTMENT_SLOT_1, $random_suffix);
        renderEnchant($item_data, PROP_ENCHANTMENT_SLOT_2, $random_suffix);
        renderEnchant($item_data, PROP_ENCHANTMENT_SLOT_3, $random_suffix);
        renderEnchant($item_data, PROP_ENCHANTMENT_SLOT_4, $random_suffix);
    } else {
        if ($item['RandomProperty'] or $item['RandomSuffix']) {
            echo '<tr><td class=SpellStat>' . $game_text['random_enchant'] . '</td></tr>';
    // Вывод крепкости
    if ($item_data && $item_data[ITEM_FIELD_MAXDURABILITY] > 0) {
        echo '<tr><td>' . sprintf($game_text['durability'], $item_data[ITEM_FIELD_DURABILITY], $item_data[ITEM_FIELD_MAXDURABILITY]) . '</td></tr>';
    } else {
        if ($item['MaxDurability'] > 0) {
            echo '<tr><td>' . sprintf($game_text['durability'], $item['MaxDurability'], $item['MaxDurability']) . '</td></tr>';
    // Вывод требования расы
    if ($text = getAllowableRace($item['AllowableRace'])) {
        echo '<tr><td>' . $game_text['allowable_race'] . ' ' . $text . '</td></tr>';
    // Вывод требований классов
    if ($text = getAllowableClass($item['AllowableClass'])) {
        echo '<tr><td>' . $game_text['allowable_class'] . ' ' . $text . '</td></tr>';
    // Вывод времени продолжительности
    if ($item['Duration']) {
        if ($item['ExtraFlags'] & 2) {
            echo '<tr><td>' . sprintf($game_text['idurationr'], getTimeText($item['Duration'])) . '</td></tr>';
        } else {
            echo '<tr><td>' . sprintf($game_text['iduration'], getTimeText($item['Duration'])) . '</td></tr>';
    // Вывод требования уровня
    if ($item['RequiredLevel'] > 1) {
        echo '<tr><td class=req>' . sprintf($game_text['req_level'], $item['RequiredLevel']) . '</td></tr>';
    // Уровень предмета
    if ($item['ItemLevel']) {
        echo '<tr><td>' . sprintf($game_text['ilevel'], $item['ItemLevel']) . '</td></tr>';
    // Вывод prospectable если надо 0x40000
    if ($item['Flags'] & ITEM_FLAGS_PROSPECTABLE) {
        echo '<tr><td>' . $game_text['prospectable'] . '</td></tr>';
    // Вывод Millable если надо 0x20000000
    if ($item['Flags'] & ITEM_FLAGS_MILLABLE) {
        echo '<tr><td>' . $game_text['millable'] . '</td></tr>';
    // Вывод требования скила
    if ($item['RequiredSkill']) {
        echo '<tr><td class=req>' . sprintf($game_text['req_skill'], getSkillName($item['RequiredSkill']), $item['RequiredSkillRank']) . '</td></tr>';
    // Требование знать спелл
    if ($item['requiredspell']) {
        echo '<tr><td class=req>' . $game_text['req_spell'] . ' ' . getSpellName(getSpell($item['requiredspell'])) . '</td></tr>';
    // Требования арена рейтинга "Requires personal arena rating of %d"; -- %d is the rating number required
    // $item['RequiredCityRank'] ??
    // PVP_MEDAL1 = "Protector of Stormwind";
    // PVP_MEDAL2 = "Overlord of Orgrimmar";
    // PVP_MEDAL3 = "Thane of Ironforge";
    // PVP_MEDAL4 = "High Sentinel of Darnassus";
    // PVP_MEDAL5 = "Deathlord of the Undercity";
    // PVP_MEDAL6 = "Chieftain of Thunderbluff";
    // PVP_MEDAL7 = "Avenger of Gnomeregan";
    // PVP_MEDAL8 = "Voodoo Boss of Sen'jin";
    // Требования репутации -- Required faction reputation to use the item
    if ($item['RequiredReputationFaction']) {
        $faction = getFactionName($item['RequiredReputationFaction']);
        $rank = getReputationRankName($item['RequiredReputationRank']);
        echo '<tr><td class=faction>' . sprintf($game_text['req_reputation'], $faction, $rank) . '</td></tr>';
    if ($ssd) {
        echo '<tr><td>' . sprintf($game_text['ssd_req_level'], $ssd['maxlevel'], $level) . '</td></tr>';
    // Вывод статов на силу, ловкость, стамину, интелект, стамину
    if ($ssd) {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
            renderSpellStat($ssd['statmod_' . $i], $stat_multi * $ssd['modifier_' . $i] / 10000);
    } else {
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $item['StatsCount']; $i++) {
            renderSpellStat($item['stat_type' . $i], $item['stat_value' . $i]);
    if ($item['spellid_1'] != 483 and $item['spellid_1'] != 55884) {
        renderSpell($item['spellid_1'], $item['spelltrigger_1'], $item_data ? $item_data[ITEM_FIELD_SPELL_CHARGES + 0] : $item['spellcharges_1'], $item['spellcooldown_1'], $item['spellcategory_1'], $item['spellcategorycooldown_1']);
        renderSpell($item['spellid_2'], $item['spelltrigger_2'], $item_data ? $item_data[ITEM_FIELD_SPELL_CHARGES + 1] : $item['spellcharges_2'], $item['spellcooldown_2'], $item['spellcategory_2'], $item['spellcategorycooldown_2']);
        renderSpell($item['spellid_3'], $item['spelltrigger_3'], $item_data ? $item_data[ITEM_FIELD_SPELL_CHARGES + 2] : $item['spellcharges_3'], $item['spellcooldown_3'], $item['spellcategory_3'], $item['spellcategorycooldown_3']);
        renderSpell($item['spellid_4'], $item['spelltrigger_4'], $item_data ? $item_data[ITEM_FIELD_SPELL_CHARGES + 3] : $item['spellcharges_4'], $item['spellcooldown_4'], $item['spellcategory_4'], $item['spellcategorycooldown_4']);
        renderSpell($item['spellid_5'], $item['spelltrigger_5'], $item_data ? $item_data[ITEM_FIELD_SPELL_CHARGES + 4] : $item['spellcharges_5'], $item['spellcooldown_5'], $item['spellcategory_5'], $item['spellcategorycooldown_5']);
    if ($item['itemset']) {
        $set = getItemSet($item['itemset']);
        if ($set == 0) {
            echo '<tr><td class=itemsetname>&nbsp;&nbsp;Unknown set - ' . $item['itemset'] . '</td></tr>';
        } else {
            // Получаем игрока чтобы вывести инфу о сете
            if ($item_data && ($char = getCharacter($item_data[ITEM_FIELD_OWNER]))) {
                $char_data = explode(' ', $char['data']);
            $text = "";
            $count = 0;
            $itemnum = 0;
            // Подсчитываем всего вещей в сете (а также если на игроке то сколько из вещей сета на нём)
            // Одновременно составяем список
            for ($i = 1; $i < 18; $i++) {
                if ($setitem = $set['item_' . $i]) {
                    $name = getItemName($setitem);
                    if (isItemOnPlayer($setitem, $char_data)) {
                        $text = $text . '<tr><td class=enSetName><a href="?item=' . $setitem . '">' . $name . '</a></td></tr>';
                    } else {
                        $text = $text . '<tr><td class=disSetName><a href="?item=' . $setitem . '">' . $name . '</a></td></tr>';
            echo '<tr><td class=itemsetname><a href="?itemset=' . $set['id'] . '">' . $set['name'] . "</a> ({$itemnum}/{$count})</td></tr>";
            if ($set['req_skill']) {
                echo '<tr><td class=req>' . sprintf($game_text['req_skill'], getSkillName($set['req_skill']), $set['req_skill_value']) . '</td></tr>';
            echo $text;
            // Выводим бонусы сета (если на игроке - то активны ион или нет)
            for ($i = 1; $i < 9; $i++) {
                if ($setSpell = $set['spell_' . $i]) {
                    $name = get_spell_details($setSpell);
                    $num = $set['count_' . $i];
                    if ($char_data) {
                        $iclass = $num <= $itemnum ? 'enSpell' : 'disSpell';
                        echo '<tr><td class=' . $iclass . '><a href="?spell=' . $setSpell . '">(' . $num . ') ' . $name . '</a></td></tr>';
                    } else {
                        echo '<tr><td><a href="?spell=' . $setSpell . '">(' . $num . ') ' . $name . '</a></td></tr>';
    if ($item['description'] != "") {
        if ($item['spellid_1'] == 483 or $item['spellid_1'] == 55884) {
            echo '<tr><td><a href="?spell=' . $item['spellid_2'] . '">' . $UseorEquip[$item['spelltrigger_2']] . ' ' . $item['description'] . '</a></td></tr>';
            if ($spell = getSpell($item['spellid_2'])) {
                if ($ritem = getItem($spell['EffectItemType_1'])) {
                    echo '<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
                if ($req = getRecipeReqString($spell)) {
                    echo '<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
                    echo '<tr><td>' . $game_text['req_ingridients'] . ' ' . $req . '</td></tr>';
        } else {
            echo '<tr><td class=itemdesc>&quot;' . $item['description'] . '&quot;</td></tr>';
    // Written by %s
    if ($creator) {
        echo '<tr><td class=enSpell>&lt;' . sprintf($game_text['made_by'], $creator) . '&gt;</td></tr>';
    if ($item['startquest']) {
        echo '<tr><td>' . $game_text['start_quest'] . '</td></tr>';
コード例 #11
function r_questName($data)
    global $lang;
    $name = @$data['Title_loc'] ? $data['Title_loc'] : $data['Title'];
    if (getAllowableRace($data['RequiredRaces']) && $data['RequiredRaces'] & 1101 && $data['RequiredRaces'] != 1791) {
        echo "<img width=22 height=22 src='images/player_info/factions_img/alliance.gif'>&nbsp;";
    if (getAllowableRace($data['RequiredRaces']) && $data['RequiredRaces'] & 690 && $data['RequiredRaces'] != 1791) {
        echo "<img width=22 height=22 src='images/player_info/factions_img/horde.gif'>&nbsp;";
    echo '<a href="?quest=' . $data['entry'] . '">' . ($name ? $name : 'no name') . '</a><br>';
    if ($data['ZoneOrSort'] > 0) {
        echo '<div class=areaname><a href="?s=q&ZoneID=' . $data['ZoneOrSort'] . '">' . getAreaName($data['ZoneOrSort']) . '</a></div>';
    } else {
        if ($data['ZoneOrSort'] < 0 and (-$data['ZoneOrSort'] >= 374 or -$data['ZoneOrSort'] == 221 or -$data['ZoneOrSort'] == 241 or -$data['ZoneOrSort'] >= 344 and -$data['ZoneOrSort'] < 371 or -$data['ZoneOrSort'] == 284 or -$data['ZoneOrSort'] == 25 or -$data['ZoneOrSort'] == 41 or -$data['ZoneOrSort'] < 24)) {
            echo '<div class=areaname><a href="?s=q&SortID=' . -$data['ZoneOrSort'] . '">' . getQuestSort(-$data['ZoneOrSort']) . '</a></div>';
    if ($data['RequiredClasses']) {
        echo '<div class=classqname>' . getQAllowableClass($data['RequiredClasses']) . '</div>';
    if ($data['RequiredSkill']) {
        echo '<div class=areaname><a href="?s=q&SkillID=' . $data['RequiredSkill'] . '">' . getSkillName($data['RequiredSkill'], 0) . '(' . $data['RequiredSkillValue'] . ')</a></div>';
    if ($data['SpecialFlags'] & QUEST_SPECIAL_FLAG_MONTHLY) {
        echo '<div class=areaname><a href="?s=q&Sfm=' . $data['SpecialFlags'] . '">' . $lang['quest_type3'] . '</a></div>';
    if ($data['QuestFlags'] & QUEST_FLAGS_WEEKLY) {
        echo '<div class=areaname><a href="?s=q&Sfw=' . $data['QuestFlags'] . '">' . $lang['quest_type2'] . '</a></div>';
    if ($data['QuestFlags'] & QUEST_FLAGS_DAILY) {
        echo '<div class=areaname><a href="?s=q&Sfd=' . $data['QuestFlags'] . '">' . $lang['quest_type1'] . '</a></div>';
    if ($data['SpecialFlags'] & QUEST_SPECIAL_FLAG_REPEATABLE && ($data['SpecialFlags'] & QUEST_SPECIAL_FLAG_MONTHLY) == 0 && ($data['QuestFlags'] & (QUEST_FLAGS_DAILY | QUEST_FLAGS_WEEKLY)) == 0) {
        echo '<div class=areaname><a href="?s=q&Sfr=' . $data['SpecialFlags'] . '">' . $lang['quest_type0'] . '</a></div>';
コード例 #12
ファイル: search.php プロジェクト: lz1988/stourwebcms
require_once SLINEINC . "/listview.class.php";
if (isset($totalresult)) {
    $totalresult = intval(preg_replace("/[^\\d]/", '', $totalresult));
if (isset($pageno)) {
    $pageno = intval(preg_replace("/[^\\d]/", '', $pageno));
$countryid = !empty($countryid) ? Helper_Archive::pregReplace($countryid, 2) : 0;
$visatypeid = !empty($visatypeid) ? Helper_Archive::pregReplace($visatypeid, 2) : 0;
$cityid = !empty($cityid) ? Helper_Archive::pregReplace($cityid, 2) : 0;
if (!empty($countryid)) {
    $countryname = getAreaName($countryid);
    $where .= " and nationid='{$countryid}'";
    $navtitle .= $countryname;
if (!empty($visatypeid)) {
    $where .= " and visatype='{$visatypeid}'";
    $navtitle .= getVisaType($visatypeid);
if (!empty($cityid)) {
    $where .= " and cityid='{$cityid}'";
    $navtitle = getVisaCity($cityid) . '签发' . $navtitle;
$sql = "select a.* from #@__visa a left join #@__allorderlist b on (a.id=b.aid and b.typeid={$typeid} and a.webid=b.webid) where a.ishidden=0 {$where} order by case when b.displayorder is null then 9999 end,b.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc";
$seoarr = array();