function processRequest() { @header('Content-type: application/json'); $action = getRequestParameter("action"); $token = getRequestParameter("token"); if ($action == 'getAllDemos') { $maxItems = getRequestParameter("maxItems"); $userEmail = getRequestParameter("userEmail"); logUsage($action, "", $maxItems, $userEmail); echo json_encode(getAllConfigsFromDatabase($userEmail, $maxItems)); } else { if ($action == 'getStandardDemos') { logUsage($action, "", "", ""); echo json_encode(getDefaultConfigsFromDatabase()); } else { if ($action == 'saveConfig') { $config = getRequestParameter("config"); $savedConfig = saveConfig(json_decode($config)); logUsage($action, "", $savedConfig->token, $config); echo json_encode($savedConfig); } else { if ($action == 'copyConfig') { // copy token config to a new token // copy website... $newToken = copyConfig($token); logUsage($action, "", $newToken, ""); echo json_encode($newToken); } else { if ($action == 'getConfig') { logUsage($action, "", $token, ""); echo json_encode(getConfig($token)); } else { // display how to use service. $endpointVariables = array("Name" => "token", "Type" => "String", "Mandatory" => false); $serviceEndpoints = array(array("Name" => "Reset Demo", "Description" => "....", "Endpoint" => "/api?action=resetDemo&token=...", "Variables" => $endpointVariables), array("Name" => "Get Configuration", "Description" => "....", "Endpoint" => "/api?action=getConfig[&token=...]"), array("Name" => "Save Configuration", "Description" => "....", "Endpoint" => "/api?action=saveConfig&config=..."), array("Name" => "Get Offers", "Description" => "....", "Endpoint" => "/api?action=getOffers&customer=...&maxOffer=...&token=..."), array("Name" => "Respond to Offer", "Description" => "....", "Endpoint" => "/api?action=respondToOffer&offer=...&customer=...&token=..."), array("Name" => "Get History", "Description" => "....", "Endpoint" => "/api?action=getHistory&customer=...&token=...")); $serviceEndpointDesc = array("Service Endpoints" => $serviceEndpoints); echo json_encode($serviceEndpointDesc); } } } } } // log usage return; }
function processRequest() { @header('Content-type: application/json'); $action = getRequestParameter("action"); $token = getRequestParameter("token"); if ($action == 'getAllDemos') { $maxItems = getRequestParameter("maxItems"); $userEmail = getRequestParameter("userEmail"); logUsage($action, "", $maxItems, $userEmail); echo json_encode(getAllConfigsFromDatabase($userEmail, $maxItems)); } else { if ($action == 'getStandardDemos') { logUsage($action, "", "", ""); echo json_encode(getDefaultConfigsFromDatabase()); } else { if ($action == 'resetDemo') { resetDemo($token); logUsage($action, "", $token, ""); } else { if ($action == 'saveConfig') { $config = getRequestParameter("config"); $savedConfig = saveConfig(json_decode($config)); logUsage($action, "", $savedConfig->token, $config); echo json_encode($savedConfig); } else { if ($action == 'copyConfig') { // copy token config to a new token // copy website... $newToken = copyConfig($token); logUsage($action, "", $newToken, ""); echo json_encode($newToken); } else { if ($action == 'getOffers') { $customer = getRequestParameter("customer"); $channel = getRequestParameter("channel"); $list_size = getRequestParameter("maxOffers"); $do_not_track = getRequestParameter("DoNotTrack"); logUsage($action, "", $token, $channel); echo json_encode(getOffers($token, $customer, $channel, $list_size, $do_not_track)); } else { if ($action == 'changeAnalyticsScore') { $customer = getRequestParameter("customer"); $scoreIndex = getRequestParameter("scoreIndex"); $scoreValue = getRequestParameter("scoreValue"); echo json_encode(changeAnalyticsScore($token, $customer, $scoreIndex, $scoreValue)); } else { if ($action == 'respondToOffer') { $customer = getRequestParameter("customer"); $offerCd = getRequestParameter("offer"); $responseCd = getRequestParameter("response"); $channelCd = getRequestParameter("channel"); $details = getRequestParameter("details"); logUsage($action, "", $token, $channelCd); echo json_encode(respondToOffer($token, $customer, $offerCd, $responseCd, $channelCd, $details)); } else { if ($action == 'getHistory') { $customer = getRequestParameter("customer"); logUsage($action, "", $token, $customer); echo json_encode(getCustomerHistory($token, $customer)); } else { if ($action == 'getConfig') { logUsage($action, "", $token, ""); echo json_encode(getConfig($token)); } else { // display how to use service. $endpointVariables = array("Name" => "token", "Type" => "String", "Mandatory" => false); $serviceEndpoints = array(array("Name" => "Reset Demo", "Description" => "....", "Endpoint" => "/api?action=resetDemo&token=...", "Variables" => $endpointVariables), array("Name" => "Get Configuration", "Description" => "....", "Endpoint" => "/api?action=getConfig[&token=...]"), array("Name" => "Save Configuration", "Description" => "....", "Endpoint" => "/api?action=saveConfig&config=..."), array("Name" => "Get Offers", "Description" => "....", "Endpoint" => "/api?action=getOffers&customer=...&maxOffer=...&token=..."), array("Name" => "Respond to Offer", "Description" => "....", "Endpoint" => "/api?action=respondToOffer&offer=...&customer=...&token=..."), array("Name" => "Get History", "Description" => "....", "Endpoint" => "/api?action=getHistory&customer=...&token=...")); $serviceEndpointDesc = array("Service Endpoints" => $serviceEndpoints); echo json_encode($serviceEndpointDesc); } } } } } } } } } } // log usage return; }