} if (!isset($printablesurveyoutput) && $subaction != 'export' && substr($action, 0, 4) != 'ajax') { if (!isset($_SESSION['metaHeader'])) { $_SESSION['metaHeader'] = ''; } $adminoutput = getAdminHeader($_SESSION['metaHeader']) . $adminoutput; // All future output is written into this and then outputted at the end of file unset($_SESSION['metaHeader']); $adminoutput .= "</div>\n"; if (!isset($_SESSION['checksessionpost'])) { $_SESSION['checksessionpost'] = ''; } $adminoutput .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" . "<!--\n" . "\tfor(i=0; i<document.forms.length; i++)\n" . "\t{\n" . "var el = document.createElement('input');\n" . "el.type = 'hidden';\n" . "el.name = 'checksessionbypost';\n" . "el.value = '" . $_SESSION['checksessionpost'] . "';\n" . "document.forms[i].appendChild(el);\n" . "\t}\n" . "\n" . "\tfunction addHiddenElement(theform,thename,thevalue)\n" . "\t{\n" . "var myel = document.createElement('input');\n" . "myel.type = 'hidden';\n" . "myel.name = thename;\n" . "theform.appendChild(myel);\n" . "myel.value = thevalue;\n" . "return myel;\n" . "\t}\n" . "\n" . "\tfunction sendPost(myaction,checkcode,arrayparam,arrayval)\n" . "\t{\n" . "var myform = document.createElement('form');\n" . "document.body.appendChild(myform);\n" . "myform.action =myaction;\n" . "myform.method = 'POST';\n" . "for (i=0;i<arrayparam.length;i++)\n" . "{\n" . "\taddHiddenElement(myform,arrayparam[i],arrayval[i])\n" . "}\n" . "addHiddenElement(myform,'checksessionbypost',checkcode)\n" . "myform.submit();\n" . "\t}\n" . "\n" . "//-->\n" . "</script>\n"; $adminoutput .= getAdminFooter("http://docs.limesurvey.org", $clang->gT("LimeSurvey online manual")); } } else { //not logged in sendcacheheaders(); if (!isset($_SESSION['metaHeader'])) { $_SESSION['metaHeader'] = ''; } $adminoutput = getAdminHeader($_SESSION['metaHeader']) . $adminoutput . $loginsummary; // All future output is written into this and then outputted at the end of file unset($_SESSION['metaHeader']); $adminoutput .= "</div>\n" . getAdminFooter("http://docs.limesurvey.org", $clang->gT("LimeSurvey online manual")); } if ($action == 'showphpinfo' && $_SESSION['USER_RIGHT_CONFIGURATOR'] == 1) { phpinfo(); } else { echo $adminoutput; }
require_once($rootdir.'/classes/core/language.php'); $clang = new limesurvey_lang($defaultlang); include_once($homedir.'/update/updater.php'); if(isset($_GET['continue']) && $_GET['continue']==1) { echo getAdminHeader(); CheckForDBUpgrades(); echo "<br /><a href='$homeurl'>".$clang->gT("Back to main menu")."</a></div>"; updatecheck(); echo getAdminFooter("http://docs.limesurvey.org", $clang->gT("LimeSurvey online manual")); } else { echo getAdminHeader(), '<div class="messagebox">',CheckForDBUpgrades(),'</div>', getAdminFooter("http://docs.limesurvey.org", $clang->gT("LimeSurvey online manual")) ; } die; } if (is_dir($homedir."/install") && $debug<2) { die ("<p style='text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 500px; margin-top: 50px;'><img src='../images/limecursor-handle.png' /><strong>Congratulations</strong><br /><br />Your installation is now complete. The final step is to remove or rename the LimeSurvey installation directory (admin/install) on your server since it may be a security risk.<br /><br />Once this directory has been removed or renamed you will be able to log in to your new LimeSurvey Installation.<br /><br /><a href='admin.php'>Try again</a></p>"); } } //Admin menus and standards //IF THIS IS AN ADMIN SCRIPT, RUN THE SESSIONCONTROL SCRIPT if ($sourcefrom == "admin") {
function doAdminFooter() { echo getAdminFooter(); }
// Check if the DB is up to date if (!$dbexistsbutempty && $sourcefrom == 'admin') { $usrow = getGlobalSetting('DBVersion'); if (intval($usrow) < $dbversionnumber) { $action = ''; require_once $rootdir . '/classes/core/language.php'; $clang = new limesurvey_lang($defaultlang); include_once $homedir . '/update/updater.php'; if (isset($_GET['continue']) && $_GET['continue'] == 1) { echo getAdminHeader(); CheckForDBUpgrades(); echo "<br /><a href='{$homeurl}'>" . $clang->gT("Back to main menu") . "</a></div>"; updatecheck(); echo getAdminFooter("http://docs.limesurvey.org", $clang->gT("LimeSurvey online manual")); } else { echo getAdminHeader(), '<div class="messagebox">', CheckForDBUpgrades(), '</div>', getAdminFooter("http://docs.limesurvey.org", $clang->gT("LimeSurvey online manual")); } die; } if (is_dir($homedir . "/install") && $debug < 2) { die("<p style='text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 500px; margin-top: 50px;'><img src='../images/limecursor-handle.png' /><strong>Congratulations</strong><br /><br />Your installation is now complete. The final step is to remove or rename the LimeSurvey installation directory (admin/install) on your server since it may be a security risk.<br /><br />Once this directory has been removed or renamed you will be able to log in to your new LimeSurvey Installation.<br /><br /><a href='admin.php'>Try again</a></p>"); } } //Admin menus and standards //IF THIS IS AN ADMIN SCRIPT, RUN THE SESSIONCONTROL SCRIPT if ($sourcefrom == "admin") { include $homedir . "/sessioncontrol.php"; /** * @param string $htmlheader * This is the html header text for all administration pages *