コード例 #1
  * This method can either return an array like
  * this one is doing, or nothing (false), or an
  * array of arrays. This way, it can hold onto
  * data it needs for parsing
  * @todo [blocking 1.1.5] delphi fixes:
  *   - highlight default keyword if after ; in property context
  *   - don't highlight functions if not before "(" brackets (alpha)
 function parseToken($token, $context_name, $data)
     geshi_dbg('GeSHiDelphiCodeParser::parseToken("' . substr(str_replace("\n", '\\n', $token), 0, 15) . '"...,' . $context_name . ')');
     //Check for linebraks...
     if (false !== strpos($token, "\n")) {
         $this->_semicolonFlag = false;
         $this->_instrExpected = true;
     //Check if we got a whitespace
     if (geshi_is_whitespace($token)) {
         //If there's anything in the storage, simply add the whitespace
         if ($this->_stack) {
             $this->push($token, $context_name, $data);
             return array();
         } else {
             //Return the token as is ...
             return $this->flush($token, $context_name, $data);
     $token_l = strtolower(trim($token));
     // @todo for ben: here is an example of how this could work. You can make it better and
     // experiment with how this functionality works. I tested this only on simple examples, and
     // I know that currently the _defaultFlag could be reset to 0 earlier than it is if there is
     // a mistake with parsing.
     if (2 == $this->_defaultFlag) {
         if ('default' == $token_l) {
             $context_name = $this->_language . '/keyword';
             $this->_defaultFlag = 0;
         } elseif ('' != trim($token)) {
             $this->_defaultFlag = 0;
     // @todo for ben: I don't think alias_name is set anymore, maybe you want to check
     // that this functionality works now?
     if (0 == $this->_defaultFlag && isset($data['alias_name']) && $data['alias_name'] == $this->_language . '/property') {
         $this->_defaultFlag = 1;
     if (1 == $this->_defaultFlag && ';' == trim($token)) {
         $this->_defaultFlag = 2;
     // @todo for ben: now symbols are handed in one at a time, maybe this can be optimised?
     if ($context_name == $this->_language . '/brksym') {
         geshi_dbg('Detected bracket symbol context ...');
         for ($t2 = 0; $t2 < strlen($token); $t2++) {
             $t2sub = substr($token, $t2, 1);
             // Count opening and closing brackets to avoid highlighting of parameters called register in procedure\function declarations
             if ('(' == $t2sub || '[' == $t2sub) {
                 geshi_dbg('Detected opening bracket "' . $t2sub . '" on level BC' . $this->_bracketCount . '\\OBC' . $this->_openBlockCount . '...');
             if (')' == $t2sub || ']' == $t2sub) {
                 if (--$this->_bracketCount < 0) {
                     $this->_bracketCount = 0;
                 geshi_dbg('Detected closing bracket "' . $t2sub . '" on level BC' . $this->_bracketCount . '\\OBC' . $this->_openBlockCount . '...');
     if (!stripos($context_name, 'comment')) {
         if (in_array($token_l, array('begin', 'case', 'class', 'object', 'record', 'try', 'asm'))) {
             geshi_dbg('Detected opening block "' . $token_l . '" on level BC' . $this->_bracketCount . '\\OBC' . $this->_openBlockCount . '...' . stripos($context_name, 'comment'));
             $this->_openBlockType[] = $token_l;
             if (2 <= ($obc = $this->_openBlockCount)) {
                 //Check if we have a casxe statement inside a record definition.
                 if ('record' == $this->_openBlockType[$obc - 2] && 'case' == $this->_openBlockType[$obc - 1]) {
             $this->_instrExpected = true;
             $this->_inASMBlock = true;
         if ('end' == $token_l) {
             if (--$this->_openBlockCount < 0) {
                 $this->_openBlockCount = 0;
             geshi_dbg('Detected closing block "' . $token_l . '" on level BC' . $this->_bracketCount . '\\OBC' . $this->_openBlockCount . '...' . stripos($context_name, 'comment'));
             if ($this->_inASMBlock) {
                 $this->_inASMBlock = true;
     if ($this->_inASMBlock && strpos($this->_language, 'delphi/asm')) {
         if ($this->_instrExpected) {
             $this->_instrExpected = false;
         } else {
             if (in_array($token_l, array('and', 'not', 'or', 'shl', 'shr', 'xor'))) {
                 $context_name = $this->_language . '/asm/keyop';
         if ($token_l == ';') {
             $this->_instrExpected = true;
     // If we detect a semicolon we require remembering it, thus we can highlight the register directive correctly.
     if ($context_name == $this->_language && $this->_semicolonFlag) {
         geshi_dbg('Detected token ' . $token . ' after semi-colon on level BC' . $this->_bracketCount . '\\OBC' . $this->_openBlockCount . '...');
         // Register is a directive here
         $this->_semicolonFlag = false;
         // Highlight as directive only if all previous opened brackets are closed again
         $isDirective = 0 == $this->_bracketCount;
         if ('register' == $token_l) {
             if (1 == $this->_openBlockCount) {
                 $isDirective &= 'class' == $this->_openBlockType[$this->_openBlockCount - 1] || 'object' == $this->_openBlockType[$this->_openBlockCount - 1];
                 if ('record' == $this->_openBlockType[$this->_openBlockCount - 1]) {
                     $isDirective = true;
             $context_name .= $isDirective ? '/keyword' : '';
         } elseif ('message' == $token_l) {
             if (1 == $this->_openBlockCount) {
                 $isDirective &= 'class' == $this->_openBlockType[$this->_openBlockCount - 1];
             $context_name .= $isDirective ? '/keyword' : '';
     // There will be something else than a semicolon, so we finish semicolon detection here
     $this->_semicolonFlag = false;
     if ($token_l == ';') {
         $this->_semicolonFlag = true;
     if ($this->_stack) {
         // Check for various conditions ...
         // If we have a store we can check now to see if the current token is a bracket
         if ($context_name != $this->_language . '/brksym' || substr(trim($token), 0, 1) != '(') {
             // Modify context to say that the keyword is actually just a bareword
             $this->_stack[0][1] = $this->_language;
         //return $this->_stackFlush($token, $context_name, $data);
         return $this->flush($token, $context_name, $data);
     // If we detected a keyword, instead of passing it back we will make sure it has a bracket
     // after it, so we know for sure that it is a keyword. So we save it to "_store" and return false
     if (substr($context_name, 0, strlen($this->_language . '/stdproc')) == $this->_language . '/stdproc') {
         $this->push($token, $context_name, $data);
         return array();
     // Default action: just return the token (including all stored)
     return $this->flush($token, $context_name, $data);
コード例 #2
  * Checks whether the character(s) at the start of the parameter string are
  * characters that should be escaped.
  * @param string The string to check the beginning of for escape characters
  * @return int|false The length of the escape character sequence, else false
 function _shouldBeEscaped($code, $chars_to_escape)
     geshi_dbg('Checking: ' . substr($code, 0, 15));
     foreach ($chars_to_escape as $match) {
         if ('REGEX' != substr($match, 0, 5)) {
             geshi_dbg('Test: ' . $match);
             if (substr($code, 0, 1) == $match) {
                 return 1;
         } else {
             geshi_dbg('  Testing via regex: ' . $match . '... ', false);
             $data = geshi_get_position($code, $match, 0);
             if (0 === $data['pos']) {
                 geshi_dbg('match, data = ' . print_r($data, true));
                 return $data['len'];
             geshi_dbg('no match');
     // No matches...
     return false;
コード例 #3
 function loadStyles($language = '', $load_theme = false)
     if (!$language) {
         $language = $this->language;
     geshi_dbg('GeSHiStyler::loadStyles(' . $language . ')');
     if ($this->reloadThemeData) {
         geshi_dbg('  Loading theme data');
         // Trash old data
         if ($load_theme) {
             geshi_dbg('  Old data trashed');
             $this->_styleData = array();
         // Lie for a short while, to get extra style names to behave
         $tmp = $this->language;
         $this->language = $language;
         foreach ($this->themes as $theme) {
             $theme_file = GESHI_THEMES_ROOT . $theme . GESHI_DIR_SEP . $language . '.php';
             if (is_readable($theme_file)) {
                 require $theme_file;
         if ($load_theme) {
             $this->reloadThemeData = false;
         $this->language = $tmp;
コード例 #4
  * Overrides _addParseData to add escape characters also
 function _addParseData($code, $first_char_of_next_context = '')
     geshi_dbg('GeSHiSingleCharContext::_addParseData(' . substr($code, 0, 15) . '...)');
     if ($this->_isEscapeSeq) {
         $this->_styler->addParseData($code, $this->_contextName . '/esc', $this->_getExtraParseData(), $this->_complexFlag);
     } else {
         parent::_addParseData($code, $first_char_of_next_context);
コード例 #5
  * Adds code detected as being in this context to the parse data
 function _addParseData($code, $first_char_of_next_context = '')
     $parent_name = $this->_parentName;
     geshi_dbg('GeSHiPHPDoubleStringContext::_addParseData(' . substr($code, 0, 15) . '...)');
     while (true) {
         $earliest_data = array('pos' => false, 'len' => 0);
         foreach ($this->_regexes as $regex) {
             $data = geshi_get_position($code, $regex, 0, false, true);
             // request table
             if (false != $data['pos'] && false === $earliest_data['pos'] || false !== $data['pos'] && ($data['pos'] < $earliest_data['pos'] || $data['pos'] == $earliest_data['pos'] && $data['len'] > $earliest_data['len'])) {
                 $earliest_data = $data;
         if (false === $earliest_data['pos']) {
             // No more variables in this string
         // bugfix: because we match a var, it might have been escaped.
         // so only do to -1 so we can catch slash if it has been
         $pos = $earliest_data['pos'] ? $earliest_data['pos'] - 1 : 0;
         $len = $earliest_data['pos'] ? $earliest_data['len'] + 1 : $earliest_data['len'];
         parent::_addParseData(substr($code, 0, $pos));
         // Now the entire possible var is in:
         $possible_var = substr($code, $pos, $len);
         geshi_dbg('Found variable at position ' . $earliest_data['pos'] . '(' . $possible_var . ')');
         // Check that the dollar sign that started this variable was not escaped
         //$first_part = str_replace('\\\\', '', substr($code, 0, $pos));
         //if ('\\' == substr($first_part, -1)) {
         // If \\ before var and { is not next character after that...
         if ('\\' == substr($possible_var, 0, 1) && '{' != substr($possible_var, 1, 1)) {
             // This variable has been escaped, so add the escaped dollar sign
             // as the correct context, and the rest of the variable (recurse to catch
             // other variables inside this possible variable)
             geshi_dbg('Variable was escaped');
             $this->_styler->addParseData(substr($possible_var, 0, 2), $parent_name . '/esc', $this->_getExtraParseData(), $this->_complexFlag);
             $this->_addParseData(substr($possible_var, 2));
         } else {
             // Add first character that might have been a \\ but in fact isn't to the parent
             // but only do it if we had to modify the position
             if ('$' != substr($possible_var, 0, 1)) {
                 parent::_addParseData(substr($possible_var, 0, 1));
                 $possible_var = substr($possible_var, 1);
             // Many checks could go in here...
             // @todo [blocking 1.1.5] check for ${foo} variables: start { matched by end }
             // because at the moment ${foo is matched for example.
             if ('{' == substr($possible_var, 0, 1)) {
                 if ('}' == substr($possible_var, -1)) {
                     $start_brace = '{';
                 } else {
                     $start_brace = '';
                     // remove brace from $possible_var. This will only be used
                     // if the variable isn't an OO variable anyway...
                     $possible_var = substr($possible_var, 1);
             } else {
                 $start_brace = '';
             if (isset($earliest_data['tab'][5])) {
                 // Then we matched off the third regex - the one that does objects
                 // The first { if there is one, and $this (which is in index 2
                 $this->_styler->addParseData($start_brace . $earliest_data['tab'][2], $parent_name . '/var', $this->_getExtraParseData(), $this->_complexFlag);
                 // The -> with any whitespace around it
                 $this->_styler->addParseData($earliest_data['tab'][3], $parent_name . '/symbol', $this->_getExtraParseData(), $this->_complexFlag);
                 // The method name
                 $this->_styler->addParseData($earliest_data['tab'][4], $parent_name . '/oodynamic', $this->_getExtraParseData(), $this->_complexFlag);
                 // The closing }, if any
                 if ($earliest_data['tab'][5]) {
                     if ($start_brace) {
                         $this->_styler->addParseData($earliest_data['tab'][5], $parent_name . '/var', $this->_getExtraParseData(), $this->_complexFlag);
                     } else {
             } else {
                 $this->_styler->addParseData($possible_var, $parent_name . '/var', $this->_getExtraParseData(), $this->_complexFlag);
         // Chop off what we have done
         $code = substr($code, $earliest_data['pos'] + $earliest_data['len']);
     // Add the rest
     parent::_addParseData($code, $first_char_of_next_context);
コード例 #6
ファイル: class.geshi.php プロジェクト: rockylo/geshi-1.1
  * Sets styles of contexts in the source code
  * @param string The selector to use, this is the style name of a context. Example: php/php
  * @param string The CSS styles to apply to the context
  * @since 1.1.1
 public function setStyles($selector, $styles)
     geshi_dbg('GeSHi::setStyles(' . $selector . ', ' . $styles . ')');
     $this->_styler->loadStyles('', true);
     $this->_styler->setRawStyle($selector, $styles);
コード例 #7
  * GetContextEndData
 function _getContextEndData($code, $context_open_key, $context_opener, $beginning_of_context)
     geshi_dbg('GeSHiContext::_getContextEndData(' . $this->_contextName . ', ' . $context_open_key . ', ' . $context_opener . ', ' . $beginning_of_context . ')');
     $context_end_pos = false;
     $context_end_len = -1;
     $context_end_dlm = '';
     $offset = 0;
     // Bail out if context open key tells us that there is no ender for this context
     if (-1 == $context_open_key) {
         geshi_dbg('  no opener so no ender');
         return false;
     // Balanced endings is handled here
     if (isset($this->_contextDelimiters[$context_open_key][3])) {
         $balance_opener = $this->_contextDelimiters[$context_open_key][3][0];
         $balance_closer = $this->_contextDelimiters[$context_open_key][3][1];
         // We get the first push for free
         // @todo [blocking 1.1.4] if what we are balancing against is not related
         // to the starter of the context then we have a problem... check $context_opener
         // for starter stuff instead of assuming
         $balance_count = 1;
         geshi_dbg('@w  Begun balancing');
         while ($balance_count > 0) {
             // Look for opener/closers.
             $opener_pos = geshi_get_position($code, $balance_opener, $offset);
             $closer_pos = geshi_get_position($code, $balance_closer, $offset);
             geshi_dbg('  opener pos = ' . print_r($opener_pos, true) . ', closer pos = ' . print_r($closer_pos, true));
             // Check what we found
             if (false !== $opener_pos['pos']) {
                 if (false !== $closer_pos['pos']) {
                     // Opener and closer available
                     if ($opener_pos['pos'] < $closer_pos['pos']) {
                         // Opener is closer so inc. counter
                         geshi_dbg('  opener is closer so inc. to ' . $balance_count);
                         // Start searching from new pos just past where we found the opener
                         $offset = $opener_pos['pos'] + 1;
                         // @todo [blocking 1.1.4] could cache closer pos at this point?
                     } else {
                         // closer is closer (bad english heh)
                         $offset = $closer_pos['pos'] + 1;
                         geshi_dbg('  closer is closer so dec. to ' . $balance_count);
                 } else {
                     // No closer will ever be available yet we are still in this context...
                     // use end of code as end pos
                     // I've yet to test this case
                     geshi_dbg('@w  No closer but still in this context!');
                     return array('pos' => strlen($code), 'len' => 0, 'dlm' => '');
             } elseif (false !== $closer_pos['pos']) {
                 // No opener but closer. Nothing wrong with this
                 $offset = $closer_pos['pos'] + 1;
                 geshi_dbg('  only closer left, dec. to ' . $balance_count);
             } else {
                 // No opener or closer
                 // Assume that we end this context at the end of the code, with
                 // no delimiter
                 geshi_dbg('@w  No opener or closer but still in this context!');
                 return array('pos' => strlen($code), 'len' => 0, 'dlm' => '');
         // start looking for real end from the position where balancing ends
         // because we've found where balancing ends, but the end of the balancing
         // is likely to be the same as the end of the context
     foreach ($this->_contextDelimiters[$context_open_key][1] as $ender) {
         geshi_dbg('  Checking ender: ' . str_replace("\n", '\\n', $ender), false);
         $ender = $this->_substitutePlaceholders($ender);
         geshi_dbg(' converted to ' . $ender);
         // Use the offset we may have found when handling balancing of contexts (will
         // be zero if balancing not done).
         $position = geshi_get_position($code, $ender, $offset);
         geshi_dbg('    Ender ' . $ender . ': ' . print_r($position, true));
         $length = $position['len'];
         $position = $position['pos'];
         // BUGFIX:skip around crap starters
         if (false === $position) {
         if (false === $context_end_pos || $position < $context_end_pos || $position == $context_end_pos && strlen($ender) > $context_end_len) {
             $context_end_pos = $position;
             $context_end_len = $length;
             $context_end_dlm = $ender;
     geshi_dbg('Context ' . $this->_contextName . ' can finish at position ' . $context_end_pos);
     if (false !== $context_end_pos) {
         return array('pos' => $context_end_pos, 'len' => $context_end_len, 'dlm' => $context_end_dlm);
     } else {
         return false;
コード例 #8
 function _createContextKeywordLookup()
     $this->_contextKeywordLookup = array();
     foreach ($this->_contextKeywords as $keyword_group_key => $keyword_group_array) {
         geshi_dbg("  keyword group key: {$keyword_group_key}");
         $regexps = geshi_optimize_regexp_list($keyword_group_array[0]);
         $charlist = '';
         $before = '/';
         if (!empty($this->_contextCharactersDisallowedBeforeKeywords)) {
             $charlist = implode($this->_contextCharactersDisallowedBeforeKeywords);
             if (!empty($charlist)) {
                 $before .= '(?<![' . $charlist . '])';
         } else {
             $before .= '(?<![a-zA-Z0-9_])';
         $append = '';
         if (!empty($this->_contextCharactersDisallowedAfterKeywords)) {
             $charlist = implode($this->_contextCharactersDisallowedAfterKeywords);
             if (!empty($charlist)) {
                 $append .= '(?![' . $charlist . '])';
         } else {
             $append .= '(?![a-zA-Z0-9_])';
         $append .= '/';
         // handle case-insensitivity
         if (!$keyword_group_array[2]) {
             $append .= 'i';
         foreach ($regexps as &$regexp) {
             $regexp = $before . '(?:' . $regexp . ')' . $append;
         // get min length
         $min_len = strlen(current($keyword_group_array[0]));
         // anything as a start value
         foreach ($keyword_group_array[0] as $keyword) {
             // if $min_len = 12 we are only interested in keywords which are
             // less then 12 chars long, i.e. character @ index 11 is not set
             if (!isset($keyword[$min_len - 1])) {
                 $len = strlen($keyword);
                 if ($len < $min_len) {
                     $min_len = $len;
         $this->_contextKeywordLookup[$keyword_group_key] = array(0 => $regexps, 1 => $min_len);
     if (isset($keyword_group_key)) {
         geshi_dbg('  Lookup created, first entry: ' . print_r($this->_contextKeywordLookup[$keyword_group_key], true));
     } else {
         geshi_dbg('  Lookup created with no entries');