function generate_status_row($status, $vars) { global $config; $table_cols = 7; humanize_status($status); $alert = $status['state_event'] == 'alert' ? 'oicon-exclamation-red' : ''; // FIXME - make this "four graphs in popup" a function/include and "small graph" a function. // FIXME - DUPLICATED IN device/overview/status $graph_array = array(); $graph_array['to'] = $config['time']['now']; $graph_array['id'] = $status['status_id']; $graph_array['type'] = "status_graph"; $graph_array['legend'] = "no"; $graph_array['width'] = 80; $graph_array['height'] = 20; $graph_array['bg'] = 'ffffff00'; $graph_array['from'] = $config['time']['day']; $status_misc = '<span class="label">' . $status['entPhysicalClass'] . '</span>'; $row .= '<tr class="' . $status['row_class'] . '"> <td class="state-marker"></td>'; if ($vars['page'] != "device" && $vars['popup'] != TRUE) { $row .= '<td class="entity">' . generate_device_link($status) . '</td>'; $table_cols++; } if ($status['status_event'] && $status['status_name']) { $mini_graph = generate_graph_tag($graph_array); } else { // Do not show "Draw Error" minigraph $mini_graph = ''; } $row .= '<td class="entity">' . generate_entity_link('status', $status) . '</td>'; if ($vars['tab'] != "overview") { $row .= '<td><span class="label">' . $status['entPhysicalClass'] . '</span></td>'; $table_cols++; } $row .= '<td style="width: 90px; text-align: right;">' . generate_entity_link('status', $status, $mini_graph, NULL, FALSE) . '</td>'; if ($vars['tab'] != "overview") { $row .= '<td style="white-space: nowrap">' . generate_tooltip_link(NULL, formatUptime($config['time']['now'] - $status['status_last_change'], 'short-2') . ' ago', format_unixtime($status['status_last_change'])) . '</td> <td style="text-align: right;"><strong><span class="' . $status['state_class'] . '">' . $status['status_event'] . '</span></strong></td>'; $table_cols++; $table_cols++; } $row .= '<td style="width: 80px; text-align: right;"><strong><span class="' . $status['state_class'] . '">' . $status['status_name'] . '</span></strong></td> </tr>' . PHP_EOL; if ($vars['view'] == "graphs") { $vars['graph'] = "status"; } if ($vars['graph'] || $vars['id'] == $status['status_id']) { // If id set in vars, display only specific graphs $row .= '<tr class="' . $status['row_class'] . '"> <td class="state-marker"></td> <td colspan="' . $table_cols . '">'; unset($graph_array['height'], $graph_array['width'], $graph_array['legend']); $graph_array['to'] = $config['time']['now']; $graph_array['id'] = $status['status_id']; $graph_array['type'] = "status_graph"; $row .= generate_graph_row($graph_array, TRUE); $row .= '</td></tr>'; } # endif graphs return $row; }
$htmlname = str_replace('|', '__', $varname); // JQuery et al don't like the pipes a lot, replace once here in temporary variable $confname = '$config[\'' . implode("']['", explode('|', $varname)) . '\']'; echo ' <tr class="' . $linetype . ' vertical-align">' . PHP_EOL; echo ' <td class="state-marker"></td>'; echo ' <td style="width: 5px;"></td>'; echo ' <td><strong style="color: #0a5f7f;">' . $variable['name'] . '</strong>'; echo '<br /><i><small>' . escape_html($variable['shortdesc']) . '</small></i>' . PHP_EOL; echo ' </td>' . PHP_EOL; echo ' <td class="text-nowrap">' . PHP_EOL; echo '<div class="pull-right">'; if ($locked) { echo generate_tooltip_link(NULL, '<i class="oicon-lock-warning"></i>', 'This setting is locked because it has been set in your <strong>config.php</strong> file.'); echo ' '; } echo generate_tooltip_link(NULL, '<i id="clipboard" class="oicon-question" data-clipboard-text="' . $confname . '"></i>', 'Variable name to use in <strong>config.php</strong>: ' . $confname); echo ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; echo ' </td>' . PHP_EOL; echo ' <td>' . PHP_EOL; // Split enum|foo|bar into enum foo|bar list($vartype, $varparams) = explode('|', $variable['type'], 2); $params = array(); // If a callback function is defined, use this to fill params. if ($variable['params_call'] && function_exists($variable['params_call'])) { $params = call_user_func($variable['params_call']); // Else if the params are defined directly, use these. } else { if (is_array($variable['params'])) { $params = $variable['params']; } else { if (!empty($varparams)) {
/** * Display syslog messages. * * Display pages with device syslog messages. * Examples: * print_syslogs() - display last 10 syslog messages from all devices * print_syslogs(array('pagesize' => 99)) - display last 99 syslog messages from all device * print_syslogs(array('pagesize' => 10, 'pageno' => 3, 'pagination' => TRUE)) - display 10 syslog messages from page 3 with pagination header * print_syslogs(array('pagesize' => 10, 'device' = 4)) - display last 10 syslog messages for device_id 4 * print_syslogs(array('short' => TRUE)) - show small block with last syslog messages * * @param array $vars * @return none * */ function print_syslogs($vars) { // Short events? (no pagination, small out) $short = isset($vars['short']) && $vars['short']; // With pagination? (display page numbers in header) $pagination = isset($vars['pagination']) && $vars['pagination']; pagination($vars, 0, TRUE); // Get default pagesize/pageno $pageno = $vars['pageno']; $pagesize = $vars['pagesize']; $start = $pagesize * $pageno - $pagesize; $priorities = $GLOBALS['config']['syslog']['priorities']; $param = array(); $where = ' WHERE 1 '; foreach ($vars as $var => $value) { if ($value != '') { $cond = array(); switch ($var) { case 'device': case 'device_id': $where .= generate_query_values($value, 'device_id'); break; case 'priority': if (!is_array($value)) { $value = explode(',', $value); } foreach ($value as $k => $v) { // Rewrite priority strings to numbers $value[$k] = priority_string_to_numeric($v); } // Do not break here, it's true! // Do not break here, it's true! case 'program': $where .= generate_query_values($value, $var); break; case 'message': $where .= generate_query_values($value, 'msg', '%LIKE%'); break; case 'timestamp_from': $where .= ' AND `timestamp` > ?'; $param[] = $value; break; case 'timestamp_to': $where .= ' AND `timestamp` < ?'; $param[] = $value; break; } } } // Show events only for permitted devices $query_permitted = generate_query_permitted(); $query = 'FROM `syslog` '; $query .= $where . $query_permitted; $query_count = 'SELECT COUNT(*) ' . $query; $query = 'SELECT * ' . $query; $query .= ' ORDER BY `seq` DESC '; $query .= "LIMIT {$start},{$pagesize}"; // Query syslog messages $entries = dbFetchRows($query, $param); // Query syslog count if ($pagination && !$short) { $count = dbFetchCell($query_count, $param); } else { $count = count($entries); } if (!$count) { // There have been no entries returned. Print the warning. print_warning('<h4>No syslog entries found!</h4> Check that the syslog daemon and Observium configuration options are set correctly, that your devices are configured to send syslog to Observium and that there are no firewalls blocking the messages. See <a href="' . OBSERVIUM_URL . '/wiki/Category:Documentation" target="_blank">documentation</a> and <a href="' . OBSERVIUM_URL . '/wiki/Configuration_Options#Syslog_Settings" target="_blank">configuration options</a> for more information.'); } else { // Entries have been returned. Print the table. $list = array('device' => FALSE, 'priority' => TRUE); // For now (temporarily) priority always displayed if (!isset($vars['device']) || empty($vars['device']) || $vars['page'] == 'syslog') { $list['device'] = TRUE; } if ($short || !isset($vars['priority']) || empty($vars['priority'])) { $list['priority'] = TRUE; } $string = generate_box_open($vars['header']); $string .= '<table class="' . OBS_CLASS_TABLE_STRIPED_MORE . '">' . PHP_EOL; if (!$short) { $string .= ' <thead>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' <tr>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' <th class="state-marker"></th>' . PHP_EOL; # $string .= ' <th></th>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' <th>Date</th>' . PHP_EOL; if ($list['device']) { $string .= ' <th>Device</th>' . PHP_EOL; } if ($list['priority']) { $string .= ' <th>Priority</th>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= ' <th>Message</th>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' </tr>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' </thead>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= ' <tbody>' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($entries as $entry) { switch ($entry['priority']) { case "0": // Emergency // Emergency case "1": // Alert // Alert case "2": // Critical // Critical case "3": // Error $entry['html_row_class'] = "error"; break; case "4": // Warning $entry['html_row_class'] = "warning"; break; case "5": // Notification $entry['html_row_class'] = "recovery"; break; case "6": // Informational $entry['html_row_class'] = "up"; break; case "7": // Debugging $entry['html_row_class'] = "suppressed"; break; default: } $string .= ' <tr class="' . $entry['html_row_class'] . '">' . PHP_EOL; $string .= '<td class="state-marker"></td>' . PHP_EOL; if ($short) { $string .= ' <td class="syslog" style="white-space: nowrap">'; $timediff = $GLOBALS['config']['time']['now'] - strtotime($entry['timestamp']); $string .= generate_tooltip_link('', formatUptime($timediff, "short-3"), format_timestamp($entry['timestamp']), NULL) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } else { $string .= ' <td width="130">'; $string .= format_timestamp($entry['timestamp']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } if ($list['device']) { $dev = device_by_id_cache($entry['device_id']); $device_vars = array('page' => 'device', 'device' => $entry['device_id'], 'tab' => 'logs', 'section' => 'syslog'); $string .= ' <td class="entity">' . generate_device_link($dev, short_hostname($dev['hostname']), $device_vars) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } if ($list['priority']) { if (!$short) { $string .= ' <td style="color: ' . $priorities[$entry['priority']]['color'] . '; white-space: nowrap; width: 95px;"><span class="label label-' . $priorities[$entry['priority']]['label-class'] . '">' . nicecase($priorities[$entry['priority']]['name']) . ' (' . $entry['priority'] . ')</span></td>' . PHP_EOL; } } $entry['program'] = empty($entry['program']) ? '[[EMPTY]]' : $entry['program']; if ($short) { $string .= ' <td class="syslog">'; $string .= '<span class="label label-' . $priorities[$entry['priority']]['label-class'] . '"><strong>' . $entry['program'] . '</strong></span> '; } else { $string .= ' <td>'; $string .= '<span class="label label-' . $priorities[$entry['priority']]['label-class'] . '">' . $entry['program'] . '</span>'; } $string .= escape_html($entry['msg']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' </tr>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= ' </tbody>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= '</table>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= generate_box_close(); // Print pagination header if ($pagination && !$short) { $string = pagination($vars, $count) . $string . pagination($vars, $count); } // Print syslog echo $string; } }
/** * Display alert_table entries. * * @param array $vars * @return none * */ function print_alert_table($vars) { global $alert_rules; global $config; // This should be set outside, but do it here if it isn't if (!is_array($alert_rules)) { $alert_rules = cache_alert_rules(); } /// WARN HERE if (isset($vars['device']) && !isset($vars['device_id'])) { $vars['device_id'] = $vars['device']; } if (isset($vars['entity']) && !isset($vars['entity_id'])) { $vars['entity_id'] = $vars['entity']; } // Short? (no pagination, small out) $short = isset($vars['short']) && $vars['short']; list($query, $param, $query_count) = build_alert_table_query($vars); // Fetch alerts $count = dbFetchCell($query_count, $param); $alerts = dbFetchRows($query, $param); // Set which columns we're going to show. // We hide the columns that have been given as search options via $vars $list = array('device_id' => FALSE, 'entity_id' => FALSE, 'entity_type' => FALSE, 'alert_test_id' => FALSE); foreach ($list as $argument => $nope) { if (!isset($vars[$argument]) || empty($vars[$argument]) || $vars[$argument] == "all") { $list[$argument] = TRUE; } } if ($vars['format'] != "condensed") { $list['checked'] = TRUE; $list['changed'] = TRUE; $list['alerted'] = TRUE; } if ($vars['short'] == TRUE) { $list['checked'] = FALSE; $list['alerted'] = FALSE; } // Hide device if we know entity_id if (isset($vars['entity_id'])) { $list['device_id'] = FALSE; } // Hide entity_type if we know the alert_test_id if (isset($vars['alert_test_id']) || TRUE) { $list['entity_type'] = FALSE; } // Hide entity types in favour of icons to save space if ($vars['pagination'] && !$short) { $pagination_html = pagination($vars, $count); echo $pagination_html; } echo generate_box_open($vars['header']); echo '<table class="table table-condensed table-striped table-hover">'; if ($vars['no_header'] == FALSE) { echo ' <thead> <tr> <th class="state-marker"></th> <th style="width: 1px;"></th>'; if ($list['device_id']) { echo ' <th style="width: 15%">Device</th>'; } if ($list['entity_type']) { echo ' <th style="width: 10%">Type</th>'; } if ($list['entity_id']) { echo ' <th style="">Entity</th>'; } if ($list['alert_test_id']) { echo ' <th style="min-width: 15%;">Alert</th>'; } echo ' <th style="width: 100px;">Status</th>'; if ($list['checked']) { echo ' <th style="width: 95px;">Checked</th>'; } if ($list['changed']) { echo ' <th style="width: 95px;">Changed</th>'; } if ($list['alerted']) { echo ' <th style="width: 95px;">Alerted</th>'; } echo ' <th style="width: 45px;"></th> </tr> </thead>'; } echo '<tbody>' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($alerts as $alert) { // Process the alert entry, generating colours and classes from the data humanize_alert_entry($alert); // Get the entity array using the cache $entity = get_entity_by_id_cache($alert['entity_type'], $alert['entity_id']); // Get the device array using the cache $device = device_by_id_cache($alert['device_id']); // Get the entity_name. ### FIXME - This is probably duplicated effort from above. We should pass it $entity $entity_name = entity_name($alert['entity_type'], $entity); // Set the alert_rule from the prebuilt cache array $alert_rule = $alert_rules[$alert['alert_test_id']]; echo '<tr class="' . $alert['html_row_class'] . '" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="openLink(\'' . generate_url(array('page' => 'device', 'device' => $device['device_id'], 'tab' => 'alert', 'alert_entry' => $alert['alert_table_id'])) . '\')">'; echo '<td class="state-marker"></td>'; echo '<td style="width: 1px;"></td>'; // If we know the device, don't show the device if ($list['device_id']) { echo '<td><span class="entity-title">' . generate_device_link($device) . '</span></td>'; } // If we're showing all entity types, print the entity type here if ($list['entity_type']) { echo '<td>' . nicecase($alert['entity_type']) . '</td>'; } // Print a link to the entity if ($list['entity_id']) { echo '<td><span class="entity-title"><i class="' . $config['entities'][$alert['entity_type']]['icon'] . '"></i> ' . generate_entity_link($alert['entity_type'], $alert['entity_id']) . '</span></td>'; } // Print link to the alert rule page if ($list['alert_test_id']) { echo '<td class="entity"><a href="', generate_url(array('page' => 'alert_check', 'alert_test_id' => $alert_rule['alert_test_id'])), '">', escape_html($alert_rule['alert_name']), '</a></td>'; } echo '<td>'; echo '<span class="label label-' . ($alert['html_row_class'] != 'up' ? $alert['html_row_class'] : 'success') . '">' . generate_tooltip_link('', $alert['status'], '<div class="small" style="max-width: 500px;"><strong>' . $alert['last_message'] . '</strong></div>', $alert['alert_class']) . '</span>'; echo '</td>'; // echo('<td class="'.$alert['class'].'">'.$alert['last_message'].'</td>'); if ($list['checked']) { echo '<td>' . generate_tooltip_link('', $alert['checked'], format_unixtime($alert['last_checked'], 'r')) . '</td>'; } if ($list['changed']) { echo '<td>' . generate_tooltip_link('', $alert['changed'], format_unixtime($alert['last_changed'], 'r')) . '</td>'; } if ($list['alerted']) { echo '<td>' . generate_tooltip_link('', $alert['alerted'], format_unixtime($alert['last_alerted'], 'r')) . '</td>'; } echo '<td>'; // This stuff should go in an external entity popup in the future. $state = json_decode($alert['state'], true); $alert['state_popup'] = ''; if (count($state['failed'])) { $alert['state_popup'] .= generate_box_open(array('title' => 'Failed Tests')); //'<h4>Failed Tests</h4>'; $alert['state_popup'] .= '<table style="min-width: 400px;" class="table table-striped table-condensed">'; $alert['state_popup'] .= '<thead><tr><th>Metric</th><th>Cond</th><th>Value</th><th>Measured</th></tr></thead>'; foreach ($state['failed'] as $test) { $alert['state_popup'] .= '<tr><td><strong>' . $test['metric'] . '</strong></td><td>' . $test['condition'] . '</td><td>' . $test['value'] . '</td><td><i class="red">' . $state['metrics'][$test['metric']] . '</i></td></tr>'; } $alert['state_popup'] .= '</table>'; $alert['state_popup'] .= generate_box_close(); } $alert['state_popup'] .= generate_entity_popup_graphs($alert, array('entity_type' => 'alert_entry')); // Print (i) icon with popup of state. echo overlib_link("", '<i class="icon-info-sign text-primary"></i>', $alert['state_popup'], NULL); echo ' <a href="' . generate_url(array('page' => 'device', 'device' => $device['device_id'], 'tab' => 'alert', 'alert_entry' => $alert['alert_table_id'])) . '"><i class="icon-cog text-muted"></i></a>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo ' </tbody>' . PHP_EOL; echo '</table>' . PHP_EOL; echo generate_box_close(); if ($vars['pagination'] && !$short) { echo $pagination_html; } }
/** * Display events. * * Display pages with alert logs in multiple formats. * Examples: * print_alert_log() - display last 10 events from all devices * print_alert_log(array('pagesize' => 99)) - display last 99 events from all device * print_alert_log(array('pagesize' => 10, 'pageno' => 3, 'pagination' => TRUE)) - display 10 events from page 3 with pagination header * print_alert_log(array('pagesize' => 10, 'device' = 4)) - display last 10 events for device_id 4 * print_alert_log(array('short' => TRUE)) - show small block with last events * * @param array $vars * @return none * */ function print_alert_log($vars) { global $alert_rules, $config; // This should be set outside, but do it here if it isn't if (!is_array($alert_rules)) { $alert_rules = cache_alert_rules(); } // Get events array $events = get_alert_log($vars); if (!$events['count']) { if (!$vars['no_empty_message']) { // There have been no entries returned. Print the warning. print_message('<h4>No alert log entries found!</h4>', FALSE); } } else { // Entries have been returned. Print the table. $list = array('device' => FALSE, 'entity' => FALSE); if (!isset($vars['device']) || empty($vars['device']) || $vars['page'] == 'alert_log') { $list['device'] = TRUE; } if ($events['short'] || !isset($vars['entity']) || empty($vars['entity'])) { $list['entity'] = TRUE; } if (!isset($vars['alert_test_id']) || empty($vars['alert_test_id']) || $vars['page'] == 'alert_check' || TRUE) { $list['alert_test_id'] = TRUE; } if (!isset($vars['entity_type']) || empty($vars['entity_type']) || $vars['page'] == 'alert_check' || TRUE) { $list['entity_type'] = TRUE; } $string = generate_box_open($vars['header']); $string .= '<table class="table table-striped table-hover table-condensed-more">' . PHP_EOL; if (!$events['short']) { $cols = array(); $cols[] = array(NULL, 'class="state-marker"'); $cols['date'] = array('Date', 'style="width: 160px"'); if ($list['device']) { $cols['device'] = 'Device'; } if ($list['alert_test_id']) { $cols['alert_test_id'] = 'Alert Check'; } if ($list['entity']) { $cols['entity'] = 'Entity'; } $cols[] = 'Message'; $cols['status'] = 'Status'; $cols['notified'] = array('Notified', 'style="width: 40px"'); $string .= get_table_header($cols); // , $vars); // Actually sorting is disabled now } $string .= ' <tbody>' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($events['entries'] as $entry) { $alert_rule = $alert_rules[$entry['alert_test_id']]; // Functionize? // Set colours and classes based on the status of the alert if ($entry['log_type'] == 'OK') { $entry['class'] = "green"; $entry['html_row_class'] = "success"; } else { if ($entry['log_type'] == 'RECOVER_NOTIFY') { $entry['class'] = "green"; $entry['html_row_class'] = "info"; } else { if ($entry['log_type'] == 'ALERT_NOTIFY') { $entry['class'] = "red"; $entry['html_row_class'] = "error"; } elseif ($entry['log_type'] == 'FAIL') { $entry['class'] = "red"; $entry['html_row_class'] = "error"; } elseif ($entry['log_type'] == 'FAIL_DELAYED') { $entry['class'] = "purple"; $entry['html_row_class'] = "warning"; } elseif ($entry['log_type'] == 'FAIL_SUPPRESSED') { $entry['class'] = "purple"; $entry['html_row_class'] = "suppressed"; } elseif ($entry['log_type'] == 'RECOVER_SUPPRESSED') { $entry['class'] = "purple"; $entry['html_row_class'] = "suppressed"; } else { // Anything else set the colour to grey and the class to disabled. $entry['class'] = "gray"; $entry['html_row_class'] = "disabled"; } } } $string .= ' <tr class="' . $entry['html_row_class'] . '">' . PHP_EOL; $string .= '<td class="state-marker"></td>' . PHP_EOL; if ($events['short']) { $string .= ' <td class="syslog" style="white-space: nowrap">'; $timediff = $GLOBALS['config']['time']['now'] - strtotime($entry['timestamp']); $string .= generate_tooltip_link('', formatUptime($timediff, "short-3"), format_timestamp($entry['timestamp']), NULL) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } else { $string .= ' <td>'; $string .= format_timestamp($entry['timestamp']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } if ($list['device']) { $dev = device_by_id_cache($entry['device_id']); $device_vars = array('page' => 'device', 'device' => $entry['device_id'], 'tab' => 'logs', 'section' => 'alertlog'); $string .= ' <td class="entity">' . generate_device_link($dev, short_hostname($dev['hostname']), $device_vars) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } if ($list['alert_test_id']) { $string .= ' <td class="entity"><a href="' . generate_url(array('page' => 'alert_check', 'alert_test_id' => $alert_rule['alert_test_id'])) . '">' . escape_html($alert_rule['alert_name']) . '</a></td>'; } if ($list['entity']) { $string .= ' <td class="entity">'; if ($list['entity_type']) { $string .= '<i class="' . $config['entities'][$entry['entity_type']]['icon'] . '"></i> '; } if ($events['short']) { $string .= ' ' . generate_entity_link($entry['entity_type'], $entry['entity_id'], NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } else { $string .= ' ' . generate_entity_link($entry['entity_type'], $entry['entity_id']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } } $string .= '<td>' . escape_html($entry['message']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; if (!$vars['short']) { $string .= '<td>' . escape_html($entry['log_type']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= '<td style="text-align: right">' . ($entry['notified'] ? '<span class="label label-success">YES</span>' : '<span class="label">NO</span>') . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= ' </tr>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= ' </tbody>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= '</table>'; $string .= generate_box_close(); // Print pagination header if ($events['pagination_html']) { $string = $events['pagination_html'] . $string . $events['pagination_html']; } // Print events echo $string; } }
$content .= $version . $dbuild; foreach ($bloo as $device_id => $no) { $this_device = device_by_id_cache($device_id); //$content .= '<span style="background-color: #f5f5f5; margin: 5px;">'.$this_device['hostname'].'</span> '; if (!empty($this_device['hostname'])) { $content .= " - " . $this_device['hostname']; } } //$content .= "</div>"; } //$content .= "</div>"; if (empty($vars['name'])) { if ($first) { $first = false; $middot = ""; } else { $middot = " · "; } //echo("<span style='margin:5px;'>".overlib_link("", $version, $content, NULL)."</span>"); echo $middot . generate_tooltip_link('', $version . $dbuild, $content); } else { echo "{$version} {$content} <br />"; } } echo ' </td>' . PHP_EOL; echo ' </tr>' . PHP_EOL; } echo ' </tbody>'; echo '</table>'; echo generate_box_close(); // EOF
foreach (json_decode($tunnel['tunnel_endpoint'], TRUE) as $entry) { $tunnel_endpoint[] = 'Local: ' . generate_popup_link('ip', $entry['local']) . ', Remote: ' . generate_popup_link('ip', $entry['remote']); } $tunnel_endpoint = implode('<br />', $tunnel_endpoint); $timediff = $GLOBALS['config']['time']['now'] - $tunnel['tunnel_added']; echo '<tr class="' . $tunnel['row_class'] . '"> <td class="state-marker"></td> <td>' . generate_popup_link('ip', $tunnel['local_addr']) . '</td> <td><b>»</b></td> <td>' . generate_popup_link('ip', $tunnel['peer_addr']) . '</td> <td>' . $tunnel['tunnel_name'] . '</td> <td><span>' . $tunnel_endpoint . '</span></td> <td><span>' . generate_tooltip_link(NULL, formatUptime($tunnel['tunnel_lifetime'], 'short-3'), $tunnel['tunnel_lifetime'] . ' sec') . '</span></td> <td><span class="label ' . $tunnel['ike_label_class'] . '">' . $tunnel['tunnel_ike_alive'] . '</span></td> <td><span>' . generate_tooltip_link(NULL, formatUptime($tunnel['tunnel_ike_lifetime'], 'short-3'), $tunnel['tunnel_ike_lifetime'] . ' sec') . '</span></td> <td><span>' . generate_tooltip_link(NULL, formatUptime($timediff, "short-3") . ' ago', format_unixtime($tunnel['tunnel_added'])) . '</span></td> </tr>'; switch ($vars['graph']) { case 'bits': case 'pkts': $graph_array['type'] = 'ipsectunnel_' . $vars['graph']; $graph_array['id'] = $tunnel['tunnel_id']; } if ($vars['graph'] == 'bits' || $vars['graph'] == 'pkts') { $tunnel['graph'] = 1; } if ($tunnel['graph']) { $graph_array['to'] = $config['time']['now']; echo '<tr class="' . $tunnel['row_class'] . '">'; echo '<td colspan="10">'; print_graph_row($graph_array);
/** * Display events. * * Display pages with device/port/system events on some formats. * Examples: * print_events() - display last 10 events from all devices * print_events(array('pagesize' => 99)) - display last 99 events from all device * print_events(array('pagesize' => 10, 'pageno' => 3, 'pagination' => TRUE)) - display 10 events from page 3 with pagination header * print_events(array('pagesize' => 10, 'device' = 4)) - display last 10 events for device_id 4 * print_events(array('short' => TRUE)) - show small block with last events * * @param array $vars * @return none * */ function print_events($vars) { global $config; // Get events array $events = get_events_array($vars); if (!$events['count']) { // There have been no entries returned. Print the warning. print_warning('<h4>No eventlog entries found!</h4>'); } else { // Entries have been returned. Print the table. $list = array('device' => FALSE, 'port' => FALSE); if (!isset($vars['device']) || empty($vars['device']) || $vars['page'] == 'eventlog') { $list['device'] = TRUE; } if ($events['short'] || !isset($vars['port']) || empty($vars['port'])) { $list['entity'] = TRUE; } $string = generate_box_open($vars['header']); $string .= '<table class="' . OBS_CLASS_TABLE_STRIPED_MORE . '">' . PHP_EOL; if (!$events['short']) { $string .= ' <thead>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' <tr>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' <th class="state-marker"></th>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' <th>Date</th>' . PHP_EOL; if ($list['device']) { $string .= ' <th>Device</th>' . PHP_EOL; } if ($list['entity']) { $string .= ' <th>Entity</th>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= ' <th>Message</th>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' </tr>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' </thead>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= ' <tbody>' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($events['entries'] as $entry) { switch ($entry['severity']) { case "0": // Emergency // Emergency case "1": // Alert // Alert case "2": // Critical // Critical case "3": // Error $entry['html_row_class'] = "error"; break; case "4": // Warning $entry['html_row_class'] = "warning"; break; case "5": // Notification $entry['html_row_class'] = "recovery"; break; case "6": // Informational $entry['html_row_class'] = "up"; break; case "7": // Debugging $entry['html_row_class'] = "suppressed"; break; default: } $string .= ' <tr class="' . $entry['html_row_class'] . '">' . PHP_EOL; $string .= '<td class="state-marker"></td>' . PHP_EOL; if ($events['short']) { $string .= ' <td class="syslog" style="white-space: nowrap">'; $timediff = $GLOBALS['config']['time']['now'] - strtotime($entry['timestamp']); $string .= generate_tooltip_link('', formatUptime($timediff, "short-3"), format_timestamp($entry['timestamp']), NULL) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } else { $string .= ' <td style="width: 160px">'; $string .= format_timestamp($entry['timestamp']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } if ($list['device']) { $dev = device_by_id_cache($entry['device_id']); $device_vars = array('page' => 'device', 'device' => $entry['device_id'], 'tab' => 'logs', 'section' => 'eventlog'); $string .= ' <td class="entity">' . generate_device_link($dev, short_hostname($dev['hostname']), $device_vars) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } if ($list['entity']) { if ($entry['entity_type'] == 'device' && !$entry['entity_id']) { $entry['entity_id'] = $entry['device_id']; } if ($entry['entity_type'] == 'port') { $this_if = get_port_by_id_cache($entry['entity_id']); $entry['link'] = '<span class="entity"><i class="' . $config['entities']['port']['icon'] . '"></i> ' . generate_port_link($this_if, $this_if['port_label_short']) . '</span>'; } else { if (!empty($config['entities'][$entry['entity_type']]['icon'])) { $entry['link'] = '<i class="' . $config['entities'][$entry['entity_type']]['icon'] . '"></i> <span class="entity">' . generate_entity_link($entry['entity_type'], $entry['entity_id']) . '</span>'; } else { $entry['link'] = nicecase($entry['entity_type']); } } if (!$events['short']) { $string .= ' <td style="white-space: nowrap">' . $entry['link'] . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } } if ($events['short']) { $string .= ' <td class="syslog">'; if (strpos($entry['message'], $entry['link']) !== 0) { $string .= $entry['link'] . ' '; } } else { $string .= ' <td>'; } $string .= escape_html($entry['message']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' </tr>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= ' </tbody>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= '</table>'; $string .= generate_box_close(); // Print pagination header if ($events['pagination_html']) { $string = $events['pagination_html'] . $string . $events['pagination_html']; } // Print events echo $string; } }
function generate_pseudowire_row($pw, $vars) { global $config; humanize_pseudowire($pw); $table_cols = 11; $graph_array = array(); $graph_array['to'] = $config['time']['now']; $graph_array['id'] = $pw['pseudowire_id']; $graph_array['type'] = $pw['graph']; $graph_array['legend'] = "no"; $graph_array['width'] = 80; $graph_array['height'] = 20; $graph_array['bg'] = 'ffffff00'; $graph_array['from'] = $config['time']['day']; if ($pw['event'] && $pw['pwOperStatus']) { $mini_graph = generate_graph_tag($graph_array); } else { // Do not show "Draw Error" minigraph $mini_graph = ''; } $out = '<tr class="' . $pw['row_class'] . '"><td class="state-marker"></td>'; $out .= '<td class="entity" style="text-align: right;">' . generate_entity_link('pseudowire', $pw, NULL, NULL, TRUE, TRUE) . '</td>'; $out .= '<td>' . nicecase($pw['pwType']) . '/' . nicecase($pw['pwPsnType']) . '</td>'; if ($vars['page'] != "device" && $vars['popup'] != TRUE) { $out .= '<td class="entity">' . generate_device_link($pw, NULL, array('tab' => 'pseudowires')) . '</td>'; $table_cols++; } $out .= '<td class="entity">' . generate_entity_link('port', $pw['port_id']) . '</td>'; $out .= '<td><span class="text-success"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right"></i></span></td>'; if ($pw['peer_port_id']) { $out .= '<td class="entity">' . generate_entity_link('device', $pw['peer_device_id']) . '</td>'; $out .= '<td class="entity">' . generate_entity_link('port', $pw['peer_port_id']) . '</td>'; } else { $out .= '<td class="entity">' . generate_popup_link('ip', $pw['peer_addr']) . '</td>'; $out .= '<td>' . $pw['pwRemoteIfString'] . '</td>'; } $out .= '<td>' . generate_entity_link('pseudowire', $pw, $mini_graph, NULL, FALSE) . '</td>'; $out .= '<td style="white-space: nowrap">' . generate_tooltip_link(NULL, formatUptime($config['time']['now'] - $pw['last_change'], 'short-2') . ' ago', format_unixtime($pw['last_change'])) . '</td>'; $out .= '<td style="text-align: right;"><strong><span class="' . $pw['pw_class'] . '">' . $pw['event'] . '</span></strong></td>'; $out .= '<td style="text-align: right;"><strong><span class="' . $pw['pw_class'] . '">' . $pw['pwOperStatus'] . '</span></strong></td>'; $out .= '<td>' . formatUptime($pw['pwUptime'], 'short-2') . '</td>'; $out .= '</tr>'; if ($vars['graph'] || $vars['view'] == "graphs" || $vars['id'] == $pw['pseudowire_id']) { // If id set in vars, display only specific graphs $graph_array = array(); $graph_array['type'] = $vars['graph'] ? $vars['graph'] : $pw['graph']; $graph_array['id'] = $pw['pseudowire_id']; $out .= '<tr class="' . $pw['row_class'] . '">'; $out .= ' <td class="state-marker"></td>'; $out .= ' <td colspan="' . $table_cols . '">'; $out .= generate_graph_row($graph_array, TRUE); $out .= ' </td>'; $out .= '</tr>'; } return $out; }
if (isset($param_data['tooltip'])) { echo generate_tooltip_link(NULL, '<i class="oicon-question"></i>', $param_data['tooltip']); } echo ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; echo ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; } } if (count($data['parameters']['optional'])) { echo ' <h3 id="add_assoc_label"><i class="oicon-sql-join-inner"></i> Optional parameters</h3>' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($data['parameters']['optional'] as $parameter => $param_data) { echo ' <div class="control-group">' . PHP_EOL; echo ' <label class="control-label" for="contact_' . $transport . '_' . $parameter . '">' . $param_data['description'] . '</label>' . PHP_EOL; echo ' <div class="controls">' . PHP_EOL; echo ' <input type=text name="contact_' . $transport . '_' . $parameter . '" size="32" value=""/>' . PHP_EOL; if (isset($param_data['tooltip'])) { echo generate_tooltip_link(NULL, '<i class="oicon-question"></i>', $param_data['tooltip']); } echo ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; echo ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; } } echo ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- $("#contact_method").change(function() { var select = this.value; <?php
function generate_port_row($port, $vars = array()) { global $config, $cache; $device = device_by_id_cache($port['device_id']); humanize_port($port); if (!isset($vars['view'])) { $vars['view'] = "basic"; } // Populate $port_adsl if the port has ADSL-MIB data if (!isset($cache['ports_option']['ports_adsl']) || in_array($port['port_id'], $cache['ports_option']['ports_adsl'])) { $port_adsl = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `ports_adsl` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($port['port_id'])); } // Populate $port['tags'] with various tags to identify port statuses and features // Port Errors if ($port['ifInErrors_delta'] > 0 || $port['ifOutErrors_delta'] > 0) { $port['tags'] .= generate_port_link($port, '<span class="label label-important">Errors</span>', 'port_errors'); } // Port Deleted if ($port['deleted'] == '1') { $port['tags'] .= '<a href="' . generate_url(array('page' => 'deleted-ports')) . '"><span class="label label-important">Deleted</span></a>'; } // Port CBQoS if (isset($cache['ports_option']['ports_cbqos'])) { if (in_array($port['port_id'], $cache['ports_option']['ports_cbqos'])) { $port['tags'] .= '<a href="' . generate_port_url($port, array('view' => 'cbqos')) . '"><span class="label label-info">CBQoS</span></a>'; } } else { if (dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports_cbqos` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($port['port_id']))) { $port['tags'] .= '<a href="' . generate_port_url($port, array('view' => 'cbqos')) . '"><span class="label label-info">CBQoS</span></a>'; } } // Port MAC Accounting if (isset($cache['ports_option']['mac_accounting'])) { if (in_array($port['port_id'], $cache['ports_option']['mac_accounting'])) { $port['tags'] .= '<a href="' . generate_port_url($port, array('view' => 'macaccounting')) . '"><span class="label label-info">MAC</span></a>'; } } else { if (dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `mac_accounting` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($port['port_id']))) { $port['tags'] .= '<a href="' . generate_port_url($port, array('view' => 'macaccounting')) . '"><span class="label label-info">MAC</span></a>'; } } // Populated formatted versions of port rates. $port['bps_in'] = formatRates($port['ifInOctets_rate'] * 8); $port['bps_out'] = formatRates($port['ifOutOctets_rate'] * 8); $port['pps_in'] = format_si($port['ifInUcastPkts_rate']) . "pps"; $port['pps_out'] = format_si($port['ifOutUcastPkts_rate']) . "pps"; $string = ''; if ($vars['view'] == "basic" || $vars['view'] == "graphs") { $table_cols = '8'; $string .= '<tr class="' . $port['row_class'] . '"> <td class="state-marker"></td> <td style="width: 1px;"></td>'; if ($vars['page'] != "device" && $vars['popup'] != TRUE) { $table_cols++; // Increment table columns by one to make sure graph line draws correctly $string .= ' <td style="width: 200px;"><span class="entity">' . generate_device_link($device, short_hostname($device['hostname'], "20")) . '</span><br /> <span class="em">' . escape_html(truncate($port['location'], 32, "")) . '</span></td>'; } $string .= ' <td><span class="entity">' . generate_port_link($port, rewrite_ifname($port['port_label'])) . ' ' . $port['tags'] . '</span><br /> <span class="em">' . escape_html(truncate($port['ifAlias'], 50, '')) . '</span></td>' . '<td style="width: 110px;"> <i class="icon-circle-arrow-down" style="' . $port['bps_in_style'] . '"></i> <span class="small" style="' . $port['bps_in_style'] . '">' . formatRates($port['in_rate']) . '</span><br />' . '<i class="icon-circle-arrow-up" style="' . $port['bps_out_style'] . '"></i> <span class="small" style="' . $port['bps_out_style'] . '">' . formatRates($port['out_rate']) . '</span><br /></td>' . '<td style="width: 90px;"> <i class="icon-circle-arrow-down" style="' . $port['bps_in_style'] . '"></i> <span class="small" style="' . $port['bps_in_style'] . '">' . $port['ifInOctets_perc'] . '%</span><br />' . '<i class="icon-circle-arrow-up" style="' . $port['bps_out_style'] . '"></i> <span class="small" style="' . $port['bps_out_style'] . '">' . $port['ifOutOctets_perc'] . '%</span><br /></td>' . '<td style="width: 110px;"><i class="icon-circle-arrow-down" style="' . $port['pps_in_style'] . '"></i> <span class="small" style="' . $port['pps_in_style'] . '">' . format_bi($port['ifInUcastPkts_rate']) . 'pps</span><br />' . '<i class="icon-circle-arrow-up" style="' . $port['pps_out_style'] . '"></i> <span class="small" style="' . $port['pps_out_style'] . '">' . format_bi($port['ifOutUcastPkts_rate']) . 'pps</span></td>' . '<td style="width: 110px;"><small>' . $port['human_speed'] . '<br />' . $port['ifMtu'] . '</small></td> <td ><small>' . $port['human_type'] . '<br />' . $port['human_mac'] . '</small></td> </tr>'; } else { if ($vars['view'] == "details" || $vars['view'] == "detail") { $table_cols = '9'; $string .= '<tr class="' . $port['row_class'] . '"'; if ($vars['tab'] != "port") { $string .= ' onclick="openLink(\'' . generate_port_url($port) . '\')" style="cursor: pointer;"'; } $string .= '>'; $string .= ' <td class="state-marker"></td> <td style="width: 1px;"></td>'; if ($vars['page'] != "device" && $vars['popup'] != TRUE) { $table_cols++; // Increment table columns by one to make sure graph line draws correctly $string .= ' <td width="200"><span class="entity">' . generate_device_link($device, short_hostname($device['hostname'], "20")) . '</span><br /> <span class="em">' . escape_html(truncate($port['location'], 32, "")) . '</span></td>'; } $string .= ' <td style="min-width: 250px;">'; $string .= ' <span class="entity-title"> ' . generate_port_link($port) . ' ' . $port['tags'] . ' </span><br /><span class="small">' . escape_html($port['ifAlias']) . '</span>'; if ($port['ifAlias']) { $string .= '<br />'; } unset($break); if (!isset($cache['ports_option']['ipv4_addresses']) || in_array($port['port_id'], $cache['ports_option']['ipv4_addresses'])) { foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ipv4_addresses` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($port['port_id'])) as $ip) { $string .= $break . generate_popup_link('ip', $ip['ipv4_address'] . '/' . $ip['ipv4_prefixlen'], NULL, 'small'); $break = "<br />"; } } if (!isset($cache['ports_option']['ipv6_addresses']) || in_array($port['port_id'], $cache['ports_option']['ipv6_addresses'])) { foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ipv6_addresses` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($port['port_id'])) as $ip6) { $string .= $break . generate_popup_link('ip', $ip6['ipv6_address'] . '/' . $ip6['ipv6_prefixlen'], NULL, 'small'); $break = "<br />"; } } //$string .= '</span>'; $string .= '</td>'; // Print port graph thumbnails $string .= '<td style="width: 147px;">'; $port['graph_type'] = "port_bits"; $graph_array = array(); $graph_array['to'] = $config['time']['now']; $graph_array['id'] = $port['port_id']; $graph_array['type'] = $port['graph_type']; $graph_array['width'] = 100; $graph_array['height'] = 20; $graph_array['bg'] = 'ffffff00'; $graph_array['from'] = $config['time']['day']; $string .= generate_port_link($port, generate_graph_tag($graph_array)); $port['graph_type'] = "port_upkts"; $graph_array['type'] = $port['graph_type']; $string .= generate_port_link($port, generate_graph_tag($graph_array)); $port['graph_type'] = "port_errors"; $graph_array['type'] = $port['graph_type']; $string .= generate_port_link($port, generate_graph_tag($graph_array)); $string .= '</td>'; $string .= '<td style="width: 100px; white-space: nowrap;">'; if ($port['ifOperStatus'] == "up" || $port['ifOperStatus'] == "monitoring") { // Colours generated by humanize_port $string .= '<i class="icon-circle-arrow-down" style="' . $port['bps_in_style'] . '"></i> <span class="small" style="' . $port['bps_in_style'] . '">' . formatRates($port['in_rate']) . '</span><br /> <i class="icon-circle-arrow-up" style="' . $port['bps_out_style'] . '"></i> <span class="small" style="' . $port['bps_out_style'] . '">' . formatRates($port['out_rate']) . '</span><br /> <i class="icon-circle-arrow-down" style="' . $port['pps_in_style'] . '"></i> <span class="small" style="' . $port['pps_in_style'] . '">' . format_bi($port['ifInUcastPkts_rate']) . 'pps</span><br /> <i class="icon-circle-arrow-up" style="' . $port['pps_out_style'] . '"></i> <span class="small" style="' . $port['pps_out_style'] . '">' . format_bi($port['ifOutUcastPkts_rate']) . 'pps</span>'; } $string .= '</td><td style="width: 110px;">'; if ($port['ifType'] && $port['ifType'] != "") { $string .= '<span class="small">' . $port['human_type'] . '</span>'; } else { $string .= '-'; } $string .= '<br />'; if ($port['ifSpeed']) { $string .= '<span class="small">' . humanspeed($port['ifSpeed']) . '</span>'; } if ($port['ifDuplex'] && $port['ifDuplex'] != "unknown") { $string .= '<span class="small"> (' . str_replace("Duplex", "", $port['ifDuplex']) . ')</span>'; } $string .= '<br />'; if ($port['ifMtu'] && $port['ifMtu'] != "") { $string .= '<span class="small">MTU ' . $port['ifMtu'] . '</span>'; } else { $string .= '<span class="small">Unknown MTU</span>'; } // if ($ifHardType && $ifHardType != "") { $string .= '<span class="small">" . $ifHardType . "</span>"); } else { $string .= '-'; } //$string .= '<br />'; // Set VLAN data if the port has ifTrunk populated if ($port['ifTrunk']) { if ($port['ifVlan']) { // Native VLAN if (!isset($cache['ports_vlan'])) { $native_state = dbFetchCell('SELECT `state` FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `port_id` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $port['port_id'])); $native_name = dbFetchCell('SELECT `vlan_name` FROM vlans WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `vlan_vlan` = ?;', array($device['device_id'], $port['ifVlan'])); } else { $native_state = $cache['ports_vlan'][$port['port_id']][$port['ifVlan']]['state']; $native_name = $cache['ports_vlan'][$port['port_id']][$port['ifVlan']]['vlan_name']; } switch ($native_state) { case 'blocking': $class = 'text-danger'; break; case 'forwarding': $class = 'text-success'; break; default: $class = 'muted'; } if (empty($native_name)) { $native_name = 'VLAN' . str_pad($port['ifVlan'], 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } $native_tooltip = 'NATIVE: <strong class=' . $class . '>' . $port['ifVlan'] . ' [' . $native_name . ']</strong><br />'; } if (!isset($cache['ports_vlan'])) { $vlans = dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` AS PV LEFT JOIN vlans AS V ON PV.`vlan` = V.`vlan_vlan` AND PV.`device_id` = V.`device_id` WHERE PV.`port_id` = ? AND PV.`device_id` = ? ORDER BY PV.`vlan`;', array($port['port_id'], $device['device_id'])); } else { $vlans = $cache['ports_vlan'][$port['port_id']]; } $vlans_count = count($vlans); $rel = $vlans_count || $native_tooltip ? 'tooltip' : ''; // Hide tooltip for empty $string .= '<p class="small"><a class="label label-info" data-rel="' . $rel . '" data-tooltip="<div class=\'small\' style=\'max-width: 320px; text-align: justify;\'>' . $native_tooltip; if ($vlans_count) { $string .= 'ALLOWED: '; $vlans_aggr = array(); foreach ($vlans as $vlan) { if ($vlans_count > 20) { // Aggregate VLANs $vlans_aggr[] = $vlan['vlan']; } else { // List VLANs switch ($vlan['state']) { case 'blocking': $class = 'text-danger'; break; case 'forwarding': $class = 'text-success'; break; default: $class = 'muted'; } if (empty($vlan['vlan_name'])) { 'VLAN' . str_pad($vlan['vlan'], 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } $string .= '<strong class=' . $class . '>' . $vlan['vlan'] . ' [' . $vlan['vlan_name'] . ']</strong><br />'; } } if ($vlans_count > 20) { // End aggregate VLANs $string .= '<strong>' . range_to_list($vlans_aggr, ', ') . '</strong>'; } } $string .= '</div>">' . $port['ifTrunk'] . '</a></p>'; } else { if ($port['ifVlan']) { if (!isset($cache['ports_vlan'])) { $native_state = dbFetchCell('SELECT `state` FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `port_id` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $port['port_id'])); $native_name = dbFetchCell('SELECT `vlan_name` FROM vlans WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `vlan_vlan` = ?;', array($device['device_id'], $port['ifVlan'])); } else { $native_state = $cache['ports_vlan'][$port['port_id']][$port['ifVlan']]['state']; $native_name = $cache['ports_vlan'][$port['port_id']][$port['ifVlan']]['vlan_name']; } switch ($native_state) { case 'blocking': $class = 'label-error'; break; case 'forwarding': $class = 'label-success'; break; default: $class = ''; } $rel = $native_name ? 'tooltip' : ''; // Hide tooltip for empty $string .= '<br /><span data-rel="' . $rel . '" class="label ' . $class . '" data-tooltip="<strong class=\'small\'>' . $port['ifVlan'] . ' [' . $native_name . ']</strong>">VLAN ' . $port['ifVlan'] . '</span>'; } else { if ($port['ifVrf']) { $vrf_name = dbFetchCell("SELECT `vrf_name` FROM `vrfs` WHERE `vrf_id` = ?", array($port['ifVrf'])); $string .= '<br /><span class="label label-success" data-rel="tooltip" data-tooltip="VRF">' . $vrf_name . '</span>'; } } } $string .= '</td>'; // If the port is ADSL, print ADSL port data. if ($port_adsl['adslLineCoding']) { $string .= '<td style="width: 200px;"><span class="small">'; $string .= '<span class="label">' . $port_adsl['adslLineCoding'] . '</span> <span class="label">' . rewrite_adslLineType($port_adsl['adslLineType']) . '</span>'; $string .= '<br />'; $string .= 'SYN <i class="icon-circle-arrow-down green"></i> ' . formatRates($port_adsl['adslAtucChanCurrTxRate']) . ' <i class="icon-circle-arrow-up blue"></i> ' . formatRates($port_adsl['adslAturChanCurrTxRate']); $string .= '<br />'; //$string .= 'Max:'.formatRates($port_adsl['adslAtucCurrAttainableRate']) . '/'. formatRates($port_adsl['adslAturCurrAttainableRate']); //$string .= '<br />'; $string .= 'ATN <i class="icon-circle-arrow-down green"></i> ' . $port_adsl['adslAtucCurrAtn'] . 'dBm <i class="icon-circle-arrow-up blue"></i> ' . $port_adsl['adslAturCurrAtn'] . 'dBm'; $string .= '<br />'; $string .= 'SNR <i class="icon-circle-arrow-down green"></i> ' . $port_adsl['adslAtucCurrSnrMgn'] . 'dB <i class="icon-circle-arrow-up blue"></i> ' . $port_adsl['adslAturCurrSnrMgn'] . 'dB'; $string .= '</span>'; } else { // Otherwise print normal port data $string .= '<td style="width: 150px;"><span class="small">'; if ($port['ifPhysAddress'] && $port['ifPhysAddress'] != "") { $string .= $port['human_mac']; } else { $string .= '-'; } $string .= '<br />' . $port['ifLastChange'] . '</span>'; } $string .= '</td>'; $string .= '<td style="min-width: 200px" class="small">'; if (strpos($port['port_label'], "oopback") === FALSE && !$graph_type) { unset($br); // Populate links array for ports with direct links if (!isset($cache['ports_option']['neighbours']) || in_array($port['port_id'], $cache['ports_option']['neighbours'])) { foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM `neighbours` WHERE `port_id` = ?', array($port['port_id'])) as $neighbour) { // print_r($link); if ($neighbour['remote_port_id']) { $int_links[$neighbour['remote_port_id']] = $neighbour['remote_port_id']; $int_links_phys[$neighbour['remote_port_id']] = 1; } else { $int_links_unknown[] = $neighbour; } } } else { } // Populate links array for devices which share an IPv4 subnet if (!isset($cache['ports_option']['ipv4_addresses']) || in_array($port['port_id'], $cache['ports_option']['ipv4_addresses'])) { foreach (dbFetchColumn('SELECT DISTINCT(`ipv4_network_id`) FROM `ipv4_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ipv4_networks` USING(`ipv4_network_id`) WHERE `port_id` = ? AND `ipv4_network` NOT IN (?);', array($port['port_id'], $config['ignore_common_subnet'])) as $network_id) { $sql = 'SELECT N.*, P.`port_id`, P.`device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` AS A, `ipv4_networks` AS N, `ports` AS P WHERE A.`port_id` = P.`port_id` AND P.`device_id` != ? AND A.`ipv4_network_id` = ? AND N.`ipv4_network_id` = A.`ipv4_network_id` AND P.`ifAdminStatus` = "up"'; $params = array($device['device_id'], $network_id); foreach (dbFetchRows($sql, $params) as $new) { if ($cache['devices']['id'][$new['device_id']]['disabled'] && !$config['web_show_disabled']) { continue; } $int_links[$new['port_id']] = $new['port_id']; $int_links_v4[$new['port_id']][] = $new['ipv4_network']; } } } // Populate links array for devices which share an IPv6 subnet if (!isset($cache['ports_option']['ipv6_addresses']) || in_array($port['port_id'], $cache['ports_option']['ipv6_addresses'])) { foreach (dbFetchColumn("SELECT DISTINCT(`ipv6_network_id`) FROM `ipv6_addresses`\n LEFT JOIN `ipv6_networks` USING(`ipv6_network_id`)\n WHERE `port_id` = ? AND `ipv6_network` NOT IN (?);", array($port['port_id'], $config['ignore_common_subnet'])) as $network_id) { $sql = "SELECT N.*, P.`port_id`, P.`device_id` FROM `ipv6_addresses` AS A, `ipv6_networks` AS N, `ports` AS P\n WHERE A.`port_id` = P.`port_id` AND P.device_id != ?\n AND A.`ipv6_network_id` = ? AND N.`ipv6_network_id` = A.`ipv6_network_id`\n AND P.`ifAdminStatus` = 'up' AND A.`ipv6_origin` != 'linklayer' AND A.`ipv6_origin` != 'wellknown'"; $params = array($device['device_id'], $network_id); foreach (dbFetchRows($sql, $params) as $new) { if ($cache['devices']['id'][$new['device_id']]['disabled'] && !$config['web_show_disabled']) { continue; } $int_links[$new['port_id']] = $new['port_id']; $int_links_v6[$new['port_id']][] = $new['ipv6_network']; } } } // Output contents of links array foreach ($int_links as $int_link) { $link_if = get_port_by_id_cache($int_link); if (!device_permitted($link_if['device_id'])) { continue; } // Skip not permitted links $link_dev = device_by_id_cache($link_if['device_id']); $string .= $br; if ($int_links_phys[$int_link]) { $string .= '<a data-alt="Directly connected" class="oicon-connect"></a> '; } else { $string .= '<a data-alt="Same subnet" class="oicon-network-hub"></a> '; } $string .= '<b>' . generate_port_link($link_if, $link_if['port_label_short']) . ' on ' . generate_device_link($link_dev, short_hostname($link_dev['hostname'])) . '</b>'; ## FIXME -- do something fancy here. if ($int_links_v6[$int_link]) { $string .= ' ' . overlib_link('', '<span class="label label-success">IPv6</span>', implode("<br />", $int_links_v6[$int_link]), NULL); } if ($int_links_v4[$int_link]) { $string .= ' ' . overlib_link('', '<span class="label label-info">IPv4</span>', implode("<br />", $int_links_v4[$int_link]), NULL); } $br = "<br />"; } // Output content of unknown links array (where ports don't exist in our database, or they weren't matched) foreach ($int_links_unknown as $int_link) { // FIXME -- Expose platform and version here. $string .= '<a data-alt="Directly connected" class="oicon-plug-connect"></a> '; $string .= '<b><i>' . short_ifname($int_link['remote_port']) . '</i></b> on '; $string .= '<i><b>' . generate_tooltip_link(NULL, $int_link['remote_hostname'], '<div class="small" style="max-width: 500px;"><b>' . $int_link['remote_platform'] . '</b><br />' . $int_link['remote_version'] . '</div>') . '</b></i>'; $string .= '<br />'; } } if (!isset($cache['ports_option']['pseudowires']) || in_array($port['port_id'], $cache['ports_option']['pseudowires'])) { foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `pseudowires` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($port['port_id'])) as $pseudowire) { //`port_id`,`peer_device_id`,`peer_ldp_id`,`pwID`,`pwIndex` # $pw_peer_dev = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($pseudowire['peer_device_id'])); $pw_peer_int = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `ports` AS I, `pseudowires` AS P WHERE I.`device_id` = ? AND P.`pwID` = ? AND P.`port_id` = I.`port_id`", array($pseudowire['peer_device_id'], $pseudowire['pwID'])); # $pw_peer_int = get_port_by_id_cache($pseudowire['peer_device_id']); $pw_peer_dev = device_by_id_cache($pseudowire['peer_device_id']); if (is_array($pw_peer_int)) { humanize_port($pw_peer_int); $string .= $br . '<i class="oicon-arrow-switch"></i> <strong>' . generate_port_link($pw_peer_int, $pw_peer_int['port_label_short']) . ' on ' . generate_device_link($pw_peer_dev, short_hostname($pw_peer_dev['hostname'])) . '</strong>'; } else { $string .= $br . '<i class="oicon-arrow-switch"></i> <strong> VC ' . $pseudowire['pwID'] . ' on ' . $pseudowire['peer_addr'] . '</strong>'; } $string .= ' <span class="label">' . $pseudowire['pwPsnType'] . '</span>'; $string .= ' <span class="label">' . $pseudowire['pwType'] . '</span>'; $br = "<br />"; } } if (!isset($cache['ports_option']['ports_pagp']) || in_array($port['ifIndex'], $cache['ports_option']['ports_pagp'])) { foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `pagpGroupIfIndex` = ? AND `device_id` = ?", array($port['ifIndex'], $device['device_id'])) as $member) { humanize_port($member); $pagp[$device['device_id']][$port['ifIndex']][$member['ifIndex']] = TRUE; $string .= $br . '<i class="oicon-arrow-join"></i> <strong>' . generate_port_link($member) . ' [PAgP]</strong>'; $br = "<br />"; } } if ($port['pagpGroupIfIndex'] && $port['pagpGroupIfIndex'] != $port['ifIndex']) { $pagp[$device['device_id']][$port['pagpGroupIfIndex']][$port['ifIndex']] = TRUE; $parent = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `ifIndex` = ? and `device_id` = ?", array($port['pagpGroupIfIndex'], $device['device_id'])); humanize_port($parent); $string .= $br . '<i class="oicon-arrow-split"></i> <strong>' . generate_port_link($parent) . ' [PAgP]</strong>'; $br = "<br />"; } if (!isset($cache['ports_option']['ports_stack_low']) || in_array($port['ifIndex'], $cache['ports_option']['ports_stack_low'])) { foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ports_stack` WHERE `port_id_low` = ? and `device_id` = ?", array($port['ifIndex'], $device['device_id'])) as $higher_if) { if ($higher_if['port_id_high']) { if ($pagp[$device['device_id']][$higher_if['port_id_high']][$port['ifIndex']]) { continue; } // Skip if same PAgP port $this_port = get_port_by_index_cache($device['device_id'], $higher_if['port_id_high']); if (is_array($this_port)) { $string .= $br . '<i class="oicon-arrow-split"></i> <strong>' . generate_port_link($this_port) . '</strong>'; $br = "<br />"; } } } } if (!isset($cache['ports_option']['ports_stack_high']) || in_array($port['ifIndex'], $cache['ports_option']['ports_stack_high'])) { foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ports_stack` WHERE `port_id_high` = ? and `device_id` = ?", array($port['ifIndex'], $device['device_id'])) as $lower_if) { if ($lower_if['port_id_low']) { if ($pagp[$device['device_id']][$port['ifIndex']][$lower_if['port_id_low']]) { continue; } // Skip if same PAgP ports $this_port = get_port_by_index_cache($device['device_id'], $lower_if['port_id_low']); if (is_array($this_port)) { $string .= $br . '<i class="oicon-arrow-join"></i> <strong>' . generate_port_link($this_port) . '</strong>'; $br = "<br />"; } } } } unset($int_links, $int_links_v6, $int_links_v4, $int_links_phys, $br); $string .= '</td></tr>'; } } // End Detailed View // If we're showing graphs, generate the graph and print the img tags if ($vars['graph'] == "etherlike") { $graph_file = get_port_rrdfilename($port, "dot3", TRUE); } else { $graph_file = get_port_rrdfilename($port, NULL, TRUE); } if ($vars['graph'] && is_file($graph_file)) { $string .= '<tr><td colspan="' . $table_cols . '">'; $graph_array['to'] = $config['time']['now']; $graph_array['id'] = $port['port_id']; $graph_array['type'] = 'port_' . $vars['graph']; $string .= generate_graph_row($graph_array); $string .= '</td></tr>'; } return $string; }
<td>'; if ($check['suppress_recovery'] || TRUE) { echo '<span class="label label-suppressed" title="Recovery notification suppressed">No Recovery</span><br />'; } if ($check['delay'] > 0 || TRUE) { echo '<span class="label label-delayed">Delay ' . $check['delay'] . '</span><br />'; } echo ' </td> <td><i>' . $check['status_numbers'] . '</i><br />'; if (count($contacts)) { $content = ""; foreach ($contacts as $contact) { $content .= '<span class="label">' . $contact['contact_method'] . '</span> ' . $contact['contact_descr'] . '<br />'; } echo generate_tooltip_link('', '<span class="label label-success">' . count($contacts) . ' Notifiers</span>', $content); } else { echo '<span class="label label-primary">Default Notifier</span>'; } echo '</td> </tr> </tbody></table>' . PHP_EOL; echo generate_box_close(); echo ' </div> </div>'; // Build group-specific navbar $navbar = array('brand' => escape_html($check['alert_name']), 'class' => "navbar-narrow"); $navbar['options']['entries'] = array('text' => 'Alert Entries'); $navbar['options']['details'] = array('text' => 'Alert Details'); if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] == '10') {
if (count($data['parameters']['required'])) { $form['row'][++$i]['contact_required'] = array('type' => 'raw', 'html' => '<strong>Required parameters:</strong>'); foreach (array_merge($data['parameters']['required'], $data['parameters']['global']) as $parameter => $param_data) { $form['row'][++$i]['contact_endpoint_' . $parameter] = array('type' => 'text', 'width' => '80%', 'name' => $param_data['description'], 'readonly' => $readonly, 'value' => $contact['endpoint_parameters'][$parameter]); if (isset($param_data['tooltip'])) { $form['row'][$i]['tooltip_' . $parameter] = array('type' => 'raw', 'readonly' => $readonly, 'html' => generate_tooltip_link(NULL, '<i class="oicon-question"></i>', $param_data['tooltip'])); //echo(generate_tooltip_link(NULL, '<i class="oicon-question"></i>', $param_data['tooltip'])); } } } if (count($data['parameters']['optional'])) { $form['row'][++$i]['contact_optional'] = array('type' => 'raw', 'html' => '<strong>Optional parameters:</strong>'); foreach ($data['parameters']['optional'] as $parameter => $param_data) { $form['row'][++$i]['contact_endpoint_' . $parameter] = array('type' => 'text', 'width' => '80%', 'name' => $param_data['description'], 'readonly' => $readonly, 'value' => $contact['endpoint_parameters'][$parameter]); if (isset($param_data['tooltip'])) { $form['row'][$i]['tooltip_' . $parameter] = array('type' => 'raw', 'readonly' => $readonly, 'html' => generate_tooltip_link(NULL, '<i class="oicon-question"></i>', $param_data['tooltip'])); //echo(generate_tooltip_link(NULL, '<i class="oicon-question"></i>', $param_data['tooltip'])); } } } $form['row'][++$i]['submit'] = array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'Save Changes', 'icon' => 'icon-ok icon-white', 'right' => TRUE, 'class' => 'btn-primary', 'readonly' => $readonly, 'value' => 'update-contact-entry'); //r($form); print_form($form); unset($form, $i); ?> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <?php
} else { $ua['icon'] = 'icon-laptop'; } $ua['content'] = 'Your current IP: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '<br />'; if ($config['web_mouseover'] && $ua['browser'] != 'mobile') { // Add popup with current IP and previous session $last_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `id` FROM `authlog` WHERE `user` = ? AND `result` LIKE 'Logged In%' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1;", array($_SESSION['username'])); $ua['previous_session'] = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `authlog` WHERE `user` = ? AND `id` < ? AND `result` LIKE 'Logged In%' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1;", array($_SESSION['username'], $last_id)); if ($ua['previous_session']) { $ua['previous_browser'] = detect_browser($ua['previous_session']['user_agent']); $ua['content'] .= '<hr><span class="small">Previous session from <em class="pull-right">' . ($_SESSION['userlevel'] > 5 ? $ua['previous_session']['address'] : preg_replace('/^\\d+/', '*', $ua['previous_session']['address'])) . '</em></span>'; $ua['content'] .= '<br /><span class="small pull-right"><em> at ' . format_timestamp($ua['previous_session']['datetime']) . '</span>'; $ua['content'] .= '<br /><span class="small pull-right"><i class="' . $ua['previous_browser']['icon'] . '"></i> ' . $ua['previous_browser']['browser_full'] . ' (' . $ua['previous_browser']['platform'] . ')' . '</em></span>'; } } echo '<li>' . generate_tooltip_link($ua['url'], ' <i class="' . $ua['icon'] . '"></i>', $ua['content']) . '</li>'; ?> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-hover="dropdown" data-toggle="dropdown"><i class="oicon-gear"></i> <b class="caret"></b></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <?php // Refresh menu echo '<li class="dropdown-submenu">'; echo ' <a tabindex="-1" href="' . generate_url($vars) . '"><i class="oicon-arrow-circle"></i> Refresh <span id="countrefresh"></span></a>'; echo ' <ul class="dropdown-menu">'; foreach ($page_refresh['list'] as $refresh_time) { $refresh_class = $refresh_time == $page_refresh['current'] ? 'active' : ''; if (!$page_refresh['allowed']) { $refresh_class = 'disabled'; } if ($refresh_time == 0) {
function generate_sla_row($sla, $vars) { global $config; humanize_sla($sla); $table_cols = "8"; $graph_array = array(); $graph_array['to'] = $config['time']['now']; $graph_array['id'] = $sla['sla_id']; $graph_array['type'] = $sla['graph_type']; $graph_array['legend'] = "no"; $graph_array['width'] = 80; $graph_array['height'] = 20; $graph_array['bg'] = 'ffffff00'; $graph_array['from'] = $config['time']['day']; if ($sla['rtt_event'] && $sla['rtt_sense']) { $mini_graph = generate_graph_tag($graph_array); } else { // Do not show "Draw Error" minigraph $mini_graph = ''; } $out = '<tr class="' . $sla['row_class'] . '"><td class="state-marker"></td>'; if ($vars['page'] != "device" && $vars['popup'] != TRUE) { $out .= '<td class="entity">' . generate_device_link($sla) . '</td>'; $table_cols++; } $out .= '<td class="entity">' . generate_entity_link('sla', $sla) . '</td>'; $out .= '<td>' . $sla['sla_owner'] . '</td>'; $out .= '<td>' . $sla['rtt_label'] . '</td>'; $out .= '<td>' . generate_entity_link('sla', $sla, $mini_graph, NULL, FALSE) . '</td>'; $out .= '<td style="white-space: nowrap">' . generate_tooltip_link(NULL, formatUptime($config['time']['now'] - $sla['rtt_last_change'], 'short-2') . ' ago', format_unixtime($sla['rtt_last_change'])) . '</td>'; $out .= '<td style="text-align: right;"><strong><span class="' . $sla['rtt_class'] . '">' . $sla['rtt_event'] . '</span></strong></td>'; $out .= '<td style="text-align: right;"><strong><span class="' . $sla['rtt_class'] . '">' . $sla['rtt_sense'] . '</span></strong></td>'; $out .= '<td><span class="' . $sla['sla_class'] . '">' . $sla['human_value'] . $sla['human_unit'] . '</span></td>'; $out .= '</tr>'; if ($vars['graph'] || $vars['view'] == "graphs" || $vars['id'] == $sla['sla_id']) { // If id set in vars, display only specific graphs $graph_array = array(); $graph_array['type'] = $sla['graph_type']; $graph_array['id'] = $sla['sla_id']; $out .= '<tr class="' . $sla['row_class'] . '">'; $out .= ' <td class="state-marker"></td>'; $out .= ' <td colspan="' . $table_cols . '">'; $out .= generate_graph_row($graph_array, TRUE); $out .= ' </td>'; $out .= '</tr>'; } return $out; }
function generate_sensor_row($sensor, $vars) { global $config; humanize_sensor($sensor); $table_cols = 4; $graph_array = array(); $graph_array['to'] = $config['time']['now']; $graph_array['id'] = $sensor['sensor_id']; $graph_array['type'] = "sensor_graph"; $graph_array['width'] = 80; $graph_array['height'] = 20; $graph_array['bg'] = 'ffffff00'; $graph_array['from'] = $config['time']['day']; if ($sensor['sensor_event'] && is_numeric($sensor['sensor_value'])) { $mini_graph = generate_graph_tag($graph_array); } else { // Do not show "Draw Error" minigraph $mini_graph = ''; } $row = ' <tr class="' . $sensor['row_class'] . '"> <td class="state-marker"></td>'; if ($vars['page'] != "device" && $vars['popup'] != TRUE) { $row .= ' <td class="entity">' . generate_device_link($sensor) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; $table_cols++; } if ($vars['entity_icon'] == TRUE) { $row .= ' <td width="20px"><i class="' . $config['sensor_types'][$sensor['sensor_class']]['icon'] . '"></i></td>'; } $row .= ' <td class="entity">' . generate_entity_link("sensor", $sensor) . '</td>'; if ($vars['show_class']) { $row .= ' <td>' . nicecase($sensor['sensor_class']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; $table_cols++; } if ($vars['tab'] != 'overview') { $row .= ' <td><span class="label ' . ($sensor['sensor_custom_limit'] ? 'label-warning' : '') . '">' . $sensor['sensor_thresholds'] . '</span></td>' . PHP_EOL; $table_cols++; } $row .= ' <td style="width: 90px; text-align: right;">' . generate_entity_link('sensor', $sensor, $mini_graph, NULL, FALSE) . '</td>'; if ($vars['tab'] != 'overview') { $row .= ' <td style="white-space: nowrap">' . generate_tooltip_link(NULL, formatUptime($config['time']['now'] - $sensor['sensor_last_change'], 'short-2') . ' ago', format_unixtime($sensor['sensor_last_change'])) . '</td>'; $table_cols++; $row .= ' <td style="text-align: right;"><strong><span class="' . $sensor['state_class'] . '">' . $sensor['sensor_event'] . '</span></strong></td>'; $table_cols++; } $row .= ' <td style="width: 80px; text-align: right;"><strong><span class="' . $sensor['state_class'] . '">' . $sensor['human_value'] . $sensor['sensor_symbol'] . '</span></strong> </tr>' . PHP_EOL; if ($vars['view'] == "graphs" || $vars['id'] == $sensor['sensor_id']) { $vars['graph'] = "graph"; } if ($vars['graph']) { $row .= ' <tr class="' . $sensor['row_class'] . '"> <td class="state-marker"></td> <td colspan="' . $table_cols . '">'; $graph_array = array(); $graph_array['to'] = $config['time']['now']; $graph_array['id'] = $sensor['sensor_id']; $graph_array['type'] = 'sensor_' . $vars['graph']; $row .= generate_graph_row($graph_array, TRUE); $row .= '</td></tr>'; } # endif graphs return $row; }
/** * Observium * * This file is part of Observium. * * @package observium * @subpackage web * @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited * */ function print_logalert_log($vars) { global $config; foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `syslog_rules` ORDER BY `la_name`") as $la) { $syslog_rules[$la['la_id']] = $la; } $entries = get_logalert_log($vars); if (!$entries['count']) { // There have been no entries returned. Print the warning. print_warning('<h4>No logging alert entries found!</h4>'); } else { // Entries have been returned. Print the table. $list = array('device' => FALSE); if (!isset($vars['device']) || empty($vars['device']) || $vars['page'] == 'alert_log') { $list['device'] = TRUE; } if (!isset($vars['la_id']) || empty($vars['la_id'])) { $list['la_id'] = TRUE; } $string = generate_box_open($vars['header']); $string .= '<table class="table table-striped table-hover table-condensed-more">' . PHP_EOL; if (!$entries['short']) { $cols = array(); $cols[] = array(NULL, 'class="state-marker"'); $cols['date'] = array('Date', 'style="width: 140px"'); if ($list['device']) { $cols['device'] = array('Device', 'style="width: 150px;"'); } if ($list['la_id']) { $cols['la_id'] = array('Alert Rule', 'style="width: 150px;"'); } $cols[] = array('Program', 'style="width: 80px"'); $cols[] = 'Message'; $cols[] = array('Notified', 'style="width: 40px"'); $string .= get_table_header($cols); // , $vars); // Actually sorting is disabled now } $string .= ' <tbody>' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($entries['entries'] as $entry) { $string .= ' <tr class="' . $entry['html_row_class'] . '">' . PHP_EOL; $string .= '<td class="state-marker"></td>' . PHP_EOL; if ($entries['short']) { $string .= ' <td class="syslog" style="white-space: nowrap">'; $timediff = $GLOBALS['config']['time']['now'] - strtotime($entry['timestamp']); $string .= generate_tooltip_link('', formatUptime($timediff, "short-3"), format_timestamp($entry['timestamp']), NULL) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } else { $string .= ' <td>'; $string .= format_timestamp($entry['timestamp']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } if ($list['device']) { $dev = device_by_id_cache($entry['device_id']); $device_vars = array('page' => 'device', 'device' => $entry['device_id'], 'tab' => 'logs', 'section' => 'alertlog'); $string .= ' <td class="entity">' . generate_device_link($dev, short_hostname($dev['hostname']), $device_vars) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } if ($list['la_id']) { $string .= '<td><strong><a href="' . generate_url(array('page' => 'syslog_rules', 'la_id' => $entry['la_id'])) . '">' . (is_array($syslog_rules[$entry['la_id']]) ? $syslog_rules[$entry['la_id']]['la_name'] : 'Rule Deleted') . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= '<td>' . (strlen($entry['program']) ? '<span class="label">' . $entry['program'] . '</span> ' : '') . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= '<td>' . escape_html($entry['message']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; if (!$vars['short']) { //$string .= '<td>' . escape_html($entry['log_type']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= '<td style="text-align: right">' . ($entry['notified'] == '1' ? '<span class="label label-success">YES</span>' : ($entry['notified'] == '-1' ? '<span class="label label-suppressed">NO</span>' : '<span class="label">NO</span>')) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= ' </tr>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= ' </tbody>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= '</table>'; $string .= generate_box_close(); } // Print pagination header if ($entries['pagination_html']) { $string = $entries['pagination_html'] . $string . $entries['pagination_html']; } // Print events echo $string; }
$error_rate = isset($error_codes[$error_db['error_code']]['rate']) && $error_codes[$error_db['error_code']]['rate'] < $error_db['error_rate']; if ($error_both) { $error_exceeded = $error_count && $error_rate; } else { $error_exceeded = $error_count || $error_rate; } if ($error_exceeded) { $error_class = 'danger'; $error_class2 = 'error'; } else { $error_class = $error_class2 = 'warning'; } $text_class = count(explode(' ', $error_db['oid'])) > 3 ? '' : 'text-nowrap'; echo '<tr width="100%" class="' . $error_class2 . '"><td style="width: 50%;" class="' . $text_class . '"><strong><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign"></i> ' . $error_db['oid'] . '</strong></td>' . PHP_EOL; $timediff = $GLOBALS['config']['time']['now'] - $error_db['updated']; echo '<td style="width: 100px; white-space: nowrap; text-align: right;">' . generate_tooltip_link('', formatUptime($timediff, "short-3") . ' ago', format_unixtime($error_db['updated'])) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; echo '<td style="width: 80px; white-space: nowrap;"><span class="text-' . $error_class . '">' . $error_codes[$error_db['error_code']]['reason'] . '</span></td>' . PHP_EOL; echo '<td style="width: 40px; text-align: right;"><span class="label">' . $error_db['error_count'] . '</span></td>' . PHP_EOL; echo '<td style="width: 80px; text-align: right;"><span class="label">' . round($error_db['error_rate'], 2) . '/poll</span></td>' . PHP_EOL; echo '<td>' . PHP_EOL; $form = array('type' => 'simple'); // Elements $form['row'][0]['mib'] = array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $mib); $form['row'][0]['toggle_oid'] = array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $error_db['oid']); $form['row'][0]['submit'] = array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => '', 'class' => 'btn-mini btn-' . $error_class, 'icon' => $btn_icon, 'right' => TRUE, 'readonly' => $readonly, 'disabled' => TRUE, 'value' => 'toggle_oid'); print_form($form); unset($form); echo '</td>' . PHP_EOL; echo '</td></tr>' . PHP_EOL; } echo ' </table>