function ListIdOrRecords_OAI($verb, $request_uri, $ws_client_url, $xslPath, $metadataPrefix, $set = "", $from = "", $until = "", $control = "") { global $debug; if (!isset($metadataPrefix) || empty($metadataPrefix)) { $result = "<error code=\"badArgument\">Missing or empty metadataPrefix</error>\n"; } else { if (!isValidPrefix($metadataPrefix)) { $result = "<error code=\"cannotDisseminateFormat\"/>\n"; } else { if ($from) { $from = substr($from, 0, 4) . substr($from, 5, 2) . substr($from, 8, 2); } if ($until) { $until = substr($until, 0, 4) . substr($until, 5, 2) . substr($until, 8, 2); } $parameters = array("set" => $set, "from" => $from, "until" => $until, "control" => $control, "lang" => "en", "nrm" => "iso", "count" => 40); if ($debug) { $parameters["debug"] = true; } //$xsl = $xslPath . "$verb.xsl"; $xsl = "{$verb}.xsl"; $result = generatePayload($ws_client_url, "listRecords", $verb, $parameters, $xsl); } } $oai_packet = generateOAI_packet($request_uri, $verb, $result); // $oai_packet = str_replace ( "localhost", "", $oai_packet); return $oai_packet; }
function ListIdOrRecords_OAI($verb, $request_uri, $ws_client_url, $xslPath, $metadataPrefix, $set = "", $from = "", $until = "", $control = "") { global $debug; $eds = "19090401"; $latest_datestamp = "20991230"; if (empty($metadataPrefix)) { $metadataPrefix = "oai_dc"; } if ($from != '') { $from = substr($from, 0, 4) . substr($from, 5, 2) . substr($from, 8, 2); } if ($until != '') { $until = substr($until, 0, 4) . substr($until, 5, 2) . substr($until, 8, 2); } elseif ($from != '') { $until = $latest_datestamp; } if ($until < $from and $until < $eds) { $result = '<error code="badArgument">The request specified a date one year before the earliestDatestamp given in the Identify response</error>'; } else { if (!isset($metadataPrefix) || empty($metadataPrefix)) { $result = "<error code=\"badArgument\">Missing or empty metadataPrefix</error>\n"; } else { if (!isValidPrefix($metadataPrefix)) { $result = "<error code=\"cannotDisseminateFormat\"/>\n"; } else { $parameters = array("set" => $set, "from" => $from, "until" => $until, "control" => $control, "lang" => "en", "nrm" => "iso", "count" => 40, "metadataprefix" => $metadataPrefix); if ($debug) { $parameters["debug"] = true; } //$xsl = $xslPath . "$verb.xsl"; if ($verb == 'ListRecords') { if ($metadataPrefix == 'oai_dc_agris') { $xsl = 'ListRecords_agris.xsl'; $result = generatePayload($ws_client_url, "listRecordsAgris", "ListRecordsAgris", $parameters, $xsl); } else { $xsl = "{$verb}.xsl"; $result = generatePayload($ws_client_url, "listRecords", $verb, $parameters, $xsl); } } else { $xsl = "{$verb}.xsl"; $result = generatePayload($ws_client_url, "listRecords", $verb, $parameters, $xsl); } } } } $oai_packet = generateOAI_packet($request_uri, $verb, $result); // $oai_packet = str_replace ( "localhost", "", $oai_packet); return $oai_packet; }
function getRecord($identifier, $methodology, $fullpath) { //create a data model, based in witch database was selected $dataModel = new $methodology(); //Data model call method gerRecords to pick data from database $allData = $dataModel->getRecords($identifier, $fullpath); /* * Use code above to see one iten, with all fields: * print_r($allData[0]); * Use code above to see one iten, with field 8: * print_r($allData[0][8]); */ //print_r(substr($allData[0]["8"],"35","3")); switch ($methodology) { //Pass the data to a function tha put it on XML format case "dblil": $arrDatabase = arrayToDblil($allData); break; case "cepal": $arrDatabase = arrayToCepal($allData); break; case "marc": print $fullpath; $arrDatabase = arrayToMarc($allData); break; default: $arrDatabase = arrayToDblil($allData); } //try to cath an error if ($arrDatabase == "") { $errorMsg = "No matching identifier"; $errorCode = "idDoesNotExist"; //print an error print verbError($_REQUEST["verb"], $errorMsg, $errorCode); } else { //first part of xml $oai_packet = generateOAI_packet($_REQUEST["verb"], ""); //second part of xml $returnXml .= db2Xml($arrDatabase, "0", $_REQUEST["verb"]); //join booth parts $envelop = $oai_packet . $returnXml; //add date information to xml $responseDate = gmdate("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z"); $envelop .= "<resumptionToken>" . $responseDate . "</resumptionToken>\n"; $envelop .= "</GetRecord>\n"; $envelop .= "</OAI-PMH>\n"; //print xml print $envelop; } }