コード例 #1
ファイル: resetcode.php プロジェクト: roopesh007/adipart
function change_pass($username)
    if ($ldap) {
        $bind = @ldap_bind($ldap, $LDAPADMIN . "@" . $LDAPLOCALDOMAIN, $LDAPADMINPASS);
        if (!$bind) {
            die('<p class="message">Your password is incorrect, please try again 
            <a href=javascript:history.back()>click here</a><br>');
        $filter = "(sAMAccountName={$username})";
        $results = ldap_search($ldap, $LDAPDOMAIN, $filter);
        ldap_sort($ldap, $results, "sn");
        $info = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $results);
        if ($info['count'] < 1) {
            die('<p class="message">Error occurred, please verify your user , <a href="javascript:history.back()">Go Back</a>');
        $dn = $info[0]["dn"];
        $stored_mail = $info[0][$LDAPDATAFIELD][0] or die('<p class="message">We could not get your info, please contact Support!');
        $newPassw = genPassword("xxx0yY0yY");
        $mailPass = $newPassw;
        $newPassword = "******"{$newPassw}\"";
        $len = strlen($newPassword);
        $newPass = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
            $newPass .= "{$newPassword[$i]}";
        $newPassword = $newPass;
        $data_new["unicodePwd"][] = $newPassword;
        if (ldap_mod_replace($ldap, $dn, $data_new)) {
            return array(true, $stored_mail, $mailPass);
        } else {
            return array(false, 100, 100);
        return array(true, $stored_mail, $mailPass);
    } else {
        return array(false, 0, 0);
    // function
コード例 #2
ファイル: user.php プロジェクト: prototux/old
switch (getVar('action')) {
    case 'signup':
        if (getVar('email')) {
            $addUser = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO users (username, password, email, firstname, lastname, address, postalcode, city, phone) VALUES (:username, :password, :email, :firstname, :lastname, :address, :postalcode, :city, :phone)");
            $addUser->execute(array(':username' => getVar('username'), ':password' => passwordHash(getVar('password')), ':email' => getVar('email'), ':firstname' => getVar('firstname'), ':lastname' => getVar('lastname'), ':address' => getVar('address'), ':postalcode' => getVar('postalcode'), ':city' => getVar('city'), ':phone' => getVar('phone')));
            renderHome('accountCreated', true);
        } else {
    case 'reset':
        if (getVar('email')) {
            $userQuery = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM users WHERE email = :email");
            $userQuery->execute(array(':email' => getVar('email')));
            if ($userQuery->rowCount()) {
                $newPass = genPassword();
                mail(getVar('email'), 'Your new password on ' . getConfigKey('title'), 'Your new password is ' . $newPass);
                $resetQuery = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE users SET password = :password WHERE email = :email LIMIT 1");
                $resetQuery->execute(array(':password' => passwordHash($newPass), ':email' => getVar('email')));
                render('user-reset', array());
            } else {
                render('error', array('error' => 'No account was found.'));
        } else {
    case 'login':
        $loginQuery = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id, firstname, lastname, username, email, address, city, postalcode, phone FROM users WHERE username = :username AND password = :password");
        $loginQuery->execute(array(':username' => getVar('username'), ':password' => passwordHash(getVar('password'))));
        $user = $loginQuery->fetchAll()[0];
コード例 #3
ファイル: plog-captcha.php プロジェクト: alanhaggai/plogger
 * Generate a random string, and create a CAPTCHA image out of it
function create_image()
    // generate pronouncable pass
    $pass = genPassword(5, 6);
    $font = './captcha.ttf';
    $maxsize = 50;
    $sizeVar = 25;
    $rotate = 20;
    $bgcol = 50;
    // + 50
    $bgtextcol = 80;
    // + 50
    $textcol = 205;
    // + 50
    // remember the pass
    $_SESSION["captcha"] = $pass;
    // calculate dimentions required for pass
    $box = @imageTTFBbox($maxsize, 0, $font, $pass);
    $minwidth = abs($box[4] - $box[0]);
    $minheight = abs($box[5] - $box[1]);
    // allow spacing for rotating letters
    $width = $minwidth + 100;
    $height = $minheight + rand(5, 15);
    // give some air for the letters to breathe
    // create initial image
    $image = ImageCreatetruecolor($width, $height);
    if (function_exists('imageantialias')) {
        imageantialias($image, true);
    // define background color - never the same, close to black
    $clr_black = ImageColorAllocate($image, rand($bgcol, $bgcol + 30), rand($bgcol, $bgcol + 30), rand($bgcol, $bgcol + 30));
    imagefill($image, 0, 0, $clr_black);
    // calculate starting positions for letters
    $x = rand(10, 25);
    //($width / 2) - ($minwidth / 2);
    $xinit = $x;
    $y = $minheight - abs($box[1]) + ($height - $minheight) / 2;
    // fill the background with big letters, colored a bit lightly, to vary the bg.
    $bgx = $x / 2;
    $size = rand($maxsize - 10, $maxsize);
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($pass); $i++) {
        // modify color a bit
        $clr_white = ImageColorAllocate($image, rand($bgtextcol, $bgtextcol + 50), rand($bgtextcol, $bgtextcol + 50), rand($bgtextcol, $bgtextcol + 50));
        $angle = rand(0 - $rotate, $rotate);
        $letter = substr($pass, $i, 1);
        imagettftext($image, $size * 2, $angle, $bgx, $y, $clr_white, $font, $letter);
        list($x1, $a, $a, $a, $x2) = @imageTTFBbox($size, $angle, $font, $letter);
        $bgx += abs($x2 - $x1);
    // for each letter, decide a color, decide a rotation, put it on the image,
    //     and figure out width to place next letter correctly
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($pass); $i++) {
        // modify color a bit
        $clr_white = ImageColorAllocate($image, rand($textcol, $textcol + 50), rand($textcol, $textcol + 50), rand($textcol, $textcol + 50));
        $angle = rand(0 - $rotate, $rotate);
        $letter = substr($pass, $i, 1);
        $size = rand($maxsize - $sizeVar, $maxsize);
        $tempbox = @imageTTFBbox($size, $angle, $font, $letter);
        $y = abs($tempbox[5] - $tempbox[1]) + ($height - abs($tempbox[5] - $tempbox[1])) / 2;
        imagettftext($image, $size, $angle, $x, $y, $clr_white, $font, $letter);
        $x += abs($tempbox[4] - $tempbox[0]);
    // figure out final width (same space at the end as there was at the beginning)
    $width = $xinit + $x;
    // throw in some lines
    $clr_white = ImageColorAllocate($image, rand(160, 200), rand(160, 200), rand(160, 200));
    imagelinethick($image, rand(0, 10), rand(0, $height / 2), rand($width - 10, $width), rand($height / 2, $height), $clr_white, rand(1, 2));
    $clr_white = ImageColorAllocate($image, rand(160, 200), rand(160, 200), rand(160, 200));
    imagelinethick($image, rand($width / 2 - 10, $width / 2), rand($height / 2, $height), rand($width / 2 + 10, $width), rand(0, $height / 2), $clr_white, rand(1, 2));
    // generate final image by cropping initial image to the proper width,
    //     which we didn't know till now.
    $finalimage = ImageCreatetruecolor($width, $height);
    if (function_exists('imageantialias')) {
        imageantialias($finalimage, true);
    imagecopy($finalimage, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
    // clear some memory
    // dump image
    // clear some more memory
コード例 #4
ファイル: users.php プロジェクト: prototux/old
            mail(getVar('email'), 'Votre compte sur plopbox.zlock.eu', "Votre compte a ete cree sur plopbox.zlock.eu\nLogin: "******"\nPassword: "******"UPDATE users SET level = 2 WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1");
            $sth->execute(array(':id' => getVar('id')));
        case 'removeAdmin':
            $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE users SET level = 1 WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1");
            $sth->execute(array(':id' => getVar('id')));
        case 'ban':
            $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE users SET level = 0 WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1");
            $sth->execute(array(':id' => getVar('id')));
        case 'genPassword':
            $password = genPassword();
            $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE users SET password = :password WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1");
            $sth->execute(array(':id' => getVar('id'), ':password' => passwordHash($password)));
            mail(getVar('email'), 'Votre nouveau mot de passe sur plopbox.zlock.eu', "Votre nouveau mot de passe sur plopbox.zlock.eu est: " . $password, 'From: noreply@zlock.eu');
if (!$_SESSION['id'] && $_SESSION['id'] != 1) {
$userssQuery = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id, login, email, level FROM users");
$users = $userssQuery->fetchAll();
// 0 = banned // 1 = user // 2 = admin // 3 = superadmin
$levels = array('<span class="label label-important">Banni</span>', '<span class="label">Normal</span>', '<span class="label label-success">Admin serveur</span>', '<span class="label label-inverse">Root</span>');
render('users', array('users' => $users, 'levels' => $levels));
コード例 #5
ファイル: auth.php プロジェクト: alfu32/thrash
 $userData['email'] = $_GET['mail'];
 $userData['SSID'] = $_GET['SSID'];
 $cmd = $_GET['cmd'];
 $chkUsr = checkUser($userData, $dbdriver, $server, $user, $password, 'simple3d', 'users');
 if ($cmd == 'login') {
     if ($chkUsr['login'] == 'login') {
         $data = getUserData($userData, $dbdriver, $server, $user, $password);
         $echo = "{status:'exists',data:{$data}}";
     } else {
         $echo = "{'status':'invalid' , 'error': '" . $chkUsr['login'] . "' }";
 if ($cmd == 'makeuser') {
     if ($chkUsr['signup'] == 'signup') {
         $userData['password'] = genPassword();
         createUser($userData, $dbdriver, $server, $user, $password);
         $SSID = genSSID($userData, $dbdriver, $server, $user, $password, 'simple3d', 'users');
         $echo = "{status:'created','SSID':'{$SSID}'}";
         $confaddress = 'http://*****:*****@gmail.com', 'Simple3D Account Creation', "<html><body>{$usrStr}</body></html>");
     } else {
         $echo = "{'status':'invalid' , 'error': '" . $chkUsr['signup'] . "' }";
 if ($cmd == 'logout') {
コード例 #6
ファイル: setup.php プロジェクト: knackko/vmliveview_bs
<div class='break4'></div>
try {
    echo "<div class='sitename'>VM LiveView Lite Setup</div>\n";
    echo "<div class='break6'></div>\n";
    if ($illegalRemoteAddr === true) {
        echo "<div class='red'>Sorry, but this page can only be requested by the localhost.</div>\n";
    } else {
        $mysqlHost = "localhost";
        $mysqlPort = "3306";
        $mysqlAdminUser = "******";
        $mysqlAdminPass = "";
        $databaseName = "vmliveview01";
        $databaseWriter = "vmliveview01dbw";
        $databaseWriterHost = "localhost";
        $databaseWriterPass = genPassword(20);
        if (isset($_POST["MysqlHost"])) {
            $mysqlHost = $_POST["MysqlHost"];
        if (isset($_POST["MysqlPort"])) {
            $mysqlPort = $_POST["MysqlPort"];
        if (isset($_POST["MysqlAdminUser"])) {
            $mysqlAdminUser = $_POST["MysqlAdminUser"];
        if (isset($_POST["MysqlAdminPass"])) {
            $mysqlAdminPass = $_POST["MysqlAdminPass"];
        if (isset($_POST["DatabaseName"])) {
            $databaseName = $_POST["DatabaseName"];
コード例 #7
  * 生成表单域对应的html
  * @param  array  $input
  * @param  array  $field 字段信息
  * @return string
 public function genHtml(&$input, $field)
     $width = $input['width'];
     $height = $input['height'];
     $value = $input['value'];
     $type = $input['type'];
     $remark = $input['remark'];
     $class = 'input';
     if ('file' == $type) {
         $fn = "{$field['name']}";
     } else {
         $fn = "{$field['model']}[{$field['name']}]";
     $html = '';
     if ('text' == $type) {
         $html = genText($fn, $width, $value, $class);
     } else {
         if ('password' == $type) {
             $html = genPassword($fn, $width, $value, $class);
         } else {
             if ('select' == $type) {
                 $list = $this->optValueToArray($input['opt_value']);
                 $html = genSelect($fn, $list['opt_value'], $list['selected']);
             } else {
                 if ('radio' == $type) {
                     $list = $this->optValueToArray($input['opt_value']);
                     $html = genRadios($fn, $list['opt_value'], $list['selected']);
                 } else {
                     if ('checkbox' == $type) {
                         $list = $this->optValueToArray($input['opt_value'], true);
                         $html = genCheckboxs($fn, $list['opt_value'], $list['selected']);
                     } else {
                         if ('file' == $type) {
                             $html = genFile($fn);
                         } else {
                             if ('textarea' == $type) {
                                 $html = genTextarea($fn, $value, $width, $height, $remark);
                             } else {
                                 if ('date' == $type) {
                                     $html = genDate($fn, $value, $class);
                                 } else {
                                     if ('relation_select' == $type) {
                                         $relaOpts = $this->getRelationOpts($field);
                                         $input['opt_value'] = $this->optArrayToString($relaOpts);
                                         $html = genSelect($fn, $relaOpts['opt_value']);
                                     } else {
                                         if ('editor' == $type) {
                                             $html = genEditor($fn, empty($value) ? $remark : $value, $width, $height, $input['editor']);
     $input['html'] = $html;