function compose() { $lines = $this->docVars->getRigo(); while (list($key, $rigo) = each($lines)) { if ($this->GetY() >= 215) { $this->Cell(155, 6, '', 'T', 1); $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 20); $this->SetY(225); $this->Cell(185, 12, '>>> --- CONTINÚA EN LA PÁGINA SIGUIENTE --- >>> ', 1, 1, 'R'); $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 9); $this->newPage(); $this->Cell(185, 5, '<<< ---VIENE DE LA PÁGINA ANTERIOR --- <<< ', 0, 1); } if ($rigo['tiprig'] < 2) { $this->Cell(30, 6, $rigo['codart'], 1, 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(82, 6, $rigo['descri'], 1, 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(10, 6, $rigo['unimis'], 1, 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(30, 6, gaz_format_quantity($rigo['quanti'], 1, $this->decimal_quantity), 1, 0, 'R'); if ($this->docVars->client['stapre'] == 'S') { $this->Cell(25, 6, number_format($rigo['prelis'], $this->decimal_price, ',', ''), 'TB', 0, 'R'); $this->Cell(10, 6, $rigo['sconto'], 1, 1, 'R'); } else { $this->Cell(25, 6); $this->Cell(10, 6, '', 'R', 1); } } elseif ($rigo['tiprig'] == 2) { $this->Cell(30, 6, '', 'L'); $this->Cell(122, 6, $rigo['descri'], 'LR'); $this->Cell(35, 6, '', 'R', 1); } elseif ($rigo['tiprig'] == 6) { $this->writeHtmlCell(187, 6, 10, $this->GetY(), $rigo['descri'], 1, 1); } } }
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$result = gaz_dbi_dyn_query($gTables['rigdoc'].".*,".$gTables['tesdoc'].".id_tes,".$gTables['tesdoc'].".tipdoc,".$gTables['tesdoc'].".numdoc,".$gTables['tesdoc'].".datemi,".$gTables['tesdoc'].".datfat,".$gTables['tesdoc'].".imball,".$gTables['tesdoc'].".clfoco,".$gTables['tesdoc'].".caumag,".$gTables['tesdoc'].".sconto as scochi", $gTables['rigdoc']." LEFT JOIN ".$gTables['tesdoc']." ON ".$gTables['rigdoc'].".id_tes = ".$gTables['tesdoc'].".id_tes LEFT JOIN ".$gTables['caumag']." ON ".$gTables['tesdoc'].".caumag = ".$gTables['caumag'].".codice", "tiprig = 0 AND id_mag = 0 AND caumag > 0 AND datemi BETWEEN $datainizio AND $datafine ", " datemi ASC, ".$gTables['tesdoc'].".id_tes ASC, id_rig ASC"); $numrow = gaz_dbi_num_rows($result); echo "<table class=\"Tlarge\">"; if ($numrow > 0) { echo "<tr><td class=\"FacetFieldCaptionTD\" colspan=\"6\" >$numrow ".$script_transl[5]."</td></tr>"; require("../../modules/vendit/lang.".$admin_aziend['lang'].".php"); $desdoc = $strScript["admin_docven.php"][0]; require("../../modules/acquis/lang.".$admin_aziend['lang'].".php"); $desdoc += $strScript["admin_docacq.php"][0]; while ($row = gaz_dbi_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr>\n"; $valore = CalcolaImportoRigo($row['quanti'], $row['prelis'], $row['sconto']) ; $valore = CalcolaImportoRigo(1, $valore, $row['scochi']) ; $descri = $desdoc[$row['tipdoc']]." n.".$row['numdoc']; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\">".gaz_format_date($row["datemi"])." </td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\">".$row["caumag"]." - ".$row["descri"]."</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\">$descri</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\">".$row["codart"]."</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\">".gaz_format_quantity($row["quanti"],1,$admin_aziend['decimal_quantity'])."</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"right\">".gaz_format_number($valore)." </td>"; echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "<tr><td colspan=\"6\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"insert\" value=\"".strtoupper($script_transl[0])." !\"></TD></TR>"; } else { echo "<tr><td class=\"FacetDataTDred\" align=\"center\">".$script_transl[6]."</td></tr>"; } } ?> </form> </body> </html>
$form['sconto'] = $tesdoc['sconto']; $i = 0; while ($row = gaz_dbi_fetch_array($rs_rig)) { $articolo = gaz_dbi_get_row($gTables['artico'],"codice",$row['codart']); if ($row['id_body_text'] > 0) { //se ho un rigo testo $text = gaz_dbi_get_row($gTables['body_text'],"id_body",$row['id_body_text']); $form["row_$i"] = $text['body_text']; } $form['rows'][$i]['descri'] = $row['descri']; $form['rows'][$i]['tiprig'] = $row['tiprig']; $form['rows'][$i]['codart'] = $row['codart']; $form['rows'][$i]['pervat'] = $row['pervat']; $form['rows'][$i]['unimis'] = $row['unimis']; $form['rows'][$i]['prelis'] = $row['prelis']; $form['rows'][$i]['sconto'] = $row['sconto']; $form['rows'][$i]['quanti'] = gaz_format_quantity($row['quanti'],0,$admin_aziend['decimal_quantity']); $form['rows'][$i]['codvat'] = $row['codvat']; $form['rows'][$i]['codric'] = $row['codric']; $form['rows'][$i]['id_mag'] = $row['id_mag']; $form['rows'][$i]['annota'] = $articolo['annota']; $form['rows'][$i]['pesosp'] = $articolo['peso_specifico']; $form['rows'][$i]['lot_or_serial'] = $articolo['lot_or_serial']; $form['rows'][$i]['status'] = "UPDATE"; // recupero eventuale movimento di tracciabilità $form['lotmag'][$i] = gaz_dbi_get_row($gTables['lotmag'],'id_purchase',$row['id_rig']); $i++; } } elseif (!isset($_POST['Insert'])) { //se e' il primo accesso per INSERT $form['tipdoc'] = $_GET['tipdoc']; $form['hidden_req'] = ''; $form['id_tes'] = "";
function body() { $lines = $this->docVars->getRigo(); while (list($key, $rigo) = each($lines)) { if ($this->GetY() >= 166 && $this->taxstamp >= 0.01 || $this->GetY() >= 195) { $this->Cell(186, 6, '', 'T', 1); $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 14); $this->SetY(225); $this->Cell(186, 12, '>>> --- SEGUE SU PAGINA SUCCESSIVA --- >>> ', 1, 1, 'R'); $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 9); $this->newPage(); $this->Cell(186, 5, '<<< --- SEGUE DA PAGINA PRECEDENTE --- <<< ', 0, 1); } switch ($rigo['tiprig']) { case "0": $this->Cell(25, 5, $rigo['codart'], 1, 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(80, 5, $rigo['descri'], 1, 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(7, 5, $rigo['unimis'], 1, 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(16, 5, gaz_format_quantity($rigo['quanti'], 1, $this->decimal_quantity), 1, 0, 'R'); $this->Cell(18, 5, number_format($rigo['prelis'], $this->decimal_price, ',', ''), 1, 0, 'R'); if ($rigo['sconto'] > 0) { $this->Cell(8, 5, number_format($rigo['sconto'], 1, ',', ''), 1, 0, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(8, 5, '', 1, 0, 'C'); } $this->Cell(20, 5, gaz_format_number($rigo['importo']), 1, 0, 'R'); $this->Cell(12, 5, gaz_format_number($rigo['pervat']), 1, 1, 'R'); break; case "1": $this->Cell(25, 5, '', 1, 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(80, 5, $rigo['descri'], 1, 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(49, 5, '', 1); $this->Cell(20, 5, gaz_format_number($rigo['importo']), 1, 0, 'R'); $this->Cell(12, 5, gaz_format_number($rigo['pervat']), 1, 1, 'R'); break; case "2": $this->Cell(25, 5, '', 'L'); $this->Cell(80, 5, $rigo['descri'], 'LR', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(81, 5, '', 'R', 1); break; case "3": $this->Cell(25, 5, '', 1, 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(80, 5, $rigo['descri'], 'B', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(49, 5, '', 'B', 0, 'L'); $this->Cell(20, 5, gaz_format_number($rigo['prelis']), 1, 0, 'R'); $this->Cell(12, 5, '', 1, 1, 'R'); break; case "6": $this->writeHtmlCell(186, 6, 10, $this->GetY(), $rigo['descri'], 1, 1); break; } if ($rigo['ritenuta'] > 0) { $this->Cell(154, 5, 'Ritenuta d\'acconto al ' . gaz_format_number($rigo['ritenuta']) . '%', 'LB', 0, 'R'); $this->Cell(20, 5, gaz_format_number(round($rigo['importo'] * $rigo['ritenuta'] / 100, 2)), 'RB', 0, 'R'); $this->Cell(12, 5, '', 1, 1, 'R'); } } if ($this->taxstamp >= 0.01) { if ($this->virtual_taxstamp == 2 || $this->virtual_taxstamp == 3) { $this->Cell(186, 5, '', 'LR', 1); $this->Cell(130, 8, '', 'L', 0, 0); $this->Cell(56, 8, "Bollo assolto ai sensi del", "TLR", 1, "C"); $this->Cell(130, 8, '', 'L', 0, 0); $this->Cell(56, 8, "decreto MEF 17.06.2014 (art.6)", "LR", 1, "C"); $this->Cell(130, 8, '', 'L', 0, 0); $this->Cell(56, 8, " € " . gaz_format_number($this->taxstamp), 'LR', 1, 'C'); } else { $this->Cell(186, 5, '', 'LR', 1); $this->Cell(150, 8, '', 'L', 0, 0); $this->Cell(36, 8, "Bollo applicato", "TLR", 1, "C"); $this->Cell(150, 8, '', 'L', 0, 0); $this->Cell(36, 8, "sull'originale", "LR", 1, "C"); $this->Cell(150, 8, '', 'L', 0, 0); $this->Cell(36, 8, "€ " . gaz_format_number($this->taxstamp), 'LR', 1, 'C'); } } }
$exporter->addRow( array( "Categoria", "Codice", "Descrizione","Valore Unitario", "Quantita", "Giac.", "Val Totale", "Alla Data: ". $date ) ); $elem_n=0; foreach($form['a'] as $k=>$v) { if ($ctrl_cm <> $v['i_g']) { $ctrl_cm = $v['i_g']; } $exporter->addRow( array( $v['g_d'], "-$k-", $v['i_d'], gaz_format_quantity($v['v_a'],0,$admin_aziend['decimal_price'] ), gaz_format_quantity($v['g_a'],0,$admin_aziend['decimal_quantity'] ), gaz_format_quantity($v['v_g'],0,$admin_aziend['decimal_price'] ), )); $elem_n++; } } $exporter->addRow( array( "", "", "", "Valore Totale Magazzino", "", $tot_val_giac, ));
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echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"left\">".$v['i_u']."</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"right\">".gaz_format_quantity($mq,0,$admin_aziend['decimal_quantity'])."</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\"></td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"right\">".$v['v_r']."</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"right\">".gaz_format_quantity($v['v_r']*$mq,0,$admin_aziend['decimal_price'])."</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\">99-".$cau99['descri']."</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"left\">".$k."</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"left\">".$v['i_d']."</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"left\">".$v['i_u']."</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"right\">".$v['g_r']."</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\"></td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"right\">".$v['v_r']."</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"right\">".gaz_format_quantity($v['v_r']*$v['g_r'],0,$admin_aziend['decimal_price'])."</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } } echo "<tr><td align=\"right\" colspan=\"8\" class=\"FacetFooterTD\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"insert\" value=\"".$script_transl['submit']."!\"> </td></tr>\n"; } } else { echo "<tr> <td colspan=\"9\" class=\"FacetDataTDred\">".$script_transl['noitem']."</td> </tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; ?> </form> </body>
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$pdf->Cell(17,4,number_format($mv['prezzo'],$admin_aziend['decimal_price'],',',' '),'TR',0,'R'); $pdf->Cell(8,4,$mv['unimis'],'TR',0,'C'); } else { $pdf->Cell(16,4,'','LR'); $pdf->Cell(30,4,'','R'); $pdf->Cell(100,4,'','R'); $pdf->Cell(17,4,'','R'); $pdf->Cell(8,4,'','R'); } $pdf->Cell(17,4,gaz_format_quantity($mval['q']*$mv['operat'],1,$admin_aziend['decimal_quantity']),1,0,'R'); if ($mv['operat']==1) { $pdf->Cell(17,4,number_format($mval['v'],$admin_aziend['decimal_price'],',',''),1,0,'R'); $pdf->Cell(17,4,'',1); } else { $pdf->Cell(17,4,'',1); $pdf->Cell(17,4,number_format($mval['v'],$admin_aziend['decimal_price'],',',''),1,0,'R'); } $pdf->Cell(20,4,gaz_format_quantity($mval['q_g'],1,$admin_aziend['decimal_quantity']),1,0,'R'); $pdf->Cell(20,4,gaz_format_number($mval['v_g']),1,1,'R'); $ctrl_id = $mv['id_mov']; } $ctrlArtico = $mv['artico']; } $pdf->SetFont('helvetica','B',8); $pdf->Cell($aRiportare['top'][0]['lun'],4,$script_transl['tot'].strftime("%d-%m-%Y",$utsrf).' : ',1,0,'R'); $pdf->Cell($aRiportare['top'][1]['lun'],4,$aRiportare['top'][1]['nam'],1,0,'R'); $pdf->Cell($aRiportare['top'][2]['lun'],4,$aRiportare['top'][2]['nam'],1,0,'R'); $pdf->SetFont('helvetica','',7); $pdf->setRiporti(''); $pdf->Output(); ?>
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array('lun' => 17,'nam'=>'Prezzo'), array('lun' => 18,'nam'=>'Importo'), array('lun' => 10,'nam'=>'U.M.'), array('lun' => 20,'nam'=>'Mov.Quant.') ) ); $pdf = new Report_template(); $pdf->setVars($admin_aziend,$title); $pdf->SetTopMargin(39); $pdf->SetFooterMargin(20); $config = new Config; $pdf->AddPage('L',$config->getValue('page_format')); $pdf->SetFont('helvetica','',7); if (sizeof($result) > 0) { while (list($key, $row) = each($result)) { $datadoc = substr($row['datdoc'],8,2).'-'.substr($row['datdoc'],5,2).'-'.substr($row['datdoc'],0,4); $datareg = substr($row['datreg'],8,2).'-'.substr($row['datreg'],5,2).'-'.substr($row['datreg'],0,4); $movQuanti = $row['quanti']*$row['operat']; $pdf->Cell(20,3,$datareg,1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(40,3,$row['caumag'].'-'.substr($row['descri'],0,22),1); $pdf->Cell(70,3,$row['artico'].' - '.$row['desart'],1); $pdf->Cell(70,3,$row['desdoc'].' del '.$datadoc,1); $pdf->Cell(17,3,number_format($row['prezzo'],$admin_aziend['decimal_price'],',','.'),1,0,'R'); $pdf->Cell(18,3,gaz_format_number(CalcolaImportoRigo($row['quanti'],$row['prezzo'],array($row['scochi'],$row['scorig']))),1,0,'R'); $pdf->Cell(10,3,$row['unimis'],1,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(20,3,gaz_format_quantity($movQuanti,1,$admin_aziend['decimal_quantity']),1,1,'R'); } } $pdf->Output(); ?>