コード例 #1
 //sessions security check
 $strTimeInterval = $_SESSION['last_post'] + SECURITY_LOGIN_WAIT_SECONDS;
 $intTime = $strTimeInterval - time();
 if (isset($_SESSION['ip']) && $_SESSION['last_post'] + SECURITY_LOGIN_WAIT_SECONDS > time()) {
     die('slow down.... wait ' . $intTime . ' more seconds please.');
 //Get Form Post Data
 $username = funct_GetandCleanVariables($_POST['email']);
 $password = funct_GetandCleanVariables($_POST['password']);
 $strReturnURL = funct_GetandCleanVariables($_POST["returnurl"]);
 //$remember = 			stripslashes($_POST["remember"]);
 //echo "username = "******"<br>"; echo "password = "******"<br>";
 if ($username and $password) {
         //encrypt password
         $intUserID = functConfirmUserPass_hash($username, $password);
     } else {
         $intUserID = functConfirmUserPass($username, $password);
     //echo "functConfirmUserPass - intUserID = " . $intUserID . "<br>";
     $errorMSG = "";
     //Default login is good
     if (!$intUserID) {
         //username failure
         $errorMSG = "we could not find your user record... may be a database issue. admin has been emailed";
     //If logging too fast
     if ($intUserID == "toofast") {
         //username failure
         $errorMSG = "logging in too fast";
コード例 #2
    if ($strWhereSQL) {
        $query = "SELECT * FROM " . TBL_USERS . " WHERE id_code = '" . DETECT_USERIDCODE . "'";
        //echo "SQL STMNT = " . $query .  "<br>";
        $rs = mysqli_query($DB_LINK, $query) or die(mysqli_error());
        $row = mysqli_fetch_array($rs);
        $strPasswordDB = $row["password"];
        $strEmail = $row["email"];
        $intUserID_DB = $row["id"];
    if (!$intUserID_DB) {
        echo "no such user found";
    //we use this function because it checks for hashed password or unhashed cleartext password and updates the password to secure has if it is not hashed
    //echo "pass db - $strPasswordDB  / pass= "******"<br>";
    $intUserIDreturn = functConfirmUserPass_hash($strEmail, $strPassword);
    //this returns the userid if it is good
    //echo "returns $strEmail - $intUserID_DB  / id= ".$intUserIDreturn."<br>";
    //if(password_verify($password, $strPassword_DB)){$strPasswordGood = "ok";}
    if ($intUserID_DB == $intUserIDreturn) {
        echo "ok";
    } else {
        echo "wrong password";
//!$strDo sendcrypto
if ($strDo == "sendcrypto") {
    if (!SEND_ACTIVE) {
        die('Sending temporarily disabled.');
    $Form_PageFrom = funct_GetandCleanVariables($_POST['page']);