function getProductByBrand($brandID) { $sql = ' select categoryID, name, productID, default_picture, sort_order, enabled, product_code, uri, uri_opt_val ' . convert_prices() . ' FROM ' . PRODUCTS_TABLE . ' WHERE categoryID = ' . (int) $brandID . ' ORDER BY name'; $q = db_query($sql); $result = array(); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { _setPictures($row); $row['url'] = fu_make_url($row); $result[] = $row; } return $result; }
private function set_lnk($type, $data) { switch ($type) { case 'product_edit': $href = '/admin.php?&eaction=prod&productID=' . $data['productID']; break; case 'product_page': $href = '/' . fu_make_url($data); break; } return $href; }
function smGetCatItm($tree) { if (!empty($tree)) { foreach ($tree as $k => $v) { $sef = fu_make_url($v); $cat = array('name' => $v['name'], 'lvl' => $v['level'], 'url' => $sef); if (!empty($v['children'])) { $cat['sub'] = smGetCatItm($v['children']); } $itm[] = $cat; } } return $itm; }
function f_data_prod($data) { $productID = $data['productID']; $src = $data['picture'] ? 'data/small/' . $data['picture'] : 'data/empty.png'; $data['src'] = '/img/w130-h130/' . $src; $data['href'] = CONF_MOD_REWRITE ? fu_make_url($data) : ($data['href'] = '/index.php?productID=' . $productID); $data['name_clean'] = str_replace(array('Оригинальный', 'Совместимый'), '', $data['name']); $data['opt_margin'] = $data['opt_margin'] ? '<span class="hint">безналичный расчет ' . $data['margin_price_wu'] . '</span>' : '<span class="hint _empty">безналичный расчет без %</span>'; if ($data['list_price'] == 0) { unset($data['list_price']); } if (CONF_SHOW_ADD2CART) { if ($data['ss']['cart']) { $data['cart']['set'] = 'type="hidden"'; $data['cart']['hint'] = 'товар в корзине'; $data['cart']['class'] = 'to_cart lnk is_active'; } else { $data['cart']['hint'] = 'купить'; $data['cart']['set'] = 'type="text" size="2" maxlength="2"'; $data['cart']['class'] = 'to_cart lnk'; } } if (!empty($data['product_extra'])) { $extras = array(); foreach ($data['product_extra'] as $extra) { if (in_array($extra['optionID'], array(14, 15, 6, 18))) { $extra['value'] = $extra['option_type'] == 1 ? $extra['variant_name'] : $extra['option_value']; if ($extra['name'] == 'Цвет') { $color = explode('~', $extra['variant_name']); $color_name = trim($color[0]); $color_class = trim(strtolower($color[1])); $extra['value'] = ' <div class="color_wrap"><i class="ico _color _' . $color_class . '" title="цвет ' . $color_name . '}"> </i> ' . $color_name . '</div>'; } $extras[] = $extra; } } if (!empty($extras)) { $data['product_extra'] = $extras; } else { unset($data['product_extra']); } } return $data; }
function dizBreadcrumbPath($array, $parentId, $reset = true) { static $breadcrumb; if ($reset == true) { $breadcrumb = array(); } foreach ($array as $category) { if ($parentId == $category['categoryID']) { if (CONF_MOD_REWRITE) { $url = fu_make_url($category); // $url = 'category_' . $category['categoryID'] . '.html'; } else { $url = 'index.php?categoryID=' . $category['categoryID']; } $breadcrumb[] = array('name' => $category['name'], 'categoryID' => $category['categoryID'], 'url' => $url); if ($category['parent'] > 0) { dizBreadcrumbPath($array, $category['parent'], false); } } } return array_reverse($breadcrumb); }
function getsm_catalog($parent, $level) { $f = ""; $sql = ' SELECT categoryID, uri FROM ' . CATEGORIES_TABLE . ' WHERE parent=' . (int) $parent . ' ORDER BY sort_order, name'; $q = db_query($sql) or die(db_error()); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { if (CONF_MOD_REWRITE) { // $sef = 'category_' . $row['categoryID'] . '.html'; $sef = fu_make_url($row); $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . '/' . $sef; } else { $url = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "/index.php?categoryID=" . $row['categoryID']; } $f .= getsm_element($url, $_REQUEST['catalog_priority'], $_REQUEST['catalog_freq']); //add products $sql = ' SELECT productID, categoryID, uri, uri_opt_val FROM ' . PRODUCTS_TABLE . ' WHERE categoryID=' . $row['categoryID'] . ' AND enabled=1 ORDER BY sort_order'; $q1 = db_query($sql) or die(db_error()); while ($row1 = db_fetch_assoc($q1)) { if (CONF_MOD_REWRITE) { // $sef = 'product_' . $row1['productID'] . '.html'; $sef = fu_make_url($row1); // fbug($sef); $url = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "/" . $sef; } else { $url = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "/index.php?productID=" . $row1['productID']; } $f .= getsm_element($url, $_REQUEST['catalog_priority'], $_REQUEST['catalog_freq']); } //process all subcategories $f .= getsm_catalog($row['categoryID'], $level + 1); } return $f; }
function _exportProducts($f, $rate, $export_product_name, $categories_select) { if (!count($categories_select)) { return 0; } include_once "core/classes/class.html2text.php"; include_once "core/classes/class.htmlparser.php"; fputs($f, " <offers>\n"); //товары с нулевым остатком на складе if (isset($_POST["yandex_dont_export_negative_stock"])) { $clause = " and in_stock>0"; } else { $clause = ""; } //какое описание экспортировать if ($_POST["yandex_export_description"] == 1) { $dsc = "description"; $dsc_q = ", " . $dsc; } else { if ($_POST["yandex_export_description"] == 2) { $dsc = "brief_description"; $dsc_q = ", " . $dsc; } else { $dsc = ""; $dsc_q = ""; } } $clause .= " and categoryID IN (" . implode(", ", xEscSQL($categories_select)) . ")"; $sql = ' SELECT productID, name, Price, categoryID, default_picture' . $dsc_q . ', in_stock, uri, uri_opt_val ' . convert_prices() . ' FROM ' . PRODUCTS_TABLE . ' WHERE enabled=1' . $clause; $q = db_query($sql); $store_url = correct_URL(CONF_FULL_SHOP_URL); while ($product = db_fetch_row($q)) { $price_row = priceRow($product); $url = $store_url . fu_make_url($product); fputs($f, " <offer available=\"" . ($product['in_stock'] || !CONF_CHECKSTOCK ? 'true' : 'false') . "\" id=\"" . $product["productID"] . "\">\n"); fputs($f, " <url>" . $url . "</url>\n"); //fputs($f, " <price>" . roundf($product["Price"] * $rate) . "</price>\n"); fputs($f, " <price>" . $price_row['Price_base'] . "</price>\n"); fputs($f, " <currencyId>RUR</currencyId>\n"); fputs($f, " <categoryId>" . $product["categoryID"] . "</categoryId>\n"); if ($product["default_picture"] != NULL) { $pic_clause = " and photoID=" . (int) $product["default_picture"]; } else { $pic_clause = ""; } $q1 = db_query("select filename, thumbnail from " . PRODUCT_PICTURES . " where productID=" . (int) $product["productID"] . $pic_clause); $pic_row = db_fetch_row($q1); if ($pic_row) { if (strlen($pic_row["filename"]) && file_exists("data/small/" . $pic_row["filename"])) { fputs($f, " <picture>" . $store_url . "data/small/" . str_replace(' ', '%20', _deleteHTML_Elements($pic_row["filename"])) . "</picture>\n"); } else { if (strlen($pic_row["thumbnail"]) && file_exists("data/medium/" . $pic_row["thumbnail"])) { fputs($f, " <picture>" . $store_url . "data/medium/" . str_replace(' ', '%20', _deleteHTML_Elements($pic_row["thumbnail"])) . "</picture>\n"); } } } switch ($export_product_name) { default: case 'only_name': $_NameAddi = ''; break; case 'path_and_name': $_NameAddi = ''; $_t = catCalculatePathToCategory($product['categoryID']); foreach ($_t as $__t) { if ($__t['categoryID'] != 1) { $_NameAddi .= $__t['name'] . ':'; } } break; } $product["name"] = _deleteHTML_Elements($_NameAddi . $product["name"]); fputs($f, " <name>" . $product["name"] . "</name>\n"); if (strlen($dsc) > 0) { $product_dsc = new Html2Text($product[$dsc], 10000); $product_dsc = $product_dsc->convert(); fputs($f, " <description>" . _deleteHTML_Elements($product_dsc) . "</description>\n"); } else { fputs($f, " <description></description>\n"); } fputs($f, " </offer>\n"); } fputs($f, " </offers>\n"); }
} //get selected category info $q = db_query("select categoryID, name, description, picture, allow_products_comparison FROM " . CATEGORIES_TABLE . " WHERE categoryID=" . (int) $categoryID); $row = db_fetch_row($q); if ($row) { if (!file_exists("data/category/" . $row[3])) { $row[3] = ""; } $smarty->assign("selected_category", $row); $a["allow_products_comparison"] = $row[4]; } else { $smarty->assign("selected_category", NULL); $a["allow_products_comparison"] = NULL; } if (CONF_MOD_REWRITE) { $a['url'] = fu_make_url($a); } else { $a['url'] = '/index.php?productID=' . $productID; } //calculate a path to the category // $smarty->assign("product_category_path", catCalculatePathToCategory((int) $categoryID)); //reviews number // $q = db_query("select count(*) FROM " . DISCUSSIONS_TABLE . " WHERE productID=" . $productID); // $k = db_fetch_row($q); // $k = $k[0]; // // //extra parameters $extra = psGetExtra($productID); $extracount = count($extra); if ($extra) {
function pricessCategories($parent, $level) { //same as processCategories(), except it creates a pricelist of the shop $out = array(); $cnt = 0; $sql = ' SELECT categoryID, name, uri FROM ' . CATEGORIES_TABLE . ' WHERE parent= ' . (int) $parent . ' ORDER BY sort_order, name'; $q1 = db_query($sql); while ($row = db_fetch_row($q1)) { $r = hexdec(substr('999999', 0, 2)); $g = hexdec(substr('999999', 2, 2)); $b = hexdec(substr('999999', 4, 2)); $m = (double) max($r, max($g, $b)); $r = round((190 + 20 * min($level, 3)) * $r / $m); $g = round((190 + 20 * min($level, 3)) * $g / $m); $b = round((190 + 20 * min($level, 3)) * $b / $m); $c = dechex($r) . dechex($g) . dechex($b); //final color //add category to the output $out[$cnt][0] = $row[0]; $out[$cnt][1] = $row[1]; $out[$cnt][2] = $level; $out[$cnt][3] = 1; $out[$cnt][4] = 0; //0 is for category, 1 - product $out[$cnt]['url'] = fu_make_url($row); $cnt++; if (!isset($_GET["sort"])) { $order_clause = "order by " . CONF_DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER . ""; } else { //verify $_GET["sort"] if (!(!strcmp($_GET["sort"], "name") || !strcmp($_GET["sort"], "Price") || !strcmp($_GET["sort"], "customers_rating"))) { $_GET["sort"] = "name"; } $order_clause = " order by " . xEscSQL($_GET["sort"]); if (isset($_GET["direction"])) { if (!strcmp($_GET["direction"], "DESC")) { $order_clause .= " DESC "; } else { $order_clause .= " ASC "; } } } //add products // Price, // in_stock, $sql = ' SELECT productID, name, product_code, uri, uri_opt_val, categoryID ' . convert_prices() . ' FROM ' . PRODUCTS_TABLE . ' WHERE categoryID=' . $row[0] . ' AND Price > 0 AND enabled=1 ' . $order_clause; $q = db_query($sql); while ($row1 = db_fetch_row($q)) { if ($row1['Price'] < 0) { $cennik = "n/a"; $row1['Price'] = "n/a"; } else { $cennik = show_price($row1['Price']); $row1['Price'] = show_price($row1['Price'], 0, false); } $out[$cnt][0] = $row1['productID']; $out[$cnt][1] = $row1['name']; $out[$cnt][2] = $level; $out[$cnt][3] = "FFFFFF"; $out[$cnt][4] = 1; //0 is for category, 1 - product $out[$cnt][5] = $cennik; $out[$cnt][6] = $row1['in_stock']; $out[$cnt][7] = $row1['product_code']; $out[$cnt][8] = $row1['Price']; $out[$cnt]['url'] = fu_make_url($row1); $cnt++; } //process all subcategories $sub_out = pricessCategories($row[0], $level + 1); //add $sub_out to the end of $out $c_sub_out = count($sub_out); for ($j = 0; $j < $c_sub_out; $j++) { $out[] = $sub_out[$j]; $cnt++; } } return $out; }
function psGetRelatedProducts($products, $extra = null) { if (is_array($products)) { $sql = ' SELECT s.productID, s.categoryID,, s.uri, s.uri_opt_val, p.filename AS src ' . convert_prices() . ' FROM ' . PRODUCTS_TABLE . ' AS s LEFT JOIN ' . PRODUCT_PICTURES . ' AS p ON (s.default_picture=p.photoID AND s.productID=p.productID) WHERE s.productID IN (' . implode(',', $products) . ') AND s.enabled=1 ORDER by'; $q = db_query($sql); $result = array(); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { if (!empty($extra)) { $row["color"] = psGetColor($row["productID"], $extra); $row["resource"] = psGetVal('resource', $extra, $row["productID"]); } $row['name'] = trim(str_replace(array('Оригинальный', 'Совместимый'), '', $row['name'])); $row['url'] = fu_make_url($row); $row['ss'] = dizSpecialSet($row['productID']); $price_row = priceRow($row); $result[] = array_merge($row, $price_row); } } return $result; }
function dizAjxSearch($search) { global $extra_set; $typeID = $extra_set['typeID']; $likeSearch = $search; $search = dizSearchPre($search); if (!empty($search)) { // $sql = ' // SELECT // p.productID, //, // i.filename // FROM ' . PRODUCTS_TABLE . ' AS p // JOIN ' . PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_SET_TABLE . ' AS s ON (s.optionID =' . $typeID . ' AND p.productID = s.productID ) // LEFT JOIN ' . PRODUCT_PICTURES . ' AS i ON (p.default_picture = i.photoID AND p.productID = i.productID) // WHERE MATCH (p.meta_keywords,, p.title) AGAINST ("' . implode(' ', $search) . '" IN BOOLEAN MODE) // AND p.enabled=1'; $sql = ' SELECT categoryID, productID, name, uri, uri_opt_val ' . convert_prices() . ' FROM ' . PRODUCTS_TABLE . ' WHERE (MATCH (meta_keywords, name, title) AGAINST ("' . implode(' ', $search) . '" IN BOOLEAN MODE) OR (LOWER(name) LIKE "%' . $likeSearch . '%")) AND enabled=1'; $q = db_query($sql); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { $row['url'] = fu_make_url($row); $row['Price'] = priceСost($row['productID'], $row['Price']); unset($row['uri']); unset($row['uri_opt_val']); $result[] = $row; } $total = array('name' => 'Найдено товаров :', 'count' => count($result)); if (count($result) > 10) { $result = array_slice($result, 0, 10); } if (!empty($total['count'])) { $result[] = $total; } return iconv_deep('utf-8', 'utf-8', $result); } }