コード例 #1
ファイル: files.php プロジェクト: jeffthestampede/excelsior
 * Confirms that a folder dir and a URL purportedly linking to that folder do, in fact, match.
 * If the URL does point to the folder it returns true; otherwise returns false. The function works
 * by creating a temporary file in $folder, then try and scrape it via file(). If it exists, the
 * folder is a match for URL and it returns true.
 * Assumption: the "allow_url_fopen" setting in php.ini is set to "1" (Checks for this). If it's
 * not set it always returns false.
 * @param string $folder a folder on this server.
 * @param string $url The URL that claims to point to <b>$folder</b>
 * @return array Returns array with indexes:<br/>
 *               [0]: true/false (success / failure)<br/>
 *               [1]: message string<br/>
function ft_check_folder_url_match($folder, $url)
    global $g_debug, $g_default_error_reporting, $LANG;
    $folder = rtrim(trim($folder), "/\\");
    $url = rtrim(trim($url), "/\\");
    list($success, $message) = ft_check_upload_folder($folder);
    if (!$success) {
        return array(false, $LANG["validation_folder_invalid_permissions"]);
    if (ini_get("allow_url_fopen") != "1") {
        return array(false, $LANG["notify_allow_url_fopen_not_set"]);
    // create the temp file
    $test_file = "ft_" . date("U") . ".tmp";
    if (($fh = fopen("{$folder}/{$test_file}", "w")) === FALSE) {
        return array(true, "Problem creating test file.");
    fwrite($fh, "Folder-URL match test");
    // now try and read the file. We activate error reporting for the duration of this test so we
    // can examine any error messages that occur to provide some pointers for the user
    $result = @file("{$url}/{$test_file}");
    $errors = ob_get_clean();
    // delete temp file
    // if $errors is empty, that means there was a match
    if (is_array($result) && $result[0] == "Folder-URL match test") {
        return array(true, $LANG["notify_folder_url_match"]);
    } else {
        $debug = $g_debug ? "<br />{$errors}" : "";
        // let's take a look at the warning.  [Assumption: error messages in English]
        //   "404 Not Found" - Not a match
        if (preg_match("/404 Not Found/", $errors)) {
            return array(false, $LANG["notify_folder_url_no_match"] . " {$debug}");
        } else {
            if (preg_match("/Authorization Required/", $errors)) {
                return array(false, $LANG["notify_folder_url_no_access"] . " {$debug}");
        return array(false, $LANG["notify_folder_url_unknown_error"]);
コード例 #2
ファイル: actions.php プロジェクト: jeffthestampede/excelsior
$return_str = "";
if (isset($request["return_vars"])) {
    $vals = array();
    while (list($key, $value) = each($request["return_vars"])) {
        $vals[] = "\"{$key}\": \"{$value}\"";
    $return_str = ", " . implode(", ", $vals);
if (!$permission_check["has_permission"]) {
    $message = $permission_check["message"];
    echo "{ \"success\": \"0\", \"ft_logout\": \"1\", \"message\": \"{$message}\"{$return_val_str} }";
switch ($action) {
    case "test_folder_permissions":
        list($success, $message) = ft_check_upload_folder($request["file_upload_dir"]);
        $success = $success ? 1 : 0;
        echo "{ \"success\": \"{$success}\", \"message\": \"{$message}\"{$return_val_str} }";
    case "test_folder_url_match":
        list($success, $message) = ft_check_folder_url_match($request["file_upload_dir"], $request["file_upload_url"]);
        $success = $success ? 1 : 0;
        echo "{ \"success\": \"{$success}\", \"message\": \"{$message}\"{$return_val_str} }";
        // expects the tabset name and inner_tab to contain an alphanumeric string only
    // expects the tabset name and inner_tab to contain an alphanumeric string only
    case "remember_inner_tab":
        $tabset = strip_tags($request["tabset"]);
        $tab = strip_tags($request["tab"]);
        if (!array_key_exists("inner_tabs", $_SESSION["ft"])) {
            $_SESSION["ft"]["inner_tabs"] = array();
コード例 #3
 * Called by administrators; updates the default user account settings.
 * @param array $infohash this parameter should be a hash (e.g. $_POST or $_GET) containing the
 *             various fields from the main settings admin page.
 * @return array Returns array with indexes:<br/>
 *               [0]: true/false (success / failure)<br/>
 *               [1]: message string<br/>
function ft_update_file_settings($infohash)
    global $g_table_prefix, $g_root_url, $LANG;
    $success = true;
    $message = $LANG["notify_setup_options_updated"];
    $original_file_upload_dir = $infohash["original_file_upload_dir"];
    $file_upload_dir = rtrim(trim($infohash["file_upload_dir"]), "/\\");
    $file_upload_url = rtrim(trim($infohash["file_upload_url"]), "/\\");
    $file_upload_max_size = $infohash["file_upload_max_size"];
    $file_upload_filetypes = is_array($infohash["file_upload_filetypes"]) ? join(",", $infohash["file_upload_filetypes"]) : "";
    if (!empty($infohash["file_upload_filetypes_other"])) {
        if (empty($file_upload_filetypes)) {
            $file_upload_filetypes = $infohash["file_upload_filetypes_other"];
        } else {
            $file_upload_filetypes .= ",{$infohash["file_upload_filetypes_other"]}";
    $file_upload_filetypes = mb_strtolower($file_upload_filetypes);
    $settings = array("file_upload_dir" => $file_upload_dir, "file_upload_url" => $file_upload_url, "file_upload_max_size" => $file_upload_max_size, "file_upload_filetypes" => $file_upload_filetypes);
    // check the folder was valid
    list($is_valid_folder, $folder_message) = ft_check_upload_folder($file_upload_dir);
    if (!$is_valid_folder) {
        return array($is_valid_folder, $folder_message);
    extract(ft_process_hook_calls("end", compact("infohash"), array("success", "message")), EXTR_OVERWRITE);
    return array($success, $message);