public function testSizeReturnsStreamSize() { $stream = Stream::make('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'); $resource = $stream->getResource(); $stat = fstat($resource); $this->assertEquals($stat['size'], $stream->getSize()); }
function multipartUpload($client, $bucket, $keyprefix) { //初始化分开上传,获取uploadid $args = array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOFile"); $uploadid = $client->initMultipartUpload($args); $uploadid = $uploadid["UploadId"]; //获取到uploadid //开始上传 $file = "D://IMG.jpg"; //要上传的文件 $partsize = 1024 * 100; $resource = fopen($file, "r"); $stat = fstat($resource); $total = $stat["size"]; //获取文件的总大小 fclose($resource); $count = (int) ($total / $partsize + 1); //计算文件需要分几块上传 for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { //依次上传每一块 echo "upload" . $i . "\r\n"; $args = array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOFile", "LastPart" => $i === $count - 1, "Options" => array("partNumber" => $i + 1, "uploadId" => $uploadid), "ObjectMeta" => array("Content-Length" => min($partsize, $total - $partsize * $i)), "Content" => array("content" => $file, "seek_position" => $partsize * $i)); $etag = $client->uploadPart($args); $etag = $etag["ETag"]; } $parts = $client->listParts(array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOFile", "Options" => array("uploadId" => $uploadid))); //结束上传 $args = array("Bucket" => $bucket, "Key" => $keyprefix . "EOFile", "Options" => array("uploadId" => $uploadid), "Parts" => $parts["Parts"]); $result = $client->completeMultipartUpload($args); rangeGetAndCheckMd5($client, $bucket, $keyprefix . "EOFile", "D://testdown/down", base64_encode(md5_file("D://IMG.jpg"))); }
protected function parse() { $streams = array(); if (!$this->readHeader()) { throw new Exception('Unable to read header'); } /* directories are aligned on 128 bytes */ $stats = fstat($this->fd); for ($pos = 512 + $this->dir_start * $this->block_size; $pos < $stats[7]; $pos += 128) { fseek($this->fd, $pos); $name = fread($this->fd, 64); $name_length = $this->readUnsignedShort(); $name = utf8_encode(str_replace("", '', substr($name, 0, $name_length - 2))); $type = $this->readByte(); $color = $this->readByte(); $left_sib = $this->readUnsignedLong(); $right_sib = $this->readUnsignedLong(); $child = $this->readUnsignedLong(); fseek($this->fd, 36, SEEK_CUR); $stream_start = $this->readUnsignedLong(); $stream_size = $this->readUnsignedLong(); switch ($type) { case self::STGTY_STREAM: debug('Found stream ' . $name . ' starting at sector ' . sprintf('0x%X', $stream_start) . ' of size ' . $stream_size); $streams[] = new OLEStream($name, $this, $this->fd, $stream_start, $stream_size); break; case self::STGTY_ROOT: debug('Found root ' . $name); break; } } $this->streams = $streams; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return int|null Returns the size in bytes if known, or null if unknown. */ public function getSize() { if (null === $this->stream) { return null; } return fstat($this->stream)['size']; }
function eraseLastLineBreak($fileName) { $file = fopen($fileName, 'r+') or die("can't open file"); $stat = fstat($file); ftruncate($file, $stat['size'] - 2); fclose($file); }
/** * @brief Logs admin page. * * @return string */ function get() { $log_choices = array(LOGGER_NORMAL => 'Normal', LOGGER_TRACE => 'Trace', LOGGER_DEBUG => 'Debug', LOGGER_DATA => 'Data', LOGGER_ALL => 'All'); $t = get_markup_template('admin_logs.tpl'); $f = get_config('system', 'logfile'); $data = ''; if (!file_exists($f)) { $data = t("Error trying to open <strong>{$f}</strong> log file.\r\n<br/>Check to see if file {$f} exist and is \n\treadable."); } else { $fp = fopen($f, 'r'); if (!$fp) { $data = t("Couldn't open <strong>{$f}</strong> log file.\r\n<br/>Check to see if file {$f} is readable."); } else { $fstat = fstat($fp); $size = $fstat['size']; if ($size != 0) { if ($size > 5000000 || $size < 0) { $size = 5000000; } $seek = fseek($fp, 0 - $size, SEEK_END); if ($seek === 0) { $data = escape_tags(fread($fp, $size)); while (!feof($fp)) { $data .= escape_tags(fread($fp, 4096)); } } } fclose($fp); } } return replace_macros($t, array('$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Logs'), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$clear' => t('Clear'), '$data' => $data, '$baseurl' => z_root(), '$logname' => get_config('system', 'logfile'), '$debugging' => array('debugging', t("Debugging"), get_config('system', 'debugging'), ""), '$logfile' => array('logfile', t("Log file"), get_config('system', 'logfile'), t("Must be writable by web server. Relative to your top-level webserver directory.")), '$loglevel' => array('loglevel', t("Log level"), get_config('system', 'loglevel'), "", $log_choices), '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token('admin_logs'))); }
public function open($filename, $mode = "w", $permissions = 0777) { $created = false; if ($this->resource !== false) { return false; } if (file_exists($filename) === false) { if ($mode == "r" || $mode == "r+") { return false; } else { $created = true; $directory = dirname($filename); if (is_dir($directory) === false) { mkdir($directory, $permissions, true); chmod($directory, $permissions); } } } $this->resource = fopen($filename, $mode); if ($this->resource !== false) { if ($created === true) { chmod($filename, $permissions); } $this->stats = fstat($this->resource); } return true; }
public function testGetSize() { $resource = fopen(__FILE__, 'r'); $expected = fstat($resource); $stream = new Stream($resource); $this->assertEquals($expected['size'], $stream->getSize()); }
function create_source_zip() { // get the version $v_res = $GLOBALS['db']->query('select `version` from `version` limit 1')->fetch(); $version = $v_res['version']; if (empty($version)) { $version = ''; } $zip_filename = _DIR_ROOT . '/source/latest' . $version . '.zip'; define('_SOURCE_ZIP_FILE', $zip_filename); if (file_exists($zip_filename)) { if (($fp = @fopen($zip_filename, 'r')) !== false) { $stats = fstat($fp); fclose($fp); // check if the source was created in the last hour if (time() - $stats['mtime'] <= 3600) { return; } } rename($zip_filename, _DIR_ROOT . '/source/latest' . time() . '.zip'); } // Create the latest source of the application // in a ZIP archive $z = new ZipArchive(); $z->open($zip_filename, ZipArchive::CREATE); add_directory_to_zip($z, _DIR_ROOT); // define a constant with the path to the file define('_SOURCE_ZIP_FILE', $zip_filename); }
function cacheAge($cacheName) { $fp = fopen($this->cacheFolder . $cacheName, 'r'); $fstat = fstat($fp); fclose($fp); return time() - $fstat['mtime']; }
protected function changed() { clearstatcache(); $fstat = fstat($this->fh); $this->currentSize = $fstat['size']; return $this->size != $this->currentSize; }
function url_stat($path, $flags) { if (isset($this->filehandle)) { return fstat($this->filehandle); } return null; }
function getFileSize() { if (false === ($stat = fstat($this->resource))) { throw new phpMorphy_Exception('Can`t invoke fstat for ' . $this->file_name . ' file'); } return $stat['size']; }
public function __construct($file) { $this->file = $file; $this->handle = fopen($this->file, self::MODE); $stats = fstat($this->handle); $this->size = $stats['size']; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isDirect() { if ($this->isDirect === null) { $this->isDirect = 020000 === (fstat(STDOUT)['mode'] & 0170000); } return $this->isDirect; }
public function testStat() { $this->assertEquals(0, fstat($this->resource)['size']); fwrite($this->resource, 'foo'); fflush($this->resource); $this->assertGreaterThan(0, fstat($this->resource)['size']); }
static function stat($path) { $fp = fopen($path, "r"); $fstat = fstat($fp); fclose($fp); return _hx_anonymous(array("gid" => $fstat['gid'], "uid" => $fstat['uid'], "atime" => Date::fromTime($fstat['atime'] * 1000), "mtime" => Date::fromTime($fstat['mtime'] * 1000), "ctime" => Date::fromTime($fstat['ctime'] * 1000), "dev" => $fstat['dev'], "ino" => $fstat['ino'], "nlink" => $fstat['nlink'], "rdev" => $fstat['rdev'], "size" => $fstat['size'], "mode" => $fstat['mode'])); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function init() { parent::init(); $this->stderrIsNotStdout = fstat(\STDERR)['dev'] != fstat(\STDOUT)['dev']; $this->stderrSupportsColors = Console::streamSupportsAnsiColors(\STDERR); $this->stdoutSupportsColors = Console::streamSupportsAnsiColors(\STDOUT); }
public function dump($var) { $result = array(); $stream_vars = stream_get_meta_data($var); $fstat = fstat($var); $real_path = realpath($stream_vars['uri']); $result['file'] = $real_path; $result['mode'] = $fstat['mode']; $result['size'] = $this->_formatSize($fstat['size']); $permissions = array('read'); if (is_writable($real_path)) { $permissions[] = 'write'; } if (is_executable($real_path)) { $permissions[] = 'execute'; } if (is_link($real_path)) { $permissions[] = 'link'; } if (is_dir($real_path)) { $permissions[] = 'directory'; } $result['permissions'] = implode(', ', $permissions); return $result; }
function get_poison_emails($seed, $count) { global $globals; $fd = fopen($globals->poison->file, 'r'); $size = fstat($fd); $size = $size['size']; $seed = crc32($seed . date('m-Y')) % $size; if ($seed < 0) { $seed = $size + $seed; } fseek($fd, $seed); fgets($fd); $emails = array(); $i = 0; while (!feof($fd) && $i < $count) { $line = trim(fgets($fd)); if (strlen($line) > 0) { $emails[] = $line; ++$seed; } ++$i; } fclose($fd); return $emails; }
public function testStat() { $fh = fopen(self::$shareUrl . '/LICENSE', 'r'); $stat = fstat($fh); static::assertStat($stat); static::assertSame(1066, $stat['size']); }
public function run($queueItemId, $lastFseekPosition = 0) { Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON; /** @var DeferredQueue $item */ $item = DeferredQueue::loadModel($queueItemId, false, false, 0, new NotFoundHttpException()); if ($item->status === DeferredQueue::STATUS_SCHEDULED || $item->status === DeferredQueue::STATUS_DISABLED) { return new ReportingTaskResponse(['status' => $item->status]); } else { if (empty($item->output_file)) { return new ReportingTaskResponse(['error' => true, 'errorMessage' => Yii::t('deferred-tasks', 'Field output_file is empty for queue item.')]); } if (file_exists($item->output_file) && is_readable($item->output_file)) { $fp = fopen($item->output_file, 'r'); $stat = fstat($fp); $fseekStatus = fseek($fp, $lastFseekPosition); if ($fseekStatus !== 0) { fclose($fp); return new ReportingTaskResponse(['error' => true, 'errorMessage' => Yii::t('deferred-tasks', 'Unable to fseek file.'), 'lastFseekPosition' => $lastFseekPosition, 'newOutput' => '', 'status' => $item->status, 'nextQueue' => $item->next_task_id]); } $bytesToRead = $stat['size'] - $lastFseekPosition; if ($bytesToRead > 0) { $data = fread($fp, $bytesToRead); } else { $data = ''; } $lastFseekPosition += $bytesToRead; fclose($fp); return new ReportingTaskResponse(['status' => $item->status, 'nextQueue' => $item->next_task_id, 'error' => false, 'newOutput' => $data, 'lastFseekPosition' => $lastFseekPosition, 'taskStatusCode' => $item->exit_code]); } else { return new ReportingTaskResponse(['error' => true, 'errorMessage' => Yii::t('deferred-tasks', 'Error accessing output file.'), 'lastFseekPosition' => $lastFseekPosition, 'newOutput' => '', 'status' => $item->status, 'nextQueue' => $item->next_task_id]); } } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getSize() { if (!is_resource($this->resource)) { return null; } return fstat($this->resource)['size']; }
function tail($callback) { if ($fp = fopen($this->tailfile, "rb")) { fseek($fp, 0, SEEK_END); $fs = fstat($fp); $ino = $fs['ino']; while ($this->publish_count < $this->max_lines_before_quit || $this->max_lines_before_quit == 0) { do { do { $ino = $this->rotate($ino); if ($ino == FALSE) { return FALSE; } $c = fgetc($fp); $line .= $c; } while ($c != "\n" && $c != "\r" && $c); if ($c === FALSE) { sleep(1); } } while ($c != "\n" && $c != "\r"); $this->publish_count++; call_user_func($callback, $line); $line = ''; $c = ''; } fclose($fp); } else { echo "Can't open file\n"; } }
/** * Calculates length of the request body, adds proper headers * * @param array associative array of request headers, this method will * add proper 'Content-Length' and 'Content-Type' headers * to this array (or remove them if not needed) */ protected function calculateRequestLength(&$headers) { $this->requestBody = $this->request->getBody(); if (is_string($this->requestBody)) { $this->contentLength = strlen($this->requestBody); } elseif (is_resource($this->requestBody)) { $stat = fstat($this->requestBody); $this->contentLength = $stat['size']; rewind($this->requestBody); } else { $this->contentLength = $this->requestBody->getLength(); $headers['content-type'] = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' . $this->requestBody->getBoundary(); $this->requestBody->rewind(); } if (in_array($this->request->getMethod(), self::$bodyDisallowed) || 0 == $this->contentLength) { // No body: send a Content-Length header nonetheless (request #12900), // but do that only for methods that require a body (bug #14740) if (in_array($this->request->getMethod(), self::$bodyRequired)) { $headers['content-length'] = 0; } else { unset($headers['content-length']); // if the method doesn't require a body and doesn't have a // body, don't send a Content-Type header. (request #16799) unset($headers['content-type']); } } else { if (empty($headers['content-type'])) { $headers['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; } $headers['content-length'] = $this->contentLength; } }
/** * ZIPs files (from an array) into a zip file and return the data associated with the * created ZIP. * * @param string $filename ZIP fullpath and name (we want to create) * @param array $bagelems Array of files in a format like the one produced by Filfiles() class (we need the path and filename props). */ public static function zipfiles($filename = './', $bagelems = array()) { $fsp = preg_split('/\\//', $filename); $filenamebase = $fsp[count($fsp) - 1]; $toret = array('log' => array(), 'filefullpath' => $filename, 'filename' => $filenamebase, 'zipinfo' => array()); $zip = new ZipArchive(); if (count($bagelems) > 0) { if ($zip->open($filename, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== true) { $toret['log'][] = "cannot open {$filename}"; } else { foreach ($bagelems as $me) { $zip->addFile($me['path'] . '/' . $me['filename'], $me['filename']); } $toret['zipinfo']["numfiles"] = $zip->numFiles; $toret['zipinfo']["status"] = $zip->status; } } else { $toret['log'][] = 'Nothing in the file array'; } $zip->close(); $fp = fopen($filename, "r"); $toret['fstat'] = array_slice(fstat($fp), 13); fclose($fp); return $toret; }
/** * Creates a new Buffer given a resource, a path or URL, * If the first argument is a string (a path or URL) the * second argument specifies the mode to use to open it. * * @param string|resource $resource * @param string $mode */ public function __construct($resource = null, $mode = null) { parent::__construct($resource, $mode); $this->readPosition = 0; $stat = fstat($this->resource); $this->writePosition = $stat['size']; }
public static function compileTo($outputFile) { if (!count(self::$loadedFiles)) { return; } $fp = fopen($outputFile, "a+"); if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) { if ($filesize = filesize($outputFile)) { fseek($fp, 0); $currentFile = fread($fp, $filesize); } else { $currentFile = ''; } if (!$currentFile) { $appendSource = "<?php\n"; $existingClasses = array(); } else { $appendSource = ''; $existingClasses = self::getClassesFromSource($currentFile); } for ($i = 0; $i < count(self::$loadedFiles); $i++) { $filename = self::$loadedFiles[$i]; if (self::$excludeRegexp && preg_match(self::$excludeRegexp, $filename)) { continue; } $f = @fopen($filename, "r", true); $fstat = fstat($f); $file = fread($f, $fstat['size']); fclose($f); $classes = self::getClassesFromSource($file); if (!count(array_intersect($existingClasses, $classes))) { if (strpos($file, '__FILE__') === false) { Lms_Debug::debug("Complile autoload {$filename}"); $endFile = substr($file, -2) == '?>' ? -2 : null; $appendSource .= $endFile === null ? substr($file, 5) : substr($file, 5, -2); } else { //Потенциально ненадежно, но работает $filePath = self::realPath($filename); if ($filePath) { Lms_Debug::warn("Complile autoload with __FILE__ constant {$filename}"); $file = str_replace('__FILE__', "'{$filePath}'", $file); $endFile = substr($file, -2) == '?>' ? -2 : null; $appendSource .= $endFile === null ? substr($file, 5) : substr($file, 5, -2); } } } else { Lms_Debug::debug("Conflict detect on file {$filename}. Complile autoload terminated."); $appendSource = ''; break; } } if ($appendSource) { fseek($fp, 0, SEEK_END); fwrite($fp, $appendSource); } flock($fp, LOCK_UN); } fclose($fp); }
public function switchAction($action, $httpVars, $filesVars) { if (!isset($this->actions[$action])) { return false; } $repository = ConfService::getRepository(); if (!$repository->detectStreamWrapper(true)) { return false; } if (!isset($this->pluginConf)) { $this->pluginConf = array("GENERATE_THUMBNAIL" => false); } $streamData = $repository->streamData; $this->streamData = $streamData; $destStreamURL = $streamData["protocol"] . "://" . $repository->getId(); if ($action == "preview_data_proxy") { $file = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["file"]); if (!file_exists($destStreamURL . $file)) { header("Content-Type: " . AJXP_Utils::getImageMimeType(basename($file)) . "; name=\"" . basename($file) . "\""); header("Content-Length: 0"); return; } if (isset($httpVars["get_thumb"]) && $this->getFilteredOption("GENERATE_THUMBNAIL", $repository->getId())) { $dimension = 200; if (isset($httpVars["dimension"]) && is_numeric($httpVars["dimension"])) { $dimension = $httpVars["dimension"]; } $this->currentDimension = $dimension; $cacheItem = AJXP_Cache::getItem("diaporama_" . $dimension, $destStreamURL . $file, array($this, "generateThumbnail")); $data = $cacheItem->getData(); $cId = $cacheItem->getId(); header("Content-Type: " . AJXP_Utils::getImageMimeType(basename($cId)) . "; name=\"" . basename($cId) . "\""); header("Content-Length: " . strlen($data)); header('Cache-Control: public'); header("Pragma:"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() - 10000) . " GMT"); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + 5 * 24 * 3600) . " GMT"); print $data; } else { //$filesize = filesize($destStreamURL.$file); $node = new AJXP_Node($destStreamURL . $file); $fp = fopen($destStreamURL . $file, "r"); $stat = fstat($fp); $filesize = $stat["size"]; header("Content-Type: " . AJXP_Utils::getImageMimeType(basename($file)) . "; name=\"" . basename($file) . "\""); header("Content-Length: " . $filesize); header('Cache-Control: public'); header("Pragma:"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() - 10000) . " GMT"); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + 5 * 24 * 3600) . " GMT"); $class = $streamData["classname"]; $stream = fopen("php://output", "a"); call_user_func(array($streamData["classname"], "copyFileInStream"), $destStreamURL . $file, $stream); fflush($stream); fclose($stream); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("", array($node)); } } }
/** * ログ出力を開始する * * @access public */ function begin() { $this->fp = fopen($this->file, 'a'); $st = fstat($this->fp); if (function_exists("posix_getuid") && posix_getuid() == $st[4]) { chmod($this->file, intval($this->mode, 8)); } }