コード例 #1
ファイル: db-setup.php プロジェクト: alx/blogsfera
function fs_engine($engine)
    $fs_mysql_version = fs_mysql_version();
    if (ver_comp("4.0.18", $fs_mysql_version) > 0 || ver_comp("4.1.2", $fs_mysql_version) > 0) {
        return " TYPE={$engine}";
    } else {
        return " ENGINE={$engine}";
コード例 #2
ファイル: upgrade_10.php プロジェクト: alx/blogsfera
function fs_db_upgrade_10(&$fsdb, $db_version)
    $version_table = fs_version_table();
    // a nice little convert loop.
    $useragents = fs_useragents_table();
    $hits = fs_hits_table();
    // upgrade to version 2
    if ($db_version < 2) {
        if (!fs_create_options_table($fsdb)) {
            return false;
        if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 2)) {
            return false;
    // convert charsets, this is instead of collate which does not work on mysql 4.0
    if ($db_version < 3) {
        if (ver_comp("4.1.0", fs_mysql_version()) < 0) {
            $sqls = array("ALTER TABLE `{$useragents}` DROP INDEX `unique`", "ALTER TABLE `{$useragents}` ADD `md5` CHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL AFTER `useragent`", "UPDATE `{$useragents}` SET `md5` = MD5( `useragent` )", "ALTER TABLE `{$useragents}` ADD UNIQUE (`md5`)", "ALTER TABLE `{$hits}` CHANGE `timestamp` `timestamp` DATETIME NOT NULL");
            foreach ($sqls as $sql) {
                if ($fsdb->query($sql) === false) {
                    return false;
            // deprecated table, function no longer exists.
            $referers = fs_table_prefix() . 'firestats_referers';
            // convert tables charset to utf-8
            $tables = array(fs_excluded_ips_table(), fs_hits_table(), fs_bots_table(), fs_options_table(), $referers, fs_urls_table(), fs_version_table(), fs_useragents_table());
            foreach ($tables as $table) {
                $sql = "ALTER TABLE `{$table}` CONVERT TO CHARSET utf8";
                if ($fsdb->query($sql) === false) {
                    return false;
        if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 3)) {
            return false;
    if ($db_version < 4) {
        /*no longer recalculates bots count*/
        if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 4)) {
            return false;
    if ($db_version < 5) {
        if ($fsdb->query("ALTER TABLE `{$hits}` ADD `country_code` BLOB NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `user_id`") === false) {
            return false;
        if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 5)) {
            return false;
    if ($db_version < 6) {
        require_once FS_ABS_PATH . '/php/rebuild-db.php';
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/db-sql.php';
        $res = fs_botlist_import(dirname(__FILE__) . '/botlist.txt', true);
        if ($res != '') {
            echo $res;
        // bots are now matched using regular expressions. need to recalculate.
        if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 6)) {
            return false;
    if ($db_version < 7) {
        if (fs_column_not_exists($fsdb, $hits, 'site_id')) {
            if ($fsdb->query("ALTER TABLE `{$hits}` ADD `site_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER `id`") === false) {
                return false;
        if (fs_index_not_exists($fsdb, $hits, 'site_id')) {
            if ($fsdb->query("ALTER TABLE `{$hits}` ADD INDEX (`site_id`)") === false) {
                return false;
        if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 7)) {
            return false;
    if ($db_version < 8) {
        if (!fs_create_sites_table($fsdb)) {
            return false;
        if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 8)) {
            return false;
    if ($db_version < 9) {
        if (!fs_create_archive_tables($fsdb)) {
            return false;
        $urls = fs_urls_table();
        $refs = fs_table_prefix() . 'firestats_referers';
        // deprecated table, function no longer exists.
        $sqls = array(fs_index_exists($fsdb, $urls, 'url'), "ALTER TABLE `{$urls}` DROP INDEX `url`", fs_column_type_is_not($fsdb, $urls, 'url', 'Text'), "ALTER TABLE `{$urls}` CHANGE `url` `url` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL", fs_column_not_exists($fsdb, $urls, 'md5'), "ALTER TABLE `{$urls}` ADD `md5` CHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL AFTER `url`", true, "UPDATE `{$urls}` SET `md5` = MD5( `url` )", fs_index_not_exists($fsdb, $urls, 'md5'), "ALTER TABLE `{$urls}` ADD UNIQUE (`md5`)", fs_index_exists($fsdb, $refs, 'referer'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` DROP INDEX `referer`", fs_column_type_is_not($fsdb, $refs, 'referer', 'Text'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` CHANGE `referer` `referer` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL", fs_column_not_exists($fsdb, $refs, 'md5'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` ADD `md5` CHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL AFTER `referer`", true, "UPDATE `{$refs}` SET `md5` = MD5( `referer`)", fs_index_not_exists($fsdb, $refs, 'md5'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` ADD UNIQUE (`md5`)", fs_column_type_is_not($fsdb, $refs, 'search_engine_id', 'SMALLINT(6)'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` ADD `search_engine_id` SMALLINT(6) NULL DEFAULT NULL " . fs_comment('Search engine ID'), fs_column_type_is_not($fsdb, $refs, 'search_terms', 'VARCHAR(255)'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` ADD `search_terms` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL " . fs_comment('Search terms'), fs_index_not_exists($fsdb, $refs, 'search_engine_id'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` ADD INDEX ( `search_engine_id` )", fs_column_type_is_not($fsdb, $refs, 'host', 'VARCHAR(40)'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` ADD `host` VARCHAR(40) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `md5`", fs_index_not_exists($fsdb, $refs, 'host'), "ALTER TABLE `{$refs}` ADD INDEX (`host`)", true, "UPDATE `{$refs}` SET `host`=substring_index(substring_index(`referer`,'/',3),'/',-1) WHERE `referer` REGEXP 'http://.*'", fs_column_exists($fsdb, $useragents, 'count'), "ALTER TABLE `{$useragents}` DROP `count`");
        if (!fs_apply_db_upgrade($fsdb, $sqls)) {
            return false;
        if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 9)) {
            return false;
    if ($db_version < 10) {
        // This is a special case.
        // Version 9 was a short lived version that already includes this change.
        // I moved it to version 10 to eliminate the problem of users not completing the upgrade and
        // getting stuck with version 9.5 (This operation is the longest in 8->9 upgrade and is the most likely cause for things like that).
        //Converts country code from blob to int.
        $sqls = array(fs_column_type_is_not($fsdb, $hits, 'country_code', 'INT(4)'), "ALTER TABLE `{$hits}` CHANGE `country_code` `country_code` INT(4) NULL DEFAULT NULL");
        if (!fs_apply_db_upgrade($fsdb, $sqls)) {
            return false;
        if (!fs_update_db_version($fsdb, 10)) {
            return false;
    return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: db-sql.php プロジェクト: alx/blogsfera
function fs_getentries()
    $amount = fs_get_num_hits_in_table();
    $timezone = fs_get_option('firestats_user_timezone', 'system');
    $db_support_tz = ver_comp("4.1.3", fs_mysql_version()) <= 0;
    $ts = $db_support_tz && $timezone != 'system' ? "CONVERT_TZ(`timestamp`,'system','{$timezone}')" : "timestamp";
    if ($amount === false) {
        return false;
    $hits = fs_hits_table();
    $ua = fs_useragents_table();
    $urls = fs_urls_table();
    $not_excluded = not_excluded(true, 'hits');
    $not_filtered = fs_not_filtered();
    $sql = "SELECT hits.id,ip,useragent,referers.url as referer,referers.search_terms,urls.url as url,{$ts} as timestamp,country_code,urls.title as url_title, referers.title as referrer_title\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM `{$hits}` AS hits,`{$ua}` AS agents,`{$urls}` AS urls,`{$urls}` AS referers\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\t\t\thits.useragent_id = agents.id AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\thits.url_id = urls.id AND \n\t\t\t\t\t\thits.referer_id = referers.id \n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND {$not_excluded} \n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND {$not_filtered}\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY timestamp DESC";
    $sql .= " LIMIT {$amount}";
    $fsdb =& fs_get_db_conn();
    return $fsdb->get_results($sql);
コード例 #4
ファイル: utils.php プロジェクト: alx/blogsfera
 * System information includes:
 * Unique firestats id
 * FireStats version
 * Installation time
 * PHP version
 * MySQL version
 * Server software (apache? IIS? which version?)
 * Memory limit
 * Number of sites monitored
 * Number of sites monitored from each type (how many wordpress blogs, how many drupals etc).
function fs_get_sysinfo()
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/db-common.php';
    $s = array();
    $s["FIRESTATS_ID"] = fs_get_system_option('firestats_id');
    $s["INSTALLATION_TIME"] = fs_get_system_option('first_run_time');
    $s["PHP_VERSION"] = phpversion();
    $s["MYSQL_VERSION"] = fs_mysql_version();
    $s["MEMOEY_LIMIT"] = ini_get('memory_limit');
    $sites_table = fs_sites_table();
    $sql = "SELECT type,COUNT(type) c from {$sites_table} GROUP BY type";
    $fsdb =& fs_get_db_conn();
    $res = $fsdb->get_results($sql);
    if ($res === false) {
        return $s;
    $total = 0;
    if (count($res) > 0) {
        foreach ($res as $r) {
            $s["NUM_SITES_{$r->type}"] = $r->c;
            $total += $r->c;
    $s["NUM_SITES"] = $total;
    return $s;
コード例 #5
ファイル: system_test.php プロジェクト: alx/blogsfera
function fs_systest_database_test()
    require_once FS_ABS_PATH . '/php/db-common.php';
    $db = fs_get_db_status();
    $errors = array();
    if ($db['status'] == FS_DB_NOT_CONFIGURED) {
        $errors[] = fs_systest_error("fatal", "Database is not configured");
    } else {
        // database is configured, we can do some serious tests.
        $mysql_version = fs_mysql_version();
        if (!fs_mysql_newer_than("4.0.17")) {
            $errors[] = fs_systest_error("fatal", "Your MySQL database version is <b>{$mysql_version}</b>, FireStats requires <b>4.0.17</b> or newer");
        } else {
            if (!fs_mysql_newer_than("4.1.14")) {
                $errors[] = fs_systest_error("warning", "Your MySQL database version is <b>{$mysql_version}</b>, Some features of FireStats reqruires <b>4.1.14</b> or newer");
        if ($db['status'] != FS_DB_VALID && $db['status'] != FS_DB_NOT_CONFIGURED) {
            $errors[] = fs_systest_error("fatal", fs_get_database_status_message($db));
        } else {
            $fsdb =& fs_get_db_conn();
            $tables = fs_get_tables_list();
            $except = array(fs_pending_date_table());
            // don't check this one for InnoDB.
            $res = $fsdb->get_results("SHOW TABLE STATUS");
            if ($res === false) {
                $errors[] = fs_systest_error("fatal", "Error querying database");
            } else {
                $bad_tables = "";
                $found = array();
                foreach ($res as $t) {
                    if (in_array($t->Name, $tables) === true) {
                        $found[$t->Name] = true;
                        if (in_array($t->Name, $except) === false) {
                            if (isset($t->Engine) && $t->Engine != "InnoDB" || isset($t->Type) && $t->Type != "InnoDB") {
                                if ($bad_tables == "") {
                                    $bad_tables .= $t->Name;
                                } else {
                                    $bad_tables .= ", " . $t->Name;
                foreach ($tables as $t) {
                    if (!(isset($found[$t]) && $found[$t])) {
                        $errors[] = fs_systest_error("fatal", "missing table <b>{$t}</b>");
                if ($bad_tables != "") {
                    $errors[] = fs_systest_error("fatal", "Some of your tables are not using the InnoDB engine, which is required by FireStats. wierd things may happen <b>({$bad_tables})</b>");
    return $errors;
コード例 #6
ファイル: db-common.php プロジェクト: alx/blogsfera
function fs_mysql_newer_than($version)
    return ver_comp($version, fs_mysql_version(), true) <= 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: page-tools.php プロジェクト: alx/blogsfera
<table border="1">
fs_e('PHP Version');
echo phpversion();
fs_e('MySQL Version');
echo fs_mysql_version();
fs_e('Memory limit');
echo ini_get('memory_limit');