コード例 #1
 private function _getNotifyInfo($uid, $type, $page, $pageSize)
     $info = array('count' => 0, 'list' => array(), 'data' => array());
     $count = DzHomeNotification::getCountByUid($uid, $type);
     $notifyData = DzHomeNotification::getAllNotifyByUid($uid, $type, $page, $pageSize);
     foreach ($notifyData as $data) {
         $isAllowData = true;
         $actions = array();
         $matches = array();
         preg_match('/<a onclick="showWindow.+?>(\\S+)<\\/a>/mi', $data['note'], $matches);
         if (!empty($matches)) {
             $actions = array();
             $action = array('redirect' => '', 'title' => $matches[1], 'type' => '');
             // 添加好友按钮
             $tempMatches = array();
             preg_match('/ac=friend&op=(\\w+)&uid=(\\d+)/mi', $matches[0], $tempMatches);
             if (!empty($tempMatches)) {
                 $action['redirect'] = WebUtils::createUrl_oldVersion('user/useradminview', array('act' => $tempMatches[1], 'uid' => $tempMatches[2]));
                 $action['type'] = self::NOTIFY_TYPE_FRIEND;
             $data['note'] = str_replace($matches[1], '', $data['note']);
             // 暂时屏蔽已经是好友的动作
             if (friend_check($tempMatches[2])) {
                 $isAllowData = false;
             $actions[] = $action;
         if ($isAllowData) {
             $tmpData['dateline'] = $data['dateline'] . '000';
             $tmpData['type'] = $data['type'];
             $tmpData['note'] = WebUtils::emptyHtml($data['note']);
             $tmpData['fromId'] = (int) $data['from_id'];
             $tmpData['fromIdType'] = $data['from_idtype'];
             $tmpData['author'] = $data['author'];
             $tmpData['authorId'] = (int) $data['authorid'];
             $tmpData['authorAvatar'] = UserUtils::getUserAvatar($data['authorid']);
             $tmpData['actions'] = $actions;
             $info['data'][] = $tmpData;
     if ($type == self::NOTIFY_TYPE_POST || $type == self::NOTIFY_TYPE_AT) {
         foreach ($notifyData as $data) {
             $matches = array();
             preg_match_all('/&ptid=(\\d+?)&pid=(\\d+?)"/i', $data['note'], $matches);
             $ptid = $matches[1][0];
             $pid = $matches[2][0];
             $postInfo = $this->_getPostInfo($ptid, $pid);
             if (!empty($postInfo)) {
                 $info['list'][] = $postInfo;
             } else {
     $info['count'] = $count;
     return $info;
コード例 #2
ファイル: bene_invite.class.php プロジェクト: TedaLIEz/Backup
	function post_bene_invite_message($params) {
		global $_G;
		if(!self::$isopen) return false;
		list($message, $forwordURL, $threadValue) = $params['param'];
		$_setting = $_G['cache']['plugin']['bene_invite'];

		if(!empty($_POST['username'])) {
			$_POST['users'][] = $_POST['username'];
		$users = empty($_POST['users']) ? array() : $_POST['users'];

		$coef = 1;
		if(!empty($users)) {
			$coef = count($users);

		include_once libfile('function/friend');
		$return = 0;
		if($users) {
			$newusers = $uidsarr = $membersarr = array();
			if($users) {
				$membersarr = C::t('common_member')->fetch_all_by_username($users);
				foreach($membersarr as $aUsername=>$aUser) {
					$uidsarr[] = $aUser['uid'];
			if(empty($membersarr)) {
				showmessage('message_bad_touser', '', array(), array('return' => true));
			if(isset($membersarr[$_G['uid']])) {
				showmessage('message_can_not_send_to_self', '', array(), array('return' => true));


			foreach($membersarr as $key => $value) {
				$thread = C::t('forum_thread')->fetch($threadValue['tid']);
				notification_add($value['uid'], 'friend', lang('plugin/bene_invite', 'm1') . ' '.$_G['username'].lang('plugin/bene_invite', 'm2').$thread['subject'].lang('plugin/bene_invite', 'm3').'<span class="a"><a href="forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid='.$threadValue['tid'].'">'.lang('plugin/bene_invite', 'm4').'</a></span>');
		return true;
コード例 #3
<li class="ul_diy"><a href="home.php?mod=space&amp;do=index&amp;diy=yes">装扮空间</a></li>
<?php } if(helper_access::check_module('wall')) { ?>
<li class="ul_msg"><a href="home.php?mod=space&amp;do=wall">查看留言</a></li>
<?php } ?>
<li class="ul_avt"><a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&amp;ac=avatar">编辑头像</a></li>
<li class="ul_profile"><a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&amp;ac=profile">更新资料</a></li>
<?php } else { if(helper_access::check_module('follow')) { ?>
<li class="ul_broadcast"><a href="home.php?mod=space&amp;uid=<?php echo $space['uid'];?>">查看广播</a></li>
<?php } if(helper_access::check_module('follow') && $space['uid'] != $_G['uid']) { ?>
<li class="ul_flw"><?php $follow = 0;?><?php $follow = C::t('home_follow')->fetch_all_by_uid_followuid($_G['uid'], $space['uid']);?><?php if(!$follow) { ?>
<a id="followmod" onclick="showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);" href="home.php?mod=spacecp&amp;ac=follow&amp;op=add&amp;hash=<?php echo FORMHASH;?>&amp;fuid=<?php echo $space['uid'];?>">收听TA</a>
<?php } else { ?>
<a id="followmod" onclick="showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);" href="home.php?mod=spacecp&amp;ac=follow&amp;op=del&amp;fuid=<?php echo $space['uid'];?>">取消收听</a>
<?php } ?>
<?php } require_once libfile('function/friend');$isfriend=friend_check($space[uid]);?><?php if(!$isfriend) { ?>
<li class="ul_add"><a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&amp;ac=friend&amp;op=add&amp;uid=<?php echo $space['uid'];?>&amp;handlekey=addfriendhk_<?php echo $space['uid'];?>" id="a_friend_li_<?php echo $space['uid'];?>" onclick="showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);">加为好友</a></li>
<?php } else { ?>
<li class="ul_ignore"><a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&amp;ac=friend&amp;op=ignore&amp;uid=<?php echo $space['uid'];?>&amp;handlekey=ignorefriendhk_<?php echo $space['uid'];?>" id="a_ignore_<?php echo $space['uid'];?>" onclick="showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);">解除好友</a></li>
<?php } if(helper_access::check_module('wall')) { ?>
<li class="ul_contect"><a href="home.php?mod=space&amp;uid=<?php echo $space['uid'];?>&amp;do=wall">给我留言</a></li>
<?php } ?>
<li class="ul_poke"><a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&amp;ac=poke&amp;op=send&amp;uid=<?php echo $space['uid'];?>&amp;handlekey=propokehk_<?php echo $space['uid'];?>" id="a_poke_<?php echo $space['uid'];?>" onclick="showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);">打个招呼</a></li>

<li class="ul_pm"><a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&amp;ac=pm&amp;op=showmsg&amp;handlekey=showmsg_<?php echo $space['uid'];?>&amp;touid=<?php echo $space['uid'];?>&amp;pmid=0&amp;daterange=2" id="a_sendpm_<?php echo $space['uid'];?>" onclick="showWindow('showMsgBox', this.href, 'get', 0)">发送消息</a></li>
<?php } ?>
<?php if(checkperm('allowbanuser') || checkperm('allowedituser') || $_G['adminid'] == 1) { ?>
<hr class="da mtn m0">
<ul class="ptn xl xl2 cl">
<?php if(checkperm('allowbanuser') || checkperm('allowedituser')) { ?>
コード例 #4
function ckfriend_album($album)
    global $_G, $space;
    if ($_G['adminid'] != 1) {
        if (!ckfriend($album['uid'], $album['friend'], $album['target_ids'])) {
            if (empty($_G['uid'])) {
                showmessage('to_login', null, array(), array('showmsg' => true, 'login' => 1));
            require_once libfile('function/friend');
            $isfriend = friend_check($album['uid']);
            space_merge($space, 'count');
            space_merge($space, 'profile');
            $_G['privacy'] = 1;
            require_once libfile('space/profile', 'include');
            include template('home/space_privacy');
        } elseif (!$space['self'] && $album['friend'] == 4) {
            $cookiename = "view_pwd_album_{$album['albumid']}";
            $cookievalue = empty($_G['cookie'][$cookiename]) ? '' : $_G['cookie'][$cookiename];
            if ($cookievalue != md5(md5($album['password']))) {
                $invalue = $album;
                include template('home/misc_inputpwd');
コード例 #5
ファイル: home_invite.php プロジェクト: lemonstory/bbs
$userapp = array();
if ($appid) {
    $userapp = C::t('common_myapp')->fetch($appid);
$space = getuserbyuid($uid);
if (empty($space)) {
    showmessage('space_does_not_exist', '', array(), array('return' => true));
$jumpurl = $appid ? "userapp.php?mod=app&id={$appid}&my_extra=invitedby_bi_{$uid}_{$_GET['c']}&my_suffix=Lw%3D%3D" : 'home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid;
if ($acceptconfirm) {
    dsetcookie('invite_auth', '');
    if ($_G['uid'] == $uid) {
        showmessage('should_not_invite_your_own', '', array(), array('return' => true));
    require_once libfile('function/friend');
    if (friend_check($uid)) {
        showmessage('you_have_friends', $jumpurl);
    friend_make($space['uid'], $space['username']);
    if ($id) {
        C::t('common_invite')->update($id, array('fuid' => $_G['uid'], 'fusername' => $_G['username'], 'regdateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'status' => 2));
        notification_add($uid, 'friend', 'invite_friend', array('actor' => '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $_G['uid'] . '" target="_blank">' . $_G['username'] . '</a>'), 1);
    space_merge($space, 'field_home');
    if (!empty($space['privacy']['feed']['invite'])) {
        require_once libfile('function/feed');
        $tite_data = array('username' => '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $_G['uid'] . '">' . $_G['username'] . '</a>');
        feed_add('friend', 'feed_invite', $tite_data, '', array(), '', array(), array(), '', '', '', 0, 0, '', $space['uid'], $space['username']);
    if ($_G['setting']['inviteconfig']['inviteaddcredit']) {
        updatemembercount($_G['uid'], array($_G['setting']['inviteconfig']['inviterewardcredit'] => $_G['setting']['inviteconfig']['inviteaddcredit']));
コード例 #6
ファイル: space_poll.php プロジェクト: v998/discuzx-en
} elseif ($_GET['view'] == 'me') {
    $filter = in_array($_G['gp_filter'], array('publish', 'join')) ? $_G['gp_filter'] : 'publish';
    if ($filter == 'join') {
        $wheresql = "p.uid = '{$space['uid']}' AND p.tid = t.tid";
        $apply_sql = ', ' . DB::table('forum_pollvoter') . ' p ';
    } else {
        $wheresql = "t.authorid = '{$space['uid']}'";
    $filteractives = array($filter => ' class="a"');
} else {
    space_merge($space, 'field_home');
    if ($space['feedfriend']) {
        $fuid_actives = array();
        require_once libfile('function/friend');
        $fuid = intval($_GET['fuid']);
        if ($fuid && friend_check($fuid, $space['uid'])) {
            $wheresql = "t.authorid='{$fuid}'";
            $fuid_actives = array($fuid => ' selected');
        } else {
            $wheresql = "t.authorid IN ({$space['feedfriend']})";
            $theurl = "home.php?mod=space&uid={$space['uid']}&do={$do}&view=we";
        $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_friend') . " WHERE uid='{$space['uid']}' ORDER BY num DESC LIMIT 0,100");
        while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
            $userlist[] = $value;
    } else {
        $need_count = false;
$actives = array($_GET['view'] => ' class="a"');
コード例 #7
ファイル: function_space.php プロジェクト: v998/discuzx-en
function getblockhtml($blockname, $parameters = array())
    global $_G, $space;
    $parameters = empty($parameters) ? array() : $parameters;
    $list = array();
    $sql = $title = $html = $wheresql = $ordersql = $titlemore = $do = $view = $contentclassname = '';
    $contenttagname = 'div';
    $shownum = 6;
    $uid = intval($space['uid']);
    $shownum = empty($parameters['shownum']) ? $shownum : intval($parameters['shownum']);
    switch ($blockname) {
        case 'profile':
            $do = $blockname;
            $managehtml = '';
            $avatar = empty($parameters['banavatar']) ? 'middle' : $parameters['banavatar'];
            $html .= "<div class=\"hm\"><p><a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$uid}\" target=\"__blank\">" . avatar($uid, $avatar) . '</a></p>';
            $html .= "<h2><a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$uid}\" target=\"__blank\">" . $space['username'] . "</a></h2>";
            $html .= '</div><ul class="xl xl2 cl ul_list">';
            $magicinfo = $showmagicgift = false;
            if ($_G['setting']['magicstatus'] && $_G['setting']['magics']['gift']) {
                $showmagicgift = true;
                $magicinfo = !empty($space['magicgift']) ? unserialize($space['magicgift']) : array();
            if ($space['self']) {
                $html .= '<li class="ul_diy"><a href="home.php?mod=space&diy=yes">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_diy') . '</a></li>';
                $html .= '<li class="ul_msg"><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=wall">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_wall') . '</a></li>';
                $html .= '<li class="ul_avt"><a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=avatar">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_avatar') . '</a></li>';
                $html .= '<li class="ul_profile"><a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=profile">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_update') . '</a></li>';
                if ($showmagicgift) {
                    $html .= '<li class="ul_magicgift"><div style="' . 'background: url(' . STATICURL . 'image/magic/gift.small.gif) no-repeat 0 50%;' . '">';
                    if ($magicinfo) {
                        $html .= '<a onclick="showWindow(\'magicgift\', this.href, \'get\', 0)" href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=magic&op=retiregift">' . lang('magic/gift', 'gift_gc') . '</a>';
                    } else {
                        $html .= '<a onclick="showWindow(\'magicgift\', this.href, \'get\', 0)" href="home.php?mod=magic&mid=gift">' . lang('magic/gift', 'gift_use') . '</a>';
                    $html .= '</div></li>';
            } else {
                require_once libfile('function/friend');
                $isfriend = friend_check($uid);
                if (!$isfriend) {
                    $html .= "<li class='ul_add'><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=friend&op=add&uid={$space['uid']}&handlekey=addfriendhk_{$space[uid]}\" id=\"a_friend_li_{$space[uid]}\" onclick=\"showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_friend_add') . "</a></li>";
                } else {
                    $html .= "<li class='ul_ignore'><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=friend&op=ignore&uid={$space['uid']}&handlekey=ignorefriendhk_{$space[uid]}\" id=\"a_ignore_{$space[uid]}\" onclick=\"showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_friend_ignore') . "</a></li>";
                $html .= "<li class='ul_msg'><a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$space['uid']}&do=wall\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_wall_to_me') . "</a></li>";
                $html .= "<li class='ul_poke'><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=poke&op=send&uid={$space['uid']}&handlekey=propokehk_{$space[uid]}\" id=\"a_poke_{$space[uid]}\" onclick=\"showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_poke') . "</a></li>";
                $html .= "<li class='ul_pm'><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=pm&op=showmsg&handlekey=showmsg_{$space['uid']}&touid={$space['uid']}&pmid=0&daterange=2\" id=\"a_sendpm_{$space['uid']}\" onclick=\"showWindow('showMsgBox', this.href, 'get', 0)\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_sendmessage') . "</a></li>";
            $html .= '</ul>';
            $encodeusername = rawurlencode($space['username']);
            if (checkperm('allowbanuser')) {
                $managehtml .= '<li><a href="' . ($_G['adminid'] == 1 ? "admin.php?action=members&operation=ban&username={$encodeusername}&frames=yes" : "forum.php?mod=modcp&action=member&op=ban&uid={$space['uid']}") . '" id="usermanageli" onmouseover="showMenu(this.id)" class="showmenu" target="_blank">' . lang('home/template', 'member_manage') . '</a></li>';
            } elseif (checkperm('allowedituser')) {
                $managehtml .= '<li><a href="' . ($_G['adminid'] == 1 ? "admin.php?action=members&operation=search&username={$encodeusername}&submit=yes&frames=yes" : "forum.php?mod=modcp&action=member&op=edit&uid={$space['uid']}") . '" id="usermanageli" onmouseover="showMenu(this.id)" class="showmenu" target="_blank">' . lang('home/template', 'member_manage') . '</a></li>';
            if ($_G['adminid'] == 1) {
                $managehtml .= "<li><a href=\"forum.php?mod=modcp&action=thread&op=post&do=search&searchsubmit=1&users={$encodeusername}\" id=\"umanageli\" onmouseover=\"showMenu(this.id)\" class=\"showmenu\">" . lang('home/template', 'content_manage') . "</a></li>";
            if (!empty($managehtml)) {
                $html .= '<hr class="da mtn m0" /><ul class="ptn xl xl2 cl">' . $managehtml . '</ul><ul id="usermanageli_menu" class="p_pop" style="width: 80px; display:none;">';
                if (checkperm('allowbanuser')) {
                    $html .= '<li><a href="' . ($_G['adminid'] == 1 ? "admin.php?action=members&operation=ban&username={$encodeusername}&frames=yes" : "forum.php?mod=modcp&action=member&op=ban&uid={$space['uid']}") . '" target="_blank">' . lang('home/template', 'user_ban') . '</a></li>';
                if (checkperm('allowedituser')) {
                    $html .= '<li><a href="' . ($_G['adminid'] == 1 ? "admin.php?action=members&operation=search&username={$encodeusername}&submit=yes&frames=yes" : "forum.php?mod=modcp&action=member&op=edit&uid={$space['uid']}") . '" target="_blank">' . lang('home/template', 'user_edit') . '</a></li>';
                $html .= '</ul>';
                if ($_G['adminid'] == 1) {
                    $html .= '<ul id="umanageli_menu" class="p_pop" style="width: 80px; display:none;">';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=threads&users=' . $encodeusername . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_post') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=doing&searchsubmit=1&users=' . $encodeusername . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_doing') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=blog&searchsubmit=1&uid=' . $uid . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_blog') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=feed&searchsubmit=1&uid=' . $uid . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_feed') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=album&searchsubmit=1&uid=' . $uid . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_album') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=pic&searchsubmit=1&users=' . $encodeusername . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_pic') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=comment&searchsubmit=1&authorid=' . $uid . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_comment') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=share&searchsubmit=1&uid=' . $uid . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_share') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=threads&operation=group&users=' . $encodeusername . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_group_threads') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=prune&searchsubmit=1&operation=group&users=' . $encodeusername . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_group_prune') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '</ul>';
            if ($_G['setting']['magicstatus'] && $_G['setting']['magics']['gift']) {
                $info = !empty($space['magicgift']) ? unserialize($space['magicgift']) : array();
                if ($space['self']) {
                } elseif ($info) {
                    if ($info['left'] && !in_array($_G['uid'], (array) $info['receiver'])) {
                        $percredit = min($info['percredit'], $info['left']);
                        if ($info['credittype'] == 'credits') {
                            $credittype = lang('core', 'title_credit');
                        } else {
                            $extcredits = str_replace('extcredits', '', $info['credittype']);
                            $credittype = $_G['setting']['extcredits'][$extcredits]['title'];
                        $html .= '<div id="magicreceivegift">';
                        $html .= '<a onclick="showWindow(\'magicgift\', this.href, \'get\', 0)" href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=magic&op=receivegift&uid=' . $uid . '" title="' . lang('magic/gift', 'gift_receive_gift', array('percredit' => $percredit, 'credittype' => $credittype)) . '">';
                        $html .= '<img src="' . STATICURL . 'image/magic/gift.gif" alt="gift" />';
                        $html .= '</a>';
                        $html .= '</div>';
            $html = '<div id="pcd">' . $html . '</div>';
        case 'statistic':
            space_merge($space, 'count');
            $html .= '<p class="mbm xw1">';
            if (empty($parameters['banviews'])) {
                $html .= lang('space', 'space_views', array('views' => $space['views'] ? $space['views'] : '--'));
            $html .= '</p><ul class="xl xl2 cl">';
            if (empty($parameters['bancredits'])) {
                $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'credits') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=credit">' . ($space['credits'] ? $space['credits'] : '--') . "</a></li>";
                foreach ($_G['setting']['extcredits'] as $extcreditid => $extcredit) {
                    $html .= "<li>" . $extcredit['img'] . $extcredit['title'] . ': <a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=credit">' . ($space['extcredits' . $extcreditid] ? $space['extcredits' . $extcreditid] : '--') . '</a>';
            if (empty($parameters['banfriends'])) {
                $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'friends') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=friend&view=me&from=space">' . ($space['friends'] ? $space['friends'] : '--') . "</a></li>";
            if (empty($parameters['banthreads']) && $_G['setting']['allowviewuserthread'] !== false || $_G['adminid'] == 1) {
                $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'threads') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=thread&view=me&from=space">' . ($space['threads'] ? $space['threads'] : '--') . "</a></li>";
            if (empty($parameters['banblogs'])) {
                $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'blogs') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=blog&view=me&from=space">' . ($space['blogs'] ? $space['blogs'] : '--') . "</a></li>";
            if (empty($parameters['banalbums'])) {
                $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'albums') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=album&view=me&from=space">' . ($space['albums'] ? $space['albums'] : '--') . "</a></li>";
            if (empty($parameters['bansharings'])) {
                $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'sharings') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=share&view=me&from=space">' . ($space['sharings'] ? $space['sharings'] : '--') . "</a></li>";
            $html .= '</ul>';
            $html = '<div id="pcd">' . $html . '</div>';
        case 'doing':
            $do = $blockname;
            if (ckprivacy('doing', 'view')) {
                $dolist = array();
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_doing') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}";
                $query = DB::query($sql);
                while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
                    if ($value['status'] == 0 || $value['uid'] == $_G['uid']) {
                        $dolist[] = $value;
                if ($dolist) {
                    foreach ($dolist as $dv) {
                        $doid = $dv['doid'];
                        $_G[gp_key] = $key = random(8);
                        $html .= "<li class=\"pbn bbda\">";
                        $html .= $dv['message'];
                        $html .= "&nbsp;<a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$dv['uid']}&do=doing&view=me&from=space&doid={$dv['doid']}\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"xg1\">" . lang('space', 'block_doing_reply') . "</a>";
                        $html .= "</li>";
                } else {
                    $html .= "<p class=\"emp\">" . lang('space', 'block_doing_no_content') . "</p>";
            } else {
                $html .= "<p class=\"emp\">" . lang('space', 'block_view_noperm') . "</p>";
            $html = '<ul class="xl">' . $html . '</ul>';
        case 'blog':
            $do = $blockname;
            $query = DB::query("SELECT bf.*, b.* FROM " . DB::table('home_blog') . " b\r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('home_blogfield') . " bf ON bf.blogid=b.blogid\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE b.uid='{$uid}'\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY b.dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}");
            while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
                if (ckfriend($value['uid'], $value['friend'], $value['target_ids'])) {
                    if ($value['pic']) {
                        $value['pic'] = pic_cover_get($value['pic'], $value['picflag']);
                    $value['message'] = $value['friend'] == 4 ? '' : getstr($value['message'], 150, 0, 0, 0, -1);
                    $html .= lang('space', 'blog_li', array('uid' => $value['uid'], 'blogid' => $value['blogid'], 'subject' => $value['subject'], 'date' => dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'Y-m-d')));
                    if (!isset($parameters['showmessage'])) {
                        $parameters['showmessage'] = true;
                    if ($parameters['showmessage']) {
                        if ($value['pic']) {
                            $html .= lang('space', 'blog_li_img', array('uid' => $value['uid'], 'blogid' => $value['blogid'], 'src' => $value['pic']));
                        $html .= "<dd>{$value['message']}</dd>";
                    $html .= lang('space', 'blog_li_ext', array('uid' => $value['uid'], 'blogid' => $value['blogid'], 'viewnum' => $value['viewnum'], 'replynum' => $value['replynum']));
                    $html .= "</dl>";
                } else {
                    $html .= '<p>' . lang('space', 'block_view_noperm') . '</p>';
            $more = $html ? '<p class="ptm" style="text-align: right;"><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=blog&view=me&from=space">' . lang('space', 'viewmore') . '</a></p>' : '';
            $contentclassname = ' xld';
            $html = $html . $more;
        case 'album':
            $do = $blockname;
            if (ckprivacy('album', 'view')) {
                $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_album') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY updatetime DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}");
                while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
                    if (ckfriend($value['uid'], $value['friend'], $value['target_ids'])) {
                        $value['pic'] = pic_cover_get($value['pic'], $value['picflag']);
                        $html .= lang('space', 'album_li', array('albumid' => $value['albumid'], 'src' => $value['pic'], 'albumname' => $value['albumname'], 'uid' => $value['uid'], 'picnum' => $value['picnum'], 'date' => dgmdate($value['updatetime'], 'n-j')));
            } else {
                $html .= '<li>' . lang('space', 'block_view_noperm') . '</li>';
            $html = '<ul class="ml mla cl">' . $html . '</ul>';
        case 'feed':
            $do = $blockname;
            if (!IS_ROBOT && ckprivacy('feed', 'view')) {
                require_once libfile('function/feed');
                $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_feed') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}");
                while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
                    if (ckfriend($value['uid'], $value['friend'], $value['target_ids'])) {
                        $html .= mkfeedhtml(mkfeed($value));
            $contenttagname = 'ul';
            $contentclassname = ' el';
            $html = empty($html) ? '' : $html;
        case 'thread':
            $do = $blockname;
            if ($_G['setting']['allowviewuserthread'] !== false) {
                $fidsql = empty($_G['setting']['allowviewuserthread']) ? '' : " AND fid IN({$_G[setting][allowviewuserthread]}) ";
                $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE authorid='{$uid}' {$fidsql} AND displayorder>='0' ORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}");
                while ($thread = DB::fetch($query)) {
                    if ($thread['author']) {
                        $html .= "<li><a href=\"forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid={$thread['tid']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$thread['subject']}</a></li>";
            $html = empty($html) ? '' : '<ul class="xl">' . $html . '</ul>';
        case 'friend':
            $do = $blockname;
            require_once libfile('function/friend');
            $friendlist = array();
            $friendlist = friend_list($uid, $shownum);
            $fuids = array_keys($friendlist);
            foreach ($friendlist as $key => $value) {
                $classname = $_G['ols'][$value['fuid']] ? 'gol' : '';
                $html .= '<li><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value['fuid'] . '" target="_blank"><em class="' . $classname . '"></em>' . avatar($value['fuid'], 'small') . '</a><p><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value[fuid] . '" target="_blank">' . $value['fusername'] . '</a></p></li>';
            $html = '<ul class="ml mls cl">' . $html . '</ul>';
        case 'visitor':
            $do = 'friend';
            $view = 'visitor';
            $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_visitor') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}");
            $list = $fuids = array();
            while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
                $list[] = $value;
                $fuids[] = $value['vuid'];
            foreach ($list as $value) {
                $html .= "<li>";
                if ($value['vusername'] == '') {
                    $html .= lang('space', 'visitor_anonymity');
                } else {
                    $html .= lang('space', 'visitor_list', array('uid' => $value['vuid'], 'username' => $value['vusername'], 'class' => $_G['ols'][$value['vuid']] ? 'gol' : '', 'avatar' => avatar($value['vuid'], 'small')));
                $html .= "<span class=\"xg2\">" . dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'u', '9999', 'Y-m-d') . "</span>";
                $html .= "</li>";
            $html = '<ul class="ml mls cl">' . $html . '</ul>';
        case 'share':
            $do = $blockname;
            if (!IS_ROBOT && ckprivacy('share', 'view')) {
                require_once libfile('function/share');
                $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_share') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}");
                while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
                    $value = mkshare($value);
                    $html .= '<li><em><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value['uid'] . '&do=share&id=' . $value['sid'] . '">' . $value['title_template'] . '</a>(' . dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'u') . ')</em><div class="ec cl">';
                    if ($value['image']) {
                        $html .= '<a href="' . $value['image_link'] . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $value['image'] . '" class="tn" alt="" /></a>';
                    $html .= '<div class="d">' . $value['body_template'] . '</div>';
                    if ($value['type'] == 'video') {
                        if (!empty($value['body_data']['imgurl'])) {
                            $html .= '<table class="mtm" title="' . lang('space', 'click_play') . '" onclick="javascript:showFlash(\'' . $value['body_data']['host'] . '\', \'' . $value['body_data']['flashvar'] . '\', this, \'' . $value['sid'] . '\');"><tr><td class="vdtn hm" style="background: url(' . $value['body_data']['imgurl'] . ') no-repeat"><img src="' . STATICURL . '/image/common/vds.png" alt="' . lang('space', 'click_play') . '" /></td></tr></table>';
                        } else {
                            $html .= "<img src=\"" . STATICURL . "/image/common/vd.gif\" alt=\"" . lang('space', 'click_play') . "\" onclick=\"javascript:showFlash('{$value['body_data']['host']}', '{$value['body_data']['flashvar']}', this, '{$value['sid']}');\" class=\"tn\" />";
                    } elseif ($value['type'] == 'music') {
                        $html .= "<img src=\"" . STATICURL . "/image/common/music.gif\" alt=\"" . lang('space', 'click_play') . "\" onclick=\"javascript:showFlash('music', '{$value['body_data']['musicvar']}', this, '{$value['sid']}');\" class=\"tn\" />";
                    } elseif ($value['type'] == 'flash') {
                        $html .= "<img src=\"" . STATICURL . "/image/common/flash.gif\" alt=\"" . lang('space', 'click_view') . "\" onclick=\"javascript:showFlash('flash', '{$value['body_data']['flashaddr']}', this, '{$value['sid']}');\" class=\"tn\" />";
                    if ($value['body_general']) {
                        $html .= '<div class="quote' . ($value['image'] ? 'z' : '') . "\"><blockquote>{$value['body_general']}</blockquote></div>";
                    $html .= '</div></li>';
                $html = '<ul class="el">' . $html . '</ul>';
        case 'wall':
            $do = $blockname;
            $walllist = array();
            if (ckprivacy('wall', 'view')) {
                $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_comment') . " WHERE id='{$uid}' AND idtype='uid' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}");
                while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
                    $value['message'] = strlen($value['message']) > 500 ? getstr($value['message'], 500, 0, 0, 0, -1) . ' ...' : $value['message'];
                    if ($value['status'] == 0 || $value['authorid'] == $_G['uid']) {
                        $walllist[] = $value;
            $html = '<div class="xld xlda el" id="comment_ul">';
            foreach ($walllist as $key => $value) {
                $op = '';
                if ($value['author']) {
                    $author_avatar = '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value['authorid'] . '" target="_blank">' . avatar($value['authorid'], 'small') . '</a>';
                    $author = '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value['authorid'] . '" id="author_' . $value['cid'] . '" target="_blank">' . $value['author'] . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $author_avatar = '<img src="static/image/magic/hidden.gif" alt="hidden" />';
                    $author = lang('space', 'hidden_username');
                if ($value['authorid'] == $_G['uid']) {
                    $op .= lang('space', 'wall_edit', array('cid' => $value['cid']));
                if ($value['authorid'] == $_G['uid'] || $space['self'] || checkperm('managecomment')) {
                    $op .= lang('space', 'wall_del', array('cid' => $value['cid']));
                if ($value['authorid'] != $_G['uid'] && ($value['idtype'] != 'uid' || $space['self'])) {
                    $op .= lang('space', 'wall_reply', array('cid' => $value['cid']));
                $moderate_need = $value['status'] == 1 ? lang('template', 'moderate_need') : '';
                $date = dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'u');
                $replacearr = array('author' => $author, 'author_avatar' => $author_avatar, 'moderated' => $moderate_need, 'cid' => $value['cid'], 'message' => $value['message'], 'date' => $date, 'op' => $op);
                $html .= lang('space', 'wall_li', $replacearr);
            if (!empty($walllist)) {
                $html .= lang('space', 'wall_more', array('uid' => $uid));
            $html .= '</div>';
            $html = lang('space', 'wall_form', array('uid' => $uid, 'FORMHASH' => FORMHASH)) . '<hr class="da mtm m0">' . $html;
            $titlemore = '<span class="y xw0"><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=wall">' . lang('space', 'all') . '</a></span>';
        case 'group':
            $do = $blockname;
            $view = 'groupthread';
            require_once libfile('function/group');
            $grouplist = mygrouplist($uid, 'lastupdate', array('f.name', 'ff.icon'), $shownum);
            if (empty($grouplist)) {
                $grouplist = array();
            foreach ($grouplist as $groupid => $group) {
                $group['groupid'] = $groupid;
                $html .= lang('space', 'group_li', $group);
            $html = '<ul class="ml mls cl">' . $html . '</ul>';
        case 'music':
            if (!empty($parameters['mp3list'])) {
                $authcode = substr(md5($_G['authkey'] . $uid), 6, 16);
                $view = $_G['adminid'] == 1 && $_G['setting']['allowquickviewprofile'] ? '&view=admin' : '';
                $querystring = urlencode("home.php?mod=space&uid={$uid}&do=index&op=getmusiclist&hash={$authcode}{$view}&t=" . TIMESTAMP);
                $swfurl = STATICURL . 'image/common/mp3player.swf?config=' . $querystring;
                if (empty($parameters['config']['height']) && $parameters['config']['height'] !== 0) {
                    $parameters['config']['height'] = '200px';
                } else {
                    $parameters['config']['height'] .= 'px';
                $html = "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">document.write(AC_FL_RunContent('id', 'mp3player', 'name', 'mp3player', 'devicefont', 'false', 'width', '100%', 'height', '" . $parameters['config']['height'] . "', 'src', '{$swfurl}', 'menu', 'false',  'allowScriptAccess', 'sameDomain', 'swLiveConnect', 'true', 'wmode', 'transparent'));</script>";
            } else {
                $html = lang('space', 'music_no_content');
            $html = '<div class="ml mls cl">' . $html . '</div>';
            if ($space['self']) {
                $_G['space_group'] = $_G['group'];
            } elseif (empty($_G['space_group'])) {
                $_G['space_group'] = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('common_usergroup_field') . " WHERE groupid='{$space['groupid']}'");
            require_once libfile('function/discuzcode');
            if ($_G['space_group']['allowspacediyimgcode']) {
                if (empty($_G['cache']['smilies']['loaded'])) {
                    loadcache(array('smilies', 'smileytypes'));
                    foreach ($_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'] as $skey => $smiley) {
                        $_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'][$skey] = '[img]' . $_G['siteurl'] . 'static/image/smiley/' . $_G['cache']['smileytypes'][$_G['cache']['smilies']['typearray'][$skey]]['directory'] . '/' . $smiley . '[/img]';
                    $_G['cache']['smilies']['loaded'] = 1;
                $parameters['content'] = preg_replace($_G['cache']['smilies']['searcharray'], $_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'], censor(trim($parameters['content'])));
            if ($_G['space_group']['allowspacediybbcode'] || $_G['space_group']['allowspacediyimgcode'] || $_G['space_group']['allowspacediyhtml']) {
                $parameters['content'] = discuzcode($parameters['content'], 1, 0, 1, 0, $_G['space_group']['allowspacediybbcode'], $_G['space_group']['allowspacediyimgcode'], $_G['space_group']['allowspacediyhtml']);
            } else {
                $parameters['content'] = dhtmlspecialchars($parameters['content']);
            $parameters['content'] = nl2br($parameters['content']);
            if (empty($parameters['content'])) {
                $parameters['content'] = lang('space', $blockname);
            $html .= $parameters['content'];
    if ($_G['setting']['allowviewuserthread'] === false && $blockname == 'thread') {
        $html = '';
    } else {
        if (isset($parameters['title'])) {
            if (empty($parameters['title'])) {
                $title = '';
            } else {
                $view = $view === false ? '' : ($view == '' ? '&view=me' : '&view=' . $view);
                $bnamelink = $do ? '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=' . $do . $view . '">' . stripslashes($parameters['title']) . '</a>' : stripslashes($parameters['title']);
                $title = lang('space', 'block_title', array('bname' => $bnamelink, 'more' => $titlemore));
        } else {
            $view = $view === false ? '' : ($view == '' ? '&view=me' : '&view=' . $view);
            $bnamelink = $do ? '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=' . $do . $view . '">' . getblockdata($blockname) . '</a>' : getblockdata($blockname);
            $title = lang('space', 'block_title', array('bname' => $bnamelink, 'more' => $titlemore));
        $html = $title . '<' . $contenttagname . ' id="' . $blockname . '_content" class="content' . $contentclassname . '">' . $html . '</' . $contenttagname . '>';
    return $html;
コード例 #8
 private function _userFriendSetting($res, $uid, $gid, $note)
     global $_G;
     require_once libfile('function/friend');
     require_once libfile('function/spacecp');
     require_once libfile('function/home');
     if (!checkperm('allowfriend')) {
         return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'no_privilege_addfriend');
     if ($uid == $_G['uid']) {
         return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'friend_self_error');
     if (friend_check($uid)) {
         return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'you_have_friends');
     $tospace = getuserbyuid($uid);
     if (empty($tospace)) {
         return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'space_does_not_exist');
     if (isblacklist($tospace['uid'])) {
         return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'is_blacklist');
     // $res['body']['gidInfo'] = $this->_getFriendGroupList();
     space_merge($space, 'count');
     space_merge($space, 'field_home');
     $maxfriendnum = checkperm('maxfriendnum');
     if ($maxfriendnum && $space['friends'] >= $maxfriendnum + $space['addfriend']) {
         if ($_G['magic']['friendnum']) {
             return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'enough_of_the_number_of_friends_with_magic');
         } else {
             return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'enough_of_the_number_of_friends');
     if (friend_request_check($uid)) {
         // if(submitcheck('add2submit')) {
         $_POST['gid'] = intval($gid);
         friend_add($uid, $uid);
         if (ckprivacy('friend', 'feed')) {
             require_once libfile('function/feed');
             feed_add('friend', 'feed_friend_title', array('touser' => "<a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$tospace['uid']}\">{$tospace['username']}</a>"));
         notification_add($uid, 'friend', 'friend_add');
         // showmessage('friends_add', dreferer(), array('username' => $tospace['username'], 'uid'=>$uid, 'from' => $_GET['from']), array('showdialog'=>1, 'showmsg' => true, 'closetime' => true));
         return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'friends_add', array('{username}' => $tospace['username']));
         // }
         // $op = 'add2';
         // $groupselect = empty($space['privacy']['groupname']) ? array(1 => ' checked') : array();
         // $navtitle = lang('core', 'title_friend_add');
         // include template('home/spacecp_friend');
         // exit();
     } else {
         if (C::t('home_friend_request')->count_by_uid_fuid($uid, $_G['uid'])) {
             return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'waiting_for_the_other_test');
         $_POST['gid'] = $gid;
         $_POST['note'] = censor(htmlspecialchars(cutstr($note, strtolower(CHARSET) == 'utf-8' ? 30 : 20, '')));
         friend_add($uid, $_POST['gid'], $_POST['note']);
         $note = array('uid' => $_G['uid'], 'url' => 'home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=friend&op=add&uid=' . $_G['uid'] . '&from=notice', 'from_id' => $_G['uid'], 'from_idtype' => 'friendrequest', 'note' => !empty($_POST['note']) ? lang('spacecp', 'friend_request_note', array('note' => $_POST['note'])) : '');
         notification_add($uid, 'friend', 'friend_request', $note);
         require_once libfile('function/mail');
         $values = array('username' => $tospace['username'], 'url' => getsiteurl() . 'home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=friend&amp;op=request');
         sendmail_touser($uid, lang('spacecp', 'friend_subject', $values), '', 'friend_add');
         return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'request_has_been_sent');
     return $res;
コード例 #9
function getblockhtml($blockname, $parameters = array())
    global $_G, $space;
    $parameters = empty($parameters) ? array() : $parameters;
    $list = array();
    $sql = $title = $html = $wheresql = $ordersql = $titlemore = $do = $contentclassname = '';
    $view = $from = false;
    $contenttagname = 'div';
    $shownum = 6;
    $uid = intval($space['uid']);
    $shownum = empty($parameters['shownum']) ? $shownum : intval($parameters['shownum']);
    switch ($blockname) {
        case 'personalinfo':
            $do = 'profile';
            space_merge($space, 'profile');
            require_once libfile('function/friend');
            $isfriend = friend_check($space['uid']);
            require_once libfile('function/spacecp');
            include_once libfile('function/profile');
            $profiles = array();
            $privacy = $space['privacy']['profile'] ? $space['privacy']['profile'] : array();
            foreach ($_G['cache']['profilesetting'] as $fieldid => $field) {
                if (!$field['available'] || in_array($fieldid, array('birthprovince', 'birthdist', 'birthcommunity', 'resideprovince', 'residedist', 'residecommunity'))) {
                if ($field['available'] && $field['invisible'] != '1' && strlen($space[$fieldid]) > 0 && ($field['showinthread'] || $field['showincard'] || ($space['self'] || empty($privacy[$fieldid]) || $isfriend && $privacy[$fieldid] == 1))) {
                    $val = profile_show($fieldid, $space);
                    if ($val !== false) {
                        if ($fieldid == 'realname' && $_G['uid'] != $space['uid'] && !ckrealname(1)) {
                        if ($field['formtype'] == 'file' && $val) {
                            $imgurl = getglobal('setting/attachurl') . './profile/' . $val;
                            $val = '<span><a href="' . $imgurl . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $imgurl . '"  style="max-width: 300px;" /></a></span>';
                        if ($val == '') {
                            $val = '';
                        $html .= '<li><em>' . $field['title'] . '</em>' . $val . '</li>';
            $html = $html ? $html : '<li>' . lang('space', 'block_view_profileinfo_noperm') . '</li>';
            $html = '<ul id="pprl" class="mbm pbm bbda cl">' . $html . $more . '</ul>';
            $more = lang('space', 'block_profile_all', array('uid' => $uid));
            $html = $html . $more;
            $titlemore = $space['self'] ? lang('space', 'block_profile_edit') : '';
        case 'profile':
            $do = $blockname;
            $managehtml = '';
            $avatar = empty($parameters['banavatar']) ? 'middle' : $parameters['banavatar'];
            $html .= "<div class=\"hm\"><p><a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$uid}\" target=\"_blank\">" . avatar($uid, $avatar) . '</a></p>';
            $memberfieldforum = C::t('common_member_field_forum')->fetch($space['uid']);
            $space['medals'] = $memberfieldforum['medals'];
            $usermedals = $medal_detial = $usermedalmenus = '';
            if ($space['medals']) {
                foreach ($space['medals'] = explode("\t", $space['medals']) as $key => $medalid) {
                    list($medalid, $medalexpiration) = explode("|", $medalid);
                    if (isset($_G['cache']['medals'][$medalid]) && (!$medalexpiration || $medalexpiration > TIMESTAMP)) {
                        $usermedals .= '<img src="' . STATICURL . 'image/common/' . $_G['cache']['medals'][$medalid]['image'] . '" id="md_' . $medalid . '" alt="' . $_G['cache']['medals'][$medalid]['name'] . '\'" onmouseover="showMenu({\'ctrlid\':this.id, \'menuid\':\'md_' . $medalid . '_menu\', \'pos\':\'12!\'});" />&nbsp;';
                        $usermedalmenus .= '
						<div id="md_' . $medalid . '_menu" class="tip tip_4" style="display: none;">
							<div class="tip_horn"></div>
							<div class="tip_c">
								<h4>' . $_G['cache']['medals'][$medalid]['name'] . '</h4>
								<p>' . $_G['cache']['medals'][$medalid]['description'] . '</p>
                if ($usermedals) {
                    $usermedals = '<p class="md_ctrl"><a href="home.php?mod=medal">' . $usermedals . '</a></p>' . $usermedalmenus;
            $html .= "<h2 class=\"mbn\"><a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$uid}\" target=\"_blank\">" . $space['username'] . "</a></h2>{$usermedals}";
            $html .= '</div><ul class="xl xl2 cl ul_list">';
            $magicinfo = $showmagicgift = false;
            if ($_G['setting']['magicstatus'] && $_G['setting']['magics']['gift']) {
                $showmagicgift = true;
                $magicinfo = !empty($space['magicgift']) ? dunserialize($space['magicgift']) : array();
            if (helper_access::check_module('follow')) {
                $html .= '<li class="ul_broadcast"><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_follow') . '</a></li>';
            if ($space['self']) {
                $html .= '<li class="ul_diy"><a href="home.php?mod=space&do=index&diy=yes">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_diy') . '</a></li>';
                $html .= '<li class="ul_msg"><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=wall">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_wall') . '</a></li>';
                $html .= '<li class="ul_avt"><a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=avatar">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_avatar') . '</a></li>';
                $html .= '<li class="ul_profile"><a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=profile">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_update') . '</a></li>';
                if ($showmagicgift) {
                    $html .= '<li class="ul_magicgift"><div style="' . 'background: url(' . STATICURL . 'image/magic/gift.small.gif) no-repeat 0 50%;' . '">';
                    if ($magicinfo) {
                        $html .= '<a onclick="showWindow(\'magicgift\', this.href, \'get\', 0)" href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=magic&op=retiregift">' . lang('magic/gift', 'gift_gc') . '</a>';
                    } else {
                        $html .= '<a onclick="showWindow(\'magicgift\', this.href, \'get\', 0)" href="home.php?mod=magic&mid=gift">' . lang('magic/gift', 'gift_use') . '</a>';
                    $html .= '</div></li>';
            } else {
                require_once libfile('function/friend');
                $isfriend = friend_check($uid);
                $follow = C::t('home_follow')->fetch_by_uid_followuid($_G['uid'], $uid);
                if ($follow) {
                    $html .= "<li class='ul_flw'><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=follow&op=del&fuid={$space['uid']}\" id=\"followmod\" onclick=\"showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);\">" . lang('space', 'follow_cancle_follow') . "</a></li>";
                } else {
                    $html .= "<li class='ul_flw'><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=follow&op=add&hash=" . FORMHASH . "&fuid={$space['uid']}\" id=\"followmod\" onclick=\"showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);\">" . lang('space', 'follow_follow_ta') . "</a></li>";
                if (!$isfriend) {
                    $html .= "<li class='ul_add'><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=friend&op=add&uid={$space['uid']}&handlekey=addfriendhk_{$space[uid]}\" id=\"a_friend_li_{$space[uid]}\" onclick=\"showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_friend_add') . "</a></li>";
                } else {
                    $html .= "<li class='ul_ignore'><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=friend&op=ignore&uid={$space['uid']}&handlekey=ignorefriendhk_{$space[uid]}\" id=\"a_ignore_{$space[uid]}\" onclick=\"showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_friend_ignore') . "</a></li>";
                $html .= "<li class='ul_msg'><a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$space['uid']}&do=wall\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_wall_to_me') . "</a></li>";
                $html .= "<li class='ul_poke'><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=poke&op=send&uid={$space['uid']}&handlekey=propokehk_{$space[uid]}\" id=\"a_poke_{$space[uid]}\" onclick=\"showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_poke') . "</a></li>";
                $html .= "<li class='ul_pm'><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=pm&op=showmsg&handlekey=showmsg_{$space['uid']}&touid={$space['uid']}&pmid=0&daterange=2\" id=\"a_sendpm_{$space['uid']}\" onclick=\"showWindow('showMsgBox', this.href, 'get', 0)\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_sendmessage') . "</a></li>";
            $html .= '</ul>';
            $encodeusername = rawurlencode($space['username']);
            if (checkperm('allowbanuser')) {
                $managehtml .= '<li><a href="' . ($_G['adminid'] == 1 ? "admin.php?action=members&operation=ban&username={$encodeusername}&frames=yes" : "forum.php?mod=modcp&action=member&op=ban&uid={$space['uid']}") . '" id="usermanageli" onmouseover="showMenu(this.id)" class="showmenu" target="_blank">' . lang('home/template', 'member_manage') . '</a></li>';
            } elseif (checkperm('allowedituser')) {
                $managehtml .= '<li><a href="' . ($_G['adminid'] == 1 ? "admin.php?action=members&operation=search&username={$encodeusername}&submit=yes&frames=yes" : "forum.php?mod=modcp&action=member&op=edit&uid={$space['uid']}") . '" id="usermanageli" onmouseover="showMenu(this.id)" class="showmenu" target="_blank">' . lang('home/template', 'member_manage') . '</a></li>';
            if ($_G['adminid'] == 1) {
                $managehtml .= "<li><a href=\"forum.php?mod=modcp&action=thread&op=post&do=search&searchsubmit=1&users={$encodeusername}\" id=\"umanageli\" onmouseover=\"showMenu(this.id)\" class=\"showmenu\">" . lang('home/template', 'content_manage') . "</a></li>";
            if (!empty($managehtml)) {
                $html .= '<hr class="da mtn m0" /><ul class="ptn xl xl2 cl">' . $managehtml . '</ul><ul id="usermanageli_menu" class="p_pop" style="width: 80px; display:none;">';
                if (checkperm('allowbanuser')) {
                    $html .= '<li><a href="' . ($_G['adminid'] == 1 ? "admin.php?action=members&operation=ban&username={$encodeusername}&frames=yes" : "forum.php?mod=modcp&action=member&op=ban&uid={$space['uid']}") . '" target="_blank">' . lang('home/template', 'user_ban') . '</a></li>';
                if (checkperm('allowedituser')) {
                    $html .= '<li><a href="' . ($_G['adminid'] == 1 ? "admin.php?action=members&operation=search&username={$encodeusername}&submit=yes&frames=yes" : "forum.php?mod=modcp&action=member&op=edit&uid={$space['uid']}") . '" target="_blank">' . lang('home/template', 'user_edit') . '</a></li>';
                $html .= '</ul>';
                if ($_G['adminid'] == 1) {
                    $html .= '<ul id="umanageli_menu" class="p_pop" style="width: 80px; display:none;">';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="forum.php?mod=modcp&action=thread&op=post&searchsubmit=1&do=search&users=' . $encodeusername . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_post') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=doing&searchsubmit=1&detail=1&search=true&fromumanage=1&users=' . $encodeusername . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_doing') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=blog&searchsubmit=1&detail=1&search=true&fromumanage=1&uid=' . $uid . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_blog') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=feed&searchsubmit=1&detail=1&fromumanage=1&uid=' . $uid . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_feed') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=album&searchsubmit=1&detail=1&search=true&fromumanage=1&uid=' . $uid . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_album') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=pic&searchsubmit=1&detail=1&search=true&fromumanage=1&users=' . $encodeusername . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_pic') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=comment&searchsubmit=1&detail=1&fromumanage=1&authorid=' . $uid . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_comment') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=share&searchsubmit=1&detail=1&search=true&fromumanage=1&uid=' . $uid . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_share') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=threads&operation=group&searchsubmit=1&detail=1&search=true&fromumanage=1&users=' . $encodeusername . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_group_threads') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=prune&operation=group&searchsubmit=1&detail=1&fromumanage=1&users=' . $encodeusername . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_group_prune') . '</a></li>';
                    $html .= '</ul>';
            if ($_G['setting']['magicstatus'] && $_G['setting']['magics']['gift']) {
                $info = !empty($space['magicgift']) ? dunserialize($space['magicgift']) : array();
                if ($space['self']) {
                } elseif ($info) {
                    if ($info['left'] && !in_array($_G['uid'], (array) $info['receiver'])) {
                        $percredit = min($info['percredit'], $info['left']);
                        if ($info['credittype'] == 'credits') {
                            $credittype = lang('core', 'title_credit');
                        } else {
                            $extcredits = str_replace('extcredits', '', $info['credittype']);
                            $credittype = $_G['setting']['extcredits'][$extcredits]['title'];
                        $html .= '<div id="magicreceivegift">';
                        $html .= '<a onclick="showWindow(\'magicgift\', this.href, \'get\', 0)" href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=magic&op=receivegift&uid=' . $uid . '" title="' . lang('magic/gift', 'gift_receive_gift', array('percredit' => $percredit, 'credittype' => $credittype)) . '">';
                        $html .= '<img src="' . STATICURL . 'image/magic/gift.gif" alt="gift" />';
                        $html .= '</a>';
                        $html .= '</div>';
            $html = '<div>' . $html . '</div>';
        case 'statistic':
            space_merge($space, 'count');
            $html .= '<p class="mbm xw1">';
            if (empty($parameters['banviews'])) {
                $html .= lang('space', 'space_views', array('views' => $space['views'] ? $space['views'] : '--'));
            $html .= '</p><ul class="xl xl2 cl">';
            if (empty($parameters['bancredits'])) {
                $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'credits') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=credit">' . ($space['credits'] ? $space['credits'] : '--') . "</a></li>";
                foreach ($_G['setting']['extcredits'] as $extcreditid => $extcredit) {
                    $html .= "<li>" . ($extcredit['img'] ? $extcredit['img'] . ' ' : '') . $extcredit['title'] . ': <a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=credit">' . ($space['extcredits' . $extcreditid] ? $space['extcredits' . $extcreditid] : '--') . '</a>';
            if (empty($parameters['banfriends'])) {
                $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'friends') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=friend&view=me&from=space">' . ($space['friends'] ? $space['friends'] : '--') . "</a></li>";
            if (empty($parameters['banthreads']) && $_G['setting']['allowviewuserthread'] !== -1 || $_G['adminid'] == 1) {
                $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'threads') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=thread&view=me&from=space">' . ($space['threads'] ? $space['threads'] : '--') . "</a></li>";
            if (empty($parameters['banblogs'])) {
                $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'blogs') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=blog&view=me&from=space">' . ($space['blogs'] ? $space['blogs'] : '--') . "</a></li>";
            if (empty($parameters['banalbums'])) {
                $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'albums') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=album&view=me&from=space">' . ($space['albums'] ? $space['albums'] : '--') . "</a></li>";
            if (empty($parameters['bansharings'])) {
                $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'sharings') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=share&view=me&from=space">' . ($space['sharings'] ? $space['sharings'] : '--') . "</a></li>";
            $html .= '</ul>';
            $html = '<div>' . $html . '</div>';
        case 'doing':
            $do = $blockname;
            $view = 'me';
            $from = 'space';
            if (ckprivacy('doing', 'view')) {
                $dolist = array();
                $query = C::t('home_doing')->fetch_all_by_uid_doid(array($uid), '', 'dateline', 0, $shownum, false, true);
                foreach ($query as $value) {
                    if ($value['status'] == 0 || $value['uid'] == $_G['uid']) {
                        $dolist[] = $value;
                if ($dolist) {
                    foreach ($dolist as $dv) {
                        $doid = $dv['doid'];
                        $_GET[key] = $key = random(8);
                        $html .= "<li class=\"pbn bbda\">";
                        $html .= $dv['message'];
                        $html .= "&nbsp;<a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$dv['uid']}&do=doing&view=me&from=space&doid={$dv['doid']}\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"xg1\">" . lang('space', 'block_doing_reply') . "</a>";
                        $html .= "</li>";
                } else {
                    $html .= "<p class=\"emp\">" . lang('space', 'block_doing_no_content') . ($space['self'] ? lang('space', 'block_doing_no_content_publish', $space) : '') . "</p>";
            } else {
                $html .= "<p class=\"emp\">" . lang('space', 'block_view_noperm') . "</p>";
            $html = '<ul class="xl">' . $html . '</ul>';
        case 'stickblog':
            space_merge($space, 'profile');
            $stickblogs = explode(',', $space['stickblogs']);
            if (!empty($stickblogs)) {
                $bids = array_slice($stickblogs, 0, $shownum);
                if (count($bids)) {
                    if (!isset($parameters['showmessage'])) {
                        $parameters['showmessage'] = 150;
                    $data_blog = C::t('home_blog')->fetch_all($bids);
                    if ($parameters['showmessage'] > 0) {
                        $data_blogfield = C::t('home_blogfield')->fetch_all($bids);
                    foreach ($data_blog as $curblogid => $value) {
                        if (ckfriend($value['uid'], $value['friend'], $value['target_ids'])) {
                            if ($parameters['showmessage'] > 0) {
                                $value = array_merge($value, (array) $data_blogfield[$curblogid]);
                            if ($value['pic']) {
                                $value['pic'] = pic_cover_get($value['pic'], $value['picflag']);
                            $value['message'] = $value['friend'] == 4 ? '' : getstr($value['message'], $parameters['showmessage'], 0, 0, 0, -1);
                            $html .= lang('space', 'blog_li', array('uid' => $value['uid'], 'blogid' => $value['blogid'], 'subject' => $value['subject'], 'date' => dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'Y-m-d')));
                            if (!empty($parameters['showmessage'])) {
                                if ($value['pic']) {
                                    $html .= lang('space', 'blog_li_img', array('uid' => $value['uid'], 'blogid' => $value['blogid'], 'src' => $value['pic']));
                                $html .= "<dd>{$value['message']}</dd>";
                            $html .= lang('space', 'blog_li_ext', array('uid' => $value['uid'], 'blogid' => $value['blogid'], 'viewnum' => $value['viewnum'], 'replynum' => $value['replynum']));
                            $html .= "</dl>";
                        } else {
                            $html .= '<p>' . lang('space', 'block_view_noperm') . '</p>';
            $more = $html ? '<p class="ptm" style="text-align: right;"><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=blog&view=me&from=space">' . lang('space', 'viewmore') . '</a></p>' : '';
            $contentclassname = ' xld';
            $html = $html . $more;
        case 'blog':
            $do = $blockname;
            $view = 'me';
            $from = 'space';
            if (!isset($parameters['showmessage'])) {
                $parameters['showmessage'] = 150;
            $data_blog = C::t('home_blog')->fetch_all_by_uid($uid, 'dateline', 0, $shownum);
            $blogids = array_keys($data_blog);
            $data_blogfield = C::t('home_blogfield')->fetch_all($blogids);
            foreach ($data_blog as $curblogid => $value) {
                if (ckfriend($value['uid'], $value['friend'], $value['target_ids'])) {
                    $value = array_merge($value, (array) $data_blogfield[$curblogid]);
                    if ($value['pic']) {
                        $value['pic'] = pic_cover_get($value['pic'], $value['picflag']);
                    $value['message'] = $value['friend'] == 4 ? '' : getstr($value['message'], $parameters['showmessage'], 0, 0, 0, -1);
                    $html .= lang('space', 'blog_li', array('uid' => $value['uid'], 'blogid' => $value['blogid'], 'subject' => $value['subject'], 'date' => dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'Y-m-d')));
                    if (!empty($parameters['showmessage'])) {
                        if ($value['pic']) {
                            $html .= lang('space', 'blog_li_img', array('uid' => $value['uid'], 'blogid' => $value['blogid'], 'src' => $value['pic']));
                        $html .= "<dd>{$value['message']}</dd>";
                    $html .= lang('space', 'blog_li_ext', array('uid' => $value['uid'], 'blogid' => $value['blogid'], 'viewnum' => $value['viewnum'], 'replynum' => $value['replynum']));
                    $html .= "</dl>";
                } else {
                    $html .= '<p>' . lang('space', 'block_view_noperm') . '</p>';
            if ($html) {
                $more = '<p class="ptm" style="text-align: right;"><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=blog&view=me&from=space">' . lang('space', 'viewmore') . '</a></p>';
            } else {
                $html = '<p class="emp">' . lang('space', 'block_blog_no_content') . ($space['self'] ? lang('space', 'block_blog_no_content_publish', $space) : '') . '</p>';
                $more = '';
            $contentclassname = ' xld';
            $html = $html . $more;
        case 'album':
            $do = $blockname;
            $view = 'me';
            $from = 'space';
            if (ckprivacy('album', 'view')) {
                $query = C::t('home_album')->fetch_all_by_uid($uid, 'updatetime', 0, $shownum);
                foreach ($query as $value) {
                    if (ckfriend($value['uid'], $value['friend'], $value['target_ids'])) {
                        $value['pic'] = pic_cover_get($value['pic'], $value['picflag']);
                        $html .= lang('space', 'album_li', array('albumid' => $value['albumid'], 'src' => $value['pic'], 'albumname' => $value['albumname'], 'uid' => $value['uid'], 'picnum' => $value['picnum'], 'date' => dgmdate($value['updatetime'], 'n-j')));
                if (!$html) {
                    $html = '<p class="emp">' . lang('space', 'block_album_no_content') . ($space['self'] ? lang('space', 'block_album_no_content_publish', $space) : '') . '</p>';
            } else {
                $html .= '<li>' . lang('space', 'block_view_noperm') . '</li>';
            $html = '<ul class="ml cl">' . $html . '</ul>';
        case 'feed':
            $do = 'home';
            $view = 'me';
            $from = 'space';
            if (!IS_ROBOT && ckprivacy('feed', 'view')) {
                require_once libfile('function/feed');
                $query = C::t('home_feed')->fetch_all_by_uid_dateline($uid, false, 0, $shownum);
                foreach ($query as $value) {
                    if (ckfriend($value['uid'], $value['friend'], $value['target_ids'])) {
                        $html .= mkfeedhtml(mkfeed($value));
            $contenttagname = 'ul';
            $contentclassname = ' el';
            $html = !$html ? '<p class="emp">' . lang('space', 'block_feed_no_content') . '</p>' : $html;
        case 'thread':
            $do = $blockname;
            $view = 'me';
            $from = 'space';
            if ($_G['setting']['allowviewuserthread'] !== -1) {
                $fidsql = empty($_G['setting']['allowviewuserthread']) ? '' : " AND fid IN({$_G[setting][allowviewuserthread]}) ";
                $viewfids = str_replace("'", '', $_G['setting']['allowviewuserthread']);
                if (!empty($viewfids)) {
                    $viewfids = explode(',', $viewfids);
                foreach (C::t('forum_thread')->fetch_all_by_authorid_displayorder($uid, 0, '>=', null, '', 0, $shownum) as $thread) {
                    if (!empty($viewfids) && $_G['adminid'] != 1 && !in_array($thread['fid'], $viewfids)) {
                    if ($thread['author']) {
                        $html .= "<li><a href=\"forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid={$thread['tid']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$thread['subject']}</a></li>";
            $html = !$html ? '<p class="emp">' . lang('space', 'block_thread_no_content') . ($space['self'] ? lang('space', 'block_thread_no_content_publish', $space) : '') . '</p>' : '<ul class="xl">' . $html . '</ul>';
        case 'friend':
            $do = $blockname;
            $view = 'me';
            $from = 'space';
            require_once libfile('function/friend');
            $friendlist = array();
            $friendlist = friend_list($uid, $shownum);
            $fuids = array_keys($friendlist);
            foreach ($friendlist as $key => $value) {
                $classname = $_G['ols'][$value['fuid']] ? 'gol' : '';
                $html .= '<li><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value['fuid'] . '" target="_blank" class="avt"><em class="' . $classname . '"></em>' . avatar($value['fuid'], 'small') . '</a><p><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value[fuid] . '" target="_blank">' . $value['fusername'] . '</a></p></li>';
            $html = !$html ? '<p class="emp">' . lang('space', 'block_friend_no_content') . ($space['self'] ? lang('space', 'block_friend_no_content_publish', $space) : '') . '</p>' : '<ul class="ml mls cl">' . $html . '</ul>';
        case 'visitor':
            if ($space['self']) {
                $do = 'friend';
                $view = 'visitor';
            $list = $fuids = array();
            foreach (C::t('home_visitor')->fetch_all_by_uid($uid, $shownum) as $value) {
                $list[] = $value;
                $fuids[] = $value['vuid'];
            foreach ($list as $value) {
                $html .= "<li>";
                if ($value['vusername'] == '') {
                    $html .= lang('space', 'visitor_anonymity');
                } else {
                    $html .= lang('space', 'visitor_list', array('uid' => $value['vuid'], 'username' => $value['vusername'], 'class' => $_G['ols'][$value['vuid']] ? 'gol' : '', 'avatar' => avatar($value['vuid'], 'small')));
                $html .= "<span class=\"xg2\">" . dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'u', '9999', 'Y-m-d') . "</span>";
                $html .= "</li>";
            $html = !$html ? '<p class="emp">' . lang('space', 'block_visitor_no_content') . ($space['self'] ? lang('space', 'block_visitor_no_content_publish', $space) : '') . '</p>' : '<ul class="ml mls cl">' . $html . '</ul>';
        case 'share':
            $do = $blockname;
            $view = 'me';
            $from = 'space';
            if (!IS_ROBOT && ckprivacy('share', 'view')) {
                require_once libfile('function/share');
                foreach (C::t('home_share')->fetch_all_by_uid($uid, 0, $shownum) as $value) {
                    $value = mkshare($value);
                    $html .= '<li><em><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value['uid'] . '&do=share&id=' . $value['sid'] . '">' . $value['title_template'] . '</a>(' . dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'u') . ')</em><div class="ec cl">';
                    if ($value['image']) {
                        $html .= '<a href="' . $value['image_link'] . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $value['image'] . '" class="tn" alt="" /></a>';
                    $html .= '<div class="d">' . $value['body_template'] . '</div>';
                    if ($value['type'] == 'video') {
                        if (!empty($value['body_data']['imgurl'])) {
                            $html .= '<table class="mtm" title="' . lang('space', 'click_play') . '" onclick="javascript:showFlash(\'' . $value['body_data']['host'] . '\', \'' . $value['body_data']['flashvar'] . '\', this, \'' . $value['sid'] . '\');"><tr><td class="vdtn hm" style="background: url(' . $value['body_data']['imgurl'] . ') no-repeat"><img src="' . STATICURL . '/image/common/vds.png" alt="' . lang('space', 'click_play') . '" /></td></tr></table>';
                        } else {
                            $html .= "<img src=\"" . STATICURL . "/image/common/vd.gif\" alt=\"" . lang('space', 'click_play') . "\" onclick=\"javascript:showFlash('{$value['body_data']['host']}', '{$value['body_data']['flashvar']}', this, '{$value['sid']}');\" class=\"tn\" />";
                    } elseif ($value['type'] == 'music') {
                        $html .= "<img src=\"" . STATICURL . "/image/common/music.gif\" alt=\"" . lang('space', 'click_play') . "\" onclick=\"javascript:showFlash('music', '{$value['body_data']['musicvar']}', this, '{$value['sid']}');\" class=\"tn\" />";
                    } elseif ($value['type'] == 'flash') {
                        $html .= "<img src=\"" . STATICURL . "/image/common/flash.gif\" alt=\"" . lang('space', 'click_view') . "\" onclick=\"javascript:showFlash('flash', '{$value['body_data']['flashaddr']}', this, '{$value['sid']}');\" class=\"tn\" />";
                    if ($value['body_general']) {
                        $html .= '<div class="quote' . ($value['image'] ? 'z' : '') . "\"><blockquote>{$value['body_general']}</blockquote></div>";
                    $html .= '</div></li>';
                $html = !$html ? '<p class="emp">' . lang('space', 'block_share_no_content') . '</p>' : '<ul class="el">' . $html . '</ul>';
        case 'wall':
            $do = $blockname;
            $walllist = array();
            if (ckprivacy('wall', 'view')) {
                $query = C::t('home_comment')->fetch_all_by_id_idtype($uid, 'uid', 0, $shownum, '', 'DESC');
                foreach ($query as $value) {
                    $value['message'] = strlen($value['message']) > 500 ? getstr($value['message'], 500, 0, 0, 0, -1) . ' ...' : $value['message'];
                    if ($value['status'] == 0 || $value['authorid'] == $_G['uid']) {
                        $walllist[] = $value;
            foreach ($walllist as $key => $value) {
                $op = '';
                if ($value['author']) {
                    $author_avatar = '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value['authorid'] . '" target="_blank">' . avatar($value['authorid'], 'small') . '</a>';
                    $author = '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value['authorid'] . '" id="author_' . $value['cid'] . '" target="_blank">' . $value['author'] . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $author_avatar = '<img src="static/image/magic/hidden.gif" alt="hidden" />';
                    $author = $_G['setting']['anonymoustext'];
                if ($value['authorid'] == $_G['uid']) {
                    $op .= lang('space', 'wall_edit', array('cid' => $value['cid']));
                if ($value['authorid'] == $_G['uid'] || $space['self'] || checkperm('managecomment')) {
                    $op .= lang('space', 'wall_del', array('cid' => $value['cid']));
                if ($value['authorid'] != $_G['uid'] && ($value['idtype'] != 'uid' || $space['self'])) {
                    $op .= lang('space', 'wall_reply', array('cid' => $value['cid']));
                $moderate_need = $value['status'] == 1 ? lang('template', 'moderate_need') : '';
                $date = dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'u');
                $replacearr = array('author' => $author, 'author_avatar' => $author_avatar, 'moderated' => $moderate_need, 'cid' => $value['cid'], 'message' => $value['message'], 'date' => $date, 'op' => $op);
                $html .= lang('space', 'wall_li', $replacearr);
            $html = !empty($walllist) ? $html . lang('space', 'wall_more', array('uid' => $uid)) : '<p class="emp">' . lang('space', 'block_wall_no_content') . '</p>';
            $html = '<div class="xld xlda el" id="comment_ul">' . $html . '</div>';
            if (helper_access::check_module('wall')) {
                $html = lang('space', 'wall_form', array('uid' => $uid, 'FORMHASH' => FORMHASH)) . '<hr class="da mtm m0">' . $html;
            $titlemore = '<span class="y xw0"><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=wall">' . lang('space', 'all') . '</a></span>';
        case 'group':
            require_once libfile('function/group');
            $grouplist = mygrouplist($uid, 'lastupdate', array('f.name', 'ff.icon'), $shownum);
            if (empty($grouplist)) {
                $grouplist = array();
            foreach ($grouplist as $groupid => $group) {
                $group['groupid'] = $groupid;
                $html .= lang('space', 'group_li', $group);
            $html = !$html ? '<p class="emp">' . lang('space', 'block_group_no_content') . ($space['self'] ? lang('space', $_G['group']['allowbuildgroup'] ? 'block_group_no_content_publish' : 'block_group_no_content_join', $space) : '') . '</p>' : '<ul class="ml mls cl">' . $html . '</ul>';
        case 'music':
            if (!empty($parameters['mp3list'])) {
                $authcode = substr(md5($_G['authkey'] . $uid), 6, 16);
                $view = $_G['adminid'] == 1 && $_G['setting']['allowquickviewprofile'] ? '&view=admin' : '';
                $querystring = urlencode("home.php?mod=space&uid={$uid}&do=index&op=getmusiclist&hash={$authcode}{$view}&t=" . TIMESTAMP);
                $swfurl = STATICURL . 'image/common/mp3player.swf?config=' . $querystring;
                if (empty($parameters['config']['height']) && $parameters['config']['height'] !== 0) {
                    $parameters['config']['height'] = '200px';
                } else {
                    $parameters['config']['height'] .= 'px';
                $html = "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">document.write(AC_FL_RunContent('id', 'mp3player', 'name', 'mp3player', 'devicefont', 'false', 'width', '100%', 'height', '" . $parameters['config']['height'] . "', 'src', '{$swfurl}', 'menu', 'false',  'allowScriptAccess', 'sameDomain', 'swLiveConnect', 'true', 'wmode', 'transparent'));</script>";
            } else {
                $html = lang('space', 'music_no_content');
            $html = '<div class="ml mls cl">' . $html . '</div>';
        case 'myapp':
            $html = '';
            $listclass = 'ptm ml mls cl';
            $userapps = C::t('home_userapp')->fetch_all_by_uid_appid($uid, 0, 'menuorder', 'DESC', 0, $shownum);
            $appids = array();
            foreach ($userapps as $app) {
                $appids[$app['appid']] = $app['appid'];
            if (!empty($appids)) {
                $myapps = C::t('common_myapp')->fetch_all($appids);
            foreach ($userapps as $value) {
                $value['iconstatus'] = $myapps[$value['appid']]['iconstatus'];
                if (!empty($value['appname'])) {
                    $replace = array('appid' => $value['appid'], 'appname' => $value['appname']);
                    $parameters['logotype'] = !empty($parameters['logotype']) && in_array($parameters['logotype'], array('icon', 'logo')) ? $parameters['logotype'] : 'logo';
                    if ($parameters['logotype'] == 'icon') {
                        $listclass = 'xl xl1 cl';
                        $replace['icon'] = getmyappiconpath($value['appid'], $value['iconstatus']);
                    $html .= lang('space', 'myapp_li_' . $parameters['logotype'], $replace);
            $html = !$html ? '<p class="emp">' . lang('space', 'block_myapp_no_content') . ($space['self'] ? lang('space', 'block_myapp_no_content_publish', $space) : '') . '</p>' : '<ul class="' . $listclass . '">' . $html . '</ul>';
        case 'block1':
        case 'block2':
        case 'block3':
        case 'block4':
        case 'block5':
            if ($space['self']) {
                $_G['space_group'] = $_G['group'];
            } elseif (empty($_G['space_group'])) {
                $_G['space_group'] = C::t('common_usergroup_field')->fetch($space['groupid']);
            require_once libfile('function/discuzcode');
            if ($_G['space_group']['allowspacediyimgcode']) {
                if (empty($_G['cache']['smilies']['loaded'])) {
                    loadcache(array('smilies', 'smileytypes'));
                    foreach ($_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'] as $skey => $smiley) {
                        $_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'][$skey] = '[img]' . $_G['siteurl'] . 'static/image/smiley/' . $_G['cache']['smileytypes'][$_G['cache']['smilies']['typearray'][$skey]]['directory'] . '/' . $smiley . '[/img]';
                    $_G['cache']['smilies']['loaded'] = 1;
                $parameters['content'] = preg_replace($_G['cache']['smilies']['searcharray'], $_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'], trim($parameters['content']));
            if ($_G['space_group']['allowspacediybbcode'] || $_G['space_group']['allowspacediyimgcode'] || $_G['space_group']['allowspacediyhtml']) {
                $parameters['content'] = discuzcode($parameters['content'], 1, 0, 1, 0, $_G['space_group']['allowspacediybbcode'], $_G['space_group']['allowspacediyimgcode'], $_G['space_group']['allowspacediyhtml']);
            } else {
                $parameters['content'] = dhtmlspecialchars($parameters['content']);
            $parameters['content'] = nl2br($parameters['content']);
            if (empty($parameters['content'])) {
                $parameters['content'] = lang('space', $blockname);
            $html .= $parameters['content'];
            return false;
    if (isset($parameters['title'])) {
        if (empty($parameters['title'])) {
            $title = '';
        } else {
            $view = $view === false ? '' : '&view=' . $view;
            $from = $from === false ? '' : '&from=' . $from;
            $bnamelink = $do ? '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=' . $do . $view . $from . '">' . $parameters['title'] . '</a>' : $parameters['title'];
            $title = lang('space', 'block_title', array('bname' => $bnamelink, 'more' => $titlemore));
    } else {
        $view = $view === false ? '' : '&view=' . $view;
        $from = $from === false ? '' : '&from=' . $from;
        $bnamelink = $do ? '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=' . $do . $view . $from . '">' . getblockdata($blockname) . '</a>' : getblockdata($blockname);
        $title = lang('space', 'block_title', array('bname' => $bnamelink, 'more' => $titlemore));
    $html = $title . '<' . $contenttagname . ' id="' . $blockname . '_content" class="dxb_bc' . $contentclassname . '">' . $html . '</' . $contenttagname . '>';
    return $html;
コード例 #10
ファイル: spacecp_pm.php プロジェクト: MCHacker/discuz-docker
} elseif ($_GET['op'] == 'appendmember') {
    $memberusername = trim($_GET['memberusername']);
    $members = array();
    if ($memberusername) {
        $members = C::t('common_member')->fetch_all_by_username(explode(',', $memberusername));
    if (empty($members)) {
    if (submitcheck('pmappendmembersubmit')) {
        include_once libfile('function/friend');
        $returns = array();
        foreach ($members as $member) {
            $member['onlyacceptfriendpm'] = $member['onlyacceptfriendpm'] ? $member['onlyacceptfriendpm'] : ($_G['setting']['onlyacceptfriendpm'] ? 1 : 2);
            if ($_G['group']['allowsendallpm'] || $member['onlyacceptfriendpm'] == 2 || $member['onlyacceptfriendpm'] == 1 && friend_check($member['uid'])) {
                $return = uc_pm_appendchatpm($plid, $_G['uid'], $member['uid']);
                $returns[] = array('uid' => $member['uid'], 'username' => $member['username'], 'return' => $return);
            } else {
                $returns[] = array('uid' => $member['uid'], 'username' => $member['username'], 'return' => 0);
        $cannotappend = array();
        foreach ($returns as $value) {
            if ($value['return'] < 0) {
                $cannotappend[] = $value['username'] . '(' . lang('spacecp', 'message_can_not_send_' . abs($value['return'])) . ')';
            } elseif ($value['return'] == 0) {
                $cannotappend[] = $value['username'] . '(' . lang('spacecp', 'message_can_not_send_onlyfriend') . ')';
        if (empty($cannotappend)) {
コード例 #11
function getblockhtml($blockname, $parameters = array())
    global $_G, $space;
    $parameters = empty($parameters) ? array() : $parameters;
    $list = array();
    $sql = $title = $html = $wheresql = $ordersql = '';
    $shownum = 6;
    $uid = intval($space['uid']);
    $shownum = empty($parameters['shownum']) ? $shownum : intval($parameters['shownum']);
    switch ($blockname) {
        case 'profile':
            $html .= '<div class="avt avtm">' . avatar($space['uid'], 'middle');
            $html .= '<h2>' . $space['username'] . '</h2>';
            $html .= '</div><ul class="xl xl2 cl">';
            if ($space['self']) {
                $html .= '<li><a href="home.php?mod=space&diy=yes">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_diy') . '</a></li>';
                $html .= '<li><a href="home.php?mod=space&do=wall">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_wall') . '</a></li>';
                $html .= '<li><a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=avatar">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_avatar') . '</a></li>';
                $html .= '<li><a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=profile">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_update') . '</a></li>';
            } else {
                require_once libfile('function/friend');
                $isfriend = friend_check($space['uid']);
                if (!$isfriend) {
                    $html .= "<li><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=friend&op=add&uid={$space['uid']}&handlekey=addfriendhk_{$space[uid]}\" id=\"a_friend_li_{$space[uid]}\" onclick=\"showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_friend_add') . "</a></li>";
                } else {
                    $html .= "<li><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=friend&op=ignore&uid={$space['uid']}&handlekey=ignorefriendhk_{$space[uid]}\" id=\"a_ignore_{$space[uid]}\" onclick=\"showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_friend_ignore') . "</a></li>";
                $html .= "<li><a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$space['uid']}&do=wall\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_wall_to_me') . "</a></li>";
                $html .= "<li><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=poke&op=send&uid={$space['uid']}&handlekey=propokehk_{$space[uid]}\" id=\"a_poke_{$space[uid]}\" onclick=\"showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_poke') . "</a></li>";
                $html .= "<li><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=pm&op=showmsg&handlekey=showmsg_{$space['uid']}&touid={$space['uid']}&pmid=0&daterange=2\" id=\"a_sendpm_{$space['uid']}\" onclick=\"showWindow('showMsgBox', this.href, 'get', 0)\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_sendmessage') . "</a></li>";
            $html .= '</ul>';
            $html = '<div class="content"><div id="pcd">' . $html . '</div></div>';
        case 'doing':
            $dolist = array();
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_doing') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}";
            $query = DB::query($sql);
            while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
                $dolist[] = $value;
            if ($dolist) {
                foreach ($dolist as $dv) {
                    $doid = $dv['doid'];
                    $_G[gp_key] = $key = random(8);
                    $html .= "<li class=\"pbn bbda\">";
                    $html .= $dv['message'];
                    $html .= "&nbsp;<a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$dv['uid']}&do=doing&view=me&from=space&doid={$dv['doid']}\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"xg1\">" . lang('space', 'block_doing_reply') . "</a>";
                    $html .= "</li>";
            } else {
                $html .= "<p class=\"emp\">" . lang('space', 'block_doing_no_content') . "</p>";
            $html = '<div class="content"><ul class="xl">' . $html . '</ul></div>';
        case 'blog':
            $query = DB::query("SELECT bf.*, b.* FROM " . DB::table('home_blog') . " b\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('home_blogfield') . " bf ON bf.blogid=b.blogid\n\t\t\t\tWHERE b.uid='{$uid}'\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY b.dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}");
            while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
                if (ckfriend($value['uid'], $value['friend'], $value['target_ids'])) {
                    if ($value['pic']) {
                        $value['pic'] = pic_cover_get($value['pic'], $value['picflag']);
                    $value['message'] = $value['friend'] == 4 ? '' : getstr($value['message'], 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1);
                    $html .= lang('space', 'blog_li', array('uid' => $value['uid'], 'blogid' => $value['blogid'], 'subject' => $value['subject'], 'date' => dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'Y-m-d')));
                    if ($parameters['showmessage']) {
                        if ($value['pic']) {
                            $html .= lang('space', 'blog_li_img', array('uid' => $value['uid'], 'blogid' => $value['blogid'], 'src' => $value['pic']));
                        $html .= "<dd>{$value['message']}</dd>";
                    $html .= lang('space', 'blog_li_ext', array('uid' => $value['uid'], 'blogid' => $value['blogid'], 'viewnum' => $value['viewnum'], 'replynum' => $value['replynum']));
                    $html .= "</dl>";
                } else {
                    $html .= '<p>' . lang('space', 'block_view_noperm') . '</p>';
            $more = $html ? '<p class="ptm" style="text-align: right;"><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $space['uid'] . '&do=blog&view=me&from=space">' . lang('space', 'viewmore') . '</a></p>' : '';
            $html = '<div class="content xld">' . $html . $more . '</div>';
        case 'album':
            if (ckprivacy('album', 'view')) {
                $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_album') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY updatetime DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}");
                while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
                    if (ckfriend($value['uid'], $value['friend'], $value['target_ids'])) {
                        $value['pic'] = pic_cover_get($value['pic'], $value['picflag']);
                        $html .= lang('space', 'album_li', array('albumid' => $value['albumid'], 'src' => $value['pic'], 'albumname' => $value['albumname'], 'uid' => $value['uid'], 'picnum' => $value['picnum'], 'date' => dgmdate($value['updatetime'], 'n-j')));
            } else {
                $html .= '<li>' . lang('space', 'block_view_noperm') . '</li>';
            $html = '<div class="content"><ul class="ml mla cl">' . $html . '</ul></div>';
        case 'feed':
            if (ckprivacy('feed', 'view')) {
                require_once libfile('function/feed');
                $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_feed') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}");
                while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
                    if (ckfriend($value['uid'], $value['friend'], $value['target_ids'])) {
                        $html .= mkfeedhtml(mkfeed($value));
            $html = empty($html) ? '' : '<ul class="content el">' . $html . '</ul>';
        case 'thread':
            if ($_G['setting']['allowviewuserthread']) {
                $fidsql = " AND fid IN({$_G[setting][allowviewuserthread]}) ";
            } else {
                $fidsql = '';
            $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE authorid='{$uid}' {$fidsql} ORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}");
            while ($thread = DB::fetch($query)) {
                if ($thread['author']) {
                    $html .= "<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid={$thread['tid']}\">{$thread['subject']}</a></li>";
            $html = empty($html) ? '' : '<div class="content cl"><ul class="xl">' . $html . '</ul></div>';
        case 'friend':
            require_once libfile('function/friend');
            $friendlist = array();
            $friendlist = friend_list($uid, $shownum);
            $fuids = array_keys($friendlist);
            foreach ($friendlist as $key => $value) {
                $classname = $_G['ols'][$value['fuid']] ? 'gol' : '';
                $html .= '<li><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value['fuid'] . '" target="_blank"><em class="' . $classname . '"></em>' . avatar($value['fuid'], 'small') . '</a><p><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value[fuid] . '" target="_blank">' . $value['fusername'] . '</a></p></li>';
            $html = '<div class="content"><ul class="ml mls cl">' . $html . '</ul></div>';
        case 'visitor':
            $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_visitor') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}");
            $list = $fuids = array();
            while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
                $list[] = $value;
                $fuids[] = $value['vuid'];
            foreach ($list as $value) {
                $html .= "<li>";
                if ($value['vusername'] == '') {
                    $html .= lang('space', 'visitor_anonymity');
                } else {
                    $html .= lang('space', 'visitor_list', array('uid' => $value['vuid'], 'username' => $value['vusername'], 'class' => $_G['ols'][$value['vuid']] ? 'gol' : '', 'avatar' => avatar($value['vuid'], 'small')));
                $html .= "<span class=\"xg2\">" . dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'u') . "</span>";
                $html .= "</li>";
            $html = '<div class="content"><ul class="ml mls cl">' . $html . '</ul></div>';
        case 'share':
            if (ckprivacy('share', 'view')) {
                require_once libfile('function/share');
                $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_share') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}");
                while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
                    $value = mkshare($value);
                    $html .= '<li><em>' . $value['title_template'] . '(' . dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'u') . ')</em><div class="ec cl">';
                    if ($value['image']) {
                        $html .= '<a href="' . $value['image_link'] . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $value['image'] . '" class="tn" alt="" /></a>';
                    $html .= '<div class="d">' . $value['body_template'] . '</div>';
                    if ($value['type'] == 'video') {
                        if (!empty($value['body_data']['imgurl'])) {
                            $html .= '<table class="mtm" title="' . lang('space', 'click_play') . '" onclick="javascript:showFlash(\'' . $value['body_data']['host'] . '\', \'' . $value['body_data']['flashvar'] . '\', this, \'' . $value['sid'] . '\');"><tr><td class="vdtn hm" style="background: url(' . $value['body_data']['imgurl'] . ') no-repeat"><img src="' . IMGDIR . '/vds.png" alt="' . lang('space', 'click_play') . '" /></td></tr></table>';
                        } else {
                            $html .= "<img src=\"" . IMGDIR . "/vd.gif\" alt=\"" . lang('space', 'click_play') . "\" onclick=\"javascript:showFlash('{$value['body_data']['host']}', '{$value['body_data']['flashvar']}', this, '{$value['sid']}');\" class=\"tn\" />";
                    } elseif ($value['type'] == 'music') {
                        $html .= "<img src=\"" . IMGDIR . "/music.gif\" alt=\"" . lang('space', 'click_play') . "\" onclick=\"javascript:showFlash('music', '{$value['body_data']['musicvar']}', this, '{$value['sid']}');\" class=\"tn\" />";
                    } elseif ($value['type'] == 'flash') {
                        $html .= "<img src=\"" . IMGDIR . "/flash.gif\" alt=\"" . lang('space', 'click_view') . "\" onclick=\"javascript:showFlash('flash', '{$value['body_data']['flashaddr']}', this, '{$value['sid']}');\" class=\"tn\" />";
                    if ($value['body_general']) {
                        $html .= '<div class="quote' . ($value['image'] ? 'z' : '') . "\"><blockquote>{$value['body_general']}</blockquote></div>";
                    $html .= '</div></li>';
                $html = '<div class="content"><ul class="el">' . $html . '</ul></div>';
        case 'wall':
            $walllist = array();
            if (ckprivacy('wall', 'view')) {
                $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_comment') . " WHERE id='{$uid}' AND idtype='uid' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}");
                while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
                    $value['message'] = strlen($value['message']) > 500 ? getstr($value['message'], 500, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1) . ' ...' : $value['message'];
                    $walllist[] = $value;
            $html = '<div class="xld xlda" id="comment_ul">';
            foreach ($walllist as $key => $value) {
                $op = '';
                if ($value['author']) {
                    $author_avatar = '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value['authorid'] . '" target="_blank">' . avatar($value['authorid'], 'small') . '</a>';
                    $author = '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value['authorid'] . '" id="author_' . $value['cid'] . '" target="_blank">' . $value['author'] . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $author_avatar = '<img src="static/image/magic/hidden.gif" alt="hidden" />';
                    $author = lang('space', 'hidden_username');
                if ($value['authorid'] == $_G['uid']) {
                    $op .= lang('space', 'wall_edit', array('cid' => $value['cid']));
                if ($value['authorid'] == $_G['uid'] || $space['self'] || checkperm('managecomment')) {
                    $op .= lang('space', 'wall_del', array('cid' => $value['cid']));
                if ($value['authorid'] != $_G['uid'] && ($value['idtype'] != 'uid' || $space['self'])) {
                    $op .= lang('space', 'wall_reply', array('cid' => $value['cid']));
                $date = dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'u');
                $replacearr = array('author' => $author, 'author_avatar' => $author_avatar, 'cid' => $value['cid'], 'message' => $value['message'], 'date' => $date, 'op' => $op);
                $html .= lang('space', 'wall_li', $replacearr);
            $html .= '</div>';
            $html = '<div class="content">' . lang('space', 'wall_form', array('uid' => $uid, 'FORMHASH' => FORMHASH)) . $html . '</div>';
        case 'group':
            require_once libfile('function/group');
            $grouplist = mygrouplist($uid, 'lastupdate', array('f.name', 'ff.icon'), $shownum);
            if (empty($grouplist)) {
                $grouplist = array();
            foreach ($grouplist as $groupid => $group) {
                $group['groupid'] = $groupid;
                $html .= lang('space', 'group_li', $group);
            $html = '<div class="content"><ul class="ml mls cl">' . $html . '</ul></div>';
        case 'music':
            if (!empty($parameters['mp3list'])) {
                $authcode = substr(md5($_G['authkey'] . $uid), 6, 16);
                $querystring = urlencode("home.php?mod=space&do=index&op=getmusiclist&uid={$uid}&hash={$authcode}&t=" . TIMESTAMP);
                $swfurl = STATICURL . 'image/common/mp3player.swf?config=' . $querystring;
                $html = "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">document.write(AC_FL_RunContent('id', 'mp3player', 'name', 'mp3player', 'devicefont', 'false', 'width', '100%', 'height', '220px', 'src', '{$swfurl}', 'menu', 'false',  'allowScriptAccess', 'sameDomain', 'swLiveConnect', 'true', 'wmode', 'transparent'));</script>";
            } else {
                $html = lang('space', 'music_no_content');
            $html = '<div class="content"><div class="ml mls cl">' . $html . '</div></div>';
            if ($space['self']) {
                $_G['space_group'] = $_G['group'];
            } elseif (empty($_G['space_group'])) {
                $_G['space_group'] = db::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . db::table('common_usergroup_field') . " WHERE groupid='{$space['groupid']}'");
            require_once libfile('function/discuzcode');
            if ($_G['space_group']['allowspacediyimgcode']) {
                if (empty($_G['cache']['smilies']['loaded'])) {
                    loadcache(array('smilies', 'smileytypes'));
                    foreach ($_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'] as $skey => $smiley) {
                        $_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'][$skey] = '[img]' . $_G['siteurl'] . 'static/image/smiley/' . $_G['cache']['smileytypes'][$_G['cache']['smilies']['typearray'][$skey]]['directory'] . '/' . $smiley . '[/img]';
                    $_G['cache']['smilies']['loaded'] = 1;
                $parameters['content'] = preg_replace($_G['cache']['smilies']['searcharray'], $_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'], censor(trim($parameters['content'])));
            if ($_G['space_group']['allowspacediybbcode'] || $_G['space_group']['allowspacediyimgcode'] || $_G['space_group']['allowspacediyhtml']) {
                $parameters['content'] = discuzcode($parameters['content'], 1, 0, 1, 0, $_G['space_group']['allowspacediybbcode'], $_G['space_group']['allowspacediyimgcode'], $_G['space_group']['allowspacediyhtml'], 0, 1);
            } else {
                $parameters['content'] = dhtmlspecialchars($parameters['content']);
            if (empty($parameters['content'])) {
                $parameters['content'] = lang('space', $blockname);
            $html .= '<div class="content">' . $parameters['content'] . '</div>';
    if (isset($parameters['title'])) {
        $title = empty($parameters['title']) ? '' : lang('space', 'block_title', array('bname' => stripslashes($parameters['title'])));
    } else {
        $title = lang('space', 'block_title', array('bname' => getblockdata($blockname)));
    $html = $title . $html;
    return $html;
コード例 #12
ファイル: UserAdminViewAction.php プロジェクト: caidongyun/CS
 private function _adminUser($act, $uid)
     global $_G;
     $errorMsg = '';
     require_once libfile('function/spacecp');
     require_once libfile('function/home');
     require_once libfile('function/friend');
     if (friend_request_check($uid) && $act == 'add') {
         $act = 'add2';
     if ($act == 'add' || $act == 'add2') {
         if ($uid == $_G['uid']) {
             $list = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'friend_self_error');
         if (friend_check($uid)) {
             $list = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'you_have_friends');
         $tospace = getuserbyuid($uid);
         if (empty($tospace)) {
             $list = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'space_does_not_exist');
         if (isblacklist($tospace['uid'])) {
             $list = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'is_blacklist');
         space_merge($space, 'count');
         space_merge($space, 'field_home');
         $maxfriendnum = checkperm('maxfriendnum');
         if ($maxfriendnum && $space['friends'] >= $maxfriendnum + $space['addfriend']) {
             if ($_G['magic']['friendnum']) {
                 $list = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'enough_of_the_number_of_friends_with_magic');
             } else {
                 $list = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'enough_of_the_number_of_friends');
         if ($act == 'add') {
             if (!checkperm('allowfriend')) {
                 $list = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'no_privilege_addfriend');
             if (C::t('home_friend_request')->count_by_uid_fuid($uid, $_G['uid'])) {
                 $list = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'waiting_for_the_other_test');
     require_once libfile('function/friend');
     require_once libfile('function/spacecp');
     if (!empty($_POST)) {
         switch ($act) {
             case 'add':
                 $note = $_GET['note'];
                 if (!friend_request_check($uid)) {
                     $_POST['gid'] = $gid;
                     $_POST['note'] = censor(htmlspecialchars(cutstr($note, strtolower(CHARSET) == 'utf-8' ? 30 : 20, '')));
                     friend_add($uid, $_POST['gid'], $_POST['note']);
                     $note = array('uid' => $_G['uid'], 'url' => 'home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=friend&op=add&uid=' . $_G['uid'] . '&from=notice', 'from_id' => $_G['uid'], 'from_idtype' => 'friendrequest', 'note' => !empty($_POST['note']) ? lang('spacecp', 'friend_request_note', array('note' => $_POST['note'])) : '');
                     notification_add($uid, 'friend', 'friend_request', $note);
                     // ios push
                     UserUtils::pushIOSMessage($uid, 'friend', $_G['username'] . WebUtils::t(' 请求加您为好友') . $note['note']);
                     require_once libfile('function/mail');
                     $values = array('username' => $tospace['username'], 'url' => getsiteurl() . 'home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=friend&amp;op=request');
                     sendmail_touser($uid, lang('spacecp', 'friend_subject', $values), '', 'friend_add');
                     $list = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'request_has_been_sent');
             case 'add2':
                 global $_G;
                 require_once libfile('function/home');
                 $_POST['gid'] = intval($gid);
                 friend_add($uid, $uid);
                 if (ckprivacy('friend', 'feed')) {
                     require_once libfile('function/feed');
                     feed_add('friend', 'feed_friend_title', array('touser' => "<a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$tospace['uid']}\">{$tospace['username']}</a>"));
                 notification_add($uid, 'friend', 'friend_add');
                 // showmessage('friends_add', dreferer(), array('username' => $tospace['username'], 'uid'=>$uid, 'from' => $_GET['from']), array('showdialog'=>1, 'showmsg' => true, 'closetime' => true));
                 $list = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'friends_add', array('{username}' => $tospace['username']));
             case 'ignore':
                 global $_G;
                 require_once libfile('function/friend');
                 $params['noError'] = 1;
                 $list = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'do_success', $params);
             case 'shield':
                 global $_G, $space;
                 // $type = empty($_GET['type'])?'':preg_replace("/[^0-9a-zA-Z\_\-\.]/", '', $_GET['type']);
                 // if(submitcheck('ignoresubmit')) {
                 $authorid = empty($_POST['authorid']) ? 0 : intval($_POST['authorid']);
                 $type = 'friend';
                 if ($type) {
                     $type_uid = $type . '|' . $authorid;
                     if (empty($space['privacy']['filter_note']) || !is_array($space['privacy']['filter_note'])) {
                         $space['privacy']['filter_note'] = array();
                     $space['privacy']['filter_note'][$type_uid] = $type_uid;
                 // showmessage('do_success', dreferer(), array(), array('showdialog'=>1, 'showmsg' => true, 'closetime' => true));
                 // }
                 $formid = random(8);
                 $errorMsg = '错误的动作参数';
     } else {
         if ($act == 'add') {
             require_once libfile('function/friend');
             $groups = $this->_getFriendGroupList();
             $tospace = getuserbyuid($uid);
         } elseif ($act == 'add2') {
             require_once libfile('function/friend');
             $groups = $this->_getFriendGroupList();
             $tospace = $this->_getFriendUserByUid($uid);
     $this->getController()->renderPartial('userAdmin', array('formUrl' => WebUtils::createUrl_oldVersion('user/useradminview', array('uid' => $uid, 'act' => $act, 'type' => $type)), 'errorMsg' => $errorMsg, 'action' => $act, '_G' => $_G, 'groups' => $groups, 'tospace' => $tospace));
コード例 #13
function friend_delete($touid)
    global $_G;
    if (!friend_check($touid)) {
        return false;
    C::t('home_friend')->delete_by_uid_fuid_dual($_G['uid'], $touid);
    if (DB::affected_rows()) {
        addfriendlog($_G['uid'], $touid, 'delete');
コード例 #14
                $value['uid'] = $value['fuid'];
                $value['username'] = daddslashes($value['fusername']);
                $friends[] = $value;
        $friendgrouplist = friend_group_list();
        include template('forum/collection_invite');
    } else {
        $invitememberuids = array();
        if (is_array($_GET['users'])) {
            $invitememberuids = C::t('common_member')->fetch_all_uid_by_username($_GET['users']);
        if (!$invitememberuids) {
        if (!friend_check($invitememberuids) || in_array($_G['uid'], $invitememberuids)) {
        $collectionteamworker = array_keys($collectionteamworker);
        if (in_array($invitememberuids, $collectionteamworker)) {
        foreach ($invitememberuids as $invitememberuid) {
            $data = array('ctid' => $ctid, 'uid' => $invitememberuid, 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp']);
            C::t('forum_collectioninvite')->insert($data, false, true);
            notification_add($invitememberuid, "system", 'invite_collection', array('ctid' => $_G['collection']['ctid'], 'collectionname' => $_G['collection']['name'], 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp']), 1);
        showmessage('collection_invite_succ', 'forum.php?mod=collection&action=view&ctid=' . $ctid, array(), array('alert' => 'right', 'closetime' => true, 'showdialog' => 1));
} elseif ($op == 'acceptinvite') {
    if (!submitcheck('ctid', 1)) {
コード例 #15
ファイル: space_friend.php プロジェクト: tang86/discuz-utf8
            $maxfriendnum = checkperm('maxfriendnum') + $space['addfriend'];
if ($fuids) {
    foreach (C::app()->session->fetch_all_by_uid($fuids) as $value) {
        if (!$value['invisible']) {
            $ols[$value['uid']] = $value['lastactivity'];
        } elseif ($list[$value['uid']] && !in_array($_GET['view'], array('me', 'trace', 'blacklist'))) {
            $count = $count - 1;
    if ($_GET['view'] != 'me') {
        require_once libfile('function/friend');
    if ($list) {
        $fieldhome = C::t('common_member_field_home')->fetch_all($fuids);
        foreach (C::t('common_member')->fetch_all($fuids) as $uid => $value) {
            $value = array_merge($value, $fieldhome[$uid]);
            $value['isfriend'] = $uid == $space['uid'] || $_G["home_friend_" . $space['uid'] . '_' . $uid] ? 1 : 0;
            if (empty($list[$uid])) {
                $list[$uid] = array();
            $list[$uid] = array_merge($list[$uid], $value);
if ($list) {
    $list = getfollowflag($list);
コード例 #16
ファイル: space_profile.php プロジェクト: v998/discuzx-en
$space['sellerrank'] = 0;
if ($space['sellercredit']) {
    foreach ($_G['setting']['ec_credit']['rank'] as $level => $credit) {
        if ($space['sellercredit'] <= $credit) {
            $space['sellerrank'] = $level;
$space['attachsize'] = formatsize($space['attachsize']);
$space['timeoffset'] = empty($space['timeoffset']) ? '9999' : $space['timeoffset'];
if (strtotime($space['regdate']) + $space['oltime'] * 3600 > TIMESTAMP) {
    $space['oltime'] = 0;
require_once libfile('function/friend');
$isfriend = friend_check($space['uid'], 1);
include_once libfile('function/profile');
$profiles = array();
$privacy = $space['privacy']['profile'] ? $space['privacy']['profile'] : array();
if ($_G['setting']['verify']['enabled']) {
    space_merge($space, 'verify');
foreach ($_G['cache']['profilesetting'] as $fieldid => $field) {
    if (!$field['available'] || in_array($fieldid, array('birthprovince', 'birthdist', 'birthcommunity', 'resideprovince', 'residedist', 'residecommunity'))) {
    if ($field['available'] && strlen($space[$fieldid]) > 0 && ($field['showinthread'] || $field['showincard'] || ($space['self'] || empty($privacy[$fieldid]) || $isfriend && $privacy[$fieldid] == 1)) && (!$_G['inajax'] && $field['invisible'] != '1' || $_G['inajax'] && $field['showincard'])) {
        $val = profile_show($fieldid, $space);
        if ($val !== false) {
            if ($fieldid == 'realname' && $_G['uid'] != $space['uid'] && !ckrealname(1)) {
コード例 #17
ファイル: PMAdminAction.php プロジェクト: caidongyun/CS
 private function _pmSend($res, $data)
     global $_G;
     $touid = (int) $data['toUid'];
     $pmid = (int) $data['pmid'];
     $_GET['topmuid'] = $touid;
     $_POST['message'] = $this->_transMessage($data['msg']);
     $_POST['subject'] = '';
     $users = array();
     $type = 0;
     $waittime = interval_check('post');
     if ($waittime > 0) {
         // showmessage('message_can_not_send_2', '', array(), array('return' => true));
         return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, lang('message', 'message_can_not_send_2'));
     if (($checkMessage = mobcent_cknewuser()) != '') {
         return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, WebUtils::emptyHtml($checkMessage));
     if (!checkperm('allowsendpm')) {
         // showmessage('no_privilege_sendpm', '', array(), array('return' => true));
         return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'no_privilege_sendpm');
     if ($touid) {
         if (isblacklist($touid)) {
             // showmessage('is_blacklist', '', array(), array('return' => true));
             return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, lang('message', 'is_blacklist'));
     // !($_G['group']['exempt'] & 1) && checklowerlimit('sendpm', 0, $coef);
     $message = (!empty($_POST['messageappend']) ? $_POST['messageappend'] . "\n" : '') . trim($_POST['message']);
     if (empty($message)) {
         // showmessage('unable_to_send_air_news', '', array(), array('return' => true));
         return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, lang('message', 'unable_to_send_air_news'));
     // $message = censor($message);
     loadcache(array('smilies', 'smileytypes'));
     foreach ($_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'] as $key => $smiley) {
         $_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'][$key] = '[img]' . $_G['siteurl'] . 'static/image/smiley/' . $_G['cache']['smileytypes'][$_G['cache']['smilies']['typearray'][$key]]['directory'] . '/' . $smiley . '[/img]';
     $message = preg_replace($_G['cache']['smilies']['searcharray'], $_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'], $message);
     $subject = '';
     if ($type == 1) {
         $subject = dhtmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['subject']));
     include_once libfile('function/friend');
     $return = 0;
     if ($touid || $pmid) {
         if ($touid) {
             if ($value = getuserbyuid($touid)) {
                 $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] = $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] ? $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] : ($_G['setting']['onlyacceptfriendpm'] ? 1 : 2);
                 if ($_G['group']['allowsendallpm'] || $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] == 2 || $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] == 1 && friend_check($touid)) {
                     $return = sendpm($touid, $subject, $message, '', 0, 0, $type);
                 } else {
                     // showmessage('message_can_not_send_onlyfriend', '', array(), array('return' => true));
                     return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, lang('message', 'message_can_not_send_onlyfriend'));
             } else {
                 // showmessage('message_bad_touid', '', array(), array('return' => true));
                 return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, lang('message', 'message_bad_touid'));
         } else {
             $topmuid = intval($_GET['topmuid']);
             $return = sendpm($topmuid, $subject, $message, '', $pmid, 0);
     } elseif ($users) {
         $newusers = $uidsarr = $membersarr = array();
         if ($users) {
             $membersarr = C::t('common_member')->fetch_all_by_username($users);
             foreach ($membersarr as $aUsername => $aUser) {
                 $uidsarr[] = $aUser['uid'];
         if (empty($membersarr)) {
             showmessage('message_bad_touser', '', array(), array('return' => true));
         if (isset($membersarr[$_G['uid']])) {
             showmessage('message_can_not_send_to_self', '', array(), array('return' => true));
         foreach ($membersarr as $key => $value) {
             $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] = $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] ? $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] : ($_G['setting']['onlyacceptfriendpm'] ? 1 : 2);
             if ($_G['group']['allowsendallpm'] || $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] == 2 || $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] == 1 && $_G['home_friend_' . $value['uid'] . '_' . $_G['uid']]) {
                 $newusers[$value['uid']] = $value['username'];
                 unset($users[array_search($value['username'], $users)]);
         if (empty($newusers)) {
             showmessage('message_can_not_send_onlyfriend', '', array(), array('return' => true));
         foreach ($newusers as $key => $value) {
             if (isblacklist($key)) {
                 showmessage('is_blacklist', '', array(), array('return' => true));
         $coef = count($newusers);
         $return = sendpm(implode(',', $newusers), $subject, $message, '', 0, 1, $type);
     } else {
         // showmessage('message_can_not_send_9', '', array(), array('return' => true));
         return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, lang('message', 'message_can_not_send_9'));
     if ($return > 0) {
         include_once libfile('function/stat');
         updatestat('sendpm', 0, $coef);
         C::t('common_member_status')->update($_G['uid'], array('lastpost' => TIMESTAMP));
         !($_G['group']['exempt'] & 1) && updatecreditbyaction('sendpm', 0, array(), '', $coef);
         if (!empty($newusers)) {
             if ($type == 1) {
                 $returnurl = 'home.php?mod=space&do=pm&filter=privatepm';
             } else {
                 $returnurl = 'home.php?mod=space&do=pm';
             showmessage(count($users) ? 'message_send_result' : 'do_success', $returnurl, array('users' => implode(',', $users), 'succeed' => count($newusers)));
         } else {
             if (!defined('IN_MOBILE')) {
                 // showmessage('do_success', 'home.php?mod=space&do=pm&subop=view&touid='.$touid, array('pmid' => $return), $_G['inajax'] ? array('msgtype' => 3, 'showmsg' => false) : array());
             } else {
                 // showmessage('do_success', 'home.php?mod=space&do=pm&subop=view'.(intval($_POST['touid']) ? '&touid='.intval($_POST['touid']) : ( intval($_POST['plid']) ? '&plid='.intval($_POST['plid']).'&daterange=1&type=1' : '' )));
             $res = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'do_success', array('noError' => 1, 'alert' => 0));
             $msgInfo = uc_pm_viewnode($_G['uid'], $type, $return);
             $res['body']['plid'] = (int) $msgInfo['plid'];
             $res['body']['pmid'] = (int) $msgInfo['pmid'];
             $res['body']['sendTime'] = $msgInfo['dateline'] . '000';
             // ios push
             UserUtils::pushIOSMessage($touid, 'pm', $_G['username'] . WebUtils::t(' 对 您 说: ') . $message);
     } else {
         if (in_array($return, range(-16, -1))) {
             // showmessage('message_can_not_send_'.abs($return));
             return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, lang('message', 'message_can_not_send_' . abs($return)));
         } else {
             // showmessage('message_can_not_send', '', array(), array('return' => true));
             return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, lang('message', 'message_can_not_send'));
     return $res;
コード例 #18
function friend_delete($touid)
    global $_G;
    if (!friend_check($touid)) {
        return false;
    DB::delete('home_friend', "(uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND fuid='{$touid}') OR (fuid='{$_G['uid']}' AND uid='{$touid}')");
    if (DB::affected_rows()) {
        addfriendlog($_G['uid'], $touid, 'delete');
コード例 #19
            } else {
<a id="followmod" onclick="showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);" href="home.php?mod=spacecp&amp;ac=follow&amp;op=del&amp;fuid=<?php 
                echo $space['uid'];
        require_once libfile('function/friend');
        $isfriend = friend_check($space[uid]);
        if (!$isfriend) {
<li class="ul_add"><a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&amp;ac=friend&amp;op=add&amp;uid=<?php 
            echo $space['uid'];
            echo $space['uid'];
" id="a_friend_li_<?php 
            echo $space['uid'];
" onclick="showWindow(this.id, this.href, 'get', 0);">加为好友</a></li>
        } else {
コード例 #20
     include template('forum/collection_recommend');
 } else {
     if (!$_GET['threadurl']) {
         showmessage('collection_recommend_url', '', array(), array('alert' => 'error', 'closetime' => true, 'showdialog' => 1));
     $touid =& $_G['collection']['uid'];
     $coef = 1;
     if ($touid) {
         $subject = $message = lang('message', 'collection_recommend_message', array('fromuser' => $_G['username'], 'collectioname' => $_G['collection']['name'], 'url' => $_GET['threadurl']));
         if (C::t('home_blacklist')->count_by_uid_buid($touid, $_G['uid'])) {
             showmessage('is_blacklist', '', array(), array('return' => true));
         if ($value = getuserbyuid($touid)) {
             require_once libfile('function/friend');
             $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] = $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] ? $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] : ($_G['setting']['onlyacceptfriendpm'] ? 1 : 2);
             if ($_G['group']['allowsendallpm'] || $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] == 2 || $value['onlyacceptfriendpm'] == 1 && friend_check($touid)) {
                 $return = sendpm($touid, $subject, $message, '', 0, 0);
             } else {
                 showmessage('message_can_not_send_onlyfriend', '', array(), array('return' => true));
         } else {
             showmessage('message_bad_touid', '', array(), array('return' => true));
     } else {
         $return = sendpm(0, $subject, $message, '', $pmid, 0);
     if ($return > 0) {
         include_once libfile('function/stat');
         updatestat('sendpm', 0, $coef);
         C::t('common_member_status')->update($_G['uid'], array('lastpost' => TIMESTAMP), 'UNBUFFERED');
         !($_G['group']['exempt'] & 1) && updatecreditbyaction('sendpm', 0, array(), '', $coef);
コード例 #21
ファイル: function_home.php プロジェクト: Kingson4Wu/php_demo
function app_ckprivacy($privacy)
    global $_G, $space;
    $var = "home_app_ckprivacy_{$privacy}";
    if (isset($_G[$var])) {
        return $_G[$var];
    $result = false;
    switch ($privacy) {
        case 0:
            $result = true;
        case 1:
            include_once libfile('function/friend');
            if (friend_check($space['uid'])) {
                $result = true;
        case 2:
        case 3:
            if ($space['self']) {
                $result = true;
        case 4:
        case 5:
            $result = true;
    $_G[$var] = $result;
    return $result;
コード例 #22
ファイル: function_home.php プロジェクト: upyun/discuz-plugin
function ckfriend($touid, $friend, $target_ids = '')
    global $_G;
    if (empty($_G['uid'])) {
        return $friend ? false : true;
    if ($touid == $_G['uid'] || $_G['adminid'] == 1) {
        return true;
    $var = 'home_ckfriend_' . md5($touid . '_' . $friend . '_' . $target_ids);
    if (isset($_G[$var])) {
        return $_G[$var];
    $_G[$var] = false;
    switch ($friend) {
        case 0:
            $_G[$var] = true;
        case 1:
            include_once libfile('function/friend');
            if (friend_check($touid)) {
                $_G[$var] = true;
        case 2:
            if ($target_ids) {
                $target_ids = explode(',', $target_ids);
                if (in_array($_G['uid'], $target_ids)) {
                    $_G[$var] = true;
        case 3:
        case 4:
            $_G[$var] = true;
    return $_G[$var];
コード例 #23
ファイル: UserInfoAction.php プロジェクト: caidongyun/CS
 private function _getPersonalDataInfo($puid, $space)
     global $_G;
     $res['body']['PersonalData'] = array();
     require_once libfile('function/spacecp');
     space_merge($space, 'count');
     space_merge($space, 'field_home');
     space_merge($space, 'field_forum');
     space_merge($space, 'profile');
     space_merge($space, 'status');
     $space['buyerrank'] = 0;
     if ($space['buyercredit']) {
         foreach ($_G['setting']['ec_credit']['rank'] as $level => $credit) {
             if ($space['buyercredit'] <= $credit) {
                 $space['buyerrank'] = $level;
     $space['sellerrank'] = 0;
     if ($space['sellercredit']) {
         foreach ($_G['setting']['ec_credit']['rank'] as $level => $credit) {
             if ($space['sellercredit'] <= $credit) {
                 $space['sellerrank'] = $level;
     require_once libfile('function/friend');
     $isfriend = friend_check($space['uid'], 1);
     include_once libfile('function/profile');
     $profiles = array();
     $privacy = $space['privacy']['profile'] ? $space['privacy']['profile'] : array();
     if ($_G['setting']['verify']['enabled']) {
         space_merge($space, 'verify');
     if ($_G['uid'] == $space['uid'] || $_G['group']['allowviewip']) {
         foreach ($_G['cache']['profilesetting'] as $fieldid => $field) {
             if (!$field['available'] || $field['invisible'] || in_array($fieldid, array('birthmonth', 'birthyear'))) {
             $val = profile_show($fieldid, $space);
             $profiles[] = array('type' => $fieldid, 'title' => $field['title'], 'data' => WebUtils::emptyHtml($val));
     } else {
         foreach ($_G['cache']['profilesetting'] as $fieldid => $field) {
             if (!$field['available'] || in_array($fieldid, array('birthprovince', 'birthdist', 'birthcommunity', 'resideprovince', 'residedist', 'residecommunity'))) {
             if ($field['available'] && (strlen($space[$fieldid]) > 0 || ($fieldid == 'birthcity' && strlen($space['birthprovince']) || $fieldid == 'residecity' && strlen($space['resideprovince']))) && ($space['self'] || empty($privacy[$fieldid]) || $isfriend && $privacy[$fieldid] == 1) && (!$_G['inajax'] && !$field['invisible'] || $_G['inajax'] && $field['showincard'])) {
                 $val = profile_show($fieldid, $space);
                 if ($val !== false) {
                     if ($fieldid == 'realname' && $_G['uid'] != $space['uid'] && !ckrealname(1)) {
                     if ($field['formtype'] == 'file' && $val) {
                         $imgurl = getglobal('setting/attachurl') . './profile/' . $val;
                         $val = '<span><a href="' . $imgurl . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $imgurl . '"  style="max-width: 500px;" /></a></span>';
                     $profiles[] = array('type' => $fieldid, 'title' => $field['title'], 'data' => WebUtils::emptyHtml($val));
     return $profiles;