function foxyshop_product_images_setup() { global $post, $foxyshop_settings; $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); if (array_key_exists('error', $upload_dir)) { if ($upload_dir['error'] != '') { echo '<p style="color: red;"><strong>Warning:</strong> Images cannot be uploaded at this time. The error given is below.<br />Please attempt to correct the error and reload this page.</p>'; echo '<p>' . $upload_dir['error'] . '</p>'; return; } } echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . FOXYSHOP_DIR . '/js/dropzone.js"></script>' . "\n"; echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . FOXYSHOP_DIR . '/css/dropzone.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />' . "\n"; echo '<div id="foxyshop_new_product_image_container" class="dropzone"></div>' . "\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" id="foxyshop_sortable_value" name="foxyshop_sortable_value" />' . "\n"; echo '<ul id="foxyshop_product_image_list">' . foxyshop_redraw_images($post->ID) . '</ul>' . "\n"; echo '<div style="clear: both;"></div>'; }
function foxyshop_product_ajax() { global $wpdb; $productID = isset($_POST['foxyshop_product_id']) ? (int) $_POST['foxyshop_product_id'] : 0; $imageID = isset($_POST['foxyshop_image_id']) ? (int) $_POST['foxyshop_image_id'] : 0; check_ajax_referer('foxyshop-product-image-functions-' . $productID, 'security'); if (!isset($_POST['foxyshop_action'])) { die; } if ($_POST['foxyshop_action'] == "add_new_image") { echo foxyshop_redraw_images($productID); } elseif ($_POST['foxyshop_action'] == "delete_image") { wp_delete_attachment($imageID); echo foxyshop_redraw_images($productID); } elseif ($_POST['foxyshop_action'] == "featured_image") { delete_post_meta($productID, "_thumbnail_id"); update_post_meta($productID, "_thumbnail_id", $imageID); echo foxyshop_redraw_images($productID); } elseif ($_POST['foxyshop_action'] == "toggle_visible") { if (get_post_meta($imageID, "_foxyshop_hide_image", 1)) { delete_post_meta($imageID, "_foxyshop_hide_image"); } else { add_post_meta($imageID, "_foxyshop_hide_image", 1); } echo foxyshop_redraw_images($productID); } elseif ($_POST['foxyshop_action'] == "rename_image") { $update_post = array(); $update_post['ID'] = $imageID; $update_post['post_title'] = $_POST['foxyshop_new_name']; wp_update_post($update_post); } elseif ($_POST['foxyshop_action'] == "update_image_order") { $foxyshop_order_array = $_POST['foxyshop_order_array']; $IDs = explode(",", $foxyshop_order_array); $result = count($IDs); for ($i = 0; $i < $result; $i++) { $update_post = array(); $update_post['ID'] = str_replace("att_", "", $IDs[$i]); $update_post['menu_order'] = $i + 1; wp_update_post($update_post); } echo foxyshop_redraw_images($productID); } elseif ($_POST['foxyshop_action'] == "refresh_images") { echo foxyshop_redraw_images($productID); } die; }