コード例 #1
function func_execute_active_handler()
    if (isset($_GET['q'])) {
        $q = format_str($_GET['q']);
        $query = (array) explode('/', $q);
        $GLOBALS['page'] = $query[0];
    } else {
        $query = "";
        $GLOBALS['page'] = "";
    $page = $GLOBALS['func_registry'][$GLOBALS['page']];
    if (!$page) {
        header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
        die('404 - Page not found.');
    if (isset($page['security']) && $page['security']) {
    if (isset($page['admin']) && $page['admin']) {
    if (function_exists('config_log_request')) {
    if (function_exists($page['callback'])) {
        return call_user_func($page['callback'], $query);
    return false;
コード例 #2
function tweet_post()
    $args = func_get_args();
    $cate = $args[2];
    $content = format_str($_POST['text'], false);
    if (!$cate or !$content) {
        die("Invalid argument!");
    include_once 'sinaoauth.inc.php';
    $c = new WeiboClient(SINA_AKEY, SINA_SKEY, $GLOBALS['user']['sinakey']['oauth_token'], $GLOBALS['user']['sinakey']['oauth_token_secret']);
    if ($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']) {
        $msg = $c->upload($content, $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']);
    } else {
        $msg = $c->update($content);
    if ($msg === false || $msg === null) {
        echo "Error occured";
        return false;
    if (isset($msg['error_code']) && isset($msg['error'])) {
        echo 'Error_code: ' . $msg['error_code'] . ';  Error: ' . $msg['error'];
        return false;
    include_once "uuid.inc.php";
    $v4uuid = str_replace("-", "", UUID::v4());
    $add = "INSERT INTO pending_tweets (\r\n                     site_id, tweet_id, user_site_id, content, post_datetime,\r\n                     type, tweet_site_id,\r\n                     post_screenname, profile_image_url, source)\r\n                     VALUES (1, '{$v4uuid}', '" . $msg['user']['id'] . "', '{$content}', '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($msg["created_at"])) . "',\r\n                     {$cate}, '" . $msg['id'] . "', '" . $msg["user"]["name"] . "', '" . $msg["user"]["profile_image_url"] . "', '" . $msg["source"] . "')";
    if ($msg['thumbnail_pic']) {
        $add = "INSERT INTO pending_tweets (\r\n                     site_id, tweet_id, user_site_id, content, post_datetime,\r\n                     type, tweet_site_id,\r\n                     post_screenname, profile_image_url, source, thumbnail)\r\n                     VALUES (1, '{$v4uuid}', '" . $msg['user']['id'] . "', '{$content}', '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($msg["created_at"])) . "',\r\n                     {$cate}, '" . $msg['id'] . "', '" . $msg["user"]["name"] . "', '" . $msg["user"]["profile_image_url"] . "', '" . $msg["source"] . "', '" . $msg['thumbnail_pic'] . "')";
    $added = mysql_query($add) or die("Could not add entry!");
    echo "0";
コード例 #3
function get_home_voices()
    $home_voices = array();
    $sql_1 = "SELECT uv.*, u.profile_pic\n    FROM user_voices uv\n    LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id=uv.user_id\n\n    WHERE uv.is_blocked='0'\n    ORDER BY RAND()\n    LIMIT 20\n    ";
    $home_voices = @format_str(@mysql_exec($sql_1));
    return $home_voices;
コード例 #4
 * function to get all Patronage Points details for a User
 * [Params]
 * $user_id = user
 * $user_ppoints_id = to get a specific point data (leave empty to pull all data instead)
 * $fetch_total_only = set as `true` to get total count only, instead of full data set from user_petronage_points table
function get_ppoints($user_id, $user_ppoints_id = '', $fetch_total_only = false)
    if ($user_id <= 0) {
        return false;
    if ($fetch_total_only != false) {
        $sql_1 = "SELECT total_patronage_points FROM user_info WHERE user_id='{$user_id}'";
        $upp_res = @mysql_exec($sql_1, 'single');
        if (!is_array($upp_res) || count($upp_res) < 0) {
            return false;
        return (int) @$upp_res['total_patronage_points'];
    } else {
        $sql_1 = "SELECT * FROM user_petronage_points WHERE user_id='{$user_id}' ";
        if ($user_ppoints_id > 0) {
            $sql_1 .= " AND id='{$user_ppoints_id}'";
        $sql_1 .= " ORDER BY received_on DESC";
        $upp_res = @format_str(@mysql_exec($sql_1));
        //var_dump("<pre>", $upp_res);
        if (!is_array($upp_res) || count($upp_res) < 0) {
            return false;
        return $upp_res;
コード例 #5
function get_member_info($member_id, $user_id)
    if ($member_id <= 0) {
        return false;
    #/ All Fields
    $fetch_fields = array('package_id', 'email_add', 'screen_name', 'profile_pic', 'first_name', 'middle_name', 'last_name', 'company_name', 'identify_by', 'joined_on', 'country_code', 'state', 'city', 'address_ln_1', 'address_ln_2', 'zip', 'phone_number');
    #/ Get user_permission
    $user_permissions = array();
    $sql_1 = "SELECT fields_perm FROM user_permissions WHERE user_id='{$member_id}'";
    $up_ar = @format_str(@mysql_exec($sql_1, 'single'));
    if (is_array($up_ar) && array_key_exists('fields_perm', $up_ar)) {
        $user_permissions = @explode(',', @$up_ar['fields_perm']);
    #/ Filter fields based on permissions
    if ($member_id != $user_id) {
        if (!empty($user_permissions)) {
            $fetch_fields = array_diff($fetch_fields, $user_permissions);
    $fetch_fields_str = implode(',', $fetch_fields);
    //var_dump("<pre>", $user_permissions, $fetch_fields, $fetch_fields_str); die();
    if (empty($fetch_fields_str)) {
        return false;
    #/ Get Member's Info
    $fetch_fields_str = str_replace('country_code', 'ui.country_code', $fetch_fields_str);
    $sql_2 = "SELECT u.id as user_id,\n    {$fetch_fields_str},\n    (CASE\n    WHEN identify_by='screen_name' THEN screen_name\n    WHEN identify_by='full_name' THEN CONCAT(first_name, ' ', middle_name, ' ', last_name)\n    WHEN identify_by='company_name' THEN company_name\n    ELSE 'Member'\n    END) AS user_ident,\n    c.country_name,\n    st.state_name\n\n    FROM users u\n    LEFT JOIN user_info ui ON ui.user_id=u.id\n    LEFT JOIN countries c USING(country_code)\n    LEFT JOIN states st ON st.state_code=ui.state\n\n    WHERE u.id='{$member_id}'\n    AND u.is_blocked='0'\n    ";
    $members_ar = @format_str(@mysql_exec($sql_2, 'single'));
    //var_dump("<pre>", $members_ar); die();
    return array($members_ar, $user_permissions);
コード例 #6
ファイル: req.php プロジェクト: ehmedov/www
function format_string(&$string)
    if (is_array($string)) {
        return format_arr($string);
    } else {
コード例 #7
 * Function format_str
 * Formats string and arrays (Please upgrade as per your need)
 * version 6.3
 * Author: Raheel Hasan
 * $in = input string/array
 * $max_length (def: 0) = set it to an int value and it will cut-out all chars after this length. Set to "{INTVAL}:dot" and it will also insert dots after int value
 * $add_space (def: false) = set it to a value and it will Add Space after this length
 * $escape_mysql (def:false) = set to TRUE if escaping/sanitizing for mysql query. This will apply mysql_real_escape
 * $utf (default: false) = set as TRUE in-order to FORCE and convert result into UTF-8 (from ISO-8859-1).
 * OR set to 'utf-ignore' to ignore between UTF-8 to UTF8 only (or iso-ignore) - use this when the source is in utf but require fixes
 * $rem_inline (default: true) = set as TRUE in-order to remove all inline xss.
 * $all (default: true) = set it to FALSE and it will NOT format Tags and ignore < and > from formating
 * NOTE:
 * If the meta charset is not on UTF, you will have to convert strings manually everywhere (between db save and retrive).
 * For this, either Save (in db) as normal and Retrive as utf, -or- Save as utf and Retrive as normal.
 * But DONOT do utf conversion on both sides.
function format_str($in, $max_length = 0, $add_space = false, $escape_mysql = false, $utf = false, $rem_inline = true, $all = true)
    $out = $in;
    if (is_array($out)) {
        $out_x = array();
        foreach ($out as $k => $v) {
            $k = strip_tags($k);
            $k = remove_x($k);
            $k = format_str($k);
            $v = format_str($v, $max_length, $add_space, $escape_mysql, $utf, $rem_inline, $all);
            $out_x[$k] = $v;
        $out = $out_x;
    } else {
        if ($rem_inline) {
            $out = preg_replace('/<(.*?)(on[a-z]{1,}[\\s]{0,}=[\\s]{0,})(.*?)>/ims', '<$1 x$2 $3>', $out);
        if ($utf != false && stristr($utf, 'ignore') == false) {
            $out = @iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8//TRANSLIT//IGNORE", $out);
            //$out = @iconv("{$utf}", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $out);
        if ($add_space != false) {
            $out = preg_replace("/([^\\s]{{$add_space}})/ims", '$1 ', $out);
        $max_length_i = @explode(':', $max_length);
        $max_length_ic = @$max_length_i[0];
        if ($max_length_ic > 0) {
            $cur_len = strlen($out);
            $out = substr($out, 0, $max_length_ic);
            $out .= $cur_len > $max_length_ic && isset($max_length_i[1]) && $max_length_i[1] == 'dot' ? ' ...' : '';
        if ($all) {
            $out = str_replace('<', '&lt;', $out);
            $out = str_replace('>', '&gt;', $out);
        $out = str_replace("'", '&#39;', $out);
        $out = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $out);
        $out = str_replace("(", '&#x28;', $out);
        $out = str_replace(")", '&#x29;', $out);
        $out = str_replace("\\", '&#92;', $out);
        //most important
        //$out = trim($out);
        if ($utf == 'utf-ignore') {
            $out = @iconv("UTF-8", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $out);
        } else {
            if ($utf == 'iso-ignore') {
                $out = @iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $out);
        if ($escape_mysql != false) {
            $out = mysql_real_escape_string($out);
        $out = trim($out);
    return $out;
コード例 #8
function cust_order_status()
    $sql_1 = "SELECT\n\n    DISTINCT order_status,\n    COUNT(*) AS t_os\n\n    FROM cust_orders\n\n    GROUP BY order_status\n    ORDER BY t_os DESC\n    LIMIT 10\n    ";
    $ret = '';
    $result = @mysql_exec($sql_1);
    if (count($result) > 0) {
        $ret = @format_str($result);
        #/ Set Gradient
        $ret = color_pie_chart($ret);
    return $ret;
コード例 #9
function get_package_info($pk_id, $get_benefits = false)
    if (empty($pk_id)) {
        return false;
    $sql_part = '';
    if ($get_benefits != false) {
        $sql_part = "";
    $sql_1 = "SELECT title, cost, is_basic, is_recursive, recursive_cost\n    FROM membership_packages mp\n    WHERE is_active='1'\n    AND id='{$pk_id}'\n    ";
    $package_info = @format_str(@mysql_exec($sql_1));
    return $package_info;
コード例 #10
 * find all PARENT ids of Recursive Relationship - with just 1 sql query call
 * @param $f1 = node id
 * @param $table_name = name of the table
 * @param $dir = direction of breadcrumbs
 * @param $parent_field_name = field name of parent id
function get_uppers($f1, $table_name, $dir = 'left', $parent_field_name = 'parent_id', $ori = '1')
    $frm = array();
    static $res_ary = array();
    $res = false;
    $breadcr = '&laquo;&laquo;';
    if ($dir == 'right') {
        $breadcr = '&raquo;&raquo;';
    ## get dataset
    if ($ori != '0') {
        $sql = "select id, {$parent_field_name}, title from {$table_name}";
        //echo $sql;
        $res = mysql_exec($sql);
        if ($res !== false) {
            foreach ($res as $k => $v) {
                $res_ary["{$table_name}"][$v['id']] = array();
                $res_ary["{$table_name}"][$v['id']][] = $v;
    $res = @$res_ary["{$table_name}"][$f1];
    //var_dump($res_ary); //die();
    ## process dataset recursively
    if ($res != false) {
        foreach ($res as $k => $v) {
            $frm[] = format_str($v['title']);
            $t1 = get_uppers($v[$parent_field_name], $table_name, $dir, $parent_field_name, '0');
            if (!empty($t1)) {
                $frm = array_merge($frm, $t1);
        //end foreach....
        if ($ori != '0') {
            $frm = array_reverse($frm);
            $frm[count($frm) - 1] = '<u>' . $frm[count($frm) - 1] . '</u>';
            $frm = implode(" {$breadcr} ", $frm);
    return $frm;
コード例 #11
        <br />
    echo "No Results / Records Found !";
    if ($search_it) {
        echo "&nbsp;Please clear the Filter and try again !";
        <br /><br />
} else {
    $c = 0;
    ## Customer Orders table start from here
    while ($recrd) {
        $recrd = format_str($recrd);
        $skip_flag = false;
        $title = $recrd["title"];
        if ($sr_title !== false && $sr_title != '') {
            $title = $src->get_highlighted($title, 'title');
            if ($title == '--continue--continue--continue--continue--') {
                $skip_flag = true;
            //fail safe
        $seo_tag = $recrd["seo_tag"];
        if ($sr_seo_tag !== false && $sr_seo_tag != '') {
            $seo_tag = $src->get_highlighted($seo_tag, 'seo_tag');
            if ($seo_tag == '--continue--continue--continue--continue--') {
                $skip_flag = true;
コード例 #12
        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">Percentage Points:</div>
        <div style="float:left;"><input type="text" id="percentage_points" name="percentage_points" maxlength="2" value="<?php 
echo format_str(@$empt['percentage_points']);
" style="width:40px; border:1px solid #000261;" /> %
        <span class="submsg">&nbsp;(numeric only)</span>
        <span class="submsg">&nbsp;Percentage based Patronage Points for this Action.</span>
        <span class="submsg">&nbsp;Applied only if Direct Points is set to '0' in the above field.</span>

        <div style="clear:both; height:20px;"></div>

        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">Limits Per Day:</div>
        <div style="float:left;"><input type="text" id="limits_per_day" name="limits_per_day" maxlength="3" value="<?php 
echo format_str(@$empt['limits_per_day']);
" style="width:40px; border:1px solid #000261;" />
        <span style="color:#CC0000;">&nbsp;&nbsp;*</span>
        <span class="submsg">&nbsp;(numbers only)</span>
        <span class="submsg">&nbsp;Usage Limits per Day per Member</span>

        <div style="clear:both; height:20px;"></div>

        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">Is Active?</div>
        <div style="float:left;"><input type="checkbox" name="is_active" id="is_active" value="1" <?php 
if (@$empt['is_active'] != '0') {
    echo "checked='checked'";
コード例 #13
                <span class="submsg">&nbsp;&nbsp;Firefox: first do Italic, then Bold. Chrome: Bold, then Italic</span><br /><br />

            <!--<input type="hidden" name="m_value" id="m_value" value="" />-->
            <input type="text" name="m_value" id="m_value" style="font-size:1px; border:none; background:none;" />

        <div style="clear:both; height:15px;"></div>
        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">&nbsp;</div><div><hr /></div>
        <div style="clear:both; height:15px;"></div>

        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">Setting / Value2:</div>
        <div style="float:left;"><input type="text" id="content_settings" name="content_settings" maxlength="150" value="<?php 
echo format_str(@$empt['content_settings']);
" style="width:250px; border:1px solid #000261;" />
        <span class="submsg">&nbsp;&nbsp;for technical values only (will not be displayed) / please dont alter this</span><br /><br />

        <div style="clear:both; height:15px;"></div>

        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">Category:</div>
        <div style="float:left;">
$sql_cats = "SELECT DISTINCT m_cat FROM site_misc_data ORDER BY m_cat";
$m_cats = mysql_exec($sql_cats);
            <span class="submsg">for reference and grouping only / will not be displayed</span><br /><br />
            <div id="m_cat_select">
コード例 #14
        if($('#pImage_profile_pic').validationEngine('validate')) {return false;}
        preview_img(this, 'profile_thumb'); //preview image

<div class="website_fun">
<div class="container middle_content">
<div class="content_holder">

<div class="mid_bdy body-main" style="padding-top:30px;">

echo format_str($pg_meta['page_title']);
    <br />

if ($success != false) {

        <div>Thank you for completing your <b>Profile</b> at collaborateUSA.com,
        please <a href="<?php 
    echo $consts['DOC_ROOT'];
signin"><b>Signin</b></a> to your Account.<br /><br />
コード例 #15
//var_dump("<pre>", $site_misc_data); die();
#/ Packages
$home_packages = false;
if ($user_idc <= 0) {
    $home_packages = get_home_packages();
    //var_dump("<pre>", $home_packages); die();
#/ Home Voices
$home_voices = get_home_voices();
//var_dump("<pre>", $home_voices); die();
#/ Other info
$other_pg_inf = get_page_info('12');
//var_dump("<pre>", $other_pg_inf); die();
#/ Fill pg_meta
$pg_meta = array('meta_keywords' => format_str($page_info['meta_keywords']), 'meta_descr' => format_str($page_info['meta_descr']));
$current_pgx = 'home';
$load_bx_slider = true;
$load_owl_carousel = true;
include_once "includes/header.php";

<script src="<?php 
echo DOC_ROOT;

##------------------------------- Section 1 -------------------------------##
コード例 #16
        <span class="submsg">&nbsp;&nbsp;(total in all Stream, Rivers, Oceans, and EcoSphares)</span></div>

        <div style="clear:both; height:10px;"></div>

        <div style="width:160px; float:left;">Eco-System Ownerships:</div>
        <div style="float:left;"><?php 
    echo (int) format_str(@$empt['eco_ownership_count']);
        <span class="submsg">&nbsp;&nbsp;(i.e. moderator count)</span></div>

        <div style="clear:both; height:10px;"></div>

        <div style="width:160px; float:left;">Eco-System Participations:</div>
        <div style="float:left;"><?php 
    echo (int) format_str(@$empt['discussion_comments_count'] + @$empt['eco_discussions_count']);
        <span class="submsg">&nbsp;&nbsp;(i.e. Discussions & Comments)</span></div>

        <div style="clear:both;"></div>

if ($read_only <= 0) {
コード例 #17
             $fv_errors[] = array("Your Account has <b>NOT been ACTIVATED</b> yet!<br />- Please follow the <b>Account Activation email</b> sent to you at the time of Signup in order to activate your Account first.");
             $fv_errors[] = array("If you have lost that email, please <a href=\"{$consts['DOC_ROOT']}account-confirm/resend\" style='font-weight:bold; color:red'>Click Here</a> to <b>RESEND</b> the Activation Email.");
             $show_form = false;
             $_SESSION['resend_chk'] = true;
             //allow Resend Form to be visible
         #/ Check if account is blocked
         if ($chk_usr['is_blocked'] == 1) {
             $fv_errors[] = array("Your Account has <b>BLOCKED</b> by the Admin! Consequently, you will NOT be able to Access your Account.");
             $show_form = false;
 if (!is_array($fv_errors) || empty($fv_errors) || count($fv_errors) <= 0) {
     $user_info = format_str($chk_usr);
     if (is_array($user_info) && array_key_exists('email_add', $user_info)) {
         #/ Setup Sessions
         $_SESSION['CUSA_Main_usr_id'] = (int) $user_info['user_id'];
         $_SESSION['CUSA_Main_usr_info'] = $user_info;
         $_SESSION['CUSA_Main_usr_info']['pass_w'] = '';
         //hide from session
         $_SESSION['LAST_CUSA_Main_ACTIVITY'] = time();
         if ($user_info['screen_name'] == '') {
             $_SESSION["CUSA_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(true, 'You have not setup your <b>Screen Name</b> yet. Please complete your <b>Profile Info</b> from the Profile edit page.');
         } else {
             #/ take to Last Visited Page - or home page
コード例 #18
        <div style="clear:both;"></div>


	<th>LOGIN INFO</th>

    <td valign="middle" style="padding:6px 4px;">
        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">Email/LoginId:</div>
        <div style="float:left;"><input type="text" id="email_add" name="email_add" autocomplete="off" maxlength="100" value="<?php 
echo format_str(@$empt['email_add']);
" style="width:250px; border:1px solid #000261;" /><span style="color:#53A9E9;">&nbsp;&nbsp;*</span>

        <div style="clear:both; height:10px;"></div>

if ($au_id > 0) {
    //edit page

        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">Update Password?</div>
        <div style="float:left;"><input type="checkbox" name="update_acc_info" id="update_acc_info" value="1" onclick="toggle_div(this, 'acc_info_div');" />
コード例 #19
" />

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="datagrid" width="100%">

    <td valign="middle" style="padding:6px 4px;"><br />
        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">Title:</div>
        <div style="float:left;"><input type="text" id="title" name="title" maxlength="60" value="<?php 
echo format_str(@$empt['title']);
" style="width:250px; border:1px solid #000261;" /><span style="color:#CC0000;">&nbsp;&nbsp;*</span>

        <div style="clear:both; height:10px;"></div>

        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">Is Active?</div>
        <div style="float:left;"><input type="checkbox" name="is_active" id="is_active" value="1" <?php 
if (@$empt['is_active'] != '0') {
    echo "checked='checked'";
コード例 #20
$user_permissions = @$member_info_ar[1];
//var_dump("<pre>", $user_permissions); die();
#/ Permission Images
$public = "{$consts['DOC_ROOT']}assets/images/secure_public.png";
$private = "{$consts['DOC_ROOT']}assets/images/secure_private.png";
#/ Current Profile Pic
$prof_pic = DOC_ROOT . "assets/images/ep.png";
if (array_key_exists('profile_pic', $member_info)) {
    if (!@empty($member_info['profile_pic'])) {
        $prof_pic = DOC_ROOT . "user_files/prof/{$member_id}/{$member_info['profile_pic']}";
$prof_pic_th = @substr_replace($prof_pic, '_th.', @strrpos($prof_pic, '.'), 1);
#/ Country & State
$countries = @format_str(@mysql_exec("SELECT * FROM countries ORDER BY country_name"));
$states = @format_str(@mysql_exec("SELECT * FROM states WHERE country_code='US' ORDER BY state_name"));
#/ Data to be placed
$empt = $member_info;
$empt_p = $user_permissions;
if (isset($_POST['email_add'])) {
    $empt = $_POST;
    $empt_p = $_POST['user_perm'];
//var_dump("<pre>", $empt_p); die();
#/ Fill pg_meta
$pg_meta = array('page_title' => "Profile Update");
$page_heading = $pg_meta['page_title'];
$load_validation = true;
include_once "includes/header.php";
include_once '../includes/upload_btn_front.php';
コード例 #21
     * $srch_text = text to search
     * $table_field [array or string] = list of tables to search from
     * $hightight_key = set a key for highlight functionality. This key will be used when we call the highlight function
     * $type = SQL query type search. for example; 'equals', 'greater-than-equals', 'less-than-equals', 'like' etc
 function where_it($srch_text, $table_field, $hightight_key = '', $type = 'contains')
     $do = $do_par = $where = '';
     $srx = array();
     $srch = format_str($srch_text);
     $srch = stripslashes($srch);
     $srch_it = addslashes(mysql_real_escape_string($srch));
     ### Generating Tokens within quotes
     $qx = substr_count($srch_it, "&quot;");
     if ($qx > 1) {
         $off1 = $off2 = $len = 0;
         $rem = $qx;
         $srz = $sry = array();
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $qx; $i += 2) {
             $pos1 = strpos($srch_it, "&quot;", $off2);
             //1st quote start
             $off1 = $pos1 + 6;
             //1st quote end
             $pos2 = strpos($srch_it, "&quot;", $off1);
             //2nd quote start
             $off2 = $pos2 + 6;
             //2nd quote end
             if ($i == 1) {
                 $srz[] = substr($srch_it, 0, $pos1);
             $sry[] = substr($srch_it, $off1, $pos2 - $off1);
             $pos3 = strpos($srch_it, "&quot;", $off2);
             //3rd quote start
             $rem -= 2;
             if ($rem < 2) {
                 $srz[] = str_replace("&quot;", " ", substr($srch_it, $off2));
             } else {
                 $srz[] = substr($srch_it, $off2, $pos3 - $off2);
         //end for...
         $srz = explode(" ", implode(" ", $srz));
         $srx = array_values(array_unique(array_diff(array_diff(array_merge($sry, $srz), array("")), array(" "))));
     } else {
         $srx = array_values(array_unique(array_diff(array_diff(explode(" ", str_replace("&quot;", " ", $srch_it)), array("")), array(" "))));
     if (!empty($hightight_key)) {
         $sr_tempxt = $this->srx;
         if (!is_array($sr_tempxt)) {
             $sr_tempxt = array();
         $sr_tempxt[] = array('key' => $hightight_key, 'val' => $srx);
         $this->srx = $sr_tempxt;
     } else {
         $this->srx = $srx;
     if (is_array($table_field) == false) {
         $table_fiel = array($table_field);
     } else {
         $table_fiel = $table_field;
     ### Building Query
     $ie = 0;
     foreach ($table_fiel as $v_table_field) {
         $do = '';
         if (count($srx) > 1) {
             $i = 1;
             foreach ($srx as $v) {
                 if ($type == 'equals') {
                     $do .= "{$v_table_field}='{$v}'";
                 } else {
                     if ($type == 'greater-than-equals') {
                         $do .= "{$v_table_field}>='{$v}'";
                     } else {
                         if ($type == 'less-than-equals') {
                             $do .= "{$v_table_field}<='{$v}'";
                         } else {
                             $do .= "{$v_table_field} like '%{$v}%'";
                 if ($i < count($srx)) {
                     $do .= " OR ";
         } else {
             $t0 = @$srx[0];
             if ($type == 'equals') {
                 $do .= "{$v_table_field} = '{$t0}'";
             } else {
                 if ($type == 'greater-than-equals') {
                     $do .= "{$v_table_field} >= '{$t0}'";
                 } else {
                     if ($type == 'less-than-equals') {
                         $do .= "{$v_table_field} <= '{$t0}'";
                     } else {
                         $do .= "{$v_table_field} like '%{$t0}%'";
         $do_par .= " ({$do}) ";
         if ($ie < count($table_fiel)) {
             $do_par .= "OR";
     //end foreach...
     $where = " AND ({$do_par}) ";
     return $where;
コード例 #22
ファイル: 404.php プロジェクト: centaurustech/collaborate-usa

require_once '../includes/config.php';
@header(' ', true, 404);
include_once '../includes/format_str.php';
include_once '../includes/func_1.php';
include_once '../includes/db_lib.php';
include_once '../includes/model_main.php';
#/ Fill pg_meta
$pg_meta = array('page_title' => format_str('404 - Not Found'));
$page_heading = "404 - Content Not Found";
include_once "includes/header.php";

.l1 {
    text-align: left;

@media (max-width: 655px) {
.l1 {
    text-align: center !important;
    margin:20px 0 0;

<div class="website_fun">
コード例 #23
        <span class="submsg">Content will be shown only in a PopUp, instead of a separate Independent Page</span>

        <div style="clear:both; height:15px;"></div>
        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">&nbsp;</div><div><hr /></div>
        <div style="clear:both; height:15px;"></div>

        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">HTML Content:</div>
        <div style="float:left;">
$edit_obj = new make_editor($browser);
echo $edit_obj->show_editor('pg_content', '480', '650', format_str(@$empt['pg_content']));
            <span style="color:#CC0000;">&nbsp;&nbsp;*</span>

    <div style="clear:both;"></div>

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="datagrid" width="100%">

コード例 #24
        <div style="clear:both; height:30px;"></div>

        <div style="width:160px; float:left; font-weight:bold;">Full Gateway Msg:</div>
if ($up_id > 0) {
<div style="float:left;"><?php 
    echo @$empt['gateway_msg'];
} else {
    if ($user_select > 0) {
        <div style="float:left;"><textarea id="gateway_msg" name="gateway_msg" rows="5" style="width:255px; border:1px solid #000261;"><?php 
        echo format_str(@$empt['gateway_msg']);

        <div style="clear:both;"></div>

if ($read_only <= 0) {
コード例 #25
    } else {
        $fv_msg = 'Please clear the following Error(s):<br /><br />- ';
        $fv_msg_ar = array();
        foreach ($fv_errors as $fv_k => $fv_v) {
            $fv_msg_ar = array_merge($fv_msg_ar, $fv_v);
        $fv_msg .= @implode('<br />- ', $fv_msg_ar);
        $_SESSION["CUSA_MSG_GLOBAL"] = array(false, $fv_msg);
//end if form post..
if ($success == false) {
    $secret_questions = @format_str(@mysql_exec("SELECT * FROM secret_questions ORDER BY question"));
$category_msg = "Please use the form below to <b>Update</b> your Account Password at collaborateUSA.com.";
#/ Fill pg_meta
$pg_meta = array('page_title' => "Password Update");
$page_heading = $pg_meta['page_title'];
$head_msg = "Update Account Password at collaborateUSA.com";
$load_validation = true;
include_once "includes/header.php";
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
echo DOC_ROOT;
assets/css/form.css" />
コード例 #26

    <td valign="middle" style="padding:6px 4px;"><br />
        <div style="width:150px; float:left;">Total Voices:</div>
        <div style="float:left;"><?php 
    echo (int) format_str(@$empt['voice_count']);

        <div style="clear:both; height:10px;"></div>

        <div style="width:150px; float:left;">Total Patronage Points:</div>
        <div style="float:left;"><?php 
    echo number_format((int) format_str(@$empt['total_patronage_points']), 0);

        <div style="clear:both;"></div>

if ($read_only <= 0) {
コード例 #27

            <div id="m_cat_field_div" style="display:none;"><br /><input type="text" id="m_cat_field" name="m_cat" maxlength="25" value="" style="width:150px; border:1px solid #000261;" /><span style="color:#CC0000;">&nbsp;&nbsp;*</span></div>

        <div style="clear:both; height:15px;"></div>
        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">&nbsp;</div><div><hr /></div>
        <div style="clear:both; height:15px;"></div>

        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">ALT Text:</div>
        <div style="float:left;"><input type="text" id="alt_text" name="alt_text" maxlength="100" value="<?php 
echo format_str(@$empt['alt_text']);
" style="width:250px; border:1px solid #000261;" />

        <div style="clear:both; height:10px;"></div>

        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">Media Type:</div>
        <div style="float:left;">
            <select id="m_type" name="m_type" disabled="">
                <option value="-">-Please Select-</option>
                <option value="image">Image</option>
                <option value="video">Video</option>
                <span class="submsg">&nbsp;&nbsp;auto generated</span>
コード例 #28
if (!defined('BASEPATH')) {
    exit('No direct script access allowed');
##/ Integrate Generic HEader
#/ get Page Info
$page_info = @mysql_exec("SELECT * FROM site_pages WHERE seo_tag_id='11'", 'single');
#/ Fill pg_meta
if (isset($title) && !empty($title)) {
    $page_title = $title;
} else {
    $page_title = format_str(@$page_info['title']);
$pg_meta = array('page_title' => $page_title, 'meta_keywords' => format_str(@$page_info['meta_keywords']), 'meta_descr' => format_str(@$page_info['meta_descr']));
$page_heading = format_str(@$page_info['page_heading']);
require_once CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/includes/header.php';
$config = c_get_config();

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php 
echo c_get_assets_url();
css/style.css" />
/*<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php echo c_get_assets_url(); ?>css/header_footer.css" />*/

/*<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>*/
コード例 #29

        <div style="clear:both; height:20px;"></div>

        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">Key:</div>
        <div style="float:left;"><input type="text" id="c_key" name="c_key" maxlength="50" disabled="" value="<?php 
echo format_str(@$empt['c_key']);
" style="width:250px; border:1px solid #000261;" />

        <div style="clear:both; height:10px;"></div>

        <div style="width:130px; float:left;">Value:</div>
        <div style="float:left;"><input type="text" id="c_value" name="c_value" maxlength="50" value="<?php 
echo format_str(@$empt['c_value']);
" style="width:100px; border:1px solid #000261;" />
        <span style="color:#CC0000;">&nbsp;&nbsp;*</span>

        <div style="clear:both;"></div>


			<input type="submit" class="button" name="sub" value="Submit" style="width:120px;">&nbsp;&nbsp;
コード例 #30

require_once '../../includes/config.php';
include_once 'includes/session.php';
include_once '../../includes/format_str.php';
include_once '../../includes/func_1.php';
include_once '../../includes/db_lib.php';
include_once "../../includes/admin/functions.php";
$_POST = format_str($_POST);
$_GET = format_str($_GET);
#/ Setup variables & check empty
$my_user_id = (int) @$_SESSION["cusa_admin_usr_id"];
if ($my_user_id <= 0) {
$pg_title = "ERROR 403 :: PERMISSION DENIED";
include_once "includes/header.php";

<h1 style='color:#B7151A;'><?php 
echo $pg_title;

<div style='color:#B7151A; padding:0 20px;'>
    <br /><br /><br />
    <b style='font-size:15px; font-weight:bold;'>ERROR 403</b><br /><br />
    You do not have the Permissions to access this section!