コード例 #1
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: jlsa/justitia
 function write_submitable_entity_info()
     echo "<table>";
     if ($this->entity->description()) {
         echo "<tr><td>Description</td><td>" . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($this->entity->description())) . "</td>";
     echo "<tr><td>Can submit</td><td>" . format_bool($this->entity->active()) . "</td>";
     $active_range = $this->entity->active_range();
     if ($active_range->start > now()) {
         echo "<tr><td>Starts</td><td>" . format_date($active_range->start) . "</td>";
     if ($this->entity->attribute("deadline") == NULL) {
         echo "<tr><td>Deadline</td><td>" . format_date($active_range->end, true) . "</td>";
     } else {
         echo "<tr><td>Deadline</td><td>" . format_date(parse_date($this->entity->attribute("deadline")), true) . "</td>";
     echo "<tr><td>Language</td><td>" . $this->entity->language()->name . "</td>";
     echo "<tr><td>Judging</td><td>";
     if ($this->entity->compile()) {
         if ($this->entity->has_testcases()) {
             echo "Your submission will be compiled and tested. ";
         } else {
             echo "Your submission will be compiled. ";
         if ($this->entity->attribute_bool('keep best')) {
             // Arnold says: "This is confusing, don't show"
             //echo "The best solution counts.";
         } else {
             echo "The last solution counts.";
     } else {
         echo "All submissions are accepted.";
     // downloadable files?
     $files = $this->entity->downloadable_files();
     if ($files) {
         $downloads = array();
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
             $downloads[] = '<a href="download_entity.php' . htmlspecialchars($this->entity->path()) . '?f=' . urlencode($file) . '" class="file ' . $ext . '">' . htmlspecialchars($file) . '</a>';
         if (count($files) > 1) {
             array_unshift($downloads, '<a href="download_entity.php' . htmlspecialchars($this->entity->path()) . '?all=1" class="file zip">All files as zip</a>');
         echo "<tr><td>Files</td><td class=\"list-like\">" . implode(' | ', $downloads) . "</td></tr>";
     echo "</td>";
     echo "</table>";
コード例 #2
ファイル: admin.php プロジェクト: RiJo/phphoto
function phphoto_echo_admin_images($db)
    $order_by = isset($_GET[GET_KEY_SORT_COLUMN]) ? $_GET[GET_KEY_SORT_COLUMN] : 2;
    // prevent SQL injections
    $page_number = isset($_GET[GET_KEY_PAGE_NUMBER]) ? $_GET[GET_KEY_PAGE_NUMBER] : 0;
    // prevent SQL injections
    $sql = "SELECT CEIL(COUNT(*) / {$items_per_page}) AS pages FROM images";
    $pages = phphoto_db_query($db, $sql);
    $pages = $pages[0]['pages'] > 0 ? $pages[0]['pages'] : 1;
    $sql = sprintf("\n        SELECT\n            id,\n            IF (LENGTH(title) > 0, title, filename) AS name,\n            active,\n            width,\n            height,\n            (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM image_to_gallery WHERE image_id = id) AS galleries,\n            (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM image_to_tag WHERE image_id = id) AS tags,\n            views,\n            views / (SELECT SUM(views) FROM images) AS popularity\n        FROM\n            images\n        ORDER BY\n            %s\n        LIMIT\n            " . $page_number * $items_per_page . ", {$items_per_page}", mysql_real_escape_string($order_by, $db));
    $header = array(phphoto_text($db, 'header', 'thumbnail'), "<a href='" . CURRENT_PAGE . '?' . GET_KEY_ADMIN_QUERY . '=' . GET_VALUE_ADMIN_IMAGE . '&' . GET_KEY_SORT_COLUMN . "=2'>" . phphoto_text($db, 'header', 'name') . "</a>", "<a href='" . CURRENT_PAGE . '?' . GET_KEY_ADMIN_QUERY . '=' . GET_VALUE_ADMIN_IMAGE . '&' . GET_KEY_SORT_COLUMN . "=3'>" . phphoto_text($db, 'header', 'active') . "</a>", "<a href='" . CURRENT_PAGE . '?' . GET_KEY_ADMIN_QUERY . '=' . GET_VALUE_ADMIN_IMAGE . '&' . GET_KEY_SORT_COLUMN . "=4'>" . phphoto_text($db, 'header', 'resolution') . "</a>", "<a href='" . CURRENT_PAGE . '?' . GET_KEY_ADMIN_QUERY . '=' . GET_VALUE_ADMIN_IMAGE . '&' . GET_KEY_SORT_COLUMN . "=6'>" . phphoto_text($db, 'header', 'galleries') . "</a>", "<a href='" . CURRENT_PAGE . '?' . GET_KEY_ADMIN_QUERY . '=' . GET_VALUE_ADMIN_IMAGE . '&' . GET_KEY_SORT_COLUMN . "=7'>" . phphoto_text($db, 'header', 'tags') . "</a>", "<a href='" . CURRENT_PAGE . '?' . GET_KEY_ADMIN_QUERY . '=' . GET_VALUE_ADMIN_IMAGE . '&' . GET_KEY_SORT_COLUMN . "=8'>" . phphoto_text($db, 'header', 'views') . "</a>", '&nbsp;');
    $max_text_length = 12;
    $data = array();
    foreach (phphoto_db_query($db, $sql) as $row) {
        array_push($data, array("<a href='" . CURRENT_PAGE . '?' . GET_KEY_ADMIN_QUERY . '=' . GET_VALUE_ADMIN_IMAGE . '&' . GET_KEY_IMAGE_ID . "={$row['id']}'>\n                    <img src='image.php?" . GET_KEY_IMAGE_ID . "={$row['id']}t' class='thumbnail' /></a>", wordwrap(format_string($row['name']), 20, '<br>', true), format_bool($row['active']), $row['width'] . 'x' . $row['height'] . '<br>' . phphoto_image_aspect_ratio($row['width'], $row['height']), $row['galleries'], $row['tags'], $row['views'] . " (" . round($row['popularity'] * 100) . "%)", !$row['galleries'] && !$row['tags'] ? "<a href='" . CURRENT_PAGE . '?' . GET_KEY_ADMIN_QUERY . '=' . GET_VALUE_ADMIN_IMAGE . '&' . GET_KEY_OPERATION . '=' . GET_VALUE_DELETE . '&' . GET_KEY_IMAGE_ID . "={$row['id']}'><img src='./icons/process-stop.png' /></a>" : "<img src='./icons/process-stop-inactive.png' />"));
    echo "\n<div class='admin'>";
    echo "\n    <h1>" . phphoto_text($db, 'section', 'images') . "</h1>";
    $url_previous = CURRENT_PAGE . '?' . GET_KEY_ADMIN_QUERY . '=' . GET_VALUE_ADMIN_IMAGE . '&' . GET_KEY_PAGE_NUMBER . '=' . ($page_number - 1);
    $url_next = CURRENT_PAGE . '?' . GET_KEY_ADMIN_QUERY . '=' . GET_VALUE_ADMIN_IMAGE . '&' . GET_KEY_PAGE_NUMBER . '=' . ($page_number + 1);
    $footer = array(phphoto_page_numbering($db, $page_number, $pages, $url_previous, $url_next));
    phphoto_to_html_table($data, $header, $footer);
    echo "\n</div>";