/** * 查询评论内容 * * @access public * @params integer $id * @params integer $type * @params integer $page * @return array */ function GZ_assign_comment($id, $type, $page = 1, $page_size = 10) { /* 取得评论列表 */ $count = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('comment') . " WHERE id_value = '{$id}' AND comment_type = '{$type}' AND status = 1 AND parent_id = 0"); $page_count = $count > 0 ? intval(ceil($count / $page_size)) : 1; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('comment') . " WHERE id_value = '{$id}' AND comment_type = '{$type}' AND status = 1 AND parent_id = 0" . ' ORDER BY comment_id DESC'; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->selectLimit($sql, $page_size, ($page - 1) * $page_size); $arr = array(); $ids = ''; while ($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($res)) { $ids .= $ids ? ",{$row['comment_id']}" : $row['comment_id']; $arr[$row['comment_id']]['id'] = $row['comment_id']; // $arr[$row['comment_id']]['email'] = $row['email']; $arr[$row['comment_id']]['author'] = empty($row['user_name']) ? '匿名用户' : $row['user_name']; $arr[$row['comment_id']]['content'] = str_replace('\\r\\n', '<br />', htmlspecialchars($row['content'])); $arr[$row['comment_id']]['content'] = nl2br(str_replace('\\n', '<br />', $arr[$row['comment_id']]['content'])); // $arr[$row['comment_id']]['rank'] = $row['comment_rank']; $arr[$row['comment_id']]['create'] = formatTime($row['add_time']); $arr[$row['comment_id']]['re_content'] = ''; } /* 取得已有回复的评论 */ if ($ids) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('comment') . " WHERE parent_id IN( {$ids} )"; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); while ($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetch_array($res)) { $arr[$row['parent_id']]['re_content'] = nl2br(str_replace('\\n', '<br />', htmlspecialchars($row['content']))); // $arr[$row['parent_id']]['re_add_time'] = local_date($GLOBALS['_CFG']['time_format'], $row['add_time']); // $arr[$row['parent_id']]['re_email'] = $row['email']; // $arr[$row['parent_id']]['re_username'] = $row['user_name']; } } $pager = array("total" => $count, "count" => count($arr), "more" => $page < $page_count ? 1 : 0); $cmt = array('comments' => array_values($arr), 'pager' => $pager); return $cmt; }
function source($path, $action, $title, $content) { $Head = '<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />'; $content['PageNav']->Active("Page History"); if (is_numeric($action[1])) { $PageQuery = mysql_query("SELECT `AccountID`,`EditTime`,`Name`,`Description`,`Title`,`Content` FROM `Wiki_Edits` WHERE `ID`='{$action['1']}' and `Archived` = 0"); list($AccountID, $PageEditTime, $PageName, $PageDescription, $PageTitle, $PageContent) = mysql_fetch_array($PageQuery); $Form['_Options'] = "action:;"; $Form['Name']['Text'] = "Name:"; $Form['Name']['Form'] = "id:Name; name:Name; value:{" . $PageName . "}; maxlength:32;"; $Form['Title']['Text'] = "Title:"; $Form['Title']['Form'] = "name:Title; value:x{" . $PageTitle . "}x; maxlength:255;"; $Form['Content']['Text'] = "Content:"; $Form['Content']['Form'] = "name:Content; value:x{" . $PageContent . "}x; type:textarea; cols:80; rows:12;"; $Form['Description']['Text'] = "Description:"; $Form['Description']['Form'] = "name:Description; value:x{" . $PageDescription . "}x; size: 80; maxlength:255;"; $content['Title'] = "Viewing Source of: {$PageTitle}"; $content['Body'] .= Format($Form, Form); date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); // $PageEditTime = date("F j\, Y G:i:s", $PageEditTime)." EST"; $PageEditTime = formatTime($PageEditTime); $content['Footer'] = "This page is an old revision made by <b><a href='/names?id={$AccountID}'>{$PageName}</a></b> on {$PageEditTime}."; } return array($title, $content); }
function countDown($dateStarted, $duration) { date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); $startedAt = strtotime($dateStarted); $currtime = time(); $timeElapsed = $currtime - $startedAt; $remaining = $duration * 60 - $timeElapsed; $seconds = $remaining; $minutes = floor($remaining / 60); $hours = floor($remaining / 3600); //$days = floor($diffInSeconds/86400); $minutes %= 60; $hours %= 24; $seconds %= 60; if ($remaining <= 0) { $mins = '00'; $hrs = '00'; $secs = '00'; } else { $mins = formatTime($minutes); $hrs = formatTime($hours); $secs = formatTime($seconds); } return array($remaining, $hrs . ":" . $mins . ":" . $secs); }
/** * Context is not used. */ function display($context) { mpLog("notebook-view:User visited Lab Notebook page"); $labbook = openLabbook(); echo $this->pageHeader("Lab notebook", "notebook"); // Set time zone form echo makeEventForm("onSetTimezone"); echo "<table border='0' width='100%'><tr>\n"; echo "<td>Current time: " . formatTime(time()) . "</td>\n"; echo "<td>" . timeZonePicker('timezone', $_SESSION['timeZone']); echo "<input type='submit' name='cmd' value='Set time zone'></td>\n"; echo "</tr></table></form>\n"; echo "</div>\n<br>\n<div class='pagecontent'>\n"; // Notebook table of contents echo "<h3><a name='top'</a>Table of contents:</h3>\n"; echo "<div class='indent'>\n"; $this->printTOC($labbook); //onNotebookEdit removed for security reasons (probably nobody was using it) //echo makeEventForm("onNotebookEdit"); //echo "<input type='submit' name='cmd' value='Create new entry'>\n</form>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; // Actual notebook entries foreach ($labbook as $num => $entry) { $this->printEntry($num, $entry); } echo $this->pageFooter(); }
function widget($args, $instance) { $daysOfWeek = array("0" => array("Monday", "Mon"), "1" => array("Tuesday", "Tue"), "2" => array("Wednesday", "Wed"), "3" => array("Thursday", "Thu"), "4" => array("Friday", "Fri"), "5" => array("Saturday", "Sat"), "6" => array("Sunday", "Sun")); // Widget output $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); // before and after widget arguments are defined by themes echo $args['before_widget']; // This is where you run the code and display the output $widgetOutput = ""; $widgetOutput .= "<div class='container openhours-widget'>"; $widgetOutput .= "<h4 class='title'>" . $title . "</h4>"; $hoursObj = json_decode($instance['hours'], true); $lz = $instance['leadingzero'] == '1'; $widgetOutput .= "<div><span class='day'>" . $daysOfWeek[0][0] . ":</span> <span class='hours'>" . formatTime($hoursObj["monday"]["from"], $instance['displayformat'], $lz) . " - " . formatTime($hoursObj["monday"]["to"], $instance['displayformat'], $lz) . "</span></div>"; $widgetOutput .= "<div><span class='day'>" . $daysOfWeek[1][0] . ":</span> <span class='hours'>" . formatTime($hoursObj["tuesday"]["from"], $instance['displayformat'], $lz) . " - " . formatTime($hoursObj["tuesday"]["to"], $instance['displayformat'], $lz) . "</span></div>"; $widgetOutput .= "<div><span class='day'>" . $daysOfWeek[2][0] . ":</span> <span class='hours'>" . formatTime($hoursObj["wednesday"]["from"], $instance['displayformat'], $lz) . " - " . formatTime($hoursObj["wednesday"]["to"], $instance['displayformat'], $lz) . "</span></div>"; $widgetOutput .= "<div><span class='day'>" . $daysOfWeek[3][0] . ":</span> <span class='hours'>" . formatTime($hoursObj["thursday"]["from"], $instance['displayformat'], $lz) . " - " . formatTime($hoursObj["thursday"]["to"], $instance['displayformat'], $lz) . "</span></div>"; $widgetOutput .= "<div><span class='day'>" . $daysOfWeek[4][0] . ":</span> <span class='hours'>" . formatTime($hoursObj["friday"]["from"], $instance['displayformat'], $lz) . " - " . formatTime($hoursObj["friday"]["to"], $instance['displayformat'], $lz) . "</span></div>"; $widgetOutput .= "<div><span class='day'>" . $daysOfWeek[5][0] . ":</span> <span class='hours'>" . formatTime($hoursObj["saturday"]["from"], $instance['displayformat'], $lz) . " - " . formatTime($hoursObj["saturday"]["to"], $instance['displayformat'], $lz) . "</span></div>"; $widgetOutput .= "<div><span class='day'>" . $daysOfWeek[6][0] . ":</span> <span class='hours'>" . formatTime($hoursObj["sunday"]["from"], $instance['displayformat'], $lz) . " - " . formatTime($hoursObj["sunday"]["to"], $instance['displayformat'], $lz) . "</span></div>"; $widgetOutput .= "</div>"; //div.container echo __($widgetOutput, 'austeve_openhours_widget_domain'); echo $args['after_widget']; }
function formatDayTimeBrief($time) { $day = formatDayAdaptive($time); if ($day == 'Today') { return formatTime($time); } else { return $day; } }
function diff($path, $action, $title, $content) { $Head = '<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />'; $content['PageNav']->Active("Page History"); if (is_numeric($action[1])) { $pageQuery = mysql_query("SELECT `PageID`,`AccountID`,`EditTime`,`Name`,`Description`,`Title`,`Content` FROM `Wiki_Edits` WHERE `ID`='{$action['1']}' and `Archived` = 0"); list($PageID, $AccountID, $PageEditTime, $PageName, $PageDescription, $PageTitle, $pageContent) = mysql_fetch_array($pageQuery); $previousQuery = mysql_query("Select `ID`, `Content` from `Wiki_Edits` where `ID` < '{$action['1']}' and `PageID`='{$PageID}' and `Archived` = 0 order by `ID` desc limit 1"); list($previousID, $previousContent) = mysql_fetch_array($previousQuery); $nextQuery = mysql_query("Select `ID` from `Wiki_Edits` where `ID` > '{$action['1']}' and `PageID`='{$PageID}' and `Archived` = 0 order by `ID` limit 1"); list($nextID) = mysql_fetch_array($nextQuery); if (!empty($previousID)) { $previousPath = FormatPath("/{$path}/?diff/{$previousID}"); $content['Title'] = "<a href='{$previousPath}' title='Previous Revision'>⟨</a> "; } $content['Title'] .= FishFormat($PageTitle); if (!empty($nextID)) { $nextPath = FormatPath("/{$path}/?diff/{$nextID}"); $content['Title'] .= " <a href='{$nextPath}' title='Next Revision'>⟩</a>"; } $content['Body'] .= <<<JavaScript <script> \$(document).ready(function () { \$('body').on('keydown', function(event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation() if(event.keyCode == 37) // Previous location.href = '{$previousPath}'; else if(event.keyCode == 39) // Next location.href = '{$nextPath}'; }); }); </script> JavaScript; $old = explode("\n", html_entity_decode($previousContent, ENT_QUOTES)); $new = explode("\n", html_entity_decode($pageContent, ENT_QUOTES)); // Initialize the diff class $diff = new Diff($old, $new); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../libraries/Diff/Renderer/Html/SideBySide.php'; $renderer = new Diff_Renderer_Html_SideBySide(); $content['Body'] .= $diff->Render($renderer); date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); $PageEditTime = formatTime($PageEditTime); $content['Footer'] = "This page is an old revision made by <b><a href='/names?id={$AccountID}'>{$PageName}</a></b> on {$PageEditTime}."; if ($PageDescription) { $content['Footer'] .= "<br />'{$PageDescription}'"; } } return array($title, $content); }
/** * 导出名单 */ public function export() { $activeid = intval($_GET['activeid']); $data[0] = array('姓名', '手机', '邮箱', '报名时间'); $members = $this->t('activedata')->where(array('activeid' => $activeid))->select(); foreach ($members as $k => $member) { $data[] = array($member['username'], $member['mobile'], $member['email'], formatTime($member['dateline'], 'Y-m-d H:i:s')); } //printr($data);exit(); include ROOT_PATH . '/core/library/class.php_excel.php'; $xls = new Excel_XML(); $xls->addArray($data); $xls->generateXML(random(10)); }
function view($path, $action, $title, $content) { $content['PageNav']->Active("View Page"); $PageQuery = mysql_query("SELECT `ID`,`Title`,`Content`,`Edits`,`Views`,`EditTime` FROM `Wiki_Pages` WHERE `Path`='{$path}'"); list($PageID, $PageTitle, $PageContent, $PageEdits, $pageViews, $PageEditTime) = mysql_fetch_array($PageQuery); $tagQuery = mysql_query("Select tags.`tag`, stats.`count`\n from `Wiki_Tags` as tags,\n `Wiki_Tag_Statistics` as stats\n \n where tags.`pageID` = '{$PageID}'\n and stats.`tag` = tags.`tag`"); while (list($tagName, $tagCount) = mysql_fetch_array($tagQuery)) { $plural = 's'; if ($tagCount == 1) { $plural = ''; } $tagLink = urlencode($tagName); $tagTitle = str_replace('-', ' ', $tagName); $tagLinks[] = "<a href='/?tag/{$tagLink}' title='{$tagCount} tagged page{$plural}'>{$tagTitle}</a>"; } if ($tagLinks) { $tagLinks = implode(" | ", $tagLinks); $tagLinks = "<hr />Tags: {$tagLinks}"; } $PageTitle = PageTitler($PageTitle); if (empty($PageContent)) { $PageContent = array("Hello friend. b{Wetfish regrets to inform you this page does not exist.}", "", "Confused? This is the {{wiki|Wetfish Wiki}}, a place anyone can edit!", "It appears you've stumbled upon a place none have yet traveled.", "Would you like to be the first? {{{$path}/?edit|All it takes is a click.}}", "", "i{But please, don't wallow.}", "i{A new page surely follows.}", "i{You have the power.}"); $PageContent = implode("<br />", $PageContent); } else { mysql_query("Update `Wiki_Pages` set `Views` = `Views` + 1 where `ID`='{$PageID}'"); } if ($_SESSION['admin']) { $content['ExtraNav'] = new Navigation(); $content['ExtraNav']->Add("Archive This Page", FormatPath("/{$path}/") . "?archive"); $content['ExtraNav']->Add("Rename This Page", FormatPath("/{$path}/") . "?rename"); } $title[] = FishFormat($PageTitle, "strip"); $content['Title'] .= FishFormat($PageTitle); $content['Body'] .= FishFormat($PageContent); if ($PageEdits) { $EditCount = count(explode(",", $PageEdits)); date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); $PageEditTime = formatTime($PageEditTime); if ($pageViews != 1) { $viewPlural = 's'; } if ($EditCount != 1) { $Plural = "s"; } $content['Tags'] = $tagLinks; $content['Footer'] = "<b>" . number_format($pageViews) . "</b> page view{$viewPlural}. <b>{$EditCount}</b> edit{$Plural}  —  Last modified <b>{$PageEditTime}</b>."; } return array($title, $content); }
function formatTime($t,$type) { if ($t=="") return ""; if ($t=="DNF" || $t=="DNS") return $t; switch($type) { case 1: while(strlen($t)>4 && ((($ch=substr($t,0,1))=="0") || $ch==":")) $t = substr($t,1); return $t; break; case 2: if(strlen($t)>1 && substr($t,0,1)=="0") $t = substr($t,1); return $t; break; default: return formatTime(substr($t,0,2),2)."/".formatTime(substr($t,2,2),2)." ".formatTime(substr($t,4,9),1); } }
_ticket_price.": ".number_format($row->price,2). "</cite></p>"; if( key($row) != count($events_advertise)-1 ) { echo"<br/>"; } } echo "</div>"; } // Special event of the day and outlet $special_events = querySQL('event_data_day'); if ($special_events && $_SESSION['page'] == 2 ) { echo "<div class='alert_info'>"; // special events foreach($special_events as $row) { echo " <img src='../web/images/icon_cutlery.png' alt='special' class='middle'/> <span class='bold'> <a href='".$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']."?outletID=".$row->outlet_id."&selectedDate=".$row->event_date."'>". _today.": ".$row->subject."</a></span> <p class='margin-bottom-10'>".$row->description."</p><p><cite> ".date($general['dateformat'],strtotime($row->event_date)). " ".formatTime($row->start_time,$general['timeformat']). " - ".formatTime($row->end_time,$general['timeformat'])." | ". _ticket_price.": ".number_format($row->price,2). "</cite></p>"; } echo "</div>"; } ?>
<div class='<?php echo $class; ?> comment-id'><?php echo $message->id; ?> </div> <table class='table table-borderless w-p100'> <tr> <th class='th-from'> <?php echo $message->from; ?> <br> <span class='time'> <?php echo formatTime($message->date, 'Y/m/d'); ?> </span> </th> <td class='td-content'> <div class='content-detail'><?php echo nl2br($message->content); ?> </div> </td> <td class='td-action'> <?php echo html::a($this->createLink('message', 'reply', "messageID={$message->id}"), $lang->message->reply, "data-toggle='modal' data-type='iframe' data-icon='reply' data-title='{$lang->message->reply}'"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php
echo "<img src='images/icons/clock-bolt.png' class='help tipsyold middle smicon' title='" . _sentence_11 . "' />"; } else { // daylight coloring if ($row->reservation_time > $daylight_evening) { echo "<img src='images/icons/clock-moon.png' class='middle smicon'/>"; } else { if ($row->reservation_time > $daylight_noon) { echo "<img src='images/icons/clock-sun.png' class='middle smicon'/>"; } else { if ($row->reservation_time < $daylight_noon) { echo "<img src='images/icons/clock-grey.png' class='middle smicon'/>"; } } } } echo "<strong>" . formatTime($row->reservation_time, $general['timeformat']) . "</strong></td>"; echo "<td>\n\t\t\t\t<strong class='big'>" . $row->reservation_pax . "</strong> " . $row->reservation_hotelguest_yn . "</td>"; //<img src='images/icons/user-silhouette.png' class='middle'/> echo "<td style='width:20%'>" . printTitle($row->reservation_title) . "<strong> <a id='detlbuttontrigger' href='ajax/guest_detail.php?id=" . $id . "'"; // color guest name if tautologous if ($tautologous > 1) { echo " class='tautologous tipsy' title='" . _tautologous_booking . "'"; } echo ">" . $row->reservation_guest_name . "</a></strong>"; if ($row->repeat_id != 0) { //print out recurring symbol echo " <img src='images/icons/loop-alt.png' alt='" . _recurring . "' title='" . _recurring . "' class='tipsy' border='0' >"; } echo "</td><td style='width:20%'>"; if ($_SESSION['page'] == 1) { echo $row->outlet_name;
</div> <div class='item-content'> <div class='text small text-muted'> <div class='media pull-left'> <?php if (!empty($article->image)) { $title = $article->image->primary->title ? $article->image->primary->title : $article->title; echo html::a($url, html::image($article->image->primary->smallURL, "title='{$title}' class='thumbnail'")); } ?> </div> <strong class='text-important'> <?php if (isset($content->time)) { echo "<i class='icon-time'></i> " . formatTime($article->addedDate, DT_DATE4); } ?> </strong> <?php echo $article->summary; ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php
function recent($path, $action, $title, $content) { // $Head = '<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />'; $content['UserNav']->Active("Recent Activity"); if (empty($_SESSION['Recent'])) { $_SESSION['Recent']['Active'][0] = "All Edits"; $_SESSION['Recent']['Active'][3] = "Descending"; $_SESSION['Recent']['Order'] = "DESC"; } $content['ExtraNav'] = new Navigation(); $content['ExtraNav']->Add("All Edits", "?recent/all"); $content['ExtraNav']->Add("Most Recent Edit", "?recent/unique"); $content['ExtraNav']->Add("Ascending", "?recent/asc"); $content['ExtraNav']->Add("Descending", "?recent/desc"); $content['ExtraNav']->Active($_SESSION['Recent']['Active']); $Template['Title'] = "View:"; $content['ExtraNav']->Template($Template); if (empty($action[1])) { $content['Title'] = "Recent Activity"; $ActivityQuery = "SELECT {$Unique} `ID`,`PageID`,`AccountID`,`EditTime`,`Size`,`Tags`,`Name`,`Description`,`Title` FROM `Wiki_Edits` where `Archived` = 0 ORDER BY `ID` {$_SESSION['Recent']['Order']}"; list($QueryData, $Links) = Paginate($ActivityQuery, 50, $_GET['page'], $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $content['Body'] .= "<center class='page-navigation'>{$Links}</center>"; $content['Body'] .= "<table width='100%' class='history'>"; $content['Body'] .= "<tr><td><b>Revision</b></td><td><b>Size</b></td><td><b>Tags</b></td><td><b>Editor</b></td><td style='min-width:200px;'><b>Title</b></td><td><b>Description</b></td></tr>"; if ($QueryData) { foreach ($QueryData as $Result) { list($EditID, $PageID, $AccountID, $PageTime, $PageSize, $pageTags, $PageName, $PageDescription, $PageTitle) = $Result; if (empty($Data[$PageID])) { $PageQuery = mysql_query("SELECT `Path` FROM `Wiki_Pages` WHERE `ID`='{$PageID}'"); list($PagePath) = mysql_fetch_array($PageQuery); $Data[$PageID] = $PagePath; } else { $PagePath = $Data[$PageID]; } $Toggle++; date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); $minWidth = recentTime($PageTime) ? 85 : 175; $PageTime = formatTime($PageTime); if ($Toggle % 2 == 1) { $Class = "class='toggle'"; } else { $Class = ''; } $PageName = FishFormat($PageName, "format"); $PageDescription = FishFormat($PageDescription, "format"); $PageTitle = FishFormat($PageTitle, "format"); $DiffURL = str_replace("//", "/", "/{$PagePath}/?diff/{$EditID}"); $content['Body'] .= "<tr {$Class}><td style='min-width:{$minWidth}px;'>{$PageTime}</td><td>{$PageSize}</td><td>{$pageTags}</td><td><b><a href='/edits?name={$PageName}'>{$PageName}</a></b></td><td style='max-width:400px'><span style='float:right;'><a href='{$DiffURL}' rel='nofollow'>d</a></span><b><a href='/{$PagePath}'>{$PageTitle}</a></b></td><td class='multi-line'>{$PageDescription}</td></tr>"; } } $content['Body'] .= "</table>"; $content['Body'] .= "<center class='page-navigation bottom'>{$Links}</center>"; } elseif ($action[1] == "page") { } else { switch ($action[1]) { case "all": $_SESSION['Recent']['Active'][0] = "All Edits"; $_SESSION['Recent']['Active'][1] = ""; $_SESSION['Recent']['View'] = ""; break; case "unique": $_SESSION['Recent']['Active'][0] = ""; $_SESSION['Recent']['Active'][1] = "Most Recent Edit"; $_SESSION['Recent']['View'] = "DISTINCT"; break; case "asc": $_SESSION['Recent']['Active'][2] = "Ascending"; $_SESSION['Recent']['Active'][3] = ""; $_SESSION['Recent']['Order'] = ""; break; case "desc": $_SESSION['Recent']['Active'][2] = ""; $_SESSION['Recent']['Active'][3] = "Descending"; $_SESSION['Recent']['Order'] = "DESC"; break; } $content['Body'] = "<b>Settings changed...</b> <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;url=" . FormatPath("/{$path}/?recent") . "'>"; } return array($title, $content); }
$events = querySQL('db_propery_events'); if ($events) { // remember original session outlet id $mem_id = $_SESSION['outletID']; foreach($events as $row) { $_SESSION['outletID'] = $row->outlet_id; echo "<tr id='events-".$row->id."'>"; echo "<td><span class='bold'>".date($general['dateformat'],strtotime($row->event_date))."</strong></td> <td><span class='bold'><a href='?p=6&q=4&btn=3&eventID=".$row->id."'>".$row->subject."</a></strong> <a href='main_page.php?p=2&outletID=".$row->outlet_id."&selectedDate=".$row->event_date."' style='margin-left:12px;'> <img src='images/icons/arrow.png'/></a> </td> <td>".querySQL('db_outlet')."</td> <td>".formatTime($row->start_time,$general['timeformat'])."</td> <td>".formatTime($row->end_time,$general['timeformat'])."</td>"; //<td>".$row->open_to."</td> //<td><small>".$row->contact."</small></td> echo "<td>".$row->advertise_start." "._days." "._before."</td> <td>".number_format($row->price,2)."</td> <td> <a href='#modaldelete' name='events' id='".$row->id."' class='deletebtn'> <img src='images/icons/delete_cross.png' alt='"._cancelled."' class='help' title='"._delete."'/> </a> </td> </tr>"; } //get back original session outlet id $_SESSION['outletID'] = $mem_id; } ?>
?> </span> <?php echo $rctFlag; ?> <?php if (Member::isOnLeave($player->member_id)) { ?> <small class='pull-right text-muted'>On Leave</small> <?php } else { ?> <small class='pull-right text-<?php echo inactiveClass($player->last_activity); ?> '>Seen <?php echo formatTime(strtotime($player->last_activity)); ?> </small> <?php } ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?>
$where = array('review' => '~' . $_GET['keywords']); } $reviews = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_reviews', false, $where, array($filter['field'] => $filter['sort']), $per_page, $page); if (isset($_GET['product_id']) && is_numeric($_GET['product_id'])) { $product = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_inventory', array('name'), array('product_id' => (int) $_GET['product_id'])); } if (!$reviews && isset($product) && $product) { $GLOBALS['main']->setACPWarning($lang['reviews']['error_reviews_none']); httpredir(currentPage(array('product_id')), 'search'); } if ($reviews) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('PAGINATION', $GLOBALS['db']->pagination(false, $per_page, $page, 9)); foreach ($reviews as $review) { if (($product = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_inventory', array('name'), array('product_id' => $review['product_id']))) !== false) { $review['product'] = $product[0]; $review['date'] = formatTime($review['time']); $review['delete'] = currentPage(null, array('delete' => (int) $review['id'])); $review['edit'] = currentPage(null, array('edit' => (int) $review['id'])); $smarty_data['reviews'][] = $review; } else { $GLOBALS['db']->delete('CubeCart_reviews', array('product_id' => $review['product_id'])); } } if (isset($smarty_data['reviews'])) { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('REVIEWS', $smarty_data['reviews']); } } $fields = array(array('value' => 'rating', 'name' => $lang['documents']['rating']), array('value' => 'time', 'name' => $lang['common']['date'])); $sorts = array(array('value' => 'DESC', 'name' => $lang['category']['sort_high_low']), array('value' => 'ASC', 'name' => $lang['category']['sort_low_high'])); $statuses = array(array('value' => '', 'name' => $lang['common']['all']), array('value' => '1', 'name' => $lang['common']['approved']), array('value' => '0', 'name' => $lang['common']['unapproved'])); foreach ($fields as $field) {
foreach (UserAction::findByDivision($division->id, 15) as $action) { ?> <?php if (!is_null($action->target_id)) { ?> <li> <i class="<?php echo $action->icon; ?> fa-2x"></i> <div> <?php echo UserAction::humanize($action->type_id, $action->target_id, $action->user_id, $action->verbage); ?> <span><?php echo formatTime(strtotime($action->date), 1); ?> </span> </div> </li> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </ul> <div class="panel-footer"><a href="activity/" class="btn btn-default">View more »</a></div> </div> </div> </div>
function timestampToDatetime($timestamp) { $format = Config::get('dateformat') . ' ' . (Config::get('clock') == 12 ? 'g:i A' : 'H:i'); return formatTime($format, $timestamp); }
/** * Deliver digital download from _createDownload * * @param string $order_id * @param string $email * @return bool */ private function _digitalDelivery($order_id, $email) { if (!empty($order_id) && !empty($email)) { if (($digital = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_downloads', array('digital_id', 'accesskey', 'order_inv_id'), array('cart_order_id' => $order_id))) !== false) { foreach ($digital as $offset => $download) { // Get product name $product = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_order_inventory', array('name'), array('id' => $download['order_inv_id'])); // Set minimum expiry time (min 30 mins = 1800 seconds) if (!$GLOBALS['config']->isEmpty('config', 'download_expire')) { $validity_time = $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'download_expire') > 1800 ? $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'download_expire') : 1800; $expire = time() + $validity_time; } else { $expire = 0; } $GLOBALS['db']->update('CubeCart_downloads', array('expire' => $expire), array('digital_id' => $download['digital_id'])); $dkeys[] = array('accesskey' => $download['accesskey'], 'name' => $product[0]['name'], 'expire' => $expire > 0 ? formatTime($expire, false, true) : $GLOBALS['language']->common['never']); } $mailer = new Mailer(); if ($this->_email_enabled && ($contents = $mailer->loadContent('cart.digital_download', $this->_order_summary['lang'], $this->_order_summary))) { $storeURL = CC_SSL ? $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'ssl_url') : $GLOBALS['storeURL']; foreach ($dkeys as $dkey) { $download['url'] = $storeURL . '/index.php?_a=download&accesskey=' . $dkey['accesskey']; $download['name'] = $dkey['name']; $download['expire'] = $dkey['expire']; $downloads[] = $download; } $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('DOWNLOADS', $downloads); return $mailer->sendEmail($email, $contents); } } } return false; }
</div> <div class='article' id='blog' data-id='<?php echo $article->id; ?> '> <header> <h1><?php echo $article->title; ?> </h1> <dl class='dl-inline'> <dd data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' data-original-title='<?php printf($lang->article->lblAddedDate, formatTime($article->addedDate)); ?> '><i class="icon-time icon-large"></i> <?php echo formatTime($article->addedDate); ?> </dd> <dd data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' data-original-title='<?php printf($lang->article->lblAuthor, $article->author); ?> '><i class='icon-user icon-large'></i> <?php echo $article->author; ?> </dd> <?php if ($article->source and $article->source != 'original' and $article->copyURL != '') { ?> <dt><?php echo $lang->article->lblSource; ?>
?> </th> <td colspan='2'><?php echo html::textarea('content', htmlspecialchars($article->content), "rows='10' class='form-control'"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo $lang->article->addedDate; ?> </th> <td> <div class='input-append date'> <?php echo html::input('addedDate', formatTime($article->addedDate), "class='form-control'"); ?> <span class='add-on'><button class="btn btn-default" type="button"><i class="icon-calendar"></i></button></span> </div> </td> <td><span class='help-inline'><?php echo $lang->article->placeholder->addedDate; ?> </span></td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo $lang->article->status; ?> </th> <td><?php
<div class='<?php echo $class; ?> comment-id'><?php echo $comment->id; ?> </div> <table class='table table-borderless w-p100'> <tr> <th class='th-from'> <?php echo $comment->from; ?> <br> <span class='time'><?php echo formatTime($comment->date, 'Y/m/d'); ?> </span> </th> <td class='td-content'> <div class='content-detail'><?php echo nl2br($comment->content); ?> </div> </td> <td class='td-action'> <?php echo html::a($this->createLink('message', 'reply', "commentID={$comment->id}"), $lang->comment->reply, "data-toggle='modal' data-type='iframe' data-icon='reply' data-title='{$lang->comment->reply}'"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php
</p> <?php } ?> <p><?php printf($lang->order->infoAmount, $order->plan, $order->real); ?> </p> <p> <?php if (formatTime($order->contactedDate)) { printf($lang->order->infoContacted, $order->contactedDate); } ?> <?php if (formatTime($order->nextDate)) { printf($lang->order->infoNextDate, $order->nextDate); } ?> </p> </div> </fieldset> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php include '../../../sys/common/view/mail.html.php'; ?> </td> </tr> </table>
if ($game->game_id != 2) { ?> <span class="pull-left" style="margin-right: 20px;"><img class="img-thumbnail" src="assets/images/game_icons/32x32/<?php echo $game->game_id; ?> .png"/></span> <?php } ?> <span class="pull-left"> <?php echo $game->server; ?> <br /><span class="text-muted">Played <?php echo formatTime(strtotime($game->datetime)); ?> </span> </span> </a> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <li class='list-group-item text-muted'>No information currently available for this player, or player has not played any games in the past 30 days. Please ensure that game activity is not hidden by the user.</li> <?php
// special events foreach ($advertise as $row) { echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src='../web/images/icon_cutlery.png' alt='special' class='middle'/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bold'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='" . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?outletID=" . $row->outlet_id . "&selectedDate=" . $row->event_date . "'>" . _today . ": " . $row->subject . "</a></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>" . $row->description . "<br/><cite><span class='bold'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . date($general['dateformat'], strtotime($row->event_date)) . "</span> " . formatTime($row->start_time, $general['timeformat']) . " - " . formatTime($row->end_time, $general['timeformat']) . " | " . _ticket_price . ": " . number_format($row->price, 2) . "</cite></p>"; if (key($row) != count($events_advertise) - 1) { echo "<br/>"; } } echo "</div>"; } else { echo "<div class='alert_ads'>"; $advertise = $events_advertise; // special events advertisement echo "<div class='ads'>" . _ads . "</div>"; // special events foreach ($advertise as $row) { echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src='../web/images/icon_cutlery.png' alt='special' class='middle'/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='bold'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='" . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?outletID=" . $row->outlet_id . "&selectedDate=" . $row->event_date . "'>" . _sp_events . ": " . date($general['dateformat'], strtotime($row->event_date)) . " " . $row->subject . "</a> | " . $row->outlet_name . "</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>" . $row->description . "<br/><cite><span class='bold'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . date($general['dateformat'], strtotime($row->event_date)) . "</span> " . formatTime($row->start_time, $general['timeformat']) . " - " . formatTime($row->end_time, $general['timeformat']) . " | " . _ticket_price . ": " . number_format($row->price, 2) . "</cite></p>"; if (key($row) != count($events_advertise) - 1) { echo "<br/>"; } } echo "</div>"; } } ?> <br/><br/> <? // Restaurant dropdown $num_outlets = 0; if ($_SESSION['single_outlet'] == 'OFF') { $num_outlets = querySQL('num_outlets'); }
function formatDateTime($datetime, $short = 0) { $date = substr($datetime, 0, 10); $time = substr($datetime, 11, 8); return formatDate($date, $short) . ' ' . formatTime($time, $short); }
/** * Get all replies of a message for front. * * @param object $message * @access public * @return array */ public function getFrontReplies($message, $type = '') { $replies = $this->getReplies($message); if (!empty($replies)) { if ($type !== 'simple') { foreach ($replies as $reply) { echo "<tr class='reply'>"; echo "<th class='th-from text-important'>{$reply->from}<br />"; echo "<span class='time'>" . formatTime($reply->date, 'Y/m/d') . "</span></th>"; echo "<td class='td-content'><div class='content-detail'>" . nl2br($reply->content) . '</div></td>'; echo "<td class='td-action'>"; echo html::a(helper::createLink('message', 'reply', "id={$reply->id}"), $this->lang->message->reply, " data-toggle='modal' data-type='iframe' id='reply{$reply->id}'"); echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; $this->getFrontReplies($reply); } } else { echo "<div class='replies'>"; foreach ($replies as $reply) { echo "<div class='reply card'>"; echo "<div class='card-heading'>"; echo "<span class='text-primary'><i class='icon-reply'></i> {$reply->from}</span> <small class='text-muted'>" . formatTime($reply->date, 'Y/m/d H:m') . "</small>"; echo "<div class='actions'>" . html::a(helper::createLink('message', 'reply', "id={$reply->id}"), $this->lang->message->reply, " data-toggle='modal' data-type='ajax' id='reply{$reply->id}'") . "</div>"; echo '</div>'; echo "<div class='card-content'>" . nl2br($reply->content) . "</div>"; $this->getFrontReplies($reply, $type); echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; } } }
<div class='media pull-right'> <?php $title = $article->image->primary->title ? $article->image->primary->title : $article->title; echo html::a($url, html::image($article->image->primary->smallURL, "title='{$title}' class='thumbnail'")); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php echo $article->summary; ?> </div> <div class="card-actions text-muted"> <span data-toggle='tooltip' title='<?php printf($lang->article->lblAddedDate, formatTime($article->addedDate)); ?> '><i class="icon-time"></i> <?php echo date('Y/m/d', strtotime($article->addedDate)); ?> </span> <span data-toggle='tooltip' title='<?php printf($lang->article->lblAuthor, $article->author); ?> '><i class="icon-user"></i> <?php echo $article->author; ?> </span> <span data-toggle='tooltip' title='<?php printf($lang->article->lblViews, $article->views); ?>