コード例 #1
ファイル: RandomMoney.php プロジェクト: VBGAMER45/SMFMods
 function onUse()
     global $db_prefix, $context, $item_info;
     // If an amount was not defined by the admin, assume defaults
     if (!isset($item_info[1]) || $item_info[1] == '') {
         $item_info[1] = -190;
     if (!isset($item_info[2]) || $item_info[2] == '') {
         $item_info[2] = 190;
     $amount = mt_rand($item_info[1], $item_info[2]);
     // Did we lose money?
     if ($amount < 0) {
         $result = db_query("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT money\n\t\t\t\tFROM {$db_prefix}members\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ID_MEMBER = {$context[user][id]}", __FILE__, __LINE__);
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         $amountLoss = abs($amount);
         // If the user has enough money to pay for it out of his/her pocket
         if ($row['money'] > $amountLoss) {
             updateMemberData($context['user']['id'], array('money' => 'money - ' . $amountLoss));
             return 'You lost ' . formatMoney($amountLoss) . '!';
         } else {
             updateMemberData($context['user']['id'], array('memberBank' => 'moneyBank - ' . $amountLoss));
             return 'You lost ' . formatMoney($amountLoss) . '!<br /><br />You didn\'t have enough money in your pocket, so the money was taken from your bank! :(';
     } else {
         updateMemberData($context['user']['id'], array('money' => 'money + ' . $amount));
         return 'You got ' . formatMoney($amount) . '!';
コード例 #2
ファイル: panels.inc.php プロジェクト: simplyianm/clububer
function panel_topten_bank()
    //Top ten . gives top ten bank members
    $topbankq = dbquery("SELECT g.owner_id, g.bank, u.user_name as owner_name\n\t\tFROM " . DB_UG3 . " g\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " u ON g.owner_id = u.user_id\n\t\tORDER BY g.bank DESC, owner_name ASC\n\t\tLIMIT 10");
    $content = "";
    while ($topbank = dbarray($topbankq)) {
        $content .= goldmod_user($topbank['owner_id'], $topbank['owner_name']) . " - " . formatMoney($topbank['bank']) . "<br />";
    return $content;
コード例 #3
ファイル: email.php プロジェクト: juliogallardo1326/proc
function sendTransactionEmail($transid, $emailtemplate, $testonly = false)
    //exit($transid . " " . $emailtemplate);
    dieLog("SHOULD NOT BE USED!");
    $transactionInfo = getTransactionInfo($transid);
    $data = array();
    switch ($emailtemplate) {
        case "customer_rebill_decline_confirmation":
        case "customer_expire_confirmation":
            $data['site_URL'] = $transactionInfo['cs_URL'];
            $data['process_msg'] = $transactionInfo['td_process_msg'];
            $data['reference_number'] = $transactionInfo['reference_number'];
            $data['full_name'] = $transactionInfo['surname'] . ", " . $transactionInfo['name'];
            $data['customer_email'] = $transactionInfo['email'];
            $data['amount'] = "\$" . formatMoney($transactionInfo['amount'] - $transactionInfo['td_customer_fee']) . " USD";
            $data['customer_fee'] = "\$" . formatMoney($transactionInfo['td_customer_fee']) . " USD";
            $data['final_amount'] = "\$" . formatMoney($transactionInfo['amount']) . " USD";
            $data['transaction_date'] = date("F j, Y", strtotime($transactionInfo['transactionDate']));
            $data['customer_support_email'] = $transactionInfo['cs_support_email'];
            $data['password'] = $transactionInfo['td_password'];
            $data['payment_schedule'] = $transactionInfo['payment_schedule'];
            $data["gateway_select"] = $transactionInfo['gateway_id'];
            $sendto['email'][] = array("email" => $transactionInfo['email']);
        case "customer_cancel_confirmation":
            $data['site_URL'] = $transactionInfo['cs_URL'];
            $data['reference_number'] = $transactionInfo['reference_number'];
            $data['full_name'] = $transactionInfo['name'] . " " . $transactionInfo['surname'];
            $data['cancel_reference_number'] = $transactionInfo['cancel_refer_num'];
            $data["gateway_select"] = $transactionInfo['gateway_id'];
            $sendto['email'][] = array("email" => $transactionInfo['email'], "copy" => "");
        case "customer_refund_confirmation":
            $data['site_URL'] = $transactionInfo['cs_URL'];
            $data['reference_number'] = $transactionInfo['reference_number'];
            $data['full_name'] = $transactionInfo['name'] . " " . $transInfo['surname'];
            $data['cancel_reference_number'] = $transactionInfo['cancel_refer_num'];
            $data["gateway_select"] = $transactionInfo['gateway_id'];
            $sendto['email'][] = array("email" => $transactionInfo['email'], "copy" => "");
            $sendto['email'][] = array("email" => $bankInfo['bank_email'], "copy" => "( Bank Copy )");
    if ($transactionInfo['cd_recieve_order_confirmations']) {
        $sendto['email'][] = array("email" => $transactionInfo['cd_recieve_order_confirmations'], "copy" => "( Merchant Copy )");
    //$sendto['email'][] = array("email" => "*****@*****.**", "copy" => "( Merchant Copy )");
    foreach ($sendto['email'] as $email) {
        $data['email'] = $email['email'];
        if (!$testonly) {
            send_email_template($emailtemplate, $data, $email['copy']);
        // Send Customer Email.
コード例 #4
ファイル: template.php プロジェクト: simplyianm/clububer
function render_shop($field, $table, $conditions, $sortQuery, $sortDirQuery, $rowstart)
    global $aidlink, $locale, $settings, $golddata, $_REQUEST, $_POST, $_GET;
    echo "<table width='100%'>\n<tr valign='top' class='tbl1'>\n";
    echo "<td><strong>" . $locale['urg_shop_115'] . "</strong></td>\n";
    echo "<td><strong>" . $locale['urg_shop_110'] . "</strong></td>\n";
    echo "<td style='width: 18%;'><strong>" . $locale['urg_shop_116'] . "</strong></td>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    $i = 0;
    $result = dbquery("SELECT {$field} FROM {$table} WHERE {$conditions} ORDER BY {$sortQuery} {$sortDirQuery}");
    $rows = dbrows($result);
    if ($rows != 0) {
        while ($row = dbarray($result)) {
            if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                $alternating = "tbl2";
            } else {
                $alternating = "tbl1";
            echo "<tr  valign='top' class='" . $alternating . "'>\n";
            echo "<td><img border='0' width='" . UGLD_IMAGE_WIDTH . "' height='" . UGLD_IMAGE_HEIGHT . "' src='images/item_images/" . $row['image'] . "' title='" . $row['name'] . "' alt='" . $row['name'] . "' border='0' /></td>\n";
            echo "<td>" . $row['description'] . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td style='width: 18%;'>" . $locale['urg_shop_109'] . " " . formatMoney($row['cost']) . "<br />" . $locale['urg_shop_117'] . " " . $row['stock'] . "<br />\n";
            if ($golddata['cash'] >= $row['cost']) {
                echo "<a href='index.php?op=shop_finalise&amp;id=" . $row['id'] . "'>" . $locale['urg_shop_119'] . "</a>\n";
            } elseif ($row['stock'] == 0) {
                echo "<strong>" . $locale['urg_shop_120'] . "</strong>\n";
            } else {
                echo "<strong>" . sprintf($locale['urg_shop_121'] . " %s", formatMoney($row['cost'] - $golddata['cash'])) . "</strong>\n";
            echo "</td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n";
    } else {
        echo "<tr><td colspan='3'>" . $locale['urg_shop_120'] . "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
コード例 #5
ファイル: report.php プロジェクト: juliogallardo1326/proc
function get_merchant_quick_status($id)
    $sql = "SELECT cd.userId, companyname,  \n\t\tsum( amount*(status='A') ) AS Sales, \n\t\tsum( amount*(status='A' AND transactionDate > now() - interval 1 DAY)) AS Sales_Today, \n\t\tsum( amount*(status='A' AND transactionDate > now() - interval cd_payperiod DAY)) AS Sales_ThisPeriod, \n\t\tsum( amount*(status='A' AND transactionDate between now() - interval cd_payperiod*2 DAY AND now() - interval cd_payperiod DAY )) AS Sales_LastPeriod, \n\t\tsum( amount*(status='A' AND transactionDate between now() - interval cd_payperiod*3 DAY AND now() - interval cd_payperiod*2 DAY )) AS Sales_Last2Period, \n\t\tsum( amount ) AS Total, \n\t\tcount(*) AS Total_Cnt,\n\t\tsum( amount*(cancelstatus='Y') ) AS Refunds, \n\t\tmax( `transactionDate` ) AS last_transaction, \n\t\tmin( `transactionDate` ) AS first_transaction, \n\t\t(UNIX_TIMESTAMP( max( `transactionDate` ) ) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP( min( `transactionDate` ) )) / ( 24 *60 *60 )+1 AS Days_Processing\n\t\t\n\t\tFROM `cs_companydetails` AS cd\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `cs_transactiondetails` AS td ON td.`userId` = cd.`userId`\n\t\twhere cd.`userId` = '{$id}'\n\t\tGROUP BY cd.`userId`\n\t\tLIMIT 1";
    $result = mysql_query($sql) or dieLog(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . " ~ {$sql}");
    $list = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    $score = array();
    $score['actual'] = 0;
    $score['possible'] = 0;
    $score['summmary'] = "Score Summary:\n";
    // Is processing?
    if ($list['Total_Cnt'] && $list['Days_Processing'] > 0) {
        $avg = $list['Total'] / $list['Days_Processing'];
        if ($avg > 0) {
            $cur_score = $list['Sales_Today'] / $avg;
            $score['summmary'] .= "Today Company is processing at %" . formatMoney($cur_score * 100) . " of Daily Average.\n";
            if ($cur_score > 1) {
                $cur_score = 1;
            $score['possible'] += 30;
            $score['actual'] += intval(30 * $cur_score);
        $tot = $list['Sales_ThisPeriod'] + $list['Sales_LastPeriod'] + $list['Sales_Last2Period'];
        if ($tot) {
            $cur_score = $list['Sales_ThisPeriod'] * 3 / ($list['Sales_ThisPeriod'] + $list['Sales_LastPeriod'] + $list['Sales_Last2Period']);
            $score['summmary'] .= "For This Sales Period, Company is processing at %" . formatMoney($cur_score * 100) . " of 3 Period Average.\n";
            if ($cur_score > 1) {
                $cur_score = 1;
            $score['possible'] += 50;
            $score['actual'] += intval(50 * $cur_score);
    $score['percent'] = 0;
    if ($score['possible']) {
        $score['percent'] = 100 * formatMoney($score['actual'] / $score['possible']);
    return $score;
コード例 #6
ファイル: user.inc.php プロジェクト: simplyianm/clububer
function user_inventory_start()
    //Entry Screen Includes list of current items
    global $userdata, $locale, $settings, $golddata;
    echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' border='0'>\n<tr valign='top' class='tbl1'>\n";
    echo "<td width='32px'><strong>" . $locale['urg_user_104'] . "</strong></td>\n";
    echo "<td><strong>" . $locale['urg_user_105'] . "</strong></td>\n";
    echo "<td><strong>" . $locale['urg_user_106'] . "</strong></td>\n";
    echo "<td width='18%'><strong>" . $locale['urg_user_107'] . "</strong></td>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    $i = 0;
    $result = dbquery("SELECT it.name, it.description, it.purchase, it.cost, it.image, it.active, inv.amtpaid, inv.id, inv.trading, inv.tradecost \n\tFROM " . DB_UG3_INVENTORY . " AS inv, " . DB_UG3_USAGE . " AS it WHERE inv.ownerid = " . $userdata['user_id'] . " \n\tAND inv.itemid = it.id ORDER BY it.name ASC");
    while ($row = dbarray($result)) {
        if ($i % 2 == 0) {
            $alternating = "tbl2";
        } else {
            $alternating = "tbl1";
        echo "<tr valign='top' class='" . $alternating . "'>\n";
        echo "<td><img style='border: 0; width: " . UGLD_IMAGE_WIDTH . "; height: " . UGLD_IMAGE_HEIGHT . ";' src='images/item_images/" . $row['image'] . "' title='" . $row['name'] . "' alt='" . $row['name'] . "' /></td>\n";
        echo "<td style='padding-bottom: 2px; width: 20%;'>" . $row['name'] . "</td>\n";
        echo "<td>" . $row['description'] . "</td>\n";
        echo "<td width='18%'>" . $locale['urg_user_107'] . ": " . formatMoney($row['amtpaid']) . "<br />\n";
        echo "<form action='index.php' method='post'>\n";
        $startTrade = "<br />\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='op' value='trade_sell' />\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='id' value='" . $row['id'] . "' />\n\t\t<input type='submit' value='" . $locale['urg_user_108'] . "' class='button' />";
        $endTrade = "<i>" . sprintf("Trading for %s", formatMoney($row['tradecost'])) . "</i><br />\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='op' value='trade_stop' />\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='id' value='" . $row['id'] . "' />\n\t\t<input type='submit' value='" . $locale['urg_user_109'] . "' class='button' />";
        if ('UGLD_ALLOWTRADE') {
            echo "" . ($row['trading'] == 1 ? $endTrade : $startTrade) . "";
        echo "</form>\n</td>\n</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
コード例 #7
ファイル: listcredits.php プロジェクト: noikiy/vis
                                <td class="centered"><?php 
    echo $credit['dueDate'];
				<td class="rightAligned"><?php 
    echo formatMoney($credit['totalPrice']);
				<td class="rightAligned"><?php 
    echo formatMoney($credit['totalAmountPaid']);
				<td class="rightAligned"><?php 
    echo formatMoney($credit['totalPrice'] - $credit['totalAmountPaid']);
				<td class="centered">
    if ($credit['isFullyPaid'] == 0) {
						<a href="/credit/creditpaymentform/<?php 
        echo $credit['salesTransactionId'];
"><img src="/public/images/icons/money_add.png" title="add payment"/></a>
    } else {
						<span class="fullyPaid">fully paid</span>
コード例 #8
ファイル: inventry.php プロジェクト: simplyianm/clububer
function viewmember()
    // view the members inventory
    global $locale, $aidlink;
    $searchfor = stripinput($_POST['searchfor']);
    opentable(sprintf($locale['urg_a_inventry_104'], $searchfor), '');
    $id_searchq = dbquery("SELECT user_id \n\tFROM " . DB_USERS . " WHERE user_name = '" . $searchfor . "'");
    $id_searchr = dbarray($id_searchq);
    $id_search = $id_searchr['user_id'];
    if ($id_searchr == 0) {
        $context['shop_inventory_search'] = 2;
        echo sprintf($locale['urg_a_inventry_105'], $searchfor);
    } else {
        echo "<br /><strong>Owns</strong><br />\n";
        echo "<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>\n<tr valign='top' class='tbl1'>\n";
        echo "<td style='padding: 2px;'><strong>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_106'] . "</strong></td>\n";
        echo "<td style='padding: 2px;'><strong>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_107'] . "</strong></td>\n";
        echo "<td style='padding: 2px;'><strong>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_108'] . "</strong></td>\n";
        echo "<td style='padding: 2px;'><strong>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_109'] . "</strong></td>\n";
        echo "<td style='padding: 2px;'><strong>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_110'] . "</strong></td>\n";
        echo "<td style='padding: 2px;'><strong>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_111'] . "</strong></td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";
        $i = 0;
        $OwnedResult = dbquery("SELECT it.name, it.description, it.purchase, it.cost, it.image, it.active, inv.amtpaid, inv.id, inv.trading, inv.tradecost \n\t\tFROM " . DB_UG3_INVENTORY . " AS inv, " . DB_UG3_USAGE . " AS it WHERE inv.ownerid = '" . $id_search . "' \n\t\tAND inv.itemid = it.id ORDER BY it.name ASC");
        while ($OwnedRow = dbarray($OwnedResult)) {
            if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                $OwnedAlternating = "tbl2";
            } else {
                $OwnedAlternating = "tbl1";
            echo "<tr valign='top' class='" . $OwnedAlternating . "'>\n";
            echo "<td align='center'><img border='0' width='" . UGLD_IMAGE_WIDTH . "' height='" . UGLD_IMAGE_HEIGHT . "' src='../images/item_images/" . $OwnedRow['image'] . "' /></td>\n";
            echo "<td style='padding: 2px;'>" . $OwnedRow['name'] . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td style='padding: 2px;'>" . $OwnedRow['description'] . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td style='padding: 2px;'>" . formatMoney($OwnedRow['amtpaid']) . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td style='padding: 2px;' align='center'>\n";
            if ($OwnedRow['trading'] == "1") {
                echo $locale['urg_a_inventry_112'] . "</td>\n";
            } else {
                echo $locale['urg_a_inventry_113'] . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td align='center' style='padding: 2px;'>\n";
            echo "<a href='index.php" . $aidlink . "&amp;op=admin_sell&amp;id=" . $OwnedRow['id'] . "&amp;username="******"&amp;userid=" . $id_search . "&amp;amtpaid=" . $OwnedRow['amtpaid'] . "'>\n";
            echo $locale['urg_a_inventry_114'] . "</a></td></tr>\n";
        echo "</table>\n";
        echo "<br /><hr /><br /><strong>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_116'] . "</strong><br />\n";
        $AvailResult = dbquery("SELECT name, description, cost, image, active \n\t\tFROM " . DB_UG3_USAGE . " WHERE purchase > 1 \n\t\tAND id NOT IN (SELECT itemid FROM " . DB_UG3_INVENTORY . " WHERE ownerid = '" . $id_search . "') \n\t\tORDER BY name ASC");
        echo "<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>\n<tr valign='top' class='tbl1'>\n";
        echo "<td style='padding: 2px;'><strong>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_106'] . "</strong></td>\n";
        echo "<td style='padding: 2px;'><strong>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_107'] . "</strong></td>\n";
        echo "<td style='padding: 2px;'><strong>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_108'] . "</strong></td>\n";
        echo "<td style='padding: 2px;'><strong>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_115'] . "</strong></td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";
        $j = 0;
        while ($AvailRow = dbarray($AvailResult)) {
            if ($j % 2 == 0) {
                $AvailAlternating = "tbl2";
            } else {
                $AvailAlternating = "tbl1";
            echo "<tr valign='top' class='" . $AvailAlternating . "'>\n";
            echo "<td align='center'><img border='0' width='" . UGLD_IMAGE_WIDTH . "' height='" . UGLD_IMAGE_HEIGHT . "' src='../images/item_images/" . $AvailRow['image'] . "' alt='' /></td>\n";
            echo "<td style='padding: 2px;'>" . $AvailRow['name'] . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td style='padding: 2px;'>" . $AvailRow['description'] . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td style='padding: 2px;'>" . formatMoney($AvailRow['cost']) . "</td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n";
        echo "</table>\n";
        $EditResult = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . DB_UG3 . " WHERE owner_id = '" . $id_search . "' LIMIT 1");
        $EditRow = dbarray($EditResult);
        if ($EditRow == 0) {
            //If this member doesn't exist
            echo sprintf($locale['urg_a_inventry_105'], $searchfor);
        } else {
            echo "<br /><hr /><br /><strong>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_117'] . "</strong><br />\n";
            echo "<form action='index.php" . $aidlink . "&amp;op=admineditmoney' method='post'>\n";
            echo "<input type='hidden' name='userid' value='" . $EditRow['owner_id'] . "' />\n";
            echo "<input type='hidden' name='username' value='" . $searchfor . "' />\n";
            echo "<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='3' cellpadding='3'>\n<tr>\n";
            echo "<td>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_118'] . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td><input class='textbox' type='text' value='" . $EditRow['cash'] . "' name='money_pocket' /></td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
            echo "<td>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_119'] . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td><input class='textbox' type='text' value='" . $EditRow['bank'] . "' name='money_bank' /></td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
            echo "<td>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_120'] . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td><input class='textbox' type='text' value='" . $EditRow['chips'] . "' name='chips' /></td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
            echo "<td>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_121'] . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td><input class='textbox' type='text' value='" . $EditRow['karma'] . "' name='karma' /></td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
            echo "<td>" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_122'] . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td><input class='textbox' type='text' value='" . $EditRow['ribbon'] . "' name='ribbon' /></td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
            echo "<td></td>\n";
            echo "<td><input class='button' type='submit' value='" . $locale['urg_a_inventry_123'] . "' /></td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
            echo "</form>\n";
            //echo $context['shop_inventory_list'];
コード例 #9
    <td><span class="cl1"><font face="verdana" size="1"><strong>T<font face="verdana" size="1"><strong>ransaction fee <font face="verdana" size="1"><strong>(USD)</strong></font></strong></font></strong></font></span></td>
    <td><span class="cl1">
      <input name="cc_total_trans_fees" type="text" disabled id="cc_total_trans_fees" style="border:0; color:#000000; background-color:#FFFFFF; text-align:right;" value="<?php 
    echo formatMoney($companyInfo['cc_total_trans_fees']);
" size="3" maxlength="5">
    <td align="left" valign="center" class="cl1"><input type="text" maxlength="5" name="cc_reseller_trans_fees" id="cc_reseller_trans_fees" value="<?php 
    echo formatMoney($companyInfo['cc_reseller_trans_fees']);
" onChange="addRatesFees();" ></td>
    <td><span class="cl1">
      <input name="cc_merchant_trans_fees" type="text" disabled id="cc_merchant_trans_fees" style="border:0; color:#000000; background-color:#FFFFFF; text-align:right;" value="<?php 
    echo formatMoney($companyInfo['cc_merchant_trans_fees']);
" size="3">
    <td height="50" align="center" valign="middle" colspan="4"><p>
      <input	type="image" src="../images/submit.jpg">
    <p><font size="-1">*Please Update the Merchant's rates with this form. <?php 
    echo $_SESSION["gw_title"];
's rate + Your Marked up rate = Merchant's Final Rate. </font></p></td>
コード例 #10
function getRebillInfo($rd_subaccount, $time, $is_trial)
    global $cnn_cs;
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `cs_rebillingdetails` WHERE `rd_subaccount` = '{$rd_subaccount}'";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $cnn_cs) or dieLog(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "<BR>{$sql}<BR>");
    if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        return -1;
    $subAcc = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    $subAccountName = $subAcc['rd_subName'];
    $schedule = "";
    $subAcc['chargeAmount'] = 0;
    $subAcc['td_enable_rebill'] = 0;
    $subAcc['td_one_time_subscription'] = 0;
    if (!$subAcc['rd_initial_amount'] || !$is_trial) {
        if ($subAcc['recur_day'] > 1 && $subAcc['recur_charge']) {
            $subAcc['td_enable_rebill'] = 1;
            $nextRecurDate = time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * $subAcc['recur_day'];
            $nextDateInfo = date("F j, Y", $nextRecurDate) . " for \$" . formatMoney($subAcc['recur_charge']);
            $schedule = "Recurring Payments of \$" . formatMoney($subAcc['recur_charge']) . " once every " . $subAcc['recur_day'] . " day(s)";
            $subAcc['chargeAmount'] = $subAcc['recur_charge'];
        } else {
            $subAcc['td_enable_rebill'] = -1;
            $schedule = "No Payment Schedule";
            $nextDateInfo = "No Recuring Payments";
            $nextRecurDate = -1;
            $subAcc['rd_subName'] = "Independent Pricing";
    } else {
        $nextRecurDate = time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * $subAcc['rd_trial_days'];
        $schedule = "One Time Charge of \$" . formatMoney($subAcc['rd_initial_amount']);
        $subAcc['chargeAmount'] = $subAcc['rd_initial_amount'];
        if ($subAcc['recur_day'] && $subAcc['recur_charge']) {
            $subAcc['td_enable_rebill'] = 1;
            $nextDateInfo = date("F j, Y", $nextRecurDate) . " for \$" . formatMoney($subAcc['recur_charge']);
            $schedule .= ",\n and then every (" . $subAcc['recur_day'] . ") days for \$" . formatMoney($subAcc['recur_charge']);
        } else {
            $subAcc['td_enable_rebill'] = 0;
            $subAcc['td_one_time_subscription'] = 1;
            $nextDateInfo = $schedule;
    if ($nextRecurDate != -1) {
        $subAcc['td_recur_next_date'] = date("Y-m-d", $nextRecurDate);
    $subAcc['nextDateInfo'] = $nextDateInfo;
    $subAcc['nextRecurDate'] = $nextRecurDate;
    $subAcc['payment_schedule'] = $schedule;
    return $subAcc;
コード例 #11
if ($mi_pay_info['NewBalance'] !== NULL) {
              <td class="infoBold">New Sales</td>
              <td class="infoBold"><?php 
    echo $mi_pay_info['NewBalance'] == 0 ? "- None -" : formatMoney($mi_pay_info['NewBalance']);
              <td class="infoBold">Balance</td>
              <td class="infoBold"><?php 
echo $invoiceDetails['mi_balance'] == 0 ? "- None -" : formatMoney($invoiceDetails['mi_balance']);
if ($_REQUEST['focus'] != 'projSet') {
            <tr height="25">
              <td class="infoBold">Status</td>
              <td class='<?php 
    echo $invoiceDetails['mi_status'];
    echo $invoiceDetails['mi_status'];
コード例 #12
function funcSendMail($iCompanyId, $qryCondition, $cnn_cs, $iTemplatId)
    //*********** Opening the mail template content ***********
    $show_sql = "select template_content from cs_mailtemplate where template_id  = " . $iTemplatId;
    $file_content = funcGetValueByQuery($show_sql, $cnn_cs);
    /*		if(!($file = fopen("csv/mailtemplate.htm", "r")))
    			print("Can not open file");
    		$content = fread($file, filesize("csv/mailtemplate.htm"));
    		$content = explode("\r\n", $content);
    		$file_content = "";
    			$file_content .= $content[$i];
    		} */
    //************* ends here *********************************
    $qry_email_template = "SELECT merchantName,tollFreeNumber,retrievalNumber,securityNumber,processor  FROM cs_companydetails where userid =" . $iCompanyId;
    if (!($rst_email_template = mysql_query($qry_email_template, $cnn_cs))) {
        print "Can not execute query";
    $str_merchant_name = "";
    $str_toll_free_number = "";
    $str_retrieval_number = "";
    $str_security_number = "";
    $str_processor = "";
    if (mysql_num_rows($rst_email_template) > 0) {
        $str_merchant_name = mysql_result($rst_email_template, 0, 0);
        $str_toll_free_number = mysql_result($rst_email_template, 0, 1);
        $str_retrieval_number = mysql_result($rst_email_template, 0, 2);
        $str_security_number = mysql_result($rst_email_template, 0, 3);
        $str_processor = mysql_result($rst_email_template, 0, 4);
    $file_content = str_replace("[MerchantName]", $str_merchant_name . ",", $file_content);
    $file_content = str_replace("[MerchantTollFreeNumber]", $str_toll_free_number, $file_content);
    $file_content = str_replace("[RetrievalNumber]", $str_retrieval_number, $file_content);
    $file_content = str_replace("[SecurityCode]", $str_security_number, $file_content);
    $file_content = str_replace("[Processor]", $str_processor, $file_content);
    $qrySelect = $qryCondition;
    //		print($qrySelect);
    if (!($show_sql = mysql_query($qrySelect, $cnn_cs))) {
        print "<br>";
        print "Can not execute select query";
        print "<br>";
    for ($i_loop = 0; $i_loop < mysql_num_rows($show_sql); $i_loop++) {
        $str_date_of_sale = mysql_result($show_sql, $i_loop, 0);
        $str_date_of_sale = funcFormatDate($str_date_of_sale);
        $str_customer_first_name = mysql_result($show_sql, $i_loop, 1);
        $str_customer_last_name = mysql_result($show_sql, $i_loop, 2);
        $str_curstomer_name = $str_customer_first_name . " " . $str_customer_last_name;
        $charge_type = mysql_result($show_sql, $i_loop, 3);
        if ($charge_type == "H") {
            $charge_type = "credit card";
        if ($charge_type == "C") {
            $charge_type = "check";
        $str_telephone = mysql_result($show_sql, $i_loop, 4);
        $str_charge = mysql_result($show_sql, $i_loop, 5);
        $str_voice_code = mysql_result($show_sql, $i_loop, 6);
        $str_email_content = $file_content;
        $str_email_content = str_replace("[Dateofsale]", $str_date_of_sale, $str_email_content);
        $str_email_content = str_replace("[CustomerName]", $str_curstomer_name, $str_email_content);
        $str_email_content = str_replace("[ChargeType]", $charge_type, $str_email_content);
        $str_email_content = str_replace("[CustomerTelephoneNumber]", $str_telephone, $str_email_content);
        $str_email_content = str_replace("[Charge]", formatMoney($str_charge), $str_email_content);
        $str_email_content = str_replace("[VoiceCode]", $str_voice_code, $str_email_content);
        print $str_email_content;
			<span style='font-size:12.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA'><br clear=all style='mso-special-character:line-break;page-break-before:always'></span>
コード例 #13
" /> </span>
                                                    <span class="slvt" style="display:inline-block; height:10px; width:82px; margin:0px; text-align:right;"><span class="slv"><?php 
                echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['invoiceData'][$this->_sections['i']['index']]['fSubVat']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('formatMoney', true, $_tmp, true) : formatMoney($_tmp, true);
                                                    <span class="slot" style="display:inline-block; height:10px; width:50px; margin:0px; text-align:right;display:none;"><span class="slo"><?php 
                echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['invoiceData'][$this->_sections['i']['index']]['fSubOtherTax']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('toFixed', true, $_tmp, true) : toFixed($_tmp, true);
                                                    <span class="slwt" style="display:inline-block; height:10px; width:82px; margin:0px; text-align:right;"><span class="slw"><?php 
                echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['invoiceData'][$this->_sections['i']['index']]['fSubWHTax']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('toFixed', true, $_tmp, true) : toFixed($_tmp, true);
                                                    <span class="sltt" style="display:inline-block; height:10px; width:157px; margin:0px; text-align:right;"><span class="slf"><?php 
                echo is_array($_tmp = $this->_tpl_vars['invoiceData'][$this->_sections['i']['index']]['fSubTotal']) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('formatMoney', true, $_tmp, true) : formatMoney($_tmp, true);
    } else {
                                            <div id="nli" align="center"><br /><b><?php 
        echo $this->_tpl_vars['LBL_NO_LINE_ITEMS'];
コード例 #14
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: kosenka/asterisk-cdr-viewer
                if (isset($_REQUEST['use_callrates']) && $_REQUEST['use_callrates'] == 'true') {
                    $rates = callrates($row['dst'], $row['billsec'], $callrate_csv_file);
                    $rate_total += $rates[4];
                    echo "<td>" . htmlspecialchars($rates[2]) . "</td>\n";
                echo "    <td></td>\n";
                echo "    <td></td>\n";
                echo "  </tr>\n";
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
            print $e->getMessage();
        if (isset($_REQUEST['use_callrates']) && $_REQUEST['use_callrates'] == 'true') {
            echo "<tr><td colspan='{$total_rows}' align='right'>Total:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
            echo "</b></td></tr>\n";
        echo "</table>";
        $sth = NULL;

<!-- Display Call Usage Graph -->
echo '<a id="Graph"></a>';
$group_by_field = $group;
// ConcurrentCalls
$group_by_field_php = array('', 32, '');
コード例 #15
function currencyformat($val)
    return '$' . formatMoney($val);
コード例 #16
 <div class="panel-heading">
 <!-- /.panel-heading -->
 <div class="panel-body">
     <form id="members" data-toggle="validator" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="get" action="">
         <table border="0">
                 <td align="right" class="control-label" style="padding-left:10px">Start Date:</td>
                 <td style="padding-left:20px">
                     <!--<input id="date" name="datefrom" type="text" class="datepicker"> -->
                     <div class="input-group date">
                         <input type='text' name="datefrom" class="form-control" id="date"
                         <span class="input-group-addon">
                             <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span>
                 <td align="left" class="control-label" style="padding-left:30px">End Date:</td>
                 <td style="padding-left:20px">
                     <!-- <input id="date" name="dateto" type="text" class="datepicker">-->
                     <div class="input-group date">
                         <input type='text' name="dateto" class="form-control" id="date2"
                         <span class="input-group-addon">
                             <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span>
コード例 #17
ファイル: contract.html.php プロジェクト: leowh/colla
      <tr class='text-center'>
    echo $contract->id;
    echo $contract->code;
        <td class='text-left actions'><?php 
    echo html::a($this->createLink('crm.contract', 'view', "id={$contract->id}"), $contract->name);
        <td class='text-right'><?php 
    echo zget($currencySign, $contract->currency, '') . formatMoney($contract->amount);
        <td class='visible-lg'><?php 
    echo substr($contract->createdDate, 0, 10);
    echo substr($contract->begin, 0, 10);
    echo substr($contract->end, 0, 10);
コード例 #18
ファイル: dailyexpense.php プロジェクト: noikiy/vis
if (count($otherExpenses) == 0) {
				<td colspan="5">No other expenses for this date.</td>

	<div id="totalContainer">
		<strong>Total Expenses: </strong>₱ <?php 
echo formatMoney($total);


<script type="text/javascript">
			dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
			onSelect: function(dateText, inst) {
				document.location = '/expense/dailyexpense/' + dateText;
コード例 #19
ファイル: member.inc.php プロジェクト: simplyianm/clububer
function member_steal()
    //Steal Money
    global $HTTP_POST_VARS, $userdata, $locale, $settings, $golddata;
    //set an amount in case its missed later
    $success = '20';
    First things first.. Can Only steal from users cash amounts never from bank.
    Lots of things can happen here. If steal is good stuff could happen to stealee
    if steal is bad stuff could happen to stealer.
    Maybe we need a jail now to go with this?
    Fail to steal go to jail and jail means loss of all owned stuff?
    //lets trim the useage of this damn thing
    if ($golddata['steal'] < date('Ymd')) {
        global $stealfrom_id, $stealfrom_name, $steal_amount;
        if (isset($_POST['stealfrom']) != '') {
            //there must be something in the steal from box
            $stealfrom = stripinput($_POST['stealfrom']);
            //its not an numewral so select useing the name
            //sort out the name to id situation
            $id_query = dbquery("SELECT g.*, u.user_name as owner_name\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . DB_UG3 . " g\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " u ON g.owner_id = u.user_id\n\t\t\t\tWHERE user_name = '" . $stealfrom . "'\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1");
            //$id_query = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_UG3." WHERE owner_name='".$stealfrom."' LIMIT 1");
            //$id_result = dbfetch_array($id_query);
            $id_result = dbarray($id_query);
            $stealfrom_id = $id_result['owner_id'];
            $stealfrom_name = $id_result['owner_name'];
            //timer for daily steal only
            $result = dbquery("UPDATE " . DB_UG3 . " SET steal = '" . date('Ymd') . "' WHERE owner_id = '" . $golddata['owner_id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
            $result = dbquery("SELECT g.*, u.user_name as owner_name\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . DB_UG3 . " g\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " u ON g.owner_id = u.user_id\n\t\t\t\tWHERE owner_id = '" . $stealfrom_id . "'\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1");
            //$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_UG3." WHERE owner_id='".$stealfrom_id."' LIMIT 1");
            //ok its all so unfair aint it?
            //so lets play a little
            //if the theif has more money than the selected target
            $target_query = dbquery("SELECT g.*, u.user_name as owner_name\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . DB_UG3 . " g\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " u ON g.owner_id = u.user_id\n\t\t\t\tWHERE owner_id = '" . $stealfrom_id . "'\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1");
            //$target_query = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_UG3." WHERE owner_id='".$stealfrom_id."' LIMIT 1");
            //$target_result = dbfetch_array($target_query);
            $target_result = dbarray($target_query);
            $targets_total = $target_result['cash'] + $target_result['bank'];
            if ($targets_total < '100' || $targets_total < '') {
                echo $locale['urg_member_118'];
                include "footer.php";
            $my_total = $golddata['cash'] + $golddata['bank'];
            if ($targets_total < $my_total) {
                //less than theif
                //set the success percentage low
                $success = '10';
            } elseif ($targets_total > $my_total * 2) {
                //more than double of theif
                //set the success percentage low
                $success = '70';
            } elseif ($targets_total > $my_total / 2) {
                //more than half of theif
                //set the success percentage low
                $success = '45';
            } else {
                $success = '35';
            //get a random number between 0 and 100
            $try = rand(0, 100);
            //percentage probability will work on
            //if successfull
            if ($try < $success) {
                // ??% chance of success
                $stealee = getusergold($stealfrom_id, 'cash');
                $steal_amount = rand(0, $stealee);
                //take this money away from stealee...
                takegold2($stealfrom_id, $steal_amount, 'cash');
                payuser($userdata['user_id'], $steal_amount, 'cash');
                if ($steal_amount < 50) {
                    echo $locale['urg_member_119'] . " " . $steal_amount . "!";
                } else {
                    echo $locale['urg_member_120'] . " " . $steal_amount . " " . $locale['urg_member_121'] . " " . $stealfrom_name . "" . $locale['urg_member_122'] . " " . $stealfrom_name . " " . $locale['urg_member_123'];
            } else {
                if ($golddata['cash'] + $golddata['cash'] <= $steal_amount) {
                    $opt = '2';
                } else {
                    $opt = '4';
                //ok its punishment time..
                $punishment_id = rand(0, $opt);
                //grab a random punishment
                if ($punishment_id == 0) {
                    echo $locale['urg_member_124'];
                } elseif ($punishment_id == 1) {
                    //take karma (must be forced to go negative)
                    takegold2($userdata['user_id'], '10', 'karma', 1);
                    echo $locale['urg_member_125'];
                } elseif ($punishment_id == 2) {
                    //take gold (force it)
                    //$fine = $golddata[cash]/2;
                    $fine_amount = rand(0, $golddata['cash'] + $golddata['bank']);
                    takegold2($userdata['user_id'], $fine_amount, 'cash', 1);
                    echo $locale['urg_member_126'] . formatMoney($fine_amount) . "!<br />";
                } elseif ($punishment_id == 3) {
                    //the stealee robs you
                    //$returnsteal = $golddata['cash']/2;
                    //$returnsteal = $golddata['cash'];
                    $returnsteal = $golddata['cash'] + $golddata['bank'];
                    payuser($stealfrom_id, $returnsteal, 'cash');
                    takegold2($userdata['user_id'], $returnsteal, 'cash', '1');
                    echo $stealfrom_name . $locale['urg_member_128'] . formatMoney($returnsteal) . $locale['urg_member_129'];
                } elseif ($punishment_id == 4) {
                    //the stealee robs you
                    //$returnsteal = $golddata['cash']/2;
                    $returnsteal = $golddata['cash'];
                    payuser($stealfrom_id, $returnsteal, 'cash');
                    takegold2($userdata['user_id'], $returnsteal, 'cash', '1');
                    echo $locale['urg_member_127'] . $stealfrom_name . $locale['urg_member_128'] . formatMoney($returnsteal) . $locale['urg_member_129'];
                } else {
                    echo $locale['urg_member_124'];
        } else {
            echo "<form action='index.php' method='post'>\n";
            echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='3' class='tbl-border'>\n<tr valign='top'>\n";
            echo "<td width='100%' colspan='2'><br />" . $locale['urg_member_130'] . "</td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n<tr valign='top'>\n";
            echo "<td width='100%' colspan='2'><br />" . $locale['urg_member_131'] . "</td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n<tr valign='top'>\n";
            echo "<td width='100%' colspan='2'><br />" . $locale['urg_member_132'] . "</td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n<tr class='tbl2'>\n";
            echo "<td><input type='hidden' name='op' value='member_steal' /></td>\n";
            echo "<td>" . $locale['urg_member_133'] . "<input type='text' class='textbox' name='stealfrom' size='50' />\n";
            echo "<a style='cursor:help;' href='javascript:void(window.open(\"findmember.php?title=findmember\",\"\",\"width=350,height=400\"));'>\n";
            echo "<img src='images/find.png' title='" . $locale['urg_member_107'] . "' alt='" . $locale['urg_member_107'] . "' style='border: 0;' />\n";
            echo "</a></td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
            echo "<td colspan='2' align='center'><input class='button' type='submit' value='" . $locale['urg_member_108'] . "' /></td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
            echo "</form>";
    } else {
        echo $locale['urg_member_134'];
コード例 #20
echo $currentcyCode;
function formatMoney($number, $fractional = false)
    if ($fractional) {
        $number = sprintf('%.2f', $number);
    while (true) {
        $replaced = preg_replace('/(-?\\d+)(\\d\\d\\d)/', '$1,$2', $number);
        if ($replaced != $number) {
            $number = $replaced;
        } else {
    return $number;
$result1 = mysql_query("SELECT sum(sales) FROM sales where date='{$da}'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {
    $rrr = $row['sum(sales)'];
    echo formatMoney($rrr, true);
</b><br /><br />
<!--<input name="" type="button" value="Print" onclick="javascript:child_open()" style="cursor:pointer;" />!-->
<br />
<br />

コード例 #21
		 <td class="rightbottomtd" ><font size="1" face="Verdana" ><?php 
    echo $show_select_details[2];
		 <td class="rightbottomtd" ><font size="1" face="Verdana" ><?php 
    echo $show_select_details[3];
		 <td class="rightbottomtd" ><font size="1" face="Verdana" ><?php 
    echo $trans_type;
		 <td class="rightbottomtd" ><font size="1" face="Verdana" ><?php 
    echo formatMoney($show_select_details[5]);
		 <td class="rightbottomtd" ><font size="1" face="Verdana" ><?php 
    echo $trans_status;
		 <td class="rightbottomtd" ><font size="1" face="Verdana" ><?php 
    echo $shipping_details;
	 <tr><td align="center" colspan="8" height="50" valign="middle"><a href="shipping.php"><img border="0" SRC="<?php 
コード例 #22
            <tr class="infoSubSection">
              <td >Fee Deductions</td>
              <td >
echo $ri_pay_info['EtelDeductions'] == 0 ? "- None -" : formatMoney(-$ri_pay_info['EtelDeductions']);
              <td class="infoBold">Balance</td>
              <td class="infoBold">
echo $ri_pay_info['Balance'] == 0 ? "- None -" : formatMoney($ri_pay_info['Balance']);
            <tr height="25">
              <td class="infoBold">Status</td>
              <td class='<?php 
echo $ri_pay_info['Status'];
echo $ri_pay_info['Status'];
コード例 #23
} elseif ($profile_method == "display") {
    include_once INFUSIONS . "user_gold/infusion_db.php";
    include_once INFUSIONS . "user_gold/functions.php";
    $user_id = isnum($_GET['lookup']) ? $_GET['lookup'] : 0;
    if ($user_id) {
        list($name) = dbarraynum(dbquery("SELECT user_name FROM " . DB_USERS . " WHERE user_id=" . $user_id));
        list($cash, $bank, $karma, $chips) = dbarraynum(dbquery("SELECT cash, bank, karma, chips FROM " . DB_UG3 . " WHERE owner_id=" . $user_id));
        echo "</table>";
        echo "<div style='margin:5px'></div>\n";
        echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' width='400' class='tbl-border center'>\n<tr>\n";
        echo "<td class='tbl2' colspan='2'><strong>" . $locale['uf_user_ug3-information'] . "</strong></td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
        echo "<td class='tbl1' colspan='2'>";
        echo "<table width='100%'>\n<tr>\n";
        echo "<td class='tbl1' width='50%'><img src='" . GOLD_IMAGE . "cash.png' title='" . UGLD_GOLDTEXT . "' alt='" . UGLD_GOLDTEXT . "' />&nbsp;" . formatMoney($cash) . "</td>";
        echo "<td class='tbl1' width='50%'><img src='" . GOLD_IMAGE . "bank.png' title='" . UGLD_GOLDTEXT . $locale['uf_user_ug3-information_001'] . "' alt='" . UGLD_GOLDTEXT . $locale['uf_user_ug3-information_001'] . "' />&nbsp;" . formatMoney($bank) . "</td>";
        echo "</tr><tr>";
        echo "<td class='tbl1' width='50%'><img src='" . GOLD_IMAGE . "karma.png' title='" . $locale['uf_user_ug3-information_003'] . "' alt='" . $locale['uf_user_ug3-information_003'] . "' />&nbsp;" . formatMoney($karma) . "</td>";
        echo "<td class='tbl1' width='50%'><img src='" . GOLD_IMAGE . "chips.png' title='" . $locale['uf_user_ug3-information_002'] . "' alt='" . $locale['uf_user_ug3-information_002'] . "' />&nbsp;" . formatMoney($chips) . "</td>";
        echo "</tr><tr>";
        echo "<td class='tbl1' colspan='2' width='100%'><hr /><div style='text-align: center;'>" . $locale['uf_user_ug3-information_004'] . "<br />" . showribbons($user_id, false) . "</div></td>";
        echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
        echo "</td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";
} elseif ($profile_method == "validate_insert") {
} elseif ($profile_method == "validate_update") {
コード例 #24
ファイル: shop.inc.php プロジェクト: simplyianm/clububer
function shop_signup()
    // Buy a new signup date
    global $userdata, $locale, $golddata;
    $join_time = strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M', $userdata['user_joined']);
    if (isset($_POST['agree']) == '1') {
        if ($golddata['cash'] > GLD_JOINED) {
            //retrieve the join date and alter it
            //must be sure not to exceed current date
            $sec = date('s', time());
            $min = date('m', time());
            $hrs = date('h', time());
            $hrs = rand(1, $hrs);
            $year = date('Y');
            $newyear = rand(2004, $year);
            $day = date('d');
            $newday = rand(1, $day);
            $month = date('m');
            $newmonth = rand(1, $month);
            $allow_time = mktime($hrs, $min, $sec, $newmonth, $newday, $newyear, 0);
            $format_time = strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M', $allow_time);
            //change the date
            $result = dbquery("UPDATE " . DB_USERS . " SET user_joined = '" . $allow_time . "' WHERE user_id = '" . $userdata['user_id'] . "' LIMIT 1");
            //take the money
            takegold2($userdata['user_id'], GLD_JOINED, 'cash');
            echo sprintf($locale['urg_shop_142'], $format_time, $join_time, GLD_JOINED);
        } else {
            echo $locale['urg_shop_136'];
    } else {
        echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='3' class='tbl-border'>\n<tr>\n";
        echo "<td>" . $locale['urg_shop_143'] . $join_time . $locale['urg_shop_144'] . $locale['urg_shop_109'] . " <strong>" . formatMoney(GLD_JOINED) . "</strong></td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
        echo "<div style='margin:5px'></div>\n";
        echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='tbl-border'>\n<tr>\n";
        echo "<td class='tbl2'>\n<form action='index.php' method='post'>\n";
        echo "<input type='hidden' name='op' value='shop_signup' />\n";
        echo "<strong>" . $locale['urg_shop_145'] . "</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type='checkbox' name='agree' value='1' />&nbsp;\n";
        echo "&nbsp;<input class='button' type='submit' value='" . $locale['urg_shop_146'] . "' />\n";
        echo "</form>\n</td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
コード例 #25
ファイル: donate.inc.php プロジェクト: simplyianm/clububer
function donate_self_donate()
    global $userdata, $locale, $golddata;
    echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' border='0'>\n<tr valign='top'>\n";
    echo "<td style='width: 100%'>";
    $allgold = $golddata['cash'] + $golddata['bank'];
    if ($allgold <= UGLD_SELFDONATE_ALLOW) {
        $autodonate = rand(UGLD_SELFDONATE_MIN, UGLD_SELFDONATE_MAX);
        payuser($userdata['user_id'], $autodonate, 'cash');
        echo sprintf($locale['urg_donate_129'], formatMoney($autodonate));
        pagerefresh('meta', '2', FUSION_SELF . '?op=start');
    } else {
        echo sprintf($locale['urg_donate_130'], formatMoney(UGLD_SELFDONATE_ALLOW), formatMoney($allgold));
        pagerefresh('meta', '2', FUSION_SELF . '?op=start');
    echo "</td>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
コード例 #26
ファイル: view.html.php プロジェクト: leowh/crm
      <table class='table table-data table-condensed'>
    foreach ($purchase->returnList as $return) {
          <td class='w-p30'><?php 
        echo $return->returnedDate;
          <td class='w-p30'><?php 
        echo zget($users, $return->returnedBy, $return->returnedBy);
          <td class='w-p20'><?php 
        echo zget($currencySign, $purchase->currency, '') . formatMoney($return->amount);
          <td class='w-p20'>
        commonModel::printLink('purchase', 'editReturn', "id={$return->id}", $lang->edit, "data-toggle='modal'");
        commonModel::printLink('purchase', 'deleteReturn', "id={$return->id}", $lang->delete, "class='deleter'");
コード例 #27
<td style="text-align:center; word-break:break-all; width:200px;"> <?php 
    echo $row['product_brand'];
<td style="text-align:center; word-break:break-all; width:200px;"> <?php 
    echo $row['product_type'];
<td style="text-align:center; word-break:break-all; width:445px;"> <?php 
    echo $row['product_description'];
<td style="text-align:center; word-break:break-all; width:200px;">Rs. <?php 
    $oprice = $row['product_price'];
    echo formatMoney($oprice, true);
<td style="text-align:center; word-break:break-all; width:200px;"> <?php 
    echo $row['supplier'];

<td style="text-align:center; width:242px;"> 
	<a href="edit_products.php<?php 
    echo '?product_id=' . $id;
" class="btn btn-info" style="text-decoration:none; text-align:center;">Edit</a>
	<a href="#<?php 
    echo $id;
コード例 #28
$smarty->assign("gkard_support", $companyInfo['bk_gkard']);
if ($companyInfo['bank_Creditcard'] == 19 && ($_SESSION['ProcessingMode'] == 'UserAccount' || $_SESSION['ProcessingMode'] == 'Credit')) {
    $custom_text = "Forcetronix Inc.<BR>\n\tU12 Gamma Commercial Complex, #47<BR>\n\tRizal Highway cor. Manila Avenue,<BR>\n\tSubic Bay Freeport, Olongapo City<BR>\n\tPhilippines<BR>\n\tIs an authorized payment service provider\n\n<strong>{$companyInfo['cs_name']}</strong><BR>\n{$companyInfo['cs_support_email']}<BR>\n{$companyInfo['cs_support_phone']}\n\t";
    $smarty->assign("custom_text", $custom_text);
if ($_SESSION['ProcessingMode'] == 'Check') {
} else {
    if ($_SESSION['ProcessingMode'] == 'Web900') {
    } else {
        if ($_SESSION['ProcessingMode'] == 'UserAccount') {
        } else {
if (!$_SESSION['mt_prod_desc']) {
    $_SESSION['mt_prod_desc'] = formatMoney($chargeAmount);


コード例 #29
    $access['Data']['refund_request']['Value'] = "Refund Requested";
if (!$access['Data']['Website']['Value']) {
} else {
    $access['Data']['Website']['Value'] = "<a target='_blank' href='" . $access['Data']['WebsiteURL']['Value'] . "'>" . $access['Data']['Website']['Value'] . "</a><span class='small'><BR>Click here to access your membership.</span>";
if (!$access['Data']['Product_Description']['Value']) {
$access['Data']['cardtype']['DisplayName'] = 'Billing Type';
$access['Data']['amount']['Value'] = '$' . formatMoney($access['Data']['amount']['Value']);
$access['Data']['amount']['DisplayName'] = 'Amount Charged';
if (!$access['Data']['Chargeback']['Value']) {
if (!$access['Data']['Refunded']['Value']) {
$ss_subscription_ID = $access['Data']['Subscription_ID']['Value'];
$access['Data']['Subscription_ID']['Value'] = "<a href='viewSubscription.php?{$link_info}'>{$ss_subscription_ID}</a><span class='small'><BR>Click this link for subscription management.</span>";
$access['Data']['Reference_ID']['Value'] .= "<span class='small'><BR>Your Transaction Reference ID.</span>";
$access['Data']['ss_cust_username']['DisplayName'] = 'UserName';
$access['Data']['ss_cust_password']['DisplayName'] = 'Password';
$access['Data']['ss_account_status']['DisplayName'] = 'Account Status';
$access['Data']['ss_cancel_id']['DisplayName'] = 'Cancelation ID';
if (!$access['Data']['ss_cancel_id']['Value']) {
コード例 #30
        <td align='right' class='cl1'><font face='verdana' size='1'><b><?php 
echo formatMoney($Gross, 2, ".", ",");
        <td align='right'  class='bottom'><font face='verdana' size='1'>&nbsp;-</font></td>
        <td align='left' class='cl1' colspan='2'><font face='verdana' size='1'><b>Total Deduction</b></font></td>
        <td align='right' class='cl1'><font face='verdana' size='1'><b><?php 
echo formatMoney(-$TotalDeductions);
        <td align='right'  class='bottom'><font face='verdana' size='1'>&nbsp;-</font></td>
        <td align='left' class='cl1' colspan='2'><font face='verdana' size='1'><b>Net Amount</b></font></td>
        <td align='right' class='cl1'><font face='verdana' size='1'><b><?php 
echo formatMoney($Net);
        <td align='right'  class='bottom'><font face='verdana' size='1'>&nbsp;-</font></td>

endTable("Full Statistics {$forcomp}", "reportBottomSummary.php", NULL, NULL, TRUE);
include "includes/footer.php";