コード例 #1
ファイル: notebook_main.php プロジェクト: smlewis/MolProbity
 function printEntry($num, $entry)
     echo "<hr>\n";
     echo "<a name='entry{$num}'</a>";
     echo formatLabbookEntry($entry);
     echo "</hr>\n";
     echo "<p><a href='#top'>Top</a>";
     // | <a href='".makeEventURL("onNotebookEdit", $num)."'>Edit</a>\n";
     //onNotebookEdit removed for security reasons (probably nobody was using it
コード例 #2
ファイル: template-page.php プロジェクト: smlewis/MolProbity
 * Make sure you say what $context is here. For example:
 * Context is an array containing:
 *   labbookEntry    the labbook entry number for adding this new model
 function display($context)
     echo $this->pageHeader("NAME OF YOUR PAGE GOES HERE");
     // Here's a sample page that displays a notebook entry.
     // The notebook entry number was specified in $context['labbookEntry']
     // This is a common way to display results of a background job.
     // Load and format the notebook entry:
     $labbook = openLabbook();
     $num = $context['labbookEntry'];
     echo formatLabbookEntry($labbook[$num]);
     // This line makes a URL that, when clicked, will cause the onEditNotebook()
     // function to be called. It's declared below...
     echo "<p><a href='" . makeEventURL('onEditNotebook', $num) . "'>Edit notebook entry</a></p>\n";
     // These lines create an HTML form that will call onReturn() to be called
     // when the user clicks the Continue > button. onReturn() is declared below.
     echo "<p>" . makeEventForm("onReturn");
     echo "<input type='submit' name='cmd' value='Continue &gt;'>\n</form></p>\n";
     // Note the explicit </form> to end the form!
     echo $this->pageFooter();
コード例 #3
ファイル: labbook.php プロジェクト: smlewis/MolProbity
* This function is called automatically by saveLabbook().
* The output won't be ideal, because paths to linked items will be broken.
function saveLabbookHTML($bookData)
    $file = $_SESSION['dataDir'] . "/" . MP_DIR_SYSTEM . "/labbook.html";
    // Write the notebook data
    if ($fp = @fopen($file, "wb")) {
        fwrite($fp, mpPageHeader("Lab notebook"));
        fwrite($fp, "<a name='top'>\n<ul>\n");
        foreach ($bookData as $num => $entry) {
            $title = $entry['title'];
            if ($title == "") {
                $title = "(no title)";
            fwrite($fp, "<li><a href='#entry{$num}'</a>{$title} [" . formatDayTime($entry['modtime']) . "]</li>\n");
        fwrite($fp, "</ul>\n<br clear='all' />\n");
        foreach ($bookData as $num => $entry) {
            fwrite($fp, "<hr>\n");
            fwrite($fp, "<a name='entry{$num}'>\n");
            fwrite($fp, formatLabbookEntry($entry));
            fwrite($fp, "</a>\n");
            fwrite($fp, "<p><a href='#top'>Top</a>\n");
        fwrite($fp, mpPageFooter());
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: viewentry.php プロジェクト: smlewis/MolProbity
// 2. Include core functionality - defines constants, etc.
require_once MP_BASE_DIR . '/lib/core.php';
require_once MP_BASE_DIR . '/lib/labbook.php';
// 3. Restore session data. If you don't want to access the session
// data for some reason, you must call mpInitEnvirons() instead.
// 4. For pages that want to see the session but not change it, such as
// pages that are refreshing periodically to monitor a background job.
# MAIN - the beginning of execution for this page
$labbook = openLabbook();
$entry = $labbook[$_REQUEST['entry_num']];
// Start the page: produces <HTML>, <HEAD>, <BODY> tags
echo mpPageHeader("{$entry['title']}");
<table border='0' width='100%'><tr>
<td align='left'><small>
    When finished, you should 
    <input type="button" value="close this window"
    language="JavaScript" onclick="self.close();">.
</small></td><td align='right'><small><i>
    Hint: Use File | Save As... to save a copy of this page.
echo formatLabbookEntry($entry);
echo mpPageFooter();