public function display_settings($data = []) { if (!ee()->subscribe_model->check()) { ee()->table->add_row('<h3>Error</h3>', '<div class="subtext ss_notice">Your configuration is not working, please visit the settings page and update your username/password.</div>'); return; } $list = isset($data['list']) ? $data['list'] : false; $type = isset($data['type']) ? $data['type'] : false; $text = isset($data['text']) ? $data['text'] : false; $auto = isset($data['auto']) ? $data['auto'] : false; $field = isset($data['field']) ? $data['field'] : false; $groups = ee()->subscribe_model->lists(); $options = []; foreach ($groups->all() as $id => $group) { $options[$group['id']] = $group['name']; } ee()->table->add_row('List <div class="subtext">Selet the list users will sign up to.</div>', form_dropdown('subscribe_list', $options, $list)); ee()->table->add_row('Type of Signup <div class="subtext"> <strong>Always</strong> - user will automatically be added to the list<br> <strong>Opt-In</strong> - user will need to Opt-In to be added to the list </div>', '<label style="padding:0 5px">Always</label>' . form_radio('subscribe_type', 'always', $type == 'always') . '<label style="padding:0 5px">Opt-In</label>' . form_radio('subscribe_type', 'opt-in', $type != 'always')); ee()->table->add_row('Opt-In Autocheck <div class="subtext">Autocheck Checkbox if Opt-In is selected</div>', '<label style="padding:0 5px">Enabled</label>' . form_checkbox('subscribe_auto', 'true', $auto == 'true')); ee()->table->add_row('Opt-In Text <div class="subtext">Displayed with Checkbox if Opt-In is selected</div>', form_input('subscribe_opt-in_text', $text)); ee()->table->add_row('Email Field<div class="subtext">If the input field on the page is not "email" please entrer the name. (exp. the marketo form used "work_email")</div>', form_input('subscribe_field', $field)); }
private function _display_field($data, $container = 'fieldset') { array_merge($this->settings, $this->settings_vars); $text_direction = isset($this->settings['field_text_direction']) ? $this->settings['field_text_direction'] : 'ltr'; $field_options = $this->_get_field_options($data); if (REQ == 'CP') { if ($data === TRUE) { $data = 'y'; } elseif ($data === FALSE) { $data = 'n'; } return ee('View')->make('radio:publish')->render(array('field_name' => $this->field_name, 'selected' => $data, 'options' => $field_options)); } $selected = $data; $r = ''; $class = 'choice mr'; foreach ($field_options as $key => $value) { $selected = $key == $data; $r .= '<label>' . form_radio($this->field_name, $value, $selected) . NBS . $key . '</label>'; } switch ($container) { case 'grid': $r = $this->grid_padding_container($r); break; default: $r = form_fieldset('') . $r . form_fieldset_close(); break; } return $r; }
function form_control(&$setting) { switch ($setting->type) { default: case 'text': $form_control = form_input(array('id' => $setting->slug, 'name' => $setting->slug, 'value' => $setting->value, 'class' => 'text width-20')); break; case 'textarea': $form_control = form_textarea(array('id' => $setting->slug, 'name' => $setting->slug, 'value' => $setting->value, 'class' => 'width-20')); break; case 'password': $form_control = form_password(array('id' => $setting->slug, 'name' => $setting->slug, 'value' => $setting->value, 'class' => 'text width-20')); break; case 'select': $form_control = form_dropdown($setting->slug, $this->_format_options($setting->options), $setting->value, 'class="width-20"'); break; case 'checkbox': case 'radio': $func = $setting->type == 'checkbox' ? 'form_checkbox' : 'form_radio'; $form_control = ''; foreach ($this->_format_options($setting->options) as $value => $label) { $form_control .= ' ' . form_radio(array('id' => $setting->slug, 'name' => $setting->slug, 'checked' => $setting->value == $value, 'value' => $value)) . ' ' . $label; } break; } return $form_control; }
/** * Display settings sub-form for this variable type * * @param mixed $var_id The id of the variable: 'new' or numeric * @param array $var_settings The settings of the variable * @return array */ function display_settings($var_id, $var_settings) { // ------------------------------------- // Init return value // ------------------------------------- $r = array(); // ------------------------------------- // Check current value from settings // ------------------------------------- $rows = $this->get_setting('rows', $var_settings); // ------------------------------------- // Build settings for rows // ------------------------------------- $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('variable_rows')), form_input(array('name' => $this->input_name('rows'), 'value' => $rows, 'maxlength' => '4', 'class' => 'x-small'))); // ------------------------------------- // Build settings text_direction // ------------------------------------- $dir_options = ''; foreach (array('ltr', 'rtl') as $dir) { $dir_options .= '<label class="low-radio">' . form_radio($this->input_name('text_direction'), $dir, $this->get_setting('text_direction', $var_settings) == $dir) . ' ' . lang("text_direction_{$dir}") . '</label>'; } $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('text_direction')), $dir_options); // ------------------------------------- // Return output // ------------------------------------- return $r; }
/** * Display settings sub-form for this variable type * * @param mixed $var_id The id of the variable: 'new' or numeric * @param array $var_settings The settings of the variable * @return array */ function display_settings($var_id, $var_settings) { // ------------------------------------- // Init return value // ------------------------------------- $r = array(); // ------------------------------------- // Check current value from settings // ------------------------------------- $maxlength = $this->get_setting('maxlength', $var_settings); $size = $this->get_setting('size', $var_settings); $pattern = $this->get_setting('pattern', $var_settings); $text_direction = $this->get_setting('text_direction', $var_settings); // ------------------------------------- // Build rows for values // ------------------------------------- $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('variable_maxlength')), form_input(array('name' => $this->input_name('maxlength'), 'value' => $maxlength, 'size' => '4', 'maxlength' => '4', 'class' => 'x-small'))); $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('variable_size')), form_dropdown($this->input_name('size'), array('large' => lang('large'), 'medium' => lang('medium'), 'small' => lang('small'), 'x-small' => lang('x-small')), $size)); $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('variable_pattern'), lang('variable_pattern_help')), form_input(array('name' => $this->input_name('pattern'), 'value' => $pattern, 'class' => 'medium'))); // ------------------------------------- // Build settings text_direction // ------------------------------------- $dir_options = ''; foreach (array('ltr', 'rtl') as $dir) { $dir_options .= '<label class="low-radio">' . form_radio($this->input_name('text_direction'), $dir, $this->get_setting('text_direction', $var_settings) == $dir) . ' ' . lang("text_direction_{$dir}") . '</label>'; } $r[] = array($this->setting_label(lang('text_direction')), $dir_options); // ------------------------------------- // Return output // ------------------------------------- return $r; }
function iconbox($name, $folder, $selected, $attrs = '') { $folder = 'webroot/images/' . $folder; $folder_array = directory_map($folder, True); for ($i = 0; $i < count($folder_array); $i++) { if (preg_match('/(.png|.jpg|.jpeg|.gif)$/', $folder_array[$i])) { $nicename = explode(".", $folder_array[$i]); $icons_array[$i + 1] = $folder_array[$i]; //$nicename[0]; $nicename = ""; } } unset($folder_array); asort($icons_array); $html = ''; #$html .= '<div class="iconbox">'; foreach ($icons_array as $icon) { $checked = $icon == $selected ? true : false; $data = array('name' => $name, 'id' => 'icon' . $icon, 'value' => $icon, 'checked' => $checked); $html .= '<div class="g' . "{$checked}" . '">'; $html .= '<label class="ni" for="icon' . $icon . '"><img src="' . $folder . '/' . $icon . '" alt="' . $icon . '" title="' . $icon . '" width="16" height="16" /></label>'; $html .= '<p>' . "\n" . form_radio($data, NULL, NULL, $attrs) . '</p>'; $html .= '</div>' . "\n"; } #$html .= '</div>'; return $html; }
/** * Output form input * * @param array * @param array * @return string */ public function form_output($params, $entry_id, $field) { $return = null; $choices = $this->_choices_to_array($params['custom']['choice_data'], $params['custom']['choice_type'], $field->is_required); // Put it into a drop down if ($params['custom']['choice_type'] == 'dropdown') { $return = form_dropdown($params['form_slug'], $choices, $params['value'], 'id="' . $params['form_slug'] . '"'); } else { // If these are checkboxes, then break up the vals if ($params['custom']['choice_type'] == 'checkboxes') { // We may have an array from $_POST or a string // from the data if (is_string($params['value'])) { $vals = explode("\n", $params['value']); } else { $vals = $params['value']; } foreach ($vals as $k => $v) { $vals[$k] = trim($v); } } $return .= '<ul class="form_list">'; foreach ($choices as $choice_key => $choice) { if ($params['custom']['choice_type'] == 'radio') { $params['value'] == $choice_key ? $selected = TRUE : ($selected = FALSE); $return .= '<li><label>' . form_radio($params['form_slug'], $choice_key, $selected) . ' ' . $choice . '</label></li>'; } else { in_array($choice_key, $vals) ? $selected = TRUE : ($selected = FALSE); $return .= '<li><label>' . form_checkbox($params['form_slug'] . '[]', $choice_key, $selected, 'id="' . $choice_key . '"') . ' ' . $choice . '</label></li>'; } } $return .= '</ul>'; } return $return; }
/** * Yes or no box to hide typing * * @access public * @param [array - param] * @return string */ public function param_hide_typing($params = false) { $selected = $params == 'no' ? 'no' : 'yes'; $yes_select = $selected == 'yes' ? true : false; $no_select = $selected == 'no' ? true : false; $form = '<ul><li><label>' . form_radio('hide_typing', 'yes', $yes_select) . ' Yes </label></li>'; $form .= '<li><label>' . form_radio('hide_typing', 'no', $no_select) . ' No </label></li></ul>'; return $form; }
/** * Display Field */ function _display_field($data, $field_name) { $this->prep_field_data($data); $r = ''; foreach ($this->settings['options'] as $option_name => $option) { $selected = (string) $option_name === (string) $data; $r .= '<label>' . form_radio($field_name, $option_name, $selected) . NBS . $option . '</label>'; } return $r; }
/** * Display Field */ function _display_field($data, $field_name) { $this->prep_field_data($data); $r = ''; $field_id = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('_', '_'), $field_name); foreach ($this->settings['options'] as $option_name => $option) { $field_data = array('name' => $field_name, 'id' => $field_id . '_' . $option_name, 'value' => $option_name, 'checked' => (string) $option_name === (string) $data); $r .= '<label for="' . $field_data['id'] . '">' . form_radio($field_data) . NBS . $option . '</label>'; } return $r; }
/** * Output form input * * @param array * @param array * @return string */ public function form_output($params, $entry_id, $field) { $choices = $this->_choices_to_array($params['custom']['choice_data'], $params['custom']['choice_type'], $field->is_required); // Only put in our brs for the admin $line_end = defined('ADMIN_THEME') ? '<br />' : null; if ($params['custom']['choice_type'] == 'dropdown') { // ------------------------------- // Dropdown // ------------------------------- // Drop downs are easy - the value is // always a string, and the choices // are just in an array from the field. // ------------------------------- return form_dropdown($params['form_slug'], $choices, $params['value'], 'id="' . $params['form_slug'] . '"'); } else { // ------------------------------- // Checkboxes and Radio buttons // ------------------------------- // Parse the value coming in. // If these are checkboxes, we need to put // the incoming data through some special processes if ($params['custom']['choice_type'] == 'checkboxes') { // We may have an array from $_POST or a string // from the saved form data in the case // or checkboxes if (is_string($params['value'])) { $vals = explode("\n", $params['value']); } elseif (is_array($params['value'])) { $vals = $params['value']; } else { $vals = array(); } // If we have an array of values, trim each one if (is_array($vals)) { foreach ($vals as $k => $v) { $vals[$k] = trim($v); } } } // Go through each choice and create // a input element. $return = null; foreach ($choices as $choice_key => $choice) { if ($params['custom']['choice_type'] == 'radio') { $selected = $params['value'] == $choice_key ? true : false; $return .= '<label class="radio">' . form_radio($params['form_slug'], $this->format_choice($choice_key), $selected, $this->active_state($choice)) . ' ' . $this->format_choice($choice) . '</label>' . $line_end; } else { $selected = in_array($choice_key, $vals) ? true : false; $return .= '<label class="checkbox">' . form_checkbox($params['form_slug'] . '[]', $this->format_choice($choice_key), $selected, 'id="' . $this->format_choice($choice_key) . '" ' . $this->active_state($choice)) . ' ' . $this->format_choice($choice) . '</label>' . $line_end; } } } return $return; }
public function radiobutton($data, $obj_name) { $filter_name = $obj_name . '_' . $data['attr_name']; $filter_label = $data['attr_label']; //$filter_type=$data['attr_field_type']; $radio_filter = array('name' => $filter_name); $html_componant = "<div class='control-group'>" . $this->label($filter_label, $filter_name); $html_componant .= "<div class='controls'>" . "<label class='radio inline'>" . form_radio($radio_filter) . "aa</label>"; $html_componant .= "<label class='radio inline'>" . form_radio($radio_filter) . "aa</label></div></div>\r\n\t\t "; return $html_componant; }
public function settings_form($settings) { return form_open('', array('class' => 'dashForm')) . '<p>' . form_label(lang('wgt_cp_analytics_chart_title')) . form_input('title', $settings->title) . '</p> <p>' . form_label(lang('wgt_cp_analytics_chart_days')) . form_radio('days', '30', $settings->days == '30' ? TRUE : FALSE) . NBS . '30 days' . NBS . NBS . form_radio('days', '14', $settings->days == '14' ? TRUE : FALSE) . NBS . '14 days' . '</p> <p>' . form_label(lang('wgt_cp_analytics_chart_labels')) . form_radio('labels', 'y', $settings->labels == 'y' ? TRUE : FALSE) . NBS . 'Yes' . NBS . NBS . form_radio('labels', 'n', $settings->labels == 'n' ? TRUE : FALSE) . NBS . 'No' . '</p> <p>' . form_submit('save', lang('save')) . '</p> ' . form_close(); }
/** * Should we filter by the current theme * and what languages they support? * * @access public * @param string * @return string */ public function param_filter_theme($value = null) { if ($value == 'no') { $no_select = true; $yes_select = false; } else { $no_select = false; $yes_select = true; } $form = '<ul><li><label>' . form_radio('filter_theme', 'yes', $yes_select) . ' Yes</label></li>'; $form .= '<li><label>' . form_radio('filter_theme', 'no', $no_select) . ' No</label></li>'; return $form; }
function display_field($data) { array_merge($this->settings, $this->settings_vars); $text_direction = $this->settings['field_text_direction'] == 'rtl' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'; $field_options = $this->_get_field_options($data); // If they've selected something we'll make sure that it's a valid choice $selected = $data; //$this->EE->input->post($this->field_name); $r = form_fieldset(''); foreach ($field_options as $option) { $selected = $option == $data; $r .= '<label>' . form_radio($this->field_name, $option, $selected) . NBS . $option . '</label>'; } return $r . form_fieldset_close(); }
function publicOrPrivate($name) { $return_radio = "<p>"; $data = array('name' => $name, 'value' => '1', 'checked' => TRUE); $return_radio .= '<span style="margin-top: 10px; display: inline-block;"> '; $return_radio .= form_radio($data); $return_radio .= "</span>"; $return_radio .= '<span style="margin: 0 12px 0 4px; vertical-align: text-bottom;"> Public </span>'; $data = array('name' => $name, 'value' => '2', 'checked' => FALSE); $return_radio .= '<span style="margin-top: 10px; display: inline-block;"> '; $return_radio .= form_radio($data); $return_radio .= "</span>"; $return_radio .= '<span style="vertical-align: text-bottom;"> Confidential </span>'; $return_radio .= "</p>"; return $return_radio; }
function build() { if (!isset($this->style)) { $this->style = "width:300px;"; } $this->_getValue(); $output = ""; switch ($this->status) { case "disabled": case "show": if (!isset($this->value)) { $output = RAPYD_FIELD_SYMBOL_NULL; } else { $output = $this->description; } break; case "create": case "modify": $onchange = ""; $style = ""; if ($this->onchange != "") { $onchange = ' onchange="' . $this->onchange . '"'; } $id = 'id="' . $this->name . '"'; if ($this->style != "") { $style = ' style="' . $this->style . '"'; } //$output = "<div>"; foreach ($this->options as $val => $label) { $this->checked = false; if ($this->value == $val) { $this->checked = true; } $output .= form_radio($this->name, $val, $this->checked, $id . $onchange) . $label . $this->separator; } //$output .= "</div>". $this->extra_output; break; case "hidden": $output = form_hidden($this->name, $this->value); break; default: } $this->output = $output; }
function assets_radio_group($setting_name, $options, $selected_value) { $output = ''; foreach ($options as $option_value => $option) { if ($output) { $output .= NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NL; } if (!is_array($option)) { $option = array('label' => $option); } if (is_numeric($option_value)) { $option_value = $option['label']; $option['label'] = lang($option['label']); } $is_selected = $option_value == $selected_value; $extra = isset($option['extra']) ? $option['extra'] : ''; $output .= '<label>' . form_radio("assets[{$setting_name}]", $option_value, $is_selected, $extra) . ' ' . $option['label'] . '</label>' . NL; } return $output; }
private function _display_field($data, $container = 'fieldset') { array_merge($this->settings, $this->settings_vars); $text_direction = isset($this->settings['field_text_direction']) ? $this->settings['field_text_direction'] : 'ltr'; $field_options = $this->_get_field_options($data); $selected = $data; $r = ''; foreach ($field_options as $key => $value) { $selected = $key == $data; $r .= '<label>' . form_radio($this->field_name, $value, $selected) . NBS . $key . '</label>'; } switch ($container) { case 'grid': $r = $this->grid_padding_container($r); break; default: $r = form_fieldset('') . $r . form_fieldset_close(); break; } return $r; }
/** * Display input field for regular user * * @param int $var_id The id of the variable * @param string $var_data The value of the variable * @param array $var_settings The settings of the variable * @return string */ function display_input($var_id, $var_data, $var_settings) { // ------------------------------------- // Init return value // ------------------------------------- $r = ''; // ------------------------------------- // Check current value from settings // ------------------------------------- $options = $this->get_setting('options', $var_settings); $options = $this->explode_options($options); // ------------------------------------- // Build checkboxes // ------------------------------------- foreach ($options as $key => $val) { $r .= '<label class="low-radio">' . form_radio("var[{$var_id}]", $key, $key == $var_data) . htmlspecialchars($val) . '</label>'; } // ------------------------------------- // Return checkboxes // ------------------------------------- return $r; }
function _yes_no_row($data, $lang, $data_key, $prefix = FALSE) { $prefix = $prefix ? $prefix . '_' : ''; $val_is_y = $data[$data_key] == 'y' ? TRUE : FALSE; $this->EE->table->add_row('<strong>' . lang($lang) . '</strong>', form_radio($prefix . $data_key, 'y', $val_is_y, 'id="' . $prefix . $data_key . '_y"') . NBS . lang('yes', $prefix . $data_key . '_y') . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . form_radio($prefix . $data_key, 'n', !$val_is_y, 'id="' . $prefix . $data_key . '_n"') . NBS . lang('no', $prefix . $data_key . '_n')); }
<?php echo form_input('title', $navigation_link->title, 'maxlength="50" class="text"'); ?> <span class="required-icon tooltip"><?php echo lang('required_label');?></span> </li> <li> <label for="navigation_group_id"><?php echo lang('nav_group_label');?></label> <?php echo form_dropdown('navigation_group_id', $groups_select, $navigation_link->navigation_group_id) ?> </li> <li class="even"> <label for="link_type"><?php echo lang('nav_type_label');?></label> <span class="spacer-right"> <?php echo form_radio('link_type', 'url', $navigation_link->link_type == 'url') ?> <?php echo lang('nav_url_label');?> <?php echo form_radio('link_type', 'uri', $navigation_link->link_type == 'uri') ?> <?php echo lang('nav_uri_label');?> <?php echo form_radio('link_type', 'module', $navigation_link->link_type == 'module') ?> <?php echo lang('nav_module_label');?> <?php echo form_radio('link_type', 'page', $navigation_link->link_type == 'page') ?> <?php echo lang('nav_page_label');?> </span> </li> <li> <p style="<?php echo ! empty($navigation_link->link_type) ? 'display:none' : ''; ?>"> <?php echo lang('nav_link_type_desc'); ?> </p> <div id="navigation-url" style="<?php echo @$navigation_link->link_type == 'url' ? '' : 'display:none'; ?>"> <label for="url"><?php echo lang('nav_url_label');?></label> <input type="text" id="url" name="url" value="<?php echo empty($navigation_link->url) ? 'http://' : $navigation_link->url; ?>" /> </div> <div id="navigation-module" style="<?php echo @$navigation_link->link_type == 'module' ? '' : 'display:none'; ?>">
function form_build_field($field, $html_type = NULL, $data = NULL, $extra = '') { $field_name = $field['field']; $field_type = $field['type']; $field_value = $field['value']; $extra = $extra . ' id="' . $field_name . '"'; // Define the HTML type to use from DB field // Limited, as the DB types cannot be translated to HTML form types if (is_null($html_type)) { switch ($field_type) { case 'tinyint': case 'smallint': // Checkbox (on / off) if ($field['length'] == 1) { $html_type = "checkbox"; } else { $html_type = "input"; } break; case 'float': case 'int': case 'char': case 'tinytext': $html_type = "input"; break; case 'varchar': case 'text': case 'longtext': if ($field_type == 'varchar' && $field['length'] < 255) { $html_type = "input"; } elseif ($field_type == 'varchar' && $field['length'] < 3000) { $html_type = "textarea"; } else { $html_type = "html"; } break; case 'enum': $html_type = "radio"; break; case 'date': case 'datetime': $html_type = "date"; break; default: $html_type = "input"; } } // No data provided if (!is_array($data)) { $data = array(); // Try to get the ENUM possible values if ($field_type == 'enum') { foreach ($field['length'] as $enum) { $data[$enum] = $enum; } } } switch ($html_type) { // Select // $data is supposed to be an array of keys => displayed labels case 'select': $extra .= ' class="select"'; return form_dropdown($field_name, $data, $field_value, $extra); break; case 'multiselect': $extra .= ' class="select multiselect"'; $selected = explode(',', $field_value); $field_name = $field_name . '[]'; return form_multiselect($field_name, $data, $selected, $extra); break; case 'input': $extra .= ' class="inputtext"'; return form_input($field_name, $field_value, $extra); break; case 'textarea': $extra .= ' class="textarea"'; return form_textarea($field_name, $field_value, $extra); break; // Text Editing textarea (tinyMCE in this case) // Text Editing textarea (tinyMCE in this case) case 'html': $extra .= ' class="tinyTextarea"'; return form_textarea($field_name, $field_value, $extra); break; case 'checkbox': $extra = ' class="checkbox"'; $str = ''; $print_label = TRUE; // We consider the checkbox only validate one data, which should be set at 1 or 0. if (empty($data)) { $data = array(1 => ''); $print_label = FALSE; } foreach ($data as $value => $label) { $id = 'c_' . uniqid(); $extra2 = $extra . ' id="' . $id . '"'; $checked = $field_value == $value ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($print_label === TRUE) { $str .= form_label($label, $id); } $str .= form_checkbox($field_name, $value, $checked, $extra2); } return $str; break; case 'radio': $extra = ' class="radio"'; $str = ''; $print_label = TRUE; // We consider the checkbox only validate one data, which should be set at 1 or 0. if (empty($data)) { $data = array(1 => ''); $print_label = FALSE; } foreach ($data as $value => $label) { $id = 'r_' . uniqid(); $extra2 = $extra . ' id="' . $id . '"'; $checked = $field_value == $value ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($print_label === TRUE) { $str .= form_label($label, $id); } $str .= form_radio($field_name, $value, $checked, $extra2); } return $str; break; case 'date': $extra .= ' class="inputtext date"'; if ($field['type'] == 'datetime') { $field_value = humanize_mdate($field_value, Settings::get('date_format') . ' %H:%i:%s'); } else { $field_value = humanize_mdate($field_value, Settings::get('date_format')); } return form_input($field_name, $field_value, $extra); break; default: $extra .= ' class="inputtext"'; return form_input($field_name, $field_value, $extra); } }
echo "</td></tr>\n"; */ echo "<tr><td class='label'><label for='pname'>".$this->lang->line('kago_name')."</label>"; echo "Original: ".$product['name']; echo "</td>\n"; $data = array('name'=>'name','id'=>'pname','class'=>'text'); echo "<td>"; echo form_input($data); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class='label'><label for='public'>Public</label></td>\n"; echo "<td>"; echo "Yes"; echo form_radio('public','1', True); echo "No"; echo form_radio('public','0'); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class='label'><label for='short'>".$this->lang->line('kago_short_desc')."</label>"; echo "Original: ".$product['shortdesc']; echo "</td>\n"; $data = array('name'=>'shortdesc','id'=>'short','class'=>'text'); echo "<td>"; echo form_input($data); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td class='label'><label for='long'>".$this->lang->line('kago_long_desc')."</label>"; echo "Original: ".$product['longdesc']; echo "</td>\n"; $data = array('name'=>'longdesc','id'=>'long','rows'=>'10', 'cols'=>'80'); echo "<td id='nopad' >";
/** * Template Preferences Manager * * @access public * @return type */ function template_preferences_manager($message = '') { if (!$this->cp->allowed_group('can_access_design') or !$this->cp->allowed_group('can_admin_templates')) { show_error($this->lang->line('unauthorized_access')); } if ($this->input->get_post('id') !== '') { $group_id = $this->input->get_post('id'); } $vars['message'] = $message; $vars['show_template_manager'] = TRUE; // in an error condition, this will go false if ($this->session->userdata['group_id'] != 1 && (count($this->session->userdata['assigned_template_groups']) == 0 or $this->cp->allowed_group('can_admin_templates') == FALSE)) { $vars['message'] = $this->lang->line('no_templates_assigned'); $vars['show_template_manager'] = FALSE; return $this->load->view('design/template_preferences_manager', $vars); } $this->load->helper('form'); $this->load->library('table'); $this->javascript->output(' // select all options for template access restrictions $("input.select_all").click(function(){ $("input[class="+$(this).val()+"]").each(function() { this.checked = true; }); }); var the_templates = $(\'div[id^="template_group_div_"]\'); $("#template_groups").change(function() { the_templates.hide(); var openDivs = $(this).val().toString() var ids = new Array(); ids = openDivs.split(","); for(i=0;i<ids.length;i++) { $("#template_group_div_"+ids[i]).show(); } return false; }); '); // Retrieve Valid Template Groups and Templates $this->db->from('template_groups tg, templates t'); $this->db->select('tg.group_id, tg.group_name, t.template_id, t.template_name'); $this->db->where('tg.group_id = t.group_id'); $this->db->where('tg.site_id', $this->config->item('site_id')); if ($this->session->userdata['group_id'] != 1) { $this->db->where_in('t.group_id', array_keys($this->session->userdata['assigned_template_groups'])); } $this->db->order_by('tg.group_order, t.group_id, t.template_name'); $query = $this->db->get(); if ($query->num_rows() == 0) { $vars['message'] = $this->lang->line('no_templates_available'); $vars['show_template_manager'] = FALSE; return $this->load->view('design/template_preferences_manager', $vars); } // Create MultiSelect Lists $current_group = 0; $groups = array(); $tmpl = array(); $vars['templates'] = array(); foreach ($query->result_array() as $i => $row) { if ($row['group_id'] != $current_group) { $groups[$row['group_id']] = form_prep($row['group_name']); if ($current_group != 0) { $vars['templates']['template_group_div_' . $current_group]['select'] = form_multiselect('template_group_' . $row['group_id'] . '[]', $tmpl, '', "size='8' class='multiselect' style='width:45%'"); $vars['templates']['template_group_div_' . $current_group]['active'] = $current_group == $group_id ? TRUE : FALSE; $tmpl = array(); } } $tmpl[$row['template_id']] = form_prep($row['template_name']); $current_group = $row['group_id']; } $groups = form_multiselect('template_groups', $groups, $group_id, "id='template_groups' size='10' class='multiselect' style='width:160px'"); $vars['templates']['template_group_div_' . $current_group]['select'] = form_multiselect('template_group_' . $row['group_id'] . '[]', $tmpl, '', "size='8' class='multiselect' style='width:45%'"); $vars['templates']['template_group_div_' . $current_group]['active'] = $current_group == $group_id ? TRUE : FALSE; $vars['groups'] = $groups; if ($this->input->get_post('U')) { $vars['message'] = $this->lang->line('preferences_updated'); } // Template Preference Headings $headings = array(array('template_type', $this->lang->line('type')), array('cache', $this->lang->line('cache_enable')), array('refresh', $this->lang->line('refresh_interval') . ' <small>(' . $this->lang->line('refresh_in_minutes') . ')</small>')); if ($this->session->userdata['group_id'] == 1) { $headings[] = array('allow_php', $this->lang->line('enable_php') . ' <span class="notice">*</span>'); $headings[] = array('php_parse_location', $this->lang->line('parse_stage')); } if ($this->config->item('save_tmpl_files') == 'y' and $this->config->item('tmpl_file_basepath') != '') { $headings[] = array('save_template_file', $this->lang->line('save_template_file')); } $headings[] = array('hits', $this->lang->line('hit_counter')); $vars['headings'] = $headings; // Template Preference Options $vars['template_prefs'] = array(); $template_type_options = array('null' => $this->lang->line('do_not_change'), 'css' => $this->lang->line('css_stylesheet'), 'js' => $this->lang->line('js'), 'feed' => $this->lang->line('rss'), 'static' => $this->lang->line('static'), 'webpage' => $this->lang->line('webpage'), 'xml' => $this->lang->line('xml')); $vars['template_prefs']['template_type'] = form_dropdown('template_type', $template_type_options, 'null', 'id="template_type"'); $yes_no_options = array('null' => $this->lang->line('do_not_change'), 'y' => $this->lang->line('yes'), 'n' => $this->lang->line('no')); $vars['template_prefs']['cache'] = form_dropdown('cache', $yes_no_options, 'null', 'id="cache"'); $vars['template_prefs']['refresh'] = form_input(array('name' => 'refresh', 'value' => '0', 'size' => 5)); if ($this->session->userdata['group_id'] == 1) { $php_i_o_options = array('null' => $this->lang->line('do_not_change'), 'i' => $this->lang->line('input'), 'o' => $this->lang->line('output')); $vars['template_prefs']['allow_php'] = form_dropdown('allow_php', $yes_no_options, 'null', 'id="allow_php"'); $vars['template_prefs']['php_parse_location'] = form_dropdown('php_parse_location', $php_i_o_options, 'null', 'id="php_parse_location"'); } if ($this->config->item('save_tmpl_files') == 'y' and $this->config->item('tmpl_file_basepath') != '') { $vars['template_prefs']['save_template_file'] = form_dropdown('save_template_file', $yes_no_options, 'null', 'id="save_template_file"'); } $vars['template_prefs']['hits'] = form_input(array('name' => 'hits', 'value' => '', 'size' => 5)); // Template Access Restrictions $this->db->select('group_id, group_title'); $this->db->where('site_id', $this->config->item('site_id')); $this->db->where('group_id !=', '1'); $this->db->order_by('group_title'); $query = $this->db->get('member_groups'); $vars['template_access'] = array(); foreach ($query->result() as $row) { $vars['template_access'][$row->group_id][] = $row->group_title; $radio_options = ''; foreach ($yes_no_options as $key => $lang) { $radio_options .= '<label>' . form_radio('access_' . $row->group_id, $key, '', 'class="access_' . $key . '"') . NBS . $lang . '</label>' . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS; } $vars['template_access'][$row->group_id][] = $radio_options; } $vars['template_access']['select_all'][] = $this->lang->line('select_all'); $select_all_radios = '<label>' . form_radio('select_all', 'access_null', '', 'class="select_all"') . NBS . $this->lang->line('do_not_change') . '</label>' . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS; $select_all_radios .= '<label>' . form_radio('select_all', 'access_y', '', 'class="select_all"') . NBS . $this->lang->line('yes') . '</label>' . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS . NBS; $select_all_radios .= '<label>' . form_radio('select_all', 'access_n', '', 'class="select_all"') . NBS . $this->lang->line('no') . '</label>'; $vars['template_access']['select_all'][] = $select_all_radios; $this->db->select('template_groups.group_name, templates.template_name, templates.template_id'); $this->db->where('template_groups.group_id = ' . $this->db->dbprefix('templates.group_id')); $this->db->where('template_groups.site_id', $this->config->item('site_id')); $this->db->order_by('template_groups.group_name, templates.template_name'); $query = $this->db->get(array('template_groups', 'templates')); $vars['no_auth_bounce_options']['null'] = $this->lang->line('do_not_change'); foreach ($query->result() as $row) { $vars['no_auth_bounce_options'][$row->template_id] = $row->group_name . '/' . $row->template_name; } $vars['enable_http_auth_options'] = $yes_no_options; $this->cp->set_variable('cp_page_title', $this->lang->line('template_preferences_manager')); $this->cp->set_breadcrumb(BASE . AMP . 'C=design' . AMP . 'M=manager', $this->lang->line('template_manager')); $this->javascript->compile(); $this->load->view('design/template_preferences_manager', $vars); }
<span id="show_username"><?php echo $user_name; ?> </span><span id="show_messsage" style="display:none;padding-left:10px;color:red">已成功提交姓名變更申請</span><input type="button" id="edit_username" value="申請變更姓名" /> <div id="show_button" style="display:none;"><input type="button" id="save_username" value="送出" /><input type="button" id="cancel" value="取消" /></div> </p> <p>匿稱: <?php echo form_input($user_nickname); ?> </p> <p>性別: <?php echo form_radio($user_sex_m) . "男" . form_radio($user_sex_f) . "女"; ?> </p> <p>行動電話: <?php echo form_input($phone); ?> </p> <p>市內電話: <?php echo form_input($cellphone); ?> </p>
$checked1 = ''; $checked2 = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $checked1 = ''; $checked2 = 'checked="checked"'; } ?> <label class="radio"> <?php echo form_radio($status, 'Active', $checked2, 'class="required"'); ?> Active</label> <label class="radio"> <?php echo form_radio($status, 'Inactive', $checked1, 'class="required"'); ?> Inactive </label> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 control-label"> </label> <div class="col-sm-6"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" value="Update Profile" name="agent_form" id="agent_form"> <?php echo anchor('home', 'Cancel', array('title' => 'Cancel', 'class' => 'btn btn-sm btn-default'));
<div> <h4><span><?php echo $question_detail['question']; ?> </span></h4> <?php echo form_hidden('q_id', $question_detail['qid']); ?> <div> <?php foreach ($options as $optionValues) { ?> <div class="control-group form-group"> <?php echo form_radio(array('name' => 'user_ans', 'value' => $optionValues['id'], 'checked' => set_radio('user_and', FALSE))); ?> <?php echo form_label('<span>' . $optionValues['option_name'] . '</span>'); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php echo form_error('user_ans'); ?> </div> <div class="button-set"> <input class="submit btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Answer" />
echo '<h2 class="form-signin-heading">Create an account</h2>'; echo '<div class="form-group">'; echo form_input('first_name', set_value('first_name'), 'placeholder="First name" class="form-control"'); echo '</div><div class="form-group">'; echo form_input('last_name', set_value('last_name'), 'placeholder="Last name" class="form-control"'); echo '</div><div class="form-group">'; /*echo form_input('email_address', set_value('email_address'), 'placeholder="Email" class="form-control"'); echo '</div><div class="form-group">';*/ echo form_input('username', set_value('username'), 'placeholder="Username" class="form-control"'); echo '</div><div class="form-group">'; echo form_input('password', '', 'placeholder="Password" class="form-control"'); echo '</div><div class="form-group">'; echo form_radio('role', '1', FALSE); echo form_label('Super Admin', 'role'); echo '</div><div class="form-group">'; echo form_radio('role', '2', TRUE); echo form_label('User', 'role'); echo '</div><div class="form-group">'; /*echo form_password('password2', '', 'placeholder="Password confirm" class="form-control"'); echo '</div><div class="form-group">';*/ echo form_submit('submit', 'submit', 'class="btn btn-large btn-primary"'); echo '</div>'; echo form_close(); ?> </div> <?php include_once 'footer.php'; ?> </div> </div> <script src="<?php
} elseif (file_exists($skin->path . 'icon.jpg')) { $_icon = $skin->url . 'icon.jpg'; } elseif (file_exists($skin->path . 'icon.gif')) { $_icon = $skin->url . 'icon.gif'; } else { $_icon = NAILS_ASSETS_URL . 'img/admin/modules/settings/blog-skin-no-icon.png'; } $_selected = $skin->slug == $_selected_skin ? TRUE : FALSE; $_class = $_selected ? 'selected' : ''; echo '<li class="skin ' . $_class . '" rel="tipsy" title="' . $_description . '">'; echo '<div class="icon">' . img($_icon) . '</div>'; echo '<div class="name">'; echo $_name; echo '<span class="ion-checkmark-circled"></span>'; echo '</div>'; echo form_radio('skin', $skin->slug, $_selected); echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; echo '<hr class="clearfix" />'; } else { echo '<p class="system-alert error">'; echo '<strong>Error:</strong> '; echo 'I\'m sorry, but I couldn\'t find any skins to use. This is a configuration error and should be raised with the developer.'; echo '</p>'; } ?> <p> <?php echo form_submit('submit', lang('action_save_changes'), 'style="margin-bottom:0;"'); ?>