コード例 #1
 function execute()
     $this->obj_form = new form_input();
     $this->obj_form->formname = "bankstatementimport";
     $this->obj_form->language = $_SESSION["user"]["lang"];
     $this->obj_form->action = "accounts/import/bankstatement-process.php";
     $this->obj_form->method = "post";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "BANK_STATEMENT";
     $structure["type"] = "file";
     $structure = charts_form_prepare_acccountdropdown("dest_account", "ar_payment");
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["autoselect"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $sql_struct_obj = new sql_query();
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "staff.id");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "staff.staff_code");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label1", "staff.name_staff");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addwhere("id = 'CURRENTID' OR date_end = '0000-00-00'");
     $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromobj("employeeid", $sql_struct_obj);
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = @$_SESSION["user"]["default_employeeid"];
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "submit";
     $structure["type"] = "submit";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "Import";
     $this->obj_form->subforms["upload_bank_statement"] = array("BANK_STATEMENT", "dest_account", "employeeid");
     $this->obj_form->subforms["import"] = array("submit");
コード例 #2
 function execute()
     log_debug("invoice_form_details", "Executing execute()");
     if ($this->invoiceid) {
         $this->mode = "edit";
     } else {
         $this->mode = "add";
     	Make sure invoice does exist and fetch locked status
     if ($this->mode == "edit") {
         $sql_invoice_obj = new sql_query();
         $sql_invoice_obj->string = "SELECT id, locked FROM account_" . $this->type . " WHERE id='" . $this->invoiceid . "' LIMIT 1";
         if (!$sql_invoice_obj->num_rows()) {
             print "<p><b>Error: The requested invoice does not exist. <a href=\"index.php?page=accounts/" . $this->type . "/" . $this->type . ".php\">Try looking on the invoice/invoice list page.</a></b></p>";
             return 0;
         } else {
             $this->locked = $sql_invoice_obj->data[0]["locked"];
     	Start Form
     $this->obj_form = new form_input();
     $this->obj_form->formname = $this->type . "_invoice_" . $this->mode;
     $this->obj_form->language = $_SESSION["user"]["lang"];
     $this->obj_form->action = $this->processpage;
     $this->obj_form->method = "POST";
     	Define form structure
     // basic details
     if ($this->type == "ap") {
         $sql_struct_obj = new sql_query();
         $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "vendors.id");
         $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "vendors.code_vendor");
         $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label1", "vendors.name_vendor");
         $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addwhere("id = 'CURRENTID' OR date_end = '0000-00-00'");
         $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromobj("vendorid", $sql_struct_obj);
         $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
         $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
         $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->vendor_id;
     } else {
         // load customer dropdown
         $sql_struct_obj = new sql_query();
         $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "customers.id");
         $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "customers.code_customer");
         $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label1", "customers.name_customer");
         $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addwhere("id = 'CURRENTID' OR date_end = '0000-00-00'");
         $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromobj("customerid", $sql_struct_obj);
         $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
         $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
         $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->customer_id;
     $sql_struct_obj = new sql_query();
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "staff.id");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "staff.staff_code");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label1", "staff.name_staff");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addwhere("id = 'CURRENTID' OR date_end = '0000-00-00'");
     $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromobj("employeeid", $sql_struct_obj);
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["autoselect"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = @$_SESSION["user"]["default_employeeid"];
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "code_invoice";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     if ($this->mode == "edit") {
         $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "code_ordernumber";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "code_ponumber";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "notes";
     $structure["type"] = "textarea";
     $structure["options"]["height"] = "100";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = 500;
     // dates
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "date_trans";
     $structure["type"] = "date";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = date("Y-m-d");
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "date_due";
     $structure["type"] = "date";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = invoice_calc_duedate(date("Y-m-d"));
     // destination account
     if ($this->type == "ap") {
         $structure = charts_form_prepare_acccountdropdown("dest_account", "ap_summary_account");
     } else {
         $structure = charts_form_prepare_acccountdropdown("dest_account", "ar_summary_account");
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["autoselect"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     // ID
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "id_invoice";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->invoiceid;
     // submit
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "submit";
     $structure["type"] = "submit";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "Save Changes";
     // load data
     if ($this->type == "ap") {
         $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT vendorid, employeeid, code_invoice, code_ordernumber, code_ponumber, notes, date_trans, date_due, dest_account FROM account_" . $this->type . " WHERE id='" . $this->invoiceid . "'";
     } else {
         $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT customerid, employeeid, code_invoice, code_ordernumber, code_ponumber, notes, date_trans, date_due, dest_account FROM account_" . $this->type . " WHERE id='" . $this->invoiceid . "'";
     	Fetch any provided values from $_GET if adding a new invoice and no error data provided
     if ($this->mode == "add" && error_check()) {
         $this->obj_form->structure["customerid"]["defaultvalue"] = @security_script_input('/^[0-9]*$/', $_GET["customerid"]);
         $this->obj_form->structure["vendorid"]["defaultvalue"] = @security_script_input('/^[0-9]*$/', $_GET["vendorid"]);
     // define subforms
     if ($this->type == "ap") {
         $this->obj_form->subforms[$this->type . "_invoice_details"] = array("vendorid", "employeeid", "code_invoice", "code_ordernumber", "code_ponumber", "date_trans", "date_due");
     } else {
         $this->obj_form->subforms[$this->type . "_invoice_details"] = array("customerid", "employeeid", "code_invoice", "code_ordernumber", "code_ponumber", "date_trans", "date_due");
     $this->obj_form->subforms[$this->type . "_invoice_financials"] = array("dest_account");
     $this->obj_form->subforms[$this->type . "_invoice_other"] = array("notes");
     $this->obj_form->subforms["hidden"] = array("id_invoice");
     if ($this->locked) {
         $this->obj_form->subforms["submit"] = array();
     } else {
         $this->obj_form->subforms["submit"] = array("submit");
     return 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: view.php プロジェクト: carriercomm/amberdms-bs
 function execute()
     	Define form structure
     $this->obj_form = new form_input();
     $this->obj_form->formname = "transaction_view";
     $this->obj_form->language = $_SESSION["user"]["lang"];
     $this->obj_form->action = "accounts/gl/edit-process.php";
     $this->obj_form->method = "post";
     // general
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "code_gl";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "date_trans";
     $structure["type"] = "date";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = date("Y-m-d");
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $sql_struct_obj = new sql_query();
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "staff.id");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "staff.staff_code");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label1", "staff.name_staff");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addwhere("id = 'CURRENTID' OR date_end = '0000-00-00'");
     $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromobj("employeeid", $sql_struct_obj);
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["autoselect"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "description";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "description_useall";
     $structure["type"] = "checkbox";
     $structure["options"]["label"] = "Check this to use the description above as the description in all the rows below. Untick if you wish to have different messages for each transaction item.";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "on";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "notes";
     $structure["type"] = "textarea";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $structure["options"]["height"] = "50";
     	Define transaction form structure
     // unless there has been error data returned, fetch all the transactions
     // from the DB, and work out the number of rows
     if (!isset($_SESSION["error"]["form"][$this->obj_form->formname])) {
         $sql_trans_obj = new sql_query();
         $sql_trans_obj->string = "SELECT date_trans, amount_debit, amount_credit, chartid, source, memo FROM `account_trans` WHERE type='gl' AND customid='" . $this->id . "'";
         if ($sql_trans_obj->num_rows()) {
             $this->num_trans = $sql_trans_obj->data_num_rows + 1;
     } else {
         $this->num_trans = @security_script_input('/^[0-9]*$/', $_SESSION["error"]["num_trans"]) + 1;
     // ensure there are always 2 rows at least, additional rows are added if required (ie viewing
     // an existing transaction) or on the fly when needed by javascript UI.
     if ($this->num_trans < 2) {
         $this->num_trans = 2;
     // transaction rows
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_trans; $i++) {
         // account
         $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromdb("trans_" . $i . "_account", "SELECT id, code_chart as label, description as label1 FROM account_charts WHERE chart_type!='1' ORDER BY code_chart");
         $structure["options"]["width"] = "200";
         // debit field
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "trans_" . $i . "_debit";
         $structure["type"] = "input";
         $structure["options"]["width"] = "80";
         // credit field
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "trans_" . $i . "_credit";
         $structure["type"] = "input";
         $structure["options"]["width"] = "80";
         // source
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "trans_" . $i . "_source";
         $structure["type"] = "input";
         $structure["options"]["width"] = "100";
         // description
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "trans_" . $i . "_description";
         $structure["type"] = "textarea";
         // if we have data from a sql query, load it in
         if ($sql_trans_obj->data_num_rows) {
             if (isset($sql_trans_obj->data[$i]["chartid"])) {
                 $this->obj_form->structure["trans_" . $i . "_debit"]["defaultvalue"] = $sql_trans_obj->data[$i]["amount_debit"];
                 $this->obj_form->structure["trans_" . $i . "_credit"]["defaultvalue"] = $sql_trans_obj->data[$i]["amount_credit"];
                 $this->obj_form->structure["trans_" . $i . "_account"]["defaultvalue"] = $sql_trans_obj->data[$i]["chartid"];
                 $this->obj_form->structure["trans_" . $i . "_source"]["defaultvalue"] = $sql_trans_obj->data[$i]["source"];
                 $this->obj_form->structure["trans_" . $i . "_description"]["defaultvalue"] = $sql_trans_obj->data[$i]["memo"];
     // total fields
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "total_debit";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "total_credit";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "money_format";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = format_money(0);
     // hidden
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "id_transaction";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->id;
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "num_trans";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "{$this->num_trans}";
     // submit section
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "submit";
     $structure["type"] = "submit";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "Save Changes";
     // fetch the general form data
     $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT * FROM `account_gl` WHERE id='" . $this->id . "' LIMIT 1";
     // calculate totals
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_trans; $i++) {
         @($this->obj_form->structure["total_debit"]["defaultvalue"] += $this->obj_form->structure["trans_" . $i . "_debit"]["defaultvalue"]);
         @($this->obj_form->structure["total_credit"]["defaultvalue"] += $this->obj_form->structure["trans_" . $i . "_credit"]["defaultvalue"]);
コード例 #4
 function execute()
     log_debug("quote_form_details", "Executing execute()");
     if ($this->quoteid) {
         $this->mode = "edit";
     } else {
         $this->mode = "add";
     	Start Form
     $this->obj_form = new form_input();
     $this->obj_form->formname = "quote_" . $this->mode;
     $this->obj_form->language = $_SESSION["user"]["lang"];
     $this->obj_form->action = $this->processpage;
     $this->obj_form->method = "POST";
     	Define form structure
     // basic details
     $sql_struct_obj = new sql_query();
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "customers.id");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "customers.code_customer");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label1", "customers.name_customer");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addwhere("id = 'CURRENTID' OR date_end = '0000-00-00'");
     $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromobj("customerid", $sql_struct_obj);
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $sql_struct_obj = new sql_query();
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "staff.id");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "staff.staff_code");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label1", "staff.name_staff");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addwhere("id = 'CURRENTID' OR date_end = '0000-00-00'");
     $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromobj("employeeid", $sql_struct_obj);
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["autoselect"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $_SESSION["user"]["default_employeeid"];
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "code_quote";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     if ($this->mode == "edit") {
         $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "notes";
     $structure["type"] = "textarea";
     $structure["options"]["height"] = "100";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = 500;
     // dates
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "date_trans";
     $structure["type"] = "date";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = date("Y-m-d");
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "date_validtill";
     $structure["type"] = "date";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = quotes_calc_duedate(date("Y-m-d"));
     // ID
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "id_quote";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->quoteid;
     // submit
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "submit";
     $structure["type"] = "submit";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "Save Changes";
     // load data
     $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT customerid, employeeid, code_quote, notes, date_trans, date_validtill FROM account_quotes WHERE id='" . $this->quoteid . "'";
     // define subforms
     $this->obj_form->subforms["quote_details"] = array("customerid", "employeeid", "code_quote", "date_trans", "date_validtill");
     $this->obj_form->subforms["quote_other"] = array("notes");
     $this->obj_form->subforms["hidden"] = array("id_quote");
     $this->obj_form->subforms["submit"] = array("submit");
コード例 #5
 function execute()
     log_debug("services_form_details", "Executing execute()");
     	Define form structure
     $this->obj_form = new form_input();
     $this->obj_form->formname = "service_" . $this->mode;
     $this->obj_form->language = $_SESSION["user"]["lang"];
     $this->obj_form->action = "services/edit-process.php";
     $this->obj_form->method = "post";
     // general
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "name_service";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure = charts_form_prepare_acccountdropdown("chartid", "ar_income");
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "400";
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "description";
     $structure["type"] = "textarea";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $structure["options"]["height"] = "100";
     // the service type can only be set at creation time.
     if ($this->mode == "add") {
         $structure = form_helper_prepare_radiofromdb("typeid", "SELECT id, name as label, description as label1 FROM service_types WHERE active='1' ORDER BY name");
         $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
         // replace all the -- joiners with <br> for clarity
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($structure["values"]); $i++) {
             $structure["translations"][$structure["values"][$i]] = str_replace("--", "<br><i>", $structure["translations"][$structure["values"][$i]]);
             $structure["translations"][$structure["values"][$i]] .= "</i><br>";
         // handle misconfiguration gracefully
         if (empty($this->obj_form->structure["typeid"]["values"])) {
             $this->obj_form->structure["typeid"]["type"] = "text";
             $this->obj_form->structure["typeid"]["defaultvalue"] = "error_no_types_available";
     } else {
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "typeid";
         $structure["type"] = "text";
     // service grouping
     $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromgroup("id_service_group", "SELECT id as value_id, group_name as value_key, id_parent as value_parent FROM service_groups");
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "400";
     $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromgroup("id_service_group_usage", "SELECT id as value_id, group_name as value_key, id_parent as value_parent FROM service_groups");
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "400";
     // write service usage grouping javascript UI logic - we need to get all the options
     // and write actions for each ID
     $this->obj_form->add_action("typeid", "default", "id_service_group_usage", "hide");
     $sql_obj = new sql_query();
     $sql_obj->string = "SELECT id, name as label FROM service_types";
     foreach ($sql_obj->data as $data_row) {
         switch ($data_row["label"]) {
             case "data_traffic":
             case "generic_with_usage":
             case "phone_single":
             case "phone_trunk":
             case "phone_tollfree":
             case "time":
                 $this->obj_form->add_action("typeid", $data_row["id"], "id_service_group_usage", "show");
                 // for add mode
                 $this->obj_form->add_action("typeid", $data_row["label"], "id_service_group_usage", "show");
                 // for view mode
             case "bundle":
             case "generic_no_usage":
             case "licenses":
                 $this->obj_form->add_action("typeid", $data_row["id"], "id_service_group_usage", "hide");
                 // for add mode
                 $this->obj_form->add_action("typeid", $data_row["label"], "id_service_group_usage", "hide");
                 // for view mode
     // define service_details subform
     $this->obj_form->subforms["service_details"] = array("name_service", "chartid", "typeid", "id_service_group", "id_service_group_usage", "description");
     	List all the taxes, so that the user can select the tax(es) that apply to the service
     $sql_tax_obj = new sql_query();
     $sql_tax_obj->string = "SELECT id, name_tax, description, default_services FROM account_taxes ORDER BY name_tax";
     if ($sql_tax_obj->num_rows()) {
         // user note
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "tax_message";
         $structure["type"] = "message";
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = "<p>Check all taxes that apply to this service below.</p>";
         $this->obj_form->subforms["service_tax"][] = "tax_message";
         // run through all the taxes
         foreach ($sql_tax_obj->data as $data_tax) {
             // define tax checkbox
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "tax_" . $data_tax["id"];
             $structure["type"] = "checkbox";
             $structure["options"]["label"] = $data_tax["name_tax"] . " -- " . $data_tax["description"];
             $structure["options"]["no_fieldname"] = "enable";
             if ($this->serviceid) {
                 // see if this tax is currently enabled for this service
                 $sql_obj = new sql_query();
                 $sql_obj->string = "SELECT id FROM services_taxes WHERE serviceid='" . $this->serviceid . "' AND taxid='" . $data_tax["id"] . "' LIMIT 1";
                 if ($sql_obj->num_rows()) {
                     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "on";
             } else {
                 if ($data_tax["default_services"]) {
                     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "on";
             // add to form
             $this->obj_form->subforms["service_tax"][] = "tax_" . $data_tax["id"];
     	Upstream Vendor Information
     	These fields are purely for users notes/record keeping purposes.
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "upstream_help_message";
     $structure["type"] = "message";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "<p>" . lang_trans("upstream_help_message") . "</p>";
     $sql_struct_obj = new sql_query();
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "vendors.id");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "vendors.code_vendor");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label1", "vendors.name_vendor");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addwhere("id = 'CURRENTID' OR date_end = '0000-00-00'");
     $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromobj("upstream_id", $sql_struct_obj);
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "400";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "upstream_notes";
     $structure["type"] = "textarea";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $structure["options"]["height"] = "100";
     $this->obj_form->subforms["service_upstream"] = array("upstream_help_message", "upstream_id", "upstream_notes");
     // define subforms
     if (user_permissions_get("services_write")) {
         $this->obj_form->subforms["submit"] = array("submit");
     } else {
         $this->obj_form->subforms["submit"] = array("");
     	Mode dependent options
     if ($this->mode == "add") {
         // submit button
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "submit";
         $structure["type"] = "submit";
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = "Create Service";
     } else {
         // submit button
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "submit";
         $structure["type"] = "submit";
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = "Save Changes";
         // hidden data
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "id_service";
         $structure["type"] = "hidden";
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->serviceid;
         $this->obj_form->subforms["hidden"] = array("id_service");
     	Load Data
     if ($this->mode == "add") {
     } else {
         // load details data
         $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tservices.name_service, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tservices.chartid, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tservices.id_service_group,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tservices.id_service_group_usage,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tservices.description, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tservice_types.name as typeid,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tservices.upstream_id as upstream_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tservices.upstream_notes as upstream_notes\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `services`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN service_types ON service_types.id = services.typeid\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE services.id='" . $this->serviceid . "' LIMIT 1";
コード例 #6
 function execute()
     	Define form structure
     $this->obj_form = new form_input();
     $this->obj_form->formname = "orders_view";
     $this->obj_form->language = $_SESSION["user"]["lang"];
     $this->obj_form->action = "customers/orders-edit-process.php";
     $this->obj_form->method = "post";
     	Define Orders (products-style)
     // basic details
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "date_ordered";
     $structure["type"] = "date";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = date("Y-m-d");
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "type";
     $structure["type"] = "text";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->obj_customer->data_orders["type"];
     $this->obj_form->subforms["order_basic"] = array("date_ordered", "type");
     	Item Specifics
     switch ($this->obj_customer->data_orders["type"]) {
         case "product":
             // price
             $structure = null;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "price";
             $structure["type"] = "money";
             // quantity
             $structure = null;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "quantity";
             $structure["type"] = "input";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = 50;
             // units
             $structure = null;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "units";
             $structure["type"] = "input";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = 50;
             $structure["options"]["max_length"] = 10;
             // product id
             $sql_struct_obj = new sql_query();
             $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "products.id");
             $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "products.code_product");
             $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label1", "products.name_product");
             $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addwhere("id = 'currentid' or date_end = '0000-00-00'");
             $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromobj("productid", $sql_struct_obj);
             $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
             // description
             $structure = null;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "description";
             $structure["type"] = "textarea";
             $structure["options"]["height"] = "50";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = 500;
             // discount
             $structure = null;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "discount";
             $structure["type"] = "input";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = 50;
             $structure["options"]["label"] = " %";
             $structure["options"]["max_length"] = "2";
             // subform
             $this->obj_form->subforms["order_product"] = array("productid", "price", "quantity", "units", "description", "discount");
         case "service":
             // price
             $structure = null;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "price";
             $structure["type"] = "money";
             // discount
             $structure = null;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "discount";
             $structure["type"] = "input";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = 50;
             $structure["options"]["label"] = " %";
             $structure["options"]["max_length"] = "2";
             // service id
             $sql_struct_obj = new sql_query();
             $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "services.id");
             $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "services.name_service");
             $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromobj("serviceid", $sql_struct_obj);
             $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
             // description
             $structure = null;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "description";
             $structure["type"] = "textarea";
             $structure["options"]["height"] = "50";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = 500;
             // subform
             $this->obj_form->subforms["order_serice"] = array("serviceid", "price", "discount", "description");
     // end of type
     // hidden values
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "id_customer";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->obj_customer->id;
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "id_order";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->obj_customer->id_order;
     // submit button
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "submit";
     $structure["type"] = "submit";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "Save Changes";
     // define base subforms
     $this->obj_form->subforms["hidden"] = array("id_customer", "id_order");
     if (user_permissions_get("customers_orders")) {
         $this->obj_form->subforms["submit"] = array("submit");
     } else {
         $this->obj_form->subforms["submit"] = array();
     // fetch the form data if editing
     if ($this->obj_customer->id_order) {
         // data already loaded with $this->obj_customers->load_data_order(), now
         // we need to fetch each order item detail.
         $this->obj_customer->data_orders["productid"] = $this->obj_customer->data_orders["customid"];
         $this->obj_customer->data_orders["serviceid"] = $this->obj_customer->data_orders["customid"];
     } else {
         // set defaults
         $this->obj_form->structure["quantity"]["defaultvalue"] = 1;
     if (error_check()) {
         // load any data returned due to errors
コード例 #7
 function execute()
     log_debug("invoice_form_item", "Executing execute()");
     // determine the mode
     if ($this->itemid) {
         $this->mode = "edit";
     } else {
         $this->mode = "add";
     	Start Form
     $this->obj_form = new form_input();
     $this->obj_form->formname = $this->type . "_invoice_" . $this->mode;
     $this->obj_form->language = $_SESSION["user"]["lang"];
     $this->obj_form->action = $this->processpage;
     $this->obj_form->method = "POST";
     	Fetch customer ID
     if ($this->type == "ap") {
         // fetch the vendorid for this invoice
         $orgid = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT vendorid as value FROM account_" . $this->type . " WHERE id='" . $this->invoiceid . "' LIMIT 1");
     } else {
         // fetch the customer ID for this invoice
         $orgid = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT customerid as value FROM account_" . $this->type . " WHERE id='" . $this->invoiceid . "' LIMIT 1");
     	Define form structure, depending on the type of the item
     switch ($this->item_type) {
         case "standard":
             	simple transaction item which allows the user to specifiy a value only.
             // basic details
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "amount";
             $structure["type"] = "money";
             $structure = NULL;
             if ($this->type == "ap") {
                 $structure = charts_form_prepare_acccountdropdown("chartid", "ap_expense");
             } else {
                 $structure = charts_form_prepare_acccountdropdown("chartid", "ar_income");
             $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = "500";
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "description";
             $structure["type"] = "textarea";
             $structure["options"]["height"] = "50";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = 500;
             // define form layout
             $this->obj_form->subforms[$this->type . "_invoice_item"] = array("amount", "chartid", "description");
             // SQL query
             if ($this->itemid) {
                 $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT amount, description, chartid FROM account_items WHERE id='" . $this->itemid . "'";
             	List all the taxes, so that the user can select the tax(es) that apply for the transaction.
             $sql_tax_obj = new sql_query();
             $sql_tax_obj->string = "SELECT id, name_tax, description FROM account_taxes ORDER BY name_tax";
             if ($sql_tax_obj->num_rows()) {
                 // user note
                 $structure = NULL;
                 $structure["fieldname"] = "tax_message";
                 $structure["type"] = "message";
                 $structure["defaultvalue"] = "<p>Check all taxes that apply to this transaction below. If you want more advanced tax control (eg: fixed amounts of tax) then define a product and add it to the invoice.</p>";
                 $this->obj_form->subforms[$this->type . "_invoice_item_tax"][] = "tax_message";
                 // fetch customer/vendor tax defaults
                 if ($this->type == "ap") {
                     $defaulttax = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT tax_default as value FROM vendors WHERE id='" . $orgid . "'");
                 } else {
                     $defaulttax = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT tax_default as value FROM customers WHERE id='" . $orgid . "'");
                 // run through all the taxes
                 foreach ($sql_tax_obj->data as $data_tax) {
                     // define tax checkbox
                     $structure = NULL;
                     $structure["fieldname"] = "tax_" . $data_tax["id"];
                     $structure["type"] = "checkbox";
                     $structure["options"]["label"] = $data_tax["name_tax"] . " -- " . $data_tax["description"];
                     $structure["options"]["no_fieldname"] = "enable";
                     if ($this->itemid) {
                         // see if this tax is currently inuse for the item
                         $sql_obj = new sql_query();
                         $sql_obj->string = "SELECT id FROM account_items_options WHERE itemid='" . $this->itemid . "' AND option_name='TAX_CHECKED' AND option_value='" . $data_tax["id"] . "'";
                         if ($sql_obj->num_rows()) {
                             $structure["defaultvalue"] = "on";
                     } else {
                         // is this tax a customer/vendor default? If so, it should be checked automatically.
                         if ($data_tax["id"] == $defaulttax) {
                             $structure["defaultvalue"] = "on";
                     // add to form
                     $this->obj_form->subforms[$this->type . "_invoice_item_tax"][] = "tax_" . $data_tax["id"];
             	Product item - selection of a product from the DB, and specify quantity, unit and amount.
         	Product item - selection of a product from the DB, and specify quantity, unit and amount.
         case "product":
             // basic details
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "price";
             $structure["type"] = "money";
             // quantity
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "quantity";
             $structure["type"] = "input";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = 50;
             // units
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "units";
             $structure["type"] = "input";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = 50;
             $structure["options"]["max_length"] = 10;
             // product id
             $sql_struct_obj = new sql_query();
             $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "products.id");
             $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "products.code_product");
             $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label1", "products.name_product");
             $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addwhere("id = 'CURRENTID' OR date_end = '0000-00-00'");
             $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromobj("productid", $sql_struct_obj);
             $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
             // description
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "description";
             $structure["type"] = "textarea";
             $structure["options"]["height"] = "50";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = 500;
             // discount
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "discount";
             $structure["type"] = "input";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = 50;
             $structure["options"]["label"] = " %";
             $structure["options"]["max_length"] = "2";
             // define form layout
             $this->obj_form->subforms[$this->type . "_invoice_item"] = array("productid", "price", "quantity", "units", "description", "discount");
             // fetch data
             // if the item is new, use the this->item field to fetch the default product details, otherwise
             // fetch the details for the existing item
             if ($this->itemid) {
                 $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT price, description, customid as productid, quantity, units FROM account_items WHERE id='" . $this->itemid . "'";
             } else {
                 if ($this->type == "ar" || $this->type == "quotes") {
                     $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT id as productid, price_sale as price, units, details as description FROM products WHERE id='" . $this->productid . "'";
                 } else {
                     $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT id as productid, price_cost as price, units, details as description FROM products WHERE id='" . $this->productid . "'";
                 $this->obj_form->structure["quantity"]["defaultvalue"] = 1;
             // fetch discount (if any) from customer/vendor
             if ($this->type == "ap") {
                 $discount_org = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT discount as value FROM vendors WHERE id='" . $orgid . "' LIMIT 1");
             } else {
                 $discount_org = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT discount as value FROM customers WHERE id='" . $orgid . "' LIMIT 1");
             // fetch discount (if any) from product
             $discount_product = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT discount as value FROM products WHERE id='" . $this->productid . "' LIMIT 1");
             // choose the largest discount
             if ($discount_org || $discount_product) {
                 if ($discount_org > $discount_product) {
                     $this->obj_form->structure["discount"]["defaultvalue"] = $discount_org;
                 } else {
                     $this->obj_form->structure["discount"]["defaultvalue"] = $discount_product;
             	TIME (AR only)
             	Before time can be added to an invoice, the time entries need to be grouped together
             	using the form under projects.
             	The user can then select a group of time below to add to the invoice. This methods makes
             	it easier to add time to invoices, and also means that the time grouping could be done
             	by someone without access to invoicing itself.
         	TIME (AR only)
         	Before time can be added to an invoice, the time entries need to be grouped together
         	using the form under projects.
         	The user can then select a group of time below to add to the invoice. This methods makes
         	it easier to add time to invoices, and also means that the time grouping could be done
         	by someone without access to invoicing itself.
         case "time":
             if ($this->type == "ar") {
                 // list of avaliable time groups
                 $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromdb("timegroupid", "SELECT time_groups.id, projects.name_project as label, time_groups.name_group as label1 FROM time_groups LEFT JOIN projects ON projects.id = time_groups.projectid WHERE customerid='{$orgid}' AND (invoiceitemid='0' OR invoiceitemid='" . $this->itemid . "') ORDER BY name_group");
                 $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
                 $structure["options"]["autoselect"] = "yes";
                 $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
                 // price field
                 // TODO: this should auto-update from the product price
                 $structure = NULL;
                 $structure["fieldname"] = "price";
                 $structure["type"] = "money";
                 // product id
                 $sql_struct_obj = new sql_query();
                 $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "products.id");
                 $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "products.code_product");
                 $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label1", "products.name_product");
                 $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addwhere("id = 'CURRENTID' OR date_end = '0000-00-00'");
                 $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromobj("productid", $sql_struct_obj);
                 $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
                 $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
                 // description
                 $structure = NULL;
                 $structure["fieldname"] = "description";
                 $structure["type"] = "textarea";
                 $structure["options"]["height"] = "50";
                 $structure["options"]["width"] = 500;
                 // discount
                 $structure = NULL;
                 $structure["fieldname"] = "discount";
                 $structure["type"] = "input";
                 $structure["options"]["width"] = 50;
                 $structure["options"]["label"] = " %";
                 $structure["options"]["max_length"] = "2";
                 // define form layout
                 $this->obj_form->subforms[$this->type . "_invoice_item"] = array("timegroupid", "productid", "price", "description", "discount");
                 // SQL query
                 $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT price, description, customid as productid, quantity, units FROM account_items WHERE id='" . $this->itemid . "'";
                 // fetch discount (if any) from customer/vendor
                 if ($this->type == "ap") {
                     $discount_org = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT discount as value FROM vendors WHERE id='" . $orgid . "' LIMIT 1");
                 } else {
                     $discount_org = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT discount as value FROM customers WHERE id='" . $orgid . "' LIMIT 1");
                 // TODO: need to look at improving time <-> product relationships
                 // fetch discount (if any) from product
                 // $discount_product = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT discount FROM products WHERE id='". $this->productid ."' LIMIT 1");
                 // choose the largest discount
                 if ($discount_org || $discount_product) {
                     if ($discount_org > $discount_product) {
                         $this->obj_form->structure["discount"]["defaultvalue"] = $discount_org;
                     } else {
                         $this->obj_form->structure["discount"]["defaultvalue"] = $discount_product;
             } else {
                 log_write("error", "inc_invoice_items", "Time items are only avaliable for AR invoices, please report the steps to access this page as an application bug.");
             	SERVICE (AR only)
             	Service items can only be added via the automated invoicing capabilities, however we do
             	allow users to adjust the description, price and discount once an item has been created.
         	SERVICE (AR only)
         	Service items can only be added via the automated invoicing capabilities, however we do
         	allow users to adjust the description, price and discount once an item has been created.
         case "service":
         case "service_usage":
             if ($this->type == "ar") {
                 // service group name
                 $structure = NULL;
                 $structure["fieldname"] = "id_service";
                 $structure["type"] = "text";
                 // price field
                 $structure = NULL;
                 $structure["fieldname"] = "price";
                 $structure["type"] = "money";
                 // quantity
                 $structure = NULL;
                 $structure["fieldname"] = "quantity";
                 $structure["type"] = "input";
                 $structure["options"]["width"] = 50;
                 // description
                 $structure = NULL;
                 $structure["fieldname"] = "description";
                 $structure["type"] = "textarea";
                 $structure["options"]["height"] = "50";
                 $structure["options"]["width"] = 500;
                 // discount
                 $structure = NULL;
                 $structure["fieldname"] = "discount";
                 $structure["type"] = "input";
                 $structure["options"]["width"] = 50;
                 $structure["options"]["label"] = " %";
                 $structure["options"]["max_length"] = "2";
                 // define form layout
                 $this->obj_form->subforms[$this->type . "_invoice_item"] = array("id_service", "price", "quantity", "description", "discount");
                 // SQL query
                 $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT price, description, customid as id_service, quantity, units FROM account_items WHERE id='" . $this->itemid . "'";
                 					// fetch discount (if any) from customer/vendor
                 					$discount_org = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT discount as value FROM customers WHERE id='". $orgid ."' LIMIT 1");
                 					// fetch discount (if any) from 
                 					// $discount_product = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT discount FROM products WHERE id='". $this->productid ."' LIMIT 1");
                 					// choose the largest discount
                 					if ($discount_org || $discount_product)
                 						if ($discount_org > $discount_product)
                 							$this->obj_form->structure["discount"]["defaultvalue"] = $discount_org;
                 							$this->obj_form->structure["discount"]["defaultvalue"] = $discount_product;
             } else {
                 log_write("error", "inc_invoice_items", "Service items are only avaliable for AR invoices.");
         case "payment":
             	Payments against invoices are also items which credit/subtract funds from a selected account. Note that payments
             	typically come out of an asset account, but if the customer/vendor has credit and the payment is made from
             	that credit, the account will be the AR/AP account
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "date_trans";
             $structure["type"] = "date";
             $structure["defaultvalue"] = date("Y-m-d");
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "amount";
             $structure["type"] = "money";
             $structure = NULL;
             if ($this->type == "ap") {
                 $structure = charts_form_prepare_acccountdropdown("chartid", "ap_payment");
             } else {
                 $structure = charts_form_prepare_acccountdropdown("chartid", "ar_payment");
             $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "source";
             $structure["type"] = "input";
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "description";
             $structure["type"] = "textarea";
             $structure["options"]["height"] = "50";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = 500;
             // define form layout
             $this->obj_form->subforms[$this->type . "_invoice_item"] = array("date_trans", "amount", "chartid", "source", "description");
             // load data
             if ($this->itemid) {
                 // credit details (if applicable)
                 $credit = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT option_value AS value FROM account_items_options WHERE itemid='" . $this->itemid . "' AND option_name='CREDIT' LIMIT 1");
                 // standard payment item data
                 if ($credit) {
                     $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT amount as amount, description, 'credit' as chartid FROM account_items WHERE id='" . $this->itemid . "'";
                 } else {
                     $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT amount as amount, description, chartid FROM account_items WHERE id='" . $this->itemid . "'";
             } else {
                 // set defaults
                 $this->obj_form->structure["amount"]["defaultvalue"] = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT SUM(amount_total - amount_paid) as value FROM account_" . $this->type . " WHERE id='" . $this->invoiceid . "' LIMIT 1");
                 	Fetch credit information (if any)
                 	We handle credit information, by determining the maximum available credit and then
                 	overwriting values on the item's information including:
                 	- amount (equal to invoice or to max credit amout if less than invoice max)
                 	- account (set to AR/AP)
                 	- date (today's date)
                 if ($this->type == "ap") {
                     $credit = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT SUM(amount_total) as value FROM vendors_credits WHERE id_vendor='" . $orgid . "'");
                 } else {
                     $credit = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT SUM(amount_total) as value FROM customers_credits WHERE id_customer='" . $orgid . "'");
                 if ($credit > 0) {
                     // customer/vendor has credit
                     if ($credit > $this->obj_form->structure["amount"]["defaultvalue"]) {
                         // credit is more than the invoice amount, set to mac
                         $credit = $this->obj_form->structure["amount"]["defaultvalue"];
                     // set default value
                     $this->obj_form->structure["amount"]["defaultvalue"] = $credit;
                     // set source
                     $this->obj_form->structure["source"]["defaultvalue"] = "CREDITED FUNDS";
             // overwrite account settings for credits
             if ($credit > 0 || $credit == "CREDIT") {
                 if ($this->type == "ap") {
                     $this->obj_form->structure["chartid"]["values"][] = "credit";
                     $this->obj_form->structure["chartid"]["translations"]["credit"] = "Vendor Credit";
                 } else {
                     $this->obj_form->structure["chartid"]["values"][] = "credit";
                     $this->obj_form->structure["chartid"]["translations"]["credit"] = "Customer Credit";
                 $this->obj_form->structure["chartid"]["defaultvalue"] = "credit";
         case "credit":
             	ar_credit or ap_credit only
             	This item type only applies to credit notes and acts simular to a standard item but inherits pricing
             	account and tax information from the original item. (inheritance done on item edit page).
             // basic details
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "amount";
             $structure["type"] = "money";
             $structure["options"]["prelabel"] = "CREDIT ";
             $structure = NULL;
             if ($this->type == "ap") {
                 $structure = charts_form_prepare_acccountdropdown("chartid", "ap_expense");
             } else {
                 $structure = charts_form_prepare_acccountdropdown("chartid", "ar_income");
             $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = "500";
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "description";
             $structure["type"] = "textarea";
             $structure["options"]["height"] = "50";
             $structure["options"]["width"] = 500;
             // define form layout
             $this->obj_form->subforms[$this->type . "_invoice_item"] = array("amount", "chartid", "description");
             // SQL query
             if ($this->itemid) {
                 $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT amount, description, chartid FROM account_items WHERE id='" . $this->itemid . "'";
             	List all the taxes, so that the user can select the tax(es) that apply for the transaction.
             $sql_tax_obj = new sql_query();
             $sql_tax_obj->string = "SELECT id, name_tax, description FROM account_taxes ORDER BY name_tax";
             if ($sql_tax_obj->num_rows()) {
                 // user note
                 $structure = NULL;
                 $structure["fieldname"] = "tax_message";
                 $structure["type"] = "message";
                 $structure["defaultvalue"] = "<p>Taxes have automatically been determed based on the options of the selected invoice item.</p>";
                 $this->obj_form->subforms[$this->type . "_invoice_item_tax"][] = "tax_message";
                 // fetch customer/vendor tax defaults
                 if ($this->type == "ap") {
                     $defaulttax = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT tax_default as value FROM vendors WHERE id='" . $orgid . "'");
                 } else {
                     $defaulttax = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT tax_default as value FROM customers WHERE id='" . $orgid . "'");
                 // run through all the taxes
                 foreach ($sql_tax_obj->data as $data_tax) {
                     // define tax checkbox
                     $structure = NULL;
                     $structure["fieldname"] = "tax_" . $data_tax["id"];
                     $structure["type"] = "checkbox";
                     $structure["options"]["label"] = $data_tax["name_tax"] . " -- " . $data_tax["description"];
                     $structure["options"]["no_fieldname"] = "enable";
                     if ($this->itemid) {
                         // see if this tax is currently inuse for the item
                         $sql_obj = new sql_query();
                         $sql_obj->string = "SELECT id FROM account_items_options WHERE itemid='" . $this->itemid . "' AND option_name='TAX_CHECKED' AND option_value='" . $data_tax["id"] . "'";
                         if ($sql_obj->num_rows()) {
                             $structure["defaultvalue"] = "on";
                     // add to form
                     $this->obj_form->subforms[$this->type . "_invoice_item_tax"][] = "tax_" . $data_tax["id"];
             log_write("error", "inc_invoice_items", "Unknown type passed to render form.");
     // IDs
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "id_invoice";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->invoiceid;
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "id_item";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->itemid;
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "item_type";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->item_type;
     // submit
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "submit";
     $structure["type"] = "submit";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "Save Changes";
     // load data
     // custom loads for different item type
     if ($this->itemid) {
         switch ($this->item_type) {
             case "time":
                 // fetch the time group ID
                 $this->obj_form->structure["timegroupid"]["defaultvalue"] = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT option_value AS value FROM account_items_options WHERE itemid='" . $this->itemid . "' AND option_name='TIMEGROUPID' LIMIT 1");
                 // fetch discount (if any) from item
                 $this->obj_form->structure["discount"]["defaultvalue"] = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT option_value as value FROM account_items_options WHERE itemid='" . $this->itemid . "' AND option_name='DISCOUNT'");
             case "payment":
                 // fetch payment date_trans and source fields.
                 $this->obj_form->structure["date_trans"]["defaultvalue"] = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT option_value AS value FROM account_items_options WHERE itemid='" . $this->itemid . "' AND option_name='DATE_TRANS' LIMIT 1");
                 $this->obj_form->structure["source"]["defaultvalue"] = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT option_value AS value FROM account_items_options WHERE itemid='" . $this->itemid . "' AND option_name='SOURCE' LIMIT 1");
             case "product":
                 // fetch discount (if any) from item
                 $this->obj_form->structure["discount"]["defaultvalue"] = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT option_value as value FROM account_items_options WHERE itemid='" . $this->itemid . "' AND option_name='DISCOUNT'");
             case "service":
             case "service_usage":
                 // fetch discount (if any) from item
                 $this->obj_form->structure["discount"]["defaultvalue"] = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT option_value as value FROM account_items_options WHERE itemid='" . $this->itemid . "' AND option_name='DISCOUNT'");
     	Display Form
     $this->obj_form->subforms["hidden"] = array("id_invoice", "id_item", "item_type");
     if ($this->item_type == "time" && count($this->obj_form->structure["timegroupid"]["values"]) == 0) {
         $this->obj_form->subforms["submit"] = array();
     } else {
         $this->obj_form->subforms["submit"] = array("submit");
コード例 #8
 function execute()
     	Define form structure
     $this->obj_form = new form_input();
     $this->obj_form->formname = "credit_refund";
     $this->obj_form->language = $_SESSION["user"]["lang"];
     $this->obj_form->action = "customers/credit-refund-edit-process.php";
     $this->obj_form->method = "post";
     // basic details
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "date_trans";
     $structure["type"] = "date";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = date("Y-m-d");
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "type";
     $structure["type"] = "text";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "refund";
     $sql_struct_obj = new sql_query();
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "staff.id");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "staff.staff_code");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label1", "staff.name_staff");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addwhere("id = 'CURRENTID' OR date_end = '0000-00-00'");
     $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromobj("id_employee", $sql_struct_obj);
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["autoselect"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = @$_SESSION["user"]["default_employeeid"];
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "description";
     $structure["type"] = "textarea";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "";
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     // amount
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "amount";
     $structure["type"] = "money";
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure = charts_form_prepare_acccountdropdown("account_asset", "ap_payment");
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
     $structure["options"]["autoselect"] = "enabled";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure = charts_form_prepare_acccountdropdown("account_dest", "ar_summary_account");
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "enabled";
     $structure["options"]["autoselect"] = "enabled";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     // hidden values
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "id_customer";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->obj_customer->id;
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "id_refund";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->obj_refund->id;
     // submit button
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "submit";
     $structure["type"] = "submit";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "Save Changes";
     // define base subforms
     $this->obj_form->subforms["credit_refund_details"] = array("date_trans", "type", "id_employee", "description");
     $this->obj_form->subforms["credit_refund_amount"] = array("amount", "account_asset", "account_dest");
     $this->obj_form->subforms["hidden"] = array("id_customer", "id_refund");
     $this->obj_form->subforms["submit"] = array("submit");
     // fetch the form data if editing
     if ($this->obj_refund->id) {
         // load existing information
         $this->obj_form->structure["date_trans"]["defaultvalue"] = $this->obj_refund->data["date_trans"];
         $this->obj_form->structure["amount"]["defaultvalue"] = $this->obj_refund->data["amount_total"];
         $this->obj_form->structure["id_employee"]["defaultvalue"] = $this->obj_refund->data["id_employee"];
         $this->obj_form->structure["description"]["defaultvalue"] = $this->obj_refund->data["description"];
     } else {
         // set defaults
         $this->obj_form->structure["date_trans"]["defaultvalue"] = date("Y-m-d");
         $this->obj_form->structure["amount"]["defaultvalue"] = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT SUM(amount_total) as value FROM customers_credits WHERE id_customer='" . $this->obj_customer->id . "' AND id!='" . $this->obj_refund->id . "'");
     if (error_check()) {
         // load any data returned due to errors
コード例 #9
 function execute()
     log_debug("products_form_details", "Executing execute()");
     	Define form structure
     $this->obj_form = new form_input();
     $this->obj_form->formname = "product_" . $this->mode;
     $this->obj_form->language = $_SESSION["user"]["lang"];
     $this->obj_form->action = "products/edit-process.php";
     $this->obj_form->method = "post";
     // general
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "code_product";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "name_product";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromgroup("id_product_group", "SELECT id as value_id, group_name as value_key, id_parent as value_parent FROM product_groups");
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "yes";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "units";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = 50;
     $structure["options"]["max_length"] = 10;
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure = charts_form_prepare_acccountdropdown("account_sales", "ar_income");
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "yes";
     $structure = charts_form_prepare_acccountdropdown("account_purchase", "ap_expense");
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "yes";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "details";
     $structure["type"] = "textarea";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "date_start";
     $structure["type"] = "date";
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = date("Y-m-d");
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "date_end";
     $structure["type"] = "date";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "date_current";
     $structure["type"] = "date";
     $this->obj_form->subforms["product_view"] = array("code_product", "name_product", "id_product_group", "units", "account_sales", "account_purchase", "date_start", "date_end", "date_current", "details");
     // pricing
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "price_cost";
     $structure["type"] = "money";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "price_sale";
     $structure["type"] = "money";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "discount";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = 50;
     $structure["options"]["label"] = " %";
     $structure["options"]["max_length"] = "6";
     $this->obj_form->subforms["product_pricing"] = array("price_cost", "price_sale", "discount");
     	List all the taxes, so that the user can select the tax(es) that apply to the product
     $sql_tax_obj = new sql_query();
     $sql_tax_obj->string = "SELECT id, name_tax, description, default_products FROM account_taxes ORDER BY name_tax";
     if ($sql_tax_obj->num_rows()) {
         // user note
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "tax_message";
         $structure["type"] = "message";
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = "<p>Check all taxes that apply to this product below.</p>";
         $this->obj_form->subforms["product_tax"][] = "tax_message";
         // run through all the taxes
         foreach ($sql_tax_obj->data as $data_tax) {
             // define tax checkbox
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "tax_" . $data_tax["id"];
             $structure["type"] = "checkbox";
             $structure["options"]["label"] = $data_tax["name_tax"] . " -- " . $data_tax["description"];
             $structure["options"]["no_fieldname"] = "enable";
             // see if this tax is currently enabled for this product
             if ($this->productid) {
                 $sql_obj = new sql_query();
                 $sql_obj->string = "SELECT id FROM products_taxes WHERE productid='" . $this->productid . "' AND taxid='" . $data_tax["id"] . "' LIMIT 1";
                 if ($sql_obj->num_rows()) {
                     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "on";
             } else {
                 if ($data_tax["default_products"]) {
                     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "on";
             // add to form
             $this->obj_form->subforms["product_tax"][] = "tax_" . $data_tax["id"];
     // quantity
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "quantity_instock";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "quantity_vendor";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     $this->obj_form->subforms["product_quantity"] = array("quantity_instock", "quantity_vendor");
     // supplier details
     $sql_struct_obj = new sql_query();
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "vendors.id");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "vendors.name_vendor");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addwhere("id = 'CURRENTID' OR date_end = '0000-00-00'");
     $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromobj("vendorid", $sql_struct_obj);
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "yes";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "code_product_vendor";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     $this->obj_form->subforms["product_supplier"] = array("vendorid", "code_product_vendor");
     // define remaining subforms
     if (user_permissions_get("products_write")) {
         $this->obj_form->subforms["submit"] = array("submit");
     } else {
         $this->obj_form->subforms["submit"] = array();
     	Mode dependent options
     if ($this->mode == "add") {
         // submit button
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "submit";
         $structure["type"] = "submit";
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = "Create Product";
     } else {
         // submit button
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "submit";
         $structure["type"] = "submit";
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = "Save Changes";
         // hidden data
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "id_product";
         $structure["type"] = "hidden";
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->productid;
         $this->obj_form->subforms["hidden"] = array("id_product");
     	Load Data
     if ($this->mode == "add") {
     } else {
         $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE id='" . $this->productid . "' LIMIT 1";
コード例 #10
 function execute()
     	Check if time entry can be adjusted
     if ($this->id) {
         $sql_obj = new sql_query();
         $sql_obj->string = "SELECT locked, groupid FROM `timereg` WHERE id='" . $this->id . "' LIMIT 1";
         if ($sql_obj->num_rows()) {
             $this->locked = $sql_obj->data[0]["locked"];
             // so we can tell if the time is locked
             $this->groupid = $sql_obj->data[0]["groupid"];
             // tells us what group id the time belongs to
     	Input Form
     	Allows the creation of a new entry for the day, or the adjustment of an existing one.
     $this->obj_form = new form_input();
     $this->obj_form->formname = "timereg_day";
     $this->obj_form->language = $_SESSION["user"]["lang"];
     $this->obj_form->action = "timekeeping/timereg-day-edit-process.php";
     $this->obj_form->method = "post";
     // hidden stuff
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "id_timereg";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->id;
     // employee selection box
     $sql_obj = new sql_query();
     $sql_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "id");
     $sql_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "staff_code");
     $sql_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label1", "name_staff");
     if ($this->access_staff_ids_write) {
         $sql_obj->prepare_sql_addwhere("id IN (" . format_arraytocommastring($this->access_staff_ids_write) . ")");
     $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromdb("employeeid", $sql_obj->string);
     // if there is currently no employee set, and there is only one
     // employee in the selection box, automatically select it and update
     // the session variables.
     if (!$this->employeeid && count($structure["values"]) == 1) {
         $this->employeeid = $structure["values"][0];
         $_SESSION["form"]["timereg"]["employeeid"] = $structure["values"][0];
     $structure["options"]["autoselect"] = "on";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "yes";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->employeeid;
     // general
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "date";
     $structure["type"] = "date";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->date;
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "time_booked";
     $structure["type"] = "hourmins";
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "description";
     $structure["type"] = "textarea";
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $structure["options"]["height"] = "60";
     //project dropdown
     $sql_struct_obj = new sql_query();
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "projects.id");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "projects.code_project");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label1", "projects.name_project");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addwhere("id = 'CURRENTID' OR date_end = '0000-00-00'");
     $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromobj("projectid", $sql_struct_obj);
     $structure["options"]["autoselect"] = "on";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "yes";
     if (count($structure["values"]) == 0) {
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = "You need to create a project and add a phase to it in order to be able to book time.";
         $_SESSION["error"]["phaseid-error"] = 1;
     //phase dropdown
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "phaseid";
     $structure["type"] = "dropdown";
     $structure["values"] = array("");
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $structure["options"]["disabled"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["search_filter"] = "yes";
     //add project field
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "add_project";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     $structure["options"]["no_fieldname"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["no_shift"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["prelabel"] = "<div id=\"add_project_box\"><span id=\"toggle_add_project\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong>Add New Project</strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"half_sized_break_line\"><br/></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tNew Project: ";
     $structure["options"]["label"] = "&nbsp;<a class=\"insert_project_phase button_small\" id=\"insert_project\" href=\"\">Add</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</span><div class=\"half_sized_break_line\"><br/></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><a id=\"project_add_cancel\" class=\"add_link\" href=\"\">Add New Project</a></strong></div>";
     //add phase field
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "add_phase";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     $structure["options"]["no_fieldname"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["no_shift"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["prelabel"] = "<div id=\"add_phase_box\"><span id=\"toggle_add_phase\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong>Add Phase to Current Project</strong>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"half_sized_break_line\"><br/></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tNew Phase: ";
     $structure["options"]["label"] = "&nbsp;<a class=\"insert_project_phase button_small\" id=\"insert_phase\" href=\"\">Add</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</span><div class=\"half_sized_break_line\"><br/></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<strong><a id=\"phase_add_cancel\" class=\"add_link\" href=\"\">Add Phase to Current Project</a></strong></div>";
     // submit section
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "submit";
     $structure["type"] = "submit";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = "Save Changes";
     // define subforms
     if (user_permissions_get("projects_write")) {
         $this->obj_form->subforms["timereg_day"] = array("employeeid", "projectid", "phaseid", "add_project", "add_phase", "date", "time_booked", "description");
     } else {
         $this->obj_form->subforms["timereg_day"] = array("employeeid", "projectid", "phaseid", "date", "time_booked", "description");
     $this->obj_form->subforms["hidden"] = array("id_timereg");
     if ($this->locked) {
         $this->obj_form->subforms["submit"] = array();
     } else {
         $this->obj_form->subforms["submit"] = array("submit");
     $sql_obj = new sql_query();
     $sql_obj->string = "SELECT id FROM `timereg` WHERE id='" . $this->id . "' LIMIT 1";
     if ($sql_obj->num_rows()) {
         // fetch the form data
         $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT * FROM `timereg` WHERE id='" . $this->id . "' LIMIT 1";
         $this->obj_form->structure['projectid']['defaultvalue'] = sql_get_singlevalue("SELECT project_phases.projectid AS value FROM timereg LEFT JOIN project_phases ON project_phases.id = timereg.phaseid WHERE timereg.id='" . $this->id . "'");
     } else {
         // load any data returned due to errors
コード例 #11
 function execute()
     	Define form structure
     $this->obj_form = new form_input();
     $this->obj_form->formname = "timebilled_view";
     $this->obj_form->language = $_SESSION["user"]["lang"];
     $this->obj_form->action = "projects/timebilled-edit-process.php";
     $this->obj_form->method = "post";
     // general
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "name_group";
     $structure["type"] = "input";
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = date("Y-m");
     $sql_struct_obj = new sql_query();
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "customers.id");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label", "customers.code_customer");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addfield("label1", "customers.name_customer");
     $sql_struct_obj->prepare_sql_addwhere("id = 'CURRENTID' OR date_end = '0000-00-00'");
     $structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromobj("customerid", $sql_struct_obj);
     //		$structure = form_helper_prepare_dropdownfromdb("customerid", "SELECT id, code_customer as label, name_customer as label1 FROM customers ORDER BY name_customer");
     $structure["options"]["req"] = "yes";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     if ($this->groupid) {
         $structure = NULL;
         $structure["fieldname"] = "code_invoice";
         $structure["type"] = "text";
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "description";
     $structure["type"] = "textarea";
     $structure["options"]["width"] = "600";
     $structure["options"]["height"] = "60";
     // hidden values
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "projectid";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->id;
     $structure = null;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "groupid";
     $structure["type"] = "hidden";
     $structure["defaultvalue"] = $this->groupid;
     	Define checkboxes for all unassigned time entries
     $this->obj_sql_entries = new sql_query();
     $this->obj_sql_entries->prepare_sql_addfield("id", "timereg.id");
     $this->obj_sql_entries->prepare_sql_addfield("date", "timereg.date");
     $this->obj_sql_entries->prepare_sql_addfield("name_phase", "project_phases.name_phase");
     $this->obj_sql_entries->prepare_sql_addfield("name_staff", "CONCAT_WS(' -- ', staff.staff_code, staff.name_staff)");
     $this->obj_sql_entries->prepare_sql_addfield("description", "timereg.description");
     $this->obj_sql_entries->prepare_sql_addfield("time_booked", "timereg.time_booked");
     $this->obj_sql_entries->prepare_sql_addfield("groupid", "timereg.groupid");
     $this->obj_sql_entries->prepare_sql_addfield("billable", "timereg.billable");
     $this->obj_sql_entries->prepare_sql_addjoin("LEFT JOIN staff ON timereg.employeeid = staff.id");
     $this->obj_sql_entries->prepare_sql_addjoin("LEFT JOIN project_phases ON timereg.phaseid = project_phases.id");
     $this->obj_sql_entries->prepare_sql_addwhere("project_phases.projectid='" . $this->id . "'");
     if ($this->groupid) {
         $this->obj_sql_entries->prepare_sql_addwhere("(groupid='" . $this->groupid . "' OR !groupid)");
     } else {
     if ($this->access_staff_ids) {
         $this->obj_sql_entries->prepare_sql_addwhere("timereg.employeeid IN (" . format_arraytocommastring($this->access_staff_ids) . ")");
     if ($this->obj_sql_entries->num_rows()) {
         foreach ($this->obj_sql_entries->data as $data) {
             // define the billable check box
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "time_" . $data["id"] . "_bill";
             $structure["type"] = "checkbox";
             $structure["options"]["label"] = " ";
             if ($data["groupid"] == $this->groupid && $data["billable"] == "1") {
                 $structure["defaultvalue"] = "on";
             // define the nobill check box
             $structure = NULL;
             $structure["fieldname"] = "time_" . $data["id"] . "_nobill";
             $structure["type"] = "checkbox";
             $structure["options"]["label"] = " ";
             if ($data["groupid"] == $this->groupid && $data["billable"] == "0") {
                 $structure["defaultvalue"] = "on";
     // submit button
     $structure = NULL;
     $structure["fieldname"] = "submit";
     $structure["type"] = "submit";
     if ($this->groupid) {
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = "Save Changes";
     } else {
         $structure["defaultvalue"] = "Create Time Group";
     // fetch the form data if editing
     if ($this->groupid) {
         $this->obj_form->sql_query = "SELECT time_groups.name_group, time_groups.customerid, time_groups.description, account_ar.code_invoice FROM time_groups LEFT JOIN account_ar ON account_ar.id = time_groups.invoiceid WHERE time_groups.id='" . $this->groupid . "' LIMIT 1";
     } else {
         // load any data returned due to errors