function ajaxlogin() { if (!formCheck()) { $this->JsonReturn('表单提交有误,请刷新页面再试'); } //接受参数 $user = $this->_post('user'); $pass = $this->_post('password'); $refer = urldecode($this->_post('refer')); $remember = $this->_postid('remember', 0); if (!$user || !$pass) { $this->JsonReturn('账号或密码为空', null, 0); } $rs = D('steadmin')->where(array('username' => $user, 'psw' => D('steadmin')->setUserPassword($pass), 'status' => 1))->find(); //===记录操作日志==== parent::saveSySLog(5, array('username' => $user), 0, array(), '后台登陆'); //===记录操作日志==== if ($rs) { if (!$rs['effective'] || $rs['effective'] && $rs['effective'] - TIME > 0) { //帐号无期限或者有期限并且还未过期 if (in_array($rs['groupid'], array(3, 4))) { $this->JsonReturn('抱歉,您的组别无法登陆'); } //修改登录信息 D('steadmin')->setUserLogin($rs, $remember); formClear(); $this->JsonReturn('ok', array('user_id' => $rs['user_id'], 'refer' => $refer), 1); } else { $this->JsonReturn('抱歉,你的帐号已过期,暂时无法登陆', null, 0); } } else { //===记录操作日志==== parent::saveSySLog(5, array('username' => $user, 'psw' => $pass), 0, array(), '后台登陆-失败'); //===记录操作日志==== $this->JsonReturn('帐号不存在或者密码错误', null, 0); } }
require_once '../phplib/misc.php'; require_once '../phplib/eventlog.php'; require_once '../phplib/recaptchalib.php'; require_once '../../phplib/db.php'; require_once '../../phplib/utility.php'; $ref = strtolower(get_http_var('journo')); $_journo = db_getRow("SELECT * FROM journo WHERE ref=?", $ref); $data = journo_collectData($_journo); $_keys = parse_ini_file(OPTION_JL_FSROOT . '/conf/recaptcha.ini'); page_header("Email {$_journo['prettyname']}'s profile to a friend"); ?> <div class="main"> <?php $params = formFetch(); if ($params['action'] == 'go') { $errs = formCheck($params); if ($errs) { formEmit($params, $errs); } else { // cool - all ready to go. do_it($params); } } else { formEmit($params); } ?> </div> <?php page_footer(); function formFetch() {
} if (isset($_POST['checkbox2']) && $_POST['checkbox2'] == 'Yes') { $email_message .= "[Atelier 2]\n"; } if (isset($_POST['checkbox3']) && $_POST['checkbox3'] == 'Yes') { $email_message .= "[Atelier 3]\n"; } if (isset($_POST['checkbox4']) && $_POST['checkbox4'] == 'Yes') { $email_message .= "[Atelier 4]\n"; } $email_message .= "\n"; $email_message .= "[Commentaires]\n"; $email_message .= clean_string($comments) . "\n\n"; $email_message .= "====================================\n\n"; // Create email headers $headers = 'From: ' . $email_from . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . $email . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); // Actually send the mail @mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers); // Notice the user the mail was sent displayMessage("Votre inscription a bien été envoyée.<br/>"); } // What the form handler is actually doing ... if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $errorFromCheck = formCheck(); if ($errorFromCheck != "") { displayError($errorFromCheck); } else { sendMail(); } } }