public function instanceUsesProjectID(Project $project) { return is_dir(forge_get_config('projects_path', 'mediawiki') . "/" . $project->getID()); }
$preferences['emailaddress']['default'] = $user->getEmail(); unset($preferences['emailauthentication']); unset($preferences['password']); return true; } } $wgGroupPermissions = customizeMediawikiGroupsRights($wgGroupPermissions, $manager, $fusionforgeproject, $forbidden_permissions, $read_permissions, $write_permissions); $wgFavicon = '/images/icon.png'; $wgBreakFrames = false; if (forge_get_config('unbreak_frames', 'mediawiki')) { $wgEditPageFrameOptions = false; } ini_set('memory_limit', '100M'); // LOAD THE SITE-WIDE AND PROJECT-SPECIFIC EXTRA-SETTINGS if (is_file(forge_get_config('config_path') . "/plugins/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php")) { include forge_get_config('config_path') . "/plugins/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php"; } // debian style system-wide mediawiki extensions if (is_file("/etc/mediawiki-extensions/extensions.php")) { include '/etc/mediawiki-extensions/extensions.php'; } if (file_exists("{$wgUploadDirectory}/.wgLogo.png")) { $wgLogo = "{$wgScriptPath}/images/.wgLogo.png"; } // forge global settings if (is_file("{$gconfig_dir}/ForgeSettings.php")) { include "{$gconfig_dir}/ForgeSettings.php"; } // project specific settings if (is_file("{$project_dir}/ProjectSettings.php")) { include "{$project_dir}/ProjectSettings.php";
private function addForgeBackLinksToSidebar() { $forge_name = forge_get_config('sys_fullname'); $added_toolbox = array(array('text' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_mediawiki', 'back_to_forge', array($forge_name)), 'href' => '/projects/' . $GLOBALS['group']->getUnixName())); if ($this->IsUserAdmin()) { $added_toolbox[] = array('text' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'Administration'), 'href' => '/plugins/mediawiki/forge_admin?group_id=' . $GLOBALS['group']->getId()); } $this->data['sidebar'][$forge_name] = $added_toolbox; }
/** * Outputs project's DOAP profile * @param unknown_type $params */ function content_negociated_project_home(&$params) { $projectname = $params['groupname']; $accept = $params['accept']; $group_id = $params['group_id']; if ($accept == 'application/rdf+xml') { // connect to FusionForge internals $pm = ProjectManager::instance(); $project = $pm->getProject($group_id); $project_shortdesc = $project->getPublicName(); $project_description = $project->getDescription(); $tags_list = NULL; if (forge_get_config('use_project_tags')) { $group = group_get_object($group_id); $tags_list = $group->getTags(); } // We will return RDF+XML $params['content_type'] = 'application/rdf+xml'; // Construct an ARC2_Resource containing the project's RDF (DOAP) description $ns = array('rdf' => '', 'rdfs' => '', 'doap' => '', 'dcterms' => '', 'schema' => ''); $conf = array('ns' => $ns); $res = ARC2::getResource($conf); $res->setURI(util_make_url_g($projectname, $group_id)); // $res->setRel('rdf:type', 'doap:Project'); rdfutils_setPropToUri($res, 'rdf:type', 'doap:Project'); $res->setProp('doap:name', $projectname); $res->setProp('doap:shortdesc', $project_shortdesc); if ($project_description) { $res->setProp('doap:description', $project_description); } $res->setProp('doap:homepage', $project->getHomePage()); $tags = array(); if ($tags_list) { $tags = split(', ', $tags_list); $res->setProp('dcterms:subject', $tags); } // Now, we need to collect complementary RDF descriptiosn of the project via other plugins // invoke the 'project_rdf_metadata' hook so as to complement the RDF description $hook_params = array(); $hook_params['prefixes'] = array(); foreach ($ns as $prefix => $url) { $hook_params['prefixes'][$url] = $prefix; } $hook_params['group'] = $group_id; // pass the resource in case it could be useful (read-only in principle) $hook_params['in_Resource'] = $res; $hook_params['out_Resources'] = array(); plugin_hook_by_reference('project_rdf_metadata', $hook_params); // add new prefixes to the list foreach ($hook_params['prefixes'] as $url => $prefix) { if (!isset($ns[$prefix])) { $ns[$prefix] = $url; } } // merge the two sets of triples $merged_index = $res->index; foreach ($hook_params['out_Resources'] as $out_res) { $merged_index = ARC2::getMergedIndex($merged_index, $out_res->index); } $conf = array('ns' => $ns, 'serializer_type_nodes' => true); $ser = ARC2::getRDFXMLSerializer($conf); /* Serialize a resource index */ $doc = $ser->getSerializedIndex($merged_index); $params['content'] = $doc . "\n"; } }
require_once "{$IP}/extensions/WikiEditor/WikiEditor.php"; # Enables use of WikiEditor by default but still allow users to disable it in preferences $wgDefaultUserOptions['usebetatoolbar'] = 1; $wgDefaultUserOptions['usebetatoolbar-cgd'] = 1; # Displays the Preview and Changes tabs $wgDefaultUserOptions['wikieditor-preview'] = 1; # Displays the Publish and Cancel buttons on the top right side $wgDefaultUserOptions['wikieditor-publish'] = 1; } // TuleapArtLinks Extension inclusion require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../extensions/TuleapArtLinks/TuleapArtLinks.php'; $wgTuleapArtLinksGroupId = $group->getGroupId(); $mleb_manager_loader = new MediawikiMLEBExtensionManagerLoader(); $mleb_manager = $mleb_manager_loader->getMediawikiMLEBExtensionManager(); if ($mleb_manager->isMLEBExtensionAvailableForProject($group) || isset($IS_RUNNING_UPDATE) && $IS_RUNNING_UPDATE) { $mleb_path = forge_get_config('extension_mleb_path', 'mediawiki'); # Babelww require_once $mleb_path . "/extensions/Babel/Babel.php"; # CLDR require_once $mleb_path . "/extensions/cldr/cldr.php"; # CleanChanges require_once $mleb_path . "/extensions/CleanChanges/CleanChanges.php"; $wgCCTrailerFilter = true; $wgCCUserFilter = false; $wgDefaultUserOptions['usenewrc'] = 1; # LocalisationUpdate require_once $mleb_path . "/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.php"; $wgLocalisationUpdateDirectory = $mleb_path . "/cache"; # Translate require_once $mleb_path . "/extensions/Translate/Translate.php"; $wgGroupPermissions['user']['translate'] = true;
private function updateMediawikiDirectory(Project $project) { $logger = new BackendLogger(); $project_id_dir = forge_get_config('projects_path', 'mediawiki') . "/" . $project->getID(); if (is_dir($project_id_dir)) { return true; } $project_name_dir = forge_get_config('projects_path', 'mediawiki') . "/" . $project->getUnixName(); if (is_dir($project_name_dir)) { exec("mv {$project_name_dir} {$project_id_dir}"); return true; } $logger->error('Project Rename: Can\'t find mediawiki directory for project: ' . $project->getID()); return false; }
public function isMLEBExtensionInstalled() { return is_dir(forge_get_config('extension_mleb_path', 'mediawiki')); }
cron_debug($err); cron_entry(23, $err); db_rollback(); exit; } if (!db_commit()) { $err = "Error: DB Commit Failed: " . db_error(); cron_debug($err); cron_entry(23, $err); exit; } cron_debug(" Creating project dir {$project_dir}."); mkdir($project_dir, 0775, true); $f = fopen("{$project_dir}/ProjectSettings.php", "w"); fwrite($f, '<?php // Insert your project-local configuration here '); fclose($f); chmod("{$project_dir}/ProjectSettings.php", 0775); $mwwrapper = forge_get_config('source_path') . "/plugins/mediawiki/bin/mw-wrapper.php"; $dumpfile = forge_get_config('config_path') . "/mediawiki/initial-content.xml"; if (file_exists($dumpfile)) { system("{$mwwrapper} {$project} importDump.php {$dumpfile}"); system("{$mwwrapper} {$project} rebuildrecentchanges.php"); } } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // c-file-style: "bsd" // End:
/** * @return boolean */ private function doesDirectoryExist() { $name_with_id = forge_get_config('projects_path', 'mediawiki') . '/' . $this->project_id; $name_with_shortname = forge_get_config('projects_path', 'mediawiki') . '/' . $this->project_name; if (is_dir($name_with_id)) { $this->project_name_dir = $name_with_id; $dir_exists = true; } elseif (is_dir($name_with_shortname)) { $this->project_name_dir = $name_with_shortname; $dir_exists = true; } else { $this->project_name_dir = $name_with_id; $dir_exists = false; } return $dir_exists; }
mysymlink($from, $to); } } closedir($dh); } // link LocalSettings.php from forge_get_config('source_path')/plugins/mediawiki/etc/plugins/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php $from = forge_get_config('source_path') . "/plugins/mediawiki/www/LocalSettings.php"; $to = "{$master_path}/LocalSettings.php"; mysymlink($from, $to); // create skin directory $todir = "{$master_path}/skins"; if (!is_dir($todir)) { mkdir($todir); } // link FusionForge skin file $fromdir = forge_get_config('source_path') . "/plugins/mediawiki/mediawiki-skin"; $from = "{$fromdir}/FusionForge.php"; $to = "{$todir}/FusionForge.php"; mysymlink($from, $to); // create skin subdir $todir = "{$todir}/fusionforge"; if (!is_dir($todir)) { mkdir($todir); } // link fusionforge.css files $fromdir = "{$fromdir}/fusionforge"; $from = "{$fromdir}/fusionforge.css"; $to = "{$todir}/fusionforge.css"; mysymlink($from, $to); // link the rest of the files from monobook skin $fromdir = "{$src_path}/skins/monobook";
/** * Outputs the public projects list as ADMS.SW for /projects * @param unknown_type $params */ function content_negociated_projects_list(&$params) { $accept = $params['accept']; if ($accept == 'application/rdf+xml') { // We will return RDF+XML $params['content_type'] = 'application/rdf+xml'; // Construct an ARC2_Resource containing the project's RDF (DOAP) description $ns = array('rdf' => '', 'rdfs' => '', 'doap' => '', 'dcterms' => '', 'admssw' => '', 'adms' => ''); $conf = array('ns' => $ns); $res = ARC2::getResource($conf); $res->setURI(util_make_url("/projects")); // $res->setRel('rdf:type', 'doap:Project'); rdfutils_setPropToUri($res, 'rdf:type', 'admssw:SoftwareRepository'); //$res->setProp('doap:name', $projectname); $res->setProp('adms:accessURL', util_make_url("/softwaremap/")); $forge_name = forge_get_config('forge_name'); $ff = new FusionForge(); $res->setProp('dcterms:description', 'Public projects in the ' . $ff->software_name . ' Software Map on ' . $forge_name); $res->setProp('rdfs:label', $forge_name . ' public projects'); $res->setProp('adms:supportedSchema', 'ADMS.SW v1.0'); // same as for trove's full list $projects = get_public_active_projects_asc(); $proj_uris = array(); foreach ($projects as $row_grp) { $proj_uri = util_make_url_g(strtolower($row_grp['unix_group_name']), $row_grp['group_id']); $proj_uris[] = $proj_uri; } if (count($proj_uris)) { rdfutils_setPropToUri($res, 'dcterms:hasPart', $proj_uris); } $conf = array('ns' => $ns, 'serializer_type_nodes' => true); $ser = ARC2::getRDFXMLSerializer($conf); /* Serialize a resource index */ $doc = $ser->getSerializedIndex($res->index); $params['content'] = $doc . "\n"; } }
// indicate byte-level equality of content. (Due to DEBUG timing output, etc...) // // (If DEBUG if off, this may be a strong validator, but I'm going // to go the paranoid route here pending further study and testing.) // access hits and edit stats in the footer violate strong ETags also. if (1 or DEBUG) { $validators['%weak'] = true; } $request->setValidators($validators); $request->handleAction(); if (DEBUG and DEBUG & _DEBUG_INFO) { phpinfo(INFO_VARIABLES | INFO_MODULES); } $request->finish(); } if (!FUSIONFORGE || forge_get_config('installation_environment') != 'production') { if (defined('E_STRICT') and E_ALL & E_STRICT) { // strict php5? error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT); } else { error_reporting(E_ALL); } // php4 } else { error_reporting(E_ERROR); } // don't run the main loop for special requests (test, getimg, xmlrpc, soap, ...) if (!defined('PHPWIKI_NOMAIN') or !PHPWIKI_NOMAIN) { main(); } // Local Variables:
/** * Construct the base URL http[s]://forge_name[:port] * * @param string $prefix (optional) : 'http' or 'https' to force it * @return string base URL */ function util_make_base_url($prefix = '') { $url = util_url_prefix($prefix); $url .= forge_get_config('web_host'); if (forge_get_config('https_port') && forge_get_config('https_port') != 443) { $url .= ":" . forge_get_config('https_port'); } return $url; }
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /** This script will automatically create the image upload directories for all mediawiki instances. It is intended to be started in a cronjob with root permissions. */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../www/'; require_once $gfcommon . 'include/pre.php'; require_once $gfcommon . 'include/cron_utils.php'; if (forge_get_config('enable_uploads', 'mediawiki')) { $upload_dir_basename = "images"; $projects_path = forge_get_config('projects_path', 'mediawiki'); # Owner of files - apache $dir_owner = forge_get_config('apache_user'); $dir_group = forge_get_config('apache_group'); # Get all projects that use the mediawiki plugin $project_res = db_query_params("SELECT g.unix_group_name from groups g, group_plugin gp, plugins p where g.group_id = gp.group_id and gp.plugin_id = p.plugin_id and p.plugin_name = \$1;", array("mediawiki")); if (!$project_res) { $err = "Error: Database Query Failed: " . db_error(); cron_debug($err); cron_entry(23, $err); exit; } # Loop over all projects that use the plugin while ($row = db_fetch_array($project_res)) { $project = $row['unix_group_name']; $project_dir = "{$projects_path}/{$project}"; cron_debug("Checking {$project}..."); // Create the image directory if necessary $upload_dir = "{$project_dir}/{$upload_dir_basename}";
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /** This script will destroy a mediawiki instance of a specific project. */ if ($argc < 2) { echo "Usage " . $argv[0] . " <project>\n"; exit(0); } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../www/'; require_once $gfcommon . 'include/pre.php'; $projects_path = forge_get_config('projects_path', 'mediawiki'); array_shift($argv); foreach ($argv as $project) { echo "Removing project wiki of {$project}.\n"; $project_dir = "{$projects_path}/{$project}"; echo " Deleting project subdir {$project_dir}.\n"; if (!is_dir($project_dir)) { echo "{$project_dir} does not exist!\n"; } else { system("rm -rf {$project_dir}"); } $schema = "plugin_mediawiki_{$project}"; strtr($schema, "-", "_"); echo " Dropping database schema {$schema}.\n"; $res = db_query_params("DROP SCHEMA {$schema} CASCADE", array()); if (!$res) {
/** * fetchData - May need to refresh database fields. * * If an update occurred and you need to access the updated info. * * @return boolean success; */ function fetchData($role_id) { unset($this->data_array); unset($this->setting_array); unset($this->perms_array); if (USE_PFO_RBAC) { $res = db_query_params('SELECT * FROM pfo_role WHERE role_id=$1', array($role_id)); if (!$res || db_numrows($res) < 1) { $this->setError('BaseRole::fetchData()::' . db_error()); return false; } $this->data_array = db_fetch_array($res); if ($this->data_array['is_public'] == 't') { $this->data_array['is_public'] = true; } else { $this->data_array['is_public'] = false; } $res = db_query_params('SELECT section_name, ref_id, perm_val FROM pfo_role_setting WHERE role_id=$1', array($role_id)); if (!$res) { $this->setError('BaseRole::fetchData()::' . db_error()); return false; } // TODO: document perms_array $this->perms_array = array(); while ($arr = db_fetch_array($res)) { $this->perms_array[$arr['section_name']][$arr['ref_id']] = $arr['perm_val']; } } else { if ($this instanceof RoleAnonymous) { $res = db_query_params('SELECT group_id, enable_anonscm FROM groups WHERE is_public=1', array()); while ($arr = db_fetch_array($res)) { $this->perms_array['project_read'][$arr['group_id']] = 1; $this->perms_array['frs'][$arr['group_id']] = 1; $this->perms_array['scm'][$arr['group_id']] = $arr['enable_anonscm']; } $res = db_query_params('SELECT t.group_artifact_id FROM artifact_group_list t, groups g WHERE t.is_public=1 AND t.allow_anon=1 AND g.is_public=1 AND t.group_id = g.group_id', array()); while ($arr = db_fetch_array($res)) { $this->perms_array['tracker'][$arr['group_artifact_id']] = 1; } $res = db_query_params('SELECT p.group_project_id FROM project_group_list p, groups g WHERE p.is_public=1 AND g.is_public=1 AND p.group_id = g.group_id', array()); while ($arr = db_fetch_array($res)) { $this->perms_array['pm'][$arr['group_project_id']] = 1; } $res = db_query_params('SELECT f.group_forum_id, f.allow_anonymous, f.moderation_level FROM forum_group_list f, groups g WHERE f.is_public=1 AND g.is_public=1 AND f.group_id = g.group_id', array()); while ($arr = db_fetch_array($res)) { if ($arr['allow_anonymous'] == 1) { if ($arr['moderation_level'] == 0) { $this->perms_array['forum'][$arr['group_forum_id']] = 3; } else { $this->perms_array['forum'][$arr['group_forum_id']] = 2; } } else { $this->perms_array['forum'][$arr['group_forum_id']] = 1; } } } elseif ($this instanceof RoleLoggedIn) { $res = db_query_params('SELECT group_id, enable_anonscm FROM groups WHERE is_public=1', array()); while ($arr = db_fetch_array($res)) { $this->perms_array['project_read'][$arr['group_id']] = 1; $this->perms_array['frs'][$arr['group_id']] = 1; $this->perms_array['scm'][$arr['group_id']] = $arr['enable_anonscm']; } $res = db_query_params('SELECT t.group_artifact_id FROM artifact_group_list t, groups g WHERE t.is_public=1 AND g.is_public=1 AND t.group_id = g.group_id', array()); while ($arr = db_fetch_array($res)) { $this->perms_array['tracker'][$arr['group_artifact_id']] = 1; } $res = db_query_params('SELECT p.group_project_id FROM project_group_list p, groups g WHERE p.is_public=1 AND g.is_public=1 AND p.group_id = g.group_id', array()); while ($arr = db_fetch_array($res)) { $this->perms_array['pm'][$arr['group_project_id']] = 1; } $res = db_query_params('SELECT f.group_forum_id, f.moderation_level FROM forum_group_list f, groups g WHERE f.is_public=1 AND g.is_public=1 AND f.group_id = g.group_id', array()); while ($arr = db_fetch_array($res)) { if ($arr['moderation_level'] == 0) { $this->perms_array['forum'][$arr['group_forum_id']] = 3; } else { $this->perms_array['forum'][$arr['group_forum_id']] = 2; } } } else { $res = db_query_params('SELECT * FROM role WHERE role_id=$1', array($role_id)); if (!$res || db_numrows($res) < 1) { $this->setError('BaseRole::fetchData()::' . db_error()); return false; } $this->data_array = db_fetch_array($res); // Load pre-PFO RBAC settings... $res = db_query_params('SELECT * FROM role_setting WHERE role_id=$1', array($role_id)); if (!$res) { $this->setError('BaseRole::fetchData()::' . db_error()); return false; } $this->setting_array = array(); while ($arr = db_fetch_array($res)) { $this->setting_array[$arr['section_name']][$arr['ref_id']] = $arr['value']; } // ...and map section names and values to the new values if ($this->data_array['group_id'] == forge_get_config('stats_group')) { $this->perms_array['forge_stats'][-1] = 2; } $this->perms_array = array(); $tohandle = array(); $gid = $this->data_array['group_id']; if ($gid == 1 && count($this->setting_array) == 0) { $tohandle[] = array('forge_admin', -1); } foreach ($this->setting_array as $oldsection => $t) { switch ($oldsection) { case 'projectadmin': $tohandle[] = array('project_admin', $gid); if ($this->data_array['group_id'] == 1 && $t[0] == 'A') { $tohandle[] = array('forge_admin', -1); } if ($this->data_array['group_id'] == forge_get_config('news_group') && $t[0] == 'A') { $tohandle[] = array('approve_news', -1); } if ($this->data_array['group_id'] == forge_get_config('stats_group') && $t[0] == 'A') { $tohandle[] = array('forge_stats', -1); } break; case 'trackeradmin': $tohandle[] = array('tracker_admin', $gid); break; case 'pmadmin': $tohandle[] = array('pm_admin', $gid); break; case 'forumadmin': $tohandle[] = array('forum_admin', $gid); break; case 'newtracker': $tohandle[] = array('new_tracker', $gid); break; case 'newpm': $tohandle[] = array('new_pm', $gid); break; case 'newforum': $tohandle[] = array('new_forum', $gid); break; default: foreach ($t as $oldreference => $oldvalue) { $tohandle[] = array($oldsection, $oldreference); break; } } } foreach ($tohandle as $t) { $nsec = $t[0]; $nref = $t[1]; $res = db_query_params('SELECT pfo_rbac_permissions_from_old($1,$2,$3)', array($role_id, $nsec, $nref)); if ($res) { $arr = db_fetch_array($res); $this->perms_array[$nsec][$nref] = $arr[0]; } } } // Explicit role (not Anonymous or LoggedIn) } return true; }
$project_res = db_query_params("SELECT g.unix_group_name,g.group_id from groups g, group_plugin gp, plugins p where g.group_id = gp.group_id and gp.plugin_id = p.plugin_id and p.plugin_name = \$1;", array("mediawiki")); if (!$project_res) { $err = "Error: Database Query Failed: " . db_error(); cron_debug($err); cron_entry(23, $err); exit; } // Loop over all projects that use the plugin while ($row = db_fetch_array($project_res)) { $project = $row['unix_group_name']; $project_id = $row['group_id']; $dump_file = forge_get_config('data_path') . "/plugins/mediawiki/dumps/{$project}.xml"; $ra = RoleAnonymous::getInstance(); if ($ra->hasPermission('plugin_mediawiki_read', $project_id)) { cron_debug("Dumping {$project}..."); $mwwrapper = forge_get_config('source_path') . "/plugins/mediawiki/bin/mw-wrapper.php"; $tmp = tempnam(forge_get_config('data_path') . "/plugins/mediawiki/dumps/", "tmp"); system("{$mwwrapper} {$project} dumpBackup.php --current --quiet > {$tmp}"); chmod($tmp, 0644); rename($tmp, $dump_file); } else { cron_debug("Not dumping {$project} (private)..."); if (file_exists($dump_file)) { unlink($dump_file); } } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // c-file-style: "bsd" // End:
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../common/include/'; require_once $gfcommon . 'include/pre.php'; require_once $gfcommon . 'include/cron_utils.php'; // Plugins subsystem require_once $gfcommon . 'include/Plugin.class.php'; require_once $gfcommon . 'include/PluginManager.class.php'; setup_plugin_manager(); $group = group_get_object_by_name($fusionforgeproject); if (!$group || $group->isError()) { die("Wrong group! " . ($group ? $group->getErrorMessage() : "") . "\n"); } if (!$group->usesPlugin('mediawiki')) { die("Project doesn't use the Mediawiki plugin\n"); } function ffmw_wrapper_fixup_searchpath($username) { db_query_params("ALTER ROLE {$username} SET search_path = public", array()); } register_shutdown_function('ffmw_wrapper_fixup_searchpath', forge_get_config('database_user')); $ff_localsettings = forge_get_config('source_path') . '/www/plugins/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php'; if ($preload_localsettings) { define("MEDIAWIKI", true); require_once $ff_localsettings; } $src_path = forge_get_config('src_path', 'mediawiki'); $mwscript = $src_path . '/maintenance/' . $mwscript; array_unshift($argv, $mwscript, '--conf', $ff_localsettings); while (@ob_end_flush()) { /* nothing */ } require_once $mwscript;
* * THE CONTRIBUTION BY ALCATEL-LUCENT IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY * OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, COMPLIANCE, * NON-INTERFERENCE AND/OR INTERWORKING WITH THE SOFTWARE TO WHICH THE * CONTRIBUTION HAS BEEN MADE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * ALCATEL-LUCENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABLITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * CONTRIBUTION OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE CONTRIBUTION, WHETHER * TOGETHER WITH THE SOFTWARE TO WHICH THE CONTRIBUTION RELATES OR ON A STAND * ALONE BASIS." */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../"; require_once $gfcommon . 'include/pre.php'; require_once forge_get_config('plugins_path') . 'wiki/common/WikiPlugin.class.php'; require_once forge_get_config('plugins_path') . 'wiki/common/wikiconfig.class.php'; // the header that displays for the user portion of the plugin function wiki_Project_Header($params) { global $id; $params['toptab'] = 'wiki'; $params['group'] = $id; /* Show horizontal links */ site_project_header($params); } $user = session_get_user(); // get the session user if (!$user || !is_object($user) || $user->isError() || !$user->isActive()) { exit_error("Invalid User", "Cannot Process your request for this user.");
</p> <span class="important"> <?php echo _('NOTE: In some browsers you must select the file in the file-upload dialog and click "OK". Double-clicking doesn\'t register the file.'); ?> ) </span> <p><?php echo _('Upload a new file'); ?> : <input type="file" name="userfile" size="30" /></p> <?php if (forge_get_config('use_manual_uploads')) { echo '<p>'; printf(_('Alternatively, you can use a file you already uploaded (by SFTP or SCP) to the <a href="%2$s">project\'s incoming directory</a> (%1$s).'), $incoming, "sftp://" . forge_get_config('web_host') . $incoming . "/"); echo ' ' . _('This direct <tt>sftp://</tt> link only works with some browsers, such as Konqueror.') . '<br />'; $manual_files_arr = ls($incoming, true); if (count($manual_files_arr) > 0) { echo _('Choose an already uploaded file:') . '<br />'; echo html_build_select_box_from_arrays($manual_files_arr, $manual_files_arr, 'manual_filename', ''); } else { echo '<input type="hidden" name="manual_filename" value="">'; } ?> </p> <?php } ?> <p><input type="checkbox" name="logo_nuke" value="1" /><?php echo _("… or delete the currently uploaded logo and revert to the site default");
public function can_show_options() { return forge_get_config('enable_compatibility_view', 'mediawiki'); }
private function addForgeBackLinksToSidebar() { $forge_name = forge_get_config('sys_fullname'); $added_toolbox = array(); if ($this->isUserAnonymous()) { $added_toolbox[] = array('text' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_menu', 'login'), 'href' => '/account/login.php?return_to=' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } $added_toolbox[] = array('text' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_mediawiki', 'back_to_forge', array($forge_name)), 'href' => '/projects/' . $GLOBALS['group']->getUnixName()); if ($this->IsUserAdmin()) { $added_toolbox[] = array('text' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'Administration'), 'href' => '/plugins/mediawiki/forge_admin?group_id=' . $GLOBALS['group']->getId()); } $this->data['sidebar'][$forge_name] = $added_toolbox; }