<?php require_once 'functions.php'; require_once 'functions/auth.php'; AUTH_ENABLE && force_login(); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); /* ini_set("log_errors", 1); ini_set("error_log", "/var/log/php_errors.log"); */ function get_online_objects() { $device_browser_list = mmc_array_values(NS_DEVICE_LIST); time_print('性能分析:取列表:'); if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { $device_count = mmc_array_length(NS_DEVICE_LIST); $memcache_obj = new Memcache(); $memcache_obj->connect(MEMC_HOST, MEMC_PORT); $stats = $memcache_obj->getStats(); $memcache_obj->close(); $dbg_print = '开始时间:' . getDateStyle($stats['time'] - $stats['uptime']); $dbg_print .= ' 使用内存: ' . bytesToSize($stats['bytes']) . '/' . bytesToSize($stats['limit_maxbytes']); $dbg_print .= '<br>清理时间:' . getDateStyle(async_timer('/on_timer_online_list.php')); $dbg_print .= ' 维护设备数: ' . $device_count . ' 活跃设备数: ' . count($device_browser_list); $xmlStr = file_get_contents('http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/channels-stats'); $channels = json_decode($xmlStr); $dbg_print .= '<br>推送开始:' . getDateStyle(time() - $channels->uptime) . ' 频道数: ' . $channels->channels; $dbg_print .= ' 订阅数: ' . $channels->subscribers . ' 消息数: ' . $channels->published_messages; $dbg_print .= '<br>流程计数: ' . counter() . '<br>'; echo $dbg_print; }
function force_level($level) { force_login(); if (user()->level < $level) { header('HTTP/1.1 403 Access denied'); echo '<div id="error">Deine Berechtigungen erlauben Dir nicht, diese Seite zu sehen</div>'; return false; } return true; }
<?php force_login(); if (!empty($_POST)) { // PHP Code; nur für Admins {{{ if (user()->level >= 2 && isset($_POST['code']) && $_POST['code'] && trim($_POST['desc'])) { // Vorschau-Modus if (isset($_POST['preview'])) { ob_end_clean(); $userFn = create_function('', $_POST['code']); admin_log("Testet Code:\n| " . str_replace("\n", "\n| ", $_POST['code'])); foreach ($userFn() as $item) { $sheet_out = format_data($item); list($url, $text) = split_data($item); if ($url) { // Prüfen, ob die URL existiert try { check_if_url_changed($url, false); } catch (Exception $ignore) { $sheet_out .= ' (Die Datei wurde nicht gefunden)'; } } echo '<li>' . $sheet_out . '</li>'; } die; } // Einen Testdurchlauf machen $userFn = create_function('', $_POST['code']); $retval = $userFn(); if (empty($retVal) || is_array($retVal)) { admin_log("Speichert Code:\n| " . str_replace("\n", "\n| ", $_POST['code']));
/** * check_authentication returns a username from http authentication or the session and forces login if not found * @param string $msg_uname unique name of text blurb to show on the login page * @deprecated since reason 4 beta 4 - use reason_check_authentication or reason_require_authentication * @return string $username */ function check_authentication($msg_uname = '') { if($username = get_authentication_from_server()) { return $username; } else { if($username = get_authentication_from_session()) { return $username; } else { force_login($msg_uname); } } }
function _handle_authorization() { if(!empty($this->params['authorization'])) { reason_include_once($this->params['authorization']); if(empty($GLOBALS[ '_reason_publication_auth_classes' ][$this->params['authorization']]) || !class_exists($GLOBALS[ '_reason_publication_auth_classes' ][$this->params['authorization']])) { trigger_error($this->params['authorization'].' did not define its class name properly in $GLOBALS[ \'_reason_publication_auth_classes\' ]'); return; // should it shut everything down or open everything up??? } else { $netid = $this->get_user_netid(); $item_id = !empty($this->request[ $this->query_string_frag.'_id' ]) ? $this->request[ $this->query_string_frag.'_id' ] : NULL; $auth = new $GLOBALS[ '_reason_publication_auth_classes' ][$this->params['authorization']](); $auth->set_username($netid); $auth->set_item_id($item_id); if($this->has_issues()) { $auth->set_issue_id($this->issue_id); if($ri = $this->get_most_recent_issue()); $auth->set_most_recent_issue_id($ri->id()); } if(!$auth->authorized_to_view()) { if(!$netid) { // header to the login page force_login($auth->get_login_message_unique_name()); } else { // store a not authorized flag for the display phase to pick up $this->_ok_to_view = false; $this->_unauthorized_message = $auth->get_unauthorized_message(); } } } } }
<?php require_once "model/image.model.php"; require_once "model/user.model.php"; if (!force_login()) { exit; } unset($user); if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) { $user = new userCon($_SESSION['user']); } $action = isset($_GET['action']); $imgs = load_images_by_user_id($user->getId()); $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] * 1 : 1; $img_nbr = isset($_GET['nbr']) ? $_GET['nbr'] * 1 : 3; if (count($imgs) % $img_nbr == 0) { $page_count = floor(count($imgs) / $img_nbr); } else { $page_count = floor(count($imgs) / $img_nbr + 1); } $imgs = array_slice($imgs, ($page - 1) * $img_nbr, $img_nbr); if (!$clean) { require_once "view/gallery.view.php"; }