function p2u($arg) { basicModule::basicModule($arg); // Get userid, reqid and tiff from argument $result = explode(";", $this->argument); $this->userid = $result[0]; $this->reqid = $result[1]; $this->sceneid = $result[2]; $this->gralha = $result[3]; $this->numitem = $result[4]; if (isset($result[5])) { $this->restoration = $result[5]; } if (isset($result[6])) { $this->quicklook = $result[6]; } $forcedname = forceFilename($this->userid); $this->link = $GLOBALS["wwwserver"] . $forcedname . $this->reqid; $this->ftpdir = $GLOBALS["ftpdir"] . $forcedname . $this->reqid; $this->dbcad = $GLOBALS["dbusercat"]; // Check if this Tiff file is present in disk system $this->tiffs = findTiffinDiskFromGralha($this->gralha, $this->restoration, "*"); if ($GLOBALS["stationDebug"]) { echo "p2u.p2u tiffs : <br>\n"; print_r($this->tiffs); echo "<br>\n"; } }
function p2u($arg) { basicModule::basicModule($arg); // Get userid, reqid and tiff from argument $result = explode(";", $this->argument); $this->userid = $result[0]; $this->reqid = $result[1]; $this->sceneid = $result[2]; $this->gralha = $result[3]; $this->numitem = $result[4]; if (isset($result[5])) { $this->restoration = $result[5]; } if (isset($result[6])) { $this->quicklook = $result[6]; } $forcedname = forceFilename($this->userid); $this->link = $GLOBALS["wwwserver"] . $forcedname . $this->reqid; $this->ftpdir = $GLOBALS["ftpdir"] . $forcedname . $this->reqid; $this->dbcad = $GLOBALS["dbusercat"]; // Check if this Tiff file is present in disk system $this->tiffs = findTiffinDiskFromGralha($this->gralha, $this->restoration, "*"); if ($GLOBALS["stationDebug"]) { echo "**AA** - p2u.p2u tiffs : \n"; print_r($this->tiffs); echo "\n\n"; } $rn = $this->numitem; $con = mysql_pconnect("", "gerente", "gerente.200408"); $dbCatalogo = mysql_select_db("catalogo", $con) or die("Site temporariamente fora de serviço "); $sq = "select * from RequestItem where NumItem ={$rn} "; $rss = mysql_query($sq, $con) or die(mysql_error()); while ($ro = mysql_fetch_array($rss)) { $GLOBALS["compos"] = $ro['composicao']; } if ($GLOBALS["stationDebug"]) { echo "*** - GLOBALS[compos] <br>\n"; print_r($GLOBALS["compos"]); echo "<br>\n"; } }