<?php if ($_REQUEST['type'] == "followup") { followup(); } elseif ($_REQUEST['type'] == "address") { address(); } elseif ($_REQUEST['type'] == "contacts") { contacts(); } function contacts() { echo <<<EOF nitobi.loadComponent('gridcontacts'); function search(){ var grid = nitobi.getGrid("gridcontacts"); //reload grid data \tgrid.dataBind(); } //optional function to generate primary key value, ignore this function because we use autogen method function GetNewRecordID() { return 0; } //after grid html render properly, set focus on it. It is important when use choose particular cell but // immediately press search again. From screen we won't detect cell is selected infact from javascript // detect selected
# BerliOS SourceAgency: http://sourceagency.berlios.de # BerliOS - The OpenSource Mediator: http://www.berlios.de # # Description # # This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or later of the GPL. ###################################################################### require "include/prepend.php3"; page_open(array("sess" => "SourceAgency_Session")); if (isset($auth) && !empty($auth->auth["perm"])) { page_close(); page_open(array("sess" => "SourceAgency_Session", "auth" => "SourceAgency_Auth", "perm" => "SourceAgency_Perm")); } require "include/header.inc"; require "include/followuplib.inc"; $bx = new box('100%', $th_box_frame_color, $th_box_frame_width, $th_box_title_bgcolor, $th_box_title_font_color, $th_box_title_align, $th_box_body_bgcolor, $th_box_body_font_color, $th_box_body_align); start_content(); $page = "project followment"; if (check_proid($proid)) { top_bar($proid, $page); print $t->translate("You can see in a view what is this project about") . ".<p>\n"; $milestone_number = followup_current_milestone($proid); $count = followup_current_count($proid, $milestone_number); followup_milestone_schedule($proid, $milestone_number, $count); followup($proid); } end_content(); require "include/footer.inc"; @page_close();